HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-08-19, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1954 Here's The Winner! connec- Classified Directory FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES LOST I TENDERS WANTED Winner of the ’48 Austin Sedan which we gave away in tion with the opening of our new, modern car lot at Exeter was Percy Merkley, of 164 Main Street, Exeter. Picture shows the happy winner being presented with the keys to his prize by Ray Costello, manager of the Pearson Motor Sales made Saturday night, August 14, by Mayor AV. Exeter. lot. Draw was G. Cochrane of Exeter FOR THE TOPS IN CARS . . . SEE VS PEARSON MOTOR SALES Your Pontiac - Buick Dealer Plow Humus TODAY Zurich Into Your Land By Sowing Rye And Nitrogen The conditioning of the soil can be greatly helped and improved by sowing Bye now and later plowing it down. By sowing l.£)0 pounds of NITBOGEN per acre, the Bye will place and keep the nitrogen in your soil for spring sowing and at the same time add humus to your land. This is a fertilizer plan that all cash croj> farms should investigate. ■ Is Your Pasture Low . . . .7 If so, PLANTING OF FALL BYE now will give you good pasture and can be plowed down later. This pro­ gram gives you needed pasture and if the above-men­ tioned ammonium nitrate is used you are combining the two programs in one—pasture for your livestock and fertilizer and humus for vour soil. SEED RYE (Bags Free) $1.50 Bus. AMMONIUM NITRATE (Specially Priced) $4.75 Cwt. Cann’s Mill Ltd, Whalen Corners 1 GEORGE WHITE all steel grain separator, on rubber; 28-ineh cylin­ der; 50-inch deck; in good running order. —E. L. Sweet, Belmont, On­ tario. 19* WOOD SHAVINGS, loose, $30.00 for 3-ton load delivered in Exeter area. —George Stone, Seaforth, phone 835- r-3. 19:26* BLUE FOLDING baby buggy. Apply 55 Simcoe Street. 19* WOOD OR COAL range, white ena­ mel finish, warming oven and reser­ voir. Phone 303-J Exeter. 19c FIVE COATS, plain nylon. Sizes 16- 18 years. Apply 46 Huron Street. 19* COUNTRY GENTLEMAN—Subscrip­ tion Special: 20 months for only $1.DO. Subscribe now! —The Exeter Times- Advocate. GOVENLOCK FRUIT FARM, ’£ mile north of Forest on Blue Water High­ way, will have yellow flesh free-stone peaches, and grapes, pears and apples from now until end of season. Bring container or will deliver F.O.B. 19:25* STEEL GRAVEL BON and hoist. — Exeter Salvage Company, phone 423.. Exeter. 19e 1941 CHEV BUSINESS COUPE, in good condition, Roy Gibson, Crediton, phone 15-J. 19:26c 1942 DODGE DELUXE Sedan, in good condition. Price $190 or best offer. Phone 171-r-13 Exeter. 19* SECOND-HAND WHITE enamel cook range, second-hand eream enamel cook range, oil space heater, coal heater, coal annex heater, oil cook range, stoker, all second-hand. —Lin­ denfields Hardware. 19:26c FAMOUS INDIAN MAID Pocahontas Stove Size—Buy now. Supply is limit­ ed. We have a carload. Best quality. Absolutely nothing better. Ford Fuels and Buildings products. Phone 299, Exeter. 19c COMPLETE SET of modern house­ hold furniture; baby crib; high chair; Kirby vacuum cleaner and polisher. Apply Pat Page’s house, second front the bend on Crediton Road as you leave Grand Bend. 19c G-E REFRIGERATOR, 9.2 cu. ft.; Tappan automatic electric range. Ap­ ply 183 Columbia Drive, RCAF Cen­ tralia. 12:19c WRECKED—’42 Hudson, ’42 Dodge, '41 Dodge, ’41 Chev, '41 Ford. Many older models. Cudniore’s Gravel, tele­phone 171-r-3 Exeter. 7-12tfc 225 NEW HAMP-SUSSEX pullets — laying. Apply David Blackwell Parr Line, Hensall, or phone Zurich 88-r-8.12:19* WE HAVE ANOTHER load of big vaccinated Holstein springers, first and second calf, two registered, four fresh, balance springing close, 30 to pick from. Also four Durham spring­ers, second calf. Will sell or trade on dry cows and slaughter cattle. —Doug Forbes, Coleman Packing Co., Lon­don, 2-7546, nights or holidays 4-9164. 5:12:19* 6,000 STARTED PULLETS, hatched April 29. Arbor Acre White Rock and Sussex Red. Apply Hubert Miller, phone 57-r-7 Dashwood. 