HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-25, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1954
MisslQrt Circle Honors Member
Miss Maida Richard was. guest
of honor at a miscellaneous
shower at the home of Miss Olive
Parsons, arrange^ b y f e 11 o w
members of the Mission Circle
of James Street Church.
A mock wedding with Mrs.
Garnet Shipman, Mrs, Gerald Mc-
Falls, Miss Bessie Johns, Mrs.
Harry Hern 'and Miss Mabie
Selves as members of the we ti
the enter-ding party, provided
As the bride-to-be
in a gaily-decprated
gifts were presented
lowing the reading of an address
by Mrs. Howard Holtzman.
was seated
chair, the
to her fol-
A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate
Feminine Facts n Fancies
Many people never seem to get a good
night’s rest They turn and toss—blame it
on ‘nerves’—when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
acids from the blood. If they fail and
impurities stay in the system—-disturbed
vest often follows. If you don’t rest well
get and use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s
help the kidneys so that you can rest
better—and feel better. 136
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Mark Sir1! Guide Week
With Special Activities
Fifty Guides, their leaders and
their District Commission, usher
ed In Brotherhood Week, former
ly known as Guide-Scout Week,
on Sunday afternoon, February
21, at a “Guides’ Own Service”,
held in Trivitt Parish Hall,
Companies from the districts
of Exeter - Zurich - Hensall, con
ducted the service. Prayers were
given by the Hensall Guides, the
Beatitudes by the Zurich group,
and an anthem, “Bless This Dis
trict,” was sung by the Exeter
Company. Leader Rena Murray
gave the address and Miss L.
For a Complete Line of
Seigner, District Commissioner,
closed the meeting with prayers
and benediction,
* * * *.
Guides and Brownies are cele
brating Brotherhood Week and
on Tuesday wore their uniforms
all day in celebration of the joint
birthdays of their founder, Lord
Baden Powell and his wife, the
world’s chief Guide, Lady Baden-
Powell. This day is known as
“Thinking Day’’ when Guides and
Scouts the world over think of
each other.
Local Guides will hold a spec
ial meeting on Thursday night
when their mothers will join in
the ceremony of enrolment and
the presentation of badges.
On Saturday, they will hold a
bake sale and tea at the Central
To bring this special week to
a close, Exeter Brownies, Cubs
and Guides will march to Main
Street United Church and attend
the Sunday morning service on
February 28.
. Members of the Junior In
stitute with their mothers as their guests, held their annual
Mother and Daughter banquet at
Monetta Menard’s on February
17. Valentine decorations were
carried out on the tables.
Miss Jean Steckle, home econo
mist, brought greetings from
county. A toast to the Queen
the Mothers, proposed by
president, Mrs. Harry Hern,
responded to by Mrs,
The guest speaker, Mrs, Emery
Desjardine, of Grand Bend, was
introduced by Miss Marilyn Hern.
Differences in the lives of the
girls of today and of her younger
days, were pointed out in an in
teresting way by Mrs. Desjardine.
The speaker was thanked by
Mabie Selves.
Accordion selections by
Amy Fisher added
Mr. Porter of the
staff was winner of
a chenille bedspread and Mrs.
James Simpson won a box of
to the
— By B.A- —
High School
the draw for
Contact your Local Agent who will gladly
call on you at your convenience.
Bob Luxton
Phone 679-W
Exeter Dairy
Exeter, Ont.
Phone 331-J
Three Guide, Brownie Groups
Active In District Community
By MISS LORETTA SEIGNER > Company and Miss Norma KellerDistrict Commissioner 1 *" n------
This week is Girl Guide Week
all over the world, Thinking Day
February 22, the birthday of the
founder of the movement, Lord
Baden-Powell, church parades,
Guides’ Own’, baking sales are
all special features of Guides
In the Exeter district there are
three Guide Companies and three
Brownie Packs,
Mrs. Robert Luxton is the
Guide Captain of the Exeter
You never outgrow the need for milk!
