HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-05-06, Page 7THE T1MES-ADVOCATE> EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1954 Visit Your Hospital May 12 I T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home | • FUNERAL DIRECTOR s Member of Ontario Funeral Association | • PRIVATE CAR AMBULANCE s Holder of St, John’s Ambulance First Aid Certificate | Portable Oxygen Equipment | Hospital Beds to Rent <■— Invalid! Chair to Loan New? of Elimville By MRS. BOSS SKINNER Flowers for All Occasions —— We Wire Anywhere 24-Hour Service - DASHWOOD - Telephone 70-W Mrs. Ed Joihns, of Exeter, Mrs. Maynard. Margison, Bobby, Barry and Alan, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner. I)r. and Mrs, Reilly and fam­ ily 'have moved to Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carroll and Anita, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Dr .and Mrs. Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner, Lirry, Dale and Brenda visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whetstone, of London. Mr. Joshua Johns, of Exeter, visited with friends in the com­ munity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley visited on Sunday with the Bonus sisters in St. Marys. Miss Donna Murch, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. The Elimville Church held communion service on Sunday and five girls joined the church —Misses Mary Skinner, Grace Johns, Grace Routly, Donna Gil- fillan and Helen Herdman. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parsons, of HensaJl, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Murch, of Parkhill. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Carl Schroeder, Minister This Sunday, ?:30 p.m.—-Service in Main Street United Church, All welcome! CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. G. Campbell, Seaforth Interim-Moderator Organist: Mrs. J. G. Cochrane 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Teachers and pupils of Sunday School will attend the special Mother’s Day ser­ vice in the church. Speaker: Mr. Fred McKay of Knox College, Toronto. Solo: Mrs. H. Simpson, "Mo­ ther My Dear”. Junior Choir: The melodies of many lands, A warm welcome is extended to parents and their families. BEST PRICES INI TOWN!! ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON All Services Are Withdrawn for this Sunday being Conference Sunday. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. Louis Higenell, Pastor Sunday, May 9—Mother’s Day. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--—Service; "Keep Them With Christ.” Offering for Armed Service Commission. Churchz MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., I Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, May 9— 10 a.m.—The Sunday School, 11 a.m.—"Christian Family Day' Remembering Our Mother. « Sacrament of infant Baptism. I** News of s Sunshine By MRS. WILLIAM PJGKI5Y Mother's Day JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, H. J. Snell, Pastor Air. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Mother’s Day Service. The Sacrament of Baptism be administered. Anthem by the Choir, Solo: Marilyn Bissett. p.m.—Evening Worship. In recognition of Hospital Week, the members of. the staff, board and auxiliary, with their friends, will attend the service. Sermon Subject: "The Great Physician.” Solo; Maxine Reeder. A warm welcome is extended to all. will 7 Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hicks and girls and Mrs. Alt Hicks, of near Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns and Marte on Friday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm at­ tended the church service in St. John’s United Church in Strat­ ford on Sunday evening. The service waag held in connection with Perth Presbytery Don Sunday. Miss Pauline Simpson with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ins in London on Sunday. Expos:- visited Hawk- Rev, N. D. Knox spent several days this week in Toronto. I REMEMBER YOUR MOTHER WITH FLOWERS ON HER SPECIAL DAY We havt a good selection of POTTED AND CUT FLOWERS * Refers Flowers 37 Main St-> Exeter Phone 761-W s s5 S Superior Stores Special Values GREEN GIANT TENDER PEAS Fancy quality, 15-oz. tins PRICES EFFECTIVE 2 FOR 37c ft. ROLL 32C 3 BOXES 25c MAY 6. 