HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-03-04, Page 114 News Budget From Brinsley By MRS. L. CRAVEN Personal Items Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan add Mrs. Millie Simpson of Mooresville visited Mrs. Cecil Ell- wood last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Fenfon and Linda visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Prest. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Treve- thick of St. Thomas spent Satur­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tre- vethick. Mrs. Ruth Watson spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Cuthbert, of Barrie. Mrs. Earl Lewis entertained a number of ladies to a quilting on Thursday. Mrs. Cecil Ellwood and and Mrs. George Prest spent weekend with relatives in Catherines. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Ansil Lee in the birth of'a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Miss Vivian Witherspoon of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew­ ard Witherspoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick, Mr. Alvin Amos of London spent the weekend with his sis­ ter, Miss Mary B. Amos. Mr. the St. and Are You Ruptured? Our Service Is Different! We Sell You A Fit In Our Private Truss Room Trusses, Belts, • Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 20 Years’ Experience Page ’1|. A MOW,I HEAR THIS IS A SORTOF 1 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1954 Logs Wanted RIGHT! WELL.... Where You Sign Up Limited Number of Acres Feed and Seed Grain Excellent QualityAll Kinds Any Species of Wood, Especially Basswood, Hard Maple, Rock Elm and Oak Also Pieces of Bush Timber Contract Barley See Our Contracts Before You Decide ,I VP GOT A IDEA • .... WE'VE EACH GOT THIRTY CENTS TO GO TO THE MOVIES WITH.... RIGHT? Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON - Your Drugs At - ROBERTSON'S Phone SO Exeter Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex- nautited solely because body lacks iron. For new Vun, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies iron you, too, may need for pep; supplemen­ tary doses Vitamin Bi. Introductory or “get- acquainted” size only 60^. At all druggists. Storm Hits District ■The linemen of the district hydro office worked on Monday under terrible weather conditions around the village and district of Clandeboye to get the power lines repaired. After 8 p.m., Mr. Gebel, who received l,2ei> baby chicks in the afternoon, had hydro to heat the brooders. Farmers with pressure systems, milking machines, electric stoves and furnaces with hydro thermos­ tats found the storm very incon­ venient, W.I. Euchre Party * The Clandeboye Women’s In­ stitute-held a progressive euchre party on Thursday evening, Feb­ ruary 25, at the arena. The prize winners were Mrs. Sheridan Rev- ington, Mrs. Art Hodgins, George Cunningham, and Mrs. Arthur Morgan. A home-made candy booth was well patronized. Con­ veners were Mrs. A. McIntosh, Mrs. A. Hill, Mrs. George Simp­ son, Mrs. Rae Hodgins and A. Blake. W.I. Meeting The March meeting of the men’s Institute will be at home of Mrs. Wilmer Scott p.m. when the junior girls supply the program. The guest speaker will be Miss Agnes Turn­ bull, home economist for Middle­ sex and Elgin counties,* 4-H Achievement Day On Saturday, February 27, the junior girls of the Clandeboye Club attended Achievement Day with their exhibit, “A well planned costume for a certain occasion”, with commentation by Marlene Harrison. Each girl mo­ deled the blouse she made. The girls took part in judging of blouses and costumes and schemes for a wardrobe, member displayed a record Those taking part were: er, Mrs. Wilmer Scott; assistant leader, Miss Marion Morton; club girls, Misses Eleanor Thompson, Pauline Dixon, Marie Carter, Edith Carter, Marilyn Eaton, Sandra Williams, Joan Murless, Suzy Murless, Elizabeth Davis, Marlene Harrison, Ruth Donald­ son, Beth MeRann and Janet Scott. Each girl received a spoon and county honour pins and certifi- Mrs. Wo- tlie at 8 will color Each book. Lead- H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. Can you imagine buying two or five or ten dollar bills at bargain prices? Of course not! Money isn't sold, it is rented, it is rented the way yom rent an apartment or a rowboat or a bicycle. The value in borrowed money is the convenience of use. The “rent" for money is fixed by the risk taken or service rendered. We have developed as a leader in the consumer finance field by offering a sound money service at the lowest possible rates consistent with intelligent business policy. Household Finance encourages wise borrowing. Our booklet, “Money Management, Your Budget", is available at the nearest branch office, or by writing our Consumer Education Department, 80 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario. off -----—•—- CANADA’S LARGEST/ MOST RECOMMENDED CONSUMER TlNANCt COMPANY NOW, WAIT.... WHEN I COME OUT I*LL TELL YOU all ABOUT IT.... EVERY WORD.... ANp THEM WELL TAKE YOUR THIRTY CENTS AMD SPEND IT ON SODAS • Lucan And District News Nurse Addresses Home And School The February meeting of the Lucan Home and School was held in the United Church par­ lors February 23, with Mr. Stew­ art Park presidio. It was decided per member for House. A cure ren lack The Grade Three Mother for the March meeting will be Mrs. Philip Sims. The attendance cup went to Grade members made