HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-05-20, Page 10f^e 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1954 £ » I on 1 WE ARE NOW CONTRACTING FOR CANADIAN CANNEIR.S BRANCH WO------EXETER Phone 28 Mrs. John Cole Active In WMS Mrs. John Cole, 84, died Thursday, May 13, at the home of her son Fred, after a lengthy illness. She was the former Margaret Jane Hackney and was born in Hibbert township. Following their ‘marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Cole farmed at Lumley. They retired to Exeter 32 years ago, where Mr. Cole died in 1947, Mrs. Cole was a member of Main St. United Church and a life member of the W.M.S. She is survived by two sons, Fred, of Exeter, and Arthur L., of Goderich, and a sister, Miss Alice Hackney, of Exeter. The body rested at the Hopper- Hockey funeral home where the Rev. A. E. Holley conducted the funeral service Saturday after­ noon, Interment was made in the Exeter cemetery. Pall-bearers were Leonard aud Glenn McKnight, Alvin Cole, An­ drew Houston, Frank Bruce and John Cornish. Dedicate Gifts T a Church At Thames Road Sunday On Sunday morning, the church service yeas held in the basement of the church when a special service was held, Mrs. William Cann sang “Bless This House.” Rev. W. J- Moor.es spoke about the new worship centre. The 3M Club donated a new pull-curtain to cover the library. A lectren was donated by the Mission Circle and a cross by Rev. Moores. By MRS. E. KEOWN There's a ar atCelebrates Birthday Marilyn Gardiner her seventh birthday day by entertaining friends at a party. Janet Rowe, Barbara Webber, Margaret and Aune Johns, Sharon, Leonard and Bobby Hume, Alex Patzer, Alex and Charlie Gardiner guests. Games enjoyed before and ice cream Personal Items Correction: awards published last .week, Billy Maver's name should have appeared in place of Billy An­ derson’s. Misses Nona Pym and Mar­ garet Bray, of London, spent the weekend at their homes here. Mrs. George Kellett is a pat- inf again in South Huron Hos­ pital, Exeter, suffering from pneumonia. Mrs. Edwin Miller attended the trousseau tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn, of Clandeboye, in honor of their daughter Norene, on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Perkins, of Owen Sound, is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Misses Gail and Margaret Lux­ ton, of Mitchell, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hod- gert. Mr. Ernest Pym is a .patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, suffering from virus pneumonia. Mrs. McKay, of Bowmanville, is visiting with her grandchild­ ren, Mr .and Mrs, Mac Hodgert, for some time. Mr. Otto Thomson, Carnduss, Sask., visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller spent the weekend at Stokes Bay. Mission Band will be held on Sunday morning, May ing the church hour. The May meeting of Club in the form of times” social, with celebi'ated last Tues- 10 little were her and races were the birthday cake were served. In the diploma last Grant Morgan Receives Degree R. Grant Morgan of R.R. 1 Hensail, received his Bachelor or Agricultural Science degree the Convocation ceremonies O.A.C., Guelph, on Monday, May 17. Attending the ceremony from this area were his mother, Mrs. A- W. Morgan, Miss Helen Morgan, of London, and Al Mor­ gan, of Exeter, who is also an O A.C. graduate. Grant received second-class honors in his final examinations ot‘ the four-y-ear course. He has accepted a position Purina company. FOR EVERY NEED News of For BEST RESULTS at LOWEST COST Use and Miss Mc- and Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER—Continued from Page 5. block on Main and Woodward streets on Friday, May 21. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Keown were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Couling, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil and sou Gerald, of Ailsa Craig. Mrs, W. H. Allison, London, has taken up residence with Mrs. Irene Myers. Mrs. Cyrus Green has taken up residence with Mrs. E. A. Graham. Mr .and Mrs. Marvin Ravelie, of London, spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr. aud Mrs, Arnold Ravelle, Miss Sheila Finan, of St, Jo­ seph's Hospital, spent the week­ end with her parents in town. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Ibbitson, of Calgary, Alta,, paid a sur­ prise visit to the former’s aunt, Mrs. William Patterson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Mrs. Roy Scott, of Sarnia spent the weekend William Patterson. Mr. Fergus Turnbull pur­ chased the farm of Mrs. Charles McGregor last week. A baking sale will be held on the church pices ladies May 22. Mr .and of Forest, of Mr. and Mr. and Detroit, were weekend g1 the former’s sister, Miss Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. W. P.-----. of London, spent the weekend in town. Mr. Robert Love, of Thedford, purchased the United Church shed and is busy tearing it down. This will remove one of the old landmarks of the town. V5 9.50 *’8 ro of on X her Pet- Pen- Mrs, Proc- Norman Mitchell, of were Sunday visitors Comments About Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWEN o X Westman MEN’S WEAR ExeterPhone 81 Extra Pants Free Or Skirt m vs 3 ' Q 3 □ o c a X RS 3- SALE BIG SAVINGS BIG BARGAINS BIG VALUES Save 15^b On Beatty Appliances Bicycles and Tricycles Fishing Tackle Free baseball with -every ball glove 1 SPECIALS 3 Q X vs CO Q < (D 3 <D vs 3 Q 3 Mr. Kenneth Hodgins return­ ed home from St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital on Saturday of last week. Members of the W.M.S. were pleasantly entertained by the ladies of Main Street Church on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Loehner aud Mrs. E. Carruthers, of London, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dixon, Mrs. Harrison and Wayne motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell and family, of West Lome, Mr. and Mrs. London, with Mr. .and Mrs. K. Hodgins. Among those from a distance who returned to the village on Wednsday afternoon of last week for the W.A. anniversary tea were: Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Weir and family, of Millbank; Mrs. Frank Sawyer and mother, Mrs. Davidson, of rolia; Mr. and Mrs. Fred warden, Sarnia; Mr. and William Skelton, Mrs. A. toi and Mrs. George Thompson, London; Mrs. W. Baker, Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil, Creditou; Mrs. A. Robinson, of Rodney, and a number of ladies, former members of the Associa­ tion, from Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George Bayn­ ham, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bow­ den were in Toronto over the weekend where they attended the annual Quarter Century Club dinner of Canada Packei-s. Scott with Mrs. lawn under the aus- the United Church Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Garnet Statton, were Sunday guests Mrs. W. J. Holt. Mrs. George Yeo, of meats of Mary Ulens Lovie, Letter From Woodham By MISS BESSIE McOURDY 23, dur- the 3-M a “hard everyone $499.50 Without Bench Now you can have a well structed piano, at a very modest price. Accurately built to produce a clear tone, and sensitive to the touch, 88-note 7 ^-octave. Walnut or mahogany finish. Guaranteed for five years. Apartment size. For An Evening Appointment TELEPHONE 4.3 W. Martin EXETER SOUTH Mid-Season Sale JOHNSTON MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES Thursday., May 20., to Saturday, May 29 W' JI pWim Otol Personal Items Miss Marilyn Brine spent the weekend with Miss Marion Mc­ Naughton of the Base Line. ■Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Zinn and Kenny Pollock, of Sudbury, visit­ ed Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Switzer. Mr. and Mrs.- Phil Nancy, of St. Marys, Sunday with Mr. and Brine Mr. Ronnie Webb, Bend, is spending i with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Switzer, of St. Marys; Mr. Raymond Swit- er, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. W.. L. .Switzer visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Louch and Frank, of Hamilton. Miss Helen Webber attended the crowning of the May Queen at Alma College, St. Thomas, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire, Elaine and Donald, of Centralia, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Linda, of Winchelsea, visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber. Children Baptized A Mother's Day service was held Sunday, May 9. The sacra­ ment of baptism was held and the following children were bap­ tized: Judith Ann Mills, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills; Joy Susann Thacker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker; Marion Elizabeth Squire, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire; Janice Marie Thomson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ ence Thomson. On the following Sunday, John Martin Garten- burg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gartenburg, and Sandra Mar­ garet Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills, were bap­ tized.