HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-05-20, Page 12Psge 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1954 “For Health’s Sake, j Roller Skate!” ( Exeter Roller Rink Two Blocks West of Gould & Tory j l Roller Skating Wednesday, ; Friday and Saturday ;8:00 to 11:00 1 CHILDREN 25<f - ADULTS 35<£ ■ Skates Supplied REFRESHMENT BOOTH • Llashmar! ............. j Drive-In Theatre; Clinton i Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear' Box Office Open 7:30 P.M. | First Show 8:00 P.M. i Children Under 12 In Cars Free Woodham Sunday School Anniversary Sunday, May 23 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. D.S.T. REV. J. D. MARTIN, B.A. u>f Listowel, Guest Speaker Friday, May 28 Supper will be served in Orange Hall commencing at 5:30 p.m. D.S.T, folla-xed hv a program consisting of a play entitled •AUNT TILLIE GOES TO TOWN' by the Young People of Knox Presbyterian Church, Belmont Adults $1.00 - Children .60 REV. T. G. WANLESS, Pastor NORRIS WEBB, Superintendent i Sirth, Death and Marriage Notices 1 are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam Notices 75c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices are 75c. Perfect Cribbage Hand News of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HA5HLTON Winning Souls For Christ SATURDAY (Only) MAY 22 “STEEL LADY" ROD CAMERON TAB HUNTER Cartoon and News Joey Bochener “The Musical Wizard” BIRTHS IIOWEN* — CpI xnd Mrs Hugh E. Gowen. RCA?’ Station Centralia, umomw the birth of their (laugh- 'er, Candice ua.v, at South Huron Hospital. May 18. 1954 ■ EVANS — Maureen and Fattie Evans | are proud to announce the arrival < of ’heir l»by brother. Christopher.Tiie parents are Fit Sgt Fred i Evans and Mrs Evans, of Belle- j ville, formerly of Centralia and.Hensail. Fit. Sgt. Evans is sta- I tinned at Trenton.I HEARN — Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W Hearn, Exeter, announce the birth of their son, Wayne Patrick, at South Hurcw Hospital May 15. 1954. HINDMARSH—Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hindmarsh, Route 1, Clandeboye, announce the birth of their daugh­ter, Janice Arlene, at South Huron Hospital'1 May 12, 1954.LOTHIAN — I-AQ. and Mrs. William Lothian, Exeter, announce the birth of their daughter, Joanne Eleanor, at South Huron Hospital, May 13, 1954.McNEILLY — Mr. and Mrs, Walter McNeilly, Exeter, announce the birth of their daughter, Diana Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, May 16, 1954; a sister for Walter and Bruce.TAYLOR—Mr and Mrs. Ivan Taylor i nee Dorothy Rader), of Waterloo, are happy to announce the arrival of their son in the K-W Hospital Monday, May 17, 1954; a brother for Ray. While Andy Anderson and Leo Eveland were playing cribbage over the weekend, Leo was luckyover the weekend, Leo was in getting a 29 hand. Personal Items Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. reicher and daughters, of ham, were weekend visitors with the former’s father, Mr. Aaron Oest- Chat- Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON SUNDAY MIDNITE AND MONDAY MAY 23-24 “GUN BELT” (Technicolor) GEORGE MONTGOMERY TAB HUNTER Cartoon and News TUES.-WED. MAY 25-26 j “FORT ALGIERS'” | YVONNE DE CARLO j CARLOS THOMPSON i Cartoon and Newts ; Plays 9 Different Instruments Widely Known Gospel Musician >• Delightfully Different • A Smiling Personality • Inspiring Music ■ ® Dynamic Testimony j CLINTON AREA \ YOUTH FOR CHRIST ! THURS.-FBI. MAY 37-38 f Friday, Muy 21 “AS YOUNG AS YOU FEEL” g.oo F<m> JEAN PETERS I DAVID WAYNE Cartoon and .New?■Clinton Collegiate DEATHS COLE—In Exeter, at the residence of her son, Alfred Cole, on Thursday, May 13. 1954, Margaret Jane Hack­ney. beloved-wife of the late John Henry Cole, in her eighty-fifth year.MAIER — Suddenly at his residence near Dashwood, on Monday, May 17, 1954, Edmund Maier, in his six­tieth year.MURRAY — At the residence of her son, Cecil Murray, Main Street, Ex­eter, on Wednesday, May 19, 1954, Mary Ann Stevens, beloved wife of the ’ate Angus Murray, in her ninety-SHPOnd year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knight of Seaforth, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Marjory Mary, to Thomas William Haley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, William Haley, of Exeter. The marriage will take place May 29 at 12 o'clock in Northside United Church, Seaforth. 