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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-29, Page 10
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 19S4 T E I B s s E S Comments About Centralia By MRS. FREI) BOWDEN st§On Your Automobile Insurance?5 z g s g s 5 •S. 3 Marie Wildfong Finds Hospital In BC Unique "Like no other hospital with which she has ever had any con-! tact” was the way Miss Marie; Wildfong described the hospital! at Bella Coola, B.C., to which I she recently went as a mission ary nurse. j The difference lies in the' happy atmosphere which replaces- Message Frqm Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Rev. W. J. Mains, of Bruce- tield, a former minister of the Greenway Methodist Church, will be the guest speaker iu the United Church on Sunday at 2:45 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Young and daughter, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bloomfield and family, of West Lome, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Arthur Brophey. Miss Eleanor McLinchey friend, of Detroit, spent weekend with her parents, and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wil son and family, of Thedford. Mrs. Herb Mollard, of Cen tenary, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horner, Sr. Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, visited on Saturday with and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey Frances. W.M.S, The W.M.S. Church s: E t Phone 233-J Exeter FOR HEATING, PLUMBING, EAVESTROUGHING & OIL BURNER SERVICE & INSTALLATION SIGN PAINTING • TRUCK LETTERING :: E £ EMission Band Meeting Eleanor Mae Hodgins presided over the Mission Band meeting in the school room of the church on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Numbers on the program included a piano solo by Sharon Lightfoot, recitation by Kay Hodgson, a vocal duet by Carol McCurdy and Joyce McFalls with Eleanor at the piano; piano solo by Beverley Smyth, a solo by Sharon Lightfoot with Georg© Godbolt as accompanist. Stories were read by Catherine Hodgins, Karen Essery and Sibyl Cross man. Following the program Keith Hodgins and 'Wayne Greb led in the playing of games. The study book chapters were taken by Mrs. McFalls and Mrs. Bowden. Choir Practice A men’s choir will provide the music for the Mother's Day ser vice in | Practice church 8:30. W.M.S. Members of the meet in the church evening. May 4. at 8:30. Mrs. I. Macaulay and family of Montreal were visitors during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. William Haddock visited over the weekend with th© former's nephew, Mr. and Mrs. G. Haddock, in Toronto Master Benny Harlton of Lobo was a holiday visitor with his grandmother. Mrs. A. Harlton. Miss Arlene Skinner under went an operation for appendi citis in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Thursday of last week. Miss Joanne McCurdy, R.N., of London, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy. Mrs. F. J. McCann and family of Stratford were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden ou Thursday of last week. Miss Mary Jo and Master Wayne B a y n h a m returned to their home in Detroit on Satur day after spending the holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Baynham. Mrs. Lome Hicks spent a cou ple of days last week with her sister, Miss Wilda Pollock, iu Kitchener. Miss Margaret Rose Bowden visited for a few days last week with Miss Lenore Godbolt in Mitchell. the hushed, cold silence encoun tered in many hospitals. At Bella Coola hospital, about niing or singing. If a patient wants organ. Each day begins with one of ! the girls reading the scripture i and the daily meditation from the "Upper Room” at the con clusion of breakfast. When Dr. Whiting arrives, the staff gathers around the organ, which Marie oiten plays, and a hymn is sung. Then the Doctor starts on his rounds begins. Marie ! friendly ___ . _____ Ll to help her. The days go by very now situated in the Flear Build-j quickly and she is very happy in ling, next door to the bakeshop, i her new work of helping those i formerly occupied by Miss! who are unable to help them- Francis Cassidy, hairdresser. Dr.! selves. Brigham has now completed tliej She found the trip