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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-15, Page 12
Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1954 Winners At The Festival Girl’s vocal solo (14 and under) Patricia Cann, 84; Anne Koehler, 82. Marlene McBride, 81; and Marion Turkheim, 81.Girl’s vocal solo (11 and under) Sandra Walper, 85; Margaret Howey,83; Doreen Kenny, Linda Tieman and Robin Smith, 82. „ .,.Kindergarten chorus: Exeter PubUe School Kindergarten, 83.Open vocal solo (boys). Johnny MacNaughton, 89.Girl's vocal solo (8 and under): Bonnie Heather McCrae, SB. Kathy Smith, 84; Barbara Janke. 8’>. Monday AfternoonBoy’s vocal solo (14 and under). Calvin Mf Keiral, 80; Gerald Dvhstrn.. 78; Peter Kusmieh, 77, Albm Wi’V'- ley, 77.Chorus, Grades 1 and 2’ Zurich P.S., 84. Exeter, No. 2, 83. J A. i>, McCurdy School, 82,Chorus, Grades 3, 4 and 5 Zurich P.S., 85: Exeter No. 1, «4; ‘Irand Bend P.S., 83. , „Unison chorus, Grades 6. 7 and 8: Exeter No. 2, 85; Exeter No 1, «4; Honsall P.S., 83.Two-part chorus: Exeter No. I. 84; Exeter No. 2, iSl; Zurich P.S.. soBoys’ chorus with descant: Zurich P.S., 86; Exeter P.S., 82. „ . ,Girls' chorus with descant: Zurich F.S., 85; Exeter F.S., 83: J. A D. McCurdy P.S., 82.Boy’s vocal solo (S and under):David Johnston, S3; Peter Snell, 81.David Robertson, Richard Den-unme, 80. Boy's vocal solo (11 and undei- Jack Yungblut, 85; Russel Klopp, si. Dean MeKnight, 83.Girls' duet: Mary Ann RanineDianne Ronnie; Anne Kaehler Mona Kellerman; Nancy Boy.e Marlene McBride.Boys’ duet: Robert Thiel and Tack Yungblut; Russell Klopp and Richard Klopp; Dean MeKnight and. Harold Kendrick. Double trio: Exeter P.S. No 1: Hensail P.S.; Zurich P.S. Piano SectionEight years and under: Linda Wal per, 86; George Godbolt, 84; Bonnie Heather McCrae, 83. U 3'1- and and and EASTER DANCE Crediton Community Halil Under Auspices of E.C.C.U. Admission 500 STEVE DUNDAS’ ORCH. Everybody Welcome Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions j THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 15, 16 and 17 Latin" Lovers ★ Lana Turner ★ Ricardo Montalban An amusing romantic comedy, outstanding musical- numbers and gorgeous clothes. MATINEE GOOD FRIDAY at 2:30 MONDAY & TUESDAY April 19 and 20 Ivory Hunters -k Anthony Steel Nine years and under: Linda Tiernan, Donald Cann, 8-3; Peggy Goddard. 82 Ten years and under: Judy Snel- grov”. 87. LMty Dixon, 86 . Margaret Brock, 85. Eleven years and under. Irene King. 85. Diane Delbridge, 84; Robin Smidi. 83. Twelve years and tinder: Sandra Walper. 87. June Herron, 86: Patricia Cann, 85,Thirteen years and under- Grace Routley., 87; Carolyn Oke. 84. Keith Hodgins, 8$.Fourteen years and under: Heather MaeNaughton, 89; Gwen Spencer, 76. Vocai Section Gir's Spar! n-nIMcois . more,Bass . Ladies iiugh McEwen Broderick, 83. Tuesday Morning Giri’s vocal solo (over nine years): Marlene Stone. 86; Catherine Hod gins. 85, Grace Routley, Sylvia Johns, 83.■ Gir’*s vocal solo Carol Taylor, 85; Joyce Dickey, 83.Boy'.- vocal solo Boh Graham. S4: ---- 83; Wayne Watkins, Thompson. 82.Boy’s duet: Mark Bender and Kenneth Bovee, 82; Allen Lightfoot and Wayne Watkins, 81; Boh Graham and Ronnie Wilson, 80.1, nison ehorns: S.S. No. 3 Usborne, 85. (I.S.S. No. 9 Hay and Stanley. 83; S.S No. 5 Usborne, 81.Unison chorus (enrolment under SS. No. 4 Hay, 84: S.S. No. 2 Hay. 8'3: S.S. No. 10 Usborne, 82. Two part chorus: (enrolment 20 or more); S.S. No. 4 usborne. 85, S.S. No. 14 Stephen, 84; S.S. No, 3 Hay, 8’3; S.S. No. 10 Hay, 83. Two-part chorus (enrolment 20 or more: S.S. No. 12 Hay, 78; S.S. No 11 Hay, 77; S.S. No. 4 Hay, 75. Girl’s chorus: Stephen and Hay schools, 84; Stanley schools, 6, 1, 10, 14—82; Stanley schools, 5, 3, 14—76, Boy’s vocal solo: Earl Stephen, 85; George Godbolt, 84; Bobby Lammie, 83. Girl’s duet: Marlene Frayne and Darlene Frayne, 85; Ruth Ann Dyke man and Linda Dykeman, 84: Betty Bell and Patsy Bell, 83.Tuesday Evening Piano Class: 15 years and under: Eleanor Mae Hodgins, 85; Barbara Tuekey. 