HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-01, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1954 Page 11 Comments About Clandeboye By MRS, C. / PATON Harvey W. RielH Funeral services were held on Friday for Harvey W. Riehl, 37, who died in Stratford General Hospital on Wednesday, March 24. He had farmed in Ellice township until eight years ago. He was on the maintenance staff of the Kroehler Mfg. Co., Strat­ ford. He was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church and a former member of the choir. Surviving besides his wife, the former Aileen Paton, of Clgnde- hoye, are one son, Robert, aged four, and one daughter, Veneta, 11. at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Werner Riehl, two brothers, Leonard and Clarence/'and ope sister, Mrs. Louis Malcho, Strat­ ford. Rev. G. N. Schaus officiated foi the funeral services held in St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on Friday, Pall bearers were Oral Fisher, Gadshill; Wilfred Logan, Thorn­ dale; Emerson Paton, St. Marys; Milton Riehl, Sebrlpgville; Wil­ liam Paterson, Startford, and Charles Rieder, of Shakespeare. Interment was mode in Avon­ dale cemetery. Boy Breaks Ankle Billie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Schroeder, had the mis­ fortune while playing in the barn to break his ankle. Dr. Paterson, of Lucan, was called and had the boy taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. Due to the snow storm, the roads were slip­ pery and slowed up traffic. Mr. Schroeder held an auction sale of farm stock and imple­ ments oil Monday. It was during the sale while a group of boys were playing in the barn, that Billie met with the accident. Clandeboye W.I, Members of the Girls Club and their mothers were guests of the Clandeboye W.I. at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Scott. Roll call was answered by “Naming Familiar Country Sounds’’. Mrs. James Cunningham pre­ pared a paper on Agriculture and Canadian Industries, which was read by Mrs. A. Blake. Mrs. Arthur Hodgins was presented with a baby spoon for her new daughter, Patricia. Miss Mar­ garet Ann Henry described her trip to Ottawa where she and another student were guests of Robert McCubbon and Harry O, White. The two students repre­ sented the 4-H Clubs in Middle­ sex County. The Club Girls took charge of the program and entertained with with a variety of Irish numbers. They described their project, “What Shall I Wear’’ and model­ ed blouses they had made. Miss Janet Scott was chairman for the program. Fourteen girls, who had com­ pleted their project, were pre­ sented with bracelets. Four girls, Misses Janet Scott, Marie Carter, Joan Murless and Marion Morton, were presented with forks and Misses Edith Carter, Suzy Mur­ less, Edith Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Ruth Donaldson, Marilyn Eaton, Marlene Harrison, Beth McRann, Eleanor Thompson, Sandra Williams and Pauline Dixon were presented with spoons. The girls presented their lead­ er, Mrs. W. Scott, and assistant leader, Miss Mirion Morton, with gifts of appreciation. W.A. And Guild Mrs. Wagland entertained the members of St. James’ Church W.A. anti Ladies Guild at the i... ............. —.....— , .......................................... — IS YOUR MONEY OUT OF WORK? If you youtself were out of work— not making any mortey, you’d consider yourself something of a failure, wouldn’t you? By the same token—MONEY should be working, too, making more money and making it safely. 4% Guaranteed Trust Certificates • Unconditionally guaranteed ds to principal and interest. • Pay 4%, payable half-yearly. Short term—5 years. • Authorized investment for trust. funds. Nd fluctuation in principal. JM 5 YEARS ACCUMULATES Til J5M.00 THE STERLING TRUSTS C 0 R P o Iff AD OFFICE 372 Bay St. Toronto RATION BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St. Barrie h Sap’s Kunnin’ Mr. Harold Corbett report^ that syrup-making ppprations are in full swing on the Corhett farm With good runs of sap. G. G< Glenn, George Mercer, Don Su­ therland and Jim Young are in charge. Honor Lucan Player Ray Yelle, defenceman on the Lucan hockey team, before leav­ ing for baseball training in Flor­ ida with the Cleveland Indians, was presented with a travelling bag at the last game with Elec­ tric Hazzards. The bag, which was a gift of the Lpcan executive and fans, was presented by presi­ dent H. B, Langford and man' ager Harry Beaumont. Appear On f.V. Friday evening, prior to their performance at the Lucan Arena, the following members of the Lucan Figure Skating Club were thrilled to appear