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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-06-03, Page 5
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1954 p»»e S SuPERTESl EXTRA MILEAGE Kippen Junior Wins Calf Club Honors Copy Paper - White or Colored BARGAIN! BARGAIN! Boat Outfit 14- Foot Plywood Boat 15- H.P. Evinrude Motor Boat Trailer Two Years Old THE PRICE IS WONDERFUL! New 71/a-H.P. Evinrude Motor $199.00 BELOW COST! 5-H.P. Outboard $100! HURON LUMBER CO. LTD. PHONE 48 EXETER Thirteen - year - old Don Tre meer, of R.R. 2, Kippen, won the top honors and. the cash at Hen sall Feeder C'alf Club show on Friday but he didn’t win any of the beautiful ^Strangely award of the championship pot carry with jt a trophy but there’s one compensation for that — the winner receives a big bundle Of cash. This year for instance, Don Tremeer sold his 9C'0-pound champion_ calf for the tidy sum a pound afternoon 0TS. Bruce Seaforth, pion honors for finish. He re ceived 31 cents for his 930- pound calf from Alf Scholl, Hen sall butcher. Wins Most Honors Winner of the most honors at the show was veteran feeder Bob Kinsman, 19, of R.R. 2, Kippen. Red-headed Bob captured again the George T. Mickle and Sons Ltd. trophy, which he won last year, for the best gain per day and he also won reserve champ ionship honors in showmanship. In addition, his calf placed third in the finish competition of one cf the two divisions pi the show. Another veteran feeder, Bob Parsons, 20, of R.R. 1, Cromarty, won the top showmanship honors. trophies, enough, the top calf club — grand for finish —-' does of $'315. was top paid by Coleman, The 35 cents price of the Canada Pack- R.R.Of R.R. 4 took the reserve cham- He received the W. G. Thompson and Sons Ltd. trophy for grand champion showman and the Hen sall District Co-op cup for senior champion showman. Junior champion showman, winner of the Bank of Montreal Silver plate, was Mildred Ballan- tyne, 17, of R.R, 3, Exeter. Mild red was one of the seven girls who competed in the calf club this year, the first time the fair sex has been allowed to join, Girls Do Well The girls did well in their initial try for feeder hopors, too. Besides her, showmanship trophy, Mildred Ballantyne captured third prize for finish in the sec ond division of the club. Marion Lamport, of R.R. 1, Hensall, won third prize for finish in the first division. The girls really excelled the boys in showmanship. Placed in the junior division, first, second, third prizes, antyne R.R. 1 art, of sixth place, R.R. 3, Kippen. Proof of the lessons the junior feeders are learning from this unique calf club is the big in crease in gain shown by all the members of the club. Average gain during the winter ^season was 411 pounds. Breaks Record Bob Kinsman, • who has pro duced the heaviest calf of the competition during the last two years, broke his own record of they took and sixthsecond. Following Mildred Bq.ll- was Annie Bregman, of Hensall; Maureen Stew- R.R. 3, Exeter; and, in Joan Triebner, of last year by putting 640 pounds to his calf. At the price of 27 cents, paid by Alf School, Kins man received $27'9.45 for his 1,035-pound animal. Average price at the auction was 23 cents. Scholl, Jake In gram, of Hensall, R. B. Wililams, of Exeter, and the meat packers ■ Canada Packers, .Swift’s, Sni der’s, Coleman’s Burns and Ca nadian Dressed Meats, did all the buying. W. S. O’Neil, of Benfield, assisted by Stan Jack- son, Kippen, and Percy Wright, of Cromarty, auctioned the cattle in one hour and one-quarter. In addition to their auction price, the boys and girls in the club all received $7.00 each in prizes. Another $50 was distri buted among the top 10 feeders for best finish in each of the two The Times-Advocate * s WE ARE NOW CONTRACTING FOR PICKING BEANS Open Monday to Friday CANADIAN CANNERS BRANCH 100------EXETER 3 Phone 28 B = Here it is ! The P.T.O. baler in haying history! New P.T.O. model of famous New Holland "66” bales up to 7 tons an hour with any 2-pIow tractor! Here at last is real performance for the farmer who wants a P.T.O. baler—big capacity, square, easy-feeding bales, dependable operation ... all from minimum power! This P.T.O. model has all the proven features that have made the amazing "66” twine-tie an outstanding success. P.T.O. shaft has full, built-in shield ... and fast hook-up clamp for extra quick hitching. Over-running clutch lets you shift your tractor gears easily to handle different size windrows. Now’s yo'ur chance to own a high capacity baler on your farm... at a truly moderate cost. See us for full facts and a demonstration. Famous engine-powered "66” —proven successful by 15,000 owners! Operates with a one-plow tractor. Bales all varieties of hay, coarse or light, green or cured. Outbales heavier machines costing hundreds of dollars more! h Exeter Farm Equipment R. D. JERMYN William StPhone 508 Hensall Fair Best In Years "Best fair in years” was the label spectators and officials put on Hensall Spring Fair Friday. A big crowd of 3,000 took ad vantage of the sunny afternoon to enjoy an action-packed pro gram of entertainment. A light rain in the morning coaxed many farmers off the land and they brought their families to the fair. ■Starting with ■ the colorful school parade, led by the RCAF Centralia and the SHDHS Bugle bands, the fair offered a wide variety of features on all sec tions of the grounds. While th© judging for the feeder calf club was taking place in the arena, a large horse show and a good purebred cattle dis play were taking place on the grounds. In addition, the mid way and exhibitions of cars and farm machinery attracted spec tators. School Parade Winners S.S. Hibbert, whose teacher is Miss Gladys Chapman, captured first prize in the school parade. S.S. 2, Tuckersmith, which won first last year, placed second in Friday’s contest. Mtb. Gwen Ken nedy is the teacher. Principal Ralph Raeburn's room of Hensall Public School came third. ■Other schools which partcipat- ed were S.S. 10 Hay, Mrs. Don Jolly; .S.S. 4 Hibbert, Mrs. Ro bert Laing; S.S. 1 Tuckersmith, Mrs. Bob Simpson; -S..S. Tuckersmith, Mrs. Morrison. Two Win $5.60 Winners of the two $5.00 gate draws were Murray Bell, of S.S. 1 Tuckersmith, and Linda Noakes of Hensall. Donelda Lostell, of Kippen, and Donald Volland, of Hensall,1 won. $'2.00 each. Purebred Competition Keen competition featured the” purbred cattle classes, especially in the shorthorn division. Wall ace Parker and Son, Seaforth, won the herd prize for short horns. Other winners were Jack Peck, Kippen; Dr. M. W. Staple ton, Seaforth; W. E. Parker and Sons, Watford, and Bruce Keyes, Varna. W. S. O’Neil, of Denfield, cap tured five firsts in th’e Hereford class. Bob Hern, of R.R. 1, Hen sall, took two top prizes and single firsts went Wright, Kennedy, Lucknow.. Huron County farms took six firsts and two seconds Holstein class. Market dattle results under 750 pounds, W. S. Hugh Turnbull, Whitney and Charlie Eyre; over 750, W. E. Parker, Bob Hern (sec'ond and fourth), Percy Willert. The breeders’ special, for steer or heifer under 850 pounds fed by boys or girls in South Huron under 21 years, was won by Bob Hern, Hugh Turnbull, Keith Coates and Percy Willert took the rest of the prizes in that order. 10 to Howard Cromarty, and. George in the wWe: O’Neil, Coates' This Week In Winchelsea • By MRS. F. HORNE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters, Sandra and Judy, also Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern spent the week end at Chesley Lake. Messrs. Newton and Harold Clarke attended the Clinton Spring Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Horton, of Hibbert Township. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rowcliffe, of Clinton, were Sunday guests of Misses Beatrice and Dora and Mr. Charles Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson, of London, visited (Sunday with Mr. Reg Delbridge. Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Too. Be Thrilled With Results - or Pay Nothing What a thrill! Bony arms, legs fill out; ugly hollows fill up; neck no longer Scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly look. Thousands, who never could gain before, aro now proud of Shapely, hcalthy-lookirig bodies. They thank the special vigor-building and flesh-building tonic, Ostrex, Its tonics, stimulants, invigorn- tors, iron, vitamin Bl, .calcium, enrich blood, improve appetito and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Mrs. L. Savard, Mattagami Heights, pht., writes, ”1 gained 16 lbs. Tired feeling, nervousness gone, too. Another user, Mrs. Marc Gagnon, Cap Chat, P.Q., writes, *T gained 13 lbs. Health fine. My rundown husband gained 15 lbs. New pep.” ... .. Don’t fear getting really fat. Stop when ydu’Ve gained the 5. 10, 15 or _20 lbs. you wish. Money back if you’re hot delighted. Costs little. New "'gct-nequnihtcd size onli/ 606 Refuse substitutes. Ostrex has given re sults when other tonics failed. Tty famous Ostiex Tonio Tablets for new Vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all druggists. Earth By D. I. HOOPER Hensall Feeder Calf Club On Friday, May 28, the boys fatt, Stanley; Carl Willert, Hay.<* • , _______ ____ Jand girls of the Hensall Feeder Club held their Achievement Day and Sale of 89 calves in the Hensall Community Arena. As an example of outstanding organization and planning this feature could easily give some pointers to many organizations. At one p.m. the first carload of calves consigned by William Rinn, Granton, entered the ring to be judged for finish. The capable judge, Mr. Clint Devlin, Canada Packers, Ltd., Toronto, gave Don Tremeer, R.R. 2, Kip pen, the nod on a dark red Hereford steer which had made a gain of 435 lbs. in 219 days. Bruce Coleman, R.R. 4, Sea forth, was the next choice in this carload, with a steer that gained 595 lbs. in 219 days. Bob Kinsman, R.R, 2, Kippen, was third choice here with a calf that .gained 640 lbs. in 219 days. After placing the 45 calves in this carload for finish, Mr. Dev lin started immediately on the carload consigned by Mr. Jack Morrissey, Crediton. In this car load Mr. Devlin selected as his first choice Harold Parsons, R. R 2, Hensall, with a calf that gained 480 lbs. in 197 days. Eight-year-old Orville Wein, of Crediton, with 365 gain on his calf in 197 days, was fourth choice in the Morrissey carload. Then Mr. Devlin had the job of bringing together his choices to decide on Grand Champion, Finish, which he awarded to Don Tremeer; Reserve Champion, Finish, going to Bruce Coleman. While the calves were being shown for finish, Mr. H. E. Mc Gill, Department of Agriculture, Toronto, had a very tough job on his hands picking out his Senior and Junior Showmanship win ners. This is counted a very fair decision of a boy’s or girl’s abil ity. In the Senior Division, Bob Parsons, Cromarty, placed first; Bob Kinsman, Kippen, and Jim Etherington, the Junior Division (15 years and ‘ _ __ club experience), it was strictly a ladies’ day. Mildred Ballan tyne, R.R. 3, Exeter,- first; Anne Bregman, Hensall, R.R. 1, sec ond; and Marlene Stewart, R.R. 3, Exeter, third. These three young ladies then made a very creditable showing in the Grand Champion Show manship ' Class for the George Thompson & Son Challenge Tro phy, presented by John Thomp son, Hensall. Bob Parsons was declared the Grand Champion ■Showman with Bob Kinsman, Re serve Champion. Mildred Ballantyne, Champion Junior Showman, was presented with the Bank of Montreal Tro phy, an-engraved silver tray, by Mr. W. Garrett, manager, Hen sall branch. Bob Parsons also re ceived the engraved shield awarded by the Hensall Co-op for Champion Senior Showman. The Mickle Challenge Trophy awarded for the Hightst Daily average gain was presented to 19-year-old Bob Kinsman, Kip- pen, by E. L. Mickle, Hensall. Bob’s calf, drawn by lot, same as the other calves, made the out standing gain of 640 lbs. in 219 days for a daily average of 2.83 lbs. .This is an outstanding feat not only in this instance, but last 3-ear Bob won the Challenge Tro phy out of 76 entries. Bruce Coleman, serve in this class as well as Reserve in the Finish Class. The Hensall Feeder Club has been adjudged by members, par ents, executive and observers as one of the oustanding ideas of Western Ontario. Now, three years in operation, it was the brain-child Of Dick Etheringtoh, Hensall. Dick admits there have been many changes made in the original plan, but they were all for the good, Much credit for the club’s success goes io the cease less and untiring efforts of Jack Kinsman, chairman, and Jim Mc Gregor, secretary, and their fel low directors-—Wally sBecker, of Stephen; John Pym, Usborne; Bob Parsons, Hibbert; Lloyd Cooper, Tucker.smith, John Mof- R.R. ., second, , third. In under—no 4-H club or calf of 76 entries. Bruce (Seaforth, placed Re- These young men with co operation of the South Huron Agricultural Society and their local branch bank are carrying out one of the most worthwhile projects in Huron County’s larg est agricultural industry — beef cattle. DID YOU KNOW? This column congratulates all members of the Hensall Feeder Club on the wonderful appear ance of their calves. They shamed many professional ex hibitors at the Hensall .Stock Show. THIS WEEK Plant beans and sweet corn Get up early Check fire extinguishers Do the monthly account books Overhaul haying equipment Harrow corn ground — saves hoeing. j! •I carloads; $50 to the top 10 in the average daily rate of gain competition; and $50 to the best 10 of each of the junior and senior classes of showmanship, In charge of the calf club show was Ag Rep Gerry Mont gomery. He was helped by As sistant Ag Rep Harold Baker, Feeder Club President Jack Kins man, Secretary Jim McGregor, Neil Campbell, Dick Etherington and others. Clint Devlin, of Canada Pack ers, Toronto, judged the calveB for finish. Hugh McGill, of the Ontario Department of Agri culture, was showmanship judge. The calves were shown in two lots—the same carload lots by which they arrived in the fall. The first 4 5 calves came on Oc tober 19; the last on November 10. Jack Morrissey, of Crediton, and William Rinn, St. Marys, consigned " Results petitions: Finish, St. the shipments, of the calf club com- Finish, first carload: Don Tre meer, Bruce Coleman, Bob Kins man, Marion Lamport, R.R. 1, Hensall; Gordon Ross, R.R. 2, Kippen; Gayle Cooper, R.R. 2, Kippen; Bob Parsons, R.R. 1, Cromarty, and Bill Strong, R.R. 2. Dublin, Finish, second carload: Harold Parsons, R.R. 2, Hensall; Cecil Pepper, R.R. 2, Hensall; Mildred Ballantyne, Orville Wein, Credi ton; Pat Sullivan, R.R, 3, Dash wood; Paul Regier, R.R. 3, Dash wood; Paul Regier, R.R. 3, Dash wood; Don Parsons, R.R. 2, Hen sall. Showmanship Showmanship, senior — Bob Parsons, Bob Kinsman, Jim Etherington, R.R. 1, Hensall; Harold Taylor, R.R. 2, Kippen; Art Mitchell, R.R. 3, Exeter; Pat Sullivan, R.R. 3, Dashwood; Jack Crozier, Seaforth; Bill Regier, R.R. 8, Dashwood. Showmanship, junior — Mild red Ballantyne, R.R. 