HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-15, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL IS, 19S4 s x (• a « 3 3 3 ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW STREET X is I Phone 233-J Exeter FOR HEATING, PLUMBING, EAVESTROUGHING & OIL BURNER SERVICE & INSTALLATION SIGN PAINTING • TRUCK LETTERING Knowing Where To Sell Sell Your Poultry With Confidence = TOP PRICES PAID — WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR S 3 sI s 3 3 Ea Riverside Poultry Co Howard Ferguson, District Representative PHONE COLLECT s 3 7-1230 London Hensall 680-r-2 3 - 2 s 3 3 3 Summer Prices on s ls I E E 3 COAL WILL BE IN EFFECT SHORTLY What Loop? s What league will Mohawks play in next year? That was t'he burning question which wasn’t answered Thursday night at the booster meeting. Among the suggestions were the district O.H.A. loop, a junior “B” group, and a league inde­ pendent of the W.O.A.A. Final decision on the question was left with the executive of the hockey club but not before it was discussed at length. Cyclone convenor, Derry Boyle, said there would be no Cyclone group next season. District man­ agers had voted against forming the league in the fall. Instead, they would let the W.O.A.A. organize the groupings. “You won’t know who you’ll be playing with next season,” Boyle stated. Join OIIA? Doug Smith, Mohawk captain, ■asked if the club could join OHA ranks. Boyle said Tory Gregg and the W.O.A.A executive wouldn't allow it. Colle Bowman, team coach for most of the season, stated: “I think you should go into O.H.A. Int. “B” hockey with Milverton, Durham and those teams. You’d see better hockey”. Ulric Snell suggested Junior “B” hockey might be cheaper but Al McGillivray said the club's expenses would be doubled if it went into junior hockey. •A number of members suggest­ ed pulling out of the W.O.A.A. and forming an independent league or association. Some sug­ gested that there are at least 20 ■teams which would * quit the W.O.A.A. for-'-another group. Harry Beaumont, genial Lucan Irish manager, predicts the Irish will come home from their 285- mile trip to Marmora this week­ end with the OHA “C” cqp under their belt. The team leaves Friday morn­ ing to play the third and fourth games Friday and Sat u r d a y nights in the eastern Ontario town Now leading two games to none, the Irish can cop the best- of-seven brace of “We’ll Manager day. matched but we’ve got the edge.” However, if Marmora does happen to win one of the week­ end contests the fifth game will be played on neutral ice near Toronto. The next two games, if necessary, will be decided by a toss of the coin. Team At Peak In predicting a clean sweep of the series for the Irish, Harry Beaumont points out the club is right at its peak. “The boys are really playing together like a championship team. They’re play­ ing pattern hockey at its best and their spirit is tops.” Big credit for the team’s out­ standing play-off performance is Jake Barnes. The manager says “Jake is really playing play-off the team extra ef- series with another wins this weekend. take ’em all right,” Beaumont said Wednes- “The teams are evenly Flick rxrl era ” goals each, gave the front line a total of 11 markers. Glen and Fred Revington and Ross Mc- Tavisli scored the other three. Corby Trumble led Marmora With three counters. Uphill Fight Saturday night Lucan had an uphill fight to win the tilt. After being the count at 2-2 in the first. Marmora moved into a 5-4 lead in the second. Halfway through the third th© count was 6-6 for Marmora but the Irish fought to tie and take the game. The winning goal was scored by Ron Stevenson with only 13 sec­ onds left before the final bell. Len Gaudette got four of the Irish total. Ilowett McTavish and Stevenson fired singles. Leonard scored a brace Marmora. for Lead In WOAA Title Series Too Besides fighting for the OHA "C” trophy, Lucan Irish are battling for the W-O.A.A. grand championship title. The greenshirts won the first game of their semi-final series with St. Clemens, the “D” Best Method Colle Bowman suggested the club should operate on a split- the-profit basis. “If you stop paying your players and operate on a split at the end of the season, it wouldn't cost you any money at all.” Club director Harry Coates wanted to know if the * ‘ players would come here basis. Need Jobs Ray Richards, a star year’s club, said he and a lot of other players would play for a split if they could get jobs in Exeter. Jack Weber, who is employing Mohawk defenceman Barry Doak, said “there must be places where we can get jobs for hockey players.” USE THE AMAZING SUDBURY hockey on that of this champions, Tuesday night by the score of 8-6. The series is best-of-five. The second game will be played at Waterloo next Tuesday. Popular Garden Model $6.95 Other Models Phone 266 As easy a3 reading a thermometer, this Soil Test Kit tells you exactly what’s wrong with your soil, why your garden didn’t do as well as it should—and how to correct it, so you’ll have wonderful luck with everything you grow! Take the guesswork out of gardening. It’s fun to become an expert! Complete equipment and supplies for 50 tests for nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and lime. No knowledge of chemistry needed. L. V. Hogarth Exeter Septic Tank 3 | s is s 3 § 3 3 3 I 3 Place your order with us now for your next winter's coal and save money at the sum­ mer prices! Your Patronage Greatly Appreciated SELDON FUELS PHONE 90 - 2 Distributors of 3 3 WHITE ROSE 3 Motor Oils Gasoline Diesel Oil Furnace <& Stove Oil 3 33 s :: :: 3 3 FURNACE? THEN HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A NEW Clare Brothers s 30" Range... purchasing a new Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace between 3 By _ now and July 31, you may win a famous Clare Brothers Jewel 30" Range for nothing! To take advantage of Clare Brothers 100th Anniversary offer: See tis. Buy the Clare Brothers Furnace mosUsuited to your needs. Then, before December 31, 1954, write and tell Clare Brothers what you liked best about it. It your letter is the best received you will win a new Clare Brothers 30" Range . . . gas or electric . . . absolutely free.. 3 3 s s s :: g s 3 3□ SEE US . . . and FOR COMPLETE FURNACE CONTEST DETAILS remember: this is an. unusual contest because is a separate prize for every Province.1. There 2. You compete only with those people who have bought a Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace between now and July 31 in your Province! Phone 14S Lome Kleinstiver Plumbing' and Heating DASHWOOD Box 86 = = _ = hockey. He’s saved many times with his fort.” Easy And Tough The Irish crushed 14-7 Friday night in the opening game of the series, then had to come from behind to edge the visitors 7-6 Saturday night, Ed Rowett splurged with a net-ripping night of seven goals in the first tilt. Len Gaudette and Herb Stretton, with two Marmora Boosters Back Officials To Build Winning Club Cleaning Spend $1,000 On Sports Need More Enthusiasm “We need more enthusiasm, more members, more support and more interest if our minor ath­ letics program is going to be successful,” Lloyd Cushman, chairman of Exeter Minor Ath­ letic Association, said this week When he called a public meeting for next Thursday night. “Although the Association spends over $1,000 a year to give 200 to 300 boys baseball and hockey, there aren’t more than half a dozen men who know what’s going on. That’s why we •are having this meeting,” Cush­ man said. Th© Association, a subcommit­ tee of the Recreational Council, has - received $1,050 from the three ‘ organizations, Legion, Lions and Kinsmen, to finance all minor hockey and baseball for a year. With the help of the service clubs, the Association tries to provide managers and coaches for the teams, the facilities for playing and the essential equip­ ment. The program is under the direction of Rec Director Doug Smith. The meeting next Thursday night is to acquaint any parents or interested sportsmen with the operation of the Association and to re-organize the group for base­ ball this summer. Three Locals In Tourney Three teams from this district are entered in the Young Cana­ da Hockey Tournament at Gode­ rich during Easter week. Exeter Pee Wees are in the “B” competition and meet Strath­ roy in their first game Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. If the locals win this game they will tackle the winner of the St. Marys-Forest series at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. The final “J3“ game is played on Thursday. Grand Bend Pee Wees, defend­ ing champions of