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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-05-06, Page 6
Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1954 s The Perfect Gift For Mother s ,s CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS CORSAGES I = a X £ FOR SALE FOR SATE CLASSIFIED RATES Open Friday Evening for Your Convenience BAILEY'S FLORIST PHONE 76 EXETER s s s NOTICE WE ARE NOW CONTRACTING FOR PICKING BEANS s Open Monday to Friday CANADIAN CANNERS BRANCH 100 EXETER Phone 28 S- 12 CHOICE YORKSHIRE pigs, weighing 150 lbs. or over. Good strong hog feeder, 4-ft. double side. Sixteen-foot double corn crib, capacity 10 to 12 tons, moveable. Steel hog trough and chop box. —W. Morley, telephone 2?6.6* USED PRINCESS PAT wood and coal stove. Good condition. Phone 35- r»2& Dashwood. ELECTRIC FENCER battery special at $3.75 each. —Russell Electric, Ex- eter._______________ 6c SEVER Al. HEREFORD BULLS, re gistered, accredited, serviceable age. Priced to sell. Apply Hirtzel Bros., phone 72-r-3 Crediton. 6* TABLE and SEED POTATOES—Table $1.50: seed (cwt.) $2.50. —Exeter District Co-Op, phone 287. 6c ATTENTION FARMERS—Barb Wire $8.75 per spool. On account of Purchasing a large quantity of Four point Six Heavy Canadian Barb Wire we are offering it for sale at $8.75 per spool Cash, This price applies to purchases already bought and paid for. —Scott’s Elevator, Lucan, Ont. P hone 63.__________________6:13:20c 3 - PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, wine and green velour. Apply Ken Hodgins, Centralia._______________6c LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL — During May and June. 10 issues of Ladies’ Home Journal for $2.00 to new sub- scribers only. Exeter Times-Adyocate LOOK! — 6.00x16 tires, $13.50; 6.70x15 tires, S14.50. And your old retreadable tire. Batteries $19.50 exchange and up. —Reg Armstrong Motors, Exeter. 6c LATE '50 PONTIAC Torpedo ”8”, 24,000 actual mileage, radio, whitewalls, -$1,100. Phone 443-r-12 Exeter. C. H. Gray, 104 Empress Ave., RC- AF Centralia. 6c CISTERN PUMP with 10-ft. pipe and sink with waste pipe; iron well pump with 30-ft. pipe. E, C. Appleton. 67 Huron St. E. (jc TWO DOZEN range shelters. Elgin Rewcbffe, telephone 685-r-24 Hensall. 6:13* 1952 CHEV COACH, in A-l condi tion. for quick sale. Owner moving to U.S.A. Phone' Crediton 26-r-31, 6c 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words —- Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 30f More Than 25 Words —- Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classified ads accepted np till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. COATS — All ladies’ and children’s coats reduced. Special table of $1.00 bargains, —McCreery’s, Exeter. 6c FOR SALE i S RANGE SHELTERS, good as new. Apply Alvin Hodge, phone ll-r-13 Kirkton. _______________________6c 8 OPEN HOLSTEIN heifers. Vaccinated and T.B. tested. Between GOO {and 800 lbs. Priced for immediate i sale. Apply Alvin Hodge, phone 11-r- 13 Kirkton.______________________Ge CONCRETE BLOCKS and flagstones, any color, now in stock. Modern con crete flagstones provide the conven ient, pleasing garden walk. Easy to lay. No experience needed Last a life-time. Economical. All kinds of of concrete work including sidewalks, cement floors, etc. —Seaforth Con crete Products, jihone 22-M Seaforth. 29:6:13:20c 16-FT. OUTSIDE apartment steps and landing. Apply 243 Andrew Street or phone 347,____________ 6* SWEET CLOVER SEED at a reasonable price. — Clarence Davis, phone 177-r-f Exeter._______ fie ANTIQUES! ANTIQUES!—Selling out entire collection. Private sales by appointment only. Enclosed stamped envelopes for information. — S i m o n Sweitzer, Box 57, Exeter. 29:6:13:20c USED CAR PARTS for Fords 1929- 1940, Chevs 1932-1941, Plymouths, De- sotos, Dodges, Olds and Pontiacs, etc, —Cudmore’s Gravel. Our location saves you money. Phone 171-r-3 Ex eter._________________, 3-18tfc GEoRGE WHITE 28 - 46 threshing machine with rear cutter and drive belt. Allis Chalmers 60 P.T.O. combine. scourkleener, pick-up, straw spnader. dust like new. — Russell Grainger. R.R. 2, Zurich, phone Bay field 60-3. . 