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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-25, Page 7
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINC, FEBRUARY 25, 1&54 CHEQUES -nr . . . printed to ypur individual business requirexnents are " a valuable asset. For quality that will add prestige to your accounting system, at a very moderate rate, consult The Times-Advocate g sE s g 8 _ Yard Goods For Summer Gingham — Denim —- Percale -— Novelty Cottons Nylette Cotton —— Criskay —- Dress Broadcloth —- LdLnen EfngMsh Tricoline CELANESE SUITING FOR SPRING x TUDORS LADIES WEAR — DRY GOODS Phone 70 Hensall ■ Main Street E -E 1 c s s | c E Car Buyers Finance and Insure Yow New or Late Model Car E e E SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY i § HENSALL, ONT. Hensail And District News Message From Institute Treats Grandmothers Grandmothers were the special guests at Kippen East W.I. Feb ruary meeting held at the home of Mrs. W. Broadfoot with over 50 members and grandmothers -present. Prizes for the oldest grandmother present went to Mrs, C. Simpson, of Seaforth; youngest to Mrs. Cecil Pullman, Seaforth, and grandmother with most grandchildren, Mrs. R. Peck. Mrs. N. McLeod comment ed on the motto, "Old days, old ways, the world as it used to be”. Members displayed some very lovely articles, some over 100 years old, belonging to their grandmothers. Mrs. Robert Dal rymple, of Egmondville, gave a very interesting demonstration ■on making flowers from discard ed nylons. Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. C. Forrest, of Hensall ren dered a vocal duet and Mrs. For rest favored with a piano selec tion. Mrs. WT. Workman gave a ■poem. During the business period, $10 each was voted to the Can cer Fund, Mental Health Fund, Hensall Legion and Easter Seal Campaign. Of the eight beauti ful crib quilts completed by the members, two will be donated to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, two to Clinton Public Hospital, two to Scott Memorial Hospital,' Seaforth, and two to War Mem orial Children’s Hospital, Lon don. Members discussed ways and means of raising money. At their March meeting to be held in S.S. 10, Tuckersmith, Seaforth W.I. will be honored guests. Mrs. W. Jarrott of the J. Mc- charge •JL? nds!Kippen By MRS. A. GACK6TETTERPersonal Items ACI Don Orr, stfttloped with the RCAF at Edmonton, landed home on Monday of laBt week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr and Jimmy. Don who has had one year in the Air Force as a teletype technician, left on Thursday for Halifax where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs, William R. Stephenson, left on Thursday for Florida, where they expect_to vacation for some weeks. ‘ trip was made by motor. Mr. John Hazelwood is fined to his home, having stricken with a heart attack, Mr, John Hazelwood, who suf fered a stroke last week, was taken to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday by ambu lance. Mr. John Forrest, of the Parr Line, is a patient at Clinton Hos pital, having suffered a stroke. Terry, Wayne, Neil, Gwen and Sandra Forrest, who moved to Sarnia with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Forrest on Saturday last, were presented with from the Sunday School of mel Presbyterian Church to leaving, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence spent Monday in Toronto. Miss Ann Hildebrandt return ed to London after spending a few days w’ith her mother, Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt and Marney. Miss London, parents, Jinks. Mrs. Edna Corbett, of Exeter, was a recent visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Edna Jones. Miss Betty Moir, of London, was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs, Bertha Moir. Mrs. Garnet Datars spent a few days last week with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Irvine Reickert. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forrest and family moved to Sarnia to take up residence on Saturday, where Mr. ForreBt has been em ployed for the past several months. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennedy accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle re turned holiday Mrs. visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr .and Mrs. Harry Gibson, in Sudbury. The con- been gifts Car prior Reid Bernice Jinks, R.N., of visited recently with her Mr. and Mrs. Manley Mrs. J. McAllister Active Hay Citizen Mrs. James McAllister, promin ent resident of -the Parr Line, Hay township, passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, Sun day, February 21, lengthy illness, township, t h e Broadfoo-t, she of the late Mr. Broadfoot. An active United Church presides soeiation men’ held secretary Lodge was instituted five years ago. and. was a member of the executive of the Hensall Wo men's Institute. As a young wo man she tought school at the White School and in Tucker smith township. Surviving besides her husband I are one son. Ian, of the OAC, Guelph" Jean, of Teachers’ Col lege. London; one brother, Glen Broadfoot. Stanley township, and one sister. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, I Tuckers mith township. jPublic funeral services were | i held at the family residence on Tuesday afternoon with Rev. W. J. Rogers conducting the service. Burial was in Baird’s Cemetery. following a Born in Hibbert former Rossie was the daughter . and Mrs. James M; the member of Hensall a, she was a past of the Women’s As- a member qf the Wo- issionary Society. She ■position of recording when Amber Rebekah Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore and Mr. Orville Workman spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. St&wart Cudmore in London. Mrs. Kyle, of Clinton, spent a day last week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mtb. Emerson Kyle. Mrs. Jennie Schilbe, of Exeter, visited recently with her mother, Mrs. McClymont. Miss Marion Thomson, Thed ford, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and daughters visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Keith West- j lake, of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wade and 1 son Allen visited on Sunday with I Mrs. Wade’s brother and sister- ; in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dicken. Barley We Are Now Taking Contracts- for CONTRACT EARLY ’k'"’' Phone 2-4 Second Line In Acreage Has Been Greatly Reduced By MRS. H. ELSON WE OFFER THE BEST Atkinson Langford with Mr. of Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Orville and John spent Sunday and Mrs. Fred Pattison, ham. Mr .and Mrs. Charles and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert "Wren, of Hen sall. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls and family were Mrs. Irene Hicks, Bill and Maxine, of Clio, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Allan were guests on Sunday and Mrs. Harry Dougall, sail. Miss Joyce Fischer and ter, Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake (nee Lillian Fischer) attended the baptism on Sunday of Joyce Lillian Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. John Gre-gus and family, of London, spent Sunday with their uncle and. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek. Weekend guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J-ohn Rol- co, were Mr .andl Mrs. Frank Rolc-o and John, Jr., of Toronto. Mrs. Jessie Lewis visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Czar Har ness, London. Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, of Ailsa Craig, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Jessie Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Arthur, of Anderson. In Delivery In Times Of Trouble Kippenettes IMscutss Teeth The Thrifty Kippenettes held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Eldon Jarrott February 17. Mrs. Jarrott, discussing care of the teeth, advised the girls to brush their teeth regularly and go to their dentist twice a year. Mrs. Bell spoke on hosiery and shoes and the care ol them. A demonstration on posture, by some of the girls, followed. Sam ples of hemmed and Blip Btitched patches and bias binding were done. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W! Bell on March 3 with Miss Jean Stec- kle, home economist, as speaker. her sis- Our Service South GOOD QUALITY SEED ON HAND Overhaul' Tractor Port NEW Lindsay McKellar spent And Others and Mrs. Don Wallace and SEE THESE, GOOD BUYS BE PREPARED FOR SPRING their with Sors- Mrs. from ’46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, a Honey for the Mtwiney ’46 HUDSON SEDAN 6, One Owner home after a pleasant in Detroit. Lome McNaughton is Speare, who is also a charter member of the Auxiliary. Mrs. James Miller made the presenta- Lunch- Mc- Mrs. and s: , Elston of Mr. of Hen- I-H-C Farmal! “A” I-H-C Super “A” UAC Case First Eskimo: Going this winter? Second Eskimo: Yup. down to Iceland. News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Left us put your tractor and other equipment in top- raotch shape for spring. Do not wait -until the last min ute. You may lose valuable Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Massey-Harris 44. Farmal! Cub t UWimttciimiiittHtt m rmumn r» hihhuii iihhhi mi if HENSALL.. ONTPHONE 103 Going I NOW Ordeir Your Alfalfa Red Clover Sweet Clover Alsike Ladino Birdafoot Trefoil* White Dutch Brome Orchard Grass Timothy Blue Grass Red Top Perennial Rye Meadow Fescue • Tractors s: J Your Massey-Harris Ferguson Dealer PHONE 414-J ’ EXETER Bell and Mrs. Eldon, were appointed leaders Thrifty KippenetteB. Mrs. I Lellan, president, was in of t he meeting and co-hostess was Mrs. A. Finlayson, eon was served by Mrs. J. Naughton, Mrs. H. Caldwell, E. McBride, Mrs. R. Peck Miss Margaret Sinclair. Legion Entertains Girls The Ladies Auxiliary to the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion were hostesses to the Guides and Brownies of the First Hensall Company and Pack and their mothers, at the Legion Rooms Monday evening. Mary Anne Rannie, daughter of the Auxiliary president, greeted the guests at the door. A program of games, .arranged by the local as sociation, was conducted by Mrs. R. H. Middlton and' Mrs. W. O. Goodwin. The decorations, cent ring around World Guiding, will be displayed throughout the week at Middleton’s drug store. The finishing touch to the de licious lunch, served by the Le gion ladies under the convenor ship of Mrs. E. R. Davis and Mrs. G. Munn, were two beautiful cakes. One was iced in white and blue and decorated with the .Guide Trefoil. The other had the name of the pack lettered in yellow on the icing. At the close of the evening, Joyce Peter, on behalf of the Guides and Brownies, moved a vote of thanks to all those who had contributed to the delightful time. Euchre Club Meets Elimville Euchre Club was held on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner as hosts. Winners of the evening were Mrs. Harold Bel), Mr. John ny Ridley and Mrs. Alvin Pym. Mr. and Mrs. William Johns will be hosts this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and YvonDe, of Zion, were Fri day evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner. Mr. Earl Hunter and friend, of Tronto, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunt er. In Helpful Aids In Custom Grinding And Mixing Tea Sale Makes ®4O <? Intended for last week) The Valentine tea and bake sale held in Carmel Church on February 13, sponsored by the Ladies Aid, was well patronized and $4 0 realized. The Sunday school rooms were very attract ive with Valentine decorations. Convenors for the tea were Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. H. Bell, Mrs. C. Volland; baking, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mtb. Ross Dick, Mrs. Len’ Purdy. Mercury Phone 178 Hensallll Seaforth Merchant Born Near Hensall Mr. Isaac Hudson, prominent resident and businessman of Sea forth, owner of The Hudson Egg Grading Station there, died in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea forth, Tuesday, February 23, in his seventy-third year, following a three weeks illness with a heart condition. Mr. Hudson was born on the Parr Line near Hensall, and is well known around this community. Surviving are his widow, the former Mabel Mellick; two sons, Max, of Windsor, Leonard, of To ronto, and two daughters, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Seaforth, and Mrs. Dalton Diegal, Brodhagen. Five sisters, Mrs. John Consitt and