83: Dwayne Tinney, 82. Six teen years and under: Jane Farrow, 181. Open class (not pelow .grade 10): , MiehaG Farrow, 88; Marlene Wagner,86. Quick study section: Eleanor May Hodgins, 83; Patricia Cann, 82; Carol F. A. Brown, 80; Jane I-Torton, 80. Piano duet (nine years and under): Bonnie McCrae, Linda Tieman, 86; Margaret Elgie, Peggy Goddard. i82. Piano duet, (under 13): Grace Rout- ley, Sandra Walper, 86; Doris Brock, Doreen Brock, 84; Jane Horton, Bernice Ferg, 81. Trios—one piano, six hands (under 13): Doris Brock, Doreen Brock, Mar garet Brock, 85; Eleanor Mae Hod gins, Catherine Hodgins, Keith Hodgins, 84 Trombone solo (16 years and un der): Bill Klumpp, 85; Donna Eagle- son, 83. Any woodwind duet: Dianne Thiel and Paul Yungblut, 80.Clarinet solo (16 and under): Mar ion Turkheim, 83; Marie Salmon. 82. Saxophone solo (own choice): Paui Yungblut, 87; Dianne Thiel, 84. Church solo (any voice, own choice): Bruce Cudmore, 84; Hazel Sparling, 83; Allan Elston, 82. Ladies’ quartette: Mrs. Howard Pym, Miss Doris Robinson. Miss Kay McGill, Mrs. Lois Porterfield, B5. Huronia Male Chorus, 85,Junior girl’s solo: Hazel Sparling, 89; Marilyn Bissett, 87; Marion Creery, 86, Junior boy’s solo: Allan Taylor, 88; Don Peterson, 87: Keith Zahn, Ron Klopp, Dwayne Tinney, 86. Junior girl's duet: Hazel Sparling and Beverley Neil, 86; Marilyn Bissett and Lillian Dundas, 85; Marion Sanders and Connie Klumpp, 84; Margaret Bowden and Donna Eagle- son, 84; Marion Gill and Rosemary- Dobson, 84. Junior girl's double trio: Marilyn Bissett, Ruth Kleinfeldt, Nancy Cud- more, Elizabeth Kusmich, Barbara Allison, Shirley Bell, 84; Hazel Spar ling, Maxine Watson, Margaret Woodburn, Dorothy Mathers, Bever ley Neil, Pat Sillery, 83; Darol Tuc key, Dorothy Tiedeman, Unitta Ingram, Helen Taylor, Dorothy Jacques, Kathleen Webb, 82. Junior Boys’ double trio: Keith Zahn, Bev Sturgis, Don Peterson, Bev McLean, Dwayne Tinney. Jim Crocker, 85; Jim Dougall, Keith Gill, Bob Pooley, Jack Bell, Peter Cowen, Orville Schilbe, 82; Barry Glover, Michae Hartman, Edward Hern, Harold Ford, Graham Farquhar, Harold Goyeau, 82; Allen Taylor, Ron Klopp, Clare Love, Lewis Willert, Bill Pollen, Stanley Johns, 81,Junior Unison Chorus; Grade XB, 88; grade XA, 87; grade IXA, 86; grade IXC, 86. i i • J» el” aril tmDrr Hazel » "ibi sopenD Brae® Cud- Aiiai; Elston, 86Ju-t: I" ----- WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY April 21 and 22 Flight Nurse ★ ★ Joan Leslie Forest Tucker to the U.S. Air ForceA tribute Nurse Corps with plenty of action because of exciting war scenes in Korea and the dangers encount ered in evacuating the wounded. Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these Items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 77Q. Mr. Wesley Dearing is a pa tient in St. Joseph's Hospital. London. Mrs. Dearing is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willard for a few days. Mr." and Mrs. Ed Lindenfield are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Floody, of ; Windsor Out-of-town relatives and wuli rn-t vit, (>» friends who attended the funeral ... ........... Mrs. Clark Kennedy of the late Mrs. Edward Fahner and Mrs. Russell Broderick, 85: Mrs. in.,i114Pji...I Russell m-uc-a,Mil Mrs. (nine and under): Margaret Oke, 84; (over nine years!’ Richard Charette, 82: Graham Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Caldwell, Fort Wayne, Ind., Mr. Gottbob Walker and Mr. Ray Van Doren. Saline, Mich.; Mrs. son Musgrave. Windsor; Kenneth Lillow, Chatham: and Mrs. Clarence Peppier, chener: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buck- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, Toronto; Mrs. George Glenn, Mr. Burt Nichols, Sam, Charles and Bill Nichols. Strathroy; Mrs. Jule Martell, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hynd and Mr. John Mallett, of London. Mrs. C. W Hern has been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Wilbert Phillips, of Owen Sound, who suffered a broken hip and wrist in an accidental fall in her home. Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell of Ilflerton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser. Mr . and Mrs. Joe Jackson, Lind<a and David and Mrs. Emma Sutton, of Byron called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Horney, Sunday, Mrs. Enos Herdman, who has spent six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, left Sunday to make her home ter, Mrs. Fred ronto. Mr. and Mrs. and Marjorie visited friends in Toronto on Sunday. They took a. ride on the new subway. Mrs. William Schroeder, Mrs. Myrtle Hay and Mrs, Bella Brokenshire and Earl Schroeder flew to Cleveland, Ohio, Tuesday to visit with their aunt, Mrs C. R. Young. Nel- Mr. Mr. Kit- | Miss Lorna Taylor has accept- j ed a position on the London ; public school staff. Mr. and Mrs. William May re turned to town on Saturday after spending two months in Florida. Mrs. William Motz, Crediton, Mrs. A. Gackstebter, Gail and Lynn and Mrs. John Cochrane, of Kippen, and Mrs. B. Briglitmore, ! of London, visited with Mr, and > Mrs. William Horney on Monday, j Mrs. Leonard Knightly and I.daughter Mary and Mrs.. Fred {Keene and daughter Jocolyn, of I London, attended a shower for Miss Bernice Haist at the home I of Mrs. Frank Triebner Wednes day evening.j Mr. and Mrs, returned home j spending several {da. Mrs. William her sister, Mrs. ____ __, ... Owen Sound last week and at tended the Synodical meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society held in St. Andrew’s Presbyter ian Church. Mrs. William Sillery represent ed Caven Presbyterian Church at the fortieth annual meeting of the Missionary Synodical of the Hamilton and London area which was held in St. Andrew's Church, Owen Sound, last week. At the pre-Easter communion service at James St. United Church on Sunday morning, six new members joined the church on profession of faith and 18 by transfer. It was the largest pre Easter communion in years. Hubert Tuesday weeks in Jones after Flo ri- Sillery visited Mcllraith, in with her daugh- Morden, of To- Gordon Hodgert Senior girls' duet: Evelyn Sharrow and Marilyn Skinner, 85: Connie Ostland and Anna Routley, 84; Donna Stone and Barbara Brintnell, 83; Kay Klopp and Frances Brophey, 83. Senior soprano solo: Annabelle Taylor, Bev Ravelle, 85; Ccfnnie Oest- land, 84; Donna Stone, 83. Senior Contralto: Marilyn Skinner, 87; Anna Messner, 86; Phyllis Diet- rich, 85. Senior tenor solo: Ken Flear, 87; Neil Wildfong, 86; Don Taylor, 85.Senior baritone solo: Bob Fletcher, i87; Michael Farrow, 86; Bob Mac- Laren, 85. Senior Mixed Quartette: Connie Ostland, Judy RossJ Anna Routley, Phyllis Dietrich, Bob Miller, Emil Hendrick, Terry Wade, C. Kernick, 87; Donna Stone, Marion Erb, Anna Messner, Ruth Soldan, Bill Hess, Lloyd Rader, Don Welsh, Bob Flet- cbe, 86; Annabelle Taylor, Joan Thomson, Marilyn Skinner, Marilyn Habeher, Ed Deichert, Neil Wildfong, Don ’ F inkbeiner, Bruce Delbridge, 84%. Senior unison chorus: XIA, 87%, Senior girls’ double ___ „ Klopp, Joan Gill, Marla Howse, Marlon Alexander, Frances Brophey, Elizabeth Hunter, 84: Bev Ravelle, Marie Smith, Pat Green, Blanche Morgan, Pat Chambers, Pat Tuckey, 82; Evelyn Sharrow, Annabelle Taylor, Joan Thomson, Arlene Haberer, Marilyn Skinner, Marilyn Haberer,- 81; Donna Stone, Deloris Bedard, Trudy Pickard, Ruth Soldan, Maureen Stewart, Marlene Richardson, 81. Senior boys' Quartette: Bob Miller, Emil Hendrick, Terry Wade, Charles Kernick, 84; Bill Hess, Lloyd Rader, Don Welsh. Bob Fletcher, 83; Neil Wildfong, Ed Deichert, Bruce Del- bridge, Don Finkbeiner, 82; Don Tay lor, Jules Desjardine, Bob McLaren, Michael Farrow, 82; Ken Flear, Bill Yungblut, Jim Sturgis, Don O’Brien, 82. Del bridge, XIIB, 88; trio: Kay Euchre and Dance Mount Carmel Hall Monday, April 19 a a e s s ALL GOOD SPORTS E 5 zE E INVITED TO*'THE 5 = = E s = 5 E.M. A. A.MB « (Exeter Minor Athletic Association) s MEETING a 5 • Find Out How $1,000 Is Being Spent on Hockey and Baseball • Help Improve the Sports Program for Boys Thursday, April 22 8:00 p.m. s ©Exeter Town S L. Ministers Tour RCAF Centralia