Child; or adult — you need calcium and
phosphorous to build bones and teeth
. . . Vitamins A, B, and G to ward off
infection, and stimulate digestion . . .
protein to rebuild worn muscles and tis
sues. Milk supplies ALL these , . . ecoin-
MONTREAL—Don’t let it happen! . . . Don’t let
the tense, pressing agony of rheumatic pain strike
at you — or anyone in your family—without hav
ing help on hand! Get ABSORBINE JR. today —
only SI 25 for a Jong-lasting bottle ... As doctors
explain, rheumatic pain may be largely caused by
pressure. Sensitive nerves get irritated—and that
makes for tender swollen areas. When you rub
Absorbine Jr. on these spots—it eases the pain
quickly, easily! effectively because it helps to counter-act the pressures.
See? . , . Available at all drug counters.
Have You Heard The Good
News? . . . spe
cially for y-o-u,
if your feet have
been bothering
you lately. The
news is Pheny
lium, < the new
medication in
Corn Plasters,
Phenylium gets
right down under your oorn and
helps push it out from underneath
... the first really new medication
for corns and calluses in over Sev
enty years! In actual tests, Pheny
lium wont to work 33% faster and
worked 35% mote surely than
other leading remedies. Easy to
«jsee why folks with problem feet
say it’s the best news in years!
I know you’ll agrccl—-ask for
Blue-Jays with Phenylium at your
favourite drug countei* today.
“When Do We Eat?” . . . that’s
Junior’s cry as
soon as he sets
foot inside the
house. Always
hungry — and
always happy
when I serve
the family
NER. It’s so tasty ana satisfying
•— Creamy cheddar cheese and
macaroni 1 This main course dish
— ’specially useful in the Lenten
season—serves four -at less than
5 cents a serving! And it takes
just 7 minutes to cook. A tempt
ing macaroni 'n cheese combina
tion, it is made with a special fast
cooking macaroni, , . and mellow
cheddar cheese, all grated and
ready to use, It’s goda to keep a
supply always on hand—so watch
Out for the attractive yellow and
red package containing delicious
— quick-cooking — economical
Kraft Dinner!
We’ve Had More Fun Lately thart I can remember for years—p'an-
~ ning< the, house we’re going to build soon. My
specifications, include a built-in vanity for the
bedroom and a kitchen with a design nil my very
own—something I’ve been plotting ever since I
begad to wash dishes! It all costs money, but
come a few more paydays,, and we’ll have that
down payment in our savings account at the
BANK OF MONTREAL. It’s futi to save with
something concrete, So te speak, to Mve for. It’s
the secret of successful saving, and I’m doing all I
can to spread the secret motmdi It’s remarkable
how faithfully you can save when it’s for something you/really wantl
Wishful thinkuig never bought a dream », so my advice to you is
*o sot your sights on that "something” you’ve always wanted —and
for it M "MY BANK’<
Exchange Vows
Tall standards of white mums
and snapdragon and lighted tap
ers formed the setting in James
Street United Church at noon on
Saturday, February 20 for the
marriage of Maida Marie Eveleen
Richard, Exeter, to Donald Ray
Ggiser, of Dashwood. The double
ring ceremony was performed by
the Rev. H. J. Snell.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr .and Mrs. Leslie Richard, of
Exeter, and the groom is the son
of Mrs. Cora Gaiser and the late
Earl Gaiser, Dashwood.
Mrs. W. E. Gardiner, Meaford,
aunt of the bride, presided at
the organ and accompanied the
soloist, Miss Maxine Reeder, as
she sang the “Wedding Prayer”
and “O Perfect Love”.
The bride, who was given in-
marriage by her father, was love
ly in a floor-length gown of white
Chantilly lace and nylon tulle
over satin. Designed with a round
neckline of tulle, the bodice and
sleeves were of Chantilly lace.
The nylon skirt, with, inserts of
lace ,extended into a train. A
pleated tulle fan-shaped head
dress held her illusion veil and
she erried a white satin Bible
crested with an orchid.
Mrs. Lou Bailey, who attend
ed her sister as matron of honor,
wore an ankle-length straple.ss
gown of Queen’s blue nylon tulle
over taffeta with torso waistline
and matching bolero jacket. The
bouffant skirt was trimmed with
irridesc.ent sequins and a match
ing headdress, mitts and shoes
completed her costume. She car
ried a cascade of pink carnations,
mums and roses.
