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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-15, Page 6
» Page 6 Open this Sunday, Wednes day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: RED CLOVER, sweet clover timothy seed. Good quality at reasonable prices. Apply Stewart oj* David Blackwell, telephone 8S-r-3 or 88-r-8 Zurich._________________________8:15* TRACTOR — MASSEY-HARRIS “30”, row crop, in excellent condition, good rubber. —Art Gaiser, phone 164-r-9. Dashwood. ____ ____________8:15c ROWER LAWN MOWER—Eureka, 21 inch cut, only used three months; also Savage .22 automatic rifle. Reg McDonald, phone 642-W Exeter. 8:15c 2 SCOTCH SHORTHORN bulls, reg istered and accredited. Apply Fred Brown, phone 73-r-4 Credion. 11:18* 3-lltfc THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1954 FOR SALE FOR SALEFOR SALE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER that registers to $29.99. Apply at Times- Advocate.____________ ___________t-a USED BICYCLES—Buy, sell or trade. Best deals. —Ron Westman's Sports and Auto Supply. Exeter. 15c APARTMENT TYPE refrigerator. Separate motor, $50. Phone 677-J-12 Exeter._______________________ 15 c EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELP WANTED Sunoco GARAGE ■ Easter Seals Help Crippled Children USED CAR PARTS for Fords 1929- 1940, Chevs 1932-1941, Plymouths, De- sotos, Dodges, Olds and Pontiacs, etc. —Cudmore’s Gravel. Our location saves you money. Phone 171-T-3 Exeter, _____3-18tfc FIVE GOOD York Tam pigs, 6 weeks old. — Albert W. Shirray, Hensail, phone 683-r-ll.__________________15* BOY'S SUIT, size 12; boy’s suit, size 9, both in good condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 15c Cook £ heal BOTTLED Always A Fuel Reserve • DELIVERY e CAPACITY • SERVICE Always at regu lar intervals. Twice your needs. Ahvavs a reserve. All-weather de pendability. GRATTON & HOTSON PHONE 156 GRAND BEND Auto Accessories FOR SPRING DRIVING Were HQ For All Parts Directional Signal Sets For Pickups, Trucks, Tractors Self-Cancelling Switch •— Flasher ALL COMPLETE $19.95 Ask For Free Demonstration Wynn's Friction Proofing You’ll Be Flabbergasted! We're Hatching Something NEW! Watch The T-A For Announcement J Ron Westman's SPORTS AND AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 211 EXETER W.C. ALLIS CHALMERS tractor, with power lift cultivator, 1949 Ford tractor and plow. One rear end man ure loader for Ford. Also some land to rent on shares for beans. Apply Wally Wein, telephone 54 Dashwood.8:15c THE SURGE MILKER—It’s' fast, it’s safe, it’s durable, it’s quickly and easily scrubbed clean. Call Lovell Mc Guire, Wingham, phone 593. Your Surge Service Dealer. 18:1:15:29c MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER—C years old. Registered Hereford bull. Also 19 weaner pigs. Apply Ted Morley, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig.__________________15* YOUNG ENGLISH York hog; also weaner pigs. Allai. Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Exeter. 15c 24-28 MTLDMAY THRESHING ma chine. Would exchange for Holstein cows. Apply Alf Eiekmeier, Mildmay, Ont. 15* GENT’S NAVY BLUE suit, size 38, almost new. May be seen at Brady Cleaners._______________________15* 4 REGISTERED ACCREDITED Holstein heifer calves, nice foundation stock or good calf club heifers. Sandy Elliot, phone 476 Exeter. 15:22:29c 10 BUSHELS GOOD of alfalfa seed. Apply Lloyd Stewart R R, 3. Exeter.15* CORN ENSILAGE, good quality. — Lloyd M. Morgan, Lot 3, Con. 1, Us- borne, on No. 4 Highway, phone 378- j-1._____________________________15* RUBBER-TIRED WAGON; also two- furrow hydraulic Ford plow. Laverne Heywood, phone 176-r-23 Exeter. 15c GIRL’S NAVY COAT, with white pique collar, like new. Will fit size 8 or 10. Apply Mrs. Ed Wurm, phone 290-J. 15c DRY HARDWOOD, 1-ft. lengths. By cord or load. Cudmore’s Gravel, phone 171-r-3 Exeter. 4-15tfc ELEVEN PIGS, six weeks old. ApplyWm. Bender, Crediton. 15c CLYDE HORSE, rising 8 years, reliable. Massey-Harris hayloader. Ap ply Frank Parsons, R.R. 1, Hensail, phone 629-T-33 Hensail. 15* APARTMENT SIZE PIANO, Puritan model, walnut finish, with matching bench, $495. — W. Martin, Exeter South, phone 43. 15c 13iA GAUGE 4x4 BARBED wire, $9. —Exeter District Co-Op. 15c DUTCH SET ONIONS, 25tf lb. Multi pliers, 304 lb. Potatoes, $1.50 a bag. Exeter District Co-Op,___________15c GENT’S GREY SUIT, size 40. Too small for owner. Also lady’s grey suit, size 42. in good condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners.______15* CHESTNUT BELGIAN team, light mane and tail, 5 and 6 years old. Purebred Hereford bull, 1 year old. Purebred Hereford herd bull. Elation breeding. Apply Clarence Park and Son, Zurich, phone 96-r-9._______15* DROP-SIDE, BROWN metal crib, centre panel. Complete with mattress, in good condition, $15.00. Tele- phone 152-W Exeter.____________15c GREEN CROP McCormick Deering hayloader, like new. Also flat rack with sliding equipment for haying. Apply Gordon Ratz, phone 161-r-3 Dashwood.______________________15c 2 HOLSTEIN COWS (1 purebred), due in one week. Also Surge milking machine, used one year, in perfect condition. Apply Gordon Ratz, phone 161-r-3 Dashwood. t_________15c ’49 METEOR COACH, good condition, $850 cash. —Andrew Dougal], phone 174-r-13 Exeter. 15c | 10 WEANER PIGS. Phone 22-M Ex eter. 15* i Used Machinery Specials V.A.C. CASE TRACTOR with scuffler 3-SECTION SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS 7-FT. SPRING-TOOTH CULTIVATOR 2-FURROV£ TRACTOR PLOW 15-RUN FERTILIZER DRILL All Reconditioned and Priced to Sell EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 508 Exeter TELEVISION More and more people are finding wise to buy their TV set from servicing dealer. It costs no more have this exra protection.We offer you quality merchandise with qualified service. RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter it a to ROLLER SKATES — Four different styles of sturdy, long-wearing roller skates from $2.95 to $5.95. Ron West man's Sports and Auto Supplies. 15c '50 CHEV %-TON TRUCK, very lbw mileage, one owner, Apply Traquair's Hardware. ___ 15c JOHNSTON IRON HORSE motor, off washing machine. — Phone Crediton 62-r-4.___________________________15* TWO WINDOWS, 28” wide and 56” long. Suitable for double window. Apply Alex Desjardine, phone 37-r-l Grand Bend.____________________35* ELECTRIC RANGE, 4-burner, with oven. Call 732-.W-1.______-_____ 15c 5 YORKSHIRE BROOD sows, due in May; 2 cows, part Durham and Hol stein, due last of April; also some baled hay, elover and timothy. Apply Alvin Gingerich, phone 90-r-6 Zurich. 15:22* James St. United To members and adherents of Your Church Needs Your To SBnrryrttti A New Sunday School And Ladies Parlors Plans-for this necessary addition to our church have been approved and we are now organizing a Campaign to raise the building fund. Can vassers will nail on you in the near future. Please give this project your sincere consideration. Talk it over with your family and discuss how much you can give. Payments may be made over a thi*ee-yoar period. Please be generous when your canvasser calls. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL desires work after school or during holidays. Would assist with housework or work in store. Apply Box “S’", Exeter Times- Advocate. 15*. * ■ ■ —————-----— • ’ FARMERS! Do you need help this spring? Married or single Dutch men are available. For further information call Rev. Schroeder, pkone 575-W Ex eter. __________________4-15tfc DUTCH LADY will do washing. Apply 231 Carling Street, Exeter. 15* FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland families, Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc WANTED THREE HEATED unfurnished down stairs rooms with bath on same floor for quiet reliable couple. Phone 678 or 366-J Exeter. 15* HAVE DRAINED PASTURE, plenty of water for yearlings 550-600 pounds. Box "R", Exeter Times-Advocate. MALE SYRUP ROOM worker. Apply in person to Tuckey Beverages. 15c MALE PAINTERS—Brush and, spray painters. First class, Apply Box "C", Times-Advocate. 15:22* GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. Steady employment. Mrs, Gerald Chapman, 69 Anne Street, Exeter, phone 364-R. 15c A HOUSEKEEPER for retired gentle man, Aged lady required. All modern conveniences. Apply Box "W”, Ex eter Times-Advocate. 15* PART-TIME SECRETARY — Phone 493-J Exeter. 16c GIRL OR WOMAN wanted for kitchen work and cleaning. Call Rether’s Coffee Shoppe, 15c ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc 5(i-ACRE GRASS FARM for sale. If not sold, will be rented. — Thomas Laing, Exeter, 15:22* A' SMALL WHITE enamel range with forced oil burner. Apply Sanders Grocery, Exeter. 15* FIVE YEARLINGS. Apply ClaytonFlynn, R.R. 1, Centralia. 15* THREE PAIRS of drapes, practically new. Phone 128 Exeter. 15c “20” MASSEY ROW CROP tractor, equipped with scuffler, power lift, puller, lights and power take-off. In good .shape. Will finance part of it to responsible party. Box "O”, Times- Advocate. 15* STEEL GRAVEL BOX, 5 yd.; steel culvert, 16 ft. long, 6 ft. high. Exeter Salvage, phone 423. 15c FRAME KITCHEN, 14x18, Rollbrick siding, good floors; also one lot for quick sale. Apply 89 William St. 15* TIMOTHY, RED CLOVER and al falfa seed. Machine threshed. Apply George Hepburn, phone 547-W-2 Exeter. 8* :15c 400 BUSHELS FEED TURNIPS. Ap ply Edgar McBride, phone 675-r-25 Hensail. 8:15* BABY CHICKS FOR SALE WANT TO CATCH the early fall markets? Then get complete Bray pricelist for pullets, cockerels, mixed. Wide choice breeds and crosses. Some started. Prompt shipment. Agent Eric Carscadden, Exeter Phone 246-W. 15c STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES’ collect, Ingersoll 21. or Exeter 287. I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc STEERS WANTED to pasture for the season. Apply W. T. Switzer, phone 16-3 Kirkton._____ ______________15* GOOD 'QUALITY baled second-cut hay. Phone 750-3-3 or 881-w-l Exeter.15nc TO RENT 3- or 4-room apartment nr or 5-room house, unfurnished. No children. By May 1 or June 1. Annlv Pox "E”, Times-Advocate.8:15:22* STANDING BUSH-LOTS — Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 620-22 between 6 and 7:30 evenings..4-ltfc 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer tilizer or road horses. Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter, ll-19tfc TWO MEDIUM SIZE houses, rooms on one floor, preferably oil furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 3-25tfc REAL ESTATE IN KIRKTON—7-room brick house. Pressure system and bath. Barn and double garage. —Phone 123 Kirkton. 15:22c RED BRICK RESIDENCE. Beauti fully built home with three bedrooms, dining room and spacious living room. All conveniences and hardwood floors throughout. New oil-burning furnace and laundry tubs. Garage. Nicely lo cated on valuable lot. Immediate possession. Terms. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 4-15tfc 100 ACRES HAY TOWNSHIP, near village school, churches. New forced air furnace, spacious barn, litter car rier, running water, 100 acres Stanley Township, near school, church. New oil furnace, lovely bathroom, modern kitchen, L-shape bar,ns, good stables, water bowls, presure system. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 4-15tfc TRANSFERRED and MUST SELL new rug brick one-floor five-room, fully modern, forced air .heated home. Owner 493 Andrew Street. 3-15tfc TENDERS WANTED RE CONCRETE BRIDGE Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for building a concrete bridge across Concessions 4 and 5 opposite Lot 3.Marked cheque of $200.00 must ac company cheque and muBt be in the hands of the Clerk not later than April 30, 1954. Blueprint may be examined at the office of the Clerk.Lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted.F. W. MORLOCK, CLERK15:22c MISCELLANEOUS BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno grapher or typist in your spare time. Lessons 504. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 15:22;2911' STEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, imme diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan. —Butler Bros. 4-1:8:15:22:29:5-6:13:20:27* PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553___________________Exeter WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 8-10tfc GET YOUR SOIL tested and know your soil deficiencies. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter.__________25:1:8:15c PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, sign painting and floors tiled. Ed "Buck” Little, phone 196-R Hensail, Ontario. 3-25:1:8:15:22:29:6:13* FOR RENT GARAGE—Also for sale: 1-h.p. motor and one small motor. Apply 352 Wil liam Street._____. _______15* 4 FURNISHED ROOMS with bath and hot water. Outside entrance. Apply 753 Carling St. S. 4-ROOM APARTMENT, hot ami cold water, private entrance. Available at once. Annlv Ken Ilodglns, Centralia, phone 880-j-3 Exeter. _______15c FOR SALE OR RENT — Seven-room house corner of William and John Streets. Hardwood floor in living room and hall, modern kitchen, dining room, bath, 3 bedrooms, good dry basement, insulated throughout, Just built 4. years ago. Being vaccated May 1 by Harry Sherwood. If inter ested can be seen by appointment with Harold Tavlor, R.R. 3, Exietei*. Phone Kirkton 39-r-8. 15:22* 15c 8-ROOM HOUSE, Without hydro. Large garden. Three miles from Hensail. Win except labour for rent. — Phone 675-r-25 Hensail.________8:15* FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hardware, Exeter. HOUSE—l1/ miles oast of Centralia, Possession April 1. Phone 206-R Ex* eter. _ 3-25 tfc TWO FURNISHED rooms and garage. Immediate possession. Apply at Times-Advocate, 22:1:8:15* Floor Sander Edger Do It Tourself and Save Money! MckENZIIE»S PAINT STORE Phone 253 Exeter t 4-15;22;29:3;13;20:27:l;3n NOTICE — Applications for the posi tion of "Fire Hazards Inspector" for the Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be received by the undersigned, secretary of the company up till noon April 30, 1954. Applicants must be able to supply their own transportation. Please state qualifications, experience, age and salary expected. — Hay Township Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany, Reginald G. Black, Secretary- Treasurer, Box 59, Zurich, Ont. 15:22c WOMEN WANTED — Earn $25 an evening with a House Party. Take orders for dresses, lingerie, sweaters, blouses, children's wear. We show you how. Write Mrs. O. Fleischauer, Listowel. 8:15* Durham cow, fresh one month, calf at foot; Durham cow, milking; Hereford cow, carrying second calf, due in June; red Durham cow, carrying third calf, due in April; blue roan cow, bred two months; 7 Hereford and Durham yearlings; 4 Durham winter calves.TRACTOR: McDeering Super "A” tractor, completely equipped with hy draulic lift and 4-row scuffler in guaranteed condition, used two sea sons.IMPLEMENTS: McDeering 15-run power-lift fertilizer drill, on rubber, brand new condition; Inter. 2-furrow tractor plow; M.H. 7-ft. binder, like new; McD, side delivery rake; M.H. 17-tooth power lift spring-tooth culti vator; Cockshutt tractor manure spreader, like new; 3-drum steel roll er; rubber tire wagon: hay loader; 16- ft. flat hay rack; 4-section diamond harrows, like new; horse-drawn disc; dump rake; DeLaval cream separator; Lester cream separator; electric fenc er; set sling ropes; block and tackle; Quebec heater; new oak barrel; Oliver 2-row scuffler and puller; Case “8” hammermill and sieves; 50-ft. hammermill belt, like new; walking plow; wagon truck; Clinton fanning mil); new steel water trough; iron kettle; potato sprayer; 2 steel barrels; power band saw; one-horse scuffler; 2 new cross-cut saws: Cyclone grass seeder; chains, forks, shovels.Quantity of hay; 4 bushels clover seed; many articles too numerous to mention, TERMS: Cash. No reserve as farm is rented. JOHN RAU, PROPRIETOR ALVIN RAU, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 15c the with cutter and elevator, 150 ft. of 8-inch drive belt, 65 ft. of 5-inch belt; 1 Smalley grain and straw blow er; International hay chopping ma chine (like new); International 15- disc fertilizer drill (like new); Inter national 7-ft. binder, 2 years old; 8- ft. International spring-tooth tractor cultivator (used 1 season); 8-ft. Inter national tractor disc (good); Cock shutt side rake; 3-section harrows; 5-ft. McCormick Deering mower; 3- furrow Cockshutt tractor plow; dump rake; culti-packer, jS-ft*; 1 rubber tire wagon; 1 large hay box; 2 le ft. hay racks; 1 farm wagon; 1 grain box, 120 bus.; 1 Viking cream separator with motor; grain grinder with elevator; 3,000-lb. scales; 2 moulds for cement tile, 21-inch and 30-inch; circular saw; drag saw; emery on Btand; set farm sleighs and box; Mc Cormick Deering manure spreader on rubber (used two seasons); 2 iron kettles; half barrel of No. 40 motoroil; steel drums; land roller; 100 8- inch tile; 40 rod of new woven wire fence; 400 B’/j-inch tile; 12 large end posts; a number of iron posts; three 100-ft. rolls of snow fence; quantity of rock elm plank, some lumber; 2 sets double blocks; 1 set of back band harness and collar. GRAIN: 200 bus. of barley; 200 bus, of Cartier oats. Quantity of household effects. TERMS: Cash. JAMBS MUSTARD, PROPRIETOR HAROLD JACKSON, AUCTIONEER E. P. CHESNEY, CLERK __________ 15© NEAT, INTELLIGENT young man to learn grocery business. Apply Dutch Boy (IGA) Food Market, RCAF Sta tion Centralia, 8:15c UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY for housewives capable of working 3 to 4 hours in the evenings. ‘ Experience not necessary. Car helpful—not essen tial. For personal interview, write to Mrs. Roma McCombs, Treasure Cos metics, Box 336, Walkerville, Ontario.8:15:22c BOY 16 TO 18 YEARS Opportunity to learn excellent trade. Must be energetic, clean and tidy, reasonably good writer. Apply in Person at The EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 15c AUCTION SALES Kippern View Farm COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE 100 Registered Holsteins,of Valuable Tractors, Truck, Combine, and Full List of Power Machinery On the premises, LOT 28, CON. 1, HAY TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF HURON2 miles north of Hensail, first farm south of Kippen. 35 miles north of London, No. 4 Highway.undersigned auctioneer has been ONE FLOOR 2-bedroom house, bath room, new oil furnace. Corner lot.— Wm. Pearce, - Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.____________________4-15tfc FARM FOR SALE—150 acres, Lot 24, Concession 4, Tuckersmith; 2 barns, 36x56 and 30x50; henhouse, 7-roorn frame house, hydro throughout; 73 acres fall ploughed; immediate pos session. —Robert McLachlan, R.R. 3, Kippen, phone 651-T-13 Seaforth. 15c NEW HOUSE — 349 Edward Street. Living room, kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, and bath with space for other room on second floor. Oil furnace. R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, tele furnace. Wide lot. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, phone 89-J.______;____4-8tfc GRAND BEND on Blue Water High way opposite Oakwood Golf Course. Well built rug brick house with 3 bedrooms down and 3 up. First floor is beautifully finished throughout. Kitchen and bathroom are very mod ern. Full basement with oil-burning furnace. Two nicely arranged cabins. Large garage and tidy barn with three acres of valuable land. The whole property is in wonderful con dition and nicely landscaped. It is greatly admired by all who see it. Possession given to suit purchaser. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. _______________4-ltfc DUPLEX HOUSE, 2-piece bath up stairs, 3-piece down and 5 or 6 acres on highway near Exeter. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales man. 3-lltfc AUCTION SALE DATES Alvin Walper, Auctioneer HENSALL SALES ARENA* EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. Monday, April 19 — Farm Machin ery, Livestock. John Rau, prop. Tuesday, April 20 — Dispersal of Valuable Farm Machinery and Friday, April 23, 100 Registered Holsteins. Raymond Forbes, prop.Wednesday, April 21 — Livestock and Implements; Harry Trick, prop. Saturday, May 1 — Estate of the late William Elsie.Saturday, May 15 — Real Estate and Miscellaneous Items; Tom Sem- ple, prop. AUCTION SALE of Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL SATURDAY, APRIL 17 at 1:00 p.m.Kitchen table and china cabinet; chairs; clocks; 2 radios; dining room table and chairs; antique walnut Pie Crust table; sofa bed; 2 occasional chairs; commode chair; settee and chairs; rocking chairs; 3 beds, springs and mattresses; 3 dressers and chest of drawers; set of bathroom wash stands, basins and pitchers; scales; trunk; Edison phonograph; Thor electric washing machine; dishes; bed ding; fruit and fruit jars; tools; 2- ton stake Dodge truck, 100-ft. garden hose; er; other articles mention. TERMS: Cash. ESTATE OF __________ MR. THOMAS BUTT AUCTIONEER: HAROLD JACKSON CLERK: E. P. CHESNEY EXECUTORS: JOHN & RAY BUTT SOLICITOR: ELMER BELL,EXETER 8:15c , tools; 2- ____ ’37 model; power lawn mow- too numerous to THE LATE CENTRALLY LOCATED for schools, churches and shopping, 3-bedvoom house, new roof, interior decorating good, 2 bathrooms, garage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales man. __________3-4tfc $1,800.00 CASH. Total price $4,300.00 will purchase nicely located home. This house has modern kitchen and bathroom downstairs and small kitchenette and two-piece bath up. May be used as two apartments or one- family home. Immediate possession. C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 2-251f HENSALL fairly new frame house, living room (fireplace), dining room, kitchen (modern), 4-piece bath, hot and cold water. Three-bedrooms. Oil- burning furnace. Garage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales man. ___ l-14tfc 6-ROOM HOME, first floor has living room, one bedroom, large modern kitchen, new three-piece bath, three bedrooms upstairs. Good basement with coal furnace. Extra lot; barn with garage, —524 William St. 11 tf* WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and qual ity, stores and other businesses, sum mer cottages and -year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par sons, Salesman._____________5-28 tfc Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH undersigned auctioneer has 1 re- The ....._______ ________ __ __instructed to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 20 commencing at 12:30 p.m. sharp TRUCK, TRACTORS & COMBINE: ’53 International L-120 pickup truck; Waterloo "U” Standard ’53 model tractor, completely equipped; Mc- Deerlng "M” Farmall tractor; Jubilee Ford tractor, used 135 hours, equipped with Dearborn manure fork and loader; McDeering "H” Farmall tractor. All tractors in new condition. M.I-I. M-H "90” self-propelled 12-ft. swath combine, used one season. POWER MACHINERY: Massey- Harris takeoff hay baler; McDeering 20-run double disc fertilizer drill;- New Holland green feed harvester, with hay and corn attachments; Mc Deering blower with 40-ft. pipe; McDeering No. 400 power takeoff man- sure spreader; McDeering 3-furrow tractor plow; McDeering 4-fur.row tractor plow; McD. 10-blade one-way disc; M.H. side delivery rake, on rubber; M.H. 10-ft. stiff-tooth cultivator; Uni-tiller 13-tooth cultivator; John Deere 4-row high speed corn planter; McDeering 6-row beet and bean drill; McDeering 6-row culti vator; 2 sets Fleury Bissell 38-plate disc; 4 sets of 6-sectlon Cockshutt harrows, with three sets of draw bars; set Tatco 15-ft. harrows; Fleury Bissell land packer; 4-section rotary hoe: Cockshutt 10-ft. dump rake; McDeering heavy duty rubber tire wagon; Service No. 900 airplane tires 7-ton wagon; rubber tire wagon (all wagons equipped with beet and grain box and hay racks); new bean pull er, steel corn “V”; 3 heat houses; 2 sets of wheel weights for McDeering tractors; 2 50-lb. grease guns; 2 electric fencers; 2,000-lb. platform scales; rubber tire wheelbarrow; 5- bushel power takeoff grass seeder: vice; drill press; blower; 2 sets of 12 wheel draw bar; chains, forks, bar rels, and many articles too numerous to mention............ ... tides are yourself by sale. The above mentioned av ail like new. Convince seeing them on day of AUCTION SALE of Valuable Livestock, Implements, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises,3% MILES WEST OF EXETER, 1>/, MILES SOUTH ON 83 HIGHWAY The undersigned auctioneer is In structed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 at 1:00 o’clock sharp. HORSES: Good reliable work team, mare and gelding.CATTLE: Ayrshire cow, fresh on© month; Holstein heifer, carrying sec ond calf, due sale date; Hereford heifer, carrying second calf, due sal© date; Holstein cow, fresh one month; part Durham and Hereford cow, fresh three weeks; part Hereford and Hol stein cow, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, with two calves at foot; Dur ham cow, fresh, with calf at foot; part Hereford and-Holstein cow, with, calf at foot; Durham cow, due around sale date; part Durham and Hereford heifer, with calf at foot; 6 Polled Hereford cows, with calves at foot; 11 Hereford yearling steers; Durham yearling heifer.This is an exceptionally good herd of cattle, all T.B. tested with no reactors. HOGS: Choice York sow, with litter of 12; 8 York weanling pigs. / IMPLEMENTS, & MISO. ITEMS: M.H. 15-run grain drill; Int. 3-furrow narrow bottom tractor plow; 3-section diamon harrows; 3-section spring tooth harrows; rubber tire wagon and rack; Gem grain grinder; 3-h.p. elec tric motor; root pulper; 8 80-lb. milk cans; Clinton fanning mill, equipped with electric motor; Viking electric cream separator, like new. HAY & GRAIN: 2,500 bales of good- quality hay; 500 bushels of Clinton seed oats. NOTE: Due to extra large list of items to be offered, remainder of sale will be held at a later date.TERMS: Cash. HARRY TRICK, PROP. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER. AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects SOUTHEAST BOUNDARY OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP in the VILLAGE OF KIRKTON on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 commencing at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of two- storey seven-room frame house and one acre of land, more or less; com bination barn and garage on cement foundation. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 12 cubic foot Kelvinator refrigerator (like new); Gilson "Snow Bird” washing machine (porcelain tub); White electric sewing machine and attachments; 4-burner Essotane gas stove; com bination radio and record player; china cabinet; Mason & Risch piario and bench; wardrobe; dav-bed; rocker and armchair; Duo Therm space heater with circulator; dresser; Sim mons bed, springs and spring-filled mattress; dinner set (Indian Tree) service for 12; 3-ainp. UO-volt gen erator; Ford, Chev and Plymouth parts; assortment of used tires:I ton chain hoist; lawn mower; tongs; picks; bars; and other tools: man's bicvclc (nearly new); and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: Mad© known day of sale. CHATTELS: Cash. A. L. MCNAUGHTON, PROP. MILTON MARRIOTT, AUCT. AUCTION SALE of Modern Household Furniture and Kitchen Utensils in, the VILLAGE^ OF CREDITON / on SATURDAY, APRIL 24 Furniture/of the late Mrs. Eva Hayden and Mrs. Fred Harris. Full list in next week’s paper. WM. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER __________Phone 7-7W____15:22© AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects, Livestock, Pickup Truck and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, 3% MILES SOUTH OF CREDITON, MIDDLESEX COUNTY The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction SATURDAY, APRIL 24 commencing at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Two-storey brick house, in good repair; large basement, good furnace; 4 rooms and bath upstairs, 4 rooms and bath downstairs; hot and cold Water; garage, 1 acre of land. Terms of Real Estate: Contact Frank Taylor, auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Chesterfield suite; big chair; 4 chairs; dress ers; commodes; 2 beds; sink; wood stove; 2 tables; electric washing ma chine; quantity of dishes; some tin-* ware; radio; quantity sealers and fruit In sealers; some potatoes; quantitycoal and lumber; small table saw; leather coat. LIVESTOCK: Jersey cow, 4 years old, milking; Jersey heifer. 2 years old, due time of sale; small Jersey calf: 25 hens. TRUCK: 1953 pickup truck. TERMS: Cash. JOHN BUSH. PROPRIETOR FRANK TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER * * Due to Extra Large Sale Complete Holstein Dispersal will lie held o.nFRIDAY, APRIL 23 at 1:00 p.m. sharp 100 Registered Holsteins, Fully Accredited and Vaccinated HERD SIRE: Wonderland Historian DE KOL, born March 30, 1951, best record of seven nearest dams average milk 17,658 lbs.; fat, 664; test. 8.76. 48 COWS & HEIFERS with few animals over five years of age; heavy producers; nice udders, and a pleas ing uniformity of type. Many fresh. Some due time of sale. Leading bloodlines in this herd are as follows: Braejarr Patsy Mercedes. Machavcn Pabst Roburke DE Koi; Machavcn Roburke Var Susy; Ma- chaven Lochinvar R. A. Emily; Bnni- vue Abbekerk Finest A; Braejarr Patsv Lucinda: Pontiac Johanna B. Voyageur, Hillview Penny Dewdrop, Machaven Roburke Inka Mae, Ma chaven Pabst Roburke Inka, New land’s Delight, Springbank Roburke Picbe, Victor Wayne R, A. Susanne, Thameside Pabst Reburke Jean, Al- cartra Dewdrop Snow, Machaven Lochinvar Keyes DE Koi, Bcaucrest Paula Colantha. 19 OPEN HEIFERS, some bred, ranging from one year to sixteen months, carrying the blood linos of these notable sires: Rex Ideal Suc cessor, Pabst Regal Burke, Eyebright Pabst. Burke Lad. 7 YEARLING HEIFERS, five six- month-old heifers, 20 heifer calves. This herd is high ranking in R.O.P. production tests and blood lines. Sale of catle to be held under cover. Additional Itcfms to be sold on day of cat lie sale. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: 35 80,-lb.milk cans; new 4-pai1 Surge milker. TTAY & GRAIN: 3,000 bales mixed hay; 25-ft, grass ensilage; 12-ft. corn ensilage; 350 bales straw; 400 bushels mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Doherty piano: 2 beds, complete with springs and mattress; 2 dressers; dining room table with 6 matching chairs; buffet; china cabinet: 2 oak rockers; West inghouse electric clothes dryer, new; etc., etc. PLEASE TAKE NOTE of separate sale dates. Plan to attend this sale. Booth on grounds. No reserve; everything will be Sold, as Owner is giving up farming.• * * » TERMS: Cash. RAYMOND FORBES, PROP. GARNET HICKS. CLERK ED CORBETT, RINGMAN ALVTN WALPER, AUCTIONEER Phone 119, Dashwood, Ont. ........................ 15:22^0 fl; The _____ ______________ .__ .ceived instructions to sell by public auction onSATURDAY. APRIL 17 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot Vol. S. 107 and 108, Village of Zur ich, on which is situated a well built two-storey solid white brick dwelling, very nicely located. House has full basement, furnace, modern lfitchen with built-in cupboards, 3-piece bath, hardwood floors throughout. Good size garden, very suitable for building lot, fine lawn and shade trees.Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Gerhard Helntzman piano, li’-'i new; 3-piece chesterfield suite; occasional chair; antique dining room chair; modern style 3-piece bedroom suite; 2 bedroom suites, complete with springs and mattress; dining roam table with six matching chairs • kitchen table and chairs: china cabinet with com bination bookcase; Goo 1 Cheer kit chen range, like, !■>•■'»» 2 couches;glass cupboard; chos’ drawers; toilet sot; electric hrais; antique chairs; 2 rocking chair"; electric heat ing blanket: washing machine; two- burner hotplate; Westinghouse radio; White sewing machine1 mantel clock; dishes; glassware: silverware; linens; sheets, quilts, comfort-ws- rugs, mats: kitchen utensils tr’ml'v Picture and picture frames; stepladder; garden tools; lawn mowfir; 6 tons of chest nut coal; many articles too numerous to mention.TERMS: Cash. ESTATE OF THE ”ATE JOHN ECKSTEIN SAM HENDRICK. LLOYD HENDRICK R. F. STADE, CLERK ALVTN WALPER, AUCTIONEER RED BRICK COTTAGE, double living room, dining room, kitchen, and 3 Beds and full bath upstairs. Oilburning furnace. W. C. Pearce, Re- altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-lltfc EXETER, BUSINESS BLOCK, with threo complete apartments. This property shows a real return on invest ment over and above taxes and other expenses. Let us give you the de tails, —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Mam Street. 2-4tfc BRICK HOUSE—Perfect Exeter loca tion. This home is nicely laid out with faur bedrooms and other usual roams. Roof and exterior of house is In good condition. It has new oil burning equipment and garage. The lawns are beautiful and nicely plant ed with ornamental shrubs and bushes. This property lends Itself to the use of a larger family or for apartment purposes. Reasonable price. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter...........................................1-21 tfc HKNSALD RESIDENTIAL property. One Of ITensall’s finest smaller houses. This homo is comparatively new and IS nicely finished through out. It have two bedrooms, tt dining room and a Very modern kitchen ana v ___bathroom. Kull basement With oil-I Durham oow, <:«><.vhi burning furnace. Garage. Nicely treed duo before sale^dato: lot. Quick possession. C. V, Pickard, milking; Realtor, Main St., Eiotor. j" - - •<____ ______ blood lines. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock. Implements and Household Effects AT LOT 5, CON. 1, STANLEY TOWNSHIP 2i^ miles south of Brucefield on No. 4 Highway, on TUESDAY, APRIL 20 ........ at 1:00 p.m. sharp HORSES: 1 matched team of black Belgians, 1,450 lbs. each; 1 brown gelding, 1,500, CATTLE: 1 biack cow, due time'" of sale; 1 white cow, due in April; 2 farrow cows, ready for market; 3 Pollen Angus calves,PIGS: 9 York and Tam chunks, _ MACHINERY: W-40 McCdrmick Deering tractor about 55 h,p.; Allis c7.jUHixruf mjiniriKr parv nuiHtuin uri.ii, j/urnum With {WtmlcF ItUd12*24tfc oow, milking, with calf at foot; roan j Puller; Bell threshing machine 32-54 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery* Livestock, Hay and Miscellaneous Items On the promises, DOT 10, CON. L. RD. WEST, STANLEY TOWNSHIP I miles south of Bayfield pr 4 mhos north of Drysdale on Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, APRIL 19 commencing at J :00 n.m. sharp LIVESTOCK: Part. Hereford and < carrying second calf, re sum . dale: IlOlstOih COW, part Holstein and Durham l AUCTION SALE Take notice that there will be offered' for sale on the 1ST OF MAY NEXT 1952 METEOR SEDAN Serial No, 0173IT52-22057 my premises at the South end ... of theTOWN OF EXETER on No. 4 Highway.The above sedan is being sold un der and by virtue of the Warehouse man s Lien Act and ls*in a damaged’ condition. EDWARD HtlNTER-hUVAH (Ed's imperial) 15:22:296' at ji