HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-06-24, Page 12..........-J'.'.T1 .-...'J-L! '1. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniel, who canie from Grimsby to attend the special service at James St. Church on Sunday were guests of Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Snell until Monday. Mr. and Mrs, William Butler and Mrs. Marsh, of London, spent Monday with Mr. W. H. Martin. Mrs. May Pomeroy, of London, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs R. Kestle, 3 s. E E E 3 VS. s Zurich Lumber Kings THURSDAY, JULY I 5 Morning Game 10:30 E S E BASEBALL! RCAF vs, EXETER LEGION Mohawks e 3 3 THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1954 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gunning and Miss Margaret Stephan, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gunning, of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elf ord and fam­ ily, of Elimville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hooper Mrs. Wes Miller, Ft. William, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs Len Dilkes. Friday, June 25 Monday, June 28 Zurich vs. Mohawks | EXETER COMMUNITY PARK — 6:30 P.M. E E E E I E § Bingo Exeter Arena s 3 s 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $50.,00 EACH X 3 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $200.00 EACH 1 Special For $9,000 3 3 ES’ E E 3 s ADMISSION $1,00 Extra and Special Cards 250 — 5 for $1.00 :: E Games Start at 9:00 P.M. Sharp *** s WATCH FOR MONSTER BINGO JULY 30! Sponsored by Exeter Legion Lakeview Casino 3 3 5 B 5 E 3 s EE a & GRAND BEND Grand Summer Opening SATURDAY JUNE 26 Dancing Every Night Till Labor Day 3 □ 3 3 I | E | E Neil McKay and his N E W ALL-STAR ORCHESTRA featuring VOCALS by Jack Levi and Johnny Noubarian GUITAR by Eddie Bell and a NEW STAR ACCORDIONIST — ELEANOR EDWARDS 3 3 s E A New Band! New Arrangements! New Songs! □ E 1 LISTENABLE and DANCEABLE! Dancing EVERY Night! 3 3 s Special Services --Continued from Page 9 Speaking on the theme •‘Con­ sider the Lilies of the Field," Rev. Holley urged his listeners to "take no thought about secur­ ing the ordinary necessities ot‘ life Remember God knows we need these, and thankfulness to Him is more important than economic needs." The choir was assisted by the male quartette, Harold and Ger­ ald Skinner, Bob Russell and Sterling Eime. Mrs. Ralph Carter I nee Marion Webber, of London) sang Bless This House".* # * * Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F and AM, 111 ended morning prayer at Trivitt M e m o ria 1 Church >n Sunday. j W.M A L. Snelgrove read ‘liei scripture lesson and Owen At-, kinson insisted in the service. Rev N 1) Knox took as his text “Wi ire Ambassadors of Christ ’’ | The Huronaires, with Mr i Frank Wildfong replacing W G. ■ Cochrane who was ill. sang "Just For Today". ' Rebekah- , Oddfellow Picnic Riverview Park iFiriday, June 25 ■6:30 p.m. i Bring Dishes, Cutlery and : Your Picnic Basket Beverages Will Be Supplied Mr. and Mrs. W- H. Hodgson and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cars- cadden attended the twentieth annual reunion of the Class of ’34 at Ontario Agriculture Col­ lege, Guelph, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Balk will, Ann and Lynn, of Toronto, are visiting here for several days. Miss Harriet Knipe, of Detroit, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Sanders. Mr. Knight, of Montreal, call­ ed on Mr. Simon Sweitzer recent­ ly. Mr. Leonard Harvey is a pa­ tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he underwent an an operation. Anniversary Services Cromarty Presbyterian Church Sunday, June 27 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: REV. J. M. WILLIAMS of Milverton Special Music by the Choir ■Cpl. James Low, Mrs. Low and Penny, of Hamilton, have been visitors with Mrs. Thomas Din- ney. COMING EVENTS ARMITAGE REUNION changed to June 30, Springbank Park, Grounds No. 5, dinner 12 a.m., supper 5 p.m. All Armitage des­ cendants boost this picnic by your presence. 