HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-03-04, Page 6Page £THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1954 Hang Your For Sale Sign In This Column NOTICE TO CREDITORSSTOCK WANTED WANTEDFOR SALEFOR SALE ADS BABY CHICKS FOR SALE DO IT VERY WELL! REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE Phone 770 for Ad-Taker against late of in the STARTED CARONS on order. Cus­tom canonizing. Apply Car) Oestrei- cher, phone 57-T-33 Dashwood, Ont. 11:18:25:4* FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 10(L acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R, 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31, 12-10tfc SEE OUR NEW Spirella girdles, ny­lon and elastic, $7.5f> to $13.95. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong, ph. 125. 18:25:4c 1 1950 FORD PANEL Station Wagon half-ton in A-l condition, small mile­ age and new paint. A real good buy. Apply Jack Finkbeiner, R.R, 3, Lu- can.__________________________25;4c 1 1950 FORD THAMES in A-l con­ dition, half-ton panel and equipped with new 6.00x16 snow tires, — Jack Finkbeiner, R.R. 3, Lucan._____25:4c INT. CREAM separator, size 2A, with motor. In good condition, $50.00. Apply C. Sholdice, Ailsa Craig, phone 62-r-14 Cred item 25:4* EMPLOYMENT WANTED IF YOU HAVE THINGS TO SELL . Turn your old furniture, clothes, appliances into quick cash 1 Use our low- cost classified ads. McCulloch chain saws--com­plete parts, trained service. New models on display, —McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario._______________ _____12-17tfc MAGAZINES—-New and renewal sub­ scriptions for any magazine are re­ceived at The Exeter Times-Advocate BARLEY—GALORE, grown from re­ gistered seed in 1953, commercial, graded, treated. $1,75 per bushel in­ cluding bags. Newton Clarke & Son, R.R. 1, Woodham, phone Kirkton 39-7 or 37-21. ____________25:4c READ FOR PROFIT, USE FOR RESULTS The Times-Advocate Business Directory BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C, V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich office Wednesday afternoon EXETER PHONE & 4 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 355-J DR. H. H. COWEN D.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 36-W - Phone - Res. 36-J BAKING CABINET. Apply Mrs, El- mer Reeder, phone 303-W Exeter. 4c ONE UNUSED Console Singer sewing machine. Phone 596-W-12 Exeter, 4* MIXED HAY, 600 bales. Apply Ger- ald Godbolt, phone 378-j-2 Exeter. 4* FOUR 19x5.50 TIRES with tubes, nearly new. Apply Lome Derbyshire, Clandeboye.______________________4* 15-00 SUSSEX RED pullets, 10 weeks old March 25. — Phone 57-r-7 Dash- wood.______________________ 2-25tfc PIANO FOR SALE—Medium size up­ right Nordheimer and bench. Tuned and in fine condition. To inspect con­tact E. E. Buswell. asG* ACME 4-BURNER electric range, $75.00. Phone 613-m-2 -Exeter._____4* 1938 OLDS 5-PASSENGER coupe, $65 or nearest offer. Apply Harry Lippert, Ailsa Craig, Ont,________4e 1941 PONTIAC, BLUE, in good con­ dition. M. Ryekmtm, South Main St., Exeter. 4:11* TENDERS WANTED DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter R. F. REILLY, D.C.* * Doctor of Chiropractic MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Each Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointment - Phone 606 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Aim St., Exeter Phone 504 DR. B. EICKMEIER L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 910 Main Street South PHONE 669 EXETER * A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 licensed Municipal Auditor D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 99 Bonsall Ontario W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensail, Friday, 2 to 5 P.M. J. NORMAN COWAN ’ BOOKKEEPING Systems, Service, etc. INCOME TAX RETURNS Dashwood 4O-r-13 ■* Sarepta Hay Post Office PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales a Specialty For a Better Auction Sale Call the “Wright” Auctioneer Phone Hensail 690-r-22 Collect DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 'STONES' collect, Ingersoll 21. or Exeter 287, I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter, ______tfc ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on al) dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. He USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Exeter, Ontario President Wm. A. Hamilton Vice-President Martin Feeney R.R, Directors Harry Coates E. Clayton Colquhoun E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Telephone Zurich 92-r-7 Cromarty 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy Alex. J. Rohde Agents Th os. G. Ballantyne Centralia R.R. 1 Science Hill