HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-07-01, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1954 ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY July 2 and 3 “FLAME OF CALCUTTA” Technicolor * Denise Parcel ★ Patrick Knowles Barbarians thunder across continent . . . SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Wood Family Enjoys Picnic A gathering of the Wood fam­ ily, numbering 30, enjoyed a pic­ nic recently at Springbank Park. Relatives were present from To­ ronto, Hamilton, Brantford, St Thomas, Ridgetown, Forest, Mit­ chell and Exeter. Winners of the races were’ Judy Luxton, Roger Luxtou, Sus­ an Winer, Margaret Luxton, Gayle L u x t f> n , Brien Winer. Elaine Luxton, Ronnie Archer. Bill Luxton. Beta Lnxton, Marion Winer. Mrs Wood ini Mrs. Archer l a was his Town Topics— Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. Sees Son On TV While looking at television during the newscast Saturday, Ross Taylor was thrilled to see the picture of his son, Ken, walk­ ing down the gangplank of the Micmac, returning to after a three months’ Mr Ross Parsons, of Halifax,Mr and Mrs. Rufus Kestle are 1' holidaying on Manitoulin Island spent a few days with his father, this week Barry and Alan Margison, of London, visited Wednesday with their grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Johns. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Richard­ son, Barbara and nia. are visiting Mrs. F. A. May. Mr. and Mrs. Donald, of Sar- with Mr. and H.M.C.S. Halifax cruise. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, MONDAY & TUESDAY July 5 and 6 * Will Rogers Jr. “THE BOY FROM OKLAHOMA” Technicolor ★ Nancy Olson ★ Lon Chaney The saga of an easy-going cow­ boy ... a delightful movie treat. NEWSREEL AND BUGS BUNNY CARTOON 1 Mr. William Fraser, who injured tn an accident at home, was brought from Victoria Hospital to South Huron Hospit­ al on Wednesday. Mrs. Milo Snell has returned to her home from a visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hill, of Wind­ sor. On Saturday she attended the wedding of her cousin in De­ troit. Hicks Reunion Seafoirth LiionsPairk J. Penliale left Satur- Soo, return- WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July 7 and 8 “THE IRON GLOVE” Technicolor * Robert Stack ★ Ursula Thiess His strong right arm and sword were pledge to his King . . . ADDITIONAL SHORT SUBJECTS Sat., July 10 1:30 p.m. Bring Your Picnic Basket (including silverware) Beverage Cups and Plates Provided SUPPER SERVED AT 5:30 P.M. A. and daughter Grace day for a trip to the ing by way of the States. Miss L. Ballantyne has return­ ed home from attending the fif­ tieth anniversary of McKellar General Hospital Training School of Nursing in Ft. William. While there she visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thomson, Mrs. William Thomson and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jory left Monday I for California where they will visit relatives. They will also visit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearson and Mrs. Laura Harvey in Van­ couver and attend a wedding in Alberta on their return trip. They will be away about six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore returned Sunday from a motor trip to Quebec City. They return­ ed by way of the New England States and New York. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Beaupre and Irene, of Point Edward, spent Saturday with friends in town. Mr. Earl Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Salter and daughter, of Wingham, spent Sunday with Miss Meta Salter. Mr. aud Mrs. Will Foster, of Osliawa, visited recently with their cousins, W. J. and Mrs. Smith. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pybus on Sunday were Mrs. Eva Pybus, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Young, Mr. and Mrs. George Berringer and Brenda, all London. of s s z Hastings PicnicAttend Mrs. Edgar Squire, Mrs. Hannigan, Mrs. Valeria strong, Mrs. George Westcott and Mrs. Ed Johns attended the picnic of the Clinton Mary Hast­ ings Housewives group which was held at Bayfield last Wed­ nesday. Correction Ted Walper, leader of the Ex­ eter Citizen’s Band since 1935, resigned from that post recently. He did not retire as stated last week. HEPC Employee Falls From Pole Doug Harrison, an employee the H.E.P.iC., sprained his ankle when he slid from a pole while working at Crediton on Monday afternoon. X-rays revealed no bones were broken and Mr. Har­ rison expects to return to work next week. of i You lire Cordially Invited to DECORATION a Mary Arm- ii Ye All Come" SOUTH HURON JUNIOR FARMERS ANNUAL PICNIC LOT 3 TALENT WANTED to compete for Cash Prizes at The Seaforth Lions Carnival 14_15_16 PRIZES: $75.00 - $50.00 - $25.00 Anyone Interested Must Apply by Letter to John Brent, % CKNX, Wingham — ENTER NOW — !$>ttntn<iiinnilin nmni ii ■ it i inn ■ null, ii ill inn ■ in i itm mi ii it ■ in lull in niiiii innniinnntn ninnniunnnnnnnnini^ 3 g E E § z E g g c g s i 3 si E MONSTER CASH BINGO Hensail Community Arena Monday, July 5 2 $2,000 In Prizes 12 REGULAR GAMES $50.00 EACH SPECIALS $100.00 EACH 1 SPECIAL $200.00 1 Extra Special For $1,000 ALL PROCEEDS FOR ARTIFICIAL ICE Support this Worthwhile Project Admission: $1.00 for 12 Regular Games? Specials and Extra Cards 250, 5 for $1.00 DOORS OPEN 8 P.M. BINGO STARTS 9 P.M, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Person, of Ontario, California, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Arm­ strong and Mrs. M. Bonney, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell and Mrs. Gerald Gaudett and daugh­ ter Judith Lynn spent Sunday with Mrs. Pearl Knowles, of St. Thomas, ’to honor the forty-ninth wedding anniversary of the for­ mer couple. “For Health’s Sake, Roller Skate!” Exeter Roller Rink Two Blocks West of Gould & Jory Roller Skating on Monday, ' Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8:00 to 11:00 CHILDREN 25(J - ADULTS 35f Skates Supplied REFRESHMENT BOOTH ^MIIItlllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIlIiniinilllllllllllll 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111^' Lakeview Casino SERVICE KIRKTON UNION CEMETERY on Sunday, July 4 at 3:00 p.m. Guest Speaker; REV. T. W. HAZELWOOD, of Toronto Special Music by Woodham Male Quartette If Weather Is Unfavourable, Service in Kirkton United Church Ross Marshall, Frank Routly, Chairman. Sec.-Treas. Dominion Day —Continued from Page 1 Howard Holtzman, $15; flag float, Canadian Legion Auxiliary, $10; swan, Ralph Sweitzer, $5. Decorated bicycles—Gail Wal­ dron, George Armstrong and Judy Snelgrove. Decorated tricycles — Larry Skinner, Victor Fulcher, Sue Svenden, Patsy Bridges, Helen Cole, Julia Simm. Chariot race — Wayne Bowen, Ron Douglas with Brian Walker, driver. Pillow case race—Heather Mac- Naughton’s team of Larry Jury, Sandra Blowes, Bob Armstrong, Lome Keller and Joyce Hamil­ ton. Honeymoon *race—D o u g Jer­ myn and Shirley Wurm, Pat Cann and Fred Wells, Pat Cooper and Lome Keller. Baby marathon — Ruth McKay and Don Scott, Shirley Wurm and Clem Hoonard. Nail driving—Mrs. Eugene Bea­ ver (12 strokes), Mrs. Max Har­ ness (15), Mrs. David Kestle, Mrs. Gerry Lawson, Mrs. North- cott, and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman. Greasy pole fight—Bob Arm­ strong, winner; Doug Jermyn, runner-up; Calvin M c K e r r a 1, Lloyd Moore, Lome Keller, Jim Scott, Gabby Dykstra, and Larry Jury. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnard and faimly, of Whitehorse, visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Treibner for the past three weeks. COMING EVENTS HOSPITAL AUXILIARY mem­ bers: sewing and mending will be done at the hospital, Tuesday, July 6, at 2 p.m. lc TROUSSEAU TEA — Mrs. Roy Ratz, Dashwood, will entertain at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Margaret June, Wed­ nesday, July 7, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. 1* DANCING every Friday night in Bayfield Pavilion, Ken Wilbee’s orchestra. Bayfield’s favorite sum­ mer dance pavilion. For private parties and receptions, telephone 658-r-6 Seaforth or 684-r-31 Hen­ sail. 1:8:15:22:29c McDonald REUNION — Sea­ forth Lions Park, Saturday, July 10, 6:30 p.m. —Lloyd McDonald, President, 1* You Can Have More Fun at the EVERY Wednesday Night Springbank Park Wed., July 7 6:00 p.m. Bring Cutlery and Your Picnic Basket GRAND BEND Dancing Nightly NEIL McKAY and his ORCHESTRA £ ■s 3 Lyric Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions Theatre FRIDAY & SATURDAY July 2 and 3 £ f Sponsored by the Hensail Legion 468 & Legion Auxiliary mi imtimiiimiiiiimiimiiiiiiittiimiii 1111111111111111 iniiitiitu rmitm t imiimmmiiit iiJ? ^^WAY/aTJTR^^ Garden Bros. Mammoth 3-Ring Circus Friday and Saturday July 9-10 At GODERICH Memorial Arena TWO SHOWS DAILY — 3:00 P.M. and 8:30 F:M. ONE ADMISSION PRICE SEES ENTIRE SHOW SEE SEE SEE MATINEES — 350 and 750 EVENINGS — 500 and $1.25 Important Notice IT’S THRILLING! World Famous Trapeze Artists J. Cole and his Herd of Elephants Prince El Kigordo and his Lions The many Clowns, Monkeys, Ponies, Acrobats, Dogs, Horses IT’S DIFFERENT! A Goderich Ltows Community Project PS Promotions —Continued from Page I Vanderneut, Charles; W a 1 p e r, Linda; Webster, Angela; Wed- lake, Brian; Wedlake, Gary; Wil­ son, Teddy; Wright, Billy; Knox, Peter; Scott, Donny. TO BE IN GRADE 3 Braithwaite, Carole; Carscad- • den, Jimmy; Dinndy, Susan: I Ford, Gary; Genttner, Shirley; Gossar, Elsie; Jones, Warren; Simmons, Carolynne; Walker, Marion; Webber, Judy; .Andre- sea, Jens; Butson, Wayne; Green, Sandra; Kearney, Larry; Ness, Gary; Riley, Robert; Shapton, Robert; Shipman, Glenn; Smith, Kathy; Svendsen, Sue. Woods, Kenneth; Boyle, Ric­ ky; Cooper, Donald Wray; Janke, Barbara; Knarr, Richard: Mc- Creery, Donna; McKerral, Judy; Stire, Larry; Vanderwall, Gertie; Wright, Donald; Perry, Billy; Ferguson, Patricia; MCreery, Sharon; Smith, Freddy; Wells, Freddy; Boekhoudt, Annie. 'Corbett, Mary; B a y n h a in , Wayne; Cooper, Ross; Doerr, Susan;. Hamilton, Neil; Heywood, Lester; Johnson, David;* Ked- rieski, Richard; Taylor, Shirley; Walters, Patsy; Harness, John; Cowan, Donald; Gould. Leroy; Hanrahan, Patsy; Higgins, Ro­ bert. TO BE IN GRADE 2 Campbell, Helen, Dykstra, Pat­ ricia; Fairbairn, Ann; Harness, Marlene; Henderson, Dane; Hunter-Duvar, Linda; Keller, Lana; McKillon, Danny; McTav- ish, Nancy; Oswald, Klass; Snell, Peter; Bentley, Marion; Bon- nallie, Sheila; Cochrane, Eliza­ beth; Edwards, Linda; Hunter, Sandra; Kerslake, Jimmy; Learn, Freddy; Smythe, Donna; Sow- den, Douglas; Sweitzer, Brian. Bayxham, Sharon; Buends, Willie; Broderick, Ronald; Ellis, David; Hogarth, Brian: Jory, Lynda; Perron, Danielle; Stat­ ton, Terry; Zeehuisen, Kies; Armstrong, George; Cockwill, Ray; Gibbons, John; Hockey, Larry; Jones, Larry; Parsons, Gary; Plantenga, George; Wal­ per, Delton. TO BE IN GRADE 1 Allen, Gary; Brady, Nancy; Brintnell, Paul; Brintnell, Fred; Cole, Helen; Corbett, Cathy; Cowan, David; Crawford, Basil; Dinney, Bill; Elliott, Johnny; Harvey, Sandra; Heywood, Ka­ ren; Jermyn, Karen; Keay, Mich­ ael; Kerr, Ernest; Knox, Diana; Knox, Elizabeth; Mason, Paul; McDonald, Ricky; McKillen, Bon­ nie; McKnight, Barry; Page, Lynn; Snelgrove, Margaret; Stire, Lynda; Tennant, Joanne; Wade, Karen; Wedlake, Morris; Whilsmith, Kathy; Willert, Lar­ ry; Bonnallie, Gerry; Chandler, Gloria; Cruickshank, Linda, Doerr, Wendy; Edwards, Mary Lou; Edwards, Leroy; Ellis, Bob­ by; Govier, Jimmy; Henderson, Dale; Hooper, Grant; Huxtable, Jimmy; Jupp, Joy; Laughton, Terri; Lindenfiold, Sue Ann; Mooney, Jimmy; Plantinga, Hen- derika; Pryde, John; Sanders, Mary Jane; Seldon, Joy; South- ■cott, Jane; Swartzentruber, Eric; Vanderwall, Bram; van Lochem, Annie; van Lochem, Billy; Ward, Heather; Wein, Sherry; Wells, Barbara; Wolfe, Donnie. Baynha m, Bryan; BeaverS, Billy; Beavers, Bobby; Buswell, Leslie; Carscadden, Marion; Go- sar, Honk; Hammond, Linda; Heywood, Pa trial a; Huntley, Philip; May, Margaret; MacLean, Brian; Orenczuk, Roman; Snell, Darlene; Weber, Bonnie. featuring VOCALS by Jack Levi and . Johnny Noubarian » ELECTRIC GUITAR by Eddie Bell Midnight Dance This Week-End BINGO — Mildmay Firemen’s Bingo, Wed., July 7, on the New Arena Floor; bingos every second Wed., Mildmay Community Cen­ tre, $2,300 in cash prizes, $1,000 Super iSpecial must go, 3 special prizes $200, 14 games prizes $50. Foi’ $1.00, extra and special cards 25^ or 5 for $1.00. Doors open 7:45 p.m., .games start 9:00 p.m. sharp. lc I Powder River ★ Rory Calhoun ★ Corinne Calvert Photographed in Technicolor, this is a virile western type melo­ drama. CARTOON Bingo NEWS X Exeter Arena Presentation And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS, MERVYN WEBB (nee Labelle Hill) Friday, July 9 CREDITON COMMUNITY HALL t MONDAY & TUESDAY July 5 and 6 Kansas City Confidential A John Payne ★ Coleen Gray real crime melodrama thatA holds you tense all through. Friday, July 16 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $50.00 EACH 3 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $200.00 EACH 1 Special For $1,000 Modern & Old Time Dancing EVERYBODY WELCOME WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July 7 and 8 Woman of Distinction ★ Rosalind Russel ★ Ray Milland Smart dialogue and slapstick comedy have been blended to good advantage in this highly amusing romantic comedy. ADMISSION $1.00 Extra and Special Cards 250 — 5 for $1.00 Games Start at 9:00 P.M. Sharp **** WATCH FOR MONSTER BINGO JULY 30! Sponsored by Exeter Legion Llashmar Drive-in Theatre Clinton Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in Cars Free EXETER RACES THURS.-FRI.JULY 1-2 “SILVER CITY” Colour EDMUND O’BRIEN YVONNE, DeCARLO Cartoon and News SAT.-MON. JULY 3-5 “BROKEN ARROW” Colour DEBRA PAGET JAMES STEWART Mon. Only —• World Heavyweight Fight Picture Rocky Marciano - Ezzard Charles Cartoon and News Wednesday, July 7 1:30 D.S.T $2,400 IN PURSES 2.30 Class Trot or Pace Blanket Donated by Russ and Chuck Snell (Meteor and Mercury Sales and Service, B-A Oil Products) $400 2.25 Class Trot or Pace - $500 Blanket Donated by Mathers Bros. (Minneapolis Tractors and Farm Machinery) SUN. MIDNIGHT “DON’T BOTHER TO KNOCK” Adult Entertainment RICHARD W1DMARK MARILYN MONROE Cartoon and News JULY 4 TUES.-WED. JULY 6 - 7 “SABRE JET” Colonr COLEEN GRAY ROBERT STACK Tues. Only — World Heavyweight Fight Picture Rocky Marciano - Ezzard Charles Cartoon and News THURS.-FRI. JULY 8-9 “I’LL NEVER FORGET YOU” Colour ANN BLYTH TYRONE POWER Cartoon and News Blanket Donated by Mr. Thompson, Manager, Lyric Theatre 2.21 Class Trot or Pace - $500 Blanket Donated by Tuckey Beverages (Kist, Pepsl-Cola and Hire’s Root Beer) 2.19 Class Trot or Pace - $500 (ALSO ELIGIBLE NON-WINNERS OF $2,500.00 IN 1953) Blanket Donated by Jones, MacNaugliton Seeds Ltd. ★ PRIZE OF $20.00 FOR FASTEST MILE OF RACE MEET Donated by A. L. and C. E. Acheson ★ SILVER TRAY FOR BEST DRESSED OUTFIT Donated by Jack Smith/ Jeweller Climie-Whitesell Starting Gate Will Be Used Announcer; Tory Gregg of Wingham Betting Privileges on the Ground bxetxrtumcl™Jack Morrissey, Chairman W. C. Allison, Secretary