HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-04-01, Page 6Page 6 THE TJMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1954 ., ,., ,„ .,, d , 11.1 Streamline Your Work........... ..... Stamp It To Speed It ~r- Let Us Supply You With — RUBBER STAMPS The Times-Advocate | ---------------------»---------------------i------ --- ------ ----------- ---------~------r-W The Weather Is Uncertain — Not Want-Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Need Income Stability I There is little difference in farm costs involved in producing a bumper crop, or an average one ... a crop that sells for high prices, or much lower prices. Every year wise farmers avoid some risks of high fixed production costs by growing definite acreages in rotation of the really dependable crop . , . SUGAR BEETS . . . the crop that not only puts money in poc­ ket, but money in the hank too! THE ONE CROP WITHOUT DANGER OP SURPLUS — A SURE MARKET FOR EVERY SUGAR BEET DELIVERED! IMPORTANT Check Al! the Market Forecasts FOR NEXT FALL, the Time When You Have to Sell’, and , You’ll grow More Sugar Beets in 1954 Contact Your District FieldmUn Bill Amos - Parkhill Phone 602-r-H Canada & Dominion Sugar Co. Ltd. CHATHAM WALLACEBURG YELLOW BLOSSOM sweet clover seed. Bring sacks. •— Leslie Adains, R.R. 2, Dashwood, phone 34-r-5 Dash­ wood. 1* YELLOW BLOSSOM sweet clover. Apply Jim Eagleson. phone 48-r-l Grand Bend. lc 9 YORK PIGS. 6 weeks old, Cham­ bers & Darling, Exeter, lc HEINTZMAN PIANO, in good condi­ tion. Phone evenings, 687-W. 1* SAVE OVER $1001!—Terrific bargain, but there's only one—'53-’B4 Crosley Shelvador refrigerator. 9.6 cu. ft. Keg. $469.50. Will sell lor $350 cash. Snel- grove’s, phone 18 Exeter, lc z INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 9- ft. stiff-tooth cultivator, in good con­dition, with wide shovels, phone Hpn- sail 675-r-33 or apply Arnold Gack- stetter. Inc '51 CHEV SEDAN DELIVERY priced reasonably. Phone 7 Exeter. lc CANADIAN CEMENT — Exeter Dist­ rict Co-op, phone 287 Exeter. lc TIMOTHY SEED—Clipper seed beans. Apply Ben Dietrich, R.R. 1, Cen­ tralia, phone 378-W-3 Exeter._____1* SIX YEARLINGS, Shorthorn a n d Durham. — Gordon Morley, R.R. 3. Ailsa Craig._____________________J! DE LAVAL MAGNETIC milker, two single units complete with P’Pln& for 14 cows, good as new. J. AV, Miller, Woodham, phone Kirkton 22-r-9. 1* FRAME BARN, 30x45. Partially dam­ aged, Apply Gerald Godbolt, phone 378-J-2 Exeter.__________ ______ I* 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due to freshen May 10. Apply Eldon Bender, phone 699-r-12 Hensall. ______ 1:8* CASE PLOW, plowed around fifty acres. Write Box *W’» Exeter Times- Advocate. _____________________z_ FRAME BUILDING, 14x18. Rollbrick siding, good floor. Foi’ quick sale, Also one lot. Apply 89 William St, 1* CHOICE FEED TURNIPS—free from water core. Phone 173-r-13 Exeter, lc TIMOTHY SEED. Apply Cecil Rowe, phone 36-r-6 Dashwood.__________1* GERRARD HEINTZMAN PIANO -- Phone 287 Exeter. _________ 600 SUSSEX RED pullets, 10 weeks old March 25. H. T, Miller, half mile north of Dashwood, ph, 57-r-7, 4-ltfnc FIRST MORTGAGE on business pro­perty, $4,200.00; 6% interest and monthly payments on principal. Ap- ply Exeter Times-Advocate._______lc McCORMICK HOG FEED. This is good feed, $1.00 a cwt. Also canvas belting, 40 inches wide, idea] for roofing. Several line shaft pulleys, various sizes. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 1* PINK SHORTIE COAT, good condi­tion, size 16-18, reasonable. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners.__________lc MONTCALM SEED BARLEY, free of smut last year. Also Alaska seed oats. Apply Charles Prout, R.R. 1, Centralia, telephone 378-w-l Exeter. 25:1:8’ Canns Mill Ltd. Whalen 2 SCOTCH SHORTHORN bulls, reg­ istered and accredited. Apply Fred Brown, phone 73-r-4 Credion. HUS*6 3-lltfc USED CAR PARTS for Fords 1929- 1940, Chevs 1932-1941, Plymouths, De- sotos, Dodges, Olds and Pontiacs, etc. —Cudmore’s Gravel. Our location saves you money. Phone 171-r-3 Ex­eter. 3-18tfc STARTED CAPONS, White Wyan- dottes, White Rocks. Custom canon­izing. Apply Carl Oestricher, phone 57-r-23 Dashwood.__________18:25:1:8* THE SURGE MILKER—It’s fast, it’s safe, it’s durable, it’s quickly and easily scrubbed clean. Call Lovell Mc­Guire, Wingham, phone 593. Your Surge Service Dealer,_____1.8:1'.15:29c 75 CORDS DRY, hard 1-ft. wood. — Cudmore’s Gravel, phone 171-r-3 Ex­ eter.