HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-29, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1954 Concrete Blocks STEAM CURED On A New KENT BLOCKMASTER BLOCK MACHINE FQR SALE FOR SALE I HELP WANTED CLASSIFIED RATES BABY CHICKS FOR SALE 8" Block In Stock L. H. Turnbull & Son PHONE 47-r-2 GRAND BEND aaaiaaaaaaaaiaaaBaiaaaaaBiaaoaaiaaaiaiaaiiaaaaiaiiiaiaaiiaiiaiiiaaiiaaiiiiqaaaaaiaiaiaiaaaaaiiaaaBiaiaaaiaiaaaaaaaaiaaaiaiaaiaaaaaaiaaaaai^ Graham Arthur's 66 OLIVER STANDARD, tractor, nearly new. Apply Frank Hicks, Cen­tralia, phone 881-w-l Exeter. 29* 2 COLLIE PUPS, 3 months old. Mo­ ther good cattle dog. Phone Lucan 42-r-24.______________________ 29* DEARBORN PLOW, just plowed 60 acres. Will sell cheap. Apply Wilfred Cunningham, R. R. 1, Clandeboye, phone 162-r-2 Lucan. 29:6* USED BRICK. Apply William Wal- ters, R.R. 1. Woodham. 29:6* 1952 CUSTOM CHEVROLET push­ button radio with aerial. Phone 438- M after 6:00 p.m________‘_______29c WALNUT BUFFET, in excellent con­ dition. Apply 137 Columbia Drive, RCAF Station Centralia_________29* PUMP JACK, like new; brass pump cylinder; 260 feet underground elec­ tric cable; used piping, 1-inch. Also bay gelding, part Indian pony and hackney. Apply Howard Kerslake, phone 322-w-l Exeter.___________29* YOUTH’S LIGHT blue dress jacket, size 32, in new condition. Also a size 32 tan topcoat, in nearly new condi­tion. Will sell reasonable. Phone 39- r-3 Kirkton. Apply Mrs. Whitney Coates. 29* STARTED PULLETS — 9-12 weeks old. For delivery now or May 10 and June 30. Also 9-week-old capons. Apply Box ’’W”, Times-Advocate. 29* GRAVEL — Lane, cement and fill. Crushed gravel, sand and top soil. Bulldozing. Phone Sam Sweitzer, 342- W Exeter.______________________29* Specials CABIN — GRAND BEND, lake road near Oakwood. 12’xl2’, toilet, basm, kitchen sink, easily moved, in perfect condition. J. A. Feeney, 196 Dufferin Ave., London, phone 2-3475._____29 c ’53 STUDEBAKER COACH with Overdrive ’47 LINCOLN SEDAN, Nice Shape ’46 FORD COACH, Worth the Money CAR RADIO, custom built, 1949-51 Chev. Good condition, reasonable. — Phone 43 Crediton___________ -9* SHED — 12’x24', timber base, brown asphalt shingle siding. Would make excellent garage. Phone 43>S-M after 6:00 P.m. _____________________29c BRING YOUR CAR IN FOR A ' Spring Tune-Up We’ll Make Your Car Hum Like Magic! **** Try a Tank Full of the New PETROX GAS BEST ON THE MARKET Phone 21C Graham Arthur MOTORS Exeter “Your Studebaker - Rec Dealer” LADY’S COM BICYCLE, 1950 model, with generator headlight. $30.00 cash. Phone 209 Exeter, after 6 o’clock. 29c PLYMOUTH CAR — 5-passenger. re­cently overhauled. F. A. Wood, Hen­ sall. phone 88._________________29:6c BICYCLES—Boys’ and girls’ standard models, $49.95; juvenile models, $48.95. Fisher’s Hardware, Exeter.______29c GRO - GOLD quality fertilizer now available for spring planting—2-12-10; 4-12-10; 5-10-13; 3-18-9; ammonia ni­trate. Guaranteed analysis. Phone 299 Exeter.__________________ 29c 12 - FOOT PLYWOOD Peterborough style boat, approximately two years old. Phone 683-J Exeter. 29:6:13c 13-FOOT BOAT with 15-h.p. motor. Remote control. Apply Joe Pavkeje, Centralia._______________________29* 1949 BLACK MONARCH Sedan, ra­ dio and heater, new tires, low mile­ age. Priced to sell. This car is in very good condition. Owner will carry half on finance. Apply Bruce Walters, Supertest warehouse, Exeter.____29* FEED TURNIPS—In pit. Phone 90- r-10 Kirkton.____________________29c GOOD RELIABLE MARE. Telephone Crediton 19-r-5. 29* 14-H.P. MOTOR, never used since change-over. $15.00. Mrs. M. p. Ra- yelle, phone 143, Grand Bend. 29c CONCRETE BLOCKS and flagstones, any color, now in stock. Modern con­crete flagstones provide the conven­ ient, pleasing garden walk. Easy to lay. No experience needed. Last 'a life-time. Economical. All kinds of of concrete work including sidewalks, cement floors, etc. —Seaforth Con­crete Products, phone 22-M Seaforth. ____________’___________29:6:13:20c 1952 FERGUSON TRACTOR, with, or without tracks. Hydraulic discs, 7-ft. Also 3-drum steel roller. Both in new condition. Apply Fred Negrijn, Grand Bend, phone 33._________________29c CHILD’S STROLLER, like new. Tele- phone 17-6-r-3 Exeter.____________29* 30 WEANER PIGS — Phone 176-r-32 Exeter, Allan Westcott. 29* CUSTOM CAPONIZING, started ca­ pons, Apply Carl Oestricher, phone 57-r-23 Dashwood. 