HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-07-01, Page 9• Do you know how to give yourself a beautiful soft permanent wave at home? i • Do you know exactly' how long to neutralize your hair to insure a perfect wave? • Do you know how to soften brittle ends? Consult our Elizabeth Arden Department for personalized advice on your problems. You will be shown how to give yourself a wonderful permanent at home. Elizabeth Arden Spun - Cream Permanent Wave— THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1S>54 SHDHS Students Win Promotions GRADE XII PROMOTIONS fjrst Class Honors Raymond Corriveau, Mary El­ on, Donald Finkbejner, Marie Hodgson, Katherine Kalbfleisch, Jean Lavender, Joan Thompson, Marlene Wagner. Second Class Honors Mildred Ballantyne, Marion Erb, Arlene Haberer, Marilyn Haberer, Stanley Haist, Evelyn Sharrow, Marilyn Skinner, Ana- belle Taylor, Neil Wildfong. Third Class Honors Bruce Delbridge, Mary Lou Fritz, Louis Masse, Anna ner, Donna .Mills, Trydy ard, Ruth Soldan. Maureen art, Don Welsh. Credit Delores Bedard, Barbara nell, Barry Hamilton, Miller, ----- key. Individual Credits With Standings Joan Buxton, Eng II, Hist. C, Ho. Ec. Ill; Bob Chaffe, Hist, III, Ag. Sc. C, Shop III, Ma. C; Edward Deichert, Hist. C, Geom. II, Lat. Ill, Fr. C; Bob Fletcher, Eng. Ill, Hist. C, Shop C, Fr. iprob; Edward Hunter-'Duvar, Eng. C, Hist. C, Geom. C, Shop III; Charles Parsons, Eng. C, Hist. Ill, Lat. II, Fr. Ill; Floyd Rader, Hist. C, Geom. C, Ag. Sc. C, Fr. Ill; Valerie Ravelie, Ag. Sc. C, Ho. Ec. II, Comm. C, Ther­ esa, Regier, Hist. C, Geom. C, Ag. Sc. C, Ho. Ec. II, Comm. C; Ther- lene Richards, A. Hist. C, Alg. C, Mod, Hist. C; Margaret Schade, Hist. C, Ma. Ill, Ag. Sc. C, Ho. Ec. II; Donna Stone, Hist. II, Ma. C, Ag. GRADE Mess- Pick- Stew- Brint- Agnes Lloyd Rader, Kenn Tuc- Sc. C, Fr. C. XI PROMOTIONS First, Class Honors Harold Berry, Katherine Klopp, Alexia Lostell, Bob Mc­ Laren, Kay Ondrejicka, Marilyn Tuckey. Second Class Honors Marion Alexander, Phil Char­ ette, Shirley Coleman, Bob Down, Marla House, Elizabeth Hunter, Marilyn Marshall, Rena Murray, Judy Ross, Anna Routley, Don Taylor, Carol Thiel. Third Class Honors Jack Clark, Denis Finan. Fay Ford, Anna Hodgins, Charles Kernick, Gwen Simpson. We will not be undersold! for the softest, prettiest wave ■you’ve ever had! The exclusive Spun-Cream Waving Lotion con­ ditions hair as it waves. USERS Baskets FOR BREAD1 & ROLLS From 290 Up FOR SHOPPING — 3 Sizes, Strong Handles FOR FLOWERS — Several Shapes & Sizes FOR LITTLE GIRLS TO CARRY Vitamin E Compare our prices anywhere! Huntley s Drug Store Formerly Robertson’s Trusses — Surgical Support, and Elastic Hosiery Exeter Hollow Tree Gift Phone 50 ^.°y^oUT the Heat with rca Victor Room Air Conditioners Glorious nights to sleep! Cool invigorating days! Enjoy real comfort this summer with an RCA Room Air Con­ ditioner. See the stunning new models with RCA s terrific push-button controls. Come in right away! From $279. Exeter it Credit Frances Brophy, Marion Cross­ man, Jules Desjardines, Marion Lamport, Bob Robertson. Credit With Conditions Lome Ballantyne (Hist.); Ar­ lene Ford (Alg.), Irene Beaver (Alg.); Joan Gill (Alg.); Joe Green (Eng., Alg.); Helen Hor­ ner (Alg.); Bob Miller (Eng., Shop); Gladys Moir (Sc.); Con nie Ostland (Alg.) Jack Schade (Alg.). GRADE X PROMOTIONS First Class Honors Marion Creery, Jim Crocker, Jim Etherington, Voldemars Gu­ lens, Helen Herdman, Elizabeth Kuzmick, Tom Lavender, Ted Norminton, Donald Peterson, Lor­ raine Taylor, Dwayne Tinney. Second Class Honors Marion Anderson, Eleanor Beaker, Dorothy Bierljng, Jim Carter, Bob Clark, Morley Des- jardines, Jim Dougall, Joyce Fisher, Carol Fletcher, Marion Ford, Douglas Hamather, Shirley Harness, Ellen Johnson, Ruth Anne Jones, Bill Lavender, Bev­ erley McLean, Dorothy Mathers, Beverley Neil, Winnifred Regier, Joan Schroeder, .Myrland Smith, Marilyn Strang, Beverley Sturgis, Peter Weston, Margaret fong, Joseph Zimmer. Third Glass Honors Shirley Bell, Phyllis Keith Coates, Nancy Cudmore, Bob Dobson, Shirley Green. Bob Jackson, Connie Jackson, Gar­ field Johnston, Diane Kearney, Bill Klump, Raymond Latta. Car­ ol