HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-05-27, Page 11The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Anniversary Service Anniversary service was held in St. Patrick’s Church Sunday, May 23. Rev. R, Mills was in charge of the morning service and was assisted by Rev. R. O. D. Salmon and Mr. Burns, of Windsor, at the evening service. Mrs. T. Kopy was pianist. The church was decorated with spring flowers and blossoms and the basket of chancel window by Mrs. W. J. and family in late Mr. W. . passed away five years ago, Maj’ 34. Personal Items Visitors in the cornmunitj' on Sunday were: Mr .and Mrs. J. Beatson and Mr. and Mrs. A. Morley, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. G. Atkinson, Lucan, Mr, and Mrs. N. Hodgins and family, of ” ’ ......................... Earl Cliff and and with Mr. fam­ ily, of Aylmer, and Mrs. W. J. Dickins, Lucan, with Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald; Rev, and Mrs. Mills and girls with Mr, and Mrs. H. Latta; Mrs. O. Hod­ gins, Exeter, Mrs. A. Walker, of London, and '* “ with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. aim, of W'halen, Mrs, O. Squire and family, trails, with Mr, and Mrs. Dickins. Miss Alexia Davis spent the holiday with friends at Mt. Brydges. Mr and Mrs. Harry Carroll spent several days recently holi­ daying at Pt. Huron. Mr. Wayne Carroll spent the .holiday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins, of Lucan. Mrs. W. J, Davis and Ivan were guests with Mr. and «Mi‘s. Clarence Davis on Friday nlng. Clarence was celebrating a birthday and Ivan observed his on May 23. Mr. and Mrs. ■ Earl Atkinson and Leroy Maguire, Mrs. H. Lat­ ta and family, Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis, Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather attended a picnic at Grand Bend on May 24, held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter and family, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Warren Hunter, of North Battleford, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and family held a picnic at St. Mary’s Park on May 24. Mr. and Mrs. family were with Mr .and Mrs. Jack Latta, Mrs. E. Davis, Miss Almarie Davis and Mrs. M. McDonald attended the Blossom Tea at Lucan United Church on Saturday. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1954 the 79, and Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON flowers in the was placed there , Dickins, Lucan, memory of the J, Djckius, who London, with Mr, and Mrs. Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Ings, of London, with Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Davis, London, Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenlee; and Earl Greenlee; Mr, Mrs. Harry Noels and Mr. Meek, Exeter, Mrs, Heber Davis; F. Squire, Prospect Mrs. R. Squire and G. Squire and and Mr, Sue- and Gen- Jack eve- D. Lucas and weekend guests Mrs. D. Maguire. Dickins, Mrs. H. Atkinson, Mrs. H. Page II Knowing Where To Sell Saves You Money Sell Your Poultry With Confidence TOP PRICES PAID WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR Riverside Poultry Co. Howard Ferguson, District Representative PHONE COLLECT7-1230 London Hensall 68(Lr-2 I a = g 'l’XUHXIXHHIIUlllHOHMIXXIIM>XXIIXIX>XXUXUXXInUU>U>X>UnX>IX>lUtU><iUtUXtUUMl«HXHUXXXUXHI<llMat Personal Items Clandeboye United Church an niversary will be held Sunday, May 30, at 8 p.m., with S/L Rev. E. Donald Stuart, M.A., B.D., R.C.AF Chaplain, London Air Station, as guest minister. Mr. lough, of guests of Kilmer on Mr, and and Mrs. Archie McCul- London, were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. Mrs. Barney Dennis, of Atwood, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Pyke, of London, vsiited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwen, on Sunday. Miss Joan Murless spent weekend as guest of Mr. Mrs. O. M. Smith at their tage on Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Carter called at the Baker Nursing Home, Lucknow, on Sunday to visit with Mrs. Carter’s uncle, Mr. Adam Bowman, who is a patient there. