HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-08-26, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1954 SOMETHING NEW EOR LAYING HENS Announcements Do You House Clean Your Poultry Pens? I’d like to tell you about the new and improved Purina In­ sect Oil. It not only kills chic­ ken mites, lice and germs, but it preserves wood and reduces gnawing by rats. It comes com­ plete mixed in gallon cans covering 500 square feet and is applied only once a year. Or you can buy the Insect Oil Concentrate and mix it one to eight with fuel oil and reduce the cost even further. We have many users who will recom­ mend it very highly to you for annual house cleaning of your poultry house. Try it this year. We have just recently installed laying cages in the lower deck of our laying house. Each hen has her own individual cage where she lives and lays her egg's—she never gets out. The cages are so designed that each hen receives water and feed from her cage and the eggs roll down onto a wire apron where they are gath­ ered. There are many advan­ tages to having your layers in wire cages which we would be pleased to discuss with you. Our cages are for demonstrat­ ing purposes, so come in and see them. We are testing White Rocks against Sussex X New Hamps and are feeding the new Purina Cage Layena which is designed specially for caged birds. Purina have been experimenting for ten years on caged birds and lead the field in this work. USE OUR SERVICES We not only supply you with Purina Chows and Sanitation Products, but offer services, too. We buy and sell you seeds and grain, clean your grain for seed, process mix and balance your feed rations, deliver When and where you say. We serve you to the best of our ability. EXETER’S CENTENNIAL FALL FAIR It’s only a short time away. We know you plan to attend but how about making a bet­ ter effort this year and ex­ hibit some of the fine produce you have. It will stimulate your interest and help boost your fair. How about it? Let’s all put in a little extra effort and enthuisasm this year. BIRTHS EVES Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eves (nee Margaret White) announce the birth of their daughter at St. Jo­ seph's Hospital, London, August 23. 11'54. HALL—Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hall (nee Dorothy Hicks) are happy to an­ nounce the arrival of a son on August 21, 1954, in Women’s College Hospital, Toronto; a brother for Stephen. HOTSON—Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hot- son, Grand Head, announce the birth of their daughter at South Huron Hospital August 12, 1954. MeLEAN—Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mc­ Lean, Huron Park, Centralia, an­nounce the birth of their daughter, Diane Louise, at South Huron Hos­pital August 24, 1954. MePHEE—LAC and Mrs, John Mc­Phee. Huron Park, Centralia, an­ nounce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital August 24, 1954; weight 7 lb. 31" oz, RIVERS — Doug and Eileen Rivers wish to announce the birth of their second daughter, Catherine Diane, on August 19, 1951, at VictoriaHospital, London. YOUR CHOICE Quality Used Trucks ’52 GMC %-TON PICKUP Newly refinished in com­ mercial green, mechanically perfect and good tires. Reduced to ............ $895.00 ’52 FARGO %-TON STAKE 6,80x16 6-plv tires, cab and body like new, mechanically perfect, helper springs. Full 90-day or 4,000-mile war­ ranty. ✓ Our Price ........... $1,045.00 ’48 DODGE 3-TON STAKE 2-speed axle, truck thor­ oughly reconditioned, excel­ lent rack, ideal for farm usage. Reduced to ............ $425.00 ’48 CHEV i/a-TON PICKUP Refinislied i n commercial red, motor overhauled, new brakes, good tires. A Bargain at .......... $575.00 BIRTHS SANDERS—Dr. and Mrs. C, Borden Sanders (nee McKenzie) are happy to announce the birth of their son, David B<>rden, on August 22, 1954, in Welland County General Hos­pital, Weiland, Ont. WILSON—Mi*, and Mrs. Doug Wilson (nee Dorene Proctor), Strathroy, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Donna May, at Strath­ roy General ‘ Hospital, August 19, 1954. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. C. A. Tindall of Mount Bridges wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter, Audrey Ann, to Mr, Malcolm Ross McFalls, son of Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls, Centralia. The marriage will take place in Clandeboye United Church on Sep­ tember 11. 