Bridesmaids Miss Alma Rich
ard, sister of the bride, and Miss
Betty Gaiser, the groom’s sister,
wore gowns in toast shade, styled
inderttically to that worn by the
matron of honor. They carried
cascade arrangements of yellow
carnations, mums and roses.
Little Susan Bailey, niece of
the bride, was a charming flower
girl dressed in Queen’s blue t&f-
feta with floor-length overskirt
of nylon tulle. She wore match
ing mitts and headdress and car
ried a miniature cascade of pink
carnations, mums and roses.
The groom was attended by his
brother, Mr*. Jack Gaiser. Allan
Richard, brother of the bride,
and Mr, Bruce Seebaph, of Napier-
ville, Ill., ^ere
Mrs. Richard
guests at the
church parlors,
crepe dress with corsage of pink
carnations, pink straw hat and
matching gloves, China mink
furs and navy accessaries. She
was assisted by the grOotn’S mo
ther who wore a dusty rose crepe
dress, Wirtter white hat and a
corsage of white carnations.
Pink and white shapdfagoh
and ■White tapers decorated the
tables, MlsSeS May SchrOeder,
Joanne McCurdy, Joan Parsons,
Jean and Joyce Haugh ahd Mrs.
Hugh Parsons assisted at the
For their wedding trip
Florida, the bride changed i
Wavy gabardine shit, grey
skirt coat, light blue straw
with navy accessories and
■orchid corsage.
Guests ’Were present for
Wedding from London, Dashwood,
is her assistant. The Brown Owl
of the Brownie Pack is Miss Isa
bel Ganton and the Tawny Owl
is Miss Sandra McKnight.
Un Hensall, Mrs. Thomas La
vender leads the Guides and Mrs.
E. Davis iB responsible for the
In Zurich, Mrs. Marjorie Schil-
be is the Guide Leader and Miss
Shirley Fairborn is her lieuten
ant. The Brownie Pack is looked
after by Mrs. Norma Parkins
with Mrs. Yvonne Reid and Mrs.
Eleanor Lawrence as her assist
The Brownie first passes her
Brownie Test, then her Golden
Bar and Golden Hand Tests. The
Brownie motto is: “Lend a
Hand.” Girls from the age of
eight to 11 are Brownies.
Guides first pass their Tender
foot test, then the Second Class
and First Class Test. The highest
award in Guiding is the Gold
I Cord. At the age of 16, a Guide
may become a Ranger. The Guide
motto is: “Be Prepared."
All tests are classified under
the headings intelligence, handi
craft, health and service. Badges
are awarded for passing stand
ardized tests.
rze c e 1 V e d the
reception in the
wearing a blue
i to
to ft
i ah
No Please
Down with tradition—on with
efficiency, According to the Bell
Telephone Company, many of
the traditional courtesies we now
use in telephone conversation
are not only unnecessary but in
efficient. We aim to please and
“please” it shall be no more.
For it appears that this please
habit proves only confusing to
the operators. Just this week in
placing an out-of-town call, we
gave the number, as instructed,
adding the usual “please”.
Presently, the operator called
back with a message that the line
was busy and she’d try again.
And she did, twice again in the
space of two hours before the
Wed In Toronto
Loretta Mae, younger daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym,
was married on Saturday, Feb
ruary 13, to Douglas Wayne
Buckner, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander M, Buckner, Windsor.
The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. Racklam in Timothy
Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto.
Miss Patricia Wallace, Oshawa,
and Robert MacWilliams, Wind
sor, were the attendants.
Mr. and Mrs. Buckner will
make their home in Toronto
where both are attending Ryer
son Institute of Technology, class
of ’54. Mrs, Buckner is a student
of retail merchandising and Mr.
Buckner of interior designing.
Rebekah Lodge
Plans Activities
At Pride of Huron Rebekah
Lodge meeting on Wednesday
night, a committee was named by
N.G. Mrs. Harry Beaver to assist
at the social evening for senior
citizens in
March 9.
Mrs. E.
were named to arrange a bowling
party for members in March.
A report on the social and
financial success of thq, old time
dance February 10, was given
by Mrs. Les Thomson.