4-22:29:6:13:20:27 FRAME BARN, 34x50. Phone 322-W-3 Exeter._______________________22:29* PRINCESS PAT kitchen range—Good heater and baker, Nearly-new condi­ tion. Reasonable. Phone 20-r-23 Cre­ diton, Joe Glavin._____________22;29c THE SURGE MILKER—It's fast, it’s safe, it’s durable, it’s quickly and easily scrubbed clean. Call Lovell Mc­ Guire, Wingham, phone 693. Your Surge Service Dealer. 18:1:15:29c PURPLE RASPBERRY canes. "Col­ umbia”—In good supply. Also straw­ berry plants. Limited amount. Apply Mrs. Emalie Carter, east side of highway, % mile south of Exeter.22:29:6* ACT NOW if you want to make money. Join a progressive company—* sei’ household necessities and cos­metics. Every house in your territory a potential customer. No dull season. Wherever you may live write in for details. —FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 1, Montreal. 29c FEMALE HELP wanted to clerk in hardware store. Apply in person to Traquair's Hardware. ___________29c WAITRESS — Also girl for kitchen and housework. Apply in person to Reiher’s Coffee Shoppe. 29c TEACHER WANTED — The Hay Township Public School Area re­quires a teacher for a one-room rural school. Duties to commence in the fall term. Applicants to state quali­fications, experience, religion, and salary expected, and references. Ap­plications to be in by May 11. 1954. — H. W. Brokenshire, Sec. - Treas., Zurich, Ont.___________________296c WOMAN OR GIRL to assist in farm home where the mother has recently returned from hospital. Phone Kirk­ton 41-r-19.____________,_________29c AVON COSMETICS offers splendid earning opportunity for capable wo­men in Exeter and Dashwood. Write Mrs. M. Stack, 78 Duchess Ave., Kit­chener,____________________ 22:29* GIRL WANTED for housework. Ap­ply Box 238, Lucan, Ontario, 22:29c NOTICE — Applications for the posi­tion of "Fire Hazards Inspector" for the Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be received by the undersigned secretary of the company up till noon April 30, 1954, Applicants must be able t.o supply their own transportation. Please state qualifications, experience, age and salary expected. — Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Com­pany, Reginald G. Black, Secretary- Treasurer, Box 59, Zurich, Ont. 15:22c 25 words or less 60c More Than S5 Words Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 More Than 25 Words - 10 Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. PRAY HAS STARTED pullets for shipment now. Also dayold, and mixed. Ask us for early summer pricelist. Cockerels also, but they should be ordered a little in advance of date desired. Ask us for full par­ticulars. — Erie Carscadden, Exeter Phone 246-W. 29c STOCK WANTED by ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. __________tfc DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge, For prompt and efficient service phone ’STONES’ collect, Ingersoll 21. or Exeter 287. I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any as®. —• Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE on 83 Highway— 3W, miles from Exeter. 195 acres, 75 acres grass land. Good house, good barn, silo. Plenty of water. Immediate possession. Apply Silas Stanlake, Ex­ eter____________________________29* HENSALL — Frame house and extra lot centrally located on corner. Fur­ nace and bath. Low taxes. Priced for quick sale. Immediate possession. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA , Broker R, B. Paterson, Phone 51 Hensall, Ontario 22:29c EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS! Do you need help this spring? Married or single Dutch men are available. For further information call Rev. Schroeder, phone 575-W Ex­eter._____________’________ 4-16tfc FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms, Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc AUCTION SALE DATES Alvin Walper, Auctioneer HENSALL SALES ARENA EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. Saturday, May 1 — Estate of the late William Elsie.Tuesday, May 4 — Estate of Well­ ington Brook.Saturday, May 15 — Real Estate and Miscellaneous Items; Tom Sem­ ple, prop, NOTICES DOG OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Under By-Law No. 13, 1936, of the Town of Exeter, every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a tag be­ fore April 15 of each year shall be liable to a fine of $10.00.Further, under this by-law, no dog shall be allowed to run at large dur­ ing the months of May, June, July and August in each year. The penal­ty under this section of the by-law may be $10.00.Police have been instructed to en­ force this by-law. C. V. PICKARD Municipal Clerk MISCELLANEOUS 2.2:29c YOU CAN DEPEND ON FAST RELIEF FOR 40 lb. Weaners With Shur-Gain Pig Booster Evening Service When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, back­ ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd’s Kidney Pills stimu­ late kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's at any drug stora You can depend on Dodd’e. ANTIQUES! ANTIQUES!