on T.V.: Nancy Haskett, Ann George, Rose Bev­ ington, Helen Hardy, Barbara Ready, Allan Hodgins, Marilyn Culbert, Beth Black, Margaret Neil, Donna Lawrence, Mary Orendorf, Laverne George, Ste­ phanie Stevens and Carolyn Law­ rence. Mrs. H. McFalls, of London, attended the Lucan Ice Revue last Friday and spent the week­ end with her daughter, Mrs. j Sheridan Bevington, and family. The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Dpi. and Mrs. Lustig and Terry,-of Camp Borden, and Mac and Ken Allen, of Huron Park, were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooy, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dick ins were dinner guests Tuesday eve­ ning with Mr and Mrs. Ronald Squire, of Whalen, Mrs. Heber Davis spent Thurs­ day and Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs A. Flannigan and son were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Latta. Mr. and Mrs. D Maguire and sons were guests Saturday eve­ ning with Mr, and Mrs. A. Dic­ kins, of Ballymote. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hess, of Zurich. Miss Joan Barker spent the weekend at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald and Joyce were Sunday guests with Mrs. W. J. Dickins, of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott and Muriel were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee. Mrs. Clifton Brock, Crediton, put on a brush demonstration in the parish hall of St. Patrick’s Church on Wednesday afternoon, sponsored by the Sunday School officers. The annual meeting of St. Pat­ rick’s Church was held Wednes­ day evening with the largest turnout reported in a number of years. Mr. Mills was in charge of the meeting. Rectory on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Andy Carter presided for tbe W.A. meeting with the theme of Easter. Scripture reading was given by Mrs, L. A. Kilmer. Mrs. Wagland led in the Litany. The others taking part in the devo­ tions were Mrs. Emily Tomes and Mrs. Carter, who also gave an Easter poem. Invitations were received from the W.M.S. of Clandeboye United Church and the W.A. of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, to attend meetings on April 7 in the after­ noon, In the absence of the presi­ dent, Mrs.- E. Lewis, Mrs. E, Flynn presided for the Guild meeting, Those assisting the, hos­ tess in serving refreshments were Mrs. L. A. Kilmer, Mrs. Cecil Carter and Mrs. Omar Cun­ ningham. Personal Items' Attending the funeral service in Stratford on Friday of Harvey Riehl in St. Peter’s Lutheran Church were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and Clare, William All- wright, Mr. and Mrs Rea Neil and Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Thomp­ son and Ivan. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and family have moved from the village to reside in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing, Karen and Joan, of Chatham, spent the weekend with Mrs. Downing’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hendrie. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vine and family, of RCAF Station Cen­ tralia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murless on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick-Parker, De­ lores and Carol, Harriston, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mitchell, of London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter bn Sunday. The Rev. G. Burton Hodgson, Mrs. Hodgson and Susan, of Bir­ mingham, Mich., visited with the former’s mother, Mrs. E s 1 i e Hodgson, on Sunday, - Mrs. Mervin Carter received a message from Lucknow that her aunt. Miss Jane Bowman, was ill. Miss Bowman passed away on Monday, March 29, at the age of 87. TO®■q Lucan And District News 'World Tour' Entertains 700 “The World Tour” staged by the Lucan Figure Skating Club last Friday drew a large crowd. Mrs. Helen Lawrence is to be congratulated, not only on the splendid program but also on the marvellous progress made by her pupils since the club was organ­ ized. • Most of the beginners, in war paint and feathers, made staunch Indians and were able to keep upright (most of the time), The one Lucan solo number by Mar­ garet Neil was exceptionally well done. The varied and colorful cos­ tumes of English, Irish, Scotch, Spanish, American, Persian, Chin­ ese and air force entailed hours of work in the planning and making. Mrs. Helen Lawrence's lighted African solo number deserves spe­ cial mention, as do numbers by Kerry Leitch of the Woodstock Skating Club, Joan Lowden, Joan Harris and James Forden of the Windsor Skating Club and Edith