A donation was voted from
the lodge to the Navy League of
Legion Hall, on
Steiner, Mrs. V.
Mrs. Les Gibson
line was’dear, However, we were
hooked up with the wrong num
Frugally checking back to
clear up the mix-up, we explain
ed that we were calling X, “Oh
but you gave me X3”, she re
Right away we realized the
error. Since they couldn’t pos
sibly have such a number as X
please, she had obviously called
the closest number to it, X3. And
she did put another call through
to X (sans please) immediately.
It does seem like throwing a
good friend to the times though.
We sort of hate to see OJd Please
pass from our telephone vocabu
lary—always felt it made things
a little more friendly.
in the
Caven Auxiliary W.M.S.
Caven Auxiliary W.M.S, held
their February meeting at the
home of Mrs. Frank Whilsmith
on February 18. Mrs.
Sillery, president, was
chair for the business
Plans were made for the
Day of Prayer to be held in
Caven Church, An invitation was
accepted from the Blyth W.M.S.
to give the program at their
Easter Thank Offering and an
announcement made of a Leaders’ I
Conference to be held in the
Clinton Church on March 26.
Mrs. Carman Cann convened
an informative and interesting
program under
along the Way’
while?”, taken
Book, She was ,
G. Dow, Mrs. H. Simpson, Mrs.
E. Mitchell and Miss M. Brown.
Mrs. Alvin Moir conducted the
worship period. Mrs. J. G. Coch
rane contributed a delightful
piano solo.
the topics “Cheer
and “Is it Worth-
from the Study
assisted by Mrs.
Youngest Cook
This *week we are pleased to
introduce our youngest cook to
date, Ruthanne Rader, of Dash
wood, who though only 10 years
old, takes her turn at making
cookies. Let’s hear from more
young girls who enjoy baking.
Our hats are off to you for start
ing early to learn to cook., By
the time you start out in
Own homes, no one will be
to say of you, “she can’t
water without burning it.”
Spice Cookies
(Ruthanne Rader, age 10 years)
cup shortening
cup brown sugar
raisins or dates,
1 nuts
Crediton, Denfield, Frankford,
Saskatchewan and Illnois.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaiser will make
their home in Exeter.
Trousseau Tea
Mrs. Leslie Richard entertain
ed at a trousseau tea at her
home on Wednesday afternoon
and evening in honor of
daughter, Maida,
During the afternoon,
Arthur Haugh, Mrs. William
diner, Miss May Jones and
Alee Cahn presided at the at
tractively arranged tea
Misses Jean Taylot and Sheila
Bailey assisted in the dining
room., The gifts and trousseau
were ' displayed by Misses Jean
Haugh, May SchrOedef and Alma
Richard, Mrs. Lou Bailey and
Mrs. Allen Richard. Miss Olive
Parsons was In charge of the
resistor*in the evening, Mrs. Carfrey
Canrt, Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, Mrs.
Freeman Motloek and Mrs. W.
Gardiner pouted tea. Misses May
Schroeder and Makifte Reeder as
sisted in the dining room. Mrs.
L. Bailey, Misses Lois Gaiser,
Joan Jackson and Alma Richard
showed the gifts and trousseau
while Mies Potty Gaiser presided
at the register.
Mix in the usual way. Drop
teaspoon onto greased cookie
sheet. Bake 10-15 minutes in
moderate oven,
Right here we want to make
a correction in Ruthanne’s mo
ther’s recipe for a carrot pud
ding. We omitted the last in
gredient, 1 teaspoon soda. Please
make this addition.
Miss Ella Link has given us
a casserole recipe which com
bines cauliflower and cooked
ham. Seasoned with cheese, it
sounds like a tasty combination
of foods.
Two In Ono Bake
(Miss Ella
medium head
can cream of
cup milk
cups cooked ham (cut Up)
tsp. dried sayoty
cup grated cheege
Cook cauliflower in salted
water ..until tender. Drain and
separate. Combine soup and milk
in a casserole. Add cauliflower,
ham, savory and one-half cup
Cheese. Sprinkle remaining cheese
over top. Bake at 350°.
This week we say farewell to
bur councillors’ wives (until Mrs.