6’ BLACKHAWK SOYBEAN seed, Re- gisl'-nd and c«mmerei&l grades. We prefer this variety over all others tor tins locality. Ask for prices. “Elder Bros., Hensall. h:13:20c GENT’S BLUE SUIT, size 44, In very good condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 6* s s PURPLE RASPBERRY canes, "Col umbia”—in good supply. Also strawberry plants. Limited amount. Apply Mrs. Emalie Carter, east side of highway, % mile south of Exeter, 22:29:6’ DRY HARDWOOD, 1-ft. lengths. By cord or load. Cudmore’s Gravel, phone 171-r-3 Exeter, 4-15tfc Machinery Bargains FOR THIS WEEK 4-Section spring-tooth harrows; 3- section flexible type spike-tooth harrows; 3-section rotary hoe, like new. Massey Clipper combine with engine. EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 508 ' William St. 1948 DODGE CONVERTIBLE, in good condition. Privately owned. Apply C. .1. Walker. Cromarty, or Reg Arm strong Motors, Exeter, 6:13* HEREFORD BULL — Two years old. Phene 165-r-2 Dashwood. 6c WINDMILL HEAD, oil bath, complete, new condition. Victor Jeffery, phone 173-r-13 Exeter. 6c Canadian Ron With One Of These Appliance Specials McCLARY Washing Machine Beg. $150.95 • For Mother’s Day ( ONLY $119.95 WIcCLARY Automatic Dryer Reg. $299.95 For Mother’s Day ONLY $219.95 ELECTRIC CLOCKS ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS ELECTRIC KETTLES ELECTRIC COOKER ELECTRIC MIXER Admiral Refrigerator 9.5 Cubic Feet Reg. $389.95 For Mother’s Day ONLY $319.95 21" ADMIRAL Table Model! Television Beautiful Mahogany Reg. $319.95 For Mother1'® Day ONLY $256.95 PYREX WARE PLASTIC WARE JAPAN WARE ENAMEL WARE GALVANIZED WARE GLASS WARE See Our Stock Of Gifts For Mother H HARD A R E QUALITY -AT -FArR &RIC&S PHONE 27 _____._______EXETER. a O 'S'^2(0 ©D5D<g | IVMAT A SHOCK- WE’VE BEEN WINED AND DINED SINCE BIRTH-NOW WE'RE ON RAN6F, WE 'HUSTLE'FOR OURSELVES <______! ____ _ .._______ _ / SURE MISS OUrY BALANCED MEAIS-V I'M LOSING WEIEHV r--------------s / WORK SO HARDTO FIND' < SOMETHING TO EAT, I'M ALWAYS TIRED AND / UNDERFED f YOU'D THINK TH£ BOSS WOULD PROTECT HIS INVESTMENT IN US- TWO HUNDRED OF US GIRLS MUST HAVE COST PLENTY 7~-"' JX- -jU r JI H - /“f /' $r -s, )- J ts%. S. Full Weight, 88 lbs, to 80-Rod $9.00 PER ROLL 10 or More Rolls Delivered Free 7’ TEE RAIL STEEL POSTS and ALL KINDS FARM FENCING At Best Prices Cal! D. A. ASHWORTH 70 Lucan BICYCLES, NEARLY NEW — Phone 47-r-2 Dashwood. 6* DEARBORN PLOW, just plowed 60 acres. Will sell cheap, Apply Wilfred Cunningham, R. R, 1, Clandeboye, phone 162-r-2 Lucan. _____29:6* USED BRICK. Apply William Wal- ters, R.R. 1, Woodham.________29:6* PLYMOUTH CAR — 5-passenger, re cently overhauled, F. A, Wood, Hen- sall, phone 88._______;_________29:6c 12 - FOOT PLYWOOD Peterborough style boat, approximately two years old. Phone 683-J Exeter. 29:6:13c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE 4-22tfc Furniture And Appliances AUTOMATIC HIGH OVEN ELECTRIC RANGE DINETTE SUITE (China Cabinet, Drop-Leaf Extension Table and 6 Ladder-Back Chairs) CHESTERFIELD MAPLE BUNK BEDS EXTENSION TABLE (Cheap) BABY TENDA BABY WALKER and STROLLER ODD CHAIRS (Occasional) BOY’S SUIT (Size 12) BOY’S TOPCOAT (Size 12) BRIDGE LAMP Several Pieces of Heavy WEAREVER ALUMINUM WEAR TREDDLE SEWING MACHINE WASHING MACHINE ROBERTSON'S DRUGS Phone 50 Exeter GET YOUR 6c SCREENS and COMBINATION DOORS Made Now At HURON LUMBER CO. LTD. PHONE 48 EXETER --------------------- - ---------------------------------- > COME ON OVER HERE, GIRLS, OUR BOSS BELIEVES IN KEEPING US < GROWING FAST ON ROE VITAGROW , BMW \f V T I^T a BRAY HAS CHICKS for immediate delivery. Pullets; mixed. And started pullets. Early heavy production is what you want from the chicks you buy now. Then get Bray. Ask us for complete list. Prompt delivery. Wide choice breeds and crosses. Agent — Eric Carscadden, Phone 246-W. 6c TENDERS WANTED RE EXTERIOR PAINTING Tenders will be received by the Exeter Public School Board for painting 3 coats on the 1951 and 1938 school buildings. Further information may be obtained from Carfrey Cann, chairman of the property committee. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, W. H. HODGSON Secretary-Treasurer WANTED 6:13c TO RENT—3 rooms or an apartment; also space for furniture storage. Ap- ply Box ’’H”, Times-Advocate. 6c BOARD AND WASHING for single man in Exeter. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate._________*______________(P 20 HEAD OF CATTLE to grass for summer. Concession 13 of Stephen. Apply Pat Wilds, phone 40-r-7 Dash- .wood. ______________________6c FOR QUIET RELIABLE couple (nondrinkers, non-smokers, no pets or Children), 3 or 4 unfurnished heated rooms with bath. On . main floor. — Phone Exeter 678 or 366-J. 6:13* CATTLE TO PASTURE. Lot 15 and 16 Stephen TbwnShip. Apply Fred Haist, phone 26-r-22 Crediton. 6c ABOUT 25 CATTLE to grass, phone 681-r-22 Hensall._______________29:6* WANTED AND FOR SALE — Used merchandise. Louis E Johnston, Sec ond Hand Shop, corner Station and Main Streets. Phone 183 noon and evenings.____________________6-29tfc CATTLE TO GRASS for the summer. Plenty of water. Apply Silas Stan- lake, phone 271-M or 357 Carling Street, Exeter.________________29:6c STANDING BUSH-LOTS — Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 620-22 between 6 and 7:30 evenings. 4-1 tfc 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer tilizer or road horses, Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter. ll-19tfc TWO MEDIUM SIZE houses, rooms on one floor, preferably oil furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 3-25tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED MARRIED DUTCH man would like steady job on farm. — Phone 77S-W Exeter. 6c FARMERS! Do. you need help this spring? Married or single Dutch men are available. For further information call Rev. Schroeder, phone 575-W Exeter. 4-15tfc FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland families. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc HELP WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN for housekeeping duties. Apply South Huron Hospital between 9 a.nj. and 4 p.m. 6c YOUNG MAN capable of taking charge of bookkeeping and learning farm supply business. Exeter District Co-op. 6c RELIABLE, WELL GROOMED wo man to sell Beauty Counselors Cos metics in Grand Bend area. Highest commission paid. Full or part time; no canvassing required. For inter view write Mrs. Ruth Thompson, Box 43, RCAF Centralia. 6:13* SALESMAN — Full or part time for new and unusual Insured Savings Bond, previous selling experience not ncessary. Enthusiasm and willingness more important. Better than usual earnings and real future security. State age, education and experience in first letter to Box ”S”, Times- Advocate. 6* INTERESTED in door-to-door sell ing? In a business of your own? Join now a 25-year-old Canadian firm with 1,000 dealers. Openings in your sur roundings. Write for free information. — FAMILEX, 1600 Delorhnier, Dept. 2, Montreal, 6c TEACHER WANTED — The Hay Township Public School Area re quires a teacher for a one-room rural school. Duties to commence in the fall term. Applicants to state qualifications, experience, religion, and salary expected, and references. Ap plications to be in by May 11, 1954. — H, W. Brokenshire, Sec. - Treas., Zurich, Ont. 296c MISCELLANEOUS FOR'LAWN ROLLING, call 169-J or, after G p.m., 884-W, —Murray Mc- Creery, Exeter. , 6c TRANSPORTATION offers to Lon don. Arriving at London 8:00 p.m., leaving London 6:00 p.m, H. Kaste- iein, 84 Andrew Street. 6* S-H-A-R-P-!— Nothing cuts a board like a sharp saw . . . and nothing files a saw like our Foley Automatic Filer. Bring your saws in and you’ll save work on your next job. —Stew Dykstra, 152 Lake Road, 500 feet west of Monetta Menard’s. Gc CUSTOM CAPONIZING, started ca pons. Apply Carl Oestricher, phone 57-r-23 Dashwood. 