HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-25, Page 5Trade-In By MISS JANE DYKEMAN THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 ELGIN ELCO BULOVA CERTINA you a liberalWe will give allowance for your old watch, no matter what its condition, on the purchase of a new watch from our store. Beauti­ ful selection. Choose NOW — Save Money! Miss Carol Anne. Bell, Elim- ville, spent Saturday with Shirley Jaques. Mr. Harry Lovegrove, Thorn­ dale, visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman. Mrs. Lome Johns and baby daughter, Lois, returned home from Exeter last week. The intermediate boys and girls classes of Zion Sunday School attended the show in Ex­ eter on Saturday and returned to the school for refreshments. Mrs. Wesley Jaques, Exeter, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m,—Morning Worship. The minister will preach. Anthem by the Choir, Solo; Maxine Reeder. p.m.—Hymn Service, ■Solo: Jeanette Taylor. A warm welcome is. extended to all. 7 JEWELLER Main Street Exeter Rev. H. J. Snell Is in Toronto this week attending meetings of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service of the United Church. Pardon Me MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH " Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A, Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, February 28— 10 a.m.—The Church School in all Departments. 11 a.m.—‘Christian Youth Today’ The Girl Guides will parade to Church. Come and bring a friend. W But Have You Looked Over the Used Cars Graham Arthur’s Offering at Low, Low Prices? You Haven't? Better Rush Over to His Lot Right Away!s ’51 ’52 ’51 ’51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, Low Mileage STUDEBAKER STARLIGHT CPE., Fully Equipped STARLIGHT COUPE, All Accessories ’41 CHEV COACHANGLIA ’47 LINCOLN SEDAN ’45 FORD DUMP TRUCK Graham Arthur Studebaker Sales and Service PHONE 210 Church7 News pf Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev, Louis Higenell, Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon: "Christ Pays for His Disciples." March 3—Ash Wednesday vice and Communion. 8:00 p.m.-—"Crossing The ron." Ser- Kid- CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD W» Krotz, Minister Ken McCrae, Organist February 2S— Rev. Mrs. Sunday, ---------- 10:00 a.m.—Earth Meeting Hea­ ven. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School, 7:30 p.m.—Rock Personality. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Minister: Rev. E, N. Mohr "PIONEER DAY" Offerings For Said Fund 10:0'0 a.m.—Divine Worship, 11:00 a.m..—Bible School. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Days of Prayer Feb. 23-26—We invite you to come. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Carl Schroeder, Minister This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—English Service in Main Street United Church. All welcome! CHURCH OF ENGLAND QUINQUAGESIMA—First Sunday before Lent St Paul’s, Hensail Sunday School, Morning Prayer— 10 a.m. Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Sunday School—10:15 a.m. Morning Prayer.—11:30 a.m. Confirmation Instruction—3 p.m. Ash Wednesday—Holy Commun­ ion 10 a.m. Visitors Welcome at Both ChurcheB CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D, G. Campbell, Seaforth Interim-Moderator Organist; Mrs. J, G. Cochrane 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. Student from Toronto College. March 2, 3;00 p.m.—Caven Con­ gregational Circle at the home of Mrs. G. Dow. Auction sale. Each member bring a friend. March 2, 7:30 p.m.—C.G.I.T. at the Church. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Bob Latta and son, of London, visited Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Norman Amos. Mrs. H. Copeland entertained Mr Stanley Jay and Mr. and Mrs. R. Mills and family on Sunday. Miss Doris Foley is spending two weeks holidays with her mother, Mrs, Edith Foley. Rev. George Hamilton, of Lion’s Head, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hamilton. Mission Circle Elects Officers An organization meeting the Mission Circle was held February 21 in the church, fleers are as follows: President, Shirley Rogers; vice-president, Done Roger; secretary, Pauline Simpson: treasurer, Leola Willis; group leaders, Gladys Switzer, Ruth Kemp and Marilyn Mar­ shall; pianist, Sheila Watson; leader, Mrs. C. Jory. Plans for the coming year were made and all girls 14 years and over are invited to attend. The next meeting will be held on March 12 at the home of Marilyn Marshall with Gladys Switzer, Marilyn Marshall, Ruth Kemp, Shirley Roger and Pauline Simp­ son in charge. Roll call will be answered by paying fees. Letter From Harpley By MISS M. HOBGINS o£ on Of- News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McGreg­ or of the Mollard Line, having re­ turned from their holidaying in Florida. Mr. Don Desjardine, of Bee Line, has been cutting wood with the chain saw for Mr. Jack Rid­ ley during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carruth­ ers entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening last to a progressive euchre party. Piano Recital Given By Pupils Mrs. A, E. Holley presented her yiano students in a recital on Friday evening, February 19 at the parsonage of Main Street United Church. Friends and rela­ tives of those taking part enjoyed the excellent program of piano solos and duets. A social hour followed the recital. Those who contributed to the program were, Roxanne Beavers, Margaret Howey, Jocelyn Howey/ Heather MacNaughtop, Hazel Sparling, Sandra Sharrow: Doug. Kelson, Richard Knarr, Bev. Sturgis, Fred Sanders and Ted Sanders. Mr. and Mtb. Roes Gunning of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. -Gordon Sanders of Detroit were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns and Marie during the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. .JLawrence Bec­ kett and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny at Lucan on Friday evening. WUERTH'S For BACK'S World’s Best Shoe for Men PHONE 252 EXETER 2 News of Sunshine By MRS. WILLIAM DICKEY E E E S■B SECIRP! s E i s s Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coward and Paul of the Base Line visit­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Coward on Saturday eve­ ning. s Foolishness? No! Spell it backwards and it says "Com­ pare Prices". You’ll find Westman’s saves you lots money! of s BATTERIES FRONT END E s 13-PIate 80-Amp. Hr. $8.40 Exchange 15-PJate 110-Amp. Hr. $12.95 Exchange ALL FACTORY FRESH, GUARANTEED HART AND GOULD BATTERIES SPARK PLUGS Genuine “Champions” 69'0 Each Installed by Joe RON S s s S EE S s E E S E E s 2 E S E E I » 5 s1’SAlignment Saves Yow Money! Have Yours Done Today! RAD REPAIRS IMPERIAL EXETERPHONE 211ExeterPhone 38 Westmans Super Values I g E E 3 E s Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vickers, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Youngson. Mr. William Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson and family were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker, of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson and famiy were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins, of Granton. Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family were Thursday visit­ ors with Mrs. T. Waugh, Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford and John, of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins and family, of Granton, spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Baker, of Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynters of Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Jones, of Glendale; Mrs. George Hopkins, of Glendale; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson, it being Mr. Thomson’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and famiy were Saturday evening guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Ken Facey, of Welburn. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper were Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Derwin Beat- son, of Granton. r’ Mr .and Mrs. Mitchell Leibler, of- Mitchell, were Thursday eve­ ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glad- ivyn Hooper. LADIES’, MISSES’ AND GIRLS’ Spring Ready-To-WearExeter Tabernacle P.A.O.C Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Gospel Services CONTINUE Sensible Vi Miss from lines THE FIRST BUS SERVICE IN CANADA RAN BETWEEN HAMILTON AND ALDERSHOT ONTARIO. ' WAY BACK IN 1910/ _______ J Pid you know that, Langley Prairie, B.C. Still a large range to choose from, on sale at ......... $29.00 and $39.00 Link, of our ready-to-wear department, has just returned a very successful buying trip and, as a result, many new in the latest styles have been added to our large stock. Sunday 11:00 a-m. 7:30 p.m. Suits & Coats cloths and shades in suits and coats for misses, sizes 9 to Tuesday through Friday at 8:00 p.m. JIMMY HAYTER PHONE NIGhI 84 DASHWOOD, ONT. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE Dynamic — Sound Children’s Happy Hour Friday, 6:30 P.M. EXETER DEPENDABLE * 29C +0 TAStY WESTON'S BISCUITSCHOC. GRAHAM SQUARES .... OOC □1<* SALE TOILET SOAP DEAL jKSWEETHEART SOAP .. 4 bats ONLY 30c EACH PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 25, 26 ANO 27 f EXETERPHONE 200 Phones 32 752 6 for Price OF 5 i5-oz. tins "J**-*PARD DOG FOOD ........ fe for I 30Special Rubber Tile 9x9 J. ff. Jones Groceries phon6® 5% SWEETENED 48-oz. tin OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE TEMPORARY SPECIAL IB.dz. A*!* ROBINHOOD PIE CRUST MIX £ I0CHOICE, 4-6 Sieve 15-OZ. «h A 4 AYLMER PEAS ................£ for 31 G HURON LUMBER Phone 48 CO. LTD. Exeter £ s s = s a s = s a Evangelist Eugene Johnson Very Special Feature To Parents, Teachers and Superintendents and especially to “Boys” The Price of a Boy' Sunday, 9:45 to 11:30 A.M. We Sincerely Welcome You to This Very Special Service Superintendent—E. CUDMORE £V-ERT TRUCKERS ARE SLASHING COSTS BY SEEING US FOR THE MARATHON TRUCK TIRE* A BIG GOODYEAR VALUE I COME IN TODAY. SEE TH IS REALLY TOUGH TRUCK TIRE THAT'S YOURS FORAN AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE. IT'S THE MARATHON TRUCK TIRE BY GOODYEAR, LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY I We must move our stock of \ - - s-/if o r n Anno $295 ’40 DODGE COUPE . $295 ’39 DODGE SEDAN $295 ’38 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ....... $185 ’37 DODGE COACH ’41 CHEV SEDAN J - ' • ’41 DODGE SEDAN *39 FORD COACH . ’38 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ’37 PLYMOUTH COACH $295 $100 $ 85 s =s da5/ v\ce Take ''Vor .Kt*’ FLOOR TILE Inlaid Linoleum Tile JASPE — MARBOLEUM All Colours and Shades New . . 19 and half sizes and regulars for women 12% to 22% at prices you will appreciate. Skirts & Blouses Are Popular This Season Skirts in orlon, orlon and wool, tweed, gabardine and flannel in circular, pleated and pencil slim styles, in newest spring shades, including ever-popular navy, prints, checks, floral designs in orlons, taffetas, sierras, Ticotinas, baby cords and nylon tweeds. • Use our lay-away plan if you wish. New Dress Accessories Gloves — Lingeries -r— Scarves •— Blouses <— Hand Bags — Parasols — Slips, etc. — For Spring and Summer WE ARE CONTINUING OUR SALE OF Flannelette Blankets Ibex and Kingcott, white with colored borders, large size, 70”x90", whipped singly at $5.49 pair until the end of this week only. Ready-Made SUITS F. A. MAY & SON Phone 190 EXETER Phone 190 Men’s Wear — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Dry Goods Floor-Coverings, etc. Superior Store Special Values ALL FLAVORS Aunt Jemima CHOICE QUALITY JELL-O PANCAKE MIX AYLMER TOMATOES Jelly Powders Per Pkg.Large 28-oz, Tins G pkgs. S3 c 19c 2 for 39c CHOICE, APEX OR 15-02. tin *>!?.*AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL .. COC FANCY RED COHOE GOLDEN NET SALMON