20* MARRIAGES PATTI SON-WILLERT — On Monday,August 23, 1954, at Trinity Luther­ an Church, Jxmdon, John W. Patti­ son and Amelia Emma Willert, both of Wingham, were united in mar­ riage by Rev. C. J. Killinger. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil, of Crediton, will be at home to their friends and relatives on Saturday, August 2\ from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 o'clock on the occasion of their Twenty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary. 19:20* Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques, Ex­ eter. will be "at home" to their friends and relatives on Wednesday afternoon, September 1, from 2 to 5 u'vloek in honor of their fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. 19:26* Mr. William H. Gaiser, of Crediton, will celebrates bis ninetieth birthday on Thursday, September 2. There will be open house to any friends who wish to call from 2:(H) to 4:30 in the afternoon and from 7:00 to 9:30 in the evening. 26* CARDS OF THANKS Ross Brown wishes to thank all those who were so kind to him at the time of his accident, with special thanks to Rev. Mr. Parrott, Dr. R. W. Read, the staff of the South Huron Hospital, and all who assisted in any way. 29* I would like to sincerely thank all the men who helped in any way dur­ ing haying and harvest. It was great­ly appreciated. —Franklin Skinner. * I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered me with cards and flowers while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. —Patricia Dykstra. 20* Mrs. Harry Bailey and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy shown dur­ ing their recent bereavement. Many thanks to those who helped in any way and to those who sent flowers. Special thanks to the Rev. R. A, C. Mills, to Dr. R. W. Read, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Heywood of .the rest home and for the kindness shown by the Hopper-Hockey funeral home. 20* I wish to thank all those who so kindy remembered me with cards and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital. —Herbert Bibby. 261/£ I wish to thank those who remem­ bered me with treats, cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and doctors. — Arthur Parker, Hensail. 26* Classified Directory FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES STOCK WANTED HELP WANTED JACK RICE Call Collect 2-1147 LONDON ONTARIO —■——y How Does Your Advertising Investment Compare With ; • • • Competent businessmen scale their advertising investment in proportion to gross sales. Then they use their j advertising on a program basis, so as to follow a systematic plan. The following percentages of gross sales are followed, according to a sur­ vey made by competent authorities: Department Stores ..................... 2.5% The Average of All the Failures in Business Are from the Ranks of Non - Advertis­ ers! Only 3% of Those that Fail Are Advertisers. Men’s Stores ................................ 3.3% Women’s Wear Shops ............... 3.1% Furniture Stores .......................... 6.3% Drug Stores ....................... 2.9% Jewellery Stores .......................... 3.1% Grocery Stores .............................. 2.0% Meat Markets ................... 1.5% Dry Cleaners .............................. 3.8% Hardware Stores ........ 2.0% Other Businesses ................ 2.0% What About Your Store, Mr. Businessman? Check your Gross Sales, and then your advertising appropriation can be figured easily . . . Your business cannot differ much from the average in your line . . . and if you wish to improve it, or hold it where it is today « , , Then you cannot ignore your duty to yourself . , . Possibly we can help you . . « ' The Advertising Medium that has produced the greatest results for » businessmen who have decided to reach the majority of homes in the local trading area is . . . IN MEMORIAM SIMS—In loving memory of a dear father, K. J. Sims, who passed away one year ago, August 25, 1953. He would not wish to see us sad, Our smiles were once his pleasure; Although we cannot see his smile, His memory we will treasure, —Ever remembered by his son and daughters. 26* SIMS—In loving memory of my dear father, IC, J. Sims, who died one year ago, August 25, and of my mother, who passed away December 11, 1946.As angels keep their watch up there, Please, God, just let them know That we down here do not forget— We love and miss them so. —Sadly missed but lovingly remem­ bered by their daughter, Merna, Tom and Marion. 