—Selling out entire collection, Private sales by appointment only. Enclosed stamped envelopes for information, — Simon Sweitzer, Box 67, Exeter, 29:6:13:20e RED CLOVER, sweet cloVer and timothy seed. Good quality at reason­ able prices. Apply Stewart or David Blackwell, telephone 88-r-3 or 88-r-8 Zurich. Parr Line. 22:29* USED CAR PARTS for Fords 1929- 1940, Chevs 1932-1941, Plymouths, De- sotos, Dodges, Olds and Pontiacs, etc. —Cudmore’s Gravel. Our location saves you money. Phone 171-r-3 Ex­eter. 3-18tfc 4 REGISTERED ACCREDITED Hol­ stein heifer calves, nice foundation stock or good calf club heifers. Sandy Elliot, phone 476 Exeter. 15:22:29c DRY HARDWOOD, 1-ft. lengths. By cord or load. Cudmore’s Gravel, phone 171-r-3 Exeter._______________4-15tfc RED BRICK RESIDENCE. Beauti­ fully built home with three bedrooms, dining room and spacious living room. All conveniences and hardwood floors throughout. New oil-burning furnace and laundry tubs. Garage. Nicely lo­ cated on valuable lot. Immediate possession. Terms. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 4-15tfc KIPPEN — Rural home — solid brick house, good lot. Bath and hot water heating. Nicely decorated with low taxes. Ideal place to retire. Reason­ably priced. Immediate possession. Terms can be arranged. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51Hensall, Ontario 22:29c LAWN MOWER SHARPENING. Ex­ pert work. •—Fisher’s Hardware, Ex­ eter;_________________________ 29c IT’S A BREEZE TO SAW A BOARD —Have your saws filed on our pre­ cision machine. Mechanically accur­ ate jointing, filing and setting. Bring your saws in today, you will like our service. —Stew Dyckstra, 152 Lake Road, 500 feet west of Monetta Men­ ard's. 29c BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­ grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lesson 50(1. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 22:29:6c STEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, imme­ diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan. —Butler Bros.4-1:8:15:22:29:5-6:13:20:27* COLDS TELEVISION More and more people are finding wise to buy their TV set from servicing dealer. It costs no more have this exra protection.We offer you quality merchandise with qualified service. RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter it a to Canadian Little pigs that are started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster at 10 days of age are the kind that really go ahead. Tests at the SHUR-GAIN Farm prove that Booster-fed pigs weighs 40 lbs. and more at weaning. This means up to a month’s less feeding time and from 100 lbs. to 150 lbs. less feed to get them off to market, says George Robson, manager of the Farm. For profitable hog production on YOUR farm, see us today about SHUR-GAIN PIG BOOSTER. Full Weight, 88 lbs. to 80-Rod Roll $9.00 PER ROLL 10 or More Rolls Delivered Free T TEE RAIL STEEL POSTS and ALL KINDS FARM FENCING At Best Prices Call . ASHWORTH 70 Lucan WANTED 4-22tfc Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: Cann's Mill Ltd. EXETER WHALEN CORNERS Snell Bros. Ltd GARAGE ■■ Announcement Re: Store Hours The Retail Stores Of USED DESK for office. Phone 211 Exeter._________________________29c CATTLE FOR GRASS — Phone 41-r- 10 Kirkton._____________________29^ ABOUT 25 CATTLE to grass. Phone 681-r-22 Hensall.______________29:6* WANTED AND FOR SALE — Used merchandise. Louis E. Johnston, Sec­ ond Hand Shop, corner Station and Main Streets. Phone 183 noon and evenings. ____________________29c CATTLE TO GRASS for the summer. Plenty of water. Apply Silas Stan­ lake, phone 271-M or 357 Carling Street, Exeter.________________ 29* HAVE ROOM for 10 head of cattle to pasture for the summer. Apply Losume Desjardine, 250 Carling St., Exeter, or Elmer Desjardine, Grand Bend, phone 3i8-r-27. 