HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-01, Page 12THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1954 Maclean's Magazine "The boys asked m® to request soma whole wheel for a change.’’ FOREST LEGION DANCE FOREST MEMORIAE CENTRE Tuesday, April 6 LIONEL THORNTON & HIS CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA Dancing 0:30-1 .... Semi-Formal ADMISSION $2.00 A COUPLE Crippled Childrens Survey Now Under Way In Huron A survey of all crippled child­ ren in Huron County is now under way. The aim of the sur­ vey is to find crippled children who would benefit from medical or surgical treatment. The survey was planned at a j meeting in Huron County Health ; Unit Friday evening, March 19, ; of representatives from five : Lmr.s Clubs in the county. Dr. E. ! A M Master. Seaforth, acted as rhaacn.-i.a and C. H. Epps, of iCiinti'ii. as secretary - treasurer. | These ar- *he same ofifcers as in ; 1952 when the last crippled ! children’s survey and clinic was held. Dr R. M. Aldis offered to assist the secretary if the ueed arises. Represented at the meeting were She Lions Clubs of Brussels, COMING EVENTS THREE-ACT COMEDY "MAMA'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Mem­ bers; A meeting of all Auxiliaries in Region 3 will be held in Sea­ forth, April 13, at St 15 p.m. Members wishing to attend phone 64 or 104-W by Tuesday, April 6. 1° BABY BOY" Will Be Presented In WOODHAM ORANGE HALL Thursday, April 8 8:30 P.M. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Mem­ bers: Sewing and mending will be done at the hospital Tuesday, April 6, at 2:00 p.m. le ANNUAL MEETING of the Mc­ Gillivray Memorial Park Board will be held Tuesday, April 6, at 8:30, at McGillivray Hall, lc Clinton, Goderich. Bayfield and Seaforth. The Exeter and Blytli clubs have voiced their intention to help in the survey. Other Hu­ ron Lions Clubs are being con­ tacted to join in the survey; also Grand Bend Lions (Hub in Laiub- tor County. Also at the meeting were Miss Clare McGowan, of the Children's Aid Society, Gode- rirh, and Miss Elizabeth Wallace, or the Ontario Society for Crip­ pled Children, London. Teachers Make Lists Through J. H. Kinkead, public school inspector ,for North Hu­ ron, every teacher in the county will cases lists will be returned to Mr. Kinkead by April 9. By April 30 all cases will have been looked into by the six county nurses under the super­ vision of Miss Norah Cunning­ ham. If they find enough cases requiring medical attention a meeting of the committee will be held on May 5 to arrange for a clinic to be held in late May or June. At the last clinic held in May, 1952, 209 cases under 16 years of age were diagnosed by special­ ists, at Huorn County Health Unit. At the clinic were 99 ortho­ pedic, 25 hearing, 48 eye and 37 speech cases. This year no speech specialist is available in the district. list all crippled children in their sections. These 2 7 DISPLAYS LAMP — Mr. Owen Amos, right, displays the floor lamp he built during the shop classes of this year’s night school. Instructor W. A. Ness, left, admires the work. This is the third year night school has been held in Exeter. Mr. ami Mrs- R. M. Long and family, of Royal 'Oak, Mich., visited with Mr. aud Mrs. A. E. Wuerth over the weekend. Mr. T. O. Southcott and Miss Stella Southcott returned to Ex­ eter Sunday after spending seve­ ral weeks in Florida. Mr. Jim Vessey, of the staff of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, has been transfer­ red 'to Kincardine where he has been promoted to the position of accountant. Mr. L, D. Ballantyne, of Chatham, "’who replaces him here, arrived in town Wednes­ day. Euchre & Dance EXETER LEGION HALL Friday, April 2 Sponsored by the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah Lodges in aid of the Cancer, Polio and T.B. Fund Admission 50^ I.O.O.F. Orchestra Wives of members of the I.O.O.F. and Rebekahs Please bring lunch. Every one Welcome Presentation And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. GERALD ISAAC Lucan Community Centre Friday, April 2 Ladies Please Bring Lunch I Bake Sale And Tea Saturday, April 10 Exeter Library 