26c FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM, additional house­keeping and home privileges, in quiet home. All conveniences, for working couple or’•lady. Apply Box "G”, Ex- eter Times-Advocate.____________26* DOWNSTAIRS FRONT unfurnished apartment, private entrance, kitchen, living room, private bathroom, stove and refrigerator. —Ritchie Traquair, 321 Huron West, phone 673-J, after 6 P.m.____________________ _____26c FURNISHED ROOMS — Apply 437 Anne Street or phone 42S-J Exeter. 26c 4-R00M APARTMENT, private en­trance, hot and cold water, frig and stove supplied. Apply Times-Advo­ cate;___________________________26c TWO-APARTMENT HOUSE — Lower apartment which is now vacant pro­ vides room for medium sized family. Upper is rented. C. V, Pickard, Real- tor, Main St,, Exeter.________S-26tfc CABIN TRAILER, furnished. Phone 679-33 Hensail.__________________26* FURNISHED APARTMENT on An­ drew Street. Apply Mr, Warner, 84 Andrew St., or phone 2-9754 London. 20:2* UPSTAIRS APARTMENT — Unfurn­ ished, 3 rooms and hath, private en­ trance. immediate possession. Phone 313-J Exeter. 26:5* 2 - ROOM APARTMENT, Hot and cold water. No 352 William Street. furnished, pets. Apply 21* 2 GROUND FLOOR apartments, one furnished, one unfurnished. Both are heated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboards, use of laundry for wash­ ing, private entrance. Vacant Sept. 1. 1954. —Blatcliford Apts,__________26* 3-R00M APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Harold Beaver, phone 494-W Exeter. ___________26c FOR RENT OR FOR SALE —House in Centralia. Possession September 6. Apply Frank StojaspaJ, Centralia. 19:26:2* FURNISHED UPPER apartment, pri­ vate entrance. Electric stove and frig. Apply 103 Huron Street East. — Phone 225-J. ____ 8-19tfc UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, partly furnished, frig, 3-piece bath, oil heat­ ed, partly furnished. Private entrance.* Apply in person to Mrs. John Gill, Grand Bend. , .19:260 APARTMENT FOR RENT —Unfurn­ ished, 3 rooms and bath. Heated, .$35 per mouth, half utilities. Immediate possession, —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.___________ 8-5tfc 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, oil heated.’ Garage. C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter, 7-8tfc 1-BEDROOM APAR’iTMENT, tn Ex­ eter. Phone ,100 Zurich. 6-10*tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum eieafifera. Power lawn mowers. —Bea­ vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-ltfc PEACHES — Red Haven, Golden Ju- billee, Vedette, and others. Prices reasonable. On 21 Highway, first farm on the left past Camp Ipperwash. — Jas. C. Williamson.____________26:2c PEACHES READY at the Leslie Buf- fus Farm. Let us fill your needs. One mile north of Highway 21 at Ravens­ wood^____________ __________26’-5c PEACHES! PEACHES! The heavy run is now on. Bring containers and pick your own if you wish. Marshall Sullivan. 3 miles south from Camp Ipperwash, loth Concession, Bosan- quet Township, Lambton County. 26* A NEW BICYCLE FOR SCHOOL! Standard size, boy's or girl’s, $49,511; Junior $49.50. — Fisher’s Hardware, Main St., Exeter.________________26c FRAME GARAGE, U'xl?’, Apply 452 Andrew Street.__________________2G* LARGE SIZE Coleman oil heater, used two winters. Price $50. —Phone 679-W Exeter or apply at 359 Marl­ borough.________________________26c 1953 METEOR MAINLINE Coach, with radio, low mileage, one owner from new. Cash or trade. Robert G. Reaburn, Hensail, Ont., phone 22-M. NEW TABLE POTATOES — $2,95 a bag. Locally grown, excellent quality. Ex<'ter District Co-op, phone 2S7. 26c GMC l’ICKUP TRUCK, 1952 model, perfect condition. Come and try it on the road if you want a real good truck. Apply W. Morley, 308 Andrew Si reel.__________________________26c I’.oY'S C.O.M. BICYCLE, balloon tins. Apply Whitney Coates, phone Kirkton 39-r-3.__________________26* '52 CUSTOMLINE METEOR, 12,000 miles, excellent condition; ’51 West- inaliouse 21” TV set: upright Guerley piano. Apply 127 Wellington Crescent, Huron Park, Centralia.___________26* JUST ARRIVED—Limited quantity of fresh cement. Exeter District Co-op. 25o ROCK and NEW HAMP and 100 Sussex and White Leghorn pullets, mixed. Laying over 50%. Apply Mrs. Arthur Howald, Penfield.________26c WOOD SHAVINGS, loose, $30.00 for 3-ton load delivered in Exeter area. —George Stone, Seaforth, phone 835- r-3.