- They were unable to at­ tend on Mother’s Day. Brine and visited on Mrs.Oscar , of some Grand time The entire range of wonderful John3ton cloths is included in this great sale of Ladies’ and Men’s Suits—a truly ''Great" selection to choose from priced at: Please keep an mind the date for this sale — Thursday, May 20, Until Saturday, May 29 women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Too. Be Thrilled With Results-or Pay Nothing What a thrill! Bony arms, logs fill out; ,ugjy hollows fill up; book ho longer Sorawriy; body loses half-staxvdd, sickly look. Thousands, who never could gain before, nro now proud of shapely, healtny-Iooking bodies. They than* the special vigor-buildiflg and flesh-building tonic, Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants, invigora- tors, ixoh, vitamin Bt, calcium, enrich Wood, Improve appetite and digestion so fobd g}ve» you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on biro bones. Mrs. L. Savard, Mattagasai Heights, Ont., writes, “I gained 16 lbs. Tired feeling, nervousness gone, too.” Another user, Mrs. Marc Gagnon, Cap Chat, P.Q., writes, ”1 gained 13 lbs. Health fine. My rundown husband gained 15 lbs. New pep.” .*.... Don't feat. getting really fat, Stop when you’ve gained the 5, 10, 15 Or 20 lbs. you wish. Money back if you're not delighted, Costs little. New “get-nequainted” Size only 604. Refuse substitutes, Ostrex has given re­ sults when other tonics failed. Try famous Ostrex Tohio Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all druggists. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and Sharon, of St. George, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunnington. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Willis spent Sunday wtli and Mrs. John Ridley. Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Howard Pym were Doris Robinson, Miss Kay Gill, Mrs. Lois Porterfield Mr. Sterling Ince, of Exeter, Mr. in St. where ment. Mr, William Bell, Mrs. George Green­ wood, Miss A. Hackney, Exeter; Mrs. J. Johns, of Toronto, visit­ ed Monday evening with Mr. Mrs. Harold Bell. Miss Florence Heywood, Stratford; Mrs. Travers aud daughter, of London, and John Bibby, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hu­ bert Heywood. Philip Murch is a patient Joseph's Hospital, London, he is undergoing- treat- and of ■her Sgc. dressed for the occasion, is to be held on Wednesday evening, May 26, at 8:30 p.m. in the church basement. Kp»GSTARTe« e CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP CO-OP 17% PIG BOOSTER 17% L>IG STARTER (Mash or Pellets) 15% 13% 15% 35% Yom Can Pay More, But You Can’t Buy Better HOG GROWER HOG FINISHER SOW RATION HOG CONCENTRATE Exeter District Co-op * Free Deliveries on Saturdays Phone 287 Collect Exeter, Ontario ONLY A V-8 IS UP TO DATE 7RK ford VB—and find out why Ford is worth more, Take it out on the road and you’ll be convinced that Ford out-performs all other cars in its field. DifM V£—and discover Ford's V-8 smoothness- Let the responsive performance of Ford’s great V-8 engine—product of the experience gained in building more V-8 engines than all other manufacturers com­ bined—prove to you that only a V-8 is up to date, —and feel Ford’s soft, steady ride* Enjoy the road-hugging "big-car” feel of Ford, relax in the comfort of Ford’s firmly sprung foam-rubber seats, experience the completely effortless ease of driving that’s yours when you drive Ford, m/ve-w* think you’ll like if* If you buy a car with an eye to lasting value, then you’ll be wise to go Ford—because Ford is worth more when you buy itt worth more when you Sell it. ♦ • • WORTH MORE TODAY WORTH MORE TOMORROW CUSTOMUNK fdstooa SEOAN (Certain {eatvrw iUtuirateii dr mentioned are ‘‘Stdnda.r<r' on tame tM/Ult. optional at extra toil ah other/.) CHECK YOUR CAR,,. CHECK ACCIDENTS MAY IS SAFETY MONTH YOUR FORD DEALER INVITES tW IdR/fOI/FfO/lDOfi/ROAO ^iiiHiiiri,iHirti,iiH«HHiiiiiitM,uuMt,i<iir^^ Phone 624 Ford and Monarch Sales and Service ?i'f,rtyii,,ftWiMiHiiWfiiWiWwiOiS^ LOOK FOR THE SIGN 0F VALUE WHEN Y0U BUY A USED CAR-SEE YOUR FORD DEALER .... _____________....._..... s................................................- .......................... -...........................-.............' -............. ■■■■ ................. 1..............................■■■ ....- -........-.........-........... ... ..............................