HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-29, Page 12THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1954 Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times.Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We apd pur readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. VNo Longer Asst Teacher\ By ANDREW DIXON home in breeding stock. She! iMr. and Mrs. Albert Ethering- ton have returned home after spending several weeks in Fiori- Mr. W. G. Turnbull and Billy, of Toronto holidays Millar. Mrs. been a Hospital ing a serious operation, was able to return to her home in Zion on Sunday. Mrs. Hern in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of town. Mrs. George Van Horne, of Clinton, and Mrs,. Glenn Davis, of Fort Erie, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. William Ryck- rnan, Miss Lillian Renfrew, visited her aunt, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Coates and Mrs. Wil­ liam Hodgert motored to Clemens on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. herty, the ocasion Doherty’s birthday. Miss Joan Parsons the weekend with Miss Wilma Coates at the home of ter’s parents. Mr. A. W. Pickard, of who came east to attend ing of the executive of the Can­ adian Amateur Hockey Associa­ tion in Toronto, spent part of last week visiting his brother C. V. Pickard. Mrs. Ethel Griffith, of Byron. Mr .and Mrs. Robert Hunter, Misses Jean and Joan, of Strath- roy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wuerth on Sunday and witnessed the baptism of the latter’s child in James St. United Church. Mrs. James Anthony has re­ turned to her home after spend­ ing the winter with her daugh­ ter, Miss Isabel Anthony, of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson and Ronald, of Toronto, and Bill Ferguson, of Ottawa, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Horney. Mrs. F, Brierly, Mrs. Wesley Coleman and daughter Shirley spent Easter week in Detroit with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith. Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson of Kingston and Mr. Ivan Hunter- Duvar, of Trenton, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward Huntei’ - Duvar over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bailey and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Richard and Al­ ma visited on Sunday in Mea- ford with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gardiner. spent the Easter with Mr. and Mrs. David Lloyd Hern, who has patient in St. Joseph’s for three weeks follow- Handford, of last week with Alice Handford, Whitney Coates. Mt. and visited Do- Mrs R. H. being visited over the lat- Regina, a meet- F/S and Mrs. T. D. Jamieson and Penny sailed last week from Quebec for Germany, where F/S Jamieson will be posted for the next two years. While he was at Centralia R.C.A.F., and they made their home in Exeter. Mrs: a member of the staff. Their year- Penny, was born Jamieson was public school old daughter, at North Bay. Rev. H J. t Snell attended a one-day conference of represent­ atives of Social Service and Evangelism committees of all the protestant churches of Ontario, in Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. Snell was one of 15 representa­ tives of the United Church of Canada. Mr., and Mrs. George Rac.ey, Barbara and Susan have return­ ed to Moncton, N.B., after visit­ ing Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot and relatives in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Poore and Dick and Mrs. Marshall Box. of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. William Craw­ ford, Patricia and Marlene, of Belmont, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale, Mrs. Herman Powe is under treatment in South Huron Hos­ pital for a suffered in Mr. and returned to tiex, Sask., winter in town. Allen William, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Parsons; Stephen Reynold, son of Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Wuerth; and David Reginald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knight, of Toronto, were baptized by the Rev. H. J. Snell at James Street United Church Sunday morning. Shur-Gain Lily is no longer acting as assistant in the teach­ ing of agriculture at South Hu­ ron District High School. Apparently she has learned of the increasing population of pigs and the expected depression in the price of pork and decided, in her own way, to do something about it. At any rate, when the day of the birth of her expected litter arrived, she placidly consumed her feed, dreamed her swinish dreams and possibly chuckled. As a result, she was given a long ride in a truck for which she paid her owners $110. The sow" has been unique in being the only one kept by an Ontario high school. She was owned and cared for co-opera­ tively by the grade nine boys of the high school who took pigs raised 25 pigs in her three lit-; ters and so