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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-15, Page 9
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER> ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, £PR1L 15, 1954 o I three s Dents and damaged fenders depreciate your car’s value amazingly! Let us restore your car’s good looks 1 Qual ity work—Reasonable Price Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Page 0 IMPERIAL Phone 38 Exeter E 5 = s McFalls Grocery Phone 437 - Exeter 5 £ YORK CAMPBELL’S PEANUT BUTTER SOUP 16-oz. Mason Jars 41'1©VE?G ETABLE or TOMATO « 2 Tins for 25© GARDEN PATCH CHOICE WAX BEANS IMTERLAKE TOILET’ 15oz. Tins 2 for 21©TISSUE OLD SOUTH 2 for 23© ORANGE JUICE 48-oz. 33©GOLD SEAL FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON ST. WILLIAMS 7%-ox„ Tins 37© ASSORTED JAM S-oz. Jars 3^ for 59©TULIP MARGARINE SPIC & SPAN 2 m 59c SPECIAL SUPER PACK Regular Size 31©SAVE $$$ Giant Size 73©AT McFALLS’ Watch Next Week's T-A i For Anniversary Specials ^'«lllalailillltllllll>ll*>>>ll>>a>aBlvuaa>n>iiao>iiliilBll>i>it>iilaai>i>iiiaiaiiiniaanuiiniiBBt>il9tiui>Hn»nunnii>:innuHati«unaaiiiDBiiiUcuiur>o«vni'iuoic>':' New Low Price1 AUTOMATIC TELEVISION WESTINGHOUSE The rich full, truc-to-lifc tone that only a Targe frame mounted speaker can give you. The superb performance of a full-powered 22-tube chassis. Beautiful half-door console model as pictured above. Regular $469.50 For Limited Time ( Compare this value with anything on the market or advertised. VERS HARDWARE | Phone 86 linniiitiuOi.................................................................................................. Exeter Miss L. Siegner By JEAN LAVENDER Miss Lauretta Siegner, who was born at Stratford, attended both public and high schools in that city. She algo attended Normal Srhool at Stratford and Victory College at the University of To ronto. After acquiring a great deal of knowledge at these schools, She began, to impart some of it to students in Leaside and Strat ford public schools. She has taught in two high schools, Mil verton and Exeter where she has been for seven years, Her timetable includes physi cal and health education for girls of all grades plus history for Grade 11, Miss Siegner spends part of her free time in Canad ian Girl Guide work, and she holds the position of Commis sioner for this district. Her hob bies are travelling, sewing and golfing. In addition to Miss Siegner’s responsibilities through nine per iods of the day she spends ac tivity periods coaching cheer leaders and majorettes. Winning girls’ teams of basketball and volleyball are also coached by her after school hours. Teacher was the recipient scholarships. This year, as extra-curricular work, he has assisted at drama and verse-speaking, He is look ing forward to the editor-in- chief’s post of the school paper next year which will be left va cant by the departure of Mr. J. B. Creech. He lists as hobbies photo graphy and anything to do with out-of doors, especially travel ling. He has toured extensively throughout Canada and has many interesting stories to tell of his travels. C. JL Porter By RONALD E. BOWCUFFB One of the more recent addi tions to the teaching staff of South Huron is Mr. C. J. Porter, who came here in September of 1953. He is responsible for the instruction of English in grades 10A, B and C and 11A and B. He makes his home in Graven- hurst, Ont., where he attended public and high schools. The re wards of higher education al lured him into Queen’s Univers ity, Kingston, where he studied English, history and philosophy. He specialized in the former and G. M. Mickle By HENN TUCKEY Mr. Glen Mickle, the popular athletic coach of SHDHS, was born in Windsor. He went to High School at Sandwich and then (look a course in engineering at University of Detroit for a year. From there he went to Assumption College in Windsor. He left college and worked for a while in the Chrys ler plant. During the war, he joined the R.C.A.F. and served as a navi gator for four years. After he was discharged, he re - entered Assumption College. From As sumption he came to Exeter where for the last six years he has been the coach of our boys’ ■ teams. In that time he has taken 10 teams to W.O.S.S.A. ba'skethall tournaments. Two senior teams and one junior team won their championships. In the same per iod, his teams have won two volleyball championships and one 12-man tri-school football champ ionship. Besides coaching the teams, he teaches grade mathematics and health physical training to all the Mr. Mickle is active in both the Kinsemen Club and the Rec reational Council, boys’ nine and boys. Message From By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGreg or, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert, visited relatives in Kitchener. Mrs. Orville Workman Mrs. Sam Cudmore visited day with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Schneider, Judy and Paul, of Stratford, visited Sunday with Mrs. Schnei der’s father, Mr. Robert Thom son. Mr. Norman Long is to his home by illness. Mr. and Mrs. Good, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Winthrop, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson and Mrs. Win dor. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, of Greenway, visited Sunday with- their daughter and Mr .and Mrs. Elzar Mr. and Mrs. A. and daughters visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. Ferguson near Hensall. Mrs. Richardson, of Hensall, visited on Sunday with Miss Mar garet Sinclair and other friends in the village. Mrs. Watson, of Londesboro, visited recently with her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Cochrane in the death of her sister, Mrs. Boa. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie and family, of Winghairi, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Robert Mc Bride. Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomson were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alli son and Barbara and Mrs. Ella Hunkin, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Al Pearce and daughters, of Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. Milt McAdams and sons, Mr. and Mrs. William McAdams and sons, of Zurich, Miss Esther Neeb, Messrs. Ward Harvey and Sid Neeb, of Dashwood, Miss Marion Thom son, Thedford, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and daughters. Weekend visitors with Mr. Henry Ivison and Jean were Mrs. Gould and Mrs, Balfour, Guelph, and Miss Greta Gould, R.N., who is home on furlough from For mosa. Communion service will be held in St.’ Andrew's United Church on Sunday morning, Pre paratory service will be held on Friday W.M.S. The W.M.S. afternoon Bruce McGregor with Mrs. John Sinclair as co-hostess. Mrs. Emberson Anderson took charge of the meeting and Mrs. Wilmer Jones conducted the worship ser- . vice. I Mrs. Russel Broderick, of Hen- I sail, sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. Mrs. Mor- | ley Cooper and Mrs. J. W. Mc Lean were named visitors for i April.! The Presbyteriai was discussed land Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs. Wilmer Jones, Mrs. Kyle and (Mrs. McLeod were appointed to with and Mon- confined Auburn, Kerr, of evening son-in-law, Mousseau. Gackstetter on Sunday April ' meeting of the was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Friends Shower Bernice Haist Mrs. Frank Triebner enter tained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of her niece, Miss Ber nice Haist, last Wednesday eve ning. A short program arranged by Mrs. Cliff Brook, of Crediton, was followed by the presentation of gifts to the bride-to-be by Master Murray Haist and little Brenda Haist. Guests numbering 50 attended ■the shower from London, Exeter, Crediton and Dashwood. Mrs. Triebner was assisted by Mrs. Douglas Triebner and Mrs. William Triebner. Personal Rems Mrs. Robert Jeffery, Mrs. Gor don Stone, Mrs. Frayne Parsons, Mfrs, Aimer Passmore and Mrs. William Rohde attended a shower on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Nelson Schenk, Crediton, for Miss Bernice Haist, bride elect of Saturday. Miss Margaret Bray, London, spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David, Dennis and Darlene visit ed on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist, of Crediton.. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Rohde, Mr. and Mrs. Riney Keller, Lome and Barry, of Exeter, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. A Good Friday service will be held April 16, a joint service of the two congregations at Thames Road church, with a film, People Without Fear”. A special service will be held on Easter Sunday morning. On Sunday, April 26, a visitor from Korea, a scholarship, stu dent from Emmanuel College, Toronto, Rev. Chung Choon Kim, will bring the message. Social Evening The last community night for the season was held Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller in charge. Euchre was played and prizes went to the following: William Rohde, Miss Jean Coward, Mrs. Alvin ~ more, Robert Simpson and Pepper. W.A. & W.M.S. Meeting The Easter meeting of W.A. and W.M.S. was held Wednesday afternoon in church basement with Mrs. John Selves and Mrs. William Lam port as hostesses. Mrs. William Ferguson, vice-president of the W.M.S., was in charge of the meeting. The theme was “New Life Through Love”. Mrs. Fergu son gave the call to worship and Mrs. Wiseman read the scripture lesson. The meditation was given by Mrs. Ferguson. A reading on Christian Stewardship was given by Mrs. William Rohde. A discussion on “Relief For Korea” was given by Mrs. Fer guson, Mrs. Vic Jeffery, Mrs. El ford, Mrs. William Cann and Mrs. Orval Beaver. The program, Juniors Plan Annual Dance The theme of the Junior In stitute meeting at South Huron District High School on April 7 was “Springtime”. Kathleen May spoke on “Beau tifying Homes”. In keeping with this subject, roll call was an swered by “something 1 enjoy seeing around the home”. Pauline Simpson gave the sac red moments and current events were reviewed by Pauline Lynn. Labelle Coward discussed the motto, “Do it now, it is later than you think”. At the Junior Farmers’ meet ing, the guest speaker, Mr. Al Morgan took as his subject, “Are We Making Any Money?”, which his listeners found very interest ing. At the joint meet which fol lowed, Mr. Morgan showed sev eral films. Plans for the “At Home” dance