HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-06-17, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1954 Page 7 IN PERSON DON MESSER And His ISLANDERS With Charlie Chamberlain Marge Osborne Stars of the CBC Network Norm Lindsay Modem And Caller Old-Time Adm. $1.00 Ec. — Friday, June 1 fifth — 9.00 to 1.00 I accompanied by the and several parents, trip to Niagara Falls and Beach last Friday. Announcements InterruptionsE s Exeter Area S! s:Weather Permitting the Power Willi 'Be Off Sunday, June 20 £ Kirkton P.S. Pupils Enjoy Bus Trip The pupils of Kirkton Public School, teacher made a Crystal Due to tire trouble it was the wee small hours of Saturday morning when they returned. Ladies Meeting The Ladies Guild and W.A. of St. Paul’s Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. Alex Irvine with 20 present. Mrs. Clayton Smith read the age. Mrs. Gerald interesting paper voyage of Queen _ . __ the Duke of Edinburgh. Lunch was served on the terrace by Mrs, C. Smith, Mrs. A. Knox and Mrs. Alex Mrs. M, days with Uniondale. Mr. spent Baker Mr. scripture pass- Paul gave an on the recent Elizabeth and Irvine and girls. Gregory spent a few Mrs. B, Gregory at Mrs, Lewis Fletcher s North No. 4 s Affecting Hensall, Highway No. 4 South of Exeter, East of Highway the Second Concession of Stephen and North of the Creditor Road. and and Hay = Affecting All Customers South of Grand Bend \ District Station, Including Grand Bend Village. •s Tlie time has been arranged to cause the least incon­ venience to all customers affected. | MANAGER, Exeter Area f H.E.P.C. of Ontario s wwwwwwwv MICKLE'S PHONE 103 , , HENSALL, ONT. A Checkerboard News Did You Know? —THAT PEAK PORK prices are predicted in July and Aug­ ust with decline expected in the fall months. That hogmen follow Purina Program to be sure of getting their hogs to market early and take advan­ tage of a favorable price situa­ tion. THAT PIGTAB GRANULES mixed with your feed for worming pigs should be done at the age of 12 wks. It only costs 16^ per pig and a saving of one day in feeding gives you more profit. Worm pigs to make money. That hogmen following the Purina Hog Pro­ gram are Happy with their Results and their Returns, and Sunday with Mrs. Violet at Exeter. and Mrs. Ira Marshall are spending several days at their cottage at Red Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Budden and Mr. Alf. Budden, Dorchester, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Budden. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gano sons, John and Richard, of matra, Indonesia, visited and Mrs. T, A. Wiseman. and Su- Mr. BIRTHS CLARKE—Mr, and Mrs. Jim Clarke, Shipka, announce the birth of their son, William James, at South Hur­ on Hospital, June 10, 1954.ESSERY—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Essery, of Centralia, announce the birth of their son, Ronald Jack, at South Huron Hospital June 13, 1954. HANNIGAN—Mr. and Mrs. Ted Han­ nigan, Essex, wish to announce the .birth of their daughter, Deborah Anne, in Grace Hospital, Windsor, June 4, 1954. . , ,MILLS—Pte. and Mrs. Bob Mills (nee Laurine Dixon), of R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Dennis Michael, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on June 11, 1954; a brother for Paul. DEATHS DAVIS — In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Thursday, June 10, 1954, Elizabeth Harris, beloved wife of the late Sidney Davis, in her eigh­tieth year. GRIGG—At Wyandotte General Hos­ pital, Detroit, on Thursday, June 10, 1954, Rev. Ernest Grigg, form­erly of 168 Kent Street, London, beloved husband of the late May (Haise), in his ninety-first year.I-IAIST—At the home of her daugh­ter, Mrs. Ed Hendrick, Stephen Township, on Sunday, June 13, 1954, Martha Gaiser, beloved wife of Harry Haist, in her eighty- second year. SHOLDICE—Merton Harold, sudden­ ly at Centralia on Tuesday June 15, beloved husband of Dorothy Foley, dear father of Wreatha, Sharon, Baden, Juanita, and Kevin fifty-fourth year. MARRIAGES PFAFF-TAYLOR — Mrs. Beta and Mr. Horace Pfaff were ...___in marriage by the Rev. H. J. Snell at the parsonage of James Street United Church on Saturday, June 12, 1954. Taylor united Church" EXETER TABERNACLE P.A.O.C. Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Fri., 8 p.m.—Young Peoples. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Sun., 11 a.m.