7-15tfc MAN’S BICYCLE; also 2 lawn chairs. Apply Edgar Mawhinney, 22 Victoria Street,_______________________12:19* TYPEWRITER BARGAIN! Repossessed — Used Only Very Short Time $83.50 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE (Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. John Harvie, of Edmonton, were visitors with Mrs. Charles Harris last Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sturgis recently returned from a motor trip to Nova Scotia, Cape Breton and New Brunswick. Mr. and and family new home and and the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Srntih. The children remained for a week’s visit Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman and children, of Listowel, called on Mr. W. W. Taman after holiday­ ing at Grand Bend. Mrs. Clive McAllister, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., is visiting her mo­ ther, Mrs. D. A. Anderson. Mrs. Ellen Norman and daugh­ ter, of Detroit, and Mrs. Fred Harrison, Berkley, Mich., visited with Mrs. Martha Smith and Si­ mon Sweitzer over the. weekend. Mr. Teddy spent Grove Mrs. Joseph B. Creech left Tuesday for their in Kingsville. Mrs. Gordon Grove, Judy Anne, Toronto, weekend with Mrs. CCM- JOYCYCLES BIKE-WAGONS Send Your Student Back To School WITH A NEW C.C.M. Deluxe Bicycle BOYS’ and GIRLS’ ALL MODELS HARD A R E quality WPHONE 27 __ EXETER. 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words — 150 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 More Than 25 Words - 10 Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or Saturday following the last insertiou by Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Disertion 980 per inch Subsequent Insertions 840 per inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. STOCK WANTED HORSES WANTED—Heavy or light, young or old. Please notify Frank Taylor, 138 Exeter.________Jul22:Ja5* ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth S51-r-ll, Exeter 235.___________________tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5, 10, 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double re­ sults; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get-acquainted” size only 600. All druggists. 12:19c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE IF YOUWANT DAYOLD Bray chicks for next month or October, let's have your order now. For quick shipment they have started chicks, 3-4 weeks, Cockerels, pullets. R.I, x White Leg. or White Leg pullets. Some heavies. Ask us for prices and particulars. — Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246- W. 19c EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSEWORK or BABY-SITTING — Apply Mrs. von Damar us, 46 Huron Street. 19* FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc MISCELLANEOUS SEE YOURSELF as others will with a younger lovelier f igure. Spencer Supports are designed for the in­dividual client. Mrs. Pearl Baynhant, Hensail, phone 171-W.___________17c STEW’S SHARPENING SERVICE — Files and sets your saws better than new! Apply 152 Lake Road. 12:19* THIS UNSEASONABLE weather breeds Headaches, freshens Sinus, Hayfever, Deafness. Nameless Cold Remedy instantly relieves these ail­ments. Get a jar today at any of these stores: Browning’s; Sanders, Jones or McFalls Grocers. 12:19c CUSTOM COMBINING. Apply Earl Neil, phone 626-j-3 Exeter. 8-5tfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED — Imme­diate service. Phone 10S Lucan or 130-W Lucan. —Butler Bros. 8-19tfc FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterlog Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m, on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. 5-14alt.tfc PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER Phone 553 Exeter WANTED SAW MILL LOGS and standing bush lots wanted. Fuel wood and slab wood for sale. — Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 624-r-22 or 623-r-3 7-ltfc WANTED AND FOR SALE — Used merchandise. Louis E. Johnston, Sec­ond Hand Shop, corner Station and Main Streets. Phone 183 noon and evenings._______________ 6-29tfc STORE TO RENT with OPTION TO BUY WRITE BOX "M”, The Times-Advocate FROM LOT 1, Concession 5, Usborne, a two-year-old heifer. —Fred Dobbs, phone 2(>u lixeter. 19c •LOST — Gent’s automatic Certina wristwatch. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. Reward. 12:19* REAL ESTATE 100-ACRE FARM—-Close to Clinton. Clay-loam. Large L-shape galvanized barn, good brick house. Pressure sys­tem throughout. Apply in person to George Dubs, Londesboro. 19* STOREY AND A HALF frame house, built four years ago, hydro, one acre of land, overflowing well, well tiled. Con. 3 of Stephen, 2 miles north of airport. Easy terms. —Thos. Harri­ son, R.R. 3, Exeter. 19:26* BUILDING LOT, 50-foot frontage. Richmond Street (near Main Street), Lucan. Rhone 169-W Lucan. —• Mrs. R. Seale. 