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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-22, Page 10
Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1954 FLOATS for the Topics From Crediton By MRS. J. WOODALL FAIR Cantata, Sunrise Service Mark Dashwood Easter Report On Crediton East By SIRS. W. -MOTZ Now’s the time to be- think ing and planning for that big float you’re going to enter in Centennial Fair parade this fall. Use historical themes to point up the 100 years of progress in this area. There will be generous prizes for all entries. How about those ideas for the centennial? Your fair board would like to hear them. This message is presented in the interests of your fair by HURON LUMBER CO. LTD. PHONE 48 EXETER Pid you know that. The union communion service held in the United Church on Good Friday was largely attended by members of the Evangelical and United Churches. The service was led by Rev. W. Parrott and a very appropriate and helpful message was delivered by Rev. E, N. Mohr. Easter sunrise service in the Evangelical Church was excep tionally well attended. Breakfast was served by members of the Youth Fellowship, comprising I young people from both churches. ; F, L L. J. Mould of Centralia RCAF Station was ‘ and gave a very ' dress. ■ Special EasterI held in both churches on Sunday, ! with Rev. E. N. Mohr in charge in the Evangelical Church and Rev. W. C* Parrott in charge in the United. Both brought Easter ; messages and the choirs rendered I special music. Church. Mrs. I was soloist. on churches Daylight Saving Time. Molitor and Mrs. F. guest speaker inspiring ad- services were In the United Winnifred Leslie Sunday in both will eom- THIS 1890 COAL-BURNER IS ONE OF THE CLAIMAMTS TOW FIRST AUTOMOBILE IN NORTH AMERICA" DISTINCTION. IT WAS STEAM POWERED... REAR SEAT WAS FOR THE EN Gl NEER -FIREMAN- ©IGGER, SOFTER SUPER- CUSHIONS 8Y GOODYEARWk- UP" THE BUMPS TO 61VE YOU COMFORT. AND YOU’LL ENJOY LONG, TROUBLE-FREE RIDING TOO, AT VERY REASONABLE COST. SEE US TODAY FOR THIS BIG GOODYEAR VALUE , I Services Crediton : mence on ! Mrs. R. i W. Morlock have been re-engaged ; as teachers in Crediton Public School. Miss Joyce Chambers has been added to the staff, replac ing Miss Marie Symon, who has accepted a position near Tor onto. Mr. Thomas Trevethiek of Ex eter spent several days with Mrs. A. Kestle and Donald. Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William Oestriohei* were Mr. and Mrs, N. E. French, Miss I Joyce French and Miss Matilda Oestri-dier of Windsor, Dr. and Mrs H. Hostetler, Kathie and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, of London Mrs M. Faist is spending s-w- j era! days in St. Thom is with Mr. land Mrs. Lewis Faist | Mr. Lloyd Fahrner and Mr. i Cecil M.-Lean of Sudbury visited ! over the Easter weekend former’s mother, Mrs. Fahrner. ■ F’O and Mrs. Robert ■ mer of Trenton spent several days I with Mrs. Palmer’s parents, Mr. I and Mrs. E. M. Fahrner. Mr. Cal vin Fahrner of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Al bert King were Mr. and Mrs. Ray LaVigne, Mr. and Mrs. S. Seme gen and daughter, Shelley, all of I TXT i .-1 etr\v» /I JI with the Charles W. Pal- :niji: in LOOK FOR THIS “HIGH SIGN" Of QUAUP! I Windsor, and Hamilton and onto. | Mrs. A. E. i dusky, Mich.. Mr. and Mrs. B. son, John, of Tor- JIMMY HAYTER PHONE Nremw DASHWOOD, ONT. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE Retire on $200 A Month for Life! A popular Halifax grocer and his wife recentlyretired on $200a month for life. Their dreams of security and comfort have come true, thanks to a decision the grocer made in 1923, It was then he took out a Con federation Life Insurance Pension Plan which included $20,000 insurance protection. He had just opened his store . . . and with the baby and the payments on his home, he had only so much left for retire ment plans. It wa3 a pleasant sur prise when his Confederation Man told him how easily his dreams could come true—without risks or investment worries. You’ZZ be pleasantly surprised too at how easily you can make your dreams come true — and protect your loved ones at the same time— with a Confederation Life Pension Plan with Insurance. Williams of ; ,uu.on.j, xvuvii., is a guest week with her cousin, Mrs. Mack, and Mr. Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryall of I Windsor visited, over the weekend | with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz. I Donald and Ted Dale of Bramp ton are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark, and with Mrs. A, Kestle and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. William Woodall and daughters of Windsor visit ed during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodall. Misses Lulu Morlock of Wind sor and Ella of London are visit ing this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson are spending a few days this week in Toronto. Trousseau Tea Mrs. W. Mack entertained at a trousseau tea at her home on Monday, in honor of her daugh ter, Rosalie. Receiving the guests with Mrs. Mack were the bride elect and Mrs. A. E. Williams of Sandusky, Mich., cousin of Mrs. Mack. Showing the trousseau and gifts were Mrs. B. Mack, Mrs. S. Whiting, Mrs. W. Leslie, Mrs. W. Berge and Miss Jeannette Schenk. Mrs. A. King and Mrs. E. Law- son poured tea from a iace cov ered table, centred with candles and spring flowers. Members of the United