-—Fathers’ Day. Speaker: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 7:30 p.m. — Evangelistic Message. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Carl Schroeder, Minister This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—Service in Main Street United Church. All welcome! CHURCH OF ENGLAND Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A.—Rector TRINITY SUNDAY St. Paul’s, Hensall a.m.—Morning Prayer. Trivitt Memorial, Exeter 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. The brethren of Lebanon For­ est Lodge, A.F. & A.M,, will be in attendance. 10 CARDS OF THANKS This is to express the sincere appreciation and thanks of Ida Dick and children, for the kindness shown them, and help given in their be­ reavement, by the neighbors, family, H e ns a 11 Canadian Legion, Legion Auxiliary, Rev. Fox, Dr. Goddard and all those who helped in any way. 17cThe family of the late Mrs. Sid­ ney Davis wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered her in her illness while in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, and South Huron Hos­ pital, klxeter. They also wish to ex­ press (heir appreciation for the kind­ness and sympathy shown them by their friends and neighbors in their recent bereavement. 17*Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch wish to thank all those who so kindly re­ membered Philip with cards, treats and I lowers while a patient in Vic­toria Hospital and since returning home. 17* Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lampman wish to thank their friends and neighbors who sent flowers or cards of sym­ pathy and also those who called after the death of Mrs. Lampman’s father, Mr. Lindsay. Special thanks to J)r. Pletcher for his many calls and kindnesses during Mr. Lindsay's stay in Exeter. 17*Mr. John Jones wishes to thank those who so kindly remembered him with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in St, Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London. A special thank you to Mr. Johnston, my neighbor, for cutting the lawn. 17* The wife and family of the late Jake Kipfer wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown in their sad be­ reavement. Special thanks to Rev. Albert Martin and to the staff of Westlake’s Funeral Home; also to those who sent floral tributes, cards of sympathy and to the pallbearers and those who so kindly loaned their cars. Also they wish to express their sincere appreciation to all those who sent contributions, especially to Ex­eter Coach Lines Ltd., Dashwood, Guenther Tuckey Transports Ltd., Exeter, and to the employees of Guenther Tuckey Transports Ltd. 17* IN MEMORIAM HARNESS—In loving memory of Pri­ vate Laverne Harness, who died June 15, 1943. We who have known his sweetness, A beauty that brings swift tears, Shall cherish his memory always To brighten the drifting years. —Ever remembered by his wife andfamily. 17* SCHLUNDT—In loving memory of a dear husband, Fred Schlundt, who passed away June 23, 1952.The joys we shared together Are the memories I hold dear.And the happiness you gave me Keeps you forever near,—Ever remembered by hie wife, Louisa (Ziler) Schlundt. 37* Alex Lindsay, 84, Norwich Native Alex Lindsay, formerly of Nor­ wich, died June 5 at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr .and Mrs. Ken Lampman, in his eighty-fifth year. Mr. Lindsay farmed in Ox­ ford County and served in North Norwich council about 10 years. Thirty years . ago he moved to Norwich where he served as village and county constable un­ til retiring 10 years ago. He was a member of Burgessville Bap­ tist Church, a member of Nor­ wich Agricultural Society and of the C.O.F. Lodge. In September, 1951, Mrs. Lindsay’s health failed and they came to Exeter to reside with their daughter where Mrs. Lind­ say passed that year. Mr. Lind­ say had rem ained with his daughter since then. Surviving are one of Burgessville, and ter, Grace, (Mrs. three grandchildren great grandchildren. Funeral services were held in Norwich on June 8, conducted by the Rev. J. W. Curtis, Burgess­ ville, and interment was in Burgessville cemetery. son, Glenn, one daugh- Lampman), and five Miss Shirley Louise Weido is spending her holidays with Mrs. Fred Schlundt. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brenner and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brenner, of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Stade. Buy A Lions Club Broom Friday Cartons for Freezing Fruits and Vegetables Cherries Exeter Beef ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. Louis Higenell, Pastor 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Service; The Story of the Forgiving Father. Data On Dashwood By MRS. E. II. RADER CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical Upited Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, June 20'—• 10:00 a.m.—Unto You Fathers. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Imitators of God. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Organist: Mrs. J. G. Cochrane 10 a.m.—Church Service. Student in charge. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School. We have a full supply of Cartons for freezing fruits and vegetables,, square ones, round ones, tail ones —short ones, and liner bags for re­ filling cartons on hand. It pays to buy your season’s supply now. We are glad to give you our opinion of the way to handle these products for best result. Don’t forget your cherries this year. Our orders have doubled for the last three years. Orders will be filled as given to us. Week of July 18 to 24< is usually the time when cherries arrive. We have available some very top grade stable-fed young steers — quarters from 110 to 125 lbs. There isn’t any better. WE GUARANTEE THE QUALITY. May we suggest you get your summer’s supply of beef while these fine cattle last. Live Better — Cheaper The Locker Way Exeter Frozen Foods Phone 70 Main St. g E ES i s £ £ S f E S ::2 s::: S E E s s :: s s S 5 5 s 2 s Choose your Father’s Day gift from our large stock of sport, dress and T shirts, dressing gowns, ties, socks, jackets, belts, cuff links, hats, swim trunks, tie racks, etc. Our sale of men’s suits—$10.00 off any suit—ends this week. Act quickly on this worthwhile saving. S Fathers Day PLAYTEX Sunday, June 20 Playtex Girdles JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. _ Sermon Subject: “God’s for Our Homes.” Special Guests: All those who have been married by the pres­ ent minister during his pastor­ ate. Anthem by My Heart.” Duet: “Oh Mrs. Hugh McDonald. A warm welcome is extended to all. NOTE: The evening services have been withdrawn until Septem- MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Plan the Choir: “Accept Perfect Love”, by Parsons and Grant Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister - Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, June 20— ■The Sunday School. ‘ Babies” of the 10 a.m.- 11 a.m.—“Birds, Buds & “Consider the Lilies Field.” Come and participate beautiful service. in this ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITOR 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship, 11:00 a.m.—Bible School. 2:30 p.m.—Memorial Service Zion Memorial Gardens. Rev. W. F. Krotz, C.F., guest speaker. Men’s Chorus will sing. at I»IG STARTENA gets to a Fast Start. Pig grows a heavy pig at time and gains made Chev Sedan Chev Coach Austin Sedan produces approximately pound of pork. —Continued from Page 3 Miss Nancy Tieman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tieman, was the only student to attain honors at the Music Teachers’ College, University of Western Ontario, this year. Mrs. Graham Arthur and Tom­ my of London and Exeter spent Sunday with Mrs. Alma Hop­ croft. Miss Thelma Weber, who was a patient in Beck Memorial torium, is now able to be with her parents, Mr. and Dan Weber. Miss Theresa Zimmer of___ don is holidaying with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer. Mrs. Bertha I-Iayter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayter and John spent the weekend in Brantford with Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Klein- stiver and son, of Chicago, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stelck cele­ brated their forty-seventh wed­ ding anniversary Saturday, June 12, by visiting Clinton airport and Clinton Trade Fair, Mrs. Wendell Gamble and Gary are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Restemayer attended the confirmation of their grandson, Stewart Kraft, in Trinity Lutheran Church, Lon­ don, by Rev. C. J. Killinger and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kraft and family, Sani- home Mrs. Lon- We have a large stock of Play