to Bella first of a series of articles to he j Coola very enjoyable, particular- used in magazine publication, i iv thu hnnt trtn un thp const- ! Inttle Misses Linda, Joanne I (and Master Greig Hamilton, j : children of Mr. and Mrs. Harry _ Hamilton, spent their Easter letters from her friends. Her de vacation with their grandmother,, seription of life in the hospital | Mrs. Stewart Hamilton, at t written in answer to one of j Springfield, who accompanied < qie.se letters. them to tlieir home for a visit' --------------------- with her son and daughter. • Mrs. Fred Jackson and family. jLJy-. of StratfoM, spent their Easteri FlOvpSIS LdpiUlc vacation with Mrs. Jackson’s! n i * ■mother, Mrs. J. Mousseau. 1 DcHlGV AWStOMr. and Mrs. H, Wainwright' ,r „ J . „ _ p spent this weekend in London.; 31. E. Hooper and son, R.R. 6, ■Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. 3Iarys, were awarded one of Desjardine and Mr, and Mrs. top ten championship prizes Everett Desjardine during th» ■ l)arl®F ,ato,Pie re.ce?l week were Mrs. James Wilson! Ottawa \ alley Seed Show, held and Mrs. Thomas Breen and'at Renfrew. The Hoopers placed daughters, Maryann and Anna*eeond 1U tlie 36-entry competi- Lee, all of Windsor. tl0B; T x T, The Barley Improvement In- r /'O William H. Weekes, whoistitute sponsors this class and is taking a course at Camp Bor-1 provides $200 in prize money for den, spent Easter weekend as i tOy ten pacings. Altogether guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, J ..... ...... -- —x..?— ---- Beer. Social Evening On Wednesday evening mem-' bers and friends of St. ’ on - the - Lake Anglican Church ■ met in the town hall for a social evening in the form of a fare well for tlieir minister, Rev. and Mrs. J. E. G. Houghton ami family. Mr. H. Wainwright acted as master of ceremonies and Miss Arlene Hayward, I--------- gave two readings which were very much enjoyed. On behalf of the Junior Aux-, iliary, Miss Wiunie Negrijn made a presentation of two records. I Mrs. Maurice Tiedeman and Mrs.; Horace Lake, on behalf of the; Women’s Auxiliary, presented! Mrs. Houghton with a lovely' floral bouquet and a large angel; food cake. Mr. Wainwright, on! behalf of the members and eon- congregation, presented Mr. and Mrs. Houghton with a purse of money. A social time, convened by Mrs. William Rendle, assisted by members of tlie W.A., was enjoyed by all who attended, among whom were friends from Dashwood and surrounding points. Baptismal Service At the Sunday morning ser vice Rev. Houghton baptized the following children, adding them as members of the Cradle Roll Department: Susan Viola and Michael William, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bossenberry; Georgina Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bossenberry, and Paul Russell and Pamela, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bossen berry. Grand Bend Youth Rally Delegates to the Youth Rally of the Church of God, Province of Ontario, came from different points in Eastern Ontario for their annual rally in the Church of God here during the past week, and attended the Friday evening revival service held in the church, when the three Green sisters or Arlington, Virginia, were guest singers and speaker. Sunday visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson were Masters Bill and Jim Mathers and Master Robert Whitelaw, of Sylvan. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Flear spent Sunday in Port Huron, Weekend visitors with Miss Mary Yeo were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrigeau, Detroit, Mich,, and Miss Muriel Fallis, Sarnia. Mr. find Mrs. Gordon Ulens, of London, spent the weekend with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Hettie Lovie, who is here to spend the summer months in her residence in the Oakland House. Miss Grace McGill, Port Hu ron, and Miss Mary Ann Ho garth, of HenSall, are spending this week with their cousin and niece, Mrs. Roy Flear and Mr. Flear. The MisSes Margaret and Anne Marie Dillon, of Sarnia, §pent their Easter holidays at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Statton. Mrs. H. J. Laing, of London, spent the Weekend with her cou sin, Mrs. William LoVe, and Mr. Love, and attended the trousseau tea for Miss Elaine Gill on Satur day evening. Mr. James Dalton, Jr.f of St. Michael’s College, Toronto, spent the Easter holidays at his home in town. Mr. and Mrs. William A. ! Sturdevant were in Toronto dur ing the past week, “where Mr. S f u«r de v a n.t attended the ‘Plumbers’ Convention-. Mrs. Stur devant returned after the week end. s.