The members of the South H u r o n Ministerial Association were guests of Padre Larry Mould, Protestant chaplain, RC AF Centralia, on Monday. Meet ing at the Protestant chapel at 11 a.m., a brief communion ser vice was administered by F/L Mould, after which an interest ing paper was presented on the theme, "Martin Luther”, by Rev. E. L. Helmrich of Zurich. At noon the members were luncheon guests of Groui) Cap tain W. W. Bean, commanding officer of RCAF Centralia. The remainder of the meeting took place following lunch, after which the members were taken on a tour of the station by F/O Ar thur Bowlby. Members present included Rev. H. Snell, W. Parrott, E, L. Heim- rich, H. Roppel, W. Krotz, E. Mohr, G. Wanless, W. J. Rogers, N. Knox, W. Smith, J. B. Fox, C. Down and W. J. Moores. Mrs. Walter turned to her after spending Windsor. Mayor W. G. Penhale, H. C. Rivers and K. J. Lampman were in Toronto the forepart of the week attending a waterworks convention. Cunningham re home this week the winter in Cochrane, L. J. Special Day For Hospital To Show Its Importance Attend Hospital Meeting Fourteen members of the Ladies Auxiliary to South Hnron Hospital attended No, 3 Regional Hospital Auxiliary meeting held in the nurses’ residence of the Seaforth Hospital on Tuesday- evening. Mrs. P. Vaughn, of St, Catha rines, president of the Ontario Association of Hospital AuxilL aries, was the guest speaker. Miss Alice Claypole, hospital superintendant, was the guest speaker on a program arranged by the ElimviBe group at the meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital Tues day afternoon. Miss Claypole spoke on Na- 'tional Hospital Day, May 12, which is the birthday anniversary of Florence Nightingale, who 100 years ago, began her campaign to better hospital conditions, es pecially from the nursing angle. Listing- reasons why we should observe the day, the speaker mentioned that it makes hospital employees feel the importance of their work; it directs tike at tention of the public to their hospital and gives them an opportunity to visit it. The theme of 19 54 Hospital Day is "Help in the past and hope in the future." The financing of a hospital was explained by Miss Claypole and she mentioned that in some cases, the cost of earing for patients exceeds what they pay for that care which leads to de ficits. X-rays are expensive be cause of the small number of trained radiologists and tech nicians in Canada and because the equipment is expensive. A Hospital Day service will, be held in James St. Church May 9. The Auxiliary will assist in the observance of May 12 by serving tea to hospital visitors. Other numbers on the program were a humorous reading, "Thanksgiving Reminders”, by Miss Ruth Skinner, accordion selections by Mrs'. Jack Coates and a duet, “Whispering Hope,” by Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. Ed Johns. Mrs. William Johns was chairman for the program. Tea was served by the Elimville group. • Reports of committess were heard. Mrs. .Elmer Beu, Ways and Means convenor, called for volunteers to assist at the rum mage sale May 1, and Mrs. H. IL Cowen, convenor of the social committee, received offers of assistance for Hospital Day.COMUNG EVENTS Canning Banquet —Continued from Page 1 folw of corn to the factory may result at harvest time. R. E. Pooley was chairman for the evening. A sing song was led by Grant McDonald with Norm Walper at the niano. Greetings were extended by Deputy-Reeve William McKenzie in the absence of Mayor Coch rane; by the Warden of Huron, William Dale; by Thomas Pryde, M.L.A., and G. W. Montgomery, Agricultural Rep. for Huron. Council Guests Guests were members of the Exeter Council, Reeve Earl Campbell of Hay. Reeve John Morrissey and Deputy-Reeve Wellington Haist, of Stephen, and Reeve Verne Pincombe. of Usborne. Representatives from the Ca nadian Canners seated at the head table were Luther J. and Harry Penhale, of Exeter; W. E. Vie, D. McFee, agricultural super visor; B. Wilson, -of Hamilton; C. Chowen, of Forest; Stan Green, of Hamilton, and M. Mc Millan, of Strathroy. A vote of thanks was tendered the ladles of the Legion Auxiiary for the excellent banquet by Elgin Rowcliffe to which Mrs. Gerald Lawson replied. Messrs. V. Pincombe and H. Strang moved votes of thanks to the -speakers. Greetings from the meeting were sent to R. N. Creech, oue of the original directors of the first canning company in Exeter. HORSESHOES — A reorganiza tion meeting of the Exeter Horse shoe Club will be held at the courts at Jolly Blacksmith Shop on Tuesday evening, April. 