4-22:29:6:13:20:27 FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242, 5-14alt.tfc LAWN MOWER SHARPENING. Expert work, —Fisher’s Hardware, Exeter, 29: 6c BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, or typist in your spare time. Lesson 50tf. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 22:29:6c STEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, imme diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan. —Butler Bros.4-1:8:15:22:29:5-6:13:20:27* PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H, WALKER Phone 553 Exeter WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, sign painting and floors tiled. Ed “Buck” Little, phone 19G-R Hensall, Ontario. 3-25:l;8:15:22:29;6:13* FOR RENT APARTMENT — Available May 15. Elliot Apts., phone 476 Exeter. 6c HOUSE.in GRAND BEND—near Im perial Garage. Living room, wash room, two bedrooms. Available at once. Low rent. Apply Christana Des- jardine, Grand Bend. 6:13* SPECIAL RATES girls' groups (CG- IT, Explorers, etc.) at lovely large cottage, Grand Bend, central to lake and amusements. July 15 to July 31. Or room reservations, adults, July 15 to August 7. — Mrs. COcil Robb, R.R. 2, Lucan, phone 25-T-22 Lucan. 29:6* 1 FURNISHED ROOM and a garage. Immediate possession. Apply Times- Advocate. .. 6* FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners, Beavers Hardware, Exeter. Floor Sander and Edger Do It Yourself and Save Money! McKENZlE’S PAINT STORE Phone 253 Exeter 4-15:22:29:6:13:20:27:30 LOST I STOCK WANTED LOST—Set of keys, on a chain. Find er please leave nt Times-Advocate. REAL ESTATE ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-Jl; Exeter 235. ______ tfc SUREtNE3 SMART-j NOW IS THE TIME $ TO BUILD OUR BODIES FOR FALL EGG > > PRODUCTIONy /\ aAa /v * Ivi 7 4 'yen - ------------- YOU POOR GIRLS- SUNSHINE, FRESH AIR AND GRASS ALONE CERTAINLYj DOESN'T BUILD \ BONES, FEATHERS) 'xAND BODIES y $2,500.00 OR $3,000.00 CASH will give you possession of one of Exeter s finer brick homes, Nicely arranged rooms. Hardwood floors throughout. New oil-burning furnace. Garage, Good location. Total price reduced. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, 3J4 Main St., Exeter.____________5'6tfc TWO SUMMER HOMES, Old Orchard subdivision, Grand Bend. One. new, nicely finished, all conveniences, winterized. Both may be purchased on very easy terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter. 5-6tfc 2-STOREY, 7-ROOM house, 3 bed rooms, modern, kitchen and bath room, new air-conditioned furnace, laundry tubs, garage. Possession September 1. Apply Claude Blowes, Box 315, Exeter._________ 5-6tfc IN HENSAIJ, — 7-room house. New roof. Recently covered with asphalt shingles. Built-in cupboards. Large lot. Garage. Priced for quick sale. Possession immediately. Apply Box 36, Bengali._____________ 6c TRANSFERRED and MUST SELL new rug brick one-floor five-room, fully modern, forced air heated home. Owner 493 Andrew Street. 3-15tfc DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES collect, Ingersoll 21, or Exeter 287- I AM IN THE MARKET for all kind® of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter, tfc NOTICES HENSALL DOG OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Under By-Law 13, 1948, of the Vil lage of Hensall, every owner of a Dog who neglects to obtain a Tag before May 1 of each year shall be liable to a Fine UP to Ten Dollars, Further under this By-Law no dog shall be allowed to run at large during the months of April, May, June, July, August, September and October. The penalty under this section of the By-Law may be up to $50.00. The police have been instructed to enforce this By-Law. J. A. PATERSON Municipal Clerk 6c ONE FLOOR 2-bedroom house, bath room, new oil furnace. Corner lot.— Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Babsons. Salesman.________ 4-15tfc NEW HOUSE — 349 Edward Street. Living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, and bath with space for other room on second floor. Oil furnace. Wide lot. —R, E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J.