«• We Have For Others , » Why Not You! CHECK THESE FACTS NOW: Extra Premium for Cars Used in Business Extra Fermium If You Have Drivers Under 25 Years No No of Age (In Your Family) No Extra Premium for Married Men Under 25 Years of Age No Extra Preminin fox' Pickup or Panel Trucks Used for Transportation and Pleasure Purposes (Electricians, Car penters, Plumbers, Painters, Tinsmiths, etc.) State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company C. E. ROBB - General Insurance Elginfield, Ont * ★ ★ ★ E 2 E JL<(«<<(iig<,<iu«<ii,i,i<«gii,lining,H«,iwi»wmuHgmg<«gg»,>»«<»*’<»«< Phone 25-r-22 Lucan fi everyone goes his work whistling, huiu- music, someone plays the ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW STREET E S S' I E ^llluii««<«aai>e<d.««<(u«ig«l«.agu(iatM«igw<iiiiiUigi<l(ll<i<iigui,1<11<1111<1<1<111.......... E 5 S E EI I E E E 5 E E E Give Generously Salvation Army When the Canvasser Callis Trees, for Exeter, Mr. Jack Doerr = z E s § a E s s E £ s c s e E g S' i s f 5 the church on. May 9. will be held in on. Friday the evening at W.M.S will on Tuesday KINDERGARTEN Parents are urged to register children for kinder garten for the school year September 1, 1954, to June 30, 1955, Children must have reached the age of before December 31, 1954. Please note carefully arrangements for registration. Wednesday, May 12 EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL I five the. Report On Grand Bend By MBS. E, KEOWN and the daily routine Personal Items Dr. E. Brigham has moved frpm the Imperial Hotel and is has found everyone and more than willing ly the boat trip up the coast. The Times-Advocate keeps her in touch with the home-town news and she has received many • Children whose birthdays are in the months January to June will register in the afternoon from 2 to 4 p.tn. Children whose birthdays are in the months July to December will register in the morning, 10 to 1.2 a„m. Proof of Age Must Be Submitted >, L, v you* ” if J8gO|Y© © AY I 4 D Z Come In to Exeter Motor Sales and See These Dependable, Reconditioned Cars ’52 ’52 ’50 ’49 ’49 ’47 DESOTO SEDAN Fully Equipped CHRYSLER SEDAN Radio, Air Conditioning, Power Brakes. Power Steering DODGE SEDAN Priced to Suit Your Budget FORD COACH DODGE SEDAN DODGE SEDAN Maroon Pre-War Models at Bargain Prices I Buy The Best at C-OO-L DEPEHDABLr "Immediate service” FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 21/2 % on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAYE R. PATERSON Trust Officer Henaall, Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY SAULT STE. MARIE CALGARY • VANCOUVER FULLY INSURED Exeter Motor Sales Phone 200 FRED DOBBS, PROP. Exeter - CLEAN / Tk STORAGE FOR FURS AND WINTER GARMENTS Your clothes are stored in one of the most modern vaults in Western Ontario — Furs beautifully cleaned! Phone 33 Exeter for Free Pickup and Delivery MID-TOWN CLEANERS Quality and Service L: there were 36 entries. Comments j from judges indicated an excel lent showing, with bright color and general high quality. Johns-j Ift addition to the champion-Chur-'h'class, the Barlej' Improve- i went Institute also sponsors a j malting barley class at twenty county and district seed shows. Over one hundred entries com- I peted in these local classes, with I prize money available for each ICS iuiu , d , London, j Malting quality, on the basis • of these show classes, was highly satisfactory this year, Montcalm remaining the most popular var iety for this purpose. And W.A, April meeting of and W.A. of the United was held in the church basement. Mrs. Harold Brophey took the last chapter, “Shadows are Frontiers,” from the Study Christian Stewardship secretary, read two poems, “Because I Live, Ye Shall Live Also” and “A Band-Box For Me and a Mite-Box for Him". Mrs. Albert Pollock, temperance secretary, read “Building on the Sand.”