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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-29, Page 11
Comments About Clandeboye By MRS, C. J, PATON Nifty Weeders Club. The girls of the 4-H garden club met at the home of Mrs. Rupert Williams on Friday eve ning. They chose the name Nifty Weeders for their club, which is composed of one senior member, Miss Margaret Ann Henry, and ten junior members. Officers elected are: President, Marlene Harrison; vice-president, Sandra Williams; secretary, Marie Carter; pianist, Helen Hardy; press reporter, Susy Murless. Other members are Nancy El son, Betty Fisher, Ruth Donald son, Edith Carter, Marilyn Eaton. Mrs, Rupert Williams is leader with Mrs. Joe Carter as loader. Accident About 7 p.m. Monday a truck belonging to ____ Motors, Brussels, and loaded with implements, was in an accident with a car driven by Mrs. Russel Schroeder, who was shaken up. Two women in the truck suffered minor injuries. .Local News Miss Joan Simpson returned to Sarnia after spending the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson. Miss Audrey Darling returned to Toronto on Friday after spend ing the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dar ling. Mrs. Cora Carter returned borne on Sunday with her daugh ter, Mrs. Jim Hall. She spent a week with her sister, Mrs. Allen Oehm, Shakespeare. Jackie, Heather and Lynn Hew itt of Oakville spent a few weeks with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hewitt. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Otto Darling, Nancy and Karen, form erly of Toronto, to our commun ity. They have taken up residence with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Darling, on the farm in McGillivray Township. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hewitt and Doreen of Sarnia spent Sun day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hewitt, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Paton and Clare and W. M. Allwright visit ed on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan of Thorndale. Other giiests were Mrs. Aileen Riehl, Veneta and Stratford, Mrs. Ethel Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strathroy were guests Mrs. Rea Neil on Sunday, Mrs. Guy Harrison is improv ing in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don. She suffered a broken leg when she fell at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elgie, in London. Mr, Harold Bice is still a pa tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Miss Mary Carter of London visited on Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Car ter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting of Lucan spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald and Marlene of> London spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Murles. Mrs. Erastus O. Mrs. Erastus London, died at niece, Mrs. Clandeboye, on Sunday. She was the former Mary Ann Simpson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simpson and was born in McGillivray Town ship. Mr. Jones died in 1925. Mrs. Jones was a member of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. SJhe is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral service was con ducted at St. James’ Church by the Rev. J. F. Wagland and in terment was made in the adjoin ing cemetery. Pallbearers were Jay White ford, Grand Bend; Charles Rob inson, Ailsa Craig; Stanley Hicks, Centralia; John Simpson, Stanley Tomes and Jack Simpson, Clan deboye. Flowers were placed in the United Church on Sunday by Mrs. Walter Pierson, Dearborn, Mich., in memory of her mother, Mrs. Charity Paton, and by Mrs. Wil liam Simpson, in memory of her brother, Mr. Walker McVey. Compete At Sports Fair ’ At the Sports Fair in London, Clandeboye Public School had three entries in the square danc ing contest. Pupils from Grade 1 to 3 won second prizes in the class for assistant THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1954 Lucan And District News ...IM GOING TO HAVE THIS FELLOW MOUNTED AND LET HIM TELL HIS OWN STORY.'J Personal Items Page 11 evening, Bridges Bobby, of Logan and Allison, of Wilton of of Mr. and Jones O. Jones, 82, of the home of her 'Emily Tomes, of Otaco Farm Machinery Disk Harrows - Wagons Spring-Tooth Lever Harrows Harrow Draw Bars Manure Spreaders Good Stock Repair Parts JOHN DEERE Cultivators and Manure Spreaders At Reduced Prices! All in Stock for Immediate Delivery WIRE FENCING Barb and Woven Wire Steel and Wood Posts, All Sizes Russell Doube HARDWARE BASE LIND BLANSHARD 1} Milce East of Woodham Mrs. Cecil Robb has returned home at St. The revue W.I. and staged by Miss Marilyn Brownlee has been set for May 21 at the Lucan Community Centre. after undergoing surgery Joseph’s