the “D” series, play the first game of the tour­ nament. They meet Ebenezer at 9 a.m. Monday morning. If Grand Bend wins the team will tackle either Ripley or Goderich rural in. the finals at 8:30 p.m. Lucan Pee Wees are entered in the “C” series. They play their first game against Tavis­ tock at 3:'3O p.m. Monday. The “C” semi-final game is played at 6:30 p.m. Monday and the championship round is Tuesday at. 9 p.m. How To Raise $400 Quickly Tou minutes after booster hockey officials announced on Thursday night that the club was $400 in debt, they IuuT*>< the money. Treasurer Harvey Pollen and Chairman Harry Penhale asked the members how to raise the deficit. Although it looked like a tough question for a minute, tile answer easily. Elmer D. pockets for lowed suit and $374 was raised in no time. Collector Jack Weber had trouble collecting all the money in one felt hat. came quickly and Bell dug into his $20; the rest foi­ Early start on a hockey team that “will win the league next year" was proposed at the Boost­ er Club meeting Thursday night. Members asked that a coach be appointed soon so that he can organize the team during sum­ mer and fall. They also favored operating on a “split the profits" basis rather than guaranteed pay for players. The meeting re - elected this year's executive and congratulat­ ed the officials for giving Exeter the "best hockey we’ve seen in 30 years," Show Support Support behind the club was indicated when present shelled off this year's Harvey Pollen from Thursday night’s meeting would almost cover all the out­ standing accounts. The Mohawks cost booster members and hockey $6,0'00 this year, the report showed. Over this was spent in which was termed a vestment for future years’’. Major expenses of the season included: coaching $880; players (including meals and transporta­ tion) $3,200; insurance $280; equipment $ 1,2 0 0; advertising .$200. The revenue came from: mem­ bership $1,195; season's tickets $230; home games gate receipts $2,240; blanket draw $176; car draw $1,7'95. Largest Gate The largest gate receipt of the season came from the Forest play-off game which netted $348; second best was the Zurich game, $246. Among the “disappointments” were the exhibition game with U.W.O. which lost $100; the Strathroy game which took in the 70 members out $400 to pay debts. Treasurer said the receipts fans over treasurer’s $1,000 of equipment “good in- only $40 and the St. Marys game which netted only $37. Ulric Snell, honorary president of the club, praised both club of­ ficials and players. “We’ve had wonderful hockey this season. I want to congratulate the execu­ tive for operating the team suc­ cessfully and giving the town the best hockey years.” Amid plimented the too. Blames Gregg Mr. Snell blamed Tory Pregg, W.O.A.A. manager, for prevent­ ing the group finals from being played. He charged that Gregg was entirely wrong in bringing Meaford, a “B” club, into the “A” group playoffs. Mohawks dropped out of the round robin when Meaford was brought in because the two home games with Meaford would have cost the club $2,000, Mr. Snell ■said. Members of the executive are: president W. G. Cochrane; vice- president, Lloyd Cushman; secre­ tary-treasurer Harvey Pollen; Honorary Presidents Ulric Snell, Luther Penhale and Harper Rivers; Directors Charlie Ache­ son, Wes Ryckman, Harry Pen­ hale, Irwin Ford, Russ Snell, Harry Coates and Jim Fairbairn. it’s had for 3'0 applause, he com­ players and coach, All Residue Removed From Premises THOROUGH ODORLESS This Machine Will Be Available MONDAY., APRIL 19 Place Your Order With The Exeter Times-Advocate PHONE 770 EXETER Buy Your Outfits For The For The Best Buy In Town See Our OK Used Cars and Trucks 1952 Chev Sedan — Low Mileage Like New 1947 Chev Sedan Good Condition 1947 Chevrolet 5 Passenger Coupe 1946 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Chevrolet 1 Ton Pick-Up 1950 Chevrolet Vi Ton Pick-Up 1945. International 2-Ton Stake ChevroletPHONE 100 Oldsmobile « Chev Trucks EXETER AND RECREATION By DOUG SMITH Bigger And Better The Mohawk Hockey Club will be bigger and better come next winter. That was the feeling I realized after last Thursday night's Booster Club get-together at Monetta Menard's. I can’t help but think that with such a group of enthusiastic boosters