Daniel and Alan Hall of the In­ gersoll Skating Club. Last but not least were two comedy num­ bers. It takes a clever person to act the clown. Len Gaudette and his two assistants drew a big hand of applause. At the end of the program Mr. Jack Lawrence, who did the an­ nouncing, called on Mr. Erwin Scott. On behalf of the Lucan Figure Skating Club, Mr. Scott thanked the nearly 700 present for their support of the club. He congratulated Mrs. Lawrence on the strides made by her pupils and thanked all those who had assisted in making the Revue such a splendid success, especial­ ly those who spent hours in the making of costumes. He also ex­ tended an invitation to all child­ ren interested in figure skating to join the club next year. Lucan Juniors Elect Officers At a banquet served in the basement of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, by the Ladles Guild, the Lucan Juniors elected the follow­ ing officers r Junior Farmers — honorary president, Erwin Scott; past president, Bob Lewis; ipresi- den, Ron White; vice-president, Roy McComb; secretary-treasur­ er, Jack Ryan, assistant, Ralph Lynn; directors, Gerald Lynn, Frank Ryan, Neil White, Jim Mc­ Comb; county representative, Jim McComb. Junior Institute — honorary president, Mrs. Clarence Lewis; president, Marie Lewis; vice- president,'Ann White; secretary­ treasurer, Jeanne McComb, as­ sistant, Aleda McComb; directors, Catherine Benn, Marion Benn, Shirley Ryan and Marguerite Mc­ Roberts; county representative, Jeanne McComb. Officers of joint meetings: chairman, Pat Crunican; secre­ tary, Marion Benn, assistant, Don McComb. ’ Founder's Day The Founder’s Day meeting of the Lucan Home and School was held in the United Church par­ lors Tuesday evening, March 23, with Mr, Stewart Park presiding. As the April meeting will be Fathers' meeting, Mr. Murray Hodgins was chosen as grade father. Members wishing to accept the invitation of the Parkhill H. and S. to attend their Hobby Show on April 2, were asked to phone Mrs. Calvin Haskett. A number of pictures donated for the new school were on display. It was voted to hold a candy and bake sale on April 3, with Mrs. Mur­ ray Hodgins, Mrs. D. Stuart and Mrs, John Park in charge. Mrs. George Paul had charge of the Founder’s Day candle­ lighting service. Ex-president Mrs. T. A. Watson lit the first candle in honor of Mrs. A, C. Courtice, who founded the Home and School in 1916; Mrs. M. Eizenga, the second for the On­ tario Federation, and Mrs. Rufus Thompson, the third for Our Association. Mrs. Clarence Hardy gave an interesting talk on the duties of officers and explained the pro­ cedure of election of officers. The following nominating com­ mittee was named: Mrs. Dave Park, Mrs. C. H. George, Mrs. Erie Young and Mrs. T. A, Wat­ son. The attendance cup went to Grade Three. Surprise Party Mrs. R. Smith was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party held at the home of Mrs. Frank Brown on Saturday eve­ ning.. On Sunday, Mrs. Smith entertained friends at her home. C.G.I.T. Meeting The Lucan C.G.I.T. held their regular meeting in the United Church parlors Tuesday evening. As many of the girls were at the arena practising for the Ice Re­ vue, the attendance was small. However, plans were discussed for the C.G.I.T. bazaar to be held some time in May. United Church W.M.S. The March meeting of the United Church W.M.S. was held in the church parlors last Thurs­ day afternoon with the president, Mrs. T. S. Hill, presiding. Mrs. Pitt’s group had charge of the program and refreshments. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Wiliam Aylestock.- Mrs. Myron Culbert took the Study Book, Mrs. J. McLean read an Easter story and Mrs. E. R. Pitt read a poefn. Mrs. George Young sang a solo. Evenihg Auxiliary Mrs. J. B. Ready was hostess for the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church last Thursday with Mrs. Dave Park presiding. Mrs. Mel Culbert's group had charge of the program and refreshments.