20c Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Gauthier, of Trenton, wish to announce the en­gagement of their second daughter, Phyllis Ixirraine, to LAC Robert Tripp, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tripp, Centralia. The wedding will take place in St. Peter's Church, Trenton, on June 2. 20c Mr. William Lambourn, Cam- lachie, spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Eva Atkinson. Mrs. Frank Smyth was a visit­ or on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Elston. \ Mr. Art Hern, Toronto, spent the- weekend with his wife and family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson, on Sunday were Mrs. Mabel Seabrook and Mr, and Mrs. Dick Seabrook, of Dela­ ware, also Mr. 'and Mrs. Art Sea­ brook, of Byron. Miss Shirley Atkinson the weekend with her Miss Marion Heckman. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. and Mr. and ‘ Mrs. Allan attended the anniversary of Hensall Presbyterian on Sunday and were guests of Mr. Bob Cameron. Master Ronald Dougall, of Hensall, visited over the week­ end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coates. Miss Reta Cuff, of London, spent Monday with Mrs. Dean Gibson. Miss Barbara Lewis spent the v.eekeud with friends in Detroit. > Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston and family, of Carlyle, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jessie Lewis. Mrs. Chris Fischer spent Mon­ day in London visiting relatives. Supper guests Sunday evening with Mr .and Mrs. Sam Skinner were Mr .and Mrs. Bev Parsons. spent cousin, Elston Elston service Church | Kirkton Community Association | Preliminary | Juvenile Contest | ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON | Friday, June 4 | at 8:00 p.m. (D.S.T.) | Martin Boundy, London, Adjudicator = Open to all (public school pupils. Entries close May 28. = For extra entry forms and information, apply to Mrs. T. A. j Crago, R.R. 1, St. Marys. Phone 27-r-2 Kirkton. f Admission: Adults 25^ - Children 15$- f Contestants and Accompanists Free I GARDEN PARTY = Wednesday, July 31 V,,,■<„<,<<<<<<<<<<<<«<<,,<< iiii <n ■ <<<<<<I<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<I<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< uh <<<v<<«<<«<»<<»i<<<«n«M»«<l«<<<<<i<««'‘1' J Interested I BANDSMEN | are invited to join the I Exeter Citizens Band | NEXT PRACTICE: I Monday, May 31 - 8 p.m. | At The Bandroom CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late David Tie- in an wish to express their thanks and appreciation to all the friends for their kindness in their breave- ment ami for the beautiful floral tributes. „20*Dorothy McCurdy wishes to thank all those who kindly remembered her with cards, letters, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Mary’s Mem­orial Hospital and since returning home. 20“The family of the late Mrs. John Cole wishes to express its apprecia­tion for the kind expressions of sym­pathy, floral tributes and assistance received during the recent bereave­ment, Special thanks to Rev. A, E. Holley, the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home and Main St. United Church, ♦ I wish to thank my friends and re­latives for sending me cards and flowers and visiting me while a pa­tient in Stratford .General Hospital. —Mrs. Elgin Luxton, Mitchell. 20c Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and family wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered Ken with flow­ers, treats, cards, considerate thoughts and deeds while a patient in South Huron and St. Joseph’s Hospitals and also while recuperating at home from a broken ankle and a recent operation. Sincere thanks to all. 20c IN MEMORIAM HODfzERT — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Hodgert, who died May 22, 1940.The dearest Dad this world could hold With cheery smile and heart of gold; To those who knew him, all will know Oestreicher.. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reste- inayer and family, London, spent Sunday with the former’s father, Mr. Otto Restemayer, Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Brown, of i London, spent Sunday with the hitter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wein. Lynda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman, and Paul, sou of Mr. aud Mrs. Ervin Rader, are both recovering from pneu­ monia, Ladies Aid Meets The Ladles Aid of Zion Luthe­ ran Church held their quarterly meeting last Wednesday’ evening. Rev. L. Higinell discussed the topic “Prayer for Missions.” Mrs. Merner presided for the business. It was decided to hold a straw­ berry social in June. Roy Allen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Becker, was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday by Rev. L. Higenell. Later Mr. and Mrs. Lome Becker entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and family and Mrs. Mary Becker, Mr. Bob Stormes, St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and family. Misses Lois and Betty Gaiser spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Baker were Jerry Guenther and Art Henderson, of Windsor. Mrs, Harry Guenther, Wind­ sor, spent the weekend with Mrs. Letta Taylor and Anne, Mrs. Herb Wein and Carl visited in Detroit over the week­ end with Mr. Herb Wein, and took in the ball game. Mrs. Joe Johnson and son Neil Mclsaac, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mclsaac, London, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schulze, of Detroit, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp and family over the weekend. Miss Erma Kellar, of London, spent a few days at the home of her sister, Miss Loretta Kellar. Mr. and Mrs. Preston, and Mr. bert Kellar, of them on Sunday. Former Resident M r s. th*1 former man, died in Victoria i London, Thursday, May a few days' illness. She in Dashwood 67 years Surviving besides her hus­ band are one daughter and six sons as well as two sisters and eight brothers, including George and William in Dashwood. The funeral wag conducted on Monday by the Rev. G, W. Birtch of Dundas Street United Church at the Needliam Memorial Cha- Orson Kellar, of and Mrs. Her- Zurich, visited How much we lost 14 years ago.—Lovingly remembered by his wife and Whitney, Vi and family. 20* ;KESTLE — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Mr. Henry J. Kestle, who passed away one year ago, May 20, 1953. The blow was great, the shock se­vere— We little thought the end was near:And only those who have lost can tellThe pain of parting without fare­well.More each day we miss you, father; Friends may think the wound is healed,But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts con­cealed.—Always remembered by wife and family. 20*KING — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Albert King. . who passed away one year ago. !May 15, 1953. 1 ac me iNeeunum Memorial unu- Sweet are the memories so silently pel. Burial was in Forest Lawn A « j ... _ fl.Tn 1 Passes Wellington Sandercott, Feredericka Goss- Hospital, ' 13, after was born ago. her never for- Don’t Forget Opening Dance (Under New Management) KEN WILBEE & HIS OBCH. i Monday, May 24 10:00 to 1:30 a.m. ‘'Bayfield’s Favorite Summer Dance Pavilion” Of one we loved and willget.—Remembered by liis wife and fam­ily. 20 cNEEB — In loving memory of Mary Ann Neeb, who passed awav suven years ago, May 24, 1947.Years go by but memories stav As near and dear as yesterday: Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Of one we loved and will never for­get. —Always remembered by her family. 20* SHAPTON—In loving memory of E, J. Shapton, who passed awav one -year ago, May 20, 1953.Gone from us, but leaving memories Death can never take away; Memories that will always linger While upon this earth w»- stav.And when our life’s journey is ended,1 We know we shall meet him some day. —Sadly missed by his wife, Edith. 