ment 6 9. Mrs. J. R. the guest speaker, Miss Margaret Smith, senior Middlesex nurse, who in turn introduced the new district nurse, Miss McCready. Miss Smith spoke on public nurs­ ing in general, stressing regular medical and dental check-ups and advised the Home and School to secure medical examinations for pre-school children. She ended her interesting address by re­ porting on the efforts being made to alleviate old-age loneliness. The meeting closed with refresh­ ments served by Mrs. Cecil Neil and her assistants. to collect 25^ ■ the National report on an attempt to se- protection for small child­ crossing the creek, showed of co-operation. Three. Two new the total enrol- Boon introduced Rev. T. G. Head Called To Granton Rev. Thomas G. Head, of Syd­ ney, Nova Scotia Conference, has accepted a call to the Granton and Wesley United Churches. He will replace Rev. G. C. Raymer, who requested a pastoral change. Mr. Head’s duties will begin on July 1. Personal Items Miss Rosemary Eiliott, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Elliott and family, returned home to Toronto on Thursday. Mr. Ward Hodgins, of Clande­ boye, celebrated his birthday last week with his son, Mr. Murray Hodgins, and family. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hearn and family in­ cluded Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bell and family and Mrs. Jack Bell and son Bob, of Avonbank. March 3 being Ash Wednesday, services will be held in the Ang­ lican Church morning and eve­ ning and on each Wednesday evening during Lent. Mrs. C. Meier, London, spent Thursday evening with her daughter, Mrs. E. XF. Bridger and family. Ilene and Coralyn Donaldson attended the Nancy Lou Do-bie birthday party on Saturday and remained overnight with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Banting. Cpl. Victor Coursey, after be­ ing stationed in England for the past two years, has returned with his family and lias been visiting his brother, Mr. Tom Coursey and family. They expect to live in Barrie while he is stationed at Camp Borden. Mrs. W. Diekins was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins on Sunday. In each of two-heats in a field of eight, “Miss Barbara Ann Lee”' owned by Don came fourth last week. Mrs. C. F. S.S. 1 Euchre Mrs. Charles Grose and Mrs. Tom Coursey were hostesses for the eight-table <?uchre held in the school room on Thursday evening. Prizes went to Mrs. George Hodgins, Mr, Harvey Ilodgins, Mrs. Charles Haggar and Mr. George Hodgins. Hos­ tesses for the next meeting which will be held March 4, will be Mrs. Walter Hodgins and Wilson Ilodgins. Mrs. Install A.Y.P.A. Officers At the Sunday evening service in Holy Trinity Church, the Rev. J. F. Wagland installed the fol­ lowing officers of the Junior A.Y.P.A.: Bill Elson, president; Gladys Bond, secretary, and Don­ ald O'Neil, treasurer. He presented each with the A.Y.P.A. Manual, a copy of the “Wider Horizon” magazine, and “My Plan”, th© working tools of the A.Y.P.A. The president and treasurer later took up the col­ lection and Douglas Stone, a member of the Senior A.Y.P.A., read the lesson. Mr. Wagland preached a special, inspiring ser­ mon ou the responsibilities of an A.Y.P.A. officer and member. Scoffs Elevator Erwin Scott PHONE: Office 63, Res. 110 LUCAN, ONT. McKinleys Baby Chicks G. A. Wlieable, London, the guest speaker for the Banting of Lucan, at Dufferin Park United The W.M.S. Church W.M.S. Lucan United Church held its February meet­ ing in the United Church Thurs­ day afternoon, February 25, with the president, Mrs. T. S. Hill, presiding. Mrs. V. G. Banting’s group had charge of the program and refreshments. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. W. T. Amos. Mrs. W. McFalls led in prayer, Mrs, Banting reviewed the study book. Plans for Family Night to be held in May discussed. wore backSusan Bridger was takeu ...... to St? Joseph's Hospital for an X-ray last week. Her parents are much encouraged with the doc­ tor’s report. Her fractured hip has made more improvement since she was brought home, than during the six months she was in the hospital. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Ivan Hearn was hostess for the February meeting of the United Church Evening Auxil­ iary. During the business session, it was decided to join with the other organizations in a Family Night gathering some time in May. Mrs. Eldon Young gave a report on Christian Stewardship. Plans were made for a quilting bee at Mrs. Hearn’s ou March 3 and 4. Mrs. Bert Thompson’s group had charge of the worship ser­ vice. Mrs. Alex Young read the Scripture. Mrs. Eldon Young and Mrs. Erie Young led in prayer. A Study Book play was taken by Mrs. C. Magoffin. Mrs. McPher­ son, Mrs. J. B. Ready and Mrs. Ivan Hearn. Mrs Ready offered her home for the March meeting. — Canadian Approved Purebred New Hampshire N.H. x L.S. Crossbreds Purebred Light Sussex N.H. x B.R. Crossbreds Purebred White Rock and our popular THREE WAY CROSS — W.R. x H.S. McKinley Farm & Hatchery Phone 697-r-ll Hensall R.R. 1, Zurich, Ont. 3 Mrs. ■will be Union Day of Prayer Service for Lucan and Glandeboye churches to be held in Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, at 3 p.m. Friday, March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laidley and Miss Jean Young, Toronto, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley. cates for completing six home­ making projects, were awarded to Misses Carter. Church Mrs. for the W.A. Church. The past president, Mrs. E. Flynn, presided for the W.A. meeting. Mrs. L. A. Kilmer read the scripture and Mrs. Arthur Cun­ ningham and Mrs. Flynn led in prayer. Mrs.'