HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-05-06, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1954 a E s. e H. J. CORNISH & CO.Technicality Delays Hensall Loan CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J» Cornish, L. F* Cornish, D, Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. 5 5 s5 W.WWWWV MICKLES PHONE 103 HENSALL, ONT. Checkerboard News PURINA CMOWOEB Grow Pullets Big And Strong MANY A FLOCK off to an ex­ cellent start fails to hold that advantage through the grow­ ing period. Sometimes that’s because the owner is so busy with other work that he ne­ glects his g r o w i n g pullets; sometimes because, with every­ thing going out and nothing coming in, he cheapens the quality of growing ration or cuts down the quantity; some­ times because he is impressed by the theory that they should be “held back”. Purina Research shows that birds must be fed ADEQUATE­ LY to grow them to good body size. The real egg money, now­ adays, is made by hitting the top-price top-premium Summer and Fall markets, with Big Eggs, and plenty of them. And to get early, heavy, solidly grown, fully developed birds. YOU CAN ECONOMIZE on your growing costs by making full use of short tender green pasture; but on the best of range it still pays to feed a well-balanced growing ration. Farmers, our up to date plant can mix you a properly balanced Growing Purina If you let us ration. grain we can supply you with our precision made Purina Chowmix Growing Ration. EGGS . . . Prices have reached I bottom with only slight fur- I ther weakness in scattered ■areas. Upturn in prices will be I delayed until July this year. TRICKS w ALL TRADES — The Purina dairy calf plan draws a laugh from people who've never tried it because it says . on the 4th day teach calf to eat Calf Star- tena”. They say it's such a chore to teach a baby calf to eat. Actually it’s easy. Try it this way and see if it doesn't work: After calf has finished her Nursing Chow, let her suck a little Calf Startena off your fingers. Then put the bucket next to an open feed trough and sprinkle a little Calf Star­ tena in it and in the trough, usually after 2 or 3 tries, she’ll get the idea and start nibbling from the trough. New Trophy For Fiddlers Wester x> Ontario's original i Fiddlers' ■ Friday, Chambertec decided Monday Classes were drawn up same as last year ex­ cept a few miner changes. A card point system was drawn for the judges tv follow, which will facilitate the speed of judg­ ing and give the contestant a clear picture of his marks. This is the sixth year of the holding of tins annual contest and if ir continues to .grow as in the past the possibility of a two-night cioitest will be given consideration next year. I A handsome trophy from The ■ London Free Frees has been put I up for annual competition for • the grand champion and the win- iner will leceive a replica of the : same tor h«e possession. With 3 this trophy uj fw competition. ■ a bigger and more enthusiastic ^evening > .aitmpated for the ' people of Westen.' Ontario on , Friday June 41 ... Contt'sl wils Juiit 4 the of Commerce Commit- be held Hensall Comments About Cromarty By SIRS. K. MCKELLAR ration with Chowder Concentrate, have plenty of grain make you a growing If you are short of PUHMU sSuinW •wayHEALTH HINT — One to cut down on calf losses is to cut down on germs. We have a wonderful disinfectant that you can use to clean up the calving stall, the calf pen —and the old cow herself. You wouldn't think of raising a baby in dirty surroundings, so why try to raise calves way. Get some Purina infectant. MENREMEMBER, POULTRY ... if your birds are picking and feather pulling, Put a Stop to It. We are happy to be able to help our customers- by debeaking their chickens, We are looking forward to that visit from you. If there is any way we can help with your livestock or poultry feed­ ing or management problems, remember we are here to serve you. JWWWWWWWk i a technical error has delayed I the passing of the $30,000 de- i benture by-law for artificial j.ce in Hensall. ! The Ontario Municipal Board returned the original by-law to the council for a minor change in wording. Council passed :the revised regulations on Monday night and the by-law has again been submitted to the Board for approval. Seek Dump Property committee of the council is seeking a dump ground foi the village. Utility man E, : Mr. and Mrs John Vesper, of Mitchell, were entertained at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen on Friday evening. Mrs. Archie Morgan, Hensall, and Mrs. Will Sillery, Exeter, called on friends in the village on Monday evening. Pte. Alex Walker and Pte. Ron Philpot, Ipperwash, and Miss Caroline Walker, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mrs, Christina McKellar, Mit­ chell, visited with several of her friends here on Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Reg Stagg, Ex­ eter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus McKellar and family, Seaforth, were day visitors with Mr. and Lindsay McKellar. Mrs. M. Houghton, Billy Linda visited Laverne Rose day. A funeral Howard Wright, who passed in Seaforth Hospital on Tuesday, was held at Heath’s funeral home in Mitchell on Friday and was conducted by Rev. Robert Dun­ canson. Messrs. Ernest Temple­ man and Frank Stagg sang two numbers. Many friends from Cromarty rict were ment was Mitchell. The Y.P.S. meeting was on Sunday evening with Anita Sorsdahl presiding. Wilma Harper read a poem Mr. with Mr. and in Mitchell on service for Sun- Mrs. and Mrs. Sun- Mrs. away and surrounding dist- in attendance. Inter­ in Woodland cemetery, held. Miss Miss and Duncanson led in prayer. Miss Alice Sorsdahl