HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-22, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1954 Couple Celebrate 48 Years Wed Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge quietly celebrated the forty­ eighth anniversary of their wed­ ding at the home of their son, Horaee, on Easter Sunday. Their daughter, Mrs. Squire Herdman, ■and family were also present for the occasion and other relatives -called during the day to con­ gratulate the couple. Mrs. Delbridge, the former Helen Spicer, was married to Mr. Delbridge on April 18, 1906,~by the Rev. H. J. Fair at the Blim- yille parsonage. Both Mr. and Mrs. Delbridge have been life­ long residents of this district. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED STOCK WANTED CUSTOM CAPONIZING, started ca­pons. Apply Carl Oestricher, phone 57-J-23 Dashwood. 4-22:29:6:13:20:27 FRAME BARN, 34x50. Phone 322-W-3 Exeter. 22* SILVER-GREY BABY BUGGY—Tele­phone 121-W Exeter. 22c CHEV SEDAN, in good running or­ der. S. Deelstra, 3 miles east of Centralia. 22* MASSEY-HARRIS seed drill, 11-run in good condition. Apply Times- Advocate;............................ 22* FEED TURNIPS—Phene Edgar Cud- more, 171-r-14 Exeter. 22c 2- OR 3-ROOM heated apartment for couple with child. Apply Times- Advocate. 32* PRINCESS PAT kitchen range—Good beater and baker. Nearly-new condi­ tion. Reasonable. Phone 20-r-23 Cre- diton, Joe Glavin. 22:29c 5 YORKSHIRE BROOD sows, due in May; 2 cows, par.t Durham and Hol­ stein, due last of April; also some baled hay, clover and timothy. Apply Alvin Gingerich, phone 90-r-6 Zurich.15:22* 115 PULLETS, Sussex x Red, 13 weeks old. Apply George Tiernan, Dashwood, phone 71. 22c Try KEM-GLO today entirely NEW LOOKS and WASHES like SUNBEAM IRONMASTER; ironing board; G-E toaster; chesterfield and chair; Champion cleaner; stroller; auto seat (child’s). Apply D. Bish, 6 Columbia Crescent, RCAF Centralia. phone 449-J-4.___________________22* 1953 CHEV COACH, in A-l condition. Phone 26-r-31 Crediton 22* PORCH GLIDER in good condition. May be seen at 220 William Street or phone 334-W.__________ 22c GOOD WORK MARE — Joe Conlin, phone 462-W-3 Exeter.___________22c BRICK AND FRAME stable approx­ imately 20x40. Rubber-tired farm wa­ gon. One antique solid cherry cup- board. Margaret Cook, Centralia. 22c POPUP TOASTER, electric iron, waffle iron. Also 3-wheeled bicycle. Apply Mrs. Herron, phone 33 Grand Bend.________________________ 22c FARMERS! Do you need help this spring? Married or single Dutch men are available. For further information call Rev. Schroeder, phone 575-W Ex­eter. 4-15tfc FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- aere farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31, 12-10tfc TENDERS WANTED BAKED ENAMEL For kitchens, bathrooms; finest woodwork KEM-GLO is economical to use because Kem-Glo covers most surfaces in one eoat—ordinary enamels require an under-coater plus one or more coats of ena­ mel. Women agree that Kem-Glo Miracle Lustre Finish wvars better, cleans easier and costs less to use than ordinary enamels. Requires no undercoater, easy to apply, dries in 3 to hours and one eeat is uE that is required ever most surfaces. 4 Only $3.00 per qt.j I BROWNIE’S SUIT. Apply Mrs. C. VanderNeut. 457 Albert Street, Ex­eter. 22e ANYONE WANTING MANURE for their gardens? Selling so much a load. Apply Silas Stanlake, 357 Car- ling Street._________ ____________22* 100 BUSHELS CLIPPER seed beans. Grown from registered seed last year. Apply Alex MeBeath, R R. 3, Kippen, Iphone GSl-r-11 Hensall___________22* j FOUR - FOOT DOUBLE - SIDE hog feeder, capacity 500 lbs. Corn crib, 16-ft. double, capacity about 12 tons. I Massey-Harris 2-furrow plow, on rub- I I’er. in good londitkm Telephone 226. DON'T MISS TUDOR’S Quitting Busi­ ness Sale in Hensall. Everything goes on the bargain block. Finishes May 1.______________________________22c ATTENTION. LADIES! Do you wear large sizes? See the dresses for sum­ mer at Tudor's Quitting Business Sale. Up to size 52.