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henderson, Mary Ann and Bobby Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. Mrs. Emily weekend with Gordon Mains Dorchester. She one - hundreth of St. Dorchester., L.A. the and cot- called Paton spent on on the Mrs. ., in attended the one - hundreth anniversary set vice of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Dorchester., where the Rev. L. C. Harrison is rector. Mrs. Wilmer Scott, with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elgie, of London, spent the weekend with another sister, Mrs. Bill Gilmour and family, of Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Schroe- dei entertained several of their family in B. Webb der, of Hodgins, Mrs. Lloyd Hewitt, of Strathroy, and Miss Wilma Schroeder, of Lucan. Tomes her sister, 1 and family, also Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. Jack Schroe- London; Miss Norma of Denfield; Mr .and Members of St. James Church Legion Branches Attend Rally A zone rally of Canadian Le­ gion branches of Zone AS was held at Lucan on Friday, May 21, Members were present from Ailsa Craig, Parkhill, Caradoc, Strathroy, Melbourne, Glencoe and Arrowhead branches, Zone Lovell was in speakers were and Parkinson, Commander Reg the chair and Comrades Pawley of the V.'L.A. Trophies were winning branches cribbage and darts, during past winter. presented to for euchre, ' ' the The Lucan Explorers met the church school room Monday, May 17, with Chief Explorer Marie Whitehead presiding. During the craft period, fav­ ours were made for the Mother and Daughter Banquet which will be held on Friday, June 4, with Mrs. A. Calder as guest speaker. 'The Exploration of the Church was continued and the girls listened with interest to the Rev. E. M .Cook who spoke briefly on “What is the Church?”, “What is the Task of the Church?” and “What is Expect­ ed of a Church Member?”, In the absence of Counsellor Elva Young, ex-Counsellor Joan McLean led in the worship ser­ vice, assisted by Explorers Mar­ lene Hotson and Janice Macin­ tosh. in Friday night, the auditorium of the Community Centre was nearly filled for Miss Marilyn Brownlee's dapce revue, spon­ sored by the Lucan W.I., Of her 23 pupils, 22 were in costume. Marilyn danced and also three other pupils Dance Studio, mine, Turner, Raissa Dykyk. Other talent Marlene and Clifford „ and and Norma June Hodgins; Cordion solos by Joe Kadleick; numbers by Len Gaudette and his Minstrel Boys, and orchestra numbers by a group of Medway students Who were most generous with their numbers as they con­ tinued playing after the program was over. During intermission, nearly $11 worth of candy was sold. Howard Kew and Miss Doro­ thy Hardy assisted at the piano, Miss Beverly Brook in make-up, and Douglas Stone with curtains. Mrs. Warner McRoberts gave the welcome and Howard Kew the vote of thanks. Miss Brownlee was presented with a gift from her pupils. She thanked all who assisted is making the revue a success tiiis year. of the Errlngton London — Char- Isobelle Egan and included solos by Gary Revington, Heather Acheson ac- Receive First Star Badge At the tegular meeting of Lucan Cubs this week on Anglican Church lawn, the lowing boys received their First - - - - pat Dar- Cul- Star Badge: Frank and Egan, Wayne Culbert, Billy ling, David Whyte, Terry bert and John Stuart. the the fol- Logs Wanted Any Species of Wood, Especially Basswood, Hard Maple, Rock Elm and Oak Also Pieces of Bush Timber Stephen Native Mrs. William Prodger. former Martha Ann Ford, daughter of the late Mr, Mrs. James Ford, passed away at her London residence Thurs­ day, May 20. Born In Stephen township, she resided in London for the 60 years and of the United predeceased by late Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. E, Hern, of Us- borne, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lee and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ancel Lee, of Brinsley, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee. Miss Kay Hodgins, of London, spent last Sunday with Mr,, and Mrs. Charlie Windsor. The Lucan Lions Club held their regular dinner meeting in Holy Trinity basement last Mon­ day. Mrs. James Freeman's group of the Ladies Guild catering. Mr. A misfortune week. Mrs. T. spent the rines, the Wildern. Mrs. Annie Fairless and Miss Vivian Fairless spent last week­ end in Stratford, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fairless. Guests with Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Cook included their daughter, Miss Edythe Cook, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Miss Sylvia Smith, Mr. Leonard Smith and Miss Doris Stewart, of Blen­ heim. Mr. and Mrs. George Blyde and three children have moved into the home of Mr. Tom Flynn, Lucan's new barber. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reader spent Saturday with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lan­ kin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Abbott, of London, spent last Thursday eve­ ning with Miss Hattie Hodgins. A number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett recently to honor Mr. and Mrs. Zubal, who have moved to Ailsa Craig. The evening was spent in euchre and other games. Mr. and Mrs. Zubal were presented -w-ith a large wall mirror. ‘ There are again signs of ac­ tivity around the Scout Club House. Only the foundation was put up when winter set in last year. Last Sunday, Mr. and ’ Mrs. Harry Lankin and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lankin and family were Windsor guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ostricker and Miss Young. Mrs. Laura Blake has return­ ed home after a week’s visit in London. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir and family, of London, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ gar McFalls. Mrs. Dan Lewis, Ailsa Craig, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting. Mr. E. R. Pitt and son, Mr. Roy Pitt, have returned home from a trip to Blind River.. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Reving­ ton and Mr. and Mrs. Art Mc­ Lean and family spent the holi­ day weekend in St. Catharines, the guests of Mrs. C. Johnson. Mr. Gordon Peacock and fam­ ily have/returned home to St. Marys after spending a few days with Mrs. William Sceli, Alice Street, Mr.- J, R. Boon has sold, his home on Water street to Mrs. McFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Boon 'are moving to London. Mr, Will Havekost, of Lon­ don, spent last Saturady with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.. McFalls, of Alice Street. Mrs. Bert Thompson has made several visits of late to St. Thomas to see her mother, Mrs. F. M. Brown, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson, spent last Sunday in Kip pen, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer J’OTl'GS* Mrs. Fred Neil, of Brinsley, is spending a week with Mrs. Millie Haskett. Miss Vera Wasnidge, Toronto, spent the holiday with het par­ ents, Mt. and Mrs. N. Wasnidge. Mrs. J. B. Armitage is visiting her brother in London. t Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Can tel on spent the holiday in West Lome, the guests of Dr. ahd Cantelon and family. Mr, Ira catlings of most happy to learn guitar pupils, Horst of London, who won a gold me­ dal at the recent KiWanis Music Festival in Hamilton, had been choseft to play at the Festival” i.. leglate, May 25. Lucan in the ....... 8:30 p.m. Friday, May 28. Miss Eileen Cranston, Lon­ don, spent last weekend with her mother, Mrs. Cranston, Mr. and Mrs, Don Ankers and family spent last weekend with Mrs. Anker’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hodgins. Miss Marion Coursey is at­ tending the Domnion A.Y.P.A. Conference being held this week in Wycliffe College, Toronto. did the M. to Hedden break a had nib the last Orme and Murray holiday in St, Catha- guest of Miss Dorothy I). William was a mem- Church. She her husband, Prodger, in had past ber was the 1939. She is Alvin, of Marion, r._ ____ brothers, Frank Ford, of Cent­ ral Bute, Chinook, of London; two sisters, Mrs. Fred (Maude) Hill, of Toronto, and Mrs, a. M. (Cecelia) Hed­ den, of Lucan, and two grand­ children. Funeral services were conduct­ ed on May 24 by Rev. Dr. Mur­ ray Stuart from the Needham Memorial Chapel. Interment was in Woodland Cemetery. by one son,survived London; one daughter, at home; also three Sask., Herbert Ford, of Alta., and Alonzo Ford, two sisters, Contract Barley See Our Contracts Before You Decide Where You Sign Up — Limited Number of Acres Feed and Seed Grain AH Kinds Excellent Quality Scott's