read a paper on the life of Miss Agnes Hyslip who is a missionary in India. It was decided roast in the A v o n t o n , young people to hold a weiner near .future with Listowel and Roys as their guests. Traveler (in a hurry): Driver, is your hor.se sick? Why does he stop and go like that? Driver: Not at all. He wants to be sure he hears me when I say whoa, so he stops now and then to listen. Bring A Gift Day May 12 Space contributed in the service of the community by John Labatt, Limited Hospital In areas where hospitals have been established for a number of years, it becomes a custom to the residents to bring gifts the hospital can use on Hospital Day, Citizens of South Huron can show their appreciation for the work the hospital is doing in this area by bringing gifts of canned goods, soap, towels, lin­ ens or other useful articles when they visit the hospital on Wed­ nesday, May 12. Your hospital will appreciate it! JI, Davis reported he was not able to find a place for garbage. Policeman Davis was asked to check up on dogs in the village. Clerk-treasurer J. A. Paterson reported onlv eight dog owners had secured tags. By by-law, owners are required to tie up their dogs for the first of May until October. Reeve Kerslake reported^ a re­ quest from asking that extended on vide better The request the United Church the pavement be King Street to pro­ parking facilities, was filled. Active Merchant To St. Marys J Ac It Indo r. enterprising young businessman who has con­ ducted a dry goods and ladies’ ready-to-wear business here for the past five years, has pur­ chased a similar business in Marys and is leaving with wife and little son, David, Wednesday of this week. Interested in the welfare the community, Jack has been active in many organizations. He was president for one year ■oi the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion, a member of the executive since the branch wta formed in 194 7 until now, former vice-president of the new Kinsmen Club, member of the Chamber of Commerce, school hoard trustee, assistant superin­ tendent. of the United Church Sunday School for three years, and a member of the Board of Stewards, At a meeting of the Legion Monday night, Jack was present­ ed with a smoker stand. The ad­ dress was read by R. E. Slliad- diek and Don Dayman presented the gift. St. his on of Farewell Party Mr. and Mrs. S. Roobol Maja, who recently took up dence on the Boundary, pleasantly .surprised when neigh­ bors, Glen Bell, and Bernice, chanan and met at their evening for Cards were played after which Mr. and Mrs. Roobol and were presented with lovely and resi- were jncluding Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Wilbur Dilling Mr. William Bu- Mr. M. Traquair, home on Friday a farewell party. Maj a gifts. Seaforth Speaker At Arnold Circle Mrs. Glenn Campbell, of Sea­ forth, president of Huron Pres- byterial of ihe Women’s Mission­ ary Society, was guest speaker at’ the Easter Thank Offering meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church. The speaker presented a very in­ spiring Easter message on the “Resurrection". She stressed the need to follow Christ's command to go into all the world and preach the gospel and said there is still much work for the societ­ ies to do, and not to forget their obligations. The speaker was in- trodu-ed by Mrs, J. B, Fox. President Mrs. Harry Hoy took the (‘hair and welcomed the guests from Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, and Carmel Church, Hensall. The members answered the roll call with the text word "Resurrection”. The worship period was prepared by Mrs. Harry Snell and Mrs. Roy Bell, using the theme “The Risen Christ”. Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. A. Kerslake rendered a duett dur­ ing the devotional, Mrs. H. Bon- thron read an article from the Presbyterian Record. Carol Brown played two piano solos in­ cluding a piece for which she won second prize at the Kiwanis Music Festival at Stratford. Miss Edith Love sang a solo, accom­ panying herself on the guitar; reading, Mrs. Earl Mitchell, of Exeter; vocal duett, Mrs. Mal­ colm Dougall and Mrs. J. B. Fox; ■solo, Mrs. Harold Simpson, Ex­ eter. Mrs. ■speaker Bride-Elect Jloixored Complimenting Miss Anne Hildebrandt, of London, whose marriage to Norman Mattson, of London, takes place Presbyterian Church May 8, Mrs. Bertha hostess at her home evening for a presentation in her honor. Members of the softball club and girl friends and their mothers were guests. On behalf of the ball club, Miss Rut'h Soldan presented the guest of honor with a clothes hamper. Representing the girls, and their mothers, Misses Betty Armstrong, Shirley Flynn and Wendy Moir presented the bride­ elect with a tri-light lamp and other gifts. Miss Betty Moir read the accompanying address. Contests were enjoyed and luncheon served. The affair was arranged by Miss Betty Moir and Miss Shirley Flynn, London, and Miss Betty Armstrong, Hen­ sall. The bride-elect is a long distance operator on the Bell Telephone staff at London. in Carmel Saturday, Moir was on Friday a- BIG SPRING SALE Dunlop Tires 6M16 -t- $13.95 Plus Ypw OH Tire 7/.60x15 — $14.75 Plus Yow OH Tire 7,1.0jfl5 — $15.95 Phs Yow OH Tire SH- off 4 6.00x16 Tire? and Tubes « $60.00 Sett off 4 6.70x15 Tire? and Tubes « $68.00 Installed on Yow Car I KIRKTON GARAGE | PHONE 107 Kennedy thanked and those who took ■the part. § s 5 =1 :i S 3 i § :: s 2 §S E § S 5 Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER United Church Notes Christian Family Day will be observed next Sunday morning, May 9, at the United Church, at 11 ia..m. The rite of baptism will be administered. The dis­ cussion will be .given by one of the Sunday School teachers. The front pews will be occupied by by scholars, parents and teach­ ers. Chiselhurst United Church Commencing next Sunday, May 9, morning worship will be held at 9:4 5 a.m. Christian Family Day will be observed next Sun­ day. Rite of baptism will be ad­ ministered. Personal Items Mr. W. F. Riley left for Ham­ ilton on Sunday where he has accepted a position with Grand Union Carroll’s Limited. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan, spent Sunday with relatives at Teeswater. Mr. James Wilkinson and Al­ bert, of London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. S. McQueen. Miss Betty Moir, of London, ■spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Moir. Mrs. Schaeffer, of Goderich, visited recently with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tudor and. David. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh •daughter, Mary, of were weekend visitors former’s aunts, Misses Agnes McEwen. Mrs. Edna Corbett, of Exeter, spent the weekend at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corbett. Mr. Bill Elliott returned to Montreal atfer visiting with his ■parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moir, of Strathroy, were weekend visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. William Lee and Mr, and Mrs. George Moir. Miss Shirley Flynn, of London, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Flynn. Rose and Toronto, with the Mary and C. Irwin and Mr.andMrs. Mrs. Ivan Irwin, of Scarborough, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. McQueen. Mrs. Peter Mc­ Queen returned to Scarborough with them. Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Master George McIntyre, of London, and Master Larry Bal- lantyne visited with their grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne. Miss Helen Morgan, of London, spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mor­ gan. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn visited on Sunday with Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills, of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and Brian spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, of Exeter. Mrs. George Kellett is a pa­ tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. A.B.A.C. Trevor Moores, of Vic­ toria, B.C., is home this week on holidays. On Monday he leaves for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Social Evening On Wednesday evening a social evening was held in Farquhar Hall. Fifteen tables of euchre were in play. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hume and family were presented with a purse of money. Sacrament Service On Sunday morning during, the church service the following joined the church by profession of faith: Lois Cottle, Margaret Anderson, Doreen Pearce, Ellen Pearce, Kenneth Clarke, Billy Maver, Jim Etherington, Billy Etherington, Bobby Beaver, Ger­ ald Gackstetter and Wayne Rowe, The sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per was observed at this service. The rite of baptism will be observed at the Mother’s Day service Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi­ son, of St. Thomas, were week­ end visitors with the latter’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meilis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long, accompanied by Mrs. McLeod and Bud, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Sparling in London. Mr .and Mrs. S. Cudmore and Lome, of London, visited Sun­ day with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore. Mrs. McClymont has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cook, in London. Mr. Robert Thomson spent Monday in London with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stokes. Mr. and Mrs. James Norris and family, of Goderich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert and Merle were Mr. and Mrs, Alec Murray, Gor­ don, Jean and David, of Cran­ dell; Mr. and Mrs. Don Murray, of Waterloo, and Mr. and Ed Wahl, of Listowel. Mr. Royal McClymont, River, spent a few days Mrs. James McClymont. Miss Margaret Sinclair is able to be about again after her re­ cent illness. Church Services A large basket of flowers was placed at the altar of the United Church Sunday morning by the family of the late Mrs. Catherine Jarrott. On Sunday next, Mothers’ Day will be observed and the rite of baptism will be administered. On Sunday, May 16, the Y.P.U. will hold their annual spring anniversary. The Rev. Living­ stone will be the guest speaker at the 11 a.m. service and the Rev. Larry Mould, Padre of the R.C.A.F., Centralia, will speak at the 7:30 p.m. service. Special music will be furnished by the choir. Mrs. SAN1T0NE Belle with DRYCLEANER'S FINISHING PROCESS fry STA*NU today COSTS NOTHING EXTRA AT . Expert cleaning, glazing! Insured, modern storage Bonded messenger service! the most exciting DRYCLEANING Yes, STA*NU actually HOMOGENIZES new life-giving textile oils back intoyow clothes. See them sparkle wltfc new life? FARMERS Make Your Acres PAY! One of Your Best Cash Crops This Year Should Be White Field Beans This crop is now supported with a floor price of $4.10 per bus. with an average price paid this year of $4.25 per bushel. In order to serve you better, we are constructing a 30,000-bushel addition to our elevator for farmers’ storage. Drop in and see ns. We have a full selection of commercial and registered bean seed in stock. PHONE 24 hensall Brady Cleaners Pborae 136 for Pickup andl Delivery Proof-Drive BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR...PROOF-DRIVE METEOR Bob Cook Motor Sales HENSALL, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 178 TELEPHONE 328EXETER, ONTARIO