Mittleholtz, Marilyn Mousseau, Cornelius Nagel, Carol Richard­ son, Jim .Statton, Jack Taylor, Murney Twitchell, Keith Zahn. Credit. Wayne Burgess, Lillian Dun- Wild- Cann. das, Keith Gill, Patricia Haley,1 Laverne Hamilton, Tom Hern, Carol Kading, Donna Mason, Pat­ ricia Sillery, Roy Triebner, Mar­ garet Woodburn. Credit With Conditions Barbara Allison (Fr., Soc. St.); Jim Bell (Fr j; Marilyn (Commj; Bill Brenner I'eter Cowen (Eng.); • Dick (Commj; (Sc Sc.) J e leinf (Math., >e (EngJ >; Orval Scliilbe (Ma.); Shaw (Commj; Elsie Ted Smith (Typ.); ...........Math J ; g (Commj; Iris Marlene Towle Vincent (Eng., •Watson (Ma., Wurm (Eng.). QBAWE IX PROMOTIONS s Data On Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER Personal Items Mrs. White and daughter Fran­ ces, of Detroit, visited with friends here last Thursday. Mrs. Mabel Gilbert and Ellen, of Clinton, Mrs. Clarence Kestle, of Stratford, and Miss Shirley Haugh spent last week in New Ontario. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfiie were Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh and Shirley, Mrs. Mabel Gilbert and Ellen, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wieburg, of Waterloo, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. Wieburg and Mr. tor Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. and daughters, and Mrs. Fred and Mrs. Vic- Harold Maine of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. Mrs. Reinhold Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stumpf girls, of Kitchener, spent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. bert Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Gamble and Gary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mrs. Georgina Witt, Buffalo, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and Tommy, of Buffalo, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beck and Mrs. were weekend visitors with Mrs. Fred Schlundt. Misses Yvonne Kempton and Betty Gaiser, of London, spent Thursday with, Mrs. Cora. Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chisholm, of Bad Axe, Mich., spent the weekend with Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family and Mrs. Douglas Keyes, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koeh­ ler. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newton and family, of London, are vacation­ ing with Mrs. A. Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Wien. Mr. and Mrs. William Nadiger had as their guests on Sunday her brother, wife and daughter, of London, and sister, Mrs. Armi­ tage, of Lucan, who also visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Weber and Thelma. Mr. and Mrs. George Ander­ son had as their visitors on Sun­ day, Mr. and Mrs. Henk Jager, Toronto. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac were Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mclsaac and sons, of Detroit. Little Peter Higenell is spend­ ing the summer months with his grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. L. Higenell. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller, Robert and Janet, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller, left Tuesday morning on a motor trip to the west. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hooper, of London, left Thursday morning on a motor trip via North Bay for Halifax: They will return by New York City, Philadelphia and Washing­ ton, D.C. Zion Lutheran Church Picnic The picnic held at Jowett’s Grove was well-attended despite the cold weather. Winners in the various events were: Glen Reste- mayer, Rader, Miller, Rader, Arthur Koehler; wheelbarrow, Ross Mil­ ler and Robert Becker; kick-the- slipper, Anne Koehler; bubble gum, Ruth Salmon; balloon blow­ ing, Elaine Stumpf. Three-legged, Ross Miller and Mrs. race, race, ____ „ „ con­ test, Mrs. Arnold Becker; young­ est baby, Roy Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Becker; oldest lady, Mrs. Amanda Schumaker, E.V.B. Church Picnic A very successful picnic was held at Seaforth on Tuesday, June 22, Sports, including races and contests, were lowing the supper game brought the close. Hay School Picnic and parents of S.S. along with their Katherine Becker, picnic at Turnbull’s June 24. relays and and and the Al- Alfred Beck, of Detroit, Richard Rader, Kenneth Anne Marie Kraft, Ross Ruthanne Rader, Arthur Anne Koehler; sack race, Rader; skipping, Anne Robert Becker; ladies race, Leonard Schenk; men’s Wendel Gamble; newspaper Dorothy Bierling; guessing enjoyed. Fol- hour, a hall picnic to a The pupils No, 8 Hay, teacher, Mrs. enjoyed their Thursday supper, enjoyed. Trip pupils from No. 8 with their teacher, Grove After races Enjoy Thirteen Hay, along on the were Rus St.); Bissett (Maj.