20. All old members and prospective new members are invited to at- ten. 15c BLOSSOM TEA, program and bake sale, Saturday, May 15, at 3:00 p.m., James Street United Church. 15c TROUSSEAU TEA—Mrs. Wilfred D, Mack, Crediton, will entertain at a trousseau tea in honox* of her daughter, Rosalie Muriel, on Monday, April 19, from 3 to 5 p.m. 15c DANCE Kirkton Aberdeen Hall Wed., April 28 Orchestra: Rhythmaires Sponsored by South Huron Junior Farmers ADMISSION 50£ Everyone Welcome Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam Notices 75c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices are 75c. BIRTHS HODGE—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig, announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, April 10, 1954. LANGFORD—To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Langford, Woodham, a son, at South Huron Hospital, April 8, 1954 (stillborn). LOVE—Jim and Margaret are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Ginger Marie, at St, Jo seph's Hospital, London, April S, . 1954.local MeELREA—Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Mc- Elrea wish to announce the birth of their son, Thomas Irvine, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, April 13, 1954.E—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowe, ‘ " announce the birth of ----- - South Huron Hospital.^ April 14, 1954, ■>ll A J A----- i.AA, <AC(U. AU.10, UVUU nnH i Exeter, announce the birth of their daughter, Deborah Anne, at South sur-«’ Huron Hospital, April 14, 1954. WE1BERG—Mr. and Mrs. Lome Wei- berg, R.R. 1, Centralia, announce the birth of their daughter, Wilma Jean, at South Huron Hospital, on April 7, 1954. WHITMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Whitman, Exeter, announce birth of their daughter, Beil Joy, at South Huron Hospital, April 8, 1954, DEATHS PARREL—Mrs, Louis Farrell, at residence near Grand Bend, Thursday, April 8, 1954, in fifty-ninth year. TAYLOR—Robert J. Taylor, at home of his son, Lawrence, near Grand Bend, on Friday, April 9, 1954, in his eighty-first year, FAHNER— In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Saturday, April 10, 1954, Rosina Finlcbeiner, beloved wife of Edward Fahner (formerly of Crediton), in her seventy-first year. CARDS OF THANKS The Huronia Chorus gratefully ac knowledges the co-operation of the Public School Board and the High School Board in allowing them to hold the festival in the schools. They also thank the donors who helped financially to make the festival the success that it was. 15cI would like to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since returning home. —Ross Jeffery. 15c I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who so kindly remembered me with visits, flowers, cards and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s and since returning home. Special thanks to Rev. A. E. Holley. —Herb Smith. 15* I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters, treats, visits and the lovely flowers while a patient in St. Jo seph’s Hospital and those who have called Since returning home. — Mrs. Jas. Hodgert. 15* The family of the late Robert J. Taylor wish to thank their friends, relatives and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. 15*Mr. Louis Farrell and family wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends, relatives and neighbors for the many kind expressions of sympathy, floral tributes and kind nesses extended during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to T. Harry Hoffman, Rev. E. Watham, Rev. J, Fletcher and the pallbearers. 