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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-08-19, Page 11
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1954 Page 11 Hoclgius Picnic On. Sunday, August 15, 78 des cendants of the late James and Henrietta Hodgins met at Spring bank for their annual reunion. Mrs. Albert Ogilvie Mrs. Albert Ogilvie, 68, the former Lila McMillen, who died la Toledo, Ohio, August 7, was born ..in Elgin county, She lived in Detroit and Dearborn 30 years prior to moving to Toledo two two years ago. She was a regis tered nurse. She is survived by her hus band, one brother, John McMil len, Norwich; two sisters, Mrs. Harry Pritchard, Norwich, and Mrs. Newton Wasnidge, Lucan. Interment was in Norwich ceme tery August 9. Lucan And District News a_____________________' _____ Lucan Students Receive Results Lucan students at Medway High School obtained the follow ing standings in upper school examinations: Patricia Carter: Eng Lit. 55, Geom. 53, Bot. 65, Zoo. 70, Fr. Autli. 58, Fr. Comp, 53. Robert Gallagher: Eng, Lit. 54, Alg. 62, Geom. 66, Trig. 73, Phy. 80, Chem. 63, Fr. Autli. 61, Fr. Comp. 50, Frank Hovey: Alg. 70, Geo. 7’0, Trig. 89, Phy, 69, Chem. 85, Fr. Au th. 73, Fr. Comp. 5 0. Ross McTavish: Alg. 5 2, Geom. 51, Trig. 54, Phy. 66, Chem. 71, Fr. Auth. 70, Fr. Comp. 60. Arline Stanley: Eng. Comp, 63, Eng. Lit. 50, Bot. 56, Zoo. 51, Fr. Auth. 60, Fr. Comp. 51. Joan Stanley: Eng. Comp, 51} Eng. Lit, 50, Hist. 72, Alg. 62, Geom. 77, Trig, 66, Bot. 78, Zoo, 77, Chem. 76. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carroll, of Windsor, and Mrs. John McKin ley, of Richmond, Mich., have re turned home after spending a week with Mrs. W. Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ab bott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroil and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins and Mr. Garry McIntyre spent last Sunday at Springbank. Mr. Lou Weir, who has been very ill for sometime in St. Jo seph’s Hospital, passed away on Monday morning. TO THE The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS EXHIBITION AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 11 FARE and one-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going Thurs., August 26 to Saturday, September 11, inclusive. Return limit—September 15 Full information from any agent (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maguire, of Scotland, Ont., attended the funeral of their cousin, Miss Ab bott, of Detroit, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgins, Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Donald Abbott went by bus to Port Huron on Saturday to at tend the “Derry Day” celebra tions. The Woodham fife and drum band was awarded first prize. Mr, George Carroll, of Detroit, spent Monday at the home of his brother Mr. Harry Carroll. Mrs. Carroll and Judy returned home after spending the past two weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Alexia, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mc Donald and Joyce spent the week end at Port Huron where they attended the Derry Day Celebra tion. Joyce, Alexia and Heber played in the band. often worry about STERLING TORPOR HEAD OFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronto TRUSTS A T I O N BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie » Do you the fact that you haven*t a planned estate? Why not put your mind at ease right now by contacting Sterling Trusts? It Will cost you nothing to have your estate planned,, during ydur lifetime. And it gives such a feeling of satisfaction—a certain peace of mind, to know that all as in Order, A qualified Sterling Trusts Counsellor will enable you to enjoy the satisfaction that a properly planned estate can brings Personal Items Mrs. M. Maxs, of Montreal, is housekeeping at the residence of Mr. D. A. Ashworth, Mr. and Mrs. B. Drennan and family have returned home from a week’s vacation at Parry Sound. Mrs. Wilbert Revington spent last weekend with her daughter, Mrs. C. Johnston, in St. Catha rines. Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Weller and Tommy have returned from a two-week motor trip to the West, bringing back with them Mr. Weller’s mother. Mr, and Mrs. Don Revington and family spent last weekend m Windsor, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarvie. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington and Anne spent last weekend at Niagara Falls and Crystal Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hepburn and family moved to Burlington last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett had a picnic on August 11 at Springbank with the latter’s two sisters, Mrs. Jack Davey, Wood- stock, and Miss Bessie Foreman of the Mimico High School staff. The occasion was Mrs. Haskett s birthday. . , , ,I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aylestock ! and family of Toronto spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Tiam Aylestock. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smout, of 1 London, spent a few days last week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Atkinson. Jackie Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Park, has returned home after a week’s visit with his cousin Johnnie Butler, of Toronto. , ...Mrs. Alice Stanley and Miss Minnie Ryland, of London, two former W.A. members of Holy Trinity Church, were present at the picnic meeting held at the Corbett farm last Wednesday. John and Eleanor Cantelon, children of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cantelon, of Brantford, are visit ing their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cantelon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chown, of Sarnia, visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. Seale, last week. On Friday, August 13 a grass fire on the Butler farm got out of control. When .shovels and sacks failed to put out the fire the fire reels were called. Mr. Glen Revington spent last weekend in New York. Mrs. William Haskett has re turned home from Toronto where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haskett. Her grand daughter, Barbara Cook, Brant ford, who was also visiting in To ronto, returned to Lucan with lior Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter and family, of Detroit, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Cnsoy ♦ Miss Rose Revington, who has been holidaying on Prince Ed ward Island for a month with Mrs. C. H. George and family, flew to Toronto last Monday with Mrs. George’s sister, Miss Enid Knight, where her father met her, , , _ .The Ladies Guild of Holy Tnn- itv Church will hold a tea from 3‘to 5 p.m. Friday, August 20 on the rectory lawn. Mrs. Mary Ida (Mollie) Porter sister of Mr. James Hodgins, of Lucan, died Monday, August 9, in Victoria Hospital, London, and wus int©rr©d in St< Janiss* Cenie- tery, Clandeboye, Thursday, Au- gUMr. and Mrs. R. H. Neil, of Thornhill, spent last weekend with the former’s sisters, Mrs. c. H. Porter and Miss Gora Neil. Dr. and Mrs, ByrOn Campbell, of Toronto, and Mrs. R. DiclanS, Of Exeter, were recent visitors with Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Galpiii> of Sarnia, were guests of Mrs. T. D. Orme and Murray Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Miss Joan McLean, assisted by Miss Elva Young, is busyevery Monday night in the Stanley Opera House training 26 ,in tumbling for September 10. The program will include a sister numbef as there are six sets ox sisters in the class.' While attend ing Queen’s University last year. Miss McLean taught tumbling for a month during the absence of the regular teacher. Mrs. Irene Coursey spent last weekend ill London, her cousin, Mrs. Ada walker. The next meeting of the Angli can Ladies’ Guild, August 23 in the Parish Hall, will be an open meeting, when gentleman as Well as ladies Will have the oppor- tunlty to hear i?ete Chisholm tell of his experiences in Korea. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Cunning ham, o£ Clandeboye, Miss Jane Cunningham, of Ilderton, and Miss Hattie Hodgins, of Lucan, visited Mrs, Arnold Harper (nee tsobel Cunningham) at Brussel- dale last Tuesday. Suzanne Walls, of London, is spending a few days With her cousin, Bonhio Drennan. Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell Haskett have a now grandson at Chath Am, born August 12 to M*. rind Mrs. Jack Graham (nee Audrey Has kett) , Auxiliary Picnic Conducted Inside The August meeting of the Anglican W.A. took the form of a picnic at the Corbett farm. Though could winds and rain laden clouds prevented the usual enjoyment of a meeting and sup per under the century-old trees, the unseasonable weather made the coziness of the large living room with its massive fireplace and blazing logs at one end of the room and the heat coming in from the kitchen range at the other end, all the more enjoy able, The president, Mrs. T. C. Mc Farlane, presided and extended a welcome to members and visit ors. Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw ac companied the opening hymn on an old time organ and the Rev. J. F. Wagland followed with prayer, Mrs. U. F. Stanley read the Scripture Lesson and Mrs. Harold Corbett led in the Litany. Two interesting letters were read by Mrs. Harold Hodgins, the first written by a Stratford nurs.e stationed in Africa and the other written by a Corbett relative in 187'4. During the business session, Mrs. Frank Hovey, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins, Mrs. J. F. Wagland and Miss Lina Abbott were named a committee to make final arrange ments for a pot-lurk luncheon to be held at the September meet ing at the home of Mrs. T. A. Hodgins. At this meeting talent money will be handed in. While lunch was being prepared, Miss Lina Abbott conducted a scram ble contest. Before leaving, the 22 members and friends signed the Corbett visitors’ book. Mrs. John Dow Lived In West Mrs. John Dow, the former Ida _ Martha Henry, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Hack, lot 12, con. 14, London township, Monday, August 9, in her seventy-fourth [ year. 'She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Henry, of West field, and was the youngest of a family of 10. In 1901 she mar ried John Dow and settled on her father’s farm. In 1912 she moved to .Saskatchewan, where she lived for 25 years. On her return to Ontario she lived near Granton and became a member of Wesley United Church. Funeral services were held from the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home Thursday, August 12. Interment was in Roy’s Ceme tery, Russeldale. Rev. Thomas G. Head, of Wesley United Church, officiated. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. J. Larson (Lena), of Granton, and Mrs, William Hack (Eve lyn), of Denfield; two sons, Clif ford, of Staffa, and Harvey, of Cromarty, and seven grandchild ren. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. William Butler and son, John, left last Saturday for a three weeks’ motor trip to Winnipeg where they will be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Skaling (nee Luella Mowbray, formerly of Lucan). During their absence Mr. Butler Sr. will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford. Miss P. Ashworth, of Toronto, visited with Mr. C. Pattison last weekend. Miss Mains, of Watford, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. W. Dickins. Mrs. A. K, Hodgins, of London, spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilkinson are holidaying ip Cookstown. In the Thames Valley League finals, Lucan defeated Evelyn 5-0 in the first game at Lucan on Tuesday, August 10, but Were de feated at Evelyn Friday evening 8-5. Mrs. Murray Hodgins has re turned home after spending two weeks near Galt. The Lucan Turf Club enthus iasts are sponsoring the film, “The 1953 Hambletonian and Little Brown Turf Club Classics”, at the Coininunity Centre Friday, August 27, at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. S. Chown and family and two grandchildren, Billie rind Bobby Chown, have returned from a holiday at Maple Lake. Mrs, William Brownlee, who has been home in Ottawa for a month, has returned and is visit ing with her father-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. F, Bridget and family have retui-nrid from a week’s vacation at Lakeside, Mr. and Mrs, Jriihes Freeman and family attended the Freeftiafi picnic at Otterville last Sunday. MV. and Mrs. IL Travers, of Washington, and the latter’s sis ter, Miss Dorothy Wildem, of St. Catharines, Were ’weekend guests of Mrs, T. I). Orme. Clandeboye WI Enjoys Picnic Clandeboye W.I. met at Gib bon's Park in London August 11 for the annual picnic. A discussion was held on the forthcoming bus trip to Hamil ton. Mrs. A. Macintosh gave a report on the information she had obtained re the T.B, test. Prizes for the sports went to the following: children’s races, Elizabeth Hill, Betty Jean Scott, Jim Macintosh, Judy Scott, Don