______________?2c AI.L SUMMER YARD GOODS priced at ridiculously low prices at Tudor’s Quitting Business Sale. Everything must be sold,___________________22c GOOD QUALITY alfalfa hay. Also second cut alfalfa, baled hay. Phone 37-1-17 Grand Bend. 22* RE RE-WIRING Tenders wanted to re-wire Zurich Co-operative feed mill. Plans and specifications may be had by contact­ ing the Manager, Hensall District Co-operative, Box 120, Zurich, Ont. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.BERTRAM KIK>PP, Zurich, Secretary 22c RE CONCRETE BRIDGE Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for building a concrete bridge across Concessions 4 and 5 opposite Lot 3.Marked cheque of $200,00 must ac­company cheque and must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than April 30, 1954. Blueprint may be ex­amined at the office of the Clerk. Lowest or any tender not necess­ arily accepted. F. W. MORLOCK, CLERK 15:22c ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect ■Ed Andrew, Seaforth 861-r-ll, Exeter 235.____________ tfc DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES’ collect, Ingersoll 21. or Exeter 287. I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ASK FOR EARLY’ summer prices on Bray chicks. They have started pul­lets, pretty prompt shipment. Also mixed. Wide choice breeds, crosses. Your cockerels should be ordered in advance of date desired. Agent—Eric Carscadden, Exeter Phone 246-W. 22c FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT, imme­diate possession. Adults only. Phone 276 Exeter. 22c TO LET—Grass land. William Oestri- cher, Crediton 12-J. 22c 1 FURNISHED ROOM and a garage. Immediate possession. Apply Times- Advocate. ___ ___ 22* late William Elsie.Saturday, May 15 — Real Estate and Miscellaneous items; Tom Sem- ple, prop. of Kippen View Farm COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE 100 Registered Hollsteins, On the premises, LOT 28, CON. 1, HAY TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF HURON 2 miles north- of Hensall, first farm south of Kipnen. 35 miles north of London, No. 4 Highway. undersigned auctioneer has been KEM-GLO FEATURES Kem-Glo is ready to use Kem-Glo is easy to apply Kem-Glo covers In one coat Kem-Glo needs no primer or undercoater Kem-Glo dries in 3 to 4 hours Kem-Glo is washable... yes, scrubbable Ten beautiful colours and 4 ‘Stay-White’ white. x KEM-GLO is made by the makers of famous Kem-Tone. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. F Ea I j QUALITY prices IONE 27_________________________EXETER. your KEM-GLO dealer Cann’s Mill Ltd. WHALEN CORNERS Checkerboard News Beautena Has Her First Calf YOU REMEMBE'R THE Hol­ stein heifer calf we grew up in our store room window. Well, she presented us with a dandy calf weighing 98 pounds. Cann's Beautena (registered) dropped her first calf when only two years, one month old. Following strictly to the Pur­ ina plan, she was started on CALF STARTENA and grew up on the DRY AND FRESH­ ENING CHOW. Developing a large frame, she had absolute­ ly no trouble in dropping her first calf. FOR THE RIGHT AMOUNT and the right kind of balanced ration during gestation of the sow, you can depend on PUR­ INA SOW AND PIG CHOW to do the right nutritional job— help build healthy and thrifty pigs, get them off to a fast start, and keep the sow in top condition. Get a bag of PUR­ INA SOW AND PIG CONCEN­ TRATE from us today and mix it with your own grain. Message From Greenway By MRS. C.YRMEN WOODBURN Mr. and Mr? Arthur Brophey and Karen visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brophey ■ and family, of Parkhill. Miss Evelyn Bullock visited a eouple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pawliwi and family, ! of Wyoming-. i Mrs. W. T. Ulens returned to . her home here on Friday spending the winter with Lillian Ulens, of Windsor. Recent visitors with Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Frances were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oakes, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, Joanne and Richard, of Bayfield. Howard and Brenton Hartle, ■of Sarnia, are spending their Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle and Jack. Easter visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Doan, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waun, of Parkhill, with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of To­ ronto, at his home. Miss Marion