HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-08, Page 7THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1954 •Page 7 Pencil Sharpeners THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ^lO'HHIlUlllllllllIllillllllll,.. ....................................................................... ............................................................. ......................... I Do You Need A New X £ s £ £ s ,s s THEN HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A NEW Clare Brothers S £ :: s £ 30" Range. purchasing1 a new Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace between ----. -- -- . -___ _____- _ -___j___i SO" Range for nothing! To take advantage of Clare Brothers 100th Anniversary offer: See us. Buy the Clare Brothers Furnace most suited to your needs. Then, before December 31, 1954, write and tell Clare Brothers what you liked best about it. If your letter is the best received you will Win a new Clare "----------30" Range . . , gas or electric . . . absolutely free. FOR COMPLETE FURNACE CONTEST DETAILS remember: this is an unusual contest because is a separate prize for every Province. By purchasing a new Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace between now and July 31, you may win a famous Clare Brothers Jewel 30" Range for nothing! To take advantage of Clare Brothers 100th Anniversary offer: See us. Buy the Clare Brothers - ■ -___; 1954, write and tell Clare Brothers what you liked best about Brothers 1. 2. SEE US . and There You compete only with those people who have bought a Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace between now and July 31 in your Province! Phone 145 Lome Kleinstiver Plumbing and Heating DASHWOOD Box 86 = Opening Week SAVE THIS WEEKEND AT s Today. FREE! Stan Frayne General Store (Formerly Beaupre’s) NORTH EXETER V Tox celebrate oiir opening we’re offering you folks some terrific bargains this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Remember! These Specials are good for this Week- End Only. Come Up to See Us Groups Present Easter Message Main St. Evening Auxiliary Mrs, A. E. Holley led an im­ pressive Easter meditation at the Evening Aubiliary meeting held in Main St. United Church Monday night. A cross, lighted candles and Easter lilies formed the background for her message. Mrs, Sheldon Wein, in cos­ tume, gave a reading, “The Kingdom of Contentment,” which brought out the truth that the search for contentment usually ends in one’s home. Mrs. A, J. Sweitzer reviewed the study book and Mrs. George Braithwaite read the scripture. Mrs. Gerald Skinner’s group arranged the program. An invitation was accepted to join with Hensail Auxiliary this month for a special meeting. James St. Willing Workers The Easter meeting of James Sr. Willing Workers Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Otto Brownton Monday evening. Mrs. Les Thompson’s group was in charge of the program. The study book was reviewed by Mrs. W. H. Hodgson assisted by Mrs. L. Thompson, Miss Meta Salter and Mrs. H. Truemner. The worship service on the Easter theme was taken by Mrs. Thompson, Miss May Jones and Mrs. James Smith, Mrs, Clara Wellington told an interesting story, “The Pilgrim’s Gift,” the gift of the jasmine flower, the flower of content­ ment, to two little needy child­ ren. Success came to them through the cultivation of the flower which would not grow for anyone else. Miss Marilyn Skinner sang a solo in keeping with Easter. Vice-president Mrs. Wes Wit­ mer conducted the business meet­ ing in the absence of Mrs. Ralph Batten. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. Louis Higenelt, Pastor No Sunday School. 10:30—Confirmation Service. Rev. Louis Higenell, Pastor, MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, April 11— 10 a.m.—The Sunday School in all Departments. 11 a.m.—“The Easter Commun­ ion.” Reception of new members. United Church Good Friday Service in James St. Church. Preacher: Rev, A. E. Holley, ’ B.A., B.D. EXETER TABERNACLE P.A.O.C. Rev. II. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m. — Cottage Prayer and Bible Study. Thurs., 8 p.m. — Challengers Mrs. M. Prouty’s home. Fri., 6:30 p.m.—Happy Hour. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S, gun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.; Mr, E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Subject Redeemed. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—The New Birth. at Sorority Adopts Korean Child Plans to adopt a Korean child were made by members of Beta Sigma Phi sorority at their meet­ ing at the home of Miss Helen Westcott, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jack Doerr presided for the business meeting and the program on the theme, “Getting to Know People,” was in charge of Miss Irene Beaupre and Mrs. Lou Bailey. Miss Anne Kartushyn, Mrs, R. C Dinney and Mrs. Van Laugh­ ton assisted the hostess. s £ □ X £ £ £ £ E Pre-Easter Sale Wednesday, Thinrsday, Saturday, April 14, J 5, |7 On Electrical Fixtures Fixtures for Every Room in Your House At a Price YOU Can’t Afford to Miss.! Dining Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom and Qut-EJoor Fixtures , . , GLOBES, SHADES, HOLDERS FLUORESCENT LIGHTING pf EVERY DESCRIPTION 5 2 2 = Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam Notices 75c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices are, 75c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. G. Camphell, Seaforth Interim-Moderator Organist: Mrs. J, G. Cochrane 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Divine Worship. Student from Toronto College, Women’s Missionary Thankoffer- ing—April 22, at 8 p.m. Pentecostal W.M.C. The Pentecostal W.M.C. met at the home of Mrs. Silas Stanlake. Mrs. Clifford Blanshard gave an interesting discussion on “Sal­ vation”. It was voted to have Miss June Deacon, missionary on furlough from Kenya, Africa, as speaker for the missionary rally. Missionary sewing of boys’ and girls’ clothing was completed. Times - Advocate want-ads ■ use for results, read for profit From 5^o to 25^0 Off on all fixtures sold during these 3 days! See Our Complete Stock on Display PHONE 34 GERALD GINGERICH'S Heating - Lighting - Plumbing Repair Service ZURICH Il l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l t l l l l t l l l l t l l l l l l l l l t t l l t t l l l l l l l l l t t t l l l l l U i l l l l l l l l l t t l l l t l l l FREE! Free Bottle of Coke to Every Customer Free Baskets of Groceries We’re giving away $2.50 baskets of groceries ,to four lucky customers—1 on Thursday, 1 on Friday and 2 on Saturday. KLEENEX Regular or Chubby .... 2/390 McCORMICK’S SODAS Salted oi* Plain .... 1-lb. 290 LIBBY’S FANCY PEAS Tenderking ...... 15-oz. 2/370 MAPLE LEAF SALMON Sockeye, is .................... 390 SCHNEIDER’S SHORTENING Crispy-Flake ....... 1 lb. 200 NO. 1 SPY APPLES Price ............. 3 lbs. 380 FRESH AND COOKED MEATS FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Z £ IMPORTANT NOTICE In order to offer you the lowest possible prices, we are forced to operate on a cash basis. We ask your co­ operation in maintaining this policy. STAN FRAYNE GENERAL STORE Phone 301 WE DELIVER North Exeter Agent for Brady Dry Cleaners .. . . . . - - ■ ■ S E £ £ i £ FROST-FREE REFRIGERATOR FREEZER ■00% AUTOMATIC DEFflOSTlHS tROM TOP tO BOTTOM FROST*FREE REFRIGERATOR FREEZER '00% AUTOMATIC DEFROSTIHS tflOM TOP TO 80H0M rhe Only Refrigeratorrhe Only Refrigerator vith a SPECIAL PLACE i..SPECIAL COLO For each and every Vind of food. vith a SPECIAL PLACE SPECIAL COLD For oath and every bind of food. 1*1* £ HENSALL Mrs. William Boa Mrs. William Boa, of Hensall, passed away in Victoria Hos­ pital, London, on Tuesday eve­ ning, April 6. She suffered a frfactured hip two weeks ago at her home. Mrs. Boa, who would have celebrated her seventieth birth­ day in May, was the former Mar­ garet Latta, and was born jn Tuckersmith township, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Latta. She had been a resident of this district for the past 50 years, having resided one and one-half miles south of Hensall. She is survived by her hus­ band and five sons, Alex, of Goderich, George of Staffa, Jack, Max and Paul at home, and one step-son Maurice, of Windsor; three daughters, Mrs. D. Schell (Eva), of Detroit, Mrs. Isabella Briglitmore, London, Mrs, John Cochrane, of Hensall, and seven grandchildren. Mr. W. R. Dougall, Hensall, received word of the death of his aunt, Mrs. Robert Dougall, who died at the home of her son Eugene, in Winnipeg, Man., after a lingering illness. She was the former Elizabeth Maguire and was born at Lucan. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Carrothers (Margaret), of Win­ nipeg. D.D.G.M. Albert Keys, Exeter, paid his official visit to Hensall 223 I.O.O.F Tuesday evening. P.D.G.M. Earl Campbell extended a vote of thanks to Mr Keys for his service throughout the year. BIRTHS BECKER — Mr, and Mrs. Borne R.Becker, Dashwood, announce the ■birth of their son, David Robert; a brother for Diane; at South Hur­on Hospital, Match 31, 1954.BOSSENBERRY—Mr. and Mrs. Har­ry Bossenberry, Grand Bend, an­nounce the birth of their daughter, Pamela, at South Huron Hospital, April 2. 1954.KIRK —Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kirk (nee Doreen Chapman) are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Donald James, at South Huron Hospital, April 2, 1954, McCANN — Mr. and Mrs. Clem Mc­Cann, R.R. 3, Dashwood, announce the birth of their daughter, Carolyn Theresa, at South Huron Hospital, April 2, 1954; a sister for Mary Lou. Donny. Kenneth and Tommy. PRESZCATOR—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Preszcator, London, announce the birth of their daughter, Wendy Marie, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, on March 30, 1954; a sister for Gary. DEATHS RIVERS —In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Thursday, April 1, 1954, Bruce Henry Rivers, in his fifty- third year. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Wellington Haist is having a Trousseau Tea for her daughter, Ber­ nice, in honor of her approaching marriage on April 17. The tea is be­ing held on Wednesday, April 14, from 2:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon and 7:00 to 10:00 in the evening. The public is cordially invited to attend. • CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Amos Wildfong wish to express their very sincere thanks to the neighbors, re­latives and friends for the many kind expressions of sympathy, flowers and help extended during their recent sad bereavement. 8c I- wish to express my thanks for. the flowers, cards, gifts, etc, sent to me while a patient in the South Hur- JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 am.— Sunday School. . a.m.—-Morning Worship. Palm Sunday. Sermon Subject; “The Christ of the Cross.” Anthem by the Choir. Easter Communion. Reception of new members, p.m.—Evening Worship. Solo by Nancy Boyle. A warm welcome is extended to all. Good Friday Service at 11 a.m. in James St. church. Rev. A. E. Holley will be the speaker. Buy the Girl or Boy a Fine Watch For Confirmation SQUARE DEAL s 11 7 CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, April 11— 10 a.m.—The Royal Christ. • 11 a.m.—Sunday School. ‘7:30 p.m.-—Around the Cross. Wed., April 14, 8 p.m.—Rev. E. N. Mohr. Fri., April 16, 10:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Bev. Carl Schroeder, Minister This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—Service in Main Street United Church. All welcome! 3 feature values Come In and See Us About These Cars s $2,2.5®$29.50 $39.50 17-Jewel Shockproof Waterproof Expansion Bracelet FULLY GUARANTEED) AT Albert Hess Watches - Diamonds ZURICH JUST ARRIVED! A New Shipment of Royal Doulton Figurines At a Special Discount of 1O% ’46 ’47 FORD COACH LINCOLN SEDAN STUDEBAKER SEDAN’50 Overdrive, Whitewall Tires, All Accessories CHEV COACH In New Car Condition ’89 ’53 ’45 ANGLIA COACH FORD 3-TON DUMP TRUCK Graham Arthur Phone 210 MOTORS Exeter “Your Studebaker - Reo Dealer” 5 § Warning! Get Your CEMENT ORDERS In Early There’s Going to Be a Bad Shortage of Cement This Year HURON LUMBER CO. LTD. PHONE 48 EXETER on Hospital and to the nurses for their kindness, liam Stone. We would like to take __tunity to thank our many friends, relatives and neighbors who so kindly lent us a hand at our sale, and dur­ing- packing, for the ■ many kind wishes and for all the many lovely gifts presented to us before leaving Exeter. Everything was most grate­fully appreciated, —Mahlon and Josie Ryckman. 8* I wish to express my sincere ap­preciation to all those who so kindly remembered me during my illness with cards, flowers and gifts. Special thanks to Rev. Crawfora. Dr. F. F. Boyes and Dr. William Scrimegeour. —Bert McFalls. 