15c of Dr. F. J. Hackney Native Of Area Dr. F. J. Hackney, a native this area, died Thursday, April 8, in Centralia, Washington. He was <?9. Dr. Hackney attended schools and taught in Lumley school before studying for medi cine at the University of Detroit. .... * He started his practice in Michi- * ROWE —---- gan and later moved to Washing-1 daughter°UaCt ton. | Kunpiiu.;, ApEi ii, !?»•». Besides his wife and son, two »qMITH — Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, sisters, Miss Alice Hackney Mrs. J. Cole, both of Exeter, vive. Winners of prizes during the opening of Stan Frayne General Store over the weekend were Pat Haley, Mrs, A. Govier, Glen Northcott and R. J. Keller. The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS GT F. the Belinda , on MONSTER RUMMAGE SALE . Saturday, May 1 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Miss Audrey Tindall, Lucan, spent the weekend at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Hugh Davis. Mr. and Mrs. .E. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott, Mr. g.nd Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins, Mr and Mrs. Clar ence Davis, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis were Wednesday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Harry Carroll. An enjoyable ning of progressive euchre lowed the dinner with Mr. Mrs. A. Abbott, Mr. Jack Dickins and Mrs. H. Davis as winners. Mrs. Clarence Davis and Mrs. M. Abbott are spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mugsford, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack were dinner guests with Mrs. F. Squire, of Prospect Hill, on Tuesday evening. Mr. Squire celebrated a birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather were recent guests of Mr .and Mrs. G. McFall, Exeter. Mrs. eve- fol- and Mrs. J. Dickins Mr. and her on her the Exeter Legion Hall Sponsored by Ladies* Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital Adult and ■ children’s cloth ing, house furnishings, books, jewelry, etc., may be left at the hall on Friday, April 30. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND Mrs. Arthur Brophey spent last week with Mrs. Clarence Brophey who had been ill at her home in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steeper, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with relatives here and at Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Pollock, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillis, Donald and Jim, of East Wil liams, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks. Miss Laura Leask, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper. Mr. and Mrs. John Allister and Frank, of Hamilton, spent the weekend with ‘Mrs, Albert Pol lock. Report From Baseline By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Flew From Edmonton Mr. David Christie* Edmonton, was a weekend visitor with his nephew, Mr. Robert Elston, and Mrs. Elston. He flew ' Edmonton to attend Mission Board held last week. Personal Items Mr. Jack Wilson, visited over the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Ben Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston, Jesse Elston and Mr. David Christie visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McNaughton, in Strat ford, on Sunday. Miss Olive Hackney, R.N., of Mitchell, visited her aunts, Mrs. B. Wilson and Miss Louise Hack ney, on Sunday. FRIDAYSATURDAY April 16 and 17 “CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER” (Technicolor) k Guy Madison . ★ Frank Lovejoy ★ Helen Westcott The dauntless courage of the West’s vast Indian country as no living person has ever seen it before. BUGS BUNNY CARTOON down from the Home in Toronto St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Waugh and Joyce, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thom son and Janice were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills and daughter, of Auburn, Mrs. Fred Mills, David and Douglas, Sea