__________________ ______3-18tfc MAGAZINE SPECIALS—Save money . . . subscribe now. "American Home", 1 year $3.00; "Glamour”, 1 year $3.50; "House and Garden”, 1 year $5.00. —Exeter Times-Advocate. agent for EVERY magazine and newspaper. Phone 770._________t-anc BARY CHICKS FOR SALE WANT BIG EGGS early for big mar­ kets? Bray has the chicks. Breeds and crosses aimed for those markets, like Leghorns, R.I. Reds, R.I, x Leg., Min. x Leg. And many others. Pul­lets, mixed, started. Ask us for com­ plete list interesting breeds, crosses. Canadian Approved. Agent Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter Phone 24 6-W. lc STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES' collect, Ingersoll 21. or Exeter 287. I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS’ — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, tfc HELP WANTED START your own business selling a "MUST” to all families in your sur­ roundings. Interesting commission . . free samples with each order. Spe­cials with free products, Monthly pre­ mium. Free catalogue and details on request. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept, C., Montreal.______________lc Telephone Operator $1,800. . $2,-160. for- R.C.A.F. STATION, CENTRALIA For particulars, see posters, displayed at '"National Employment Service and Post able Civil 1200 TER THAN APRIL 10. Office. Application forms, avail- thereat, should be filed with the Service Commission of Canada, Bay Street, Toronto, NOT LA- lc MISCELLANEOUS STEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, imme­ diate service. Phone 108 Lucan or 130-W Lucan, —Butler Bros.4-l:8:15:22:29:5-6:13220:27* CALL 169-J OR 884-W EXETER for your lawn rolling this spring. Murray McCreery,___________________lc BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­ grapher, or typist in your 'spare time. Lessons 50tf. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto.18:25:1:8:15:22-’ PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553___________________Exeter WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. ______’__________’___________8-10tfc BE LONELY NO MORE! Correspond with members of the opposite sox, Some in your vicinity. Write for free particulars today. Ace Greeters, Box 90, Port Credit, Ont. 2-25:4:11:18:25:1* Checkerboard News WE’VB GOT THE SLICKEST calf pail you ever saw. You just screw a bracket on the wall and pail sits in it. The pail’s seamless and easy to clean. You ought to get one or more, and here’s how: just buy a bag of Purina Nursing Chow, famous milk replacer that raises bigger and better calves than milk, and we’ll sell you a pail and bracket at half the retail value—because we want you to feed Nursing Chow right and see the results. W.C. ALLIS CHALMERS tractor, with power lift cultivator. 1949 Ford tractor and plow. One rear end man­ure loader for Ford. Also some land to rent on shares for beans. Apply Wally Wein, telephone 54 Dashwood. 25:1* i GET YOUR SOIL tested and know your soil deficiencies. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter,__________25:1:8:15c PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, sign painting and floors tiled. Ed "Buck” Little, phone 196-R Hensall, Ontario.3-25:1:8:15:22:29:6:13* WANTED TO BUY—60 bus. Ontario Beaver oats suitable for seed. —Gordon Morley, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig, 1* TWIN BEDS in good condition. Ap­ply Box "G”, Times-Advocate. lc $4,000 TO $5,000 ON FIRST mortgage for apartment house jn Exeter. Monthly income over $200. Phone London 2-0403 from 12 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m, lc TO RENT in Exeter. Small house. Reliable couple, one child, school age. Phone 668 Exeter. 1* STANDING BUSH-LOTS — Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 620-*22 between 6 and 7:3Q evenings.4-Itfc 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer­ tilizer or road horses. Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter. ll-19tlc TWO MEDIUM SIZE houses, rooms on one floor, preferably oil furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons,- Salesman. 3-25tfc FOR RENT A NUMBER OF ACRES of sod to let out on shares. Apply Times-Advocate, FURNISHED, HEATED apartment, private bath, private entrance. Avail­ able April 3. —109 Huron St. 1* APARTMENT—AVAILABLE May 1. Apply Godbolt's Apartments, phone 202 Exeter. lc 4-ROOM APARTMENT. Running hot and cold water. Available at once. Apply Ken Hodgins, Centralia, phone 880-j-S. IP FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, tfc HOUSE—1% miles east of Centralia. Possession April 1, Phone 206-R Ex­eter. 3-25tfc TWO FURNISHED rooms and gar­age. Immediate possession. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25:1* REAL ESTATE GRAND BEND—On No, 4 Highway opposite Oakwood Golf Course. Well built rug brick house with three bed­ rooms down and three up. First floor is beautifully finished throughout, Kitchen and bathroom are very mod­ ern, Full basement with oil-burning furnace. Two nicely arranged cabins. Large garage and tidy barn with three acres of valuable land. The whole property is in wonderful con­ dition and nicely landscaped. It is greatly admired by all who see it. Possession given to suit purchaser. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 4-ltfc 250-ACRE FARM—13 miles from Ex­ eter. All together. One set of build­ ings. Silo, hydro, water pressure sys­ tem, bath. Write Box "W”, Times- Advocate, 1* 75 ACRES, EAST HALF of Lot 22, 13; 45 in pasture, 10 in bush, 20 ready for spring seeding; also "44" diesel Massey-Harris tractor, in A-l condition. Apply Box "D”, Times- Advocate. lc 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE on lakefront, 3 miles north of Grand Bend. Apply Rufus Turnbull, phone 35-r-2 Grand Rend. lc 6-ROOM HOUSE in Centralia. One- piece bath. Full width glassed-in ver­ andah. Garage. 1^ acres land. Apply William Haddock, Centralia, 25:l:i8* IN HENSALL — 7-room house with garage and large garden, slate roof, heavy duty wired, 4-piece bath with copper piping, built-in cupboards -in kitchen, tile floor. Hot air furnace and full basement. Close to churches and post office. Apply Box B, Times- Advocate, 18:25:l:Sc DUPLEX HOUSE, 2-piece bath up­ stairs, 3-piece down and 5 or 6 acres on highway near Exeter. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­man. 3-lltfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS’ Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam* ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100r acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31, 12-10tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS room dishes; various mirrors; rocking chairs; kitchen table and chairs; mats, quilts and comforters; electric heater; baby crib, complete with mattress; 6-ft. step ladder; lawn mower; garden tools; and numerous sealers, crocks; 3 .tons of chestnut coal; etc., etc. The above named furniture is all in new condition. TERMS: Cash. WILLIAM FARRELL, PROP.R. F. STADE, CLERK __ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 25:1c LOTS OF FOLKS around here know what Pig Startena will do, too. After you talk to them you’ll be sure to try it with your own pigs. It’s a -great creep feed; and if you get them well started at eating it before weaning it helps them over the weaning "bump” without a setback. QUANTITY OF CLEAN red clover seed. Also a limited quantity of al­falfa seed. Apply James Drummond, phone *90-r-15 Hensall._________25:1* MONTCALM BARLEY, free of smut last year. Also Alaska seed oats. Ap­ ply Chas. Prout. R.R, 1, Centralia, phone 378-w-l Exeter. ____25:1:8* 2 GIBSON GUITARS — One electric Hawaiian, the other Spanish. Both in excellent condition, practically new. Wayne Tuckey, phone 174-r-2 Exeter.25:1c ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, 8 CU. ft., modern, in good condition. Apply 76 John St. West, Exeter. 25:1* SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN At The Times-Advocate for all Canadian and American magazines As well as Brit­ish publications. Order now SEED PURINA DIS- INPECTANT is just as handy around the barn and the milk house as a poc­ ket in a shirt. It’s ideal for disinfecting o f milking equip­ ment, waterers, feeders, farrow­ ing pans, just t o mention a few of its many uses. TENDERS WANTED 25:1c it a to More and more people are finding wise to buy their TV set from servicing dealer. It costs no more have this exra protection.We offer you quality merchandise with qualified service. RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter Advertising Regulations RUNNING LOW ON SIL­ AGE? You can help hold up appetites aftd milk flow if you add some Bulky-Las to your milking ration. It’s appetizing, bulky, mildly laxative, covers up the lack of succulence in the end-of- winter ration, and perks up end - of - winter interest in feed time. From The Seeds Act, 1937; Section 9: PURINA CHOW MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS in town. We get latest research infoi’riiation from Purina, know what your neighbors are doing. We might have just the answer to some problem that’s worrying you. Come and see us! 25:1c Seeds or plants that are falsely represented as to agd, viability, quality, gr&de, variety, origin or description shall not be adver­ tised, Offered, sold or had in I possession for sftio for the pur­ pose of seeding Or planting in Canada, nor shall seeds of cereal grains, forage crops, lawn or turf grasses be advertised for sate at a stated price unless the grade I name is included in the advertisO- medt. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE ’ RE WEED SPRAYING Tenders will be. received by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m. Monday, April 12, 1954, for spraying weeds on approximately 85 miles of road.Township to supply material and work to commence by June 15 and be completed as soon as time and .weather permit.