19c FOR SALE OR RENT — 3-bedroom cottage at Soutlicott Pines. Grand Bend. Fireplace, shower, hot water, close to sandy beach. —R. E. Balk­ will, Soutlicott Pines, Grand Bend.19c WELL LOCATED 4-bedroom house. Could be used as single family resi­ dence or as two apartments. Full bath up. Toilet down. Oil heated. Nicelv treed lot. Immediate posses- jslon. ’Price $5,000.00. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. S-5tfc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — Well- established ladies’ wear clothing busi­ ness in Exeter. Modern fixtures and stock. No merchandise over one year old. Apply Box RT, Exeter Times- Advocate. l~:19c BRICK HOUSE, in excellent condi­ tion, full cellar, furnace. Bedroom, 3- piece bath main floor, 3 bedrooms up­ stairs. Double garage, henhouse, ex­ tra lot. —W. C. Peazce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 7-15tfc 2-STOREY, 7-R00M house, 3 bed­rooms, modern kitchen and bathroom, new air-conditioned furnace, laundry tubs. Garage, immediate possession. Applj Claude Blowes, Box 315 HENSALL — Main Street residence, well situated. Priced for quick sale. Terms may be arranged. Act imme­ diately. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker—R. B. Patterson. Phone 51, Hensall, Ontario. 6-17tfc HENSALL —3- or 4-bedroom house with living room, dining room and modern kitchen and bathroom. Nice­ly located with good lot and small barn. Price $3,650.00. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.6-10tfc 2-STOREY 2-FAMILY brick house in fine location. Forced air oil-burning furnace. Two 3-piece baths, extra jot, garage, garden. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.6-10tfc HENSALL — Frame house and extra lot centrally located on corner. Fur­ nace and bath. Low taxes. Priced for quick sale. Immediate possession. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADABroker —R. B. Patterson, Phone 51, Hensall, Ontario. 6-10tfc GUEST HOUSE and comfortable year 'round home is provided in this beau­ tiful rug brick house located on Blue Water Highway near Grand Bend. House is oil-heated and has every convenience. Two cabins, double gar­age and tidy barn. 3 acres of valu­ able land. Whole property in the pink of condition. Terms. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.6-10tfc KIPPEN—RURAL HOME—Solid brick house, good lot, Bath and hot water heating. Nicely decorated with low taxes. Ideal place to retire. Reason­ably priced. Immediate possession. Terms can be arranged. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF -CANADABroker —R. B. Patterson, Phone 51, Hensall, Ontario. 6-10tfc 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE — This is a complete small home Avith modern kitchen and two-piece bath. Full basement. Immediate possession if desired. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 6-10tfc NEW FULLY MODERN one-floor rug brick forced air oil heated home. Reasonable down payment and terms. Owner 493 Andrew Street. 6-3tfc $2,500.00 OR $3,000.00 CASH will give you possession of one of Exeter’s finer brick homes. Nicely arranged rooms. Hardwood floors throughout. New oil-burning furnace. Garage. Good location. Total price reduced. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, 394 Main St., Exeter. 5-6tfc TWO SUMMER HOMES, Old Orchard subdivision, Grand Bend. One new, nicely finished, all conveniences, winterized. Both may be purchased on ’ very easy terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter. 5-6tfc NEW HOUSE — 349 Edward Street. Living room, kitchen, dining room, two oedrooms, and bath with space for other Toom on second floor. Oil furnace. W4de lot. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J. 4-8tfc CENTRALLY LOCATED for schools, churches and shopping, 3-bedTopm house, new roof, interior decorating good, 2 bathrooms, garage. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­man. 3-4tfc RE SCHOOL BUS SERVICE Tenders for School Bus Trans­ portation for 15 pupils from R.C.S.S. No. 1 McGillivray to R.C.S.S. No. 6 Stephen will be received up to 12 noon, Thursday, August 26. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply: GAYLE MARY CRONYN Secretary-Treasurer R.R, 1, Clandeboye, Ont. 19c HELP WANTED MALE—16 to 60 with or without ex­ perience; full-time position in grocery department. Dutch Boy Food Market, RCAF Centralia._________________19c Woman Or Girl TO LEARN LINOTYPE OPERATION (Part Time) Apply in writing stating age and education to EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR RENT TWO APARTMENTS — Private bath in each, frig and stove in each, one partly furnished. Private entrance for one; other semi-private. Posses­ sion immediately. Phone 673-J Exeter after 6 p.m., or call at 321 Huron Street West. ____________19* ONE- OR TWO-ROOM apartment for working girl or •elderly lady. Apply Times-Advocate. ________________19* SELF-CONTAINED three-room apart­ ment, large hall and bath. All util­ ities included. Apply to E. F. Brid­ ger, Lucan, phone 119-R. 19c FOR RENT OR FOR SALE — House in Centralia. Possession September 6. Apply Frank Stojaspal, Centralia.19:20:2* FURNISHED UPPER apartment, pri­ vate entrance. Electric stove and frig. Apply 103 Huron Street East. — Phone 225-J._____________ 19* UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, partly furnished, frig, 3-piece bath, oil heat­ ed, partly furnished. Private entrance. Apply in person to Mrs. John Gill, Grand Bend.__________________19:2Gc A SMALL HOUSE, furnished. Rea­ sonable rent. Apply L. V. Hogarth, telephone 266.___________________19c APARTMENT FOR RENT — Unfurn­ished, 3 rooms and bath. Heated. $35 per month, half utilities. Immediate possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter._____________8-5tfc 3 - BEDROOM HOUSE, oil heated. Garage. C. V. Pickard, Main Street, Exeter. ___________7-8tfc 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT, in Ex- eter. Phone 100 Zurich.______6-10*tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. —Bea­ vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-ltfc AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL Main Street, on SATURDAY. AUGUST at 1:30 p.m. Clare Jewell combination stove, like new; Frigidaire jcua&vi- ator; kitchen table; 12 kitchen chairs; 2 arm chairs; 2 kitchen sideboards; oak dining room suite, table chairs and china cabinet; 1 small roll top desk; couch; cabinet; radio; number rocking chairs; small tables; occa­ sional chairs; walnut antique sofa; fern stand; coal oil heater; axminster rug, 9x12, new; 3 floor rugs; scatter mats; sewing machine; chest, of drawers; 3 furnished bedroom suites; spool beds; mattress; feather ticks; wash stands; toilet sets; 4-poster rope bed; a room of antique curios including ox yoke, fireplace tongs, iron kettles, spinning wheels, 3 muz­ zle loading guns, Dulcimer musical instruments and hosts of other arti­ cles; dishes, china and kitchen uten­sils; rubber-tired lawn mower, like new; garden tools; sealers; tubs; lady’s side saddle; step-ladder; lawn hose and many other items. TERMS: Cash. PROP.: MISS MARY FEE AUCT.: HAROLD JACKSON CLERK: E. P. CHESNEY 19C 21 electric refriger- I FOR SALE WE ALWAYS HAVE for sate good farms of various size, price and qual­ ity, stores and other businesses, sum­ mer cottages and year round homes. —W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ son s, Salesman.______________5-2Stfc NEW DEVELOPMENT TWO ELACK western saddles, like new. Apply Ron Swartz, phone 462- j-2 Exeter. ioc 1053 METEOR COACH, excellent con­ dition. A steal for cash. Apply Wil­ liam Gilfillan, 14-r-4 Kirkton. 19c UPRIGHT PIANO, in good condition, price $50. Also cabin trailer, sleeps four. Phone Lucan 108. 19:266 FOR SALE—Massey Clipper combine, 6 years old, $450; Allis-Chalmers com­ bine, new cylinder and concave, $975; 1949 John Deere ISA motor combine, $700; International H tractor hydrau­lic cultivator-pulley, new tires, $650; Cockshutt 70 with cultivator, real good, ■$n00; Oliver 60 tractor, runs good, tires O.K., $315; Allis Chalmers u tractor, $325, completely over­ hauled; John Deere AR tractor, new tires, new block, $650; several good International used corn pl antsr s priced from $20-$75; Eureka potato digger, $125, Apply Keillor Farm Equipment Co,, Hidgetown, Ontario. Phone, day or night, 3308 Hidgetown, 19:260 CHUNKS, reasonable for cash. —IL iV-temm, Dashwood, phono Ol-r-15................ 19:26:2 PEACHES—Order youf requirements aid avoid being disappointed as the crop is below normal. Mrs. H. Peter­ son, phone 31-r-lO Dashwood. 19:2G;2c Lakefront Lots Drive 6^ miles north of Grand Bend on Queen's Highway No. 21 'Pick out and buy your Lake Lot! Open Today, Tomorrow and Sunday and Every Day until all are sold , . • Salesman on Grounds (Brokers and salesmen sell Iota here) PHONES PR 5-5622, ZURICH 77-r-S Ralh F. Schneider AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture and House and Lot SANDERS STREET, EXETER on SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 at 1:30 p.m. FURNITURE: Four-piece chester­ field suite; library table; ^fernery; 3 small tables; 2 reading lamps; living room rug; day-bed; dining room ta­ ble, 6 chairs; china cabinet; writing desk; verandah couch; 3 rocking chairs; 2 arm chairs; 2 bedroom suites, springs and mattresses; 2 bed­ room rugs; hall bench and mirror; mantle clock; sewing machine; carpet sweeper; electric washing machine; stove; fridge, hotplate; cleaner; kit­ chen table, chairs; coal and wood stove; clothes horse; 2 trunks; mats pillows, linens, cushions, curtains books: picture frames; silverware quantity of dishes; pots, pans, crocks; garden tools; axe; ____, _mower and other articles. HOUSE & LOT: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the property, an all frame house on Sandors Street—5 rooms and bath, small barn, good garden, hot and cold water. Possession December 1,TERMS: Chattels—cash. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale,CECIL IlOWE, EXECUTOR FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER 19:26C cushion;frames; sn verware; antiques; gems, boiler, wash tub; oil drum; lawn 25814 E. Jefferson, St. Clair Shores,Michigan, U.S.A. 5:12:1(P I Real Estate . AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Property to be offered by public, auction On the. promises,LOT 19, S.B. CONCESSION, IIAY TOWNSHIP 1U miles east of Dashwood, 6 miles west of Exeter, on Highway No, S3. The. undersigned auctioneer is structod to sell by public auctionTUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST at 7 o'clock REAL ESTATE consists of acres of good farm land, on which is situated a well built barn and straw shed in new state, of repairs; also large implement shed; garage and hen house; white solid brick dwelling house. This is an Ideal farm in every way —a wonderful location, choicest farm land (well drained and fenced), a never-failing well; all tillable land, and i« in a high state of culflvation. Inspect this farm before day of sale! TERMS Of Real Estate: 10% oh day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold Subject to a reasonable reserved bid EDWARD BEAVER AND Hilda Matthews, Executors for the Estate of the Late Charles BeaverALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 19c in- on31 1.00 STOP! Get The Facts § Sta-Dri On Masonry | • BEAUTIFIES - in a Variety of | Colours and White | • PROTECTS — Inside or Outside | • HOLDS WATER PRESSURE | • LASTS — Above and Below Grade • COSTS LESS | • COMPLETELY SATISFIES | Huron Lumber Co. | Phone 48 LIMITED Exeter | HtVi tow PRICES Make DELCO-HEAT You can't beat this General Motors Value — Here's a new line of Delco-Heat Conditionair units at a price we have never been able to offer before. *today’s best buy— ■ in AUTOMATIC JI CONDITIONED JF AIR HEATING GENERAL MOTORS DELCO-HEAT LOOK HOW YOU SAVE! conditioning u matically . indify and *• ,he vour home . ,modern efficient way of home heating. Sold and Installed by Gerald Gingerich SALES & SERVICE Heating, Lighting, Plumbing, Electric & Motor Repairing ZURICH, ONT. TELEPHONE 34 i iiimi it iiiitintihiiiiiti it iiHnniifiniiiini mi mi mi tiiitmii i utii hi mi inti it ifiiiiiiiiuiti 11111111111111111111111111^' ij The tires on the used cars at our used car lot can tell h ,’t you it lot about the quality automobiles that pass through ?• J our hands. And you don’t have to do any kicking. ii Tires that are worn in spots, or that are worn only on one side of the tread and not on the other, are signs of 5 front wheels out of allignment. Evenly-worn tires are one of | .those clues, like the lack of a white coat on your tongue, that E i means general good health inside. = «1 S '•I Tires that are free from cuts and bruises give a good E J indication of the kind of owner that had the car before you. s | A driver inclined to run into the curb leaves his mark on his E *! tires. It’s hard on the tires, of course, and may also damage 2 4 the steering gear and linkage and knock the wheels out of | allignment. ■ £J These signs on the tires, or lack of them, will give § you an idea, too, of the general care the previous owner gave = his car, £ I Take your time when you look over your used car, I . ask the questions you want to know and tlieii take it out g 1 on the road for a good spin. Take the wheel yourself and E 1 see what it will do. g That's the way WE sell cars . . . and the proof of this E pudding is in the fact that so many people who have bought ® cars from us come back to buy another. = Maybe they kick the fires, but they never kick about E the cars they’ve bought. | Be sure you look us up next week ’cause we’ve go a | story about those rear-engined European cars that’s the fun- “ niest you've ever heard. e PHO^^ EXETBR - ONT.' a .....CARS.......