has introduced con-1 siderable English Yorkshire j blood into the community. [ In the year and a half she has paid for herself and some new I equipment and shown a profit of $92. What more could one| expect from a sow? ; i f fractured vertebrap a fall Mrs. their after in her home. Bert Andrew home in Pon­ spending the 4-H Members See Pictures The first meeting of the Calf and Grain Club was 1 April 21 at South Huron trict High School. Edward Hern, president of Grain Club, was chairman of the meeting. Roll call was answered by the 4-H pledge. Harold Baker, assistant agri­ culture representative, gave in­ structions on parliamentary pro­ cedure. Colored slides of last year’s 4-H work were shown. Grain was distributed to club ■members. The next meeting, May 21, will be held at a local farm. 4-H held Dis- the Announcements the Elects Slate The annual meeting of Hensall Chamber of Commerce was held on Tuesday evening. Twenty-eight members sat down to a delicious beefsteak dinner, arranged by Jack Drysdale, Doug Cook and George Hess. A trophy donated by The Lon­ don Free Press for the grand champion of the Western Ontario Championship Fiddlers Contest to be held June 4 was on display. Mark Drysdale presided for the election of officers which resulted as follows: Honorary president, T. L. Pryde, M.L.A. Huron South; past president, Lome Eller; presi­ dent, R. H. Middleton; first vice- president, Laird Mickle; second vice-president, Ron Mock; secre­ tary, W. W. Jarrett; treasurer, Rev. W- J. Rogers. Committee chairmen; Public and industrial relations commit­ tee, Walter Spencer; member­ ship, Robert Drysdale; merch­ ants, Alf Scholl; special events and fund raising, William G. Parke; recreation, Howard Scaue; social, Jack Drysdale, housing, Norman Jones. Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam Notices 75c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices are 75c. BIRTHS ALLEN — To Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Allen, a daughter, at Stratford General Hospital April 23, 1954. EVELEIGH—Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eve- leigh, R.R. 1, Kirkton, announce the birth of a son, David Wayne, at South Huron Hospital, April 22, 1954.HAMILTON—Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Hamilton of Grand Bend announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital, April 27, 1954.LYNN —Mr, and Mrs. Elson Lynn, R.R. 1, Woodham, announce the birth of twins, Joan Patricia Lynrl and James Harvey Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, April 26, 1954, DEATHS EVELEIGH — David Wayne, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eveleigh, fit South Huron Hospital, April 25, 1954. Tests Show Pigs Of Good Quality By ANDREW DIXON Four pigs from the litter, of the school sow, ShurGain -Lily, were sent to the test-feeding station for swine at Waterloo last December. The purpose of this test is to determine the quality certain sow is vanced The qualify Sorority Elects Mrs. W. Bentley The of the Phi Sorority Alpha Phi Chapter at Monetta Menard’s, Grand Bend, on Tuesday night. A message from the founder, Walter W. Ross, was read by Mrs. Donald Gaiser. Mrs. James Terrill proposed a toast to the founder. A Living,” by ternational was read by Bob Dlnney played by the Sorority In .com­ munity life. Duets by- Mrs. Dinney and Mrs. Jack Fulcher provided the musical portion of the program. The Ritual of Jewels was con­ ferred on seven new pledges who were welcomed as members by the president, Mrs. Flora Doerr", To Entertain Kinettes On Tuesday, May 4, rority will entertain the at a MardI Gras at the ___ __ } Mrs. Howard Klumpp, of Dash- that wood. A Mother’s Day Tea will twenty-third founding of was anniversary Beta Sigma marked by at a dinner poem, “Life is for Marjorie Scott, In- Honorary Member, Mrs. Ted Jones. Mrs. spoke on the role test is of a sow as a breeder. If requirements are met the referred to as an Registry" pig. three requirements a sow are (a) she must | be arranged by the social com- raise eight sound pigs to wean-1 mittee. ing age; (b) The four pigs s^-l ieeted for feeding must reach i a carcass weight of 150 pounds' in 200 days; (c) The average carcass score of the pigs when slaughtered must be 75 per cent. Shwr-Gain Lily produced 11 pigs on October 10. They were all sound in every way, Accord­ ingly, four were selected and ■ taken to Waterloo the first week’ in December. Here they were fed! on approved ration in self-feed-1 ing hoppers and slaughtered 1 when they reached marketj weight. i The results show that (1) the quickest maturing pig was slaughtered at 13G days and the slowest at 167 days—the average age of the pigs at slaughtering was 155 days, or approximately five months; (2) three of the pigs graded A and one pig grad­ ed Bl. This; however, resulted in a carcass score of 67 which qualifies the sow for R.O.P. but is too small a score for Advanced Registry. Considering