Hicks, don, with Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Jim, of Bothwell, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock and Carl. M1s® Gladys Stewlardeton, of and Mrs. s after Miss and ot Lon- William Follock Stra-throy, with Mr. Lloyd Stewardson. Mrs. E. Harris, of with Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brown and Stephen, of Toronto, with Mrs. John Brown and Miss Elda Brown. Mr .and Mrs. Clare Brophey, of Gravenhurst with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Frances. Mr. and Mrs. James Wellman and Bob, of Kalamazoo, Mich., with Mrs. R. L. Sheppard. Miss Viola Curts, of Lo-ndon, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Charles Curts. Mr. and Mrs. David Cluness, ■of Parkhill, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn and family. Miss Lillian Ulens, Windsor, with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Brinsley, Emerson News of Kirkton By MBS. FRED HAMILTON PURINA In excellent condition and good flesh, she’s ready now for her first lactation period. And by the way. she’s for sale if anyone is interested in a good registered Holstein cow with an extremely quiet tem­ perament. Come in to see her and don’t forget to see baby Beautena in our show room window. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT PURINA CHEK-R- TON. Growing pullets and lay­ ing hens often need a lift about now to keep them com­ ing full speed ahead. Mix GHEK-R-TON in their mash for treatment. Knocks out large round-worms. Improves appetites. Regulates bowel ac­ tion, Adds Vitamins B and G. Helps birds snap back after coccidiosis ~— not a cure but helps speed up recovery. IbuanobI [ axno»J USE OUR SERVICES! We not only supply you with PURINA CHOWS and SANITATION PRODUCTS but offer service, too. Call on out trained feed­ ing advisors who are always ready to help you with feed­ing and sanitation problems. If you’re not a regular visi­ tor to our store .drop in next time you’re in town and let’s get acquainted. Make our store and mill yOut head­ quarters. Mrs. R. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. ■Gallant and daughter, Jean, of Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Roundell. Mrs. Gallant and daughter remained for the week. Miss Doris Folley, of spent the weekend with, ther, Mrs. Edith Folley. Miss Betty Doupe, of visited with her mother, Doupe. Mr. Ward Allen of Toronto was a weekend visitor with his par­ ents, ’Mr. and Mrs. George Allen. Congratulations to Harold Bur­ gin and Robert Anderson, prize winners for Grade 9 in the essay contest sponsored by the local W.C.T.U. Visitors at the ___ Mr. and Mrs. R. A. C. Mills were Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of Huron College, London, and Don Hutchi­ son of Huron College. Miss Velma Doupe of London visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. Doupe. Mr. Don Clubb of Kitchener is holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall. Weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. V. Atthill were Mr. and Mrs. Muscroft and family of Hagersville and Norris Atthill of Camp Petawawa. The Y.P.U, met in the base* ment of the church Monday eve­ ning with George Burgih, citizen­ ship convenor, in charge. “Eas­ ter” Was the theme, Muriel Rout- ly -gave an Easter poem, Bob Anderson played an instrumental and Dohna Stone sang a solo. The guest speaker for the eve* ning was Mr. Gerrit van den Burg from Kitchener, ivhose subject was “How New Canadians Obtain (Their Citizenship Papers”. A very interesting discussion followed. ■Guelph, her mo­ London, Mrs. G. rectory, with BOY’S SPRING COAT and cap, size 3, in cheeked material. Very good condition. Price $4. May be seen at Brady Cleaners._________________22* BRICKS—ALI. CLEANED. Apply to Ernie Perry or Mrs, Marie Worrell, William street._________________ 22c St’OTCH PINES—Suitable for lawns or hedges. Apply <at Frayne's Store, Exeter North,___________________22c PURPLE RASPBERRY canes, ‘‘Col­ umbia”—in good supply. Also straw­berry plants. Limited amount. Apply Mrs. ICmalie Carter, east side of highway, ’4 mile south <>f Exeter. 22:29:6* ANTIQUES! ANTIQUES!