HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-03-04, Page 12THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1954 Second SENIOR CITIZENS' Social Evening TUESDAY, MARCH 9 Exeter Legion Hall All Senior Citizens of the Community Are Invited Three-Act Comedy "MAMA'S BABY BOY" £.will be presentedHm Thames Road United Church Comments —Continued, from Page 10 departments will remain in com­ petition until some teams are eliminated. As long as all teams are in play, scores in these de­ partments are not final. Week’s Schedule Bowling schedules will not be printed until the executive is cer­ tain the new nights meet with the approval of bowlers. j LABATT TROPHY PLAYOFFS I Thursday, March 4, 7:00-9:00 ’ Butchers vs. Applejacks (1-2) Windmills vs. Big Six (3-4) J Tradesmen vs. Strikes (5-6) /Thursday, March 4, 9:00-11:00 ‘ Spare Parts vs. Spares (1-2) I Monday, March 8, 9:00-11:00 I Spares vs Big Six (l-3> ■ Tuesday, March 9, 7:00-9:00 ! A?’i'lej,t<,ks ts Strikes tl-2) • Butchers vs. Tradesmen (3-4) j Spare Parts vs. Windmills (5-6) PITTSBURG PAINT TROPHY I PLAYOFFS ‘Monday, March 8,7:00-9:00 ; Bingers vs. Short Circuits (1-2) I’inpoppers vs. Buskers (3-4) I Keglers vs. Mess Mates (5-6) ; Monday. March 8, 9:00-11:00 II. Boilers vs. Grund Bend (3-4) j H.iy Seeds vs. Long Shots (5-6) Wednesday, 7:00-9:00, Blowers vs. Whizz Bangs (1-2) i Maroons vs. Grease Monkeys (3-4) Town Topics Iteips of Social and Personal Interest Ip and Around Exeter The Exeter Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. Mr. Uel Schroeder of the RC-S/L A. Williamson, Mrs. Wil­ liamson and Bonnie Lee, Rock- MP, stationed at prince Rupert, cliffe, were visitors with Mr. and B.C., is holidaying with his par- Mrs. Charles Snell for the week- " ~ J 1“r“~ end. Mr. Mervyn Cudmore of Lin­ denfield's Ltd. attended a heat­ ing convention in Toronto last week. Mr. A. J. Sweitzer started con­ struction of his new house on Victoria Street this week. Mr. J. H. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns, of Exeter; Mi*, and Mrs. Cecil Harrison, of Mt. Pleasant, and Mr. and Mrs. James Oke, Science Hill, attend­ ed the funeral of Mrs. William Harrison at Goderich on Monday. Friday, March 12 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Young Adult Class ADMISSION 500 & 250 Shipping on Canadian ways, including canals, lakes and rivers, is open world countries on equal except in the case of the ing trade. water­ inland to all terms coast- = = 3 3 Change Of Date BALLOON BALL Exeter Legion Hail 5 Thursday, March 11 Cage Teams •Win Games Three of SHDHS’s four basket­ ball teams swept through initial rounds of WOSSA playoffs last week. The senior and junior boys eliminated Clinton squads to claim Hurbn County champion­ ship. The senior girls, who eliminat­ ed Clinton last week, defeated Chesley in a sudden-death game at Hanover. The junior girls, in their first playoff game, lost a sudden­ death final to Meaford ip Walker­ ton. By JIM ETHERINGTON Senior boys met their old enemy Clinton, in Exeter, to bat­ tle out an exciting and crucial game. The winner of this game goes into the WOSSA semi­ finals. O'Brien and Middleton led- the scoring with 30 and 12 points. The final score of 47-68 showed South Huron the winner by a wide margin. -On February 26, a final game of the tri-school schedule was played at St. Marys. The juniors came out on top 42-18 for an seniors As the cuts, Mr. and Mrs. William Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stephen of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westcott. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. William Pass- more visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ross of Stratford. August Gregus and Ross Jef­ fery, Exeter, Joe Pavkeje, Cen­ tralia, and Jim Mitchell, of Dor­ chester, have returned from a trip to Florida. They visited Mi­ ami and Jacksonville and on the return trip, stopped over in Washington, D.C., New York City and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Norman Hockey is a pa­ tient in SoutSh Huron Hospital. Mrs. William Stone, who under­ went an operation on her knee in Victoria Hospital last week, returned to South Huron Hos­ pital on Saturday. Mrs. Whitney Coates spent last week in Mt. Clemens. Mich., with her daughter, Mrs. Richard Do­ herty. Miss Wilma Coates,' Lon­ don, spent the weekend there and returned with her mother. Mr. R. Krepps, of Brock, Sask-, now attending Knox College, To­ ronto, was the guest of Mr. arid Mrs. F. Wildman last weekend and conducted the morning ser­ vice at Caveu Presbyterian Chunk- The family of Mr. and Mrs. William Pearce, Anne St., gather­ ed at their home at the weekend to celebrate the birthday of their grandson, Bill Redmond, mem­ ber of the U.S. Airforce. Bill, who is on leave prior to a two- year posting to Japan, is relatives and friends in< this week. COMING EVENTS LADIES AUXILIARY to South Huron Hospital, regular meeting Tuesday, March 9, at 2:30 p.m. CENTRALIA W.A. are having a Roast Beef Supper on March 12. 4c ELIMVILLE UNITED Church Y.P.U. is sponsoring a play en­ titled "Stranger in the Night" by Kirkton United Church Y.P.U. on Monday evening, March 8, at 8 p.m. in Elimviile United Church. Admission 500 and 25^. 4c £Dancing 9:30 to 1:00 visiting Ontario ST. PATRICK’S TEA and Baking Sale, Central Hotel, on Saturday, March 13. Sponsored by Trivjtt Memorial Ladies Guild. 4* Profit From The Classifieds STiRATHROY LIONS CLUB 3 5 Town Council - -Continued from Page g 3 c g 3 Glen Diegei's Orchestra k Refreshments k Novelty Dances ADMISSION: $3.00 PER COUPLE Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority MONSTER 1 expected victory. The lost 42-32 to St. Marys, game didn’t count, the second line was used a lot. By BILL LAVENDER Junior boys played a fast, close game with Clinton in Exeter on Thursday. South Huron came out on top however, after being down four points in the last three minutes. B. Sturgis and B, Lavender led the juniors to their win with 17 and 12 points respectively. Ted Smith connected for five points, while C. Kernich and J. Neil were next with four. Others were Hendrich, Cliarrette, Pollen, Etherington, Robertson. By BEV RAVELLE The senior girls’ game was played in Hanover between Ches- ley and. South Huron. At the end of the first quarter the score was 6-4 in favor of S.H. The girls were always a few clever plays ■and points ahead of the Cliesley team. The S.H, girls played a good game and were rewarded by a final score of 28-10 for S.H. High scorers were Marilyn Skinner 10, Pat Tuckey 8, Beth Taylor 8. The junior girls’ game was played against Meaford in Wal­ kerton. The match was always very close; sometimes a tie. The S.H. girls were never behind by a very large margin. They tried very hard for points and showed a great deal of sportsmanship. The final score was 16-19 in favor of Meaford. It was a sud- den-deabh game, leaving the jun­ ior girls out of future competi­ tion. The junior basket champ was Barbara Allison with eight points. Other scorers were Perla Hern 4, Rena Murray 3, Carole Fletcher 1, Kennlynn Shaw, Mari­ lyn Bissett, Elizabeth Hunter, Marilyn Marshall, Gwen Simp­ son, Donna Stone, Marion Creery, Fay Ford. for who com­ said spot. . ............... HHiiimiiiiiiiiimmmiiiliHmnnnHiHnttlmuimilHimttiHliuiUiitmiiiiimiuiui; —........... ........................................i— ----------------------------------------------------—:----------- - ■■"« X 3 s Exeter Figure Skating Club PRESENTS ITS FIRST CARNIVAL 3 CIRCUS ON ICE' FEATURING Mary Dianne Trimble a Former Canadian Waltz and Two-Step Champion 5 I And Top Stars From London Figure Skating Club PLUS 50 Boys and Girls from Exeter and District Friday, March 19 EXETER ARENA Admission: Adults 750 Children 500 jf. Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY JMarch 5 and 0 Take Me To Town ★ Ann Sheridan ★ Sterling Hayden Comedy drama in technicolor, Story of three motherless boys who seek a mother of their lik­ ing and find one with a shady past who reforms because of her love for their father. MONDAY & TUESDAY March 8 and ® Invaders From Mars ★ Helena Carter ★ Arthur Franz Good science fiction melodrama photographed in cinecolor, packed with suspense from start to fin­ ish! WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY March 10 and 11 Veils Of Bagdad ★ Mari Blanchard ★ Victor Mature A technicolor costume melo­ drama. INT. O' WOAA SEMI-FINALS =1 FOURTH GAME OF SERIES NEUSTADT vs. ILDERTON (NEUSTADT LEADS SERIES 2-1) Thursday, March 4 EXETER ARENA ADMISSION: 50< & 250 ■ by Kids Carnival —Continued from Page 1 The Blue Devils, captained Brian Hall, were winners in the Wee Wee Relay. The Red Devils •defeated the Blue Devils 1-0 in Wee Wee hockey. Rickey Boyle scored the only goal with the (assist by Bob Broderick. Tug-Of-War The Pirates with captain Dale Turvey, out-tugged the Tigers, captained by Bev. Irvine, in a tug-of-war. King of mats, 12 years and over, Harvey Stringer; under 12, Douglas Jermyn; obstacle race (girls), Louise Hockey, first, Margaret Sanders, second; boys, Lloyd Moore, Calvin McKerral. Wheelbarrow race, Billy Hey­ wood and Bev. Irvine, first, Si­ mon Nagle, Glen Irvine, second; three-legged race (girls), Nancy Boyle, Heather MacNaughton, first, Louise Hockey, Barbara Hodgson, second; boys, Nagle, Glen Irvine, first, Kirk, Ron I-Iorn, second. Musical chairs, girls, Boyle; boys, Doug Kelson. Simon Eukie Nancy 'Canada today is second to the United States as a ducer of aluminum. only pro­ 1 Mayor Cochrane, speaking the legal profession in Exeter, said on a strictly dollars and cents basis the courthouse would he better in Clinton. He said, however, that with the' registry in Goderich it would mean law­ yers would have to go to two towns and that it may be better if both buildings were in the same town. Deputy-Reeve McKenzie, is chairman of the property mittee on county council, the question put him on a "We’ve got to make plans to build right away,” he said. He pointed out that 12 county of­ ficials owned homes in Goderich and would have to move if the courthouse were moved to Clin­ ton. All school text books, and much legislatiou, including .the British North America Act would have to be changed. Reeve Pooley, also a town representative on the county council, said the vote was 26-3 to build the courthouse in Gode­ rich. "If Goderich was a good place in the horse and buggy days, it should be an even better location now.” Mayor Cochrane said he was in favor of Goderich, noting the location in the square Was ‘‘pic­ turesque’’. The mayor suggested the coun­ cil could take no action on the resolution. Deputy - Reeve Mc­ Kenzie asked that the reply favor Goderich but the “no action” vote passed. The Public Utilities Commis­ sion will be asked to notify the road superintendent when their men cut off a drain when re­ pairing water mains. Discussion arose from a charge by Council­ lor Dinney that drain tile ripped up by the P.U.C. had never been replaced on the property of Bert Clark, Albert Street. Other coun­ cillors reported-similar cases. Reeve Pooley called for better co-operation between the P.U.C. and the town in these matters. Councillor Dinney suggested the P.U.C, should be warned about the occurrence and be re­ quired to pay for repairs where they were found negligent. Hints Of Petition Council decided to seek pro­ fessional engineering advice to alleviate flood pressure on the Snell drain which cuts through the centre of town. This was the drain which caused