on April 22 were made during the joint business meeting. By MISS JANE DYKEMAN s s s s Pass- Roy the on the Young- Peoples The Y.P.S. held the school house 12 at 8:30. Ruth and Mary Dickey took charge of the meeting on “Missions and World Outreach”. Slides were shown on Korea by some of the members of the Woodham Y.P.S. Personal Items Mtb. A. Jaques, of St. Marys, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ho-pkins, Science Hill. Miss Carol Ann Bell, of Elim ville, spent with Mr. Jaques. Mr. and and Yvonne were Monday eve ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Spence and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern. its meeting at Monday, April Ann Dykeman three and Mrs. days last week Mrs. Norman Clifton Jaques Mrs. William Rohde, consisted of a poem ’by Mrs. Smith, a piano solo by Mrs. Nelson Squire and a reading by Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mrs. Carl Hume gave the topic. Easter Lilies The Finest We Have Ever Offered HYDRANGEA, AFRICAN VIOLETS, POTS OF SPRING BULBS " Open Goad Friday for Your Convenience- Come In and Browse Around BAILEY'S FLORISTS Main Street 3 Phone 276 i - •= THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL i k FREECHECK r OF OIL FILTER EAWSH WINTER SLUDGE! I with a MICRONIC OIL FILTER or ELEMENT The CHRYCO Micronic filters out ’/3 more harmful grime :; . has up to 95© sq. ins. of filtering area (ordinary filters have only 69)«. * * filters faster for greater engine protection I Get your FREE oil! filter CHECK now! QUALITY CARS Having new cars going out means used cars coming in. Our variety is well-balanced and our quality is good. Permit us ' its to demonstrate a good used car with asking price below dollar value. Exeter Motor Sales PHONE 200 News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Euchre Club Ends Season The Elimville Euchre Club held its final euchre party for this year and enjoyed a pot luck supper. , A humorous program followed the supper and the play offs were played. Final winners were: ladies, Mrs. William Johns; gents, Mr. Hubert Hunter. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Floyd visited on Thursday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parsons, of Hensall. It was Don’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bird, of London, visited Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch. Mr. Franklin Skinner returned home on Friday after being a patient for a week in South Hu ron Hospital. A special combined Easter ser vice will be held in Thames Road Church on Good Friday at 8:15. A film, “People Without Fear”, will be shown. •attend as delegates. Mrs. Kyle introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers, of Hensail, who gave an inspiring address. Mrs. Anderson read an Easter poem. 200 Attend Banquet The Junior Farmers and Jun ior Institute held a banquet last weekend in the Seaforth High School which was attended by about 200 members, parents and friends. The decorations were in Easter colors and the tables were centred with .spring flowers. A former Huron County Agri- c u 11 u r a 1 Representative, Mr. Steve Strothers, of Lucknow, the guest speaker, was by Miss Ruth Keyes, Junior Im stitute president. Mr( Outlined his work while stationed in Huron County, stating he had organized five junior farm groups, the first being at Exeter or Fordwich, 1920-21. Thanks was extended to the speaker by Miss Helen Johnston, Huron County Junior Institute president. Miss Kathryn Camp bell extended a vote of apprecia tion to the directress and cast of the play “Mama’s Baby Boy”. Mr. James McGregor presented each member with a gift. Dancing followed with music by the “Dallas Boys”. introduced Strothers w?avXvAv>?>>7>;; 1 st mile TAKE THE WHEEL and relax on wide, comfortable, chair-high seats. Because you sit higher, you enjoy an unobstructed view of the road. Note, too, the luxurious Dodge interior appointments. TEST ITS EASY HANDLING next o . . around corners, through traffic, in tight spots. Pressure you exert on the steering wheel is multiplied 21 time’s to make turning easier ¥: 4th mile Sth mile HEAD FOR THE DUMPS you ordinarily would avoid. Feel how Oriflow shock absorbers, unique spring suspension and low centre of gravity bring you a steady, level ride that’s 3 ways smoother. Nearby are 5 miles of road you drive often. Why not drive them in a new Dodge ... and see the difference. We know jzou’ll enjoy every mile of the ride. And we’re sure that the more you learn about the new Dodge, the more you’ll be impressed by this great car. Your telephone call will bring a Dodge to your doorstep for a 5-mzk trial. Call us soon. HURRY UP A HILL or along an open highway. Zip away from a standstill* That way you will feel the flashing reserve of power that makes the beautiful Dodge the action car for ’54. CHECK FOR EXTRA VALUE the “big car” feel and perform ance that is yours at such low cost. Take the S-mile trial soon in the big Dependable Dodge, now at your dealer’s. Before you buy anywhere, ask your Dadge-DeSoto dealer wfcdt extra value fee earl offer on a new ar used car. MANUFACTURED IN CANADA 6Y CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED EXETER MOTOR SALES Exeter Phone 200