—Selling out entire collection. Private sales by appointment only. Enclosed stamped envelopes for information. — Simon Sweitzer, Box 57, Exeter,________22* RED CLOVER, sweet clover and timothy seed. Good quality at reason­ able prices. Apply Stewart or David Blackwell, telephone 88-r-3 or 88-r-8 Zurich. Parr Line. 22:29* SAFE, FAST MILKING results in higher production. That is why more farmers are switching to the Surge Milkers in the territory. Call Lovell McGuire, Surge dealer, Wingham 593. LADY’S NAVY blue coat, size 44. Worn only a few times. May be seen at Brady’s._____________________22c USED CAR PARTS for Fords 1929- 1940, Chevs 1932-1941, Plymouths, De- sotos, Dodges, Olds and Pontiacs, etc. —Cudmore’s Gravel. Our location saves you money. Phone 171-r-3 Ex­ eter. 3-18tfc 4 REGISTERED ACCREDITED Hol­stein heifer calves, nice foundation stock or good calf club heifers. Sandy Elliot, phone 476 Exeter. 15:22:29c DRY HARDWOOD, 1-ft. lengths. By cord or load. Cudmore's Gravel, phone 171-r-3 Exeter.______ ________4-15tfc TELEVISION More and more people are finding wise to buy, their TV set from have this exra protection. with qualified service. RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter it ___ „ __ ___ _ . __ ___ a servicing dealer. It costs no more to We offer you" quality merchandise Full noilWeight, 88 lbs. to 80-Rod $9.00 PER ROLL 10 or More Rolls Delivered Free 7’ TEE RAIL STEEL POSTS and ALL KINDS FARM FENCING At Best Prices Call 0. A. ASHWORTH 70 Lucan 4-22tfc SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Potatoes $1.10 PER BAG Boots 20% OFF REGULAR PRICES MOLNAR’S GENERAL STORE Mooresville WANTED 22* CATTLE TO GRASS for summer. Phone 40-r-lG Dashwood or apply Jack Cockwell. ____ 22* THREE HEATED unfurnished down­ stairs rooms with bath on same floor for quiet realiable couple. Phone 678 or 366-J Exeter.___________15:22:29* TO RENT IN EXETER—-Small house. Dutch family, two children. Apply Times-Advocate. _____________22* 20 HEAD OF CATTLE to grass for summer. Concession 13 of Stephen. Apply Pat Wilds, phone 40-r-7 Dash­ wood. 22:29c CATTLE TO GRASS for Summer.Apply Ernest Willard, phone 322-W-4Exeter. 22* SMALL INCUBATOR, in good repair. Apply Times-Advocate.__________22* HAVE DRAINED PASTURE, plenty of water for yearlings 550-600 pounds. Box "R”, Exeter Times-Advocate.1.5:22* TO RENT 3- or 4-room apartmeht or 4- of 5-room house, unfurnished. No children. By May 1 or June 1. Apply Box “E", Times-Advocate.8:15:22* STANDING BUSH-LOTS — Apply Robert Eagleson, Alisa Craig, phone C20-22 between 6 and 7:30 evenings. ,____ ____. . 4-ltfc 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer* tllizer or road horses. Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter. ll-19tfc TWO MEDIUM SIZE houses, rooms on ono floor, preferably oil furnace. W. c. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 3-25tf« REAL ESTATE HENSALL— Frame house and extra loi centrally located on corner. Fur- na< e and bath. Low taxes. Priced for quick sale. Immediate possession. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Hensail, Ontario 22:29c 50-ACRE GRASS FARM for sale. If not sold, will be rented. — Thomas Laing, Exeter.__________15:22* IN KIRKTON—7-room brick house. Pressure system and bath. Barn and double garage. —Phone 123 Kirkton. 15:22c RED BRICK RESIDENCE. Beauti­fully built home with three bedrooms, dining room and spacious living room. All conveniences and hardwood floors throughout. New oil-burning furnace and laundry tubs. Garage. Nicely lo­ cated on valuable lot. Immediate possession. Terms. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.____4-15tfc KIPPEN—Rural home—solid brick house, good lot. Bath and hot water heating. Nicely decorated with low taxes. Ideal place to retire. Reason­ ably priced. Immediate possession. Terms can be arranged. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 ____Hensall, Ontario________ 22:29c 100 ACRES HAY TOWNSHIP, near village school, churches. New forced air furnace, spacious barn, litter car­rier. running water, 100 acres Stan­ley Township, near school, church. New oil furnace, lovely bathroom, modern kitchen, L-sliape barns, good stables, water bowls, presure system. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.