20* WHITING — In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Earl Whiting, who passed away one year ago, May 20, 1953, and a dear father, Earl Whiting, who passed away one year ago, June 13, 1953.Loving and kind in all their wavs. Upright and just to the end of ’heir days; Sincere and true in heart and mind, What beautiful memories they left behind.—Lovingly remembered bv the fam­ ily. 20c Memorial Gardens. Edmund Maier Edmund Maier suddenly at his Monday, May 17, 1 year. Although not enjoying the best of health, he was about the farm that day. He farmed and did trucking. He was a member of Zion Lutheran Church. Besides his wife, the former Maria Burmeister, he is survived by eight daughters, Gladys, Mrs. Charles Mathers, Goderich; Ed­ na, Mrs. George Rendell, Lon­ don; Hilda, Mrs. Howard Tom­ linson, of Thamesford; Mildred, Mrs. Thomas Fortner, London; Helen, Mr.s. Jack Fowler, Mit­ chell; Kathleen, Marie and Grace of London; two sons, Carl, of Dashwood, and Howard, of Lon­ don. One son, Harold, was killed in action in World War II. One sister, Mrs. Albert Morenz, of Grand Bend, and two brothers, Wellington, of Mio, Mich., and George, of Detroit, also survive. Resting at the T. Harry Hoff­ man funeral home until Thurs- passed away residence on in his sixtieth | NOTICE | Anyone now in possession of band equipment—uniforms, = instruments or music—and not interested in band activ- = ities, kindly return this property to bandroom May 31. | Jacqui fort ] s i| ’ presents her | I Exeter District Pupils I E s 1 in their second s I DANCE I RECITAL | South Huron District High School j | Friday, May 21 j at 8:00 p.m. j | Sponsored By Beta Sigma Phi Sorority | I ADULTS 35$ — CHILDREN 35$ j I Proceeds for Local Community Projects § s = Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions a_________________________) FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 31 and 23 Lawless Breed 4r Rock Hudson A Julia Adams Technicolor Film MONDAY & TUESDAY May 34 and 25 All The Brothers Were Valiant ★ Robert Taylor ■k Ann Blytli Filmed in Color WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY May 26 and 27 Crazylegs All American ★ Elroy Hirsch A Lloyd Nolan Personal Items Mrs. W. Cluff and sons, Paul and Douglas, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall. Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Norman Amos on the birth o£ a son, Brian Douglas, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mattson and son Gordon, of Saskatoon, Sask., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, Me$soge From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Those attending the Caroll- Darker wedding in St. Catharines Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Car­ man Park and Mrs, Allen Flet­ cher., Mrs. Joan McCormick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug­ las Cool?, London. Ladies Guild And W.A. The Ladies Guild and W A. of St. Paul’s Anglican Church was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Andrew Knox. The scripture and paper for the meeting1 was given by Mrs. Theron Creery. Mrs H. Cope­ land reported that the new table­ cloths for the church were com­ pleted. The hostess, Mrs. Knox, assisted by Mrs. A. Irvine and Mrs. Maurice Blackler. served lunch. Presentation Euchre and Dance Creditor: Hall Friday, May 21 FOR MR. AND MRS. OREN GRACE (nee Bernice Haist) ADMISSION: GENTS 50^ Ladies Please Bring Lunch Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honsberger, of Vineland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey and Karen spent the weekend with relatives at Tilbury, Rod­ ney and Wheatley. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Light­ foot, of St. Marys, visited Sun- daj' with Mrs. Albert Pollock. Six young people were entered into church membership at the United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and family visited Sunday with relatives in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. William Eagle- son visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eagleson, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock spent the weekend with relatives at Hamilton. day at 2:00 p.m., then at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, at 2:30, where services will be conducted by Rev. Louis Hige­ nell and internient made in Lutheran Cemetery. COMING EVENTS CKNX BARN DANCE broadcast, Exeter Arena, Saturday, May 29. 20c A EUCHRE will be held in the Bowling Club House, Hensall, on Friday, May 21, 8 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to anyone interested in bowliug this season. 20c CONCERT — The Huronia Male Chorus, assisted by the ladies who took part in the operetta, and others, will present a concert in the high school auditorium on May 30 at 9 p.m. Proceeds in aid of Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital.____________20c COUNCIL MEETING — The next regular meeting of the Usborne Township Council will be held Monday, June 14, at 8 p.m. 20nc FIDDLERS’ CONTEST — West­ ern Ontario Championship Fid­ dlers’ Contest for Free Press Trophy, Hensall, June 4. 20c Attention Bowlers The Official Opening of the Exeter Lawn Bowling will take place Wed., May 26 at 3 : OO p.m, Ladies and Gentlemen . AFTERNOON and EVENING Saturday Morning, May 22 = 5 H 5 S Seventh Annual Sports AT DASHWOOD Monday, May 24 Featuring Exeter Legionaires ’£>3 Intermediate "C” OBA Semi-Finalists versus Dashwood Tigers ’53 Intermediate “D” Champions Atwodd Bantams vs. DashWodd Two OBA Championship Teams Cash Prizes programs — Band Admission: 50^, 25$ and 10$ Tom Prydc ot Elston Cardiff will throw the first ball to officially open Huron-Perth Baseball League. Reeves Morrissey and Campbell in attendance. s 2 5 S- 5 ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 21 and 22 “FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT” ★ Donald O’Connor ★ Lori Nelson and ■A “Francis”, the Talking Mule That talking mule is back again and the Army’s got him . » selected short subjects SPECIAL SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, MONDAY & TUESDAY May 24 and 25 “RED GARTERS” (Technicolor) ★ Rosemary Clooney A Jack Carson ★ Guy Mitchell A light - hearted, tune - laden, high-in-hilarity treat ... in the year's biggest musical comedy smash. newsreel and ADDITIONAL SHORTS WEDNESDAY & .DuDsdAY Mhy 26 and 1^7 “CEASE FIRE0 The cast is composed of Korean combat veterans. The plain, un­ varnished facts, filmed on the battlefields of Korea < . , MUSICAL SHORT, SPORT SHORT , AND CARTOON Two Complete Programs Each Evening at 7:30 and 0:30 ^«<<<<<n<<l1<i<<<<««««<<<<«<<<f<l<<l<<<<<«<<<<<<<><<<l<<<<!l<<<HH«<i<<i<«<<l<<IIU<n«<M<HI<<l«IU<lllllU»ll<<<<ll<<<<<<<<!l<lt^’ I Lakeview Casino | | Grand Bend | I OPENING DANCES j s S | Saturday - May 22 | f and j . Midnight — May 23 I I NEIL McKay’s ALL-STAR ORCHESTRA j f Be amrmgst the first to dance I on our beautiful new dance floor? i| 5 S Anniversary Services j Hensall United Xlhurch | Sunday, May 23 | 11 a.m. I I F/L LARRY MOULD i i ' Protestant Padre RCAF Centralia ii i “The Challenge of Christianity” I 7:30 p.m. 1 | REV. HARRY RODNEY j | Knox Presbyterian Church, Si, Thomas i | “Mountain Top Experiences” £ I SPECIAL MUSIC BY CHOIR AT BOTH SERVICES | | Lakeview House | i Grand Bend OPEN Sunday, May 23 | SPECIAL:: Full Course Home-Cooked ii TURKEY DINNER | Dinner Served 12 to 7 P.M. - $1.5<0 Per Plate | I . . 1Give Your Wife a Treat .. | Take Her Out for Dinner | 5 I W. E. Martin Speedway Attractions 1 1 9 , I | Invites You to Attend the Opening g I Stock Car Races I= ii I AT THE NEW | I "CRAIG" RACEWAY I i Monday, May 24 — 2 p.m. ] j f I Gate I Prize i A Brand New I TELEVISION I : bet I , Extra I Special I FARM 1 TRACTOR I RACE 7 Events 7 I s '! x Including | The Winners Derby I ★ BICYCLE RACES j ★ MATCH RACE with i TWO MODEL Ts | 3 < 2 Adults $1. ■*> Children over1 10 .50 f | Children tindetf 10 = ! Free with Parents i