7 AND 8 I CRUNCHIE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16-oz. jars .......................... LIBBY’S SLICED PINEAPPLE Or Crushed, 20-oz. tins .. LYNN VALLEY PEACHES Sid. quality, large 20-oz. tins EACH 31c 2 2 FOR FOR 65c 39c menace your Living Room? New television *el, fresh drapes, a fine oil painting . . . naturally you are proud of your living room. But, despite faultless housekeeping, there may still be present « shadow you have overlooked. Prices still continue upward. Cost of re­ placement has gone up since your last purchase. Have you increased fire and burglary insurance accordingly? If you suffer a fire those of your posses­ sions covered by the shadow are unin­ sured. Of course the shadow may lurk in your clothes closets, silver chests, or it may cover ’your books, paintings and work­ shop. Why not see your friendly G.A, agent today about that shadow which may lurk in your living room? W.H. Hodgson "’’The Insurance Man” PHONE 24 EXETER Ron Westman's SPORTS AND AUTO SUPPLY -= I PHONE 211 EXETER 1 The -(I GENERAL ACCIDENT Group GtMOAt ICClDrMT full IND ||f| IHUMMCf COHIOfiinON. IIMIH0 | THl Grtlltll ACCIDIXT 1JIU»1X C! COMFINY DI CANADA I ICOtfHH CANA0UX itfURINCI CD»rO«i’ION Mothers Day Sunday, May 9 Remember mother on this important day by choos­ ing a gift from our large stock of dresses, coats, suits, blouses, hosiery, slips, gloves, handkerchiefs, flowers, scarves, linens, table cloths, fancy pillow cases, handbags, parasols, etc. Nylon Hosiery We feature three of the best known brands of nylon hosiery—Orient, Gotham Gold Stripe and Supersilk—in the new summer shades. Towel sets clearing at greatly reduced prices for this special day. LADIES’ AND MISSES’ Ready-To-Wear Miss Link has just returned from a buying trip and is featuring the latest summer styles in dresses, coats, blouses, sports wear, etc. Special Dresses at $5.95 One rack of special dresses, sizes 12 to 20, 18^2 to 24^ and 46 to 50, in everglade cotton and spun rayon, coin dot and water wove designs. • Tena Page cotton and linen dresses, sizes 9 to 17, one of the most popular makes for misses, now here in the new summer styles. • New summer dress fabrics for the hot weather at attractive prices. • Draperies, curtain nets, made-up curtains, etc., floor coverings, Curtain poles and tracks, plastics, etc.—a large stock to choose from. Work Socks Penman’s all-nylon, good weight. Saves darning . . Special at ..... $1.00 pair Topcoat Sale Men! Buy your all-wool English gabardine and covert cloth spring top­ coats at these sale prizes: Reg. $55.00 for $39.00 Reg. $39.00 for $29.00 See new Fashion Brandi men’s suits, sport coats! Work Clothing We carry only standard brands of work clothing: blue jeans and overalls, shirts, socks, caps, cover­ alls, etc., many lines at lower prices. Also a com­ plete line of boys’ jeans. Men’s heavy rubberized work gloves. Reg. $1.25. On sale ............ 790 pair Special Values THIS MONTH FOR MEN AND BOYS Men’s sanforized broad­ cloth pyjamas, sizes 38 to 46. A regular $4.95 qual­ ity on sale at ........ $2.98 Men’s white sweat shirts, reg. $2.75, on sale $1.98 Boys’ polo pyjamas for summer, sizes small, me­ dium and large. Regular $2.75 for ..................$1.98 F. A. MAY & SON Phone 190 * EXETER Phone 190 Men’s Wear — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Dry Goods — Floor-Coverings, etc. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD W. F. Krotz, Minister Ken McCrae, Organist May 9—Mother’s Day. Rev. Mrs. Sunday, 10:00 a.m.—"It All Depends on the Family.” 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. — "Portraits of Noble Mothers.” Friday, May 7, 8:00 p.m.—Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S. BACKACHE MaybeWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow. That’s the time to take Dodd s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. i EXETER TABERNACLE P.A.O.C. Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Speaker: Stephen Ken­ drick. Thurs., 8 p.m.—Challengers will meet at the home of Mrs. R. Ostler. Roll call Love. Fri., 6:30 p.m.—Children’s Hap­ py Hour. Girls making plaster wall plaques, boys book-ends. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. We invite you to come. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore says, Bring your children, the tide is rising. Sun., 11 a.m.—Mother’s Day. The ladies of the church will be in charge of this service. 4. good day of remembrance of mother, and the Christ that she loved and served. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—The message of the 'hour. It is not bombs. But Christ Jesus. Town Topics Misses Isabelle and Alice Tay­ lor are spending their vacation at Miami Beach, ’Florida. Mrs. Roy Alderson 1» a pa­ tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mt .and Mrs. John Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Kerr’s parents, Mrs. L. J. Penhale. BED­ TIME STORY For Adults! Dunlop Pillofoam mattress made for those who demand maximum comfort in a mattress. With its millions of tiny air cells suspended in latex, Pillofoam breathes comfort, gives gentle, uniform support from head to toe. Just compare modern Pillofoam to the old-fashionel mattress: There’s nothing to lump or pack ... no bothersome buttons . . • no coil springs to sag. Pillofoam is a lifetime invest­ ment in Sheet Sleeping comfort — it has never been known to wear out. Try tliis new sleeping sensation — the full 4" moulded Pillofoam mattress is $79.50, upholstered box spring is $39.50. You pay only $110.00 for an unbeatable sleeping combination! HOPPER HOCKEY Furniture Phone 99 SLIM PROCESS CHEESE (Skim Miik) High vitamins, low calories EDDY’S RED BIRD MATCHES A quality product pkg. of LYON’S TEA BAGS — Pkg. of 60 Free 10<? Coupon, good on bread and fa lb. candy SUPER SUDS GIANT PKG. Free silver plated teaspoon enclosed EA. ■ V'w ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIX — Coupon Deal 1 pkg. White Cake Mix and 1 pkg. Gold Cake tyiix and coupon worth 20<f on purchase of any 11 Jb. coffee ALL FOR 73c j KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES J Oven fresh. 12-oz. pkgs..................... EACH ALL FOR 23c 57c Phones 32 Kerr, of J. H. Jones Groceries Phones 32 o: IIIIIKIIIIIlWlW Phone 624 Ford and Monarch Sales ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiniiiiiiii ........... <uiiiiiiiiii>nn>>iiiiiiiiiiiiii«in>>niiiii>ini:u«tiiiiiii>i<inii>>>iiiiihi>iiitiitriiiiiiiiiiiiitmtiiniir<iiiuint«^ Service Exeter, Ont. I EXTRA HEAVY DUTY PISHAaMENT 317 CU. IA 279 CU. IN. HEAVY ©«T¥LIGHT DUTY 170-Hp -2Q6 FT- LB- MASTER-GUIDE” POWER STEERING now available on all! Exfra-Heavy-Duty BIG JOBS with 170-Hp. and 152-Hp. engines Now—giant "big jobs” handle like pickups, with famous “Master-Guide” Power Steering to provide up to 75% of the energy you need to make, the trickiest moves. Parking, backing into narrow lanes and manoeuvring in tight places all come easy with Power Steering ... yet you never lose the familiar “feel” that means absolute road-control. (Optionala! Extra Cost) 25S CU. tri - «39CV. < 120-Hp- HO-HP- WA-Hp. 196H. made to measure for every hauling Job! Greatest power range in Ford Truck history means the right truck for every need! Ford Triple-Economy Trucks for ’54 offer power for every hauling job— from half-ton pickups to 40,000 lb. G.V.W. six-wheel giants! The seven great V-8 engines available in ‘54 Ford Trucks include four all-new high- \ compression, overhead-valve V-8’s, worn etr/a J rvo eltotwith new short-stroke design that cuts friction as much as 33%. Every Ford Truck V-8 is the product of the experience gained in building more V-8’s than all other manufacturers combined. With over 125 models to choose from, including new conventionals, new cab forwards, new six-wheel tandems, new parcel deliveries—you’re sure of exactly the right truck for your job—m'/M power made to measure! F-760 “BIG JOB” KAC70MRAJ1EP two-iisid tight-fisted strength —*77^ economy SEE FORD TRUCK DEALER Motors