__________________________19:26* COUNTRY GENTLEMAN—Subscrip­ tion Special: 20 months for only $1.00. Subscribe now! —The Exeter Times- Advocate. GOVENLOCK FRUIT FARM, mile north of Forest on Blue AVater High­ way, will have yellow flesh free-stone peaches, and grapes, pears and apples from now until end of season. Bring container or will deliver F.O.B. 19:25* STEEL GRAVEL BOX and hoist. — Exeter Salvage Company, phone 423 Exeter._______________________18:26c 1941 CHEV BUSINESS COUPE, in good condition. Roy Gibson, Crediton, phone 15-J.___________________19:26c 1942 DODGE DELUXE Sedan, in good condition. Price $190 or best offer. Phone 174-r-13 Exeter.________19:26* SECOND-HAND WHITE enamel cook range, second-hand cream enamel cook range, oil space heater, coal heater, coal annex heater, oil cook range, stoker, all second-hand. —Lin- denfields Hardware.___________19:26c G-E REFRIGERATOR, 9.2 cu. ft.; Tappan automatic electric range. Ap­ply 183 Columbia Drive, RCAF Cen­ tralia;______________________12:19:26c WRECKING— ’42 Hudson, '42 Dodge, '41 Dodge, '41 Chev, ’41 Ford. Many older models. Cudmore’s Gravel, tele-- phone 171-r-3 Exeter.________7-12tfc Typewriter Bargain Repossessed — Used Only Very Short Time $83.50 The Times-Advocate TWO BLACK western saddles, like new. Apply Ron Swartz, phone 462- j-2 Exeter.___________________19:26* UPRIGHT PIANO, in good condition, price $50. Also cabin trailer, sleeps four. Phone Lucan 108._______19:26c FOR SALE—Massey Clipper combine, 6 years old, $450; Allis-Chalmers com­ bine, new cylinder and concave, $375; 1949 John Deere 12A motor combine, $700; International H tractor hydrau­ lic cultivator-pulley, new tires, $650; Cockshutt 70 with cultivator, real good, $600; Oliver 60 tractor, runs good, tires O.K., $315; Allis Chalmers B tractor, $325, completely over­ hauled; John Deere AR tractor, new tires, new block, $650; several good International used corn planters priced from $20-$75; Eureka potato digger, $125. Apply Keillor Farm Equipment Co., Ridgetown, Ontario. Phone, day or night, 3308 Ridgetown. _________ 19:26c CHUNKS, reasonable for cash. —H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-15. ' 19:26:2 PEACHES—Order your requirements anl avoid being disappointed as the crop is below normal. Mrs. H. Pe'ter- son, phone 31-r-15 Dashwood. 19:26:2c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY HAS A LIMITED quantity of started chicks — and some dayolds. Fairly prompt shipment. Ask us for prices and particulars. And order your Oct.-Nov. chicks now. Agent- Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246- W. 26c EMPLOYMENT WANTED SINGLE DUTCH BOY wants steady job on farm. —Phone 778-W Exeter. ______________;_________________26* FARMERS! Arrange how for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-T-31. 12-10tfc MISCELLANEOUS WHITEWASHING and CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, telephone 35-r-19. 8-26:11-110 YOUR SILHOUETTE Is showing! Let me give you a preview of the lovelier figure you can have in Spencer Sup­ ports designed for you alone. No ob­ligation. Mrs. Pearl Baynham, Hen* sail, phone 171.-W. 26c STEW’S SHARPENING SERVICE — Files and sets yotir. saws better than news! Apply 152 Lake Road. 8-26tfc CUSTOM COMBINING, Apply Earl Neil, phpne 62G-.1-3 Exeter. 8-5tfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED — Imme­ diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan. —Butler Bros. 8-19tfc PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK • TILE FLOORS TUOS. H. WALKER _ PhOne 553 Exeter 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words — .1^0 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 More Than 25 Words —; 10 Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 980 per inch Subsequent Insertions 840 per inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. WANTED SAW MILL LOGS and standing bush lots wanted. Fuel wood and slab wood for sale. — Robert Eagleson, Alisa Craig, phone 624-r-22 or 623-r-3 7-ltfc WANTED AND FOR SALE — Used merchandise. Louis E. Johnston, Sec­ond Hand Shop, corner Station and Main Streets. Phone 183 noon and evenings. 