Church choir, of which Rosalie has been a faithful member, assisted with the tea and were represented by Misses Joyce and Pat Chambers, served the many guests. Honor Mrs. Lome Hodge and Allen Pfaff were hostesses to 50 relatives and friends at a mis cellaneous shower at the latter’s home on Monday night for Miss Meleida Clarke, bride-elect of Saturday. After a contest, Miss Clarke was escorted to a seat of honor. Following a mock wedding, Mrs. John Wade read the address, while little Migs Shirley Pfaff presented the gifts in her decor- Bride-To-Be San- this . W. who Mrs. last Sunrise Service Very early on Easter morning there was quite a stir around Calvary E.U.B. Church, when a goodly number representing both young and old members gather ed for a “Sunrise Service", spon sored by the Youth Fellowship. Use was made of the chimes over the air and the organ and piano for happy Easter seletcions. The program consisted of scripture, a poem, a quartette, a message by the pastor reviewing appearances of the Lord, a play picturing the three women and some of the men at the open tomb, and part of the “Halleluja Chorus" on the organ. Correction Due to a misprint tn week's paper the name Barbara Reder was left out of the list of newly-confirmed and it should have been Pauline Becker than Pauline Reder. Easter visitors in the munity were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, burg, of Waterloo, with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred burg and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper and girls, of Ingersoll, with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Mr .and Mrs. Donald Reste- mayer and family with Donald’s father, Mr. Otto Restemayer. Mr. Mervyn Stelck and Patsy, of Bradford, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stelck. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and Ray, of Waterloo, with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. IT. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Telfer and children, of Brantford, with the Inter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiburg i and family, of Waterloo, with [ their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred I Weiburg and Mr. and Mrs L.1 H. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hinley and girls, of London, with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stumpf and girls, of Kitchener, with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hutchin son and Alva, of Blair, with rela tives here. Mr, and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family and Mrs. Douglas Keyes, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yause and son, of London, with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Henry Becker,_ Sr. Miss Nancy Tieman, of don, with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Mervyn Tieman. Miss Marion Wildfong, don, with her mother, Mrs. net Wildfong. Mr. Charles Tieman, London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peifer and Carol, of Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baird, of London, with Mrs. L. Peifer. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pepper, of Stratford, and ’Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown, of London, with Mr. a.nd Mrs. William Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newton and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Willert and daugh ter, of Exeter, with Mrs. R. Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Art Koessel and Virginia, of Lansing, Mich., with Mrs. J. Kuntz and Mir. and Mrs. ■Clayton Phile. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Jacobi, of Hensall, with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Phile. Miss Lorna Kraft, of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Misses Betty and Lois Gaiser with their mo-ther, Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Biesen- thol and Douglas, of with Miller. Mr .and Hobbs and Mr. rather Wie- their Wei- Holl and Lon- Gar- Mr.and Mrs. Hamilton, Rudolph Guenther,Mrs. Jack Ronnie, Clarson, and and Mrs. Harry and Jerry, of Windsor, and Mrs. Sid Baker. Mr .and Mrs. Jack Port Colborne; Guenther with Mr, . Huffman, of Port Colborne; Miss Lucy MacKellar and Miss Carol Webb, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Webb and family. Personal Items Mrs. Letta Taylor a.nd Anne are spending a few days in Lon don. ated wagon. Upon opening her many gifts, Meleida graciously expressed her appreciation. Cantata A capacity congregation en joyed the cantata “The Song of Easter" presented by the choir of Zion Lutheran Church and the choruses, duets and solos presented by the Sunday on Sunday evening. Mr. and entertained the family few friends " of Mr. and __ a bridal couple, A buffet lunch was served. Jake Schroedei- and Lloyd Keller favoured with ac cordion and guitar music. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ten Eyck, Pat and Joyce, * Mr .and Mrs. _____ Donald and Linda, of New Dun dee, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Becker. Dashwood will go on Daylight Saving Time Sunday morning, April 25. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Klump. Connie and Clara Gossman spent the weekend in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schulze and at tended the Builder's Show. Mr .and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oestreicher and Mr. Aaron Oest- ieicher spent Good Friday in Clifford. Mrs. C. Oestreicher spent a couple of days there and her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Wolfe, returned with her for a visit. A re-organizaation meeting >f the Dashwood Band will be held on Monday, April 2G, in Tie man’s Hall. All former members of the band and all those inter ested are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weidn and family, of Detroit, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Fred Schlundt. Mr .and Mrs. William Pitt, of London, and Mr. Orby Kestle. of Detroit, spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Women’s Institute Tuesday, April 27, the E.U.B. Church the form of a pot The husbands will be guests. Mr. W. G. Cochrane, of Exeter, will be guest speaker and will show slides. Mrs. Edward School Keller and a on the arrival home M^s. Kenneth Keller, of Kitchener: Albert Becker. with the heldwill be at 7 p.m. in basement in luck supper. Dashwood Couple Exchange Vows In nan day, only Pearson and the late Mrs. Pear son, was united in marriage with Kenneth Kar-l, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keller. Rev. L. Higenell performed the ceremony. Mrs. Higenell played the wedding music and during the signing of the regis ter sang, “O Perfect Love." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a grey-blue suit with beige accessories and carried lily-of-<the-valley and red roses. Miss Margery Keller, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid, wore a grey suit with white and navy accessories and carried yellow mums. Elgin Keller was his brother’s groomsman. Following the cere mony the couple motored to Toledo, Ohio, and other points. They will reside near Dash wood. a ceremony in Zion Luthe- Chureh, Dashwood, ‘ April 15, Shirley Joanne, daughter of Mr. Thurs- Gordon 25 Only ELCO GENTS’ Anti Magnetic Incabloc Shock-Proof Water-Resistant Dust-Proof Steel Chrome White Case Luminous Dial and Hands Edwards and Mrs. sons and Fred Darling Mrs, Margaret with Mr. and Easter visitors were: Mr and Mrs. Edward Darbey and children, oK Newtonbrook, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and son Eber with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Diane, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein. Mr. and Gibb, of Exeter, Mrs. Roland Motz. Mr. and Mrs. William Schroe der and Mrs. shire, •and Mrs. London, derson. Mrs. Carl Brock and Mr. Ken Kuhn have both returned home from London hospitals. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clarke and Mr. Russel Baynham, London, Mervin Broken- of Hagersville, and Mr. James Schroeder, of with Mr. Charles An- Sterling Ince Best Speaker Sterling Ince won first prize in the final public speaking con test of the Y.P.S. held ip Londes- boro community centre on Mon day night. Over 130 young people of the Huron Presbytery attended. One contestant from each area competed in the finals. Sterling Ince’s prize-winning subject was “A Type of Insurance — Safety Belts in Automobiles"; Ola Grif fith, of Blyth, spoke on “Free dom"; George Proctor, of Bel grave, on “The Ant" and Jim Axtman, of Seaforth, on “Farm ing". Judges of the contest were Miss Eleanor Plumsteel and Mr. Ed Jenkins, of Clinton. Thirteen members of Exeter Y.P.S. attended the Londesboro meeting. and Mr .and Mrs. Ed Baynham, ol' Sliipka, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham. a Wiring .Repairing Contracting Installation Radio — TV — Washers —- Appliances For Everything Phone 187 Radio & Electric Exeter BEFORE YOU BUY MY USES CAR monnRCHtrust LOOktbrthe. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer is kn business to stay. He has a stake in his community, a reputation to maintain. He knows that your confidence is his most valu able asset and he wants to win that confidence by giving you the best merchandise in the best condition at the best prices. He really knows cars ... he wants to keep on knowing you. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer has years of experience in the automotive business. He knows cars.., and he has the staff and the facilities to put them in first-class condition and keep them that way! His aim is your satisfaction. FOR s/yn matmeans trustworthy and TRUCKS. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer’s prices are rock-bottom for top condition. The emphasis is on value when you buy a used car or truck from your Ford-Monarch Dealer. He wants to keep his used cars rolling off the lot, so he’s ready to offer you the best deal in town on top-condition models. Your Ford-Monarch Dealer guar antees that only the best used cars and trucks are worthy of the A.-1 sticker ... only those that can meet his rigid standards of condition and performance. He keeps his standards high and backs them with his reputation.Wrist Watches SAME WATCH AS ABOVE In Yellow Cases and Expansion Bracelets at $29.75 WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING Est., 1888 We Do All Our Own Repairing Albert Hess Diamonds and Watches ZURICH has bel ®WRY USED cad WAI e Conditioned bv 7 servicemen for ?yexpert Performance ppearance and ^checked for • TmtfuUy !adandins ™lue- ac^vertised. ac°urately 1ld tacked SEE YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Exeter, Ont. *mjD®By Roe Farms Service Dept. ASSOCIATION For Free Booklet, ul JFant Insurance", caUi A. W. MORGAN Representative Hensall I | sI 3