- Beverley Fahrner (Eng., (Typj; Ruth KI Dougall Pincomb (Comm Kenlynn Smith (Sim; t 2 2...: Ronald Snell (Comm Hazel Sparling Tomlinson (Maj; (’Comm.); Morris Maj; M a x i n e Comm.); Melvin Nancy .. Maj ; Mary Gunn : Mary Lou Jarrett rry Kading (Ma.); ddt (Maj; Mary Me­ llo. Ecj; Bill ; Marion Rader enjoyed a bus trip to Toronto, visiting the Museum, Old Fort York, Riverside Park and the Canadian Bank df Commerce, and they had a ride on the sub­ way. Those who went were Billy Wiegand, Arthur, Katherine, Donald and Wesley Rader, Mar­ garet, Gordon and Donald Smith, Cyril and Michael Hartman, Mar­ jorie and Marion Becker and Edith Miller. School Picnic And Outings Miss Ritchie and Miss Haugh combined their rooms and held a picnic Monday afternoon, invit­ ing the mothers. Mr. Middleton, whose room had held a picnic at his home near Bayfield oir Fri­ day, enjoying fishing and swim­ ming, went on a bus trip to Gode­ rich. They visited the new Schaef­ fer pen factory and salt factory. Each child received a box of salt. Results of under school girls to and boys, Eugene and 9, Ausma Gulens; boys, Bob Hoffman; girls 9 and 10, Shirley Bender; boys, Alphonse Denom- me; ladies, Ruth Schade; three- legged, (girls) Shirley Bender and Kristine Gulens; boys, Ross shoe Couple In West Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bag- shaw, who were both born on farms near Exeter, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their homestead near Birsay, Saskatchewan. The couple, who were married at Mrs. Bagsliaw’s home near Exeter, moved to the west four years later. For 35 years they farmed there and later moved Tuxford where Mr. Bagshaw is in business. The celebration was held the home of their son, William Bagshaw, the same house they built in 1908. Mr. and Mrs. George Bagshaw, a brother, held an open house in the couple’s honor. to at the picnic were: age,. Ivan Miller; 7, Valerie Gibson; Guenther; girls 8 Miller and Bob Becker; scramble, Kristine Gulens. Relays and a ball game fol­ lowed. The mothers and smaller children were seated and the pupils served lunch. At the final assembly on Mon­ day morning, Miss Ritchie, bride­ elect, was presented with a gift -from the teachers and pupils. Children’s Day Service Sunday was Children’s Da.y in the E.U.B. Church. Those taking part in the exercises and songs were: Billy Schade, Billy Hoff­ man, Tommy Wolfe, Harold Ben- '............. Keller- Eleanor Andei’- Jimmy Le- was the Legion Auxiliary Plans Activities At the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian gion held Monday night, it decided to enter a float in Dominion Day parade, A picnic for Auxiliary mem­ bers and their families will be held at Riverview Park in July. I Regular meetings will resume ‘ in the fall with a pot-luck supper in September. Two delegates will be sent to the convention in To­ ronto in September. The Auxiliary plans to hold a tea and baking sale at Grand Bend in July. Miss Agnes Lizmore sent a letter of thanks from the vete­ rans at Westminster Hospital who received birthday parcels. Mrs. Harvey Pfaff presided for th'e meeting. The mystery11 prize was won by Mrs. Elmore Har­ ness. First Class Honors Margaret Down, Graham Farquhar, Farrow, Julia Klump, Clare Love, Jack Miller, Bill pollen, Helen Taylor, Bar­ bara Tuckey. Second \ Class Honors Don Ballantyne, Patsy Beavers, Patsy Bowden, Rosemary Dobson, Donna Eagleson, son, Joyce Fischer Marilyn Grattan, Alma Hern, Fred Mathers, Marjorie Taylor, Darrol Young. Third Class Honors Floyd Blanchard, Alice Ruth Clark, Paul Coates. ........ ley Coulter, Wallace Fisher, Don­ ald Gascho, Barry Glover, Fran­ ces Green, M i c. h a e 1 Hartman, Irene Hayter, Norman Hyde, El­ mer Ince, Donald Jackson, Ron­ ald Klopp, Donald McLaren, Eugene O’Brien, Jack Prout, Mar­ ion Sanders, Howard Shaw, Kath­ leen Webb, Wayne Welsh. Credit Gladys Baker, Donovan Brunz- low, Andrei Cantin, Betty Dalton, Martha Denomme, Judy Desjar- dines, Harold Ford, Carol Gill, Charles Heaman, Stanley Johns, Eleanor Jones, Bill McFalls, Joyce Peters, Clare Regier, Paul Watson, Donna Weber, Bertha Van Wieren. Credit, With Conditions Jim Baynham (Ma., Ag. Sc.); Bo'b Baynham (Shop, Eng.); Jim Becker (Maj; Marion Becker (Ag. Sc., Comm J; Ronald Bed­ ard (Shop. Maj; Len Burt (Maj; Ina Chappel (Coom., Eng.); Helen Dougherty (Soc. St.,‘Ho. Ec.); Alexia Davis (Ma., Engj; Theresa Dietrich (Eng.); Helen Frayne (Soc. St.); Janice Hamilton (Maj; Cnitta Ingram (Ma., Ho. Ec.J ; Eileen Kendrick (Ag. Sc.); Bonnie Kyle (Maj; Ted ' McDonald (Soc. St., Ag. Sc.); Bill McNaughton (AgrJ; Marjorie Masse Eng., Soc, St.); Ruby Parsons (Ag. Sc J ; Ted Ra­ velie (Eng., Fr.); Marilyn Ross (Maj; Ruth Schade (Fr., Maj; Dorothy Tiedeman (Fr.); Jack Triebner (Eng., AgrJ; Kenneth Weido (Maj. Bowden, Helen Jane Gulens, Connie Harold Eagle- , Mary Geiger, Jan Hunter Sararas, Tuckey, Harness, , John , Allan Robert Carter, Bever- Bi Jolly Radio & Electric ExeterPhone 187 i t i i m n i n i i n i i i i K i i K i i i i t i i i i t i i t i i t t i i t i i i i i t i i t i H K i i i i i i i t t t i i i i ! I saved money when I bought famous ‘blue coal’ at a warm-weather discount. . . and those small monthly payments have made things easier on my pocketbook. Thanks to the ‘blue coal’ Budget Plan ... no winter heating worries now! Phone today for further details of the EXETER ’blue coalM ^BUDGET PLAN^ B4-25 8- Bldg. Products PHONE 299 by one sister, McGillivray in Stephen his 28 He Bend, and in­ in Grand Bend a of brothers, of Parkhill. Eagle- Eagle- Geraid the T. Hoff- .where ser- Wednesday. officiated and the Dashwood Wolfe, Douglas Ben- Hof f m a n , EugOne ’Larry Wien, Joan Mary Jane Hoffman, illness, C-3C54B EXETER DAIRY Highest Quality Dairy Products PHONE 331 -J DAILY DELIVERY llLCLLl, VVV11C, XL CL I V der, Larry Pfaff. Calvin man. Barbara Pfaff, Wolfe, Beth Snell, Joan son, Jimmy Wiegand, Hoffman, Michael Tieman, Barry Tieman, Jack Guenther. Ronald Mason. Larry Mason, Nancy Willert, Bonnie McCrae, Norma Wiegand, Lynda Tieman, John Kellerman, Kenneth Ander­ son, Gary Eagleson, Donald Wie­ gand, Eric der, Bob Guenther, Guenther, Carol Schade, Helen Rader, Shir­ ley Bender, Donald Bender, Jim­ my Rader and Wayne Ford. Henry Eagleson Stephen Farmer Henry Eagleson died at home here on Monday, June after several months was 67'. He was born in township' and farmed township until a year ago when he moved to Dashwood. He was a member of the Evangelical Church, Dashwood. Besides his wife, the former Lula Hutchinson, he is survived by one daughter Aldene, Mrs. Stuart Wolfe, of Dashwood, and two sons, Lloyd, near Dashwood, and Gordon, of Southampton; sister, Mrs. Arthur Willert, Dashwood, and two William and James, also survive. The body rested at man funeral home, vices were' held on Rev. W. Krotz burial was in Evangelical Church cemetery. Bearers were Stanley son, Earl Eagleson, James son, Arthur Hutchinson, Mason and Ed Wurm. diaries Pope ■Services for Charles Pope, 63, well-known farmer of Con. 16, Stephen township, who died in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, were conducted in the Hoffman fune­ ral home, Dashwood, by Rev. W. Smith, of Grand terment was made cemetery. He is survived Mrs. Mary Dumigan. Thedford, and several nephews and nieces. EV*- i K jM|||Hr -■■Bo LO' .. ■ S’; x’*r.’’ ■: — rr.. ■ MILK just watch the girl with the radiant complexion. She gets that clear, fresh sparkle from drinking milk! In every refreshing glass of milk (plain or fancy, hot or cold) there are health-giving vitamins, minerals and proteins. Just what you need to build a clear skin, a lovely figure. You’ve heard it before, and it’s absolutely true. “Milk is one of nature’s finest foods.” So enjoy three glasses every day. Phone 100 SNELL BROS. LIMITED Exeter