___________________4-15 tfc TRANSFERRED and MUST SELL new rug brick one-floor five-room, fully modern, forced air heated home. Owner 493 Andrew Street. 3-15tfc ONE FLOOR 2-bedroom house, bath­room, new oil furnace. Corner lot.— Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 4-15tfc NEW HOUSE — 349 Edward Street. Living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, and bath with space for other room on second floor. Oil furnace. Wide lot. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J. 4-8tfc GRAND BEND on Blue Water High­ way opposite Oakwood Golf Course. Well built rug brick house with 3 bedrooms down and 3 up. First floor is beautifully finished throughout. Kitchen and bathroom are very mod­ern. Full basement with oil-burning furnace. Two nicely arranged cabins. Large garage and tidy barn with three acres of valuable land. The whole property is in wonderful con­ dition and nicely landscaped. It is greatly ’admired by all who see it. Possession given to suit purchaser. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter._____•__________4-ltfc DUPLEX HOUSE, 2-piece bath up­ stairs, 3-piece down and 5 or 6 acres on highway near Exeter. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man.________ 3-lltfc CENTRALLY LOCATED for schools, churches and shopping, 3-bedcoom house, new roof, interior decorating good, 2 bathrooms, garage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. 3-4tfc $1,800.00 CASH. Total price $4,300.00 will purchase nicely located home. This house has modern kitchen and bathroom downstairs and small kit­ chenette and two-piece bath up. May be used as two apartments or one- family home. Immediate possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 2-25tf 50-ACRE FARM —Level, all tillable and well drained. Close to Highway near Hensall. Six-room house with new modern bath. Immediate posses­sion. Act now. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 _____Hensall, Ontario_________22:29c 6-ROOM HOME, first floor has living­ room, one bedroom, large modern kitchen, new three-piece bath, three bedrooms upstairs. Good basement with coal furnace. Extra lot; barn with garage. —524 William St, lltf* WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and qual­ ity, stores and other businesses, sum­ mer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par- sons, Salesman. 5-28tfc RED BRICK COTTAGE, double liv­ ing room, dining room, kitchen, and 3 neds and full bath upstairs. Oil* burning furnace. W. C. Pearce, Re* altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-lltfc EXETER, BUSINESS BLOCK, with three complete apartments. This pro­perty shows a real return ou invest­ment over and above taxes and other expenses. Let us give you the de­tails. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street. ______________ 2-4 tfc BRICK HOUSE—Perfect Exeter loca­ tion. This home is nicely laid out with four bedrooms and other usual rooms. Roof and exterior of house is in good condition. It has new oil- burnihg equipment and garage. The lawns are beautiful and nicely plant­ed with ornamental shrubs and bushes. This property lends itself to the use of a larger family or for apartment purposes. Reasonable price. —C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 1-21 tfc HDNSALL RESIDENTIAL property. One of HCnsalFs finest smaller houses. This home is comparatively new and is hicely finished through­ out. It have twb bedrooms, a dining room and a very modern kitchen and bathroom. Full basement with oil­burning furnace. Garage. Nicely treed lot. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main st., Exieter, i2-24tf<s GARDEN FOR RENT — Easy terms. Apply Mrs. Bert Fletcher, Sanders Street. 22c FOR SALE OR RENT —Seven-room house corner William and Thomas Streets. Hardwood floor in living room and hall, modern kitchen, din­ ing room, bath, 3 bedrooms, good dry basement. Garage. Just built four years ago. Being vacated by Harry Sherwood. If interested can be seen by appointment with Harold Taylor, R.R. 3, Exeter. Phone Kirkton 39-r- 8. 