| Work to be done under the super­vision of Road Superintendent and price to be submitted per mile for one side of road only.Lowest or any tender not necess­arily accepted. For further particu­ lars, apply to: W. J. routly, Road Superintendent, Township of Usborne, R.R, 3, Exeter, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE RE 110 GAL. AMINE 2-4-D ACID Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m. Monday, April 12, 1954, for supply of 110 gal­ lons of Amine 2-4-D acid equivalent Of 80 ounces per gallon weed killer.Priced to be submitted per gallon delivered to Township Garage at Elimvilic, delivery to be made by June 10, 1954.Lowest or any tender not necessar­ ily accepted. Fop further particulars, apply to:W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, Township of Usborne, R.R, 3, <EXCter, Ont. RE TRUCKS Tenders are invited for the supply of one to four trucks and will be re­ceived by the undetsigned Until noon, Monday, April 5. New 1953 models, where available, also to be submitted. Motor Size — Approximately 360 cu. In. displacement. 10.00x20 12-ply tires. Heater and refrosters, Rear view mir- tors. Reinforced frame. Direct in Sth transmission. 2-Speed reay axle. Cast Spoke wheels. Electrical directional equipment. All marker lights required by law. Dark green in colour. Two units are to be equipped With 6- to 7-yard capacity Galion Dump bodies. Two units are to be equipped with necessary trailer bfake and lighting equipment.Lowest ot &ny tender not necessar­ily accepted. For further information, contact the undertigned. PETER D. PATTERSON, Huron County Engineer, Goderich, Ohlhrio. Published itl the Public Interest by The' Exeter Times-Advocate 25:1c z TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN RE GRAVEL Sealed tenders will be deceived for crushing, loading and hauling 9,000 cn. yds. gravel, •hi-inch size, from Monteith Pit. Flat rate for crushing and loading township truck.A marked cheque of $200.00 must accompany any tenders and be in the hands of the clerk on or before April 5, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, F. W. MORLOCK, i Creditor, Ont.25:1c CENTRALLY LOCATED for schools, churches and shopping, 3-bedroom house, new roof, interior decorating good, 2 bathrooms, garage. — AV, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales- man,___________ 3-4tfc $1,800.00 CASH. Total price $4,300.00 will purchase nicely located home. This house has modern kitchen and bathroom downstairs and small kit­ chenette and two-piece bath up. May be used as two apartments or one- family home. Immediate possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 2-25tf HENSALL fairly new frame house, living room (fireplace), dining room, kitchen (modern), 4-piece bath, hot and cold water, Three-bedrooms. Oil­ burning furnace. Garage. — AV. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man________________________l-14tfc 6-ROOM HOME, first floor lias living­room, one bedroom, large modern kitchen, new three-piece bath, three bedrooms upstairs. Good basement with coal furnace. Extra lot; barn with garage. —524 AVilliam St. lltf* WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and qual­ity, stores and other businesses, sum­ mer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par- sons, Salesman. _________. 5-28tfc RED BRICK COTTAGE, double liv­ ing room, dining room, kitchen, and 3 Teds and full bath upstairs. Oil­burning furnace. W. C. Pearce, Re- altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-lltfc HIGH SCHOOL district, beautiful ranch style brick house. Spacious livingroom and diningroom with wall to wall broadloom. Very modern kit­ chen. Nicely furnished bathroom, twO large bedrooms arid tbJrd room fol* additional bedroom or den. Kull base­ ment with rumpus room, laundry tubs and air-conditioned oil furnace. Like new. Immediate possession. Terms. C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street. ______ ______________ g-'itfC exETer, Business Block, with three complete apartments, This pro-* perty shows a Veal return on invest­ment over and abUve taxes and othei* expenses. Let us give you the de­ tails. —C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Mdln Street. . .. 2-1 tfc BRICK HOUSdEL-Perfect Exeter loca­ tion. This home is nicely laid out with four bedrooms and other usual rooms. Roof and exterior of house is In good condition. It has now oil­burning equipment and garage. The lawhs are beautiful and nicely plant­ ed with ornamental shrubs and bushes. This property lends itself to the use Of a lafger family or fof apartment purposes. Reasonable price. •—C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeteri l-2itfc NEW ONE-FLOOR ultra-modern 5- room rug brick, attic unfinished, air-conditioned oil heating. Apply 493 Andrew Street. ................ , l-14tfc HENSALL RESIDENTIAL property. Ono of Hensan’s finest smaller houses. This home is comparatively new and is nicely finished through­ out. it have two bedrooms, a dmmg boom and a very modern kitchen and bathroom. Kull basement with oil­ burning furnace. Garage, Nicely treed lot. Quick possession. ■C..V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St., ExCter. 12-24tfc In the Estate of Williapi Mair deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William Mair, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Clergyman, who died on or about February 25, 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of April next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix. r_________Exeter, Ontario. 25:l;8c In the Estate of Frederick W. T. Smaiiacombe deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Frederick W. T. Smalla- combe, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 15th day of February 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, On­tario, by the third of April, . 1954, after which date the estate will-be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario, 18:25:1c AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE DATES Alvin Walper, Auctioneer HENSALL SALES ARENA EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. Friday, April 2 — Livestock and Implements; Arthur Gelinas, prop,Tuesday, April 6 —. Livestock and Implements; Joe Finkbeiner, prop. Wednesday, April 7 — Livestock and Implements; Ed Stire, prop. Wednesday, April 21 — Livestock and Implements; Harry Trick, prop. Friday, April 9 — Real Estate, High Grade Holsteins, Tractors, Com­ bines, Full Line of High Class Ma­ chinery, Hay, Grain and Household Effects; Alfred Ropp, prop. Monday, April 12 — Livestock, Tractors, Threshing Machine, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain; John Regan, prop, AUCTION SALE of House, Lot and Household Furniture IN WINCHELSEA on FRIDAY, APRIL 2 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Frame house .... frame barn. Barn with brick founda­ tion, hen stable and one acre of land. Terms of Real Estate made known on day of sale. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Heater; Sideboard; dining room table and 6 chairs; 4 rocking chairs; radio; day­ bed: quantity of mats; couch; small stand; rug; 3 beds, springs and mat­ tresses: dresser; commddes; sprink­ ling can; bureau; Jewell kitchen stove; kitchen table and 6 chairs; set of scales; lamps; 4 cushions; all kinds of dishes, pots, pans; step-ladder; lawn mower. TERMS: Cash. HARRY BAILEY, PROP. NEWTON CLARKE, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. 25:1C x" and Ciharing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain, and Household Effects On the premises. LOT 19, CON. N.B., HAY TWP. 2’,£ miles north of Zurich or 6 miles west of Kippen The undersigned auctioneer is in­structed to sell by public auction onFRIDAY, APRIL 2 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp LivestockHORSES'. General purpose team, true and reliable in every way.CATTLE: Durham cow. 4 years old, milking; red heifer, carrying first calf, due in June; red heifer, carry­ ing second calf, due in June; part Durham and Hereford heifer, due In August: Durham steer, rising two years old, in market condition; Dur­ham bull calf. TRACTOR: M.D. Farmall ‘H’ trac­tor, fully equipped. Hydraulic 2-row scuffler. Tractor in guaranteed new condition. IMPLEMENTS: M.D. 3-furrow trac­tor plow; International 7-ft. power takb-off mower, like new; Inter­ national 7-ft Cultivator; International 7-ft. binder, on rubber, like new; M.D. drophead hay loader; Brad­ ley rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. flat rack; dump rake; 2-drum steel roller; set of diamond harrows; set of sle'ghs, like new; 2-wheel trailer with 7-ft. box and sides: fanning mill; wheelbarrow: bag truck; Burdissc, castrating outfit; De Laval electric cream separator; root pulper; brass mounted britchen show harness; log­ging chains; sling ropes; numerous feed bags; half-ton 3x18x9 fertilizer; barrels; forks; shovels; chains; etc., etc HAY & GRAIN: .100 bushels Clin­ ton seed Oats; 100 bushels of mixed grain; 90 bales choice hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Cabinet; table; kitchen; chairs; linoleum: baby crib and mattress; Quebec heater; etc., etc.' No reserve; everything will be Sold.TERMS* CashARTHUR' GELTNAS, PROP. STADE & WEIDO. CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 25:1c Iri­ on Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, opposite the Lutheran Church Shed, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer Is structed to sell by public auction SATURDAY, APRIL 3 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp , REAL ESTATE: Being Lot Vol. S 178 in the Village of Zurich, consist­ ing Of 1/5 acre of land on Which is situated a two-storey solid red brick house, has full basement, 3-piece bath With hard and soft water system, new furnace, built-in cupboards, hew roof on house and garage. This dwell­ing. is in the best of condition, and is nicely located.Terms of Real Estate; 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Subject to a reasonable reserve, bld.