Hospital. date of the tap dancing sponsored by the Lucan Mrs. A. C. Calder, of London, attended the morning service in Holy Trinity Church on her way to attend the sixtieth annivers ary of St. Patrick’s W.A. at Saintsbury where she was to speak at a social gathering after the service. Logs Wanted Any Species of Wood, Especially Basswood, Hard Maple, Rock Elm and Oak Also Pieces of Bush Timber Master Clifford Acheson was the soloist at the Acheson-Bor den wedding at the Listowell United Church Saturday, April 17. Mrs. Allan Adams, of Toronto, spent last week with her daugh ter. Mrs. B. H. Elliott and fam ily. Peter Barrett, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. rett, of Prospect Hill, is with being the youngest in Ontario. He has been of Port Dover, months. Mr. W. E. School staff, Knox Presbyterian for about H. Bar- credited organist ■organist Church, four Kieser, of Medway , had. charge of a contingent of Medway School cadets in the Strathcona rifle competition at Camp rpperwash on April 20. Mrs. Ivan Hern, and family re turned .home on Thursday after spending a week with her fa ther, Mr, J. E. Brown. Mother- well. Mrs. R, Seale has returned to her home in Lucan after spend ing the - winter with her daugh ters in Sarnia. Mrs. C. Chown remained with her mother for the Easter vacation. Mr. H. B. Elliott, principal of the Lucan Public School, attend ed the O.E.A. at Toronto Easter week. Six-year-old Elizabeth Barss, London, spent her Easter vaca tion with her cousins, Clifford and Heather Acheson. Mr. Fred Ford and Robert, of Detroit, spent Friday with Mrs. Irene Coursey. Mrs. Coursey and Miss Marion with them for troit. Mr. George have returned days' visit in they were the Paul's parents. Eleven Little Coursey returned a weekend in De- Paul and home after Lachute. guests of Randy a few where Mr. girls attended the birthday ©arty of nine-year- old Bonnie Drennan, daughter Mr. and Mrs. B. Drennan, Friday, April 23. Mr. and ““ — Centralia, and Mrs. Sunday. Lucan’s . Whitehead, entered St. Joseph's Hospital on Monday, April 26 for a knee operation. He will probably'be in for two weeks or more. Among those attending the Workshop for Leaders of Juniors sponsored by the Explorer Lead ers’ Council of Middlesex were the Lucan Explorer Counsellors, Mrs. M. H, Hodgins and Miss Elva Young. Mrs. ,S. Maxwell, of London, was a recent visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Chester Mc Comb, Elginfield. Patsy and Kathy Hodgson, small daughters -of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgson, spent Easter vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels and family, of Aylmer, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Caldwell and family, of Sbedden, spent last weekend with Mrs. W. Dickins,, of on ofMrs. Frank Hicks, were guests of Mr. Norman Hardy last police, Mr. Gordon Grade 6 and under, Members of the set were Judy Scott, Donna Blake, Sharon Blake, Bob Eaton, Betty Ann and Douglas Lewis, Betty Lou Thatcher and Donald Harrison. Jim Scott called “Nel lie Grey”. In the class for schools with an enrolment of less than 70 pupils, a set consisting of pupils from Grades 4 to 6 won third prize. Members were Nancy El son, Suzy Murless, Marjorie Don aldson, Donna Blake, and Jim Scott. The caller was Nick Fedos- sow and the number was a ver sion of “Nellie Grey”. Another entry from Grades 7 and 8 placed second. Members were Joe Hall, Suzy Murless, Marlene Harrison, Nick Fedossow, Marilyn Eaton, Ruth Donaldson, Sandra Williams and Tom Tomes. Jim Scott called “Hot Time”. School Hires Three New Teachers Only the principal, B. H. El liott. and Mrs. Harold Cobleigli of the Lucan Public School staff will be present fbr the opening of school in September. The board has secured the services of the following new teachers to replace Mr. Sam Lu ker, Mr. John Johnson, and Miss Marion Treibner: Mr. Sydney Lowndes, of Wiarton, for grades 5 and 6; Miss Margaret Baigent, of Thamesford, grades 3 and4; and Miss Margaret Henry, of Clandeboye, Grade 1. co- with make paper It is James W. McVey Lucan Resident Funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon in the Marriott Funeral Home in St. Marys for the late James Walker McVey, well-known retired dro ver, who died Memorial Hospital on Monday, April 19. The service was con ducted by Rev. Mr. .MacCarroll, of London, formerly of Bryans- ton, assisted by Rev. A. C. Campbell, of St. Marys, and Rev. Mr. Preston, of Bryanston. In terment was in North Nissouri cemetery. Pall-bearers were Mor ris Hooper, of Lambeth; Leslie McGuffin, of London Township; W. E. Nairn, of St. Marys; Wil liam Phillips, of Denfield; Wil liam Meek, of Talbotville, and Sheridan Revington, Lucan. Mr. McVey was born on farm on the first concession