na Blake, Donna Lawrence, Nancy Scott, Jim Scott, Janice Macintosh, Jeanette Blake; beans on a knife, Mrs. Alvin Cunning ham’s side: over and under, Mrs. Ernest Lewis’ side; lifesaver on straw, Mrs. Ernest Lewis’ side; break the bag, Mrs. Ernest Lewis' side; shoe scramble, Nancy Scott, Donna Lawrence; lucky spot, Lu cille Blake; find Miss Clandeboye, Mrs. Alvin Cunningham; kick- the-slipper, Mrs. Alex McIntosh; walking race, Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. E. Lewis. Suffers Injuries Mr. Arnold Kilmer, while on his way home from Newmarket on Thursday night, suffered in juries in an accident on No, 7 highway, one and one-half miles east of Elglnfield. Mr. Kilmer j was passenger in a truck driven by Mr. Kew, of Lucan, who swerved to one side to avoid an other vehicle. The trailer behind the truck jackknifed, overturning the truck. Mr. Kilmer suffered from shock and a broken arm above the elbow. He was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Personal Items Due to the Rev. E. M. Cook being on holidays, the service at the Clandeboye United Church was conducted by a former mem ber, Mrs. Grace Erskine, Lieury, assisted by Mrs. Mary Scott. Mrs. Erskine is" president of the north west section of the Middlesex Presbytery. ’ Mr. Guy Markham, of London,; will conduct the service at St. James’ Church on Sunday, Au gust 22, at 9.45 a.m. His address will be a report of the recent Anglican Congress held in Min neapolis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whitmore, I Gayle and Fred Whitmore, are spending two weeks at Port Stanley. Mr. Will Darling is visiting in Detroit and with liis son Jim and family in Leamington. Miss Janet Scott is spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Guy Harrison, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing and Joan, of Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hendrie spent Sun day at Port Stanley. Mrs. Webster, of Aurora, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kilmer. Mrs. Mervin Carter and her daughter, Mary, of London, spent last week at Ipperwash Beach. Misses Joan and Ann Donald son, of McGillivray township, and Marlene King, of Crgditon, visit ed a week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Karl O’Neil. Mrs. Otto Darling, Karen and Nancy returned after spending three weeks with the former’s mother, Mrs. Porter, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott and family attended the Harrison family picnic at Ipper wash Beach on Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. Austin Du plan of Port Huron were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kil mer on Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mac McNaughton last week were Mr. and Mrs. T. Mullins, of Buffalo; Mrs. Leia McNaughton, of West Lome; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wil son and Mrs. Gertie Gilbert, of Riverside, Ontario. Miss Joan Simpson has return ed home from a motor trip to the west during which she visit ed Yellowstone Park, Salt Lake City, Bryce Canyon, Los Vegas, Los Angeles and El Paso. The group went by bus to Carlsbad and to Mexico City, then by air to Texas to visit relatives, then by train to New Orleans, Chicago and back home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henderson, Mary Anne 'and Robert, of La.nl- betli) visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. J, H. Paton. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Williams; Sandra and Wayne, Went to Sar nia on Sunday to visit the for mer’s brother, Jack, and family. Wayne stayed to spend a week there. Jackie returned home with the family from visiting there. Miss Andrey Darling, Toronto, spent the weekend at her home •here. | Recreation | | Activities | | By LEN GAUDETTE I Recreation Softball I Last Monday, Butchers, with ! Norm Hardy pitching, downed U. [ F. Stanley Hardware 9-3. Hydro, [ who previously lost 8-7 to the Stanley crew, won their protest on a ground rule, and the game was declared a tie, and will start from the ninth inning. The final two games of the Rec Softball schedule will be played next week,’with Hydro and Stanley Hardware meeting on Tuesday night, while U. F. Stan ley’s club tangles with the But chers on Thursday. ■ The playoffs will start on the following Mon day, August 30, with the second and third