3, Exeter; Annie Bregman, R.R. 1, Hensall; Maureen Stewart, R.R. 3, Ex eter; Alvin Taylor, R.R. 2, Kip pen; Duncan Scott, Staffa; Joan Triebner, R.R. 3, Kippen; John Etherington, R.R. 1, Hensall. Gain per day: Bob Kinsman (2.92); Bruce Coleman (2.7'2); Gordon Ross, R.R. 2 Kippen, (2.60); Keith Gill, R.R. 1 Grand Bend, (2.59); Floyd Turner, R. R. 1 Varna, (2.51'3); Marlene Cooper, (2.511); Don Hendrick, R.R. 1 Crediton, (2.49); Marion Lamport (2.44,3); Harold Par sons, R.'R. 2 Hensall, (2.437); Robert Parsons (2.40). < Enthusiastic Farmer Reports ••• LUNDELL Hay Chopper Cuts ‘Best Feed Ever’ for Stock A SMALL Investment! A BIG Return! ONE OPERATION! The LUNDELL Hay Chopper cuts through hay, com stalk*, weed*, straw —chop* or shred* it thoroughly, place* it in auger and blows it into your wagon. Easy maintenance —•only 14 zerk*. Time saved! Labor saved! MACHINE ACCOMPLISHES "UNBELIEVABLE" JOBS ON FARM, Another Says Farmers all over the country tell how thoroughly the LUNDELL cuts • and .lacerates hay, leaving no sharp ends, retaining juices which det as a preservative. Yes, the LUNDELL Hay Chopper is setting the pace for easier, more profitable farming . . . and you’ll be amazed at its low price. Just ask the users! Other Outstanding Lundell Equip ment: Wagon Hoists, Power Mow* • ers, Dozer Blades, loader Scoops. Starting Tuesday, June 1, and daily thereafter at Lake view Hatchery from 8 a.m. to 8:30 aM Just ask the users of the sensa tional LUNDELL Combination Hay Chopper arid Shredder! A Wisconsin "farmer soys he has chopped the best ensilage ever fed his cattle with the LUNDELL. He adds: "I also have completed chopping 45 acres of corn stalks into the best bedding I ever had.” A large dairy farmer feeding over T/200 head of dairy cattle uses his LUNDELL to cut an average of 60 tons per day. "I have ordered my second LUNDELL' Chopper, be says. An Idaho farmer: “It Is unbeliev able to see the LUNDELL Chopper knock down 8 and 9 foot green field cdrn, two rows at a time, and< tfiop and blow it into the wagon.*'* Cutting Grass With The Lundell Harvester For Beef Cattle in Feed Lots — Before You Buy . DROP IN and SEE SHELDON Sheldon D. Wein Phone 7 Nights 356 Exeter, Ontario Lower Cost! Strength... Stamina A General Motors Valve Chevrolet Trucks do More MM fler Chevrolet’s great, valve-in-head engines produce new power for hauling goods, or for speeding deliveries—and they do it at less cost per load and per mile. But these thrifty, high-compression engines are just the start of the powerful Chevrolet story! Visit your Chevrolet dealer and talk over the many money-making reasons for using trouble-free Chevrolet trucks in your business. You’ll get the full story of Chevrolet’s new strength, new stamina, new economy plus all these big new benefits, too — New Comfortmaster Cab: Offers new comfort, safety and convenience. New ofle-piece curved windshield provides extra visibility. New Ride Control Seat:* Seat cushion and back move as a unit to eliminate back-rubbing. It "floats” you over rough roads with ease. New Automatic Transmission:* Proved truck Hydra- Matic is offered not only on and %-ton trucks, but on 1-ton models, toot New Chassis Rugged mess: Heavier axle shafts in 2-tdrt models . .. newly designed clutches, and more rigid frames in all models. New, Bigger Load Space: New pickup bodies have deeper sides, lower loading heights and arc absolutely grain tight. New Advance-Design Styling: New front-end is more massive- in appearance. New parking lights show the full width of the truck. •■^Optional at extra cost Ride Control Seat is available on all cab models. CANADA'S NO. 1 TRUCK! CT-754D Phone 100 SNELL BROS. LIMITED Exeter, Ont. CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE AND CHEVROLET TRUCKS