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by Caven Club of Presbyterian Church Sponsored By Woodham L.O.B.A. Admission 500 and 25£ You All Come to the Junior Farmers' DR. WILFRED SHUTE, of Lon­ don, heart specialist, will address a gathering in the Exeter Town Hall Thursday, April 8-> at 8:30 p.m. Admission 35<£. Sponsored by Elimville and Hurondale In­ stitutes. Everyone welcome. lc MEETING SOUTH HURON DISTRICT H.S. at 8:30 p.m. THREE-ACT COMEDY, “Mama's Baby Boy", in Woodham Orange Hall, Thursday, April 8, 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by Woodham L.O.B.A-. Admission 50£ and 25£. lc Huron County Health Unit Immunization Clinic Immunization clinics will be held in the following schools: ON APRIL 8 — April 7, 1954 Girls: “Beautify Fann Homes”— Kathleen May- Boys: A Film BOYS PLEASE .BRING LUNCH Everyone Bring Euchre Cards All New Members Welcomed BAKING SALE, Saturday, April 3. Snell Bros. Garage, 3:00 p.m. Exeter Ladies’ Lawn Bowling Club. 1* FASHION SHOW presented by McKnight & Walper Ladies Wear in Grand Bend United Church, Wednesday, April 7, at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by the Grand Bend Women's Institute. Adults 50^, children 25^. 25:1c Farmers Tour Feed Plant A group of farmers from South Huron visited Toronto Elevators and Master Feeds De­ monstration Farms at Gormley. The tour was G Thompson Hensall. The farmers manufacturing operations on Demonstration Many Attend Among the tended were Jack Cooper, Bob McGregor, Jack Faber, Lloyd McDonald, Cliff Henderson, Nels Riley, Seldon Ross, Carl McClin- chey, Elgin Rowcliffe, Wilson McCartney, Gerald Moffat, Mor­ ley Cooper, John Pepper, Ross Turnbull, Wilson Broadfoot, Jack Sinclair, Bruce Tuckey, Aubrey Farquhar, Bill Bell, Harold Bell, Gordon Stone, Allan Turnbull, Archie Hoggarth, Harvey Hyde, Bill McLachlan, Alex Miller, Jack Consitt, John W. Henderson and Bob Jeffery. sponsored by W. and Sons, Ltd., were shown the of feeds and the the Leitchcroft Farms. farmers who at- = s Personal Appearance E E 5 of the Special E E E s E E S I Kansas Farmer And H is Entertainers Featuring the Noll Sisters, Walkerton., and Canada’s Only Singing Violinist , Old Time Show and Dance Friday, April 2 at 8:30 jp.rau sharp Hensail Town Hall | ADULTS 75f — CHILDREN 2Sf! | Sponsored by the Hensall Kinsmen Club I Proceeds for Kinsmen Civic Projects Gospel Services EVANGELIST URIE A. BENDER of Baden, Ontario ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH MARCH 27 TO APRIL 4 Prayer Service at 7:30 p.m. Come Praying and Receive a Blessing “Blessed are they which do hun­ ger and thirst after righteouness for they shall be filled.” Matt. 3:6 ANNUAL MEETING 3 E g 5 HELD OVES By Popular Demand =Sensational Attraction Do Not Miss THE LAUGHTER SHOW OF THE CENTURY of the HURON COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION will be held in TOWN HALL, CLINTON Tuesday, April 13 8:00 p.m. DR. W. C. SHARPE of the Beck Memorial Sanitarium WILL BE THE SPEAKER All Who Are Interested Are Invited to Attend F. J. SNOW, President The Amazing World’s Master 3 E 5 O' 3 Hypnotist EDWIN HEATH ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND 3 E E EE E EE M..B*H. 5 Z Is It the Eyes? Is It the Voice? Is It the Personality? IT’S EXCITING — AMUSING — FASCINATING WITH LAUGHS, SCREAMS AND YELLS s Must Be Seen To Be Believed !!I FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 2 and 3 “BACK TO GOD’S COUNTRY” (Technicolor) Rock Hudson Marcia Henderson Steve Cochran the greatest thrill s E s In S.H.D.H.S. Auditorium ★ ★ ★ Here’s .... ______ ____ ture of-the world . . . Wild throb­ bing excitement on Rim of the World. •'CARTOON AND ADDITIONAL SHORT pic- E S' = E E E | Thursday and Saturday E a E 5I E 3 S = "" " . S ADULTS 600 CHILDREN 300 Sponsored by District 4-H Clubs s Town Topics— Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. S.S. 2 Hay ..........<...... 9:45 S.S. 4 Stephen ......... 10:15 U.S.S. 15 Hay & Stephen 10:45 S.S. 12 Stephen ................ 11:30 Dashwood Public School .. 1:30 E.U.B. Church, Dashwood , 2:30 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. The third date of this series has been set for May 5.Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or re­ inforcing inoculations for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Small­ pox, I PLAN TO ATTEND f | THE FARM FORUM RALLY | | SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL | ! FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 9 j | commencing at 8:^0 p.m. £ | GUEST SPEAKER: MR. CLIFFORD WAITE, 1 = ONTARIO FARM RADIO FORUM SECRETARY I= E | Program Provided by Local Forums — Ladies Bring Lunch | t.iii.una. mm mHiiaimiaimiiiminmii iiiiiiiiin u n iiiiiiiiaailiiamiiaaaiiiaiaiiiiaaaiimiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiia^ Mr. Lloyd Cook, of Brantford, visited Sunday with Mrs. William Cook. Rev. J. Pollock, B.A.., Wing­ ham, was' the minister in charge of Caven Presbyterian Church service last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor and David visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ryckman and sons left Thursday for their new home near Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Southcott spent the weekend in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Don Traquair. Mrs. Alan Horton and son Larry, of Innisfail, Alta., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hennessey while Cpl. Horton is on course for several weeks at Camp Borden. Crash Record —Continued from Page 1 March 19. Police were notified of the break-in around 1 a.m. Saturday morning and took Eggert into custody three hours later. OPP Constables Elmer Zimmerman and Cecil Gibbons invesigated. Fined $100 An Exeter man who, police charge, drove at 70 miles an hour on Dundas Street in Lon­ don, at 2 a.m. Saturday, pleaded guilty in city court Monday to dangerous driving. Stephen Minter, 24, was fined $100 and costs and is prohibited from driving for 12 months. 'Mighty Mites' —Continued from Page 1 The pitcher had a very fast ball and after conferring with his catcher at the mound, the pitcher started to wind up, then he let go. The catcher at this moment slapped his glove hard. The um­ pire immediately called “Strike three, you’re out!’’ The pitcher was standing on the mound grin­ ning—the ball still in his hand. Guest speakers included G/C Bean, Mayor Cochrane, Andrew Bierling, Exeter Legion; Ralph G e n t tn e r, Kinsmen; Joseph Creech, Lions Club; Edward Brady, chairman of the Arena Board; Harold Kelson, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia; Rev. H. J. Snell, who said grace; R. E. Secord, Zone Recreational Di­ rector for Western Ontario; Derry Boyle, coach of All Star Pee Wees; Frank Coleman, man­ ager of London Majors. Mr. and Mrs. William Allison returned from Florida Tuesday. Mrs. Ralph Batten, who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is expected home this week. Mrs. C. W. Kestle, Stratford, spent the weekend with her mo­ ther. Mrs. Arthur Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Faliner and Mrs. Mabel Ewald, of Kit­ chener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mawhinney. Pat Hennessey is visiting rela­ tives in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Parker, Hamilton, were weekend guests of Mrs. Charles Harris. “Sandy” Elliott is carrying the little finger of his right hand in a plaster cast. Mr. Elliot had the finger fractured in an accident but he didn’t realize the extent of the injury until a coiiple of warm-hearted handclasps awoke him to the fact that something was radically wrong. On Sunday we had visions of spring. The robins have returned —crocuses were in bloom. Golf­ ers were out on the links and skipping ropes and marbles have made their appearance. But a snowstorm Monday changed the picture and the ground was covered a few inches deep. How­ ever, it is fast disappearing. Tuesday morning as a lady was about to cross Main St. a large truck speeded by and the lady was splashed from head to foot with melting snow that left her in an unpleasant mess. . Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwicn and family and Bennett Fisher, of Pont Huron, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher. Misses Donna Powles and Sadie Watson, of St. Thomas, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell on Sunday, Mrs. Pearl Powles returned with them. ATTENTION: SENIOR CITIZENS OF EXETER SOCIAL EVENING Legion Hall Tuesday, April 6 8:00 p.m. PROGRAM, CARDS, DANCING Ladies Please Bring Cake or Sandwiches and Cards THREE-ACT PLAY: A/o Bride For The Groom Grand Bend United Church Fire Guts Farm Home Fire left six 'people homeless when it gutted a brick farm house at the southerly edge of Fullarton Township early Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carl White; Carl Jr., 15; Diane White, 13, and Mr. and Mrs. James White escaped unharmed from the $8,- 000 fire which gutted the top floor of the two-storey house and left the ground floor a shambles. Lucan Victory —Continued from Page 1 and Jack Hardy, Ray Yelle; for­ wards, Fred, Glen and Leroy Revington, Ed Rowett, Ross Mc- Tavish, Herb Stretton, Len Gau­ dette, Ken Kirkpatrick, Bob Wat­ son and Ron Ste.yenson. Manager of the Lucan Irish this year is Harry Beaumont. Official coach is Jim Freeman. Members of the executive of the hockey club are: honorary president, Dr. C. H. George; president, Harvey Langford; vice- president, M. Bradley, Joe Benn, Karl O’Neil; treasurer, Art Mur­ dock; secretary, H. Hardy; dir­ ectors, Los Hindmarsh, W. S. Stanley, Ivan Hearn, J. B. Ready; timekeeper, Bob Murray; public­ ity, H. Stanley. During the regular season, Lu­ can finished in a tie for fourth place in the Cyclone standing with ten wins and eight losses. In the Cyclone “C” playoffs with Zurich, the Irish were extended to the full seven games-but came out on top in the final tilt. The club then eliminated Wallace­ burg Electrics four games to one in another best-of-seven series before tackling Mildmay. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY April 6 and 7 “JIVARO” (Technicolor) ★ Fernando Damas ★ Rhonda Fleming A beautiful white woman atone with the devil-may-care adven­ turers in the steaming jungles of South America. NEWSREED AND OARTOON Friday, April 2 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION 500 & 350 Sponsored by Y.P.U. Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Prexdews Its Coming Attractions %-----------1 FRIDAY & SATURDAY April 2 and 3 Fast Company ★ Hoivard Keel ★ Marjorie Main An entertaining horse - racing melodrama which should please everyone as well as all horse­ racing fans. Plenty of comedy. ALSO Jungle Jim Forbidden Land ★ Johnny Weismuller Tarzan-type jungle picture , . . MONDAY & TUESDAY April 5 and 6 The All-American ★ Tony Curtis ★ Lori Nelson Football picture with plenty of comedy and pleasing romance. Suitable for all, CANADA DOUBLES PRODUCTION IN 15 YEARS — Fac­ tory smokestacks illustrate increase in volume of industrial production since 1938 of six major nations, according to a compilation made by the Industrial Conference board, New York. Both Canada and the U.S. have more than doubled production. —Central Press Canadian WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY April 7 and 8 The Actress ★ Spencer Tracy ★ Jean Simmons fiombstie comedy drama based on the play, “Years Ago”, which appeals to young and old. ^iiiiimiaiaaaiiamaaaaaaaaaaiaamaiiaaautaaailiitaiiaaiaaiaiaamiiiaaiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiaiiaiiiaiiiiiiiiiaaaaiiliiiiliailiiiiiiiiiiiiiiail^ Rev. Bert Turner i Royal Oak, {Michigan | 1 will be guest speaker for f I Clinton Area Youth For Christ I Clinton District Collegiate | Saturday, April 3-8 p.m. i Those who heard this dynamic speaker on a previous | | engagement will not miss the opportunity of hearing him | = again. | E s » 3 3 Strathroy Lions Club MONSTER BINGO Strathroy Public School Friday, April 2 I Games Start Sharp at 9:00 P.M. $1,000.00 In Cash Prizes! $500.00-Jackpot Game! E | Entire Net Proceeds to West Middlesex |. Memorial Centre Fund | ADMISSION $1.00 = Includes 12 Regular Games Exeter Booster Hockey Club 3 5 E S 2 3 3 3 S 3 General Meeting and Player Night Entertainment - Smorgasbord Everyone Interested in Hockey Will Be Most Welcome Monetta Menard's Thursday, April 8 8:30 p.nt Tickets Available from Any of the Executive - J 1 E 3 EE 3s E sE E 5 EE E E 3 E 3 3 s E 3 g 1 5