this sow to be typical of the English Yorkshires,' I think we could say that (1) the breed is quite prolific; (2) the pigs mature very quickly; (3) the pigs are of reasonably good conformation when three out of four are placed in A Grade; (4) the amount of feed consumed to produce 100 pounds of .pork is no better than that of our Ontario-bred Yorkshire. “Ad- the So- Ki nettes home of Officers elected for 1954-55 are: president, Mrs. Walter Bentley; vice-presidents, Mrs. Donald Gaiser and Mrs. Howard Klumpp; ponding Bierling; Bonnallie. Mrs. Arthur Fraser is sorority sponsor and Mrs. Wellington, director. secretary and secretary, treasurer. Miss Mrs. corres- June Glenn Clara Eightieth Birthday Mr. William Ryckman brated his eightieth birthday on Saturday, April 24. A turkey dinner was served at his home in honor of the occasion Mrs. George Van Horne, of ton, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Iloi'ne, of Hensall, Mr. and Glenn Davis, of Fort Erie, and Mrs. J. H. Cluff, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Passmore and Nancy Kestle, of Exeter,* as guests. cele- with Glin- Van Mrs. Mr. Dashwood Church Host To League ( Tire spring rally of the Walther League was held Sunday in Zion Lutheran Church with over 150 registering from Stratford, Monk­ ton, Wartburg, Tavistock, Tor­ onto and Dashwood as well as a number of visitors. Rev. L. Higenell was in charge of the opening devotions, after which the president, Anna Mess­ ner, of the local league, wel­ comed the guests. George Allis of Stratford pre­ sided for the election of officers which resulted as follows: presi­ dent, Jack Fisher; vice-president, Bob Hucheson; secretary, Doro­ thea Wolfgram. Many projects of the league were illustrated by the use of skits. Ralph Schaeffer, Simcoe, Ontario district president, spoke on the international Convention. A pot-luck lunch was served by the Ladies’ Aid. Following evening devotions with Rev. C. Klages, Monkton, as guest speak­ er, the local league entertained at a social hour. Zone Rally Twenty ladies from Dashwood Zion Lutheran Church attended the spring rally of the Women’s Missionary League in Mitchell Lutheran Church on Wednesday evening. One hundred and forty- four women registered. Miss Olga Pauli of was re-elected zone Miss Rose Ziemke, of on furlough from South India, was g She spoke of the customs and people of India and her exper­ iences as a teacher in her six years of service. Personal Items Carol Anne, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Messner, of London, was baptized Sunday morning by the Rev. L. Rigenell in Zion Lutheran Church. Mrs. E. Bartliff and Susan of Clinton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. V,. Tieman, Susan having spent Easter week here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klumpp attended the christening of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bossenberry’s daughter, Georgina Lee, for whom they were godparents, at the Anglican Cliurph, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and Gary of London, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Glen were Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mrs. Victor Kraft, Robert Ronnie of London spent a days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Restemayer. Miss Carolyn Kraft of London spent a few days last week with her cousin, Miss Jane Reste­ mayer, A public speaking contest with singing and films will be held in the basement of Zion Lutheran Church Tuesday, May 4, at 8;00 p.m., sponsored by the Women’s Institute. Pupils of Dashwood Public School will take part in the program. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pepper of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Wein. Rev. W. F. Krotz is attending the Evangelical United Brethren Conference at Tavistock this F/L and Mrs. M. S. Slezak of with Mrs. and and few •ares The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Exeter Legion, Branch 167, was held on Monday night in the Legion Rail with the president, Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, ill charge. Preparations were discussed for the Zone Rally which is to be held in the Legion Hall on May 12. Mrs. Gordon McTavish read a letter of thanks she had received from Miss Agnes Liz- more for the birthday parcels which were sent to the veterans at Westminster Hospital. It was voted to donated $10 each to the Cancer Research Fund and the Tubercular Vet­ erans’ Camp. Mrs. Luella Hall, Zone Com­ mander, was the guest speaker. ■She gave a very interesting talk on the work being done by the Legion Auxiliaries. Mrs. Hall was presented with a beautiful bou­ quet of flowers by Mrs. Gerry Lawson, on behalf of the Auxi­ liary. The mystery prize was won by Mrs, Norman Nory and Mrs. Bert Borland was the lucky winner of a dressed doll. COMING EVENTS Stratford president. Pittsburg, Travancore, :uest speaker. Comox, B.C., are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Art Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wurm Shirley of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wolfe, Katherine and Carolyn, of Clif­ ford Mrs. Mrs. the with The film will be presented in Zion Luth­ eran Church Sunday eveuing. spent Carl Louis week them. and Sunday with Mr. and Oestreicher. Mr, and Wolfe, who had spent here, returned home “Unto All the World” HOSPITAL AUXILIARY mem­ bers — Sewing and mending will be done at the hospital, Tuesday, May 4, at 2:00 p.m.