Kirkton Mitchell R.R. 1 R.R.3 R.R. 1 Woodham 1, Mitchell Cromarty Clayton Harris R.R. E. Ross Houghton Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter Exeter ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron, Lambton Perth and Middlesex For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times “Service that Satisfies” PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex (Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day) Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed CREDITON P.O. or PHONE 43-2 SPRINGERS — Hereford and Short­ horn cow. Bred Hereford. Over­ stocked. Apply Whitney Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia. USED WASHING machine, recently reconditioned, in good working order, best price offered. Large baby bas­ket with handies, lined with quilted plastic mattress included. Coffee maker, silex type, used only a few times, $4,00. — Mrs. Barry Elliott, “Water Street, Lucan, 184-J. COCKSHUTT BEET and bean scuf- fler, 4-row pull type. Apply Bert Box, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 626-j-2.____£* LLOYD BABY carriage, in good shape. Apply Mrs. Fred Howe, R.R. 2, Centralia._____________________4c MAN’S ENGLISH brown shoes, size 11. Too small for owner. Phone 323-J Exeter. 4’ MONITOR APARTMENT- washer, 1 year old, A-l condition, half price, $40, —Fisher's Hardware, Exeter. 4c KARN PIANO — Medium size, plain case. $159.00. — W. Martin, Exeter South. _________________________4c WE EXPECT a car of Bran and Shorts next wqpk. Off car discount will apply, Potatoes $1.50 a bag. — Exeter District Co-Op._____ 4c UNIVERSAL COOLER. 8 Apply 76 John Street.cu. ft. 4* QUALITY TELEVISION Three Makes To Choose From G-E — PHILCO — DUMONT Qualified Service RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter 21:28:4:11:18:25c CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words — lit Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS SO# More Than 25 Words - 1# Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order .or Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column! First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. by s< Garages Sunday and Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: Snell Bros. Ltd GARAGE RE WARDLE FLY POWDER Tenders will be received by the Township of Usborne for the supply of warble fly powder up to 2:00 p.m., Monday, March 8, H. H. G. STRANG, CLERK, Hensall, R.R. 1. 25:4c RE WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR Warble Fly Inspector wanted by the Township of Usborne to oversee and direct the treatment of all cattie for warble fly.Applications will he received up 2:00 p.m., Monday, March 8. H. H. G. STRANG, CLERK, Hensal), R.R. 1. 25:4c FOR RENT to SIX-ROOM HOUSE south of Grand Bend, on 21 Highway. Modern con­ veniences. XJhone 145 Thedford. 4:11* CENTRALLY LOCATED in Exeter, six-room cottage, dining room, living room, two bedrooms, kitchen, three- piece bath, hot and cold water, ccixl furnace, fully furnished. Phone 36-r-6 Dashwood, Cecil Rowe.___________4* 3-R00M SELF-CONTAINED apart­ ment for rent, all utilities paid. — Phone 119-R Lucan. 4c THE PERFECT GIFT for the patient is a Pillow-Speaker Radio. Rent one today at local hospital. Reasonable rates._______________11:18 ;25:4;11;18* FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hardware, Exeter.tfc 8 - ROOM HOUSE, Nicely painted, heated, hot water, good basement, good location, Garage 18x26. Small fruit trees. Also three lots, very best of land. Apply 89 William St._____£* HENSALL—Brick home with garage centrally located, corner lot. New modern bath and downstairs wash­ room. Immediate possession, Reason­ ably priced to settle estate. guaranty trust company OF CANADABroker It. B. Paterson, Phone 51Hensal), Ontario__________4:11c 100 ACRES STEPHEN Township, brick house, bank barn, possession arranged. — W. C. Pearee, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman,_______3-4tfc CENTRALLY LOCATED for schools, churches and shopping, 3-bedroom house, new roof, interior decorating good, 2 bathrooms, garage. ■—W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. _________________________ 10-ROOM SOLID red brick house. Moiiern, insulated. Upper and lower verandas. Large garage. Suitable for professional man or nursing home. Apply Edmund Geiger, Hensall. __ ________________________25:4:11c FARM PROPERTY—In the Township of Hay, Lot 5, Con. 12 and 13, con­ sisting of 150 acres, more or less, on which is situated a well built two- storey frame house with all modern conveniences. Large bank barn, straw shed, large silo and pig stable, water pressure system throughout with a never-failing water supply. Produc­ tive loam land exceptionally well drained; 6 acres of bush. Property very suitably situated one mile north of Dashwood, First farm south of school. Convince yourself by seeing this farm; immediate spring posses­sion, —Aaron Oestreicher, owner, or contact Alvin Walper, auct. 25;4c 2 - STOREY YELLOW brick house, Lot 12, Con. 6, Biddulph, to be moved from the property. Apply to Misses Ryder, at above address.25*:lc BRAY BREEDS & CROSSES. If you want chicks for egg production and later to sell as table birds, get down to brass tacks with such breeds and crosses as B.R., Columbian Rock, L.S., Black Australorp, N.H., pr N.H. crosses. Canadian Approved. Pullets start from $17.90. Ask us for com­plete list. —Eric Carscadden, Exeter Phone 246-W. 4c AUCTION SALE DATES Alvin Walper, Auctioneer HENSALL SALES ARENA EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M.Saturday, March 6: Real Estate and Household Effects, estate of late Elizabeth Witzel.Wednesday, March 17: Livestock and Implements, Mrs. Melizza Geiger, Prop.Saturday, March 20: Real Estate and Household Effects, William Far- rel. Prop.Tuesday, March 23: Real Estate, Livestock, Implements; Ed Lippert, Prop.Wednesday, March 24: Livestock, Implements; Ray Jory, Prop. Friday, March 26:. Livestock and Implements; Tom Campbell, Prop,Wednesday, March 31: Real Estate, Implements and Household Effects; Aaron Oestreicher, Prop.Wednesday, April 7: Livestock and Implements; Ed Stire, Prop. AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, LOT NORTH % N.B. 18 VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD undersigned auctioneer is in- MISCELLANEOUS LAWN ROLLING—Your lawn needs rolling this spring. Call Murray Me- Creery, 169-J Exeter. After 6:00, call 884-W. 4c BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­ grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50tf. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 25:4:11* SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, imme­ diate service. All refuse removed from premises. Phone 108-W Lucan or 130-W.________________18:25:4:11* LARRY'S TAXI, HENSALL. 24-hour service. Long and short distances. Phone day 143, night 142-W Hensall.11:18:25:4c $1,800.00 CASH. Total price $4,300.00 will purchase nicely located home. This house has modern kitchen and bathroom downstairs and small kit­ chenette and two-piece bath up. May be used as two apartments or one- family home. Immediate possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 2-25tf FOR SALE — HOUSE. Fine family home with separate garage and love­ ly grounds. New roof and recondi­tioned throughout. Oil heat, bath facilities up and down. Three bed­ rooms and den. Immediate possession. Best location available in town. Con- taet E, E. Buswell.____________25:4* HENSALL fairly new frame house, living room (fireplace), dining room, kitchen (modern), 4-pjece bath, hot and cold water. Three-bedrooms. Oil­ burning furnace. Garage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. l-14tfc The ______=______,______ — ... structed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 6 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp.REAL ESTATE: Consists of 1/5- acre of land on which is situated a well built 2-storey frame house cov­ered with insul brick, full basement, never-failing water supply, best of garden land. Property very suitably located.TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold sub­ ject to a reasonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Dining­room table and chest of drawers; kitchen table and table; end table; with springs and beds with springs----------------------- Sous rocking chairs; toilet set; kitchen utensils; 2 electric plates; cradle; trunk; hall stand with mirror; centre tables; electric iron; 2 congoleum rugs, 9x9, nearly new; curtains; seal­ ers; crocks; cellar table; lawn mower; wheelbarrow; 2 tons chestnut coal; garden tools; many articles too num­ erous to mention. TERMS: Cash. The estate of the late ELIZABETH WITZEL SAM WITZEL, T. H. HOFFMAN, T7J VAf'U ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER TWO BOARDERS. All conveniences.Apply 'nines-Advocate. 4:11:18* A USED BABY-WALKER in good condition; reasonable. Box 246 Lucan. 4c 30 BEEF TYPE heifers, 500^-600 lbs. Phone 7 Exeter. 4c GOOD LOGS. Highest prices paid. Thos, Welsh & Son, phone 109 Hen­sall. 4:11:18c 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS in Exeter for light housekeeping, for an elderly lady. Phone 730-w-l. 4c STANDING BUSH LOTS. Apply Ro­bert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. Also for sale: hard maple wood, $6,00 a cord delivered. 