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC.: 6- pieco dinette suite; 3-piece living room suite; complete 4-piece bedroom suite; 2-picce bedroom suite; ward­robe; trlllghf lamps; Good Cheer coal and wood range: Sunshine. eicctrio rangette; Serve! refrigerator; eiectrio washing machine; Ironing hoards; 2 electric Irons; kitchen and dining- Clearing AUCTION SALE of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Hons, Implements, Hay and Grain, and Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction onLOT 13, CON, 8, STEPHEN TWP. 1’4 miles west of Crediton and % mile north, on TUESDAY, APRIL 6 , commencing at 1:00 p.m, sharp HORSES: One work team, 10 years old. „ . ,CATTLE: Durham cow, third calf due 30 March; aged Holstein cow, due 28 May; 2 choice Purham cows, due 15 July; Polled Hereford, milk­ ing; Durham cow, 5 years old, milk­ing, bred; Jersey cow, milking, bred; Durham market steer; Durham mar­ket heifer; 2 Hereford heifers, .14 months old; 4 Hereford yearling calves; 3 Hereford calves, 3 months old; 5 choice Durham steers, averag­ ing 850-900 lbs. . ,This is an exceptionally fine lot of good cows, all T.B. tested with no reactors. HOGS: Seven choice stockers; 9 pigs, 80 lbs.; 2 sows, due 30 May. HENS: 175 yearling mixed hens. HAY & GRAIN: 150 bales of hay, good shape; 4 tons of choice mixed hay; 200 bushels of mixed feed grain.IMPLEMENTS: Allis Chalmers "C” tractor, new rubber; Wiard hydraulic plough for,. tractor; 24-plate Otaco tractor disc: 13 spring-tooth MaBsey- Harris tractor cultivator; 4-section drag harrows; land roller; 6-ft. Mas­sey Harris binder; 6-ft, International mower; Massey Harris Blderake; Max­well hayloader; dump rake; rubber fired wagon; manure spreader; Mas­ sey Harris horse-drawn scuffler: 2- row walking plough; single-horse scuffler; 11-run fertilizer disc drill; turnip seeder; set of sleighs; buggy; cutter; block and tackle; cant hook; saws; neckyoke; hay fork; fanning mill; root pulper; ’A-h.p. motor; In­ternational cream separator; sling ropes: shovels; pails; set of double harness, 10x10 colony house on skids; feeders and water fonts; quantity of rough lumber; snow fence; iron and cedar posts; block wood, ash and maple; blacksmith anvil and tools; bee sup­plies, extractor, wax press and foun­ dation mill; water barrels; milk can and pails; copper kettle; spinning wheel; shotgun; and many other ar- tides HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Studio couch, like new; kitchen couch; kit­ chen range (Duchess); Quebec heater; coal oil stove and oven; oil space heater; 2-burner heavy duty hotplate: kitchen chairs and table; mantei clock; toilet sets; table, .oilcloth; gas lantern; crocks; bedsteads; boilers; tubs.All articles to be sold as owner has sold farm. TERMS: Cash, JOS. FINKBEINER, PROP. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 25:1c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Hijjh C»r£<|® Hplstains, Tractprs, Combines* Full Line of High Class Machinery, Hay, Grain and1 Household Effects On the premises.LOT 20, CON. NORTH BOUNDARY. 2U> miles north of Zurich 0 miles west of Kippen The undersigned auctioneer is In­structed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 9 , commencing at lj.:30 a.m« sharp REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 50 acres of land, being Rapt Half of Lot 2S, Con. 10, Hay Township, All good loam land. Twenty-four acres plowed and newly drained. Balance in pasture. .Small orchard. Has a never-failing water supply- 4Terms of Real Estate: U>% ;on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Sold sub­ ject to a reasonable reserved big, HOLSTEINS: , One cow, 7 old, fresh 3 weeks, with calf at foot; cow. 7 years old, Resh 3 months, re­ bred; 2 cows, 5 years oia, fresh 2% months, rebred; cow, 5 years old, milking, due October 6; 5 heifers, fresh, 3 to 5 months old, all rebred; 2 heifers, due to freshen in Septem­ber; 3 heifers, in calf; Guernsey hei­ fer, in calf; 4 heifers, 1 year old; 8 heifers, 2% months old; purebred Holstein bull, 18 months r old, from artificial breeding. This is an ex­ ceptionally good herd of Holstein cat­tle. All T.B. tested and vaccinated. PIGS: York sow, carrying third lit­ ter, due May 5; purebred sow, bred. 10 weeks; York sow, bred 7 weeks; 1.0 chunks, averaging 100 lbs, each, POULTRY: 250 Red Rock pullets, 12 weeks old; 150 Red Rock cockerels. 