8* Mrs. Garnet McFalls wishes to thank all those who sent treats or visited her while she was a patient in South Huron Hospital; special thanks to Miss Claypole and the hos­pital staff. 8c Mr. Andy M. Easton wishes to thank all those who sent cards, treats and flowers and who visited him while a patient in South Huron Hos­pital. Special thanks to Miss Claypole and the hospital staff. 8‘ IN MEMORIAM DAVIS—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Jos. Davis, who passed away one year — April 2, 1953. She is gone but not forgotten,And as dawns another year. In our hours of lonely thinkingThoughts of her are always near. Days of sadness will come o’er us;Friends may think the wound is healed;But they little know the sorrowThat lies within the heart concealed. —Always remembered by busbandand family, 8* DELBRIDGE—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Franklin J. Delbridge, who passed away April 6, 1944.Each dawning day, a thought of you; At eventide a prayer;And in our hearts who love you true, You always will be there. —Ever remembered by his wife and daughter Bernelce. 8* doctor and —Mrs. Wil- fi’ this oppor- ago, WESTINGHOUSEWESTINGHOUSE RANG! .— .SUPER COROX the world’s fastest surface element. . THAT GETS „ * RED HOT in 30 seconds JJmpwai 30 rahcc WITH .SUPER COROX the world’s fastest TJ surface element» * THAT GETS „ RED HOT in 30 seconds louse £ £ 5 £ E £ BEAVERS HARDWARE Phone 86 HOME OF BETTER TV SERVICE Exeter = s s s ^CHURCH OF ENGLAND v'’' PALM SUNDAY Sermon Topic—God’s Need.” Bev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector St. Paul’s, Hensall Sunday School and Morning Pray­ er—10 a.m, Tuesday, April 13, 7:30 p.m,— Evensong. Preacher; Rev. Fox. Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Sunday School—10:15 a.m. Morning Prayer—11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 14— Holy Communion—10 a.m. Evensong—7:30 p.m. £ .X ■ ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITOR 10 a.m.—Palm Sunday Worship. 1,1 a.m.—Bible School. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Speakers: Rev. and Mrs. J. Al­ lan Wallace, April 13, 8 p.m,—Annual Con­ gregational Business Meeting. April 15—Youth Rally Service with film, “The Power of God”, and “Singin’ and Talkin’ ’Bout My Lord”. Do not fail the attendance. April 16, 10:15 a.m..—Joint Holy Communion Service with and in the United Church. April 18, 6:30 a.m.—Easter Sun­ rise Service in the Evangelical Church. Speaker: F/L J. W. Mould. Other Easter services at regular time, We Welcome You to Each and Every Service with Doors Opening Inward! Bell Telephone Co Of Canada OFFERS PERMANENT POSITION AS Night Operator • FIVE-DAY WEEK • REGULAR PAY INCREASES • $19.50 PER WEEK WHILE LEARNING Applicants should have two or more years* high school education and be 21 years of age or over. Apply to: MISS MARY WELLS, CHIEF OPERATOR, Exeter, Ont S £ a | s £ £ £ X = £1 I! ;*■ £ * Complete Showing Complete showing of ladies’, misses* and girls’ suits, coats in shorties and full length, dresses, blouses, sweaters, slacks, gloves, nylon hosiery, slips, scarves, parasols, pyjamas, night gowns, flowers, foundation garments, etc. —a large stock to choose from at attractive prices. We feature Grand Mere sweaters for ladies. For Men Suits, topcoats, sport coats and slacks, blazers, ties, belts, gloves, sweaters, jackets, dress and sport shirts, cuff links, tie bars, dressing gowns, under­ wear; Stetson, Brock and Van Kirk hats, etc. New spring lines for girls and boys and complete new stock of infants’ wear. F. A. MAY & SON Phone 190 EXETER Phone 190 Men’s Wear — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Dry Goods — Floor-Coverings, etc. ✓ s u p E R I O R Phones 32 752 J. H. JONES Phones 32 752 GOLDEN NET SALMON Fancy Cohoe, 7%-oz. tins ......EACH 29C criscoPure Vegetable Shortening, 1-lb. pkgs.......... EACH WWV MONARCH SWEET MIXED PICKLES Large 24-oz, Jars ................ EACH QUAKER MUFFETS Pre-Cooked Cereal ........ SLIM BABY ROLL CHEESE 1»LB, ROLLS WESTON’S SODAS PLAIN or SALTED, 1-LS. PKGS. . ^PKGS.31c WESTON’S CHOC MELLOW COOKIES In Bulk .............. PER LB. EACH EACH AYLMER PEACHES Choice Halves 2 for 35c GARDEN PATCH CHOICE WAX BEANS 15-Oz. tins 2 for 21c INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE Large Rolls 2 for 23c FOOD MARKET SPEG1AL PRlCfeS PGR APRIL 8, 0 ANO 10