29* THREE HEATED unfurnished down­ stairs rooms with bath on same floor for quiet realiable couple. Phone 678 or 3G6-J Exeter. ______15:22:29* 20 HEAD OF CATTLE to grass for summer. Concession 13 of Stephen. Apply Pat Wilds, phono 40-r-7 Dash­ wood, _________________ 22:29c STANDING BUSH-LOTS — Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 620-22 between 6 and 7:30 evenings. 4-ltfc The Town Of Exeter Wil Be Open 100 HORSES—BUsh, fox, mink, fer­ tilizer Or road horses. Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter, 1l*l9tfc TWO MEDIUM SIZE houses, rooms on one floor, preferably oil furnace, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, 3-25tfc Saturday Nights Ti NOTICES TO CREDITORS May 1 to September 25 (Indus.) Exeter Business Men’s Association October 2 to December 18 10 P.M. E.S.T. In the Estate of Wellington Brdok Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Wellington Brook, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County at Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 21st day of April, 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Soli­ citors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of May next, after which date the estate Will be distributed having regard only* to those claims of Which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, Bxoter. Ontario 100 ACRES HAY TOWNSHIP, near village school, churches. New forced air furnace, spacious barn, litter car­rier, running water, 100 acres Stan­ ley Township, near school, church. New oil furnace, lovely bathroom, modern kitchen, L-shape bar.ns, good stables, water bowls, presure system. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 4-15tfc TRANSFERRED and MUST SELL new rug brick one-floor five-room, fully modern, forced air heated home. Owner 493 Andrew Street. 3-15tfc ONE FLOOR 2-bedroom house, bath­ room, new oil furnace. Corner lot.— Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 4-15tfc PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553___________________Exeter WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, sign painting and floors tiled. Ed “Buck” Little, phone 196-R Hensall, Ontario. 3-25:1:8:15:22:29:6:13* FOR RENT NEW HOUSE — 349 Edward Street. Living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, and bath with space for other room on second floor. Oil furnace. Wide lot. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J.___________4-8tfc GRAND BEND on Blue Water High­ way opposite Oakwood Golf Course. Well built rug brick house with 3 bedrooms down and 3 up. First floor is beautifully finished throughout. Kitchen and bathroom are very mod­ern. Full basement with oil-burning furnace. Two nicely arranged cabins. Large garage and tidy barn with three acres of valuable land. The whole property is in wonderful con­ dition and nicely landscaped. It is greatly admired by all who see it. Possession given to suit purchaser. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter,_____ __________4-ltfc DUPLEX HOUSE, 2-piece bath up­ stairs, 3-piece down .and 5 or 6 acres on highway near Exeter. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales- man.________________________3-lltfc CENTRALLY LOCATED for schools, churches and shopping, 3-bedroom house, new roof, interior decorating good, 2 bathrooms, garage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. 3-4tfc 50-ACRE FARM —Level, all tillable and well drained. Close to Highway near Hensail. Six-room house with new modern bath. Immediate posses­sion. Act now. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Hensall, Ontario 22:29c 6-ROOM HOME, first floor has living­ room, one -bedroom, large modern kitchen, new three-piece bath, three bedrooms upstairs. Good basement with coal furnace. Extra lot; barn with garage. —524 William St, lltf* WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and qual­ ity, stores and other businesses, sum­mer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par- sons, Salesman. _ 5-28tfc RED BRICK COTTAGE, double liv­ ing room, dining room, kitchen, and 3 peds and full bath upstairs. Oil­burning furnace. W. C. Pearce, Re­altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-lltfc EXETER, BUSINESS BLOCK, with three complete apartments. This pro­ perty shows a real return on invest­ ment over and above taxes and other expenses. Let us give you the de­tails. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street. ________ , 2-4tfc BRICK HOUSE—Perfect Exeter loca­tion. This home Is nicely laid out with four bedrobmS and other usual rooms. Roof and exterior of house is in good condition. It has Pew oil­ burning equipment and garage, The lawns ate beautiful and nicely plant­ ed with ornamental shrubs and bushes. This property lends itself to the use of a larger family or for apartment purposes. Reasonable price. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. , ............... , l-21tfc HENSALL RESIDENTIAL property. One of Hensall’s finest smaller houses. This home is comparatively new and is nicely finished through­ out. It have two bedrooms, a dining room and a very modem kitchen and bathroom. Full basement with Oil- burnins furnace. .Garage. Nicely treed lot. Quick IlbsS&SSIon, C. V, Pidkhfd, Realtor, Mam st, Exeter, 12*2itfc 5-ROOM HOUSE — Pressure system, bath, Room for garden. Five miles from Centralia airport. Apply Box “P", Times-Advocate.____________29c ROOM WITH KITCHEN privileges suitable for two working girls; two blocks from Main Street. Apply eve­nings to 395 Albert Street, Exeter. 29* GRASS WITH plenty of shade and running water. — W. C. Oestricher, phone 12-j Crediton.___________ 29c SPECIAL RATES girls’ groups (CG- IT, Explorers, etc.) at lovely large cottage, Grand Bend, central to lake and amusements. July 15 to July 31. Or room reservations, adults, July 15 to August 7. — Mrs. Cecil Robb, R.R. 2, Lucan, phone 25-r-22 Lucan. 29:6* AUCTION SALE Take notice that there will be offered for sale on the 1ST OF MAY NEXT at 2:00 p.m. 1952 METEOR SEDAN Serial No. 0173H52-22057 my premises at the South of the TOWN OF EXETER on No, 4 Highway.The above sedan is being sold un­der and by virtue of the Warehouse­ man’s Lien Act and is in a damaged condition. EDWARD HUNTER-DUVAR (Ed’s Imperial) 15:22:29c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Truck, Auto, Valuable Carpenter Tools and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND on Pinery Road, Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer has ~z ceived instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 1 commencing at 1:30 o’clock p.m, AUTO & TRUCK: 1939 Chev Coach, in good condition; 1935 International Half-Ton Pickup Truck, in good con­ dition.CARPENTER TOOLS & MISCEL­ LANEOUS ITEMS: Skil saw, com­pletely equipped; aluminum rubber tire wheelbarrow; 5- and 10-ft. step­ ladders; work bench with vice; elec­ tric drill; Sunbeam electric razor; new scythe; quantity of paint; large variety of paint brushes; bird cages; gas pump and hose; small stove, electric cord; set of climbing spurs; a complete line of carpenter tools; small pheasant pens; 6-section phea­ sant pen, 9x20; 2-section steamer, suitable for restaurant; bees and equipment; 10 swarms of bees; 5 win­ ter coops for 10 swarms; complete honey equipment, consisting of ex­tractor, 2 supply tanks, honey house, 9x12; new apple crates, barrels, etc., etc. Purebred light brown Cocker Spaniel. TERMS: Cash. PLEASE NOTE: On the same day, Saturday, May 1, at 4 p.m., the Grand Bend United Church shed, 47 x 80 feet, a well built structure lined with good tin, also good tin roof, will be sold by auction for further particulars, please contact William Love, Grand Bend. MRS. WM. ELSIE. PROPRIETRESS GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 22:29c of clay loam, well drained and m fall plowing done, ready for seeding; 5 acres of bush, remainder in grass. Inspect this farm before day of sale. Terms of Real Estate to be made known on sale date.AUTOMOBILE: Dodge 1953 Regent Sedan, with low mileage, like new- ,HORSES: Black Percheron work team, true and reliable in every way.CATTLE: Two Hereford heifers, fresh, with calves at foot; 2 Hol­ stein cows, fresh, with calves at foot; 6 Holstein cows, fresh, with calves at foot; Holstein cow, due be­ fore sale date; Ayrshire heifer, due middle of May; 2 Hereford steers, ready for market; 2 Hereford heifers, ready for market; 6 Hereford calves; registered Hereford bull. This is an extra good herd of cattle.HOGS: Nine York pigs, averaging 175 lbs. each; S York pigs, averaging 150 lbs. each; 7 York pigs, averaging 100 lbs. each; registered York boar. THRESHING MACHINE & IMPLE­ MENTS: Bell threshing machine, standard size, used 2 seasons, in brand new condition; McD. 8-ft. grain binder, like