. Mrs. Elton Curts read a poem, Happened on an April Day. A discussion on “Relief Korea” was given by four ladies, Mrs. Roy Whiting, Mrs. Elton Curts, Mrs. Albert Pollock and Mrs. Carman Woodburn. Mrs. B r y d e n Taylor., ' president, took charge of W.A. meeting. Roll call answered by 15 members. It decided to have a bazaar first part of November. Book. Mrs. Whiting, Here's The Set The News 20-Tobe E E and the Mr. Mrs, featuring New Cabinet Design Front-Mounted Speaker Famous Cosmic Eye Only $2695® Beauitifull Walnut Veneer Cabinet You've Been Waiting For IS HERE AT LAST The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS On Sunday, April 25, the Saintsbury branch of the W.A. of St. Patrick’s Church observed their sixtieth anniversary. Rev. R. Mills was in charge of the service and delivered a very in spiring missionary sermon. The church was filled with friends and past members from London, Lucan, Seaforth, Exeter, Ailsa Craig, Woodham, Zion, Granton and Tavistock. Mrs. T. Kooy was in charge of music and Mrs, Jack Dickins was soloist. The church- was tastefully de corated with spring flowers. At the close of the service, Rev. Mills invited all to have a cup of tea in the parish hall. The tea table was attractive with the large anniversary cake and flow ers. Mrs. J. B. Armitage of can and Mrs, F. Davis of Saintsbury W.A. poured tea. honor was conveyed on these ladies as the only surviving char ter members. They were present ed with corsages before taking theii' places at the table. Mrs. J. Turner, past president, Mrs. H. Davis, president, and Mrs. A. Calder, president of the W.A. for the Diocese of Huron, were sim ilarly honored. Greetings from Perth and from who were unable read. Mrs. Calder, . _ dUced by Mrs. Davis, spoke brief ly on the W.A, pioneers and brought greetings from the Dio cese of Huron. Mrs. J. Turner welcomed all present and a mo ment’s silence was observed to honor those who had passed on. The ladies of the congregation served lunch at the close of the short program. Personal Items Mr. Clayton Abbott and Mr, Ivan Davis spent the weekend in Paris, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlfie and boys, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins, Mrs. F. Davis, Mrs. R. Dickins, Exetdr, and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Alexia Were Wednes day evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis. Miss JOyce McDonald spent the weekend with Miss M. Fenn of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hess and twin boys of Zurich were Tuesday eve ning dinner guests With Mr. afld Mrs. J. Dickins, Mr. G. Caldwell of Sheddon spent the holidays With Mt. and Mrs. M. McDonald, Who drove him home and spent Saturday With Mt. and Mrs. A, Caldwell. Mr. Wayne Dlcklns spent the holidays with Mr, and Mrs, Eat! Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bale of Tavis tock werd Sunday guests With Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and visited With Mr, and Mfs. J, Hat- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather attended service at Cen tralia United tlhurch on Sunday morning and were dinner guests With Mr, and Mrs. G. McFalls. Lu- the The two the deanery of many friends to attend were who was intro- W.A. the was : was the The members are asked to bring an article for the bazaar to the June meeting. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Curts when a plant exchange and sale will be held. :: BEAVERS HARDWARE Phone 86 “The Home of Better TV Service"Exeter Buy your paint NOW from your Glidden dealer and SAVE! This offer for the Festival period only is a dividend to the millions of Glidden paint users across Canada. Now you can paint best for less inside and outside. Take advantage of this offer now and brighten up your home this Spring. APRIL 28 22 v; ENDURANCE IMPERIAL HOUSE PAINT —the new one coat house paint ; : : cuts painting costs nearly in half saves half the time, stays white longer—easy to apply: See your Glidden dealer for all your painting need* SPRED SATIN —the magic finish fot walls, ceilings and wood-; work too. Washable, dur« able, scrubbable, with a soft satin sheen that stays bright and clean much longer: THE GLIDDEM COMPANY KMITEO • MONTREAL ♦ TORONTO ♦ WINNIPEG *% LINDENFIELDS LIMITED PHONE 181 "Your Paint Headquarters' EXETER