__________4-Stic GRAND BEND on Blue Water High way opposite Oakwood Golf Course. Well built rug brick house with 3 bedrooms down and 3 up. First floor is beautifully finished throughout. Kitchen and bathroom are very modern. Full basement with oil-burning furnace. Two nicely arranged cabins. Large garage and tidy barn with three acres of valuable land, The whole property is in wonderful con dition and nicely landscaped. It is greatly admired by all who see it. Possession given to suit purchaser. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter.________________4-ltfc DUPLEX HOUSE, 2-piece bath up stairs, 3-plece down and 5 or 6 acres on highway near Exeter. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales room_________________ ____3-11tfc CENTRALLY LOCATED for schools, churches and shopping, 3-bedroom house, new roof, interior decorating good, 2 bathrooms, garage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales- man._______________ 3-4tfc 6-ROOM HOME, first floor has living room, one bedroom, large modern kitchen, new three-piece bath, three bedrooms upstairs, Good basement with coal furnace, Extra lot; barn with garage. —524 William St. lltf» WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and quality, stores and other businesses, sum mer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par- sons, Salesman.______________5-28tfc EXETER, BUSINESS BLOCK, with three complete apartments. This property shows a real return on invest ment over and above taxes and other expenses. Let us give you the de tails. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street._______________________2-4tfc BRICK HOUSE—Perfect Exeter loca tion. This home is nicely laid out with four bedrooms and other usual rooms. Roof and exterior of house is in good condition. It has new oil burning equipment and garage. The lawns are beautiful and nicely planted with ornamental shrubs and bushes. This property lends itself to the use of a larger family or for apartment purposes. Reasonable price. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. l-21tfc DOG OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Under By-Law No. 13, 1936, of the Town of Exeter, every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a tag be fore April 15 of each year shall be liable to a fine of $10.00.Further, under this by-law, no dog shah be allowed to run at large dur ing the months of May, June, July, August and September in each year. The penalty under this section of the by-law may be $10.00,Police have been instructed to en force this by-law, C. V. PICKARD Municipal Clerk AUCTION SALES 22:29c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real! Estate* Combine, Tractor, Farm Implements^ NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES MacGREGOR. late of the Township of Stephen, in the' County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the late Charles Mac- gregor, who died on the Sth day of April, 1954, are hereby notified to send them to either of the under signed, duly verified, on or before the 22nd day of May, 1954.After the last-named date, the assets of the said estate will be dis tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice.Dated at Exeter, Ontario, the 3rd day of May, 1954. LULU MAY MacGREGOR, AdministratrixW. G. COCHRANE, Solicitor for the Administratrix 6:13:20c In the Estate of Wellington Brook Deceasedpersons having claims againstthe estate of Wellington Brook, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 21st day of April, 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton. Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of May next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario By Roe Farms Service Dept. THE BOSS SAYS ALL THIS WONDERFUL > ROE VITA6R0W (FOR THE &R0WIN& PERIOD) COSTS ONLY > A DO2EN FALL E60S FROM EACH OF US. CHEAP INSURANCE, EH? < /I®- Build your layers NOW on i ROE ’ Vita-yaw in either mash w pellet j form * gowSmsi OJLM VG-6 C. Tindall, Mooresville Lome Eiler, Hensail H. Kellerman, Dashwood Auto, Livestock and! Miscellaneous Items On the premises, SOUTH HALF OF LOT 10, NORTH HALF OF LOT 11 SAUBLE CON., MOLLARD LINE Half mile east of Grand Bend and 3 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer has re ceived instructions to sell by publie auction on FRIDAY, MAY 14 commencing at 1 o’clock sharp the following: REAL ESTATE: Consists of 137 acres of land, Lot South Half of 10 and North Half of 11, Sauble Con., Mollard Line, on which is situated a well built hip roof barn and a large hip roof implement shed. Two-storey frame house, all in good state of repair. Choice clay loam, 10 acres of good hardwood bush. Remainder all tillable and in high state of cultivation. Terms of Real Estate to known on day of sale. COMBINE & SWATHER: self-propelled 12-ft. swath anteed power season. TRACTOR: Waterloo'"IT” Standard 52 Model tractor, completely equipped in guaranteed new condition; John Deere small size tractor, equipped with 4-row scuffler. FARM IMPLEMENTS &. MISCEL LANEOUS ITEMS: McD. 3 - furrow tractor plow; M.M. 16-run disc; fertilizer drill, like new; M.H. one-way- disc; M.D. 32-plate tractor disc; M,D. tractor cultivator; land packer; 4- seetion diamond harrows; Case liam- mermill: speed jack; heavy duty ham mermil] belt; 50-ft. rubber belt; Pion eer chain saw, like new; 2 gas mo tors; rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. flat rack; rotary pump and tank; 6 steel barrels; large (galv.) supply tank; steel wagon truck; hay fork, rope and car; extension ladder (new); Vik ing electric cream separator; tool chest: quantity of good lumber; quan tity of steel and cedar posts; 300 galv. sap pails (new); 2 gas tanks; l’/^-h.p. electric motor; iron kettle; turning lathe; brooder stove; 500- chick cap. oil brooder; garage tools; forks, shovels, chains, etc., etc. AUTO: 1945 Buick Coach, in good' condition. LIVESTOCK: Two Hereford cows, due in June; Durham cow, due inJune; 2 Hereford heifers, rising Z years old; York brood sow. A QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. TERMS: Cash. MRS. CHARLES McGREGOR, PROP. GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER . 6:13c- be made M.H, 90 ___ ___ ................. combine, used, one season, in all around guar- -____- new condition: M.H. 12-ft. take-off swather, used one Clearing AUCTION SALE of Autos, Truck, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND First house north of Klopp Hotel The undersigned auctioneer has re ceived instructions to sell by publie auction on SATURDAY, MAY 15 commencing at 1:30 p,m. sharp AUTOS: 1952 Hillman Sedan, in all around guaranteed new condition; 1939 Chev Coach, in guaranteed new condition.TRUCK: Chev hydro truck. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & MIS CELLANEOUS ITEMS: Beach 4- burner electric stove, like new; Ren frew cook stove, like new; 10 steer Simmons beds, complete with spring- filled mattress, like new; i beds, With springs and mattress; De Forest Crosloy electric radio; chesterfield; walnut writing desk; dining room table; 4 dining room chairs; 6 kit chen chairs; 3 Pocking chairs; 3 arm chairs; mounted birds; glass cases; 2 oak end tables; mantel clock; fem stand; rugs, mats, quilt tops; picture frames; sideboard; chest of drawers; dressers; commodes; couch; kitchen, cabinet; cupboard; dishes;, glassware; chinaware; antique dishes ice-box; electric washing machine; wicker chairs; lawn chairs; 6 new ward robes; 10 boxes of asphalt tile flooring (brand new); 2 Duo Therm Oil’ burners; 2 power lawn mowers; 2- Wheel trailer; 6 oil drums, varlous’- sizes; pheasant pen; 2 shower cab- binots; plumbing fittings; Jamesway 10-section electric. battery brooder (new); quantity of carpenter tools;- quantity of lumber, etc., etc, TERMS: Cash. m_,J!?ERT HOLT, PROP.TERMS: COsh. BERT HOLT, PROPRIETOR GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER , . , ,__________ 6:i3tt AUCTION SALE trf Valuable Furniture and Other Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF I-IENSALL , ........JonWEDNESDAY, MAY 19 1:00 p.m, sharp G. M. DRYSDALE, RltOF, t’. l, McNaughton, clerk ALVIN WALPER, ED rlORBETT', - AUCTIONEERS