forth, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Facey and Morley, of Belton were Tues day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Master Robin Bryan, Prospect Hill, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William .Tones. Mrs. Alvada Hopkins is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thomson, Mrs. Cecil Mossey spent, seve ral days with Mrs. W. B. Young, of St. Marys, and attended the International Show in Ldndon. News of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Ladies Hear Address The Ladies Guild and W.A. of St. Paul’s Church was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Maurice Blackler. Mrs. Alex Irvine and Mrs. Creery presided. Mrs. A. Knox read the scripture. Mrs. A. Wiseman gave an ad dress on the theme "That They May Live”. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills, Of Auburn, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Eric Humphrey. Describes Tour The A.R.P.A, of St. Paul’s Church met Monday evening in the church basement with Wal ter Creery presiding. II a r o1 d Davis read the scripture. Ian Craig kave a very enjoyable talk oil his trip to this country from England. IN MEMORIAM HEDDEN — In loving memory of George Edward Hedden, who passed away April 19, 1927. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remaihs with us yet; You were the kind of a husband and fatherYour loved ones would never forget. —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 15c PARSONS—In loving memory of An nie Parsons, who passed away one year ago, April 14, 1953. Your memory to us is a keepsake With which we will never part, Though God has you in his keeping, We still have you in our hearts. —Always remembered by her niece, Dora, and nephews, George, Wes, Charlie and Norman. 15* TASKO—In loving memory of my dear husband, Steve Tasko, who . passed away April 13, 1953. The face I loved is new laid low; Ills loving voice is still;The hand so often clasped in mine Lies low in Death’s cold chill. I often sit and think of him When I am all alone, For memory is the only thingThat grief can call its own. —Lovingly remembered r...Jmissed by his wife, Emma. TASKO—In loving memory of h dear father, Steve Tasko, who passed away one year ago, April 13, 1953. Please, God, forgive a silent tear, A silent wish that our Dad was here; There are others, yes, we know— But he was ours and We loved him eo, . _Otic year agoa we had to partWith one wo loved with all our heart; Tho wound is deep, it will hot heal: Ohly those who have lost know how we feel.It we could speak with Dad today, Laugh with him in the same old way, And hear his voice and see him Then life, indeed, would ba worth while.—Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by son, _Lewis, and daughters, Heloft and Margaret, 15* TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY* April 20 and 21 “IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU” ★ Judy Holliday ★ Peter Lawford - ★ Jack Lemmon About a gal who was deter mined to make a name for her self in the year’s most delightful comedy romance. NEWSREEL AND CARTOON FARMERS!! = s Cash Crop MEETING Hensail Town Hall 7:45 p.m. ==E Tuesday, April 20 1 TO DISCUSS: . s Soybeans GEORGE JONESj Field Husbandry Dept., OAC, Guelph | Soil Management DARYLL DOLSON, Soil Scientist, C-I-L, Chatham i E Grain Corn WENDELL SNOW, Ridgetown Experimental Farm = These men are well-trained in their respective i fields and can answer many of your questions concerning | (1) Variety Selection z (2) Fertilization i (3) Management of These and Other 1 Cash Crops s FILMS FACTS FIGURES I Everybody Welcome | Sponsored By | W, G. Thompson & Sons | HENSALL Ltd. PHONE 32 | .... .......................................... .................................................... ... «— Coming Again ... The Green Sisters own.and sadly 156 of Arlington, Virginia Church Of God GRAND REND Each Night at 8 p.m. Sunday at.ll a*m. & 7:30 p.m. April 16-25 They Will Be Singing and Preaching Every Night ALL AilE WELCOME Rev, Edwin Wattam, Pastor