18:25:4:11* 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer­ tilizer or road horses, Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter, ll-19tfc HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER wanted by Exeter firm. Apply Box “B", Exeter Times-Advocate, 4c OFFICE GIRL—Please state educa­ tion, experience, age and if married. Must be trustworthy, intelligent and ambitious. Medina Natural Gas* Com­ pany Ltd., Box 126, Aylmer, Ontario. 4:11c HOUSEWIVES — Address advertising postcards. Must have good handwrit­ing, —Lindo 904, Watertown, Mass. 4 .*11:18:25* AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN! Your chance to make money. We offer you a large variety of cosmetics, daily necessities, farm products. Wherever you may live -write for free details. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 3, Montreal. 4c BUTTERMAKER —Buttermaker with first-class certificate or buttermaker eligible for certificate, for small Western Ontario creamery. Good working conditions. Apply stating ex­ perience and wages expected to: J. McLean, Lucan Creamery, Lucan, Ont. 4:11:18c In the Estate of Henry Clarke deceased. All persons having claims the estate of Henry Clarke, the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, Farmer, who pied on or about the 6th day of February, 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Soli­citors, of Exeter, fey the 13th day of March next, after which date the es­ tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ont,25:4:11c In the Estate of Thomas John Hopcroft deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas John Hopcroft, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of December, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton. Soli­citors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the fith day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ont. 18:25:4c In the Estate or Lavina Fisher deceased, persons having claims against late of County All ________ _____ _____the estate of Lavina Fisher, the Town of Exeter, in the -----... of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of December, 1953, are re­ quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 6th day of March next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bel! & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrices, Exeter, Ont. 18:25:4c SATURDAY, MARCH 6 6 chairs; daybed; bureau; commode; 6 chairs; drop-leaf lamps; steel bed mattress; 2 single and mattress; var- OOPS! You almost missed reading about the wonderful USED CARS Graham Arthur’s offering for sale. Look them over! The price is right! Studebaker Five-Passenger Studebaker Five-Passenger Ford Coach Chev Coach ’52 ’51 ’46 ’41 ’SS .JFord Coach ’51 ’47 Anglia Lincoln For The Best Used Car Buys In Town SEE OUR OK USED CARS 1951 Chevrolet Powerglide Sedan 1950 Oldsmobile Sedan, Hydramatic 1949 Dodge Custom Sedan 1946 Pontiac Sedan 1950 Chevrolet Vi-Ton Pick-Up Snell Bros. Limited Exeter PHONE 100 Chevrolet * Oldsmobile « Chev Trucks EXETER* PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER ’ Phone 553___________________Exeter WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19.8-10tfc BE LONELY NO MORE! Correspond with members of the opposite sex. Some in your vicinity. Write for free particulars today. Ace Greeters, Box 90, Port Credit, Ont. 2-25:4:11:18:25:1* NOTICES HENSALL — Beautiful solid brick home for the discriminating buyer. Best cornei* residential location. All conveniences and facilities. Five bed­rooms. Ideally located with many ex­ tras. Must be seen to be appreciated. Reasonable terms,GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51Hensall, Ontario__________4:11c 100 ACRES WITH comfortable med­ium sized home. Large barn with good stabling. Silo. Hydro and water pressure with never-failing well. Soil is a very productive clay loam. Farm is near Exeter and possession will be given at buyer’s convenience. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter. 10-15tfc AUCTION SALE of Household Effects undersigned auctioneer has re­ Trucks ’47 Mercury, Chassis and ’45 Ford Dump, Hoist, Gravel Box *53 Half-Ton Studebaker $1,600 Cab 3 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Will anyone knowing the where­ abouts of one road drag missing from Winchelsea please contact the under­ signed'. 'W. J, ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, Township of Usborne, R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont. Phone Kirkton 25-11. 