6-29tfc REAL ESTATE 52-ACRE FARM in Stanley Township on No. 4 Highway, half mile north of Brueefield. Good brick house and bank barn, hydro and water installed, never-failing stream, well drained and fenced. All in good condition. Apply William Henry, Hensail, phone 117- M 26:2* ONE OF EXETER'S FINE HOMES! This modern ranch type bungalow offers maximum comfort and live­ability for a young family or an older couple. Foot by foot throughout this home artful design and expert build­ ing have combined to make home­making a pleasure. Many extra fea­tures are built-in. e.g._ diswasher and washing machine, air conditioning heating, clock thermostat, laundry bins, easy upkeep floors and numer­ ous convenient closets and cupboards. There are three bedrooms, four-piece colored bath, living and dining rooms in a spacious arrangement, fully modern kitchen with eating space, full basement, -attached garage. Cus­tom designed fireplaces in living room and basement. Wall to wall broad- loom in living room and dining room. Oversize picture windows with su­perb valley view. Spacious lot, wood­ ed, with privacy and safety for child­ren. This property has to be seen to be appreciated. Your inspection will be welcome; please make an appoint­ ment. Reasonable price. Terms avail­ able. —Ted Buswell, phone 162-R Ex­eter. 26:2c 2-STOREY HOUSE, very nice kitchen and bathroom, forced air furnace, laundry tubs, hot and cold running water, good location. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesman. 8-26tfc SPECIAL—100 ACRES, 90 workable, good buildings, electricity and water throughout. Price $10,500 this month only. Terms. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen.8-26tfc STOREY AND A HALF frame house, built four years ago, hydro, one acre of land, overflowing well, well tiled. Con. 3 of Stephen, 2 miles north of airport. Easy terms. —Thos. Harri­ son, R.R. 3, Exeter. 19:26* BRICK HOUSE, in excellent condi­ tion, full cellar, furnace. Bedroom, 3- piec.e bath main floor, 3 bedrooms up­ stairs. Double garage, henhouse, ex­tra lot. —W. C. Pea.ce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 7-15tfc 2-STOREY, 7-ROOM house, 3 bed­ rooms, modern kitchen and bathroom, new air-conditioned furnace, laundry tubs. Garage, immediate possession. Applj Claude Blowes, Box 315 Exeter.y G-24tfc HENSALL — Main Street residence, well situated. Priced for quick sale. Terms may be arranged. Act imme­ diately. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker —R. B. Patterson. Phone 51, Hensall, Ontario. 6-17tfc HENSALL — 3- or 4-bedroom house with living room, dining room and modern kitchen and bathroom. Nice­ ly located with good lot and small barn. Price $3,650.00. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.6-10tfc 2-STOREY 2-FAMILY brick house in fine location. Forced air oil-burning furnace. Two 3-piece baths, extra lot, garage, garden. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 6-10tfC HENSALL — Frame house and extra lot centrally located on corner. Fur­ nace and bath. Low taxes. Priced for quick sale. Immediate possession. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker —R. B. Patterson, Phone 51, Hensall, Ontario. 6-10tfc KIPPEN—RURAL HOME—Solid brick house, good lot. Bath and hot water heating. Nicely decorated with low taxes. Ideal place to retire. Reason­ ably priced. Immediate possession. Terms can be arranged. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker —R. B. Patterson, Phone 51, I-Iensall, Ontario. 6-10tfc 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE — This is a complete small home with modern kitchen and two-piece bath. Full basement. Immediate possession if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter,______ 6-10tfc NEW FULLY MODERN one-floor rug brick forced air oil heated home. Reasonable down payment and terms. Owner 493 Andrew Street. 6-3tfc $2,500.00 OR $3,000.00 CASH will give you possession of one of Exeter's finer brick homes. Nicely arranged rooms. Hardwood floors throughout. New oil-burning furnace. Garage. Good location. Total price reduced. Quick possession. C, V. Pickard, 394 Main St., Exeter, 5-6tfc TWO SUMMER HOMES, OJd Orchard subdivision, Grand Bend. One new, nicely finished, ail conveniences, winterized. Both may be purchased on very easy terms, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter. 5-6tfe NEW HOUSE — 349 Edward Street. Living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, and bath with space for other room an second floor, Oil furnace. Wide lot. *-R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J. 4-StfC WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of Various size, price and qual­ ity, stores and other businesses, sum­ mer cottages and year round homes. —W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons, Salesman. ■5-28tfc HORSES WANTED—Heavy., or light, young or old. Please notify 1’rank Taylor, 138 Exeter. ju!22:Ja5* ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth S51-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc THREE LADIES wanted who are in­ terested in part-time work, mostly evenings. Average earnings $35 a week. For full particulars telephone 3-4913 or write Mrs. Travis, 229 Giles Street, London. 