________29c WESTERN ONTARIO Champion­ ship Fiddlers’ Contest for the Free Press trophy, Hensall, June 4. 29c OPENING of the Exeter Roller Rink, Friday evening, May 7, c Theatre Phone 421 FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 30 and May 1 Previews Its - Coming Attractions Big Leaguer A Edward G. Robinson A Vera Ellen An appealing mixture of base­ ball and human interest revolving around the try-outs of young players who hope to make the grade in professional baseball with a major league team. FOR MR. AND MRS. 'ROBERT HERN Nee Mabel Selves Good Orchestra in Attendance MONDAY & TUESDAY May 3 and 4 Everyone Welcome Sirocco •fc Humphrey Bogart •fc Marta Toren ATTENTION SENIOR CITIZENS OF EXETER WEDNESDAY & May 5 and 6 EVEN!5 Legion Hail f 8:00 p.m< Crime Wave ★ Sterling Hayden ★ Phyllis Kirk (Adult Entertainment) ALSO ★ Scott Brady PROGRAM CARDS - DANCING Ladies Please Bring Cake or Sandwiches and Cards.. ..... ....■■ ■ ■■■■. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Earl Witmer, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Marilyn Joan, to Robert Fite, son of Mr. Watson Fite, Ruthven, Ont., and the late Mrs. Fite. The wedding will take place on Saturday, May 15, at 3 p.m. in the RCAF Chapel, RCAF Station Cen­ tralia, Ont. 29cMr. and Mrs. Horton McDougall, Hensall, announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Mae, to Glenn Maurice Love, son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love, Parkhill. The wedding will take place May 15, 1954. 29* CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John McElrea wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbors, who remembered John while patient in St. Marys Hospital and since re­ turning home, 29*Mr. and Mrs. Eben Weigand wish to express their sincere thanks to those who so kindly remembered Mrs. Weigand with the lovely flow­ ers, cards, visits and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. Thanks to Rev. Krotz and friends who remembered me in prayer. 29* I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters, treats and visits while a pa­tient in Vfctoria Hospital, London, and since returning home. Special thanks to the neighbors who helped mother and to Mrsl Wes Witmer who helped the time of the flood. —Mrs. Louise Craig. ” 29* I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Miss Claypole and staff and Dr. Butson. —Mrs. Charles Rowe. 29* My sincere appreciation to friends and neighbors for gifts, cards and flowers while in hospital, —Mrs. Cecil Robb, Elginfield. ,, 29* Mr. Henry Green wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered him while a patient in St. Joseph s Hospital, .London. 29c Mrs. C. Baumgarten wishes to thahk most sincerely all those who remembered her with flowers, gifts, letters, cards or inquired while she was in the hospital and since com­ing home. Special thanks to Rev. W. Parrott for his kindness. 29*I wish to express my sincere thanks to all those who so kindly remem­ bered me with visits, flowers, candy, books and cards during my recent illness while a patient In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Joseph Gunn, Box 264, Crediton. IN MEMORIAM LEWIS—In loving memory of a Dor- Two Injured In Accident John M. Templeton, of 14 lan Ave., Islington, and Jimmy Price, of R.R. 1, Hensall, were admitted to the South Huron Hospital on Wednesday afternoon suffering from injuries sustained •when a car driven by the former and a bicycle ridden by the lat­ ter collided on Highway No. 4 a mile and a half sail. Templeton was and pulled out to on the bicycle going in the same direction, when the latter pulled across the centre of the line, re­ sulting took to bicycle ditch. Templeton cerations to head while Price suffered a frac­ ture of the left ankle and head lacerations. .Damage to the car is estimated at $1,200. P.O. Cecil E. Gibbons investi­ gated. _ _ J south of Hen- driving north pass the rider in a collision. The car the west ditch while the went off into the east received severe la- his head and fore­ Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE 29c T.. -___v dear mother and grandmother, Mary E. Lewis, who passed aWay two years ago, May 3, 1952.At the gates of heaven she’ll meet us With that same sweet loving smile, For we are only partedFor just a little while; —Fondly remembered by her E E THREE-ACT COMEDY Mama's _ E® s will be presented in CREDITON COMMUNITY CENTRE 29 I at 8:30 p.m, (D.S.T.) = » .......... ........ :| Sponsored by United Church W.A. j ADMISSION 500 and 250 ] family. 29* .......a dear husband and son, William A. Smith, who passed away four years May 3, 1950 .This day we do remember— A loving thought we give To one no longer with us,But in out hearts Still lives. —Always remembered by Irene mother, Mrs. J. C. Smith. THOMPSON—In loving memdry devoted wife and mother, Eumia Thompson, Who passed away May * 5, 1952.Years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out never.— The memory of those happy days When we were all together, —Always remembered by husband, Ell, and family. 28c WEIN — In lovfng memory of Ann Wein, who passed away so sudden­ ly one year ago, April 28, 1953. Sweet memories will Unger forever, Time cannot change them it's true; Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrances at yen. —Lovingly remembered by husband and family. 29* SMITH—In loving memory of ago, and 29c , of a Eulilia This Week In Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Banner- man and family, of Transvaal, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire. Harry were S Huron County Health Umt Immunization Clinic The third in a series of Immuniza­ tion clinics will be held in the lowing schools: ON MAY 6 — S.S. 2 Hay .......................... 9:45 S.S. 4 Stephen ................. 10:15 U.S.S. 15 Hay A. Stephen 10:45 S.S. 12 Stephen ................ 11:30 Dashwood Public School .. 1:30 E.U.E3. Church, Dashwood . 2:30 Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive immunization for Cipfh- theria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus, and Smallpox. ALDON fol- a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. by „ her lovely in of white Klahre Saturday Mr. and Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gaiser, of Crediton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hern were treated to a rousing chivari on Tuesday evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Pass- more, David, Dennis and Dar­ lene visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist, of Crediton. Misses Agnes Bray and La Belle Coward, Messrs. John Pym and Hugh Rundle attended the Junior Farmer Conference at Guelph this week. Mrs. Roy Bunker and Bruce, of Oshawa, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and family, of Eliraville; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert and Grant were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann. Mrs. Mark Strapp, of London, spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Mr. Strapp visited with Mr, and Mrs. Bray 3M Club The 3M evening in Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde were in charge of the meeting. The call to worship and scrip­ ture were given by Mrs, Rohde. Mrs. Gardiner gave meditation. Rev. W. J. Moores led in prayer. Mrs, Reg Hodgert read a poeni and Bill Rohde gave a reading. Mrs- Edwin Miller and Mrs. Rohde took part in a skit fol­ lowed by a reading by Mrs. Gardiner, Rev. Moores gave aft interesting talk on Newfound­ land. on Sunday. Club met on Monday the church basement. Double Ring Rites Held At Crediton Rosalie Muriel Mack became the bride of Mr. Lorry Norman Merle Cann, of Penhold Alta., in a double ring ceremony perform­ ed by the Rev. W. C. Parrott in Crediton United Church on Sat­ urday, April 24, at 12:30 p.m., in a candle-lit setting of Easter lilies, ferns and daffodils. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid D. Mack, Crediton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cann, of Assinihoia, Sask. Given in marriage father, the bride was her floor-length gown Chantilly lace over taffeta, styled with a bouffant skirt. The fitted strapless bodice was top­ ped by a long sleeved jacket de­ signed with Peter Pan collar. Her floor-length silk net veil boiidered with lace, was gathered to a heart-shaped dress trimmed with she carried a white ed with red roses streamers knotted buds. Mrs. Willard Berge, Crediton, as matron of "honor, wore a waltz-length gown of apple green taffeta, made with fitted strap­ less bodice and full skirt, match­ ing bolero and headdress. She carried a bouquet of shasta daisies and orchid gladioli. The bridesmaids, Miss Darlene Elder, of Owen Sound, niece of the groom, and Miss Marcia Kirkpatrick, of McGregor, Mich., cousin of the bride, wore identi­ cally styled gowns of lilac taf­ feta with matching headdresses and mitts. Their bouquets were shasta daisies and yellow glad­ ioli. Barbara Whiting, of Centralia, niece of the bride, was a flower girl. Wearing a lemon yellow taffeta gown with full hooped skirt, a headdress of pleated taf­ feta and matching mitts, she scat­ tered rose petals in the brides path from a " basket. Carries Rings Philip Mack, of the bride, tulle head­ pearls and Bible crest- and white with rose- Mr. and Mrs. and Catherine evening’ guests with Mrs. E. Foster, of St. Marys. Gibbard and Miss Barbara Gibbard, London, visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Klahre. Phyllis Docking, of Munroe, holidayed during last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Brien Toronto Legion Members Assemble at Legion Hall — '6:30 jp.m. Mrs.W. Parkinson, spent the with his flower-trimmed Zurich, nephew wearing a wine blazer and white trousers, car­ ried the rings on a white satin cushion. The ushers were Bryce Mack, Zurich, brother of the bride, and Mervyn Elder, of Owen Sound, nephew of the groom. Mrs. Paul Schenk, Crediton, presided at the organ and accom­ panied the soloist, Mrs.. George Leslie, as she sang “The That Breathed O’er Eden”, Lord’s Prayer” and “I’ll Beside You”. For the reception in the munity Hall, ’ bride’® mother guests wearing a navy blue gown with navy and pink accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. She was assisted by Mrs. Elder, of Owen Sound, sister of the groom, who wore a mauve and grey suit, mauve flowered hat and a corsage of yellow gladioli. For their wedding trip to Vancouver, B.C., the bride changed to a navy and white dress and hat with red accessor­ ies and beige top coat with cor­ sage • of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Cann will make their home in Red Deer. Alta. The bride is a member of the Bank of Montreal staff and the groom A.F. Voice "The Walk Com- Crediton, the received the is a member of the R.C. Gertrude Rafz and Atmore, Parkhill, York where they Miss Thelma to New the Easter holidays. Legion Dress A. J. BIERLING President THEATRE GRAND BEND MONSTER • Mr. W. J. weekend in mother, Mrs. Mary O’Brien. Gloria spent the Parkinson. Mr. and family, of day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire. Mr.' and Mrs. apd family were Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil visit­ ed on Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leslie, of Granton. Misses Mary and O’Neil, of Denfield, during last week with ion Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elimville, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons, of Hensall, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, Jr., on Sunday. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Morley celebrated birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Neeb, of Granton, visited recently with Mi. and Mrs. Laverne Morley. Miss Pat Richards of Ethel, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Roy Hodgson. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Richards visited the Hodgsons and Pat to her home. Mr. and Mrs. David Parkhill, visited with Mrs. E. Ferguson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ~ ' tliew and Claas, Sunday guests Mrs. Broeze. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkton spent with Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien. Mr .and Mrs. Robert Sherwill, Lynn, Paul and Linda Lee, of London, were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, Sr. Mr, and Mrs. Carm I-Iarmes, of Fullarton, and Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke, of Russelldale, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson. Margaret Brock, Zion, visited during last week with Mrs. Milne Pullen. Hardie, of Devizes, weekend with Donna Mrs. Frank Huff and St. Marys, were Suu- J. Finkbeiner at Brussels on 10 sum. to 5 p,.m. ft Marjorie holidayed Miss Mar- Cooper, of returned Hord, of Mr. and F. Oswald, Mat- of Exeter, were’ with Mr. and Lome Friday Allen, of evening Sponsored by Ladies* Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital Adult and children’s cloth­ ing, house furnishings, books, jewelry, etc., may be left at the hall on Friday, April 30. The help of Auxiliary mem­ bers will be welcome on Satur­ day. Miss flew spent FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 30 and May 1 “FORT TI” (Technicolor) ★ George Montgomery ★ Jean Vobs Thrill follow^ thrill as Roger's Rangers storm the fort. “THREE STOOGES” COMEDY CARTOON ADDITIONAL SHORT TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May 4 and 5 “FOREVER FEMALE” ★ Ginger Rogers . ★ William Holden ★ Fan! Douglas A romantic comedy that takes you behind the scenes on glitter­ ing glamorous Broadway . . . PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL TWO COMPLETE SHOWS Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Roller Skating Exeter Arena Starting Friday, April 30 Skating Nights at the Arena Will Be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of Each Week ADULTS 350 Roller Skates Rented STUDENTS 250 CHILDREN 150 Adult Sizes Only 15^ per night •s See Our Giant Panoramic Screen To keep abreast of the fast changing’ trend in presenting motion pictures, we have installed the latest sound and screen developments, know­ ing we arc bringing to our patrons the finest presentation of the top films of our industry. Lyric Theatre - Exeter