15:22* HOGS: Yorkshire—5 sows with lit­ters by sides; 4 sows, due to farrow in May; 1 hog, 1 year old. POULTRY’: Leghorns — 130 laying hens.GRAIN: About 250 bus. of Valpr oats; about 50 bus. mixed feed; about 75 bus. of wheat.HAY: Between 15 and 20 toms of good hay.IMPLEMENTS; Ford tractor; Fer­ guson plough, nearly new; Ford 6-ft. cut power mower; Ford pulley; Forel chains; McCormick-Deering 10-20 tractor; new No. 6 White separator, 24-in. cylinder with grain thrower; 100-ft. drive belt; 75-'ft, drive belt; Massey-Harris 10^6-in. plate grain grinder; Cockshutt tractor manure spreader. Otaco horse manure spreader; Mas­sey Harris No. 5 6-ft. cut binder; John Deere side delivery rake; Mas­ sey Harris drophead hay loader; Mas­sey Harris fertilizer seed drill; Mc­ Cormick Deering 3-section spring­ tooth harrows; land roller; set of diamond harrows; Fleury Bissell dou­ ble discs; rubber tired wagon; roller hay rack; set of sleighs; cement mixer; 2 colony houses; 2 chicken shelters: horse corn scuffler; dump rake; Deering Ideal horse-drawn mower; scuffler; No. 4 Massey Harris binder, good for repairs; 2 heat lamps; set of double harness; 7 bags of cement; 36-ft. extension ladder; new National 2-unit milker; Vega cream separator; 4 80-lb. milk cans; spray outfit; 40-gal. water barrel: 6 metal hog troughs; hog crate and scales; metal drum suitable for hold­ ing about 80 bus. of grain; 3 chicken crates; stone boat; sap buckets, spiles; %-h.p. motor; 1%-h.p. Briggs & Stratton gasoline engine; several rolls of snow fence; 2 fuel barrels; 9 2-inch planks, 12 feet long; and a host of articles found on a farm.No reserve; the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. LISLE M. STEVENSON, PROP. W. E. NAIRN, AUCTIONEER 22c instructed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 23 at 1:00 p.m. sharp 100 Registered Holsteins, Fully Accredited and Vaccinated HERD SIRE: Wonderland Historian DE KOL, born March 30, 1951, best record of seven nearest dams average milk 17,658 lbs.; fat, 664; test, 8.76.48 COWS & HEIFERS with few animals over five years of age; heavy producers; nice udders, and a pleas­ing uniformity of type. Many fresh. Some due time of sale.Leading bloodlines in this herd are as follows: Braejarr Patsy Mercedes, Machaven Pabst Roburke DE Koi; Machaven Roburke Vai' Susy; Ma­ chaven Lochinvar R. A. Emily; Bonl- vue. Abbekerk Finest A; Braejarr Patsy Lucinda; Pontiac Johanna B. Voyageur, Hillview Penny Dewdrop, Machave.n Roburke Inka Mae, Ma­ chaven Pabst Roburke Inka, New­land’s Delight, Springbank Roburke Piebe, Victor Wayne R A Susanne, Thameside Pabst Reburke Jean, Al- cartra Dewdrop Snow, Machaven Lo­chinvar Keyes DE Koi, Beaucrest Paula Colantha, 19 OPEN HEIFERS, some bred, ranging from one year to sixteen months, carrying the blood lines of these notable sires: Rex Ideal Suc­cessor, Pabst Regal Burke, Eyebright Pabst, Burke Lad, 7 YEARLING HEIFERS, five six- month-old heifers, 20 heifer calves. This herd is high ranking in R.O.P. production tests and blood lines. Sale of catle to be held under cover. Additional items to be sold on day of cattle sale. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: 35 80 - lb.milk cans; new 4-pail Surge milker. HAY & GRAIN: 3,000 bales mixed hay; 25-ft. grass ensilage; 12-ft. corn ensilage; 350 bales straw; 400 bushels mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Doherty piano; 2 beds, complete with springs and mattress; 2 dressers; dining room table with 6 matching chairs; buffet; china cabinet; 2 oak rockers; West­inghouse electric clothes dryer, new; etc etc. PLEASE TAKE NOTE of separate sale dates. Plan to attend this sale. Booth on grounds. No reserve; every­ thing will be sold, as owner is giv­ing up farming. TERMS: Cash. RAYMOND FORBES. PROP. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ED CORBETT, RINGMAN ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER Phone 119, Dashwood, Ont. ___________________________15:22%c AUCTION SALE, of Modern Household Furniture and Miscellaneous Items Under instruction received from the executors, we will sell by public auction % MILE NORTH OF CREDITON on SATURDAY, APRIL 24 at 1:30 o’clock the following: Bed, springs ana mattresses; ches­terfield and 2 chairs; flowei’ stand; pressure cooker;- coffee table; electric range; stove; table and chairs; 2 end tables; left-hand drain board; ironing board; rug, 9x6; rug, 7% x 6%; Que­ bec heater; electric iron; buffet. Five rocking chairs; cook stove; settee; chesterfield; dining room table with 5 chairs; 3 flower stools; Vic- trola; book table; bureau; antique bed; dresser; trunks; wooden baby bed; bedding; quilts; lamps; wash tubs; cupboard; sink; coal stove; sin­ gle folding bed; kitchen utensils. Drill bean scuffler; mower; step­ ladder; buggy wheels; forks, shovels, hoes; grass seeder; harrows; many other articles. TERMS: Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. EVA HAYDEN AND MRS. CATHERINE FAHNER Harold Glanville, Herb Fahner and'” Mrs. Fred Harris, Executors WM. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER• Crediton — Phone 7-7W HAVE ROOM to pasture 10 yearling cattle. John Reeder, Centialia, phone Exeter 514-w-L 22c- MEDIUM SIZE apartment. Andrew and Hill Streets. Now empty;- with furniture. Phone 2-0403 London. 22c FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hardware, Exeter. Do Floor Sander and Edger It Yourself and Save Money! MCKENZIE’S PAINT STORE Phone 253 Exeter 4-15:22:29:6:13:20:27:3c HELP WANTED CLERK FOR HARDWARE store. Ap­ply in writing, stating age, exper­ ience and salary expected, to Box XYZ, Exeter Times-Advocate. 22c AVON COSMETICS offers splendid earning opportunity for capable wo­ men in Exeter and Dashwood. Write Mrs. M, Stack, 78 Duchess Ave., Kit­chener. 22:29* GIRL WANTED for housework. Ap- ply Box 238, Lucan, Ontario, 22:29c MALE PAINTERS—Brush and spray painters. First class. Apply Box ”C”, Tim es - A d vo cate.______________15:22* NOTICE — Applications for the posi­tion of “Fire Hazards Inspector” for the Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be received by the undersigned secretary of the company up till noon April 30, 1954. Applicants must be able to supply their own transportation. Please state qualifications, experience, age and salary expected. — Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Com­pany, Reginald G. Black, Secretary- Treasurer, Box 59, Zurich, Ont. 15:22c UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY for house­wives capable of working 3 to 4 hours in the evenings. Experience not necessary. Car helpful—not essen­ tial. For personal interview, write to Mrs. Roma McCombs, Treasure Cos­ metics, Box 336, Walkerville, Ontario.8:15:22c 16 TO 18 YEARS Opportunity to learn excellent trade. Must be energetic, clean and tidy, reasonably good writer. Phone 70 — Nights 609 MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWED by power mower. Contact Ray McKenzie, Hensall. 22c BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lesson 50d. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 22:29:6c FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattie Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. oh Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. 5-14alt.tfc BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­ grapher or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50<!. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 15:22:29* STEPT.IC TANKS EMPTIED, imme­diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan. —Butler Bros. 4-1:8:15:22:29:5-6:13:20:27* PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553___________________Exeter WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35*r-19, ____________________________8-10tfc PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, sign painting and floors tiled, Ed “Buck” Little, phone 196-R Hensall, Ontario. 3-25:1:8:15:22:29:6:13* NOTICES DOG OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Under By-Law No. 13, 1936, of the Town of Exeter, every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a tag be- foi’e April 15 of each year shall be liable to a fine of $10.00.Further, under this by-law, no dog shall be allowed to run at large dur­ing the months of May, June, July and August in each year. The ' ty under this section of the may be $10.00. Police have been instructed force this by-law. C. V. PICKARD Municipal Clerk AUCTION SALES penal - by-law to on- 22:290 AUCTION SALE DATES Alvin Wai per, Auctioneer HENSALL SALES ARENA EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. Saturday, May 1 — Estate bt the Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH on SATURDAY, APRIL 