4c RE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND BY-LAW NO. 50Whereas By-law No. 50 of the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend, passed on the 15th day of Feb­ruary 1954, provides for submitting for the assent of the electors of the Corporation qualified to vote on mon­ ey by-laws, a certain proposed money by-law entitled: A by-law to provide for borrowing $85,000 upon debentures I to purchase the electrical distributing system, known as the Grand Bend Electrical System, repayments an­nually to be $6,820.62. And whereas By-law No. 50 of the council of the Corporation, passed on the 15th day of February 1954, pro­ vides for submitting for the opinion of the electors of the Corporation qualified to vote on money hy-laws the following question: “Are yon in favour of securing a supply of elec­tric power or energy from the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of On­ tario?”. Therefore the council of the Village I of Grand Bend enacts as follows: That, Monday, the 5th day of April 1954 between 9 o’clock in the fore­ noon and 5 o’clock in the afternoon shall be the day and time for taking the voteOn the 25th day of March 1954 at the Rohr of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, the Reeve shall attend at the Village Hall in Grand Bend and if requested shall appoint in writing, signed by him, two (2) persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, one (1) person to attend at the polling place on behalf of per­sons interested in and desirous of promoting the proposed money by-law or voting in the affirmative on the question, and a like number on be­half of persons interested in and de­sirous of opposing the proposed mon­ ey hy-law, or voting in the negative on the said question.The 5th day of April 1954 at the said Village Hall in the Village of Grand Bend at the hour of 6 o’clock in the afternoon is hereby appointed the time and place for the summing up by the Clerk of the Corporation the number of Votes given for or against the proposed by-law,A Tenant Who desires to vote must deliver to the Clerk of the Village of Grand Bend not later than the 10th day before the day appointed for the above votes the declaration provided for by SubSectiofi 3 of Section 276 of The Municipal Act, Chapter 243, RSO 1950, The above matters will no con­sidered by the council of the Village of Grand Bond at the council meet­ing on Monday, the 5th day of April 195).I, HERBERT WAINWRIGHT, Clerk of the Village of Grand Bend, certify that By-law No. 50, published above, to be a true and correct copy. t (Signed)M HERBERT WAINWRIGHT. Clerk Of the Village of Gfknd Bend. 4:11:186 6-ROOM HOME, first floor has living­ room, one bedroom, large modern kitchen, new three-piece bath, three bedrooms upstairs. Good basement with coal furnace. Extra lot; barn with garage. —524 William St, lltf* WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and qual­ ity, stores and other businesses, sum­mer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par- sons. Salesman.______________5-28tfc RED BRICK COTTAGE, double liv­ ing room, dining room, kitchen, and 3 beds, and full bath upstairs. Oil- burning furnace. W. C. Pearce, Re- altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-lltfc EXETER DISTRICT—Close to school and town. Excellent 200-acre farm. Brick house with all modern conven­iences. Fine barns with hydro and water pressure throughout. Soil is deep clay loam and in excellent conj dition. Suitable for cash crops or general farming; 10 acres bush. Other farms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street._______________________2-4 tfc [HIGH SCHOOL district, beautiful I ranch style brick house. Spacious livingroom and diningroom with wall to wall broadloom, Very modern kit­ chen. Nicely furnished bathroom, two large bedrooms and third room for additional bedroom or den. Full base­ ment with rumpus room, laundry tubs and air-conditioned oil furnace. Like new, Immediate possession. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street. _____________._______2-life EXETER, BUSINESS BLOCK, with three complete apartments. This pro­perty shows a real return on invest­ ment over and above taxes and other expenses. Let us give you the de­tails, —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street. _____ 2-4tfc USBORNE TWP. 200 acres, 10 sugar bush, 180 arable. Near school and bus route. Exeter 4 miles, Centralia beet loader, 3 miles; 2 barns have some ne^V stabling, metal roofs, silo. Brick house, slate roof, full bath, forced air furnace. Running water, hydro throughout, — W. G. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.l-21tfc The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction on MAIN STREET SOUTH, EXETER onSATURDAY, MARCH 13 at-1:30 p.m. sharp, the following: Electric coffee percolator; Sani Boy garbage pail; few odd dishes; rocking' chair; wood or coal annex; kitchen table; 6 chairs; dining room extension table; buffet; desk; bread box; 2 clothes baskets; electric iron with cord; mantle radio; 2 wicker bottom chairs; small chest of drawers; corn popper; clothes horse; —” lamp table; % bed, spring - filled mattress; uressera; Chinese checker board; long handled wall brush; magazine rack; child’s rocking chair; 2 verandah chairs and table; 2 lawn chairs; fruit jars; flower pots; wash tub; small enamel tub; garden hose; covered garbage, can; lawn mower; step stool; lawn rake; lunch box and thermos; cross-cut saw. Bedspread; box of dishes; window blinds; 3 rolls of linoleum 6% ft.; meat saw; pair shoes, size 10; pair skates, size 8; toilet tank, complete with fittings; Wash tub; lawn chairs; 2 wash basins; 3 crocks; 3-piece wal­nut bedroom suite; steel bed, springs and mattress; hall tree; lamp; small table; electric heater; cabinet sewing machine (White); shovels, rakes, hoes, cultivator, sprinkler; vacuum cleaner and attachments; chesterfield chair and stool; electric range; rock­ ing chair; oak dresser. TERMS: Cash. MARLON RYCKMAN, PROP. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER 4:11c auction on card table; springs and2 dressers; Graham Arthur Your Studebaker - Reo Dealer PHONE 210 EXETER BRtCK HOUSE—Perfect Exeter loca­tion, This home Is nicely laid out with four bedrooms and other usual rooms. Roof ana exterior of house is In good condition. It has hew Oil- burrilng equipment and garage.„ The lawns are beautiful artd nicely plant­ ed with ornamental Shrubs artd bushes. This property lends itself to the Use Of a larger family or for apartment purposes. Reasonable price, —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. , ............ l-21tfc NEW ONE-FLOOR ultra-modern 5- roorii I'tiR1 brick, attic unfinished, air-conditioned oil heating. Apply 493 Andrew Street. 1-14tfc HENSALL RESIDENTIAL property. One of HenSall's finest smaller houses. This home is comparatively new and is nicely. finished through­ out. It have two bedrooms, a dining room and a very modern kitchen and bathroom. Full basement with oil- burning furnace. Garage, Nicely treed lot. Quick Possession. C, V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St, Exeter, 12-24tfc Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay and Miscellaneous Items On the premises. LOT 23, CON. 13, HAY TWP.1’4 miles west of Zurich, ’4 mile north Bronson Line The undersigned auet’oneer is in­structed to soil bv pnh’l-* auction on >. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 <■ commencing at 1 o’c.loei* p.m. sharp, LIVESTOCK: White Durham cow, due in April; red Durham cow, due iri April; roan Durham cow, due in April; roan Durham ce’w, due in May; red Durham cow, carrying third calf, due latter part of March; roan Durham cow, fresh two woeks, with calf at foot; roan Durham cow, with chit at foot; red Duram hrt'or, carry­ ing second calf, due in May: blue roan cow, due time of sale; part Durham and Holstein cow due in April: Holstein heifer, cnrr’"ing sec­ ond calf, duo in April: Holstein hei­ fer, milking, due in May "ar* Hol­ stein and Durham cow, due time of sale; 5 Durham heifers, Hs’ng two years old; 5 Durham yoarKnar; ,, 2 years old; 5 Dtirhnia yearlings: 2 Durham summer calves; ? Durham fall calves. This is an exceptionally good herd of cattle in best, of con­dition. PIGS: 25 York Started weanlings.TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS’ True- toi‘, Allis Chairtiers “C”, In good con­ dition, equipped with 2-row hvdrav’tc sctiffler and bean puller; McDeering binder, 7-ft. cut, like new: MoDCeHng mOwer, 6-ft. cut: Fleury 2-furrov* tractor nlow; 3-drurn 9-ft. steel land roller; Mc.Deering 7-ft. tractor culti­ vator; McDcerfng 3-sectfon drag har­rows; Nd. 7 M.H, hav loader; M TT, side rake: 1 -horse Shuffler; Renfrew electric cream separator; Wdods oat roller, equipped with 2-h.p. electric motor: root pulper, equipped with ’/>- h.p. electric motor: circular saw: bag truck; )6o ft. snow fbneft; set of bob sleighs With platform f set of harness! 500 cap, electric chick brooder; 3 shelters; feeders: many articles too numerous to mention, HAY; 200 square bales of clover hav, best of quality,TERMS; Cftsh. MRS. MELIZ55A GEIGER,. PROB. EARL wetdo, clerk ALVIN WALPER, AUGT.4:11c FEED SERVICE MEANS Superior Qualify At Lowest Cost V, l You Can Buy With Confidence At Your Shur-Gain Mill BACKED BY YEARS OF RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENT, YOUR SHUR-GAIN MILL IS PRODUCING HIGH GRADE, FRESH FEEDS THAT AR» MANUFACTURED - FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF INCREASING Economy In Production Cann's Mill Ltd. Exete»* Whalen Coders