Mrs. William Douglas, of Brucefield, Mrs. Eva Carlile, Mrs. Annie Logan and Mrs. Mar tha Harvey, of Hensall, also sur vive. Resting at the W. G. Whit ney Funeral Home, Seaforth, where public funeral services will be held on Thursday at 2 p.m. Interment will - be made in Mait- landbank Cemetery. Mr. Philip Murch returned home on Sunday after being a patient in South Huron Hospital for’ a few days. The library books for the Elim ville Institute are to be in by March 2. Service //s Rebekah Lodge Marks Birthday Amber Rebekah Lodge No. of Hensall celebrated their anniversary February 17, D.D.P. ’• " husband of Exeter Members 349 fifth with Mrs. Kay Cann and her as special guests. Members from Huronic Lodge Clinton were present. The meeting was presided over by N. G. Mrs. Dorothy ParkeT. Mrs. Cann expressed her greetings to the Lodge. An invitation was read 16 attend a meeting and social evening at Huronic Rebekah Lodge Clinton, Monday, March 1, members rooms by 7: A social enjoyed by husbands and guests, were Mrs. Allah ‘Johnson, Eva Carlile, Harold Bell and Sam Rannie. An angel cake, sold by Dutch hhctioh was won by George Glenn of Hensall, Mrs, Cann drawing the lucky ticket. The lucky cup winner was Mrs. Bryan Kyle. The birthday cake Was do nated by Mrs. E. Chipchase and cut by N, G, Mrs. Harold Parker. Huronic Mondayl to meet at the lodge 30 p.m. game of euchre was the members* their Winners Mrs. Personal. Items Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLach lan. Seaforth, visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mc Lachlan. Mr. Gordon Laing and Mr. Arnold Storey motored to Hamil ton on Sunday where they visited with friends. Frank and Leonard Houghton, of Wingham, are spending a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. M. Houghton. Rev. R. Duncanson and Mr. T. Laing attended a meeting of Stratford Presbytery at Monkton on Tuesday. Mrs. R. Homuth and Mrs. W. N. Binning and Richard, of Mit chell. visited with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar on Wednesday. Mr. Frank Stagg and Mrs. M. Houghton visited on Suriday with with Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Stagg, Exeter. Mr. and ’ Mrs. Francis Glossop and Bette visited Sunday with Mrs. Glossop’s parents, Mr. jind Mrs. Arthur Forrester, at Albert. The Mission Ba.nd held regular meeting Saturday Ina Scott presiding. Mrs. dahl led in devotions and Duncanson read a chapter the Study Book. Mrs. Howard Wright returned home on Tuesday from Seaforth Hospital where she had been a patient for several weeks. Mr. ‘ "__ 1 /“ the weekend in Seaforth with Mr ___ „ Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. McKellar, Auxiliary Meets The February meeting of the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary was held at the home 6i Mrs. Wesley Russell. Miss Margaret Walker presided and Mrs, Robert Laing read the scripture lesson. Miss Olive Speare, Mrs. Eldon Alien, Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Miss Alice Sorsdahl had charge of the Study Book and Mrs. Russell gave a topic on "Prayer”. An address read by Mrs. Calder McKaig a lif6 membership certificate presented to Mrs.* AHve< ?0stal FORD SEDAN, 2-Tone, Whitewall Tires FORD' CUSTOM TUDOR, Judge for Yourself FORD CUSTOM TUDOR, Overdrive, Radio etc. ’50) HILLMAN SEDAN, Economy in This One ’50 MERCURY SEDAN, Overdrive, Whitewall Tires, etc., Like New *50 MERCURY SEDAN, Whitewall Tires, Chrome Rings, Fender Skirts ’50 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR, Overdrive, Radio etc. ”54 MERCURY 3-TON CHASSIS AND CAB 154" ”5'4 MERCURY %-TON EXPRESS ”54 MERCURY i/2-TON PICKUP ’53 NEW MERCURY i/2-TON, Automatic (Less Than Cost) s A L E ’5© CHEV TUDOR, Priced to Sell MS' DODGE TUDOR, New Chrysler Metor.- ILiike New ’45. DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN, Extras MS PLYMOUTH" SPECIAL DELUXE SE.DAM ’47 DODGE TUDOR ’47 PONTIAC TUDOR, Torpedo Body ”47 FORD TUDORS DODGE Vz-TON PANEL FORD y2-TON FORD 1/a-TON STUDEBAKER 3-TON, Hoist and Racks HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone for Demonstration .. fa ^bbiftb of the Armt <J 7 \ f i * ’WJ aM FrSdayJ^ngi over the Dominion Netwrk