- The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. C. Sovereign and prayers by Mrs. H. Saulnier. The study book was taken by Mrs. Stewart Park and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson. Miss Reta Cliown reported oh Com­ munity Friendship. Mrs. Mel Cul- beft offered her lionie for the next meeting. Mr, and Mrs. E- R. Pitt attend­ ed a euchre held at the new Hunt School, No. 5, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels and family, of Aylmer, spent Sunday with Mrs. W, Dickins. Mr. Fred Revington, who re­ cuperated from his recent hockey accident at the home of his sis­ ter, Mrs. Harry McNaughton, of London, is able to be home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Richie of Lon­ don spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett. Miss Betty Dobbs, of Toronto, spent last weekend with her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobbs. After a three weeks* stay in Waterloo, Mrs. M. O. Smith has returned home. « MOTHER NATURE HAS SET UP A VERY EFFICIENT STORAGE AND CHOPPING y SYSTEM IN CHICKENS. THE CROP H0LD5 the Food and sends it down the ' SOFTENING-UP TUBE WHERE THE GIZZARD OR GRINDER CHOPS IT UR 7 THt H»N V ANATOMY AM® IfffW 1 £5 g> -Zip' yy 7 //*•*•* **’ «*****’ T TTER rJTVXr (STARTER^ r Ji Lions Club Drive Nets Cross $466 District Governor Carleton Wells, of London, was the guest speaker at the Lions dinner served in the Anglican Church basement on Monday evening by Mrs. K. Egan’s group of the Ladies Guild. Other speakers were John Anderson, of the Red Cross, and Robert Edwards, of the Central Lions Club. An inter­ esting feature of the evening was the presentation of a cheque for $466.25, which the members, headed by Harold Whyte, had collected for the Red Cross. Ninety-One Years Old Mr. Jack Casey celebrated his ninety-first birthday quietly in his own home on Monday, March 29. Mr. Casey's looks belie his age. He is still in good health and is again making plans for his garden this spring. Assist In Service The W.M.S. assisted in the service in the United Church on Sunday evening. Mrs. Warner Mc­ Roberts read the scripture, Mrs. J. McLean led in prayer and Mrs. T. S. Hill read the story of “The Old Rugged Cross’’, which was followed by the choir singing this old familiar hymn. Rev. E-. M. Cdok, who has spoken on “The Lord's Prayer’’ during the Lenten services, continued the series by speaking on the theme “Forgive us our trespasses”. Mrs. T. D. Orme and Mrs. J. H. Cantelon took up the collection. The Len­ ten services are being well at­ tended. Cqursey School Euchre Misses Alice Haggar, Loreen and Genevieve H o d g 1 n s were hostesses for the eight-table eu­ chre at the Coursey School last Wednesday evening. Prizes for high score went to Mrs. Wilson Hodgins and Mr. Jim McIntosh and for second high score to Mrs. Stone and Mr. Harvey Hodgins. Mrs. Charles Grose won the lucky chair prize. The last euchre of the season wiil be held Thursday evening, April 8, and will take the form of a pot-luck supper. Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and Mrs. H. Stokes will be hostesses. Ladies Guild The Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Church held their March meeting in the Parish Hall last Monday evening with Mrs. James Thompson presiding. Mrs. J. F. Wagland read the scripture les­ son. The president announced that the two electric stoves donated by Mr. W. Haskett and Mr. U. F. Stanley, were now in place and one had been installed in time for the Junior Farmers banquet. The remodeling of the kitchen was discussed. A number of ap­ rons were turned in and dis­ played. It was decided to have a tea-towel shower at the next meeting. The president of the W.A., Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, extended an invitation to the joint meet­ ing of St. James and Holy Trinity W.A, to be held in the Parish Hall Wednesday, April 7 at 2:30 p.m. when the guest speaker will be Mrs. Cyril Powers, returned missionary, Mr. T. S. Hill received word his brother, Mr. Wilfred Hill, is in Niagara Hospital with a frac­ tured vertebra, the result of a fall. BOTH OF THESE CHICKS ARE gA THE SAME AGE AND HAVE THE SAME SIZE CROP ANO GIZZARD AND EACH OF THEM EAT THE U GAME VOLUME Or FEED ® DAILY. ONE TH RIVES. ..THE O OTHER STARVES ANO HERE’S WHY. w“" ~rCZ~ 4. J Personal Items Mrs. William Haskett, who had the misfortune to let a heavy roll of linoleum fall on her foot, has discarded her crutches. Mrs. Frank Coates, of Exeter, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Bob Coleman, last Thursday, The following members of Holy Trinity Senior A.Y.P.A. attended the London Lenten Rally at St. David’s Church last Monday eve­ ning: Misses Marion Ashworth (president), Marion Coursey, No- reen Hodgins, Joan Murless and Douglas Stone, Frank Hovey and Roscoe Hodgins. " Mrs. Harry McNaughton and Miss Gertrude Kent, of London, took in the Lucan Figure Skating Revue Friday evening. Congratulations to Mr. W. A. Sovereign who won $285 as the result Of the Irish Hospital Sweepstakes draw. He was ad­ vised by telegram his ticket had been drawn for a £100 consola­ tion prize. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and family, of Brantford, were week­ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford and family, of Detroit spent last weekend with Mrs. Irene Coursey and family. Mr. Will Havekost, of London, spent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Will McFalls. The staff of the Lucan Public School probably thought they should have remained in their temporary quarters when some­ things went wrong with the heat­ ing system in the new school on Monday and classes had to be dismissed. Mrs. Warner McRoberts has been doing some occasional teaching at Medway recently, Mrs. Arthur Abbott was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Len Lobsinger, of Sarnia, were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Reving­ ton and took in the Luean-Mild- may hockey game. Mrs. Wes Revington and Mr. Gerald Lewis, two Lucan patients in St. Joseph’s Hospital, are mak­ ing satisfactory progress towards recovery. Mr. Jack Darling, who has been confined to his home for some weeks, is able to be back I to work. Mr. Tom Weller is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler Jr. have returned home from a two- mouth trip to Holland. While there they visited the grave of Mr. Frank Egan and took pic­ tures. Mr. Spencer A. Stanley of Tor­ onto spent last weekend with his father, Mr. Alex Sceli, and niece, Mrs. Russell Goddard and family. Mrs. Walter Hodgins, who un­ derwent an operation in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital on Saturday, is making satisfactory progress. Mr. Ray Elson, who has been confined to his home for over six weeks with a heart condition, re­ turned to work on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Reving­ ton and family attended the birthday party of Peter Reving­ ton, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Revington of Centralia on Sunday. Miss Katharine Bawden, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Miss Ida Porte and Mrs, Helen Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummings, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Jack Graham and Barbara, of Chatham, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell Haskett and Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Haskett, The Lucan Lions Club spon­ sored a draw for an all-expenses- paid trip and two tickets to a Maple Leaf game in Toronto. The draw was made in the Lucan Arena last Thursday evening and the lucky winner was Mr. Ross Clatworthy of Granton, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter and daughter, Dawn Marie, of Detroit, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey, H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. Logs Wanted Any Species of Wood, Especially Basswood, Hard Maple, Rock Elm and Oak Also Pieces of Bush Timber Contract Barley See Our Contracts Before You Decide Where You Sign Up — Limited Number of Acres Feed and Seed Grain AU Kinds — Excellent Quality Scott s Elevator Erwin Scott PHONE: Office 63, Res. 110 LUCAN, ONT. look around you on a busy street You’ll see the kind of people who borrow. They represent almost every occupation... professional men, office employees, crafts­ men, skilled and unskilled workers... anyone who has faced a family or business emergency. If you were to have a sudden, real need for money, could you meet that need with savings and income? If you couldn’t you would have to find a dependable outside source. Household Finance—a leader in the consumer finance field—provides just such a source. We provide prompt, constructive money help when it is needed, for any worthwhile purpose, Read our free booklet, "Money Management, Your Budget.” H’s available at your nearest branch office, or by Writing: Consumer Education Department, 80 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario. /HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CANADA’S lAROEST, MOST RECOMMENDED CONSUMER FINANCE COMPANY Service Dept 'HERE'S THE SECRET, KIDS. THIS HAND HOLDS THE DAILY FOOD FOR OUR POOR TIRED CHICK, THIS HAND HOLDS ROE VlTAGROW AND GRAIN FOR OUR PERKY CHICK. NOTICE THAT BOTH LOTS ARE THE SAME BY VOLUME BUT VITAGROW IS LOADED WITH HEALTH AND n GROWTH PROMOTING INGREDIENTS. THE SECRET IS QUALITY HOT QUANTITY. *1 z^l A JUST LIKE MOTHER SAYS- NOT HOW MUCH/ I EAT BUT WHAT/^ -'''SURE, CHICKS NEED A BALANCED DIET TOO, MEAT,VEGETABLES,CEREALS. VITAMINS, ALL FRESH < AND CAREFULLY CHOSgt/j I EAT. (It#? it YOU HIT IT, PETE. YOU TOO CAN ONLY HOLD SO MUCH ~ MAKE SURE IT IS < ABAlANffPMEAL Igl CHICKi BE SURE- BE SAFE START WITH VITAFOOD ANO SWITCH TO VIWROW £W.0Wi.ET£ ira H. Kellerman, Dashwood C. Tindall, Mooresville Lome Eiler, Hensall aaaaife