12 weeks old. jTRACTORS: 1919 Coekshutt "30’ Standard tractor, equipped with cab, live power take-off, starter, lights and creeper transmission; F-12 Inter­ national tractor, equipped with power take-off and pulley; 1948 Ford trac­tor, completely equipped and step-up transmission; also additional items for Ford or Ferguson tractor; hy­ draulic jack; utility bucket, belt, pul­ley, power take-off extension and shield; drill markers and Ferguson 7- ft. power take-off mower; spring­ tooth cultivator and row crop attach­ ment; John Deere forage harvester, with new style hay pickup, COMBINE & MACHINERY: Allis Chalmers "GO” completely equipped, with grain tank, scour kleen, bean and clover sieves, straw shredder; also pick-up and wind rower; John Deere hammermill, with five sieves; 50-ft, endless hammermill belt, like1 new; Smalley grain and forage blower and 40-ft. pipe; Allis Chalmers power take-off; side delivery rake and ted­der: Coekshutt 13-run power lift fertilizer drill, like new; Internation­ al 3-furrow tractor plow, like new; Fleury Bissel 30-plate tractor disc; International No. 200 tractor spread­er: International stiff-tooth harrows; 3-section spring-tooth harrows; 2- section, steel pole: 3-sectlon diamond' harrows; 5-section harrows; Inter­national drophead push bar; hay­loader, like new; rubber tire wagon, 16-inch tires; 2 all steel farm wagons; 2-section diamond harrows; land pac­ker; 7-ft. grain binder, in good con­ dition: air compression outfit, com­ plete with hose; heavy duty tractor chains, to fit 28- or 38-inch wheels; 2-wheel trailer with stock rack; 2,000- )b. cap. scales; cutting box; 16-ft. fiat rack; forage harvester box to fit 16-ft. flat rack; power emery and saw; various electric motors; .22 cali­ bre repeater rifle; 500 cap. "Warner chick brooder: electric cords: chicken- feeders; hog scales; pig crates: water bowls; Jamesway oil brooder stove; miantity of lumber; logging chains; 50 electric fence posts; heavy jack; hlock and tackle; electric fencers; dynamite drill; gas barrels; extension ladder; milk cart: bag truck; chains; forks, shovels: etc., etc.DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Woods va­ cuum pump with new %-li.p. electric motor; Universal stainless steel sin­ gle unit; 1 Surge unit, new; 10-gal. electric water heater; 6 80-Ib. milk cans; strainer; No. 2 International cream -separator; milk cart. HAY, GRATN & FEED: 200 bushels- mixed grain: 200 bushels Clinton oats; quantity cob corn: 400 bales hay; barrel molasses: 100 lbs, Internation­ al mineral conditioner; quantity red clover seed.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, etc.: G-E 8-tube, radio; Fess oil heater, like new; Gilson electric washer; 2 chromo kitchen chairs; 2 beds, complete with springs and mattress: Coleman lamps and lanterns; coil-oil heater; small radio; etc., etc.Good Collie dog, one year old. Owing to the large list of articles . to be offered, sale will start sharp- iat .1.1:30 a.m. Refreshment booth on. grounds.TERMS: Cash, ALFRED ROPP. PROPRIETOR ERVIN GINGERICH.R. F. STADE, CLERKS ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 1:80 * REGISTERED SHORTHORNS Dispersal Sale of Real Estate, Livestock, Tractors, Threshing Machine, Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects On the premises, SOUTH HALF OF LOT 12, CON. 14, 1’4 miles west of Dashwood * and 3 miles north The undersigned auctioneers have re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 commencing at 12:00 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of 55 acres, west half of- Lot 10, Con. 16, I-Iay Township. All tillable land well drained; never-failing water supply. An ideal grass farm. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold sub­ ject to a reasonable reserve bid.LIVESTOCK: Registered Shorthorns —9 cows, 8 open heifers, 7 small calves, Shorthorn bull sired by Klay- mor Indemnity. This herd carries many leading blood lines. Catalogues available. GRADE CATTLE: Part Jersey and Hereford cow, fresh one month; Hol­stein cow, carrying third calf, due time of sale; 2 steers, part Holstein and Durham, rising two years old; Durham yearling steer; Durham hei­ fer Hereford calf. Cattie will be offered for sale at3 o’clock. HORSES: Black Percheron true and reliable. HOGS: Choice York sow with of twelve.POULTRY: 125 Rd. Is. Red ling hens. TRACTORS & THRESHING ..... CHINE: 77 Oliver Standard tractor, live power take-off, fully equipped; 66 Oliver