Elevator Erwin Scott PHONE: Office 63, Res. 110 LUCAN, ONT. Saves You Dollars ONTARIO HYDRO ... AT WORK FOR YOU ANO YOURS Information concerning Onla/itf Hydro tan be Obtained by writing your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. DO YOU KNOW? llj’dro wm th® first in Cnund* to adopt SAftty teste Of electri­ cal appliances tor the protec- lion of this public. This is novr carried <W» .by the Canudiim I Standards Awoeittlien. i ’•HuxxxxxxHHXnnxxxMunxxnxxnuHXUXHXUxxxxxxxXHXXHxnxxHxxniunxnnxixuuixHiixmxx^'. Presentation The Middlesex Junior Insti­ tutes and Junior Farmers honor­ ed Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Abraham at a meeting held last week in the Ilderton Community Hall and presented them with a number of gifts including a wallet con-.; taining $170, trilight lamp, mir­ ror, rocker, a desk pen and several cheques. Mr. Abraham has been associate agricultural representative for Middlesex and has been active in 4-H Junior Farmer activities. He is moving to Manitoulin Island. Personal Items Workmen are bUBy repairing the windows of Holy Trinity Church. At Lucan’s opening ball game on Friday, the home team went down to defeat when Harrington won the game 4-3, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Crans­ ton and family, of London, visit­ ed Mr. Cranston's mother last Monday. Last Wednesday, Mr. Harold Cartwright was one of the Local 2 699 soccer C.N, R.A. in Mr. and of Toronto, and Mrs. Tuesday and attended the grad­ uation of Mrs. Moore’s sister at Thames Hall, London. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schleuter and four children, of Stratford, have moved into the apartment above the Ken Beattie T.V. and Radio Store, which was vacated when the Denno family moved to McGillivray. Mr. Schleuter is employed at the Lucan Cream- Shower Bride At and friends met in the Sunday School, room for a shower In honor of Miss Isobelle Cunning­ ham, whose marriage to Arnold K. Harper will take place June 5 in the church. A program In charge of Mrs. Mervin Carter, included com­ munity singing with Mrs. J. H. Paton as accompanist; a solo by Mrs, L. A. Kilmer; piano accord­ ion selections by Miss Barbara Simpson, and a contest by Mrs. Carter. As the bride was seated in a decorated chair in a setting of flowers, streamers and a wed­ ding bell, the gifts were present­ ed to her by Misses Betty Bice, Gwenneth Tomes, Marlene Har­ rison and Beth McRann. "OF COURSE I HAVE AN ESTATE When kidneys fail to remove exoess acids and wastes, back­ ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd’3 Kidnoy Pills stimu­ late kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's at any drug storo. You can depend on Dodd'x 1 team that defeated i London, 2-0. Mrs. Albert Moore, were guests of Mr. U. F. Stanley last “My Dad is building it for me tight now, arid it’s going to be pretty important to me some day/* And a father knows how important it is to have that estate properly administered, rto matter how small it may be St present. He may receive advice and assistance from experienced Trust Officers, on. the disposition of his estate without any obligation. Write for free booklet ‘'Blueprint For Your Fadiily’V THE STERLING TRUSTS 0 O R P O R A T'I O M 6ftAlNCH OFFICE tt-3 Owriifop St-, BarrieMEAD OFfFKE 372 Say St., Toronta George Strasser, Mr. and Ralph Strasser and Cecil Hodgins attended the races in Toronto on May 24. Mrs. Harry Noels, of Aylmer, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. W, Dickins, who returned to Aylmer with After many weeks of illness, r. Gerald Lewis returned to work last Tuesday. After a six-week visit in Win­ nipeg, Mrs. Cranston lias re­ turned h’ome. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Cart­ wright and family spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Yates, of Princeton. Mrs. C. H. Porter spent a few days last week in Toornto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bawden and family, of Richmond Hill, were guests of Mrs. Lena Baw­ den over the holiday. Three sisters and a brother made a happy holiday reunion for Mrs, Cap Howard —• Mrs. Lollie Isaac and Mrs. Jennie Mc­ Gillicuddy, of Forest; Mrs. Ber­ tha Myers, of Hamilton, and Mr. Chester Culbert, of Calga'ry. ■Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. " " ' ' : Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hedden, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hill, Mrs. George Lillico and Mr, William Hill, all of Toron­ to. On Monday they all attended the funeval of Mrs. William Prodger, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HaSkett end family spent Ipperwash. Mr. and Mrs. and family, of May 24 with Mr. Hodgins. The residence < Mary Hogan, purchased by Mr. Harvey Hodgins, has been resold to Mr. Steve BUrlock, of London township. Mrs. W. Balsdon and Seely, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goddard. Mrs. Goddard David have both bdeh Hedden included last Sunday at H. A. Mullins London, spent ahd Mrs. Henry Of the late Miss uavia nave not (mumps recently, Mr. Jfim Weekend Russell and son ill With W.A. Blossom Tea Most artistically decorated were the church parlors of the United Church for the annual Blossom Tea of the W.A. Pro­ fusions of spring flowers were everywhere. Mrs. E. M. Cook and the president, Mrs. Sheridan Revington, received at the door. Those at the home cooking table and sale of flowers were kept busy. The ideal day brought out a good attendance and those in charge were much pleased with the net returns. Anglican Guild Holy Trinity Ladies Guild in F '...........................- I met the parish hall on Monday evening, with the president, Mrs. James Thompson, presiding. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. George Hodgins. During the business session, it was moved that a vote of ap­ preciation be sent to the men who helped with the wiring and the ceiling. Most of the time was spent in making arrange­ ments for the pot luck supper on May 27. The executive, plus Mrs. H. Bond and Mrs. T. C. McFar­ lane, were named a committee to take charge. Mrs. Guy Ryan conducted a flower contest which was won by Mrs. Bond. Mrs. Ryan’s group had charge of the refreshments which followed the meeting. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Doh Corman and family were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hodgins, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Hodgins and family visited at the latter’s home community of Crampton on Sunday afternoon, calling on relatives and friends, Mr Catharines, with his mother, Mrs. Hawkshaw. Mrs. Walter Hodgiiis, who has heed in St. Joseph’s Hospital, was brought home to her daugh­ ter’s-, Mrs. James Thompson, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Puring- tbn, of Exeter, spent last week­ end With Mr. and Mrs. H, Bond, Miss Marie Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Stanley, was one of the 71 nurses of St. Joseph’s Hospital who graduated last Tuesday at an impressive ceremony in Thames Hall of the University of Western Ontario. A large number of Lucan friends attended as-her guests. After the ceremony they wore entertained at the home of her parents in Lucan. Grant Hawkshaw of St. spent the’ holiday C. W« T. C. Hamilton Mi's. Bruce Lucan, was one of his Longwost, “The Stars of in Westdale Col­ on Tuesday, Teeh Town will meet Community Centro at have been IF YOU HOLD Third Victory Loan 3% Bonds (issued November, 1942 to mature November, 1956) they should be presented for payment on or after June 1st through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER INTEREST WILL BE PAID. The interest coupon dated November 1st, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds when they are presented for payment. Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly). This payment includes a $1 premium as required by the terms of the bond-plus 26^ which is interest at 3% from May 1st to June 1st—the period since the last coupon became payable. Government of Canada By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent HYDRO In Ontario Hydro’s Research Division some 298 people, of whom 80 are Research ^Engineers, maintain a constant study of electrical, structural? mechanical and chemical problems, as well as the testing and Quality control Of all items used in the Commission’s day-by-day activities. A close liaisort between the Laboratories and all other Hydro Divisions results in high efficiency and maximum economy*