24c DANCING every Friday night, Bayfield Pavilion, Ken Wilbee Orchestra. Bayfield's favorite summer dance pavilion. For pri­ vate parties and receptions phone 658-V-6 Seaforth or 684-r-31 Hen­ sail. 3:10:24:1c Mr, and Mrs. 0. G. Tremner, of Strathroy, and Mr. and Mrs. Ai Shults;, of Los Angeles, Calif., were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winer. “For Health’s Sake, Roller Skate?” Exeter Roller Rink Two Blocks West of Gould & Jory Roller Skating on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8:00 to 11:00 CHILDREN 250 - ADULTS 350 Skates Supplied REFRESHMENT BOOTH 3. | Youth for Christ presents the | | Prairie Gospel Team | | of the Prairie Bible Institute,. | f Three Hills, Alberta | | This group of six young men have exceptional | | ability and talent! | j Come Early — Don’t Miss It I | In The Clinton District Collegiate j Friday, June 25, 8 p.m. See This Amazing, Spectacular Feat! Presentation And Dance IFriv June 25 West McGillivray Hall in honour of MR. <& MRS. JOHN DRURY HEAMAN’S ORCHESTRA will supply the music Everyone Welcome THE NINTH Wiliert Reunion will be held at Jowetts Grove Bayfield Saturday, July 3 Sports at 1 p.m. Supper 5 p.m. Dancing at Pavilion in Evening Bring picnic baskets (table cloths, plates, cups, saucers provided). Do join us and make the picnic a success. Ervin J. Wiliert, President ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND Elimville Church Sunday School Anniversary Sunday,June 27 Service at 11:00 A.M. Conducted by REV. A. E, HOLLEY, B.A., B.D. of Exeter Music by Sunday School Choir EVERYONE WELCOME Cyclone Baseball TOURNAMENT Keterson Park, MITCHELL July 1, At 1:00 p.m. 3-GAMES MUNRO-RUSSELLDALE VERSUS KIRKTON THAMES RD. VS. STAFFA Two Winners Will Play-Off Strawberry Garden Party H. Tripp’s Lawn Centralia Thurs., June 24 Strawberries Served 8:00 to 9:30 Sponsored by Anglican Church Guild GOOD PROGRAM 500 and 350 Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY June 25 and 26 “BORDER RIVER” (Technicolor) ■fc Joel McCrea Yvonne DeCarlo Lawless adventure blazing out of a frontier no man’s land. SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS FRIDAY & SATURDAY June 25 and 26 White Witch Doctor 4r Susan Hayward ★ Robert Mitchum A good romantic African ad­ venture melodrama photographed in Technicolor. MONDAY & TUESDAY June 28 and 29 “THE NAKED JUNGLE” (Technicolor) ■A- Charlton Heston 4r Eleanor Parker A man’s man and his woman pitted against the forces of bru­ tal nature . . . PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL MONDAY & TUESDAY Juno 28 and 29 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ★ Vera Ralston ★ David Brian WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY June 30 and Joly 1 “MISS SADIE THOMPSON” (Technicolor) ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Rita Hayworth ★ Jose Ferrer •fr Aldo Ray A heveMo-be-Corgotten story of a woman With a tarnished soul! ADDITIONAL SltORT SUBJECTS A melodrama revolving around the perilous journey of a boat­ load of women travelling to the Gold Fields of California. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY June 80 and July 1 Cruising Down The River ★ Dick liaymes ★ Audrey Totter tlere is a light breezy musical photographed in Technlcoidf. WATCH TUFFY WRESTLE his big alligators during the afternoon at Exeter Kinsmen’s Celebration. See 'Puffy’s amaz­ ing alligator family! This show was the big hit of the Tor­ onto’s Sportsmen’s Exhibition this winter and drew thousands of spectators. It’s tops in entertainment — don’t miss it for anything! One of the exciting features in this year’s show! Tuffy Truesdell And His Famous Alligator Show At The EXETER KINSMEN’S FOURTH AND BEST EVER Dominion Day Celebration Thursday, July 1 — Exeter Park —Rain Or Shine Five Hours Of Fun! Afternoon Show HUGE PARADE 1:00 P.M. Official Opening by Fred Dobbs, Warden of Middlesex County ALLIGATOR SHOW HILARIOUS FUN CONTESTS Kid’s Chariot Race, Tug of War, Greasy Pole Fight, Honeymoon Race, Women’s. Nail Driving Contest, Run and Pop, Pil­ low Case and Baby Marathon — all side splitting events you’ll really enjoy. Lloyd Wright — CFPL — MC FREE — KIDS — FREE! Free Admission, Ice Cream and Chocolate Milk for Kids! You can win a free bi­ cycle, tricycle or wagon, too! Adm.: Adults and H.S. Pupils 500 PARADE Parade will start from Huron and Main at 1:00 p.m. Entries will line up on Huron Street West. Bands on Huron Street East. PRIZES DECORATED VEHICLES Prizes — $50, $30, $15, $10 and $5 DECORATED BICYCLES Girls, Boys — $5, $4, $3, $2, $1, ,50 DECORATED TRICYCLES Girls, Boys — $5, $4, $3, $2, $1, .50 BEST CLOWN (Any Age) Dress and Behaviour to Count First Prize — $10 $500Worth of Talent Evening Show Future Stars Baseball 6:30 Share the Wealth Bingo 8:80 Terrific All-Star Vaudeville Show Top Talent in the Country! THE VIDEO­ ETTES, sensational Bell Ringers with Star Concert; SALLY JEAN GREIER, Inter­ national Champion Baton Twirler; KEPPO FAMILY, Finland’s Famous Jugglers; JOHNNY LAXTON, Tight-Wire Walker Extraordinaire; ALEX READ, Terrific Comedian; LOVEY STACEY, Acrobatic ; Stunt Artist; LEE PAUL, emcee. Adm.: Adults 750, P.S. Pupils 500 TWO BANDS - GODERICH GIRLS - CENTRALIA RCAF Share The Wealth Bingo — 8:30 p.m. WIN A DELUXE 21" TV SET Reserve Seat Tickets At Snell Bros. Ltd., In Case of Rain Shows Will Be Held in Exeter Arena BUY TICKETS NOW See Exeter Kin Playground on CFPL-TV Monday, June 28, 5 p.m.!!