«Wagland led in the Litany. A descriptive talk on life in the “Rendezvous” Patrol, along the coast of British Colum­ bia, was given. Mrs. Ernie Lewis presided for the Guild meeting. Plans were made to have a bazaar later in the year. Two quilts when fin­ ished will be offered for sale. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Alvin Cunningham during the so­ cial hour. Lenten Services At the United Church, Lenten services will be held each Wed­ nesday evening at 8 o’clock. The minister, the Rev. E. M. Cook, will take as his theme, “Plain Bread”. At St. James’ Church, the rec­ tor, the Rev. J. F. Wagland, will hold services on Thursday eve­ nings at 8 p.m. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Rea Adams of Broughdale. Owing to the storm on Monday the Hillcrest Farm Forum meet­ ing was postponed. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donaldson attended the funeral services for the former’s father, the Richard Henry Donaldson, London. The service was held in the Evans funeral home on Tues­ day, February 23, with interment in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Mr. Kurt Gebel, a German im­ migrant, who, two children, to lose their December 15, frame cottage to be built from material from a former hut at Wolseley1 Barracks. Mr. Gebel, Mr. Mervln Carter and Ian Car­ ter worked labt week moving part of the liiaterlhl to the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hill attend­ ed the Hollywood Ice - Review, starring Barbara Anne Scott, in Detroit ou Sunday. While Mrs. Arhold Lewis Is & patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, DdUglas and Hetty Anne will be guests Of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis. Mr. Douglas Carter has acoApt- ed a position in Londoh. Beverly Cunningham has taken over his position at the Lttcan Creamery. Joan Murless and Marie Meeting Karl O'Neil was hostess February meeting of the and Guild of St. James’ .. Langford has re­ turned to Toronto after spending it few days with her mother, Mrs. John Casey and Mr. Casey. Mr, and Mrs. V. G. Banting returned home on Saturday after •spending a few days with the later’s sister, Mrs. Tom _ Suther­ land, of Mount Bridges^ Mrs. Sutherland and her sister, Mrs. Dan Lewis, of Ailsa Craig, leave on Thursday, March 4, for Flori­ da. Mr. Banting, who was under the weather while away, is now laid up with a lame back since his return. Birthday greetings were very much in order at the home of Mrs. John Dobie last weekend 'when her two daughters cele­ brated birthdays—.Nancy Lou on February 28, and Carol (Mrs. John Wyatt) on March 1. On Sunday joint birthday dinner was enjoyed at Pt. Huron, while on Saturday, 12 little girls joined with Nancy Lou to help her cele­ brate her seventh birthday. Mrs. Tom Coursey and child­ ren have returned home after spending a few right, the guest Coursey. Guests with Henry Hodgins last week includ­ ed Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and family, of London, on Satur­ day, and Mr .and Mrs. Abbott and Rowena, on Sympathy is extended James Thompson, whose Mrs. Henry Thompsoij, days in Court- of Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. with his wife and had the misfortune home by fire last has plans for a Arthur Sunday, to Mr. mother, passed away at the home of™ her son, Mr. Clive Thompson, of Dash­ wood, on Monday, February 22, in her seventy-eighth year. Mrs. Viola Jenkin and Keith, of Bradford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Coursey and Mr. Tom Coursey called on Mrs. Isabel Underwood, Thorn­ dale, last Tuesday. The “Grandmother” meeting of the Lucan W.I. and Penny Sale will be held in the Parish Hall Thursday, March 11. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lankin on Sunday were Mr. and MrA Tom Hepburn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc­ Naughton and family, of Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Benedict, of Ar- kona. Mr. and Mrs. Art Haskett, of Toronto, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett. Elizabeth Ann, small daughter of Kir* htic! Kirs* Harper A.pple~ ton, is improving and her par­ ents expect to be able to bring her home this weekend. The euchre sponsored by the Home and School which was to have been held in the Commun­ ity Centre Monday evening, had to be cancelled owing to weather conditions. Mr .and Mrs. Gerald Atkinson, Mrs. Wes Atkinson left for Florida on Saturday. Hydro men were kept busy all day Monday repairing wiring' damaged hy ice. A successful euchre of 15 tables was held in the Commun­ ity Centre last Thursday evening. The religious picture sponsor­ ed^ by the Lucan, on the Stahley joyed by a Mr, and after Spending four sunny Merida, returned home In time to be greeted by Ontario's "Match Lion”. Charles Powers had Mrs. Pehtecostal Church, Saturday evening at Oftera House Was en- gobd attendance. Mrs. Harold Corbett, wdekS lit VISIT YOUR RCAF RECRUITING UNITVISIT YOUR RCAF RECRUITING UNIT 343 Richmond St., London, Ontario Hours; 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Friday. 7 P*M. to 10 P.M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening^, 9 A.M. to, 12 A.M. Saturday.