tex girdles — the one you hear so much about — made of all way stretching liquid mir­ acle latex—pant}’ and regular styles with garters attached at new low prices. Baby Pants Playtex is one of the most popular baby pants shown today—popular styles. Also a complete line of playtex baby powder, cream, oil, bibs, sheets, etc. Ask to see these lines on display at this store. Men's Harvest Straw Hats Im Stock in AU Sizes at 50^ Each See Our Men’s and Boys’ Latest Styles in Swim Trunks Summer Hats See the new summer straw and gabar­ dine cool dress hats for men. Special Sale of Dresses 25</o Off1 One rack of ladies’ and misses’ spring and summer dresses, sizes 9 to 20, in crepe, taffeta and bengaline materials, in shades of red, blue, tan and rose ......................... ,...... 25% Off Regular Prices 25?b Off All ladies and misses’ spring and summer shortie and long coats and suits. Ladies' and Misses7 Swim Suits All the latest styles in swim suits for ladies, misses and girls—popular colors and styles. Also Playtex bathing caps. Popular prices. F. A. MAY & SON —THAT pigs off Startena •weaning ___ early are the cheapest. That the earlier Pig Startena is fed the better. Many hogmen like to have pigs eating Pig Star­ tena by the second week. That Creep feeding Pig Startena with extra water is ideal. That two pounds of Pig Startena produces approximately one TIPS ON TURKEY MANAGEMENT START POULTS OFF at 90° F. The first week, reducing five degrees each week until temperature under brooder is 60° F. Have cool brooding­ room and get poultry to eat early. “Oool” poults have less sore vents and picking prob­ lems and show better disease resistance. Get poults eating and drinking first 24 hours of their life. Birds eating then have 7% better livability the first six weeks than those started at 48 hours. Six-week- old poults are worth each and saving seven per 100 saves you up to III addition to the rules, maximum feed conver­ sion results from strictly fol­ lowing these management practices: 1. Buy the best quality poult you can. 2. Pro­ vide adequate floor, water and feeder space. 3. Furnish suf­ ficient ventilation. 4. Control feed wastage. 5, Practice good porch or range management. 6. Prevent and control disease and parasites. 7. Feed Purina Turkey Chows for fast, econ­ omical gains. For wore complete details on all management and sanita** $1.00 poults $7.00. above* —THAT PURINA HOG Grow­ er and Finisher gets hogs to market at around five and One-half months of age. This means hogs now In a growing or finishing period if pushed .......—=------- --- 7■will hit the market near the tfon rules, consult your Tur- ©xipected high price peak. key Program Book. MWVWVWA a > Knowing Where To Sell Saves You Money Sell Your Poultry With Confidence TOP PRICES PAID — WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR Riverside Poultry Co. Howard Ferguson, District Representative PHONE COLLECT7-1230 London Hensall 680r-2 s 3 s s = f. Phone 190 EXETER Phone 190 Men’s Wear — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Dry Goods — Floor-Coverings, etc. Superior Stores Special Values FOR JUNE EACH 33c 17,18 AND 10 ELLMARR PEANUT BUTTER 16-oz. Jars .................... HUNT’S TOMATO JUICE O Fine quality, large 48-oz. tins . ** FOR GOLD SEAL SOLID WHITE TUNA Fancy quality, 7-oz. tins ........ EACH SILVER SHRED SAUERKRAUT 29c 28-bz. 2 for 35c 45c 43c .. 2 for 35c 39c 31c The Above Cars Are BETTER THAN NEW! 20-oz. IU Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER BOTH FOR ........ ’39 Plymouth Coach ’39 Dodge Sedan •’38 Plymouth Sedan ’37 Chev Coach ’51 Chev Pickup ’48 Mercury Pickup Now In Stock Order Early and Be Sure of Your Supply 1 Anthracite Coal ALWAYS ON HAND Seldon Fuels Phone 90 or 2 MILKO Makes <1 quarts of milk 1-LB. pkg........................... AYLMER TOMATOES Large 28-oz. tins .......... CRUNCHIE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16-oz. Jars ..................... EACH New and a Bargain! JELLO INSTANT PUDDINGS Vanilla, Choc., Buttersc’hO IEa Half price deal ................. PKGS. I** TILBEST CAKE MIX DEAL 1 package bt Angel Food Cake Mix and 1 package of Chiffon Cake Mix ALL FOR 59c SPECIAL! SPECIAL! TIDE DEAL — Buy 1, get 1 at Yz price ....59c EXTRA in Each PKG. FREE SURF —- Bonus Pack, about Extra REG. PKG. 40C ... GIANT PKG. 79C PhonM .•« Jones Groceries wnw* Phones 32 752