of West Nissouri 5, 1901, the. late William McVey a nd Mrs. Conn McVey. away 41 years ago and then until 16 years ago, Mr. Mc Vey lived with his mother the farm. He gave up farming on advice of his doctor and moved to Lucan. He later became a drover and operated the Sales Barn in Stratford until he was forced to retire a year ago owing to poor health. After residing in Lucan for 15 years he moved to about a year ago. year, he has been in the hospital several He was a member of the Bryanston Presbyterian Church and was unmarried. He is sur vived by his mother, one sister, Mrs. Florence Simpson, Clande boye. and three nephews, Keith Cameron Simpson, Ralph Walker Simpson and Murray Neil Simp son, of Clandeboye. Paper Collection Nets Over $35 Even the weatherman operated last Wednesday the housewives of Lucan to the Boy Scout and Cub collection a huge success, expected the net proceeds will exceed $35. Haskett Motors and Haskett Furniture donated trucks for the paper pick-up. The organization hopes to stage these paper .drives twice a year, spring and fall, and so ask the continued cooperation of the village housewives in waste paper for them. In meantime to them goes the cere thanks of each Scout, and leader for past support cooperation. saving ■the sin- Cub and in St. Marys a Township on July only son of the His father passed from Former Lucanite Weds in Hamilton On April 17, at 6:30 p.m. in Laidlaw United Church, Hamil ton, the Rev. J. A. Tuer, M.A. B.D., formerly of Chesley, united in marriage, Ferna Margaret Rae, R.N., of Toronto, and Al fred Dickins, of London. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Rae, of Chesley, and the groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickins, of Lucan, who spent his early days on a farm north of the village. After a honeymoon in Chester, where they were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Harold Dickins, the bride and groom will make their .home in don. Ro the on tlie St. Marys During the and out of times. of Easter Bunnies Feature Tea The popular spots at the “Bun ny Tea", sponsored by the Lftcan Explorers on Tuesday in- the United Church parlors were the candy table and the cage contain ing the Easter bunnies. The “forsythia” which the Ex plorers had made, together with the backdrop for the tea table, made of carnations, proved most effective. The tea table was de corated, with daffodils, mauve sweet peas and yellow tapers. Mrs. T. S. Hill, W.M.S. presi dent, acted as hostess, along with the Chief Explorer, Miss Marie Whitehead; Mrs. J. F. Wagland presided at the tea table; Mrs. Dave Park, Evening Auxiliary president, acted as tea room hos tess. Mesdames A. E. Reilly, War ner McRoberts, C. H, George and Mrs. Bawden assisted in the kit chen, and Mrs. S. C. Chown made the tea. The short program, presented twice during the afternoon, was well done, and enjoyed by all, WELL, I SEE YOU’RE FIGURING OUT YOUR ] FEEDING COSTS, ANDY. I SUPPOSE YOU'RE GETTING READY TO HAND OVER THE POULTRY CHORES TO MAI YOU’RE RIGHT 1 DOC. FIELD CHORES ARE COMING AND J I’LL BE FAR TOO BUSY FOR flj THE PENS. ZX Church April Church church W.M.S. meeting of W.M.S. was Lon- ■the held parlors Thursday with the president, United The United in the afternoon Mrs. T. S. Hill, presiding. Mrs. Warner McRoberts’ group had charge of the program and re freshments for this Thank Offer ing meeting. Mrs. George Lamond, Mitchell, the guest speaker, spoke on the “Renewal of Life at Easter”. Mrs. Wes Hodgins read the scripture lesson and Mrs. E. M. Cook led Chown, accompanied by her daughter, sang. Mrs. vote of thanks. After the meet ing, a social half hour was joyed. in prayer.Mrs.S. Chown, I. Carling moved a Miss Reta en- Euchre Even supper euchres the community decided to one more, so last Thursday ning, Mrs. Charles Haggar Mrs. Harold Coursey were tesses. Prize winners were: Harvey Hodgins, Mr. Joe O’Neil, Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins, Mrs. Tom Coursey and Mr. Stuart Thompson. at S.S. No. 1 though the pot was to have closed the at the Coursey School, have eve- and hos- Mrs. luck Attend Funeral A large number of Lucanites attended the funeral of the late Walker McVey in St. Marys on Thursday. A number of the hoc key team and fans called at the funeral home on their waj’ to the game at Waterloo. During the 15 years Lucan South, friends who early death pathy to his Mr. McVey lived in he made a host of deeply regret his ■and extend sym- mother and sister. DOC, MY PULLETS GOT A WELL, ANDY, THERE’S AWAY TO A GOOD --------------- ‘ STARTON VITAFOOD AND NOW THEY’RE ________________________ ON VITA-GROW MASH1 ING TO ROE VITA-GROW BUTTHESE IMPLEMENTS/ PELLETS THIS TIME OF NEED MY ATTENTION. J a *7 'I UWO Speaker Attends Banquet The annual banquet of the Men’s Club was held in the Com munity Centre last Tuesday eve ning with the C.G.I.T. doing the serving. The president, Mr. Mur ray Hodgins, introduced the guest speaker, Mr. John Bruce, of the tario, iences Mr. . ___ the toast to the ladies and Mrs. Murray Hodgins responded. Mr, Wilbert Stanley proposed the ■toast to the speakers and artists who had assisted in the programs during the year and Rev. George Mitchell, of Arva, responded. Those assisting on the gra were Mr. Percy Vahey, Howard Kew, John Casimir and Clifford Acheson. Mr. T. S. Hill moved a ■of make University of Western On- who spoke on his exper- while in Europe. John McLean proposed pro Mr. vote thanks to all who helped the evening a success. Winners Thursday evening, Lucan On members of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lucan Legion were guests of the Ailsa Craig Auxiliary for a social evening, where Court Whist was enjoyed. Probably be cause the Lucan hockey team has done so well of late, the ladies too felt they should “bring home the bacon,” fo-r home they came with four of the five prizes. Not wishing to be too selfish, they did permit a Parkhill guest to have one prize. The prizewinners were Stewart Park. Mrs. T. A. gins, Mrs. Dave Egan and A .E. Reilly. 17 Mrs. Hod- Mrs. C.G.I.T. Meeting The Lucan C.G.I.T, met in the United Church parlors Wednes day evening. Audrey Marshall, Beth Hodgins and Audrey White- head had charge of the devo tions. During the business ses sion plans were discussod for the Maypole Tea and Bazaar to be held in the church parlors on Saturday, May 1, from 3 to 5 p.m. Craft work consisted of the making of earrings and brooches of shells and flowers. The next meeting will be held Wednesday evening, April 28, and all mem bers are asked to meet at the church Friday evening at 8 p.m. to arrange for the Saturday tea and bazaar. Motor Accident Early Saturday morning, F/O Frank 'Pickles, 31, of the RCAF Station Centralia, was critically injured in a motor accident on No. 4 highway near Elginfield when his car hit a tree. His wrecked car was spotted by a passing motorist at 4:20 a.m. who called an ambulance. He was alone in his car. jured man was taken conscious condition to seph’s Hospital and Westminster Hospital, believed to have been smelt ing at Ipperwash. Personal Items Mrs. Harold McFalls is spend ing a few days in St. Joseph’3 Hospital for a check-up. Mrs. J. B. Armitage has re turned home after a three weeks’ visit in London. Sharyn and Judy Weir, small ■daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weir, of London, returned home on Sunday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc Falls, Linda Young, doughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Young, on Tues day, April 2'0, entertained a number of her cousins at her seventh birthday celebration. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling and family this past Lynnette who re parents, Walpole, ■ and the remainder of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flowers and two girls, of London, were also Sunday visitors. Mrs. W. W. Smith and child- i ren have returned home after a ■ week’s visit in Oakville, the guests of Mrs. Smith’s mother, ; Mrs. P. O. King. Miss Marilyn Brownlees spent last weekend in Columbia, Ohio, where she attended the Univers ity ball and other activities. Miss Hattie Hodgins spent last weekend in Ilderton, the 1 guest of' Miss Jane Cunning ham. Mrs. Garfield Needham, son and family who attended the six tieth anniversary of the St. Pat rick’s W.A. on Sunday, called Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins their way home. Mrs. G. Patrick, mother Mrs. Mel Culbert, is ill in Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Rev ington were guests of Mrs. Wes H'obbs, of St. Ives, last Thurs day. A number of Lucanites, in spite of radios, TVs and posters, forgot to put their clocks and watches on an hour last Satur day. As a result, with the as sistance of neighbors, some man- ■ aged to make church on time; . others came in an hour late, while others bad idifficulty get ting dinner ready on time for Sunday guests. A large number from Lucan i attended the anniversary ban quet and ladies night of the Past Masters’ Association, South Huron District, held at South Huron District High School in Exeter last week when the guest speaker, Rev. A. J. MacQueen, spoke on “Your Contribution To A Better World.” The Ladies Auxiliary to the Lucan Legion held a successful Powder Puff party at the Stanley Opera House last Tuesday eve ning, April 20. Louise England, of the London Treasure Cos metic Company, was the guest cosmetician. The lucky door prize, a necklace and matching earrings, was won by Mrs. Geo. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Les Langs and family, of Kingsville, called on Lucan friends last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flet- | cher and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, of Kirkton, spent last Saturday with Mr, and I-lenry Hodgins. Visitors with Mr. and Gordon Banting included and Mrs. William Kilian, don, and Mr. and Mrs. week included Miss Walpole, of Kincardine, turned home with her Mr. and Mrs. Elmer on on of St. Mrs. Contract Barley See Our Contracts Before You Decide Where You Sign Up — Limited Number of Acres Feed and Seed Grain All Kinds Excellent Quality Scott's Elevator | Erwin Scott | PHONE: Office 63, Res. 110 .............................................................................................. LUCAN, ONT. Business Directory BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIG ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B, Zurich office Wednesday afternoon EXETER PHONE & 4 For N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Alain Street, Exeter Open Every Week-Day Except Wednesday Appointments Phone 355-J DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 3G-W - Phone - Res. 36-J DR. B. EICKMEIER L.D.S., D.D.S. RENTAL SURGEON 910 Main Street South PHONE 669 EXETER W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensall, Friday, 2 to 5 P.M. J, NORMAN COWAN BOOKKEEPING Systems, Service, etc. INCOME TAX RETURNS Dashwood 40-r-13 Sarepta Hay Post Office DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter R. F. REILLY, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Each Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointment - Phone 606 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING “SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.ML VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 99 Hensall Ontario PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales a Specialty For a Better Auction Sale Call the “Wright” Auctioneer Phone Hensall 690-r-22 Collect E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Telephone Zurich 92-r-T USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANY Head Office: Exeter, Ontario President A. Hamilton Vice-President Martin Feeney R.R. Directors Harry Coates E. Clayton Colquhoun Science Hill R.R. 1 Kirkton 3 Mitchell ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron, Lambton Perth and Middlesex For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times “Service that Satisfies” PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD Wm.CromartyMrs. Mr. Lon- Carl Banting and family, of Bramp ton. The latter left David and Charles with their grandparents while they went on to Windsor. In spite of setbacks, Mrs. Wes Revington, who underwent an operation in St. Josephs Hos pital, expects to be able to come home the end of this week. Mr .and Mrs. Edward Hodgfns, of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins last week. Mrs. John Hodgins, accompan ied by her sister. Mrs. Fred Stevens, has returned home to Lucan. 2 Dublin The in in serni- Jo- • to was fish- St. later He Centralia . R.R. 1 Special Easter services were held at the Pentecostal Church last Sunday. On Monday evening, a supper was enjoyed by the members at which Mr. Ed But- lei gave a talk on the recent trip to Holland which he and his family enjoyed so much. ONE GOOD THING YOU CAN DO.YOU CAN SAVE A LOT OF TIME BY SWITCH YEAR. Milton McCurdy Alex. J. Rohde R.R. Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne YES,SIR, YOUR BIRDS CAN GOTO RANGE NOW AND YOU CAN SAVE TIME THERE BY FEEDING ROE VITA-GROW PELLETS. THESE ARE JUST VITA-GROW MASH IN A COMPRESSED > FORM. Y ( J WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex (Special training assures you of your property’s true value on. sale day) Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed OREDITON P.O. or PHONE 43-2 R.R. 1 Woodham 1, Mitchell Cromarty Clayton Harris R.R. Ross Houghton Solicitor G. Cochrans Secretory-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter E. W.Exeter By Roe Farms Service Dept. THAT'S A REAL IDEA,DOC. I’D SAVE TIME AND FEED, TOO. »--------------------------\ /TH MY PULLETS WOULDN’T WASTE M J m I > p£ ANY FEED. l/r PULLETS LOVE PELLETS AND EVERY SINGLE BITE IS BALANCED. YOU CAN FEED THEM IN THE MORNING AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE MASH BEING SCRATCHED OUT OF THE HOPPERS. PULLETS EAT PELLETS LIKE GRAIN AND THERE’S NO SLOW UP IN GROWTH. PULLETS LOVE PELLETS 'Li THANKS, DOC. VITA’GROW PELLETS SEEM TO BE A REAL ANSWER TO A LOT OF MY PROBLEMS. y 7# tfwe time and feed with totss? THEY CONTAIN THE LATEST "GROWTH FACTORS" PELLETS i^wefarns milling c’ I. oxrOO0 H. Kellerman, Dasliwodd! C. Tindall, Mddfesville Lorne Eiler, Hensall