26:5:12* APPLICATIONS FOR CARETAKER for the Grand Bend Public School will be received by the Secretary, Mrs. Edith Manors, up to September 2, _____________________________26c NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter oi the Estate of ALFRED ERNEST BUS WELL, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the late Alfred Ernest Buswell, who died on or about the 16th day of September, A.D. 1953, are hereby notified to send them to either of the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 11th day of September, A.D. 1954.After the last-named date, the assets of the Estate will be distribut­ ed among the persons entitled there­ to, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, tills 24tli day of August, A.D. 1951. EDWIN ERNEST BUSWELL, Executor. W. G. COCHRANE, Solicitor for the Estate.26:2:9c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture and House and Lot SANDERS STREET, EXETER on SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 at 1:30 p.m. FURNITURE: Four-piece chester­ field suite; library table; fernery; 3 small tables: 2 reading lamps; living room rug; day-bed; dining room ta­ ble, 6 chairs; china cabinet; writing desk; verandah couch; 3 rocking chairs; 2 arm chairs; 2 bedroom suites, springs and mattresses; 2 bed­ room rugs; hall bench and mirror; mantle clock; sewing machine; carpet sweeper: electric washing machine; stove; fridge, hotplate; cleaner; kit­chen table, chairs; coal and wood stove; clothes horse; 2 trunks; mats; pillows, linens, cushions, curtains; books; picture frames; silverware; quantity of dishes; antiques; gems, pots, pans, crocks; boiler, washtub; garden tools; axe; oil drum; lawn mower and other articles.HOUSE & LOT: At the same time and. place there will be offered for sale the property, an all frame house on Sanders Street—5 rooms and bath, small barn, good garden, hot and cold water. Possession September 1. TERMS: Chattels—cash. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale. CECIL ROWE, EXECUTOR FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER 19:26c Real Estate AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Property to be offered by public auction on the premises, LOT 19, S.B. CONCESSION, HAY TOWNSHIP 1% miles east of Dashwood, 6 miles west of Exeter, on Highway No. 83. The undersigned auctioneer is : structed to sell by public auction TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST „ at 7 o’clockREAL ESTATE consists of 100 acres of good farm land, on which is situated a well built barn and straw shed in new state of repairs; also large implement, shed; garage and hen house; white solid brick dwelling house. This is an ideal farm in every way —a wonderful location, choicest farm land (well drained and fenced), a never-failing well; all tillable land, and is in a high state of cultivation. Inspect this farm before day of sale! TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold Subject to a reasonable reserved bid. EDWARD BEAVER AND HILDA MATTHEWS, Executors for the Estate of the ' Late Charles BeaverALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 19c in- on 31 GIRL OR WOMAN — For part-time kitchen help. — Kether’s Coffee Shop.26c A IK CUBING SANITONE • Stubborn spots ouli • Deep-down grime removed • Better lasting press You’ll really be proud’ to send them off irx clothes dry cleaned our amazing better Sanitone way! In fact., it will be hard even for you to tell their last year’s clothes from new» Let us make this the eas­ iest September of alU Call or come in today for different Sanitone Dry Cleaning! BRADY CLEANERS Phone 136 Exeter ...................... . ..............................."l"'>l'>nilllllUllllltlltlllllllllllltllllll1Il|||||||||||l||l||„l,|„|||l||l,„1|1I|l|„|1|l||ll,l|,>,|1,A1 Outside Mums All Colors — Coming in Bloom B You can Have Them in Pot or Planted in Your Garden 0 Heder's Flowers Phone 76 Exeter | '''""""""'""•"""■I'........ Itll^ SPECIAL CLEARANCE Of 1954 TELEVISION Prices Drastically Reduced — Come In To See Us Today Russell Electric Phone 109 Exeter