place clubs meeting in a best-of-three affair, the winner meet the top-place club, who will receive a bye. A best-of-three takes place, with the winners be ing presented with the John Casi mir Trophy. Irish Nine Our baseball boys travel again to Evelyn this Friday in a cru cial game for the Thames Valley championship. See Lucan Irish Six’s Ken Kirkpatrick playing nice ball with the Evelyn club at shortstop. See Ken has also an nounced his engagement to a pretty blonde lady. Lucan's “Frank Buck’' Each week we will relate a short chapter on the adventures of our own Frank Buck, the only man locally to have swam eleven and a half miles at the St. Marys quarry, to have captured rattle snakes alive, and faced death but came out alive! Next week: The Neai’ Tragedy Fishing Trip! The Teentown swimming and weiner roast party to Ipperwash last Friday had to be postponed owing to weather conditions. Don’t Say It Can’t Be Sold Till You Try A T-A Classified Ad Drain Tile AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I 3 Call I J. A. Rydall Tile Yards ELGINFIELD, ONTARIO I Phpne Lucan 25<-r-31 | A GJ,!, bicycle O’KEEFE’S BREWING COMPANY LIMITED 3129 Though horse-racing existed over 3000 years ago, the Thoroughbred is a modern development. Nearly every thoroughbred racing today is descended from one of three stallions imported to England from the Near East around 1728. These horses, incidentally, are the only animals termed “Thoroughbreds”. Pedigreed dogs, cattle, etc. are called “Pure-bred”. Another sports fact worth remembering! Mr, and Mrs. Ira Carling arid Miss Carling spent last weekend in Kincardine, the guests Of Mr, and Mrs. -Elmer Walpole. They took homo the twins, Who had spent a week ill Lucan. On Satur day, Sherry and Terry sang On th© OFPL Junior Patrol and Were a real success. On Tuesday Miss Carling took them to the States. They lunched at Sarnia and dined in St, Glair. 'they were accom panied by Mrs, Hugh Butt, Gail and Wendy of London, f ila/tLo-a ?ou have full permiss 25, 1954, in any way you highly gratified if it cart be used to of O wider public to the advantdges ydur company It’s Astounding ...that your policy paid me more in dividends than I paid out in premiums . says Mr. R. B. Blyth. 4490 BROADAte ROAD, CLEVELAND 9 The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada; Waterloo, Ontario. Gentlemen: Let me forwarding the cne^v .iicy 53970. I want also •suits of this policy- ta Not long health reasons, w -. Had I remained in Canaan, --4+b vour Company, but living on ■ from other companies.of these policies, I have with The Mutual Life "e five children; for c?«h '•‘Aang—in five Januaryi 1954 express my deep appreciation of your promptness in cheque in settlement of the quinquennial dividend on policy Do&ia,. ' *1*0 to express my great gratification at theresults of this policy; taken out by me when I lived in Victoria, B.C. Not long after I took out the policy; it seemed advisable for me; for health reasons, to come to this country, where I have been ever since. Had I remaiiled in Canada, I certainly would have bought more insurance with your Company, but living on this side of the line; I secured several policies from other companies. While I have been pleased with the records Of some of these policies, none Of them com pares favorably with the one I have with The Mutual Life of Canada. It happens that we have five children; for each of whom I took out a policy when they were in their ’teens—in five of the better companies in this country. But none of these policies show a record -r^pAres favorably with the record of the policy I hold with you. I presume you have the policy result before you. It is one iich you may be proud. To me; it is astounding that I should have *“• -44vidends from the polioy an amount more th<i equal to the the premiums I paid out—while the policy still offers ■ -’’wavs did. It is a marvellous record for which I Sincerely out a p- comparii.that compares I pi_ of whivo v received in div: total amount of i... the protection it always rim profoundly grateful. i. Uhal'b®on to use my deem bon.coll attention ffered by MUTUAL IIFE of CANADA HEADOFFICJ WATSHlOO 0N'*e,0 I86 0 Mt 21-54,, For ample protection at tow Wst tost, see yottr local Mutual life of Canada representative! GERALD R. (SODBOLT, ItR. No, 1, CENTRALIA, Ontario.J