24 commencing at 1:30 p.m. MRS. PAUL JEFFERY, PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects, Livestock, Pickup Truck and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, 3% MILES SOUTH OF CREDITON, MIDDLESEX COUNTY The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 24 commencing at 1:00 p.m.REAL ESTATE: Two-storey brick house, in good repair; large base­ment, good furnace; '4 rooms and bath upstairs, 4 rooms and bath downstairs: hot and cold water; gar­age, 1 acre of land, Terms of Real Estate: Contact Frank Taylor, auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Chester­ field suite; big chair; 4 chairs; dress­ ers; commodes; 2 beds; sink; wood stove; 2 tables; electric washing ma­chine; quantity of dishes; some tin­ ware; radio; quantity sealers and fruit in sealers; some potatoes; quantity coal and lumber; small table saw; leather coat. LIVESTOCK: Jersey COW, 4 years old, milking; Jersey heifer, 2 years old, due time of sale; small Jersey calf; 25 hens, TRUCK: 1953 pickup truck. TERMS: Cash. JOHN BUSH, PROPRIETOR FRANK TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE Take notice that there will be offered for sale on the 1ST OF MAY NEXT 1952 METEOR SEDAN Serial No. 0173H52-22057 my premises at the South end of theTOWN OF EXETER on No. 4 Highway. The above sedan is being sold un­ der and by virtue of the Warehouse­ man's Lien Act and is in a damaged condition. EDWARD HUNTER-DUVAR __________(Ed’s Imperial) 15:22:29c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Truck, Auto, Valuable Carpenter Tools andli Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND on Pinery Road, Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to .sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 1 commencing at 1:30 o’clock p.m. AUTO & TRUCK: 1939 Chev Coach, in good condition; 1935 International Half-Ton Pickup Truck, in good con­dition. CARPENTER TOOLS & MISCEL­ LANEOUS ITEMS: Skil saw, com­pletely equipped; aluminum rubber tire wheelbarrow: 5- and 10-ft. step­ ladders; work bench with vice; elec­tric drill; Sunbeam electric razor; new scythe; quantity of paint; large variety of paint brushes; 'bird cages; gas pump and hose; small stove, electric cord; set of climbing spurs; a complete line of carpenter tools; small pheasant pens; 6-section phea­sant pen, 9x20; 2-section steamer; suitable for restaurant; bees and equipment; 10 swarms of bees; 5 win­ ter coops for 10 swarms; complete honey equipment, consisting of ex­ tractor, 2 supply tanks, honey house, 9x12; new apple crates, barrels, etc., etc. Purebred light brown Cocker Spaniel. TERMS: Cash. PLEASE NOTE: On the same day, Saturday, May 1, at 4 p.m., the Grand Bend United Church shed, 47 x 80 feet, a well built structure lined with good tin, also good tin roof, will be sold by auction for further particulars, please contact William Love, Grand Bend. MRS. WM. ELSIE. PROPRIETRESS GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 22:29c at WITH THE 18-iNCHf Jfi Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Feed and Implements E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction oh LOT 17, CONCESSION 14 FULLARTON TOWNSHIP 2^ miles north of Kirkton, 2 miles east Highway 23, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 commencing-at 12:30 o’clock sharp, the following:HORSES: Per ch cron mate, 8 years old, and Clyde gelding, 12 years old, sound and good workers,CATTLE: 29 Holstein cattle, con­ sisting of 8 fresh milkers, 5 with heifer calves by sides; 3 cows, due the middle of May; 1 cow, due mid­ dle of August; 1 heifer, due June 51 5 2-year-oid heifers, due In late sum­ mer or fall; 5a yearling heifers;, 1 registered bull, 2 years old—Glenalwln Led Roburke Duchess No, 240734, Cattle are vaccinated. The Jacobsen Pacer is grass cutting simplicity at its best. So simple to guide, yet guide it is all you do. i The powerful Jacobsen en­ gine does all the pushing as well as cutting. With, all-steel construction, heat-treated bed knife and reel blades and fully en­ closed chain drive, the Pacer is top quality through and through. Best of all, it’s yours for only $123.50 w,Drop in and let ue teU you more about it. Exeter Farm Equipment PHONE 508 EXETER R. D. Jermyn