the flash flood during February.1* Council took the action after being warned by Councillor Brady that “we may have a peti­ tion on our hands” wasn't done. Thanks Firemen Council expressed to the members of partment who assisted with pumping out cellars during the flood. The department, which usually gets paid $1,00 per mem­ ber for each hour on the job, declined any remuneration, . Building permits were issued to Howard Holtzman, for com­ pleting second floor of Edward street house; Tom Walker, tension street; for the tion on Harris, street. if something appreciation the fire de­ ex- of workshop on Nelson Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, erection of a service sta- Highway 83, and to Don for a house on Gidley Huron County Health Unit immunization Clinic Immunization clinics will be held in the following schools: ON MARCH 11 — POSTPONED Weather Conditions 9:45 a.m. "> a.m. 1:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m. S.S. 4 Usborne (Eden) ... 9:45 S.S. 6 Usborne (Winchelsea) 10:45 U.S.S. 12 Usborne (Whalen) S.S. 7 Usborne (Zion) .... p.m. S.S. 3 Usborne (Piugtown) 3:00 p.m. second and third dates of this have been set for April 1 and The series 29. ON MARCH 12 — 10 Hay ............................. 9:45 3 Hay ............................. 10:15 12 Hay........................... 10:45 4 Hay ........................... 11:30 7 Hay (Zurich Public School) ................. 2:30 The second and third dates of this, series have been set for April “ ‘ 30. Children 4 months of age to age may be brought to these to receive initial immunization _ inforcing inoculations for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Small­ pox. s.s, s.s, s.s, s.s. s.s. a.m. a.m. a.m, a.m. p.m. 2 and school clinics or re- St. Patrick s Supper HOT BEEF Main St. Church Wed., March 17 Supper Served 5:30 to 7:30 Adults $1.00 Per Plate Children (under 12) 500 Sponsored by Main Street Evening Auxiliary ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 5 and 6 “WALKING MY BABY BACK HOME” (Technicolor) ★ Donald O’Connor ★ Janet Leigh ’ Your favorite song and dance man in the gayest laugh-filled musical funfest! CARTOON AND ADDITIONAL SHORT SUBJECT TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY March 0 and 10 “BLOWING WILD” ★ Gary Cooper ★ Barbara Stanwyck ★ Ruth Roman Love, ambition and violence where the wildcatters gamble in the oil fields of Mexico. NEWSREEL AND SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS E Mr. J. P. S. Nethercott VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE DIRECTOR FOR LONDON SCHOOLS will speak to Exeter Home And School Association Tuesday. March 9 8:15 p.m. His subject will be “Modern Trends in Education” This meeting marks our observance of education week when we join with agricultural, industrial, labor and 'Other national organizations to consider education as everybody’s business. EVERYBODY WELCOME A Special Invitation Is Extended to All Fathers 3 3 s a X S S 3 a 3 3 The Huronia Male Chorus AND ACCOMPANYING CAST Present Their Fourth Operetta THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE BY GILBERT & SULLIVAN South Huron District High School Gymtorium EXETER WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY March 17,18,19 At 8 O’Clock Sharp 3 3 Admission: Reserve 750, Rush Adults 500, Children" (12 and under) 350 * FOR RESERVE SEATS CONTACT W. G. COCHRANE TELEPHONE 14 EXETER Don’t Miss This Presentation . . . It’s Bigger and Better than Ever! Exeter Arena Schedule Friday. March 5 8.30 P.M. LUCANGordon McLean Final Game Of The ’C' Playoffs CHURCH OF GOD Grand Bend vs. E. Barry Moore . Director, Youth for Christ, London, Ontario XI 1R« Thurs., March 11 | 8:00 p.m, COMING Friday & Saturday, March 12-13 ★ Bing Crosby . in “Little Boy Lost” Saturday, March 6 - Public Skating 2 p.m. & 8:30 p.m g s§