as we have, we can be assured of a winning team next year. A lot of well - deserved recognition was given to those people who were responsible for' bringing good hockey to Exeter, the people be­ hind the scenes. And as one Booster pointed out, we operated with a profit. Hilts off to our Booster Club and the re-elected executive. Curling Clubs Has our curling enthusiasm melted along with the ice or is this the calm before the storm? Is it possible that a pro-tem executive could be elected to in­ vestigate the pros and cons of this group becoming an active club next winter and to meet with the arena board in regards to cost and playing tiino? I’ll be very happy to help organize and procure stones, if the need for this group being organized is evident and if enough enthus­ iasm is shown. Reorganize Minors The date has been set for a meeting to re-organize our minor athletic association a week from tonight-—Thursday, April 22, at 8:0'0 p.m. at the town hall. Everyone interested in setting up a good organization to fur­ ther, foster and promote minor sports in Exeter should be there, remember • tre date — Thursday, April 22, at 8 p.m. Gymnastic, health habit and calisthenlc classes commenced on Tuesday night at the arena with a group of boys from II to 16. the and also A class of 12 was taught front roll, sausage roll dive back roll. Bowling teams were chosen Tuesday night with no age group barrier on teams but with beginners and poorer bowl­ ers getting handicaps to offset the difference in age and ability. A round robin series and play­ offs will make up the schedule with the girls bowling for one trophy and the boys the other. Both trophies ate donated by Rehe Francois. Girls’ Bowling Teams Roller Coasters: L. Hockey, captain; U. Francois, S. Irvine, A. Hockey, P. Merkley, S. Merk- ely, M. Belling. Alley Gals: R. Beavers, cap­ tain; S. Walper, J. Broderick, H. Kestle, D. Brydges, J. Snelgrove, B. Hogarth. Pinpoppers: II. MacNaughton, captain; S. Acheson, M. Sanders, H. Jones, L, Walper, C. Simpson, N. Boyle. Happy Gals: E. Haley, cap­ tain; M. Francois, D. Wells, Beavers, K. Page, M. Page, Frayne. —Please turn to Page A, M, 10 Goderich Pontiacs Upset Lakesides Goderich Pontiacs upset the vaunted Forest Lakesides in a bost-of-seven series to win the WOAA “A” title four games to two. 'the Lakesides, leaders of the Cyclone league this year, held the edge Over Gdderich all season. The Forest crew faltered when the chips were down, however. Goderich now meets Aytmer Trojans in the OIIA competition, This te a semi-final series. Parade At Gould and Jory The Smart Man Buys practical, up-to-date, quality clothes for spring! At Gould & Jory he finds the best in dress and sport shirts; colorful spring ties; gabardine topcoats, perfectly showerproof, for $23.50; handsome jackets and wind­ breakers in a variety of smart styles and colors from $7.95 to $12.50; ready-to-wear suits from $15.00 to $52.50; .long-wearing, stylish sport jackets from $28.50 to $29.50; odd trousers ranging from $7.50 to $16.95. You’ll find all you need for a new Easter outfit for your young boy, too. The Pretty Lady . . . Makes Gould & Jory her shopping headquarters for Easter wearing ap­ parel. She’s sure to discover some wonderful new clothes that will spar­ kle in the spring parade. Look over our sweet new dresses for spring . . . we’ve just received a shipment of modern shoes . . . and we have pretty scarves , . . and handsome gloves . . . handbags that are different , . . lamb’s wool sweaters you’ll love to wear . . . plus many other accessories. Be Bright! Be Gay! On Easter Day! Nylon Hose Special New Shipment 51-Gauge I5-Denier Spring Shades of Lively and Amber Ilegulai’ $1.50 Per Pair SPECIAL $1.19 Pair Three Pairs for $3.25 Grocery Specials For Thursday, Friday & Saturday STOKELEY’S TOMATO JUICE 48-02. fin .................................. ELLMAR PEANUT BUTTER 16-02. jar ................................... AYLMER PUMPKIN 28-ok. tin ..... . 3m 290 320 190 ZEST SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16-oz. jar .......................... 250 QUAKER PUFFED RICE 2 boxes .......................... 350 NABOB ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS Two-cup size, 30 bags ...................... 290 GOULD & JORY PHONE 16 Successors to Southcott Bros. EXETER