Pooley returns to town). They
have been so helpful ahd so will
ing to lend us their recipes, that
we afe SOrry wb’ve come to the
end of the list. And right herb.
Gram’ must say thanks to those
councillors who assisted mem
bers of the tire department to
pump but flooded cellars. Let’s
give thbm all a big pat on the
Mrs. Snelgrove has sent US a
recipe with an Interesting name,
Frying Fan Chokies. No oven to
heat, " ‘ ~J ’
of cauliflower
chicken soup
., no cookie pans to wash,
they sound delicious,
Frying Part Cookies
(Mfk. Andrew Shejgrove)
mips dates, exit fine
eggs, wall beaten
Legion Auxiliary
Initiates Member
The Ladies Auxiliary to the
Exeter Legion Branch 167 held
their regular meeting in the Le
gion Hall on February 22,
a good attendance. One
member, Mrs. Edna Glabb,
A letter of* appreciation
read fpr the birthday parcels re
ceived by, two veterans at West
minster Hospital.
An .invitation frpm, the Sea
forth Auxiliary to attend a social
evening on March IQ was read.
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs. Mpry Cutting and, Mrs. Nor
man Norry won the dressed doji.
A penny sale was held during
the social part ef the evening.
A word to the wife is never
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(South of Jack Smith Jeweller)
Naturelie Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
New Rates
Effective Monday, Feb. 15
PER STOP .................... lOf
Per Mile ................. 12|<
Pop's Taxi
Popular black and navy shades
. . taffetas . . . flowered silks
. styled by famous Jonathon
Logan . . . see these lovely
dresses today!
All Weather Coats
’A new shipment will arrive this
week . . . Select yours soon.
McKnight & Wai per
Phone 474 Exeter
Take A
Grand Bend Wl
Discusses Health
“Health’’ was the topic of the
February meeting of the Grand
Bend Women’s Institute held in
the town hall. The convenor, Mrs.
Garnet Patterson, spoke on “The
Sacredness of the Human Body,
both Physical and Spiritual,’’
based on First Corinthians, chap
ter 6, verses 19-20.
■Roll call was answered by
naming “a doctor famous in-re
search’’. The motto, “The prob
lem of the health of our people
is with us always”, was taken by
Mrs. J. H. McGregor.
A letter was read by the secre
tary, Mrs. Wallace Becker, from’
an Institute member in England
who had received a pot holder
made by one of the members, at
the A.C.W.W. convention. Mrs.
Lloyd Fahner is in charge 'of
the .blankets made from old
woolens and orders must be in
before March 15.
A ipiano solo by Mrs. C. Smith'
was enjoyed.
Mrs. Ed. Gill gave interesting
current events and Mrs, Ray
Patterson gave a Valentine read
Group two held a Valentine
tea and bake sale at the close
of the meeting, with Mrs. Ed.
Gill, convenor.
* * * *
The ladies of the W.M.S. and
W.A. of the United Church-held
very successful quilting bees last
week when 12 quilts were com
pleted for overseas relief. An 11=
pound box of new baby clothes
was sent direct to Korea.
Look At
' rd
Z *r
The Exclusive
$449.50 in Walnut
Acts Like An
Inside Your
TV Set
Screens Ont Static
Steps Up Power
Ties Best Picture
To Best Sound
Wc wish to announce tha! our store has been sold to Mr.
and Airs. Thomas I). Mar Millan, who will take possession
on Monday, March 1. ”” :s week will mark the end of al
most seven years of ’*us:: :s during which we have enjoyed
serving the people of T eter.
In Appreciation
It is difficult to express in words our sincere appreciation
to our patrons who have supported us over the years. Serv
ing the people,of this district has indeed been a pleasure
jind we value the many friendships and acquaintances we
have experienced. Our thanks are heartfelt.
We Welcome our successors^ MY and Mfs. MacMillan, and
feel they will render excellent Service to Exeter and district
shoppers. We recommend them to you and solicit-your busi
ness on their behalf, z
21 cup white sugar
Put these ingredients in fry
ing pan or heavy sauce pah. C00k<
10 minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove from fire and add: ,
2 cups rice krispics
I tsp. vanilla
Roll in bails and dip in pliurt
of colored coconut,%
Store Closed All Day Mon., March 1