new; McD. three-bar side rake; McD. S’/j-ft. spring-tooth culti­ vator; McD. landpacker; John Deere wagon, like new; 16-ft. hay rack, like new; one-way disc; 4-section harrow* and bar; team scuffler; 2 single-horse scufflers; Clinton fanning mill; grain roller: 2-wheel trailer; root pulper; platform scales; electric Viking cream separator, like new; De Laval 2-unit milker, complete with pump, motor and piping; snow fence; steel pig­trough; extension ladder; 10 bunches cedar shingles; carpenter tools! sho­ vels; forks; barrels; many articles too numerous to mention.GRAIN: 50 bus. seed oats; 75 bus. feed oats; 300 bus. mixed grain; 4 bus, red clover seed.A QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD' EFFECTS including a Guerney range and dining room furniture. TERMS: Cash. ELMER BELL, ADM1NSTRATOR ESTATE OF WELLINGTON BROOK GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER at end re- AUCTION SALE of Church Shed GRAND BEND on SATURDAY, MAY at 4:00 p.m. The shed is a well built 47’ x 80’, lined with good good tin roof. For further particulars, WILLIAM LOVE, GRAND BEND ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER __________ 29c 4 structure, tin. Also phone 2 PARTLY FURNISHED rooms. pri­vate entrance. Suitable for 2 work- ing girls. Apply Times-Advocate. 29* 1 FURNISHED ROOM and a garage. Immediate possession. Apply Times- Advocate. 22:29* FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hardware, Exeter. Do Floor Sander Edger It Yourself and Save Money! McKenzie’s paint store Phone 253 Exeter 4-15:22:29:6:13:20:27:3c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Auto, Livestock, Threshing Machine, Farm Implements, Grain and Household Effects On the premises, LOT 2, CON. 7, USBORNE TWP.2 miles south of Elimville The undersigned auctioneer has re­ceived instructions to sell bv public auction on TUESDAY, MAY 4 commencing at 1 o’clock sharp REAL ESTATE': Consists of 100 acres of land, Lot 2, Con. 7, Usborne Township, on which is situated a well built large L shape bank barn, frame house and implement shed, all in good state of repair. Land best AUCTION SALE of Household Effects in theVILLAGE OF HENSALL on WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 1:00 p.m. sharp Buffet; dining room table and 6 chairs; sideboard; 2 electric radios; rockers; kitchen table and chairs; china cabinet; writing desk and book case: cupboard; small tables; sewing- machine; electric washing machine; couch; rollaway bed; beds, mattresses, springs; dressers; quilts; blankets; pillows: mats; curtains; linoleum rugs; lamps; electric heater; Astral refrigerator; box stove; cook stove; hotplate; elocks; pictures; kitchen utensils; sealers; fruit; dishes. Quantity of coal and wood; garden tools; and other articles.ALSO the HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS’ OF THE LATE FREI? SMALLA- COMBE: Dresser with mirror; wash­ stands; 2 single beds, springs and mattresses; 5 heavy diningroom chairs; 4 rocking chairs; 2 upholstered chairs; small buffet; chest drawers; hassock; 2 small tables; rug; kitchen cabinet; kitchen stool; blond exten­sion table and 4 chairs; fernery; floor mats; lamps; club bag; coal scuttle; aluminum kitchen utensils; 3-pc. heavy aluminum cookware set; sealers; crocks; cream can; garden tools: lawn mower, etc.TERMS: Cash. MISS GLADYS LUKER, PROP, p. l. McNaughton, clerk ED CORBETT, AUCTIONEER 29c NONE BETTER For The Money? —’51 PLYMOUTH COACH 15,000 miles, perfect condition —’50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Maroon, low mileage, many extras, radio, better than new —’47 MONARCH SEDAN 118" wheelbase, good condition, dark blue ’52 —’51 '47 •’88 —’37 CMC PICKUP CHEV PICKUP CHEV PICKUP OLDS CHRYSLER SEDAN Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER Plan Your Electrical Future &V6WCERS Ontario Hydro possesses the largest and one of the most versatile .engineering teams in - Canada. Through the years this team has earned an enviable reputation for inventive* ness coupled with 'sound engineering principles. Both have played a. major role in making Ontario Hydro one of the greatest electrical utilities in the world* ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS Information concerning Ontario Hydro can b6 obtained by writing your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. and assistants^ repre­sentative of every branch of the science.