row-crop tractor, live power take-off, fully equipped. Both trac­tors in A-l condition. THRESHING MACHINE: Waterloo Belle City all steel thresher, 24x40, on rubber, straight blow. Used two seasons. IMPLEMENTS: McD. three-furrow plow, on rubber; McD. 8-ft. spring­ tooth cultivator; McD. double disc 13-run fertilizer drill; McD. 7-ft. binder, on rubber; McD, com binder, on rubber; McD. 7-ft. power take-off mower; Oliver Side delivery rake, on rubber; M.D, 10-ft. weeder; McD. drop head hayloader; M.D, horse- drawn manure spreader, on rubber; M.H. 15-inch Cutting box, equipped with 2 sets of pipes; M.H. horse- drawn bean scuffler and puller; one- horse scuffler; M.H, dump rake; Deering mower, 5-fL cut; 3-drttm steel land roller;* 5-section diamond harrows; 3-section diamond harrows; 2 rubber-tire ’ "McD. grinder. The above like new. Speed jack; _ ft. endless belt: Clinton fannihj form f.__ _________ ____ _ „___ _ box; ladders; 2 large water tanks; 500 cedar posts, various sizes; quan­tity of wood, cedar and hardwood; root pulper; Stewart horse Clipper; Ketchum 202 tattooing outfit; 2 heavy steel chains; 2 light chains; 2 sets of sling ropes; quantity of lumber; bag truck: bag holder; 2 sets of harness; 50 large size onion crates; fattening crate; sap bucket; spiles; M.H. cream separator; 2 electric fencers; John Deere power takeoff pump; forge, blower, anvil; 500-chick cap. brooder: grass seeder; barrels; chains; forks; shovels; many articles too numerous ................... r-tJATN. thn 'Nover seed.ITAY <v GRAIN; 400 bushels of ’and collars* 2 cne-i Choice Beaver seed oils: 1,200 bushds -■ rs<.. AOTO-j of mixed grain; quantity of clover seed; 250 bales second out Alfalfa and clover hay; quantify of loose hay. , HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Harriston kitchen range, coal and wood; circu­lar heater, like new; kitchen stove; bureau,' kitchen cabinet: 2 dressers; wash stands; 2 couches; leather rocker; etc., etc, no reserve as the farm is team, litter year- MA- wagons; 2 16-ft. racks; 11-inCh plate. named implements all 20-ft. endless belt; 40- ___ pair of bob sleighs; n fanning mill; 2,O0O-lb. plat- scales; 2-wheoi trailer; gravel no reserve as the farm is sold, This being an extra largo sale. Bell­ ing will start sharp on time,TERMS: COh. *.................... Edward stir®, prop, STADE & WETDO, CLERK ALVIN WALPER & W. S. “ AUCTIONEERS O'NEIL, 25:10 Extensive AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractors, Threshing Machine, High Class Implements, Household Effects, etc. On the premises, LOT 14, CON. 1, DIDDULPH TWP, 6 miles north of Lucan on H'ghway 4 The undersigned auctioneer Is in­ structed to sell by public auction on/ MONDAY, APRIL 12 at 12:30 p.m. sharp LIVESTOCK: Holstein cow, with, calf at foot: 20 Hereford heifers, car­ rying first calf, due in May; 36 Here­ ford yearling steers. This is an extra, good herd of cattle in market condi­tion. TRACTORS: Oliver "77” Standard tractor, used two years, in guaran­ teed condition: Allis Chalmers “B” tractor, complete with 2-tow scuffler, .vine lifter and bean puller. threshing machine: George- white No. 6 thresher, completely equ'nned, 0 > IMPLEMENTS: M.H, three-furrow I plow, Used one year; McD. binder, 7- |ft« cut, equipped with power take-off, like new; McD. 13-run fertilizer drill; Al’is Chalmers 4-bar power take-off side delivery rake; Spramotor, 50-gal. Capacity, completely equipped with.I Continental 1% *■ h,i>. motor; Inter- I national 8^-ft. stiff-tooth cultivator, on steel; International 8^-ft. spring­ tooth cultivator, on rubber, used one season: international horse-drawn.- manure spreader, on steel; Oliver 7- ft. power take-off mower, used tw1© Seasons; dump rake; Burg 7-ft. land packer, with all steel long and short tongue; International hayloadcf; 3- soction John Deere diamond harrows, used oho season: 2 sets of 3-seetlon diamond harrows; single scuffler; a heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. flat hay rack; quantity steel posts; 3 ro’is snow fence; 4 lacge s'ze water tanks: 3-drtim steel roller; 32-ft. ex­ tension laddet; electric clipped quan-... —--j, double harness! ....... ............. 2,ono-ib. scales, brand 'new; fire extinguisher; ’^-h.p. electric . motob; wheelbarrow; viking cream- separator; walking plow; quantity of bean screenings; barrels; forks; sho­ ve's; bars; rones; many articles too*, numerous to mention.h ^-'^KY: 15 New Hamp, yearling HOUSEHOLD^ EFFECTS: Studio couch; cupboarcls; 3 bedroom suites; pub Therm ml heater; 2 gas stoves; 4 house doors and windows. tbc fftrm 13 Bold, TERMS: Cash. J OIIN KKQaN^ BKWRTETOft ----------------- —• -JR,' "A.’UCTiONEEK JliSCs- ±urnet tucks, clerk ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONS