HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-25, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 DO THE JOB FROM THE BEGINNING FOR SALE FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED STOCK WANTED TENDERS WANTED .V i SAVE ?S.00—Magazine Special! Get 1 year subscriptions to each of Satur­ day Evening Bost, Ladies Home Jour­ nal and Holiday for a total of only $10.00. Saves you $8 GO on newsstand prices. Exeter Times-Advocate. 18:25 15tW SUSSEX RED pullets, 10 weeks old March 25. —Rhone 57-r-7 Dash­wood. 2-25tfc With Moline-Monitor FLUTED FEED DRILLS , . . with single or double disc openers Progressive farmers in this area rely on Moline-Monitor drills with fluted feed and double disc or single disc openers to sow crops tfowr- ately, it uniform depth with uniform covering The deep-cut fluted feeds prevent bridging and grinding of seed. Even trashy seed flows through evenly. An exclusive MM feature per­ mits the operator to actually see rhe seed being delivered to the spouts. JVo special gates of any kind are needed on the quality MM Monitor Drills. The regular feeds with two speed drive handle everything from soybeans to flax. . . Grain growers also prefer Moline-Monitor Drills because or their dependability and long-life* trouble-free operation. Typical of the better construction are the axle bearings which are extra large and completely enclosed in a self-aligning dustproof housing. SEE US FOR COMPLETE FACTS ON MM MODERN MACHINES, VISIONLINED TRACTORS AND POWER UNITS 1 1950 FORD THAMES in A-l con­dition. half-ton panel and equipped with new 6.00x16 snow tires. —Jack Finkbehier, R.R. 3* Lucan, 2ae 1 1&50 FORD PANEL Station Wagon half-ton in A-l condition, small mile­ age and new paint. A real good buy. Apply Jack Finkbeiner, R B. 3, Lu- can. ___________25c 190 SQUARE BALES of good quality clover hay on the farm of Mrs. Wes Coleman, R.R. 1. Exeter. Apply Ro- bert Coleman, Kippen.___________25* SUNSHINE TWIN baby carriage, sil­ ver grey. In good condition. Apply Mrs. Ed Conard, Exeter._________25* 4-BURNER NEW Perfection coal oil stove, with oven. In good condition. Rhone 462-w-l Exeter. 25c SMAIaL GROCERY store and lunch booth. Fully equipped; also attached living quarters. Can be seen anytime. Don Qutsnel, Crediton East. 25c GIRI. WANTS housework in Exeter, sleep in, references. Apply Times* Advocate. _____25c FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ ilies. Also wanted to rent—-50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, H. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc REAL ESTATE QUANTITY OF bak'd timothy and alfalfa hay. —Phone 35-r-22 Kirkton.25’ 2 - STOREY YELLOW brick house, Lot 12. Con. t<, Biddulph, to he moved from the property. Apply to Misses Ryder, at above address.. 25’:1c INT. CREAM separator, size 2A, with motor. In good condition, $50,00. I Apply C. Sholdice, Ailsa Craig, phone j 62-r-14 Crediton. _____________25:4* CONSOLE RADIO, Hotpoint electric stove, large tapestry couch, high kit­ chen clipboard. Phone 512-M Exeter. 25* WOOD FOR SALE—W. Datema, R.R.3, Exeter (Fairbairn farm). 25’ COLEMAN SPACE heater, large size, in good condition. Also 1940 Hudson in fair condition. — Phone 679-W or apply 359 Marlborough Street, Exeter. ___________________________ 25* USED PEERLESS electric pump with new 1.1-h.p. motor; also pipes; alu­ minum Uoffield washer. — Phone 67 Hensall._________________________25* FINDLAY CONDOR kitchen range, like nt w Apply Times-Advocate, 25’ A NUMBER OP choice handy weight butcher heifers. Also about 150 bales of good clean oat straw. Apply W. Mm ley 30J> Andrew St., Exeter, 25* 1Q-ROOM SOLID red brick house. Mouern, insulated. Upper and lower verandas. Large garage. Suitable for ‘professional man or nursing home. Apply Edmund Geiger, Hensail. 25:4:11c RE ASSESSOR FOR GRAND BEND Sealed marked tenders will be re­ ceived up until the 28th of February for the position as Assessor for the Village of Grand Bend, State exper­ience and salary, The lowest cr anv tender will not necessarily be Apply: The Clerk, H. WAINWRIGHT, Grand Bend, Ont. AUCTION SALE of Real Estate^ Household Effects amd! Miscellaneous Items On the premises, LOT NORTH % N.B. 1,8 The undersigned auctioneer Is in­ structed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 6 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp. REAL ESTATE: Consists of 1/5- acre of la ' well built ered with never-failii garden Jar located. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold sub­ ject to a reasonable reserve bid.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Dining­ room table and " chest of drawers; kitchen table and table; end table; with springs and beds with springs ,-------- ious rocking chairs; toilet set; kitchen utensils; 2 electric plates; cradle; trunk; hall stand with minor; centre tables; electric iron; 2 congoleum rugs, 9x0, nearly new; curtains; seal­ ers; crocks; cellar table; lawn mower; wheelbarrow; 2 tons chestnut coal; garden tools; many articles too num­ erous to mention,TERMS: Cash. The estate of the late ELIZABETH W1TZEL Sam WITZEL, T. H. HOFFMAN, Executors. ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge* For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES collect, Ingersoll 21. or Exeter 287. I AM IN THE Market for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone S3 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS! — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE on 83 Highway, use of barn and five acres of land, 3^> miles from Exeter. Apply Silas Stan- lake. 25c THE PERFECT GIFT for the patient is a Pillow-Speaker Radio. Rent one today at local hospital. Reasonable rates. 11:18:25:4:11:18* APARTMENT, UNFURNISHED, heated, living room, bedroom, kit­chen, 3-piece bath. Wired for heavy- duty stove. Available March 23, Ap­ ply J. Ward, phone 34S. 25* CENTRALLY LOCATED fully furn­ished, six-room cottage. Hot and cold water, 3-piece bath, coal furnace. Available March 1. — Phone 36-r-6 Dashwood, * 25* FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, tfc MISCELLANEOUS BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­ grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50v*. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 25^:11* SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, imme­ diate service. All refuse removed from premises. Phone 108-W Lucan or 130-W, 18:25:4:11* LARRY’S TAXI, HENSALL. 24-hour service. Long and short distances. Phone day 143, night 142-W Hensall. 11:18:25:4c PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER Phone 553 Exeter WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-T-19.8-10tfc FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, cal) the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a,m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a,m. on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. 5-14alt.tfc BE LONELY NO MORE! Correspond with members of the opposite sex. Some in your vicinity. Write-for free particulars today. Ace Greeters, Box 90, Port Credit, Ont. 2-25:4:11:18:25:1*♦ NOTICE TO CREDITORS cd, or any accept- 18:25c RE WARBLE FLY POWDER Tenders will be received by the Township of Usborne for the supply of warble fly powder up to 2:00 p.m., Monday, March 8. H. H. G. STRANG, CLERK, Hensall, R.R, 1. 25:4c _____ Consists of 1/5- nd on which is situated a 2-storey frame house cov- insul brick, full basement, ig water supply, best of id. Property very suitably FARM PROPERTY—In the Township of Hay, Lot 5* Con. 12 and 13, con­ sisting of 150 acres, more or less, on which is situated a well built two- storey frame house with all modern conveniences. Large bank barn, straw shed, large silo and pig stable, water pressure, system throughout with a never-failing water supply, Produc­ tive loam land exceptionally well drained; ti acres of bush. Property very suitably situated one mile north of Dashwood. First farm south of school. Convince yourself by seeing this farm; immediate spring posses­sion. —Aaron Oestreicher, owner, or contact Alvin Walper, auct, 25:4c IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a real good 100-aere farm, well located, close to Exeter, contact W, Morley, ;’,08 Andrew Street or phone 226 Ex­eter. ___________ y _____25* RE WARBLE FLY INSPECTORWarble Fly Inspector wanted by the Township of Usborne to oversee and direct the treatment of all cattle for warble fly.Applications will be received up to 2:00 pan., Monday, March 8. H. H. G. STRANG, CLERK, Hensall, R.R. 1. 25:4c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE 6 chairs; daybed; bureau; commode; C chairs;,drop-leaf lamps; steel bed mattress; 2 single and mattress; yar- CHICKS FOR YOUR market —Bray breeds and crosses — pullets irom $17.90. Get our complete list before you buy, Canadian Approved, breeds like B.R., Columbian Rock, L.S., Black Australorp, N.H,, and others. Agent — Eric Carscadden, Exeter Phone 24 6-W. 25c BARLEY—GALORE, grown from re­ gistered seed in 1958, commercial, graded, treated. $1.75 per bushel in­ cluding bags. Newton Clarke & Son. R.R. 1, Woodham, phone Kirkton 39-7 or 37-21. 25:4c Phone 321-W KEEP YOUR CROSS *52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Wff. Mathers Bros. North Exeter ■ .. THEY HAVE TO BE GOOD WE RE IN BUSINESS TO STAY 52 DESOTO SEDAN 52 CHRYSLER SEDAN '51 DESOTO SEDAN 2 *51 PLYMOUTH SEDANS .... 3 *50 DODGE SEDANS ........... ’49 DODGE SEDAN .................. 4 ’48 CHRYSLER PRODUCTS ’52 ’49 ’48 SIX HEAD of white-faced yearlings.Laverne Heywood, R.R. 1, Centralia, phone Exeter 176-r-23. 25c CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR; 2 ihree- pieee bedroom spites; walnut dressing table; oak dresser and mirror; lea­ ther couch. Apply G. A. Hawkins, 219 William Street, phone 425. 25* 75 CORDS DRY, hard, 1 - ft. wood. Apply Cudmore’s Gravel, phone 171- r-3 Hensall, __________________25c PIANO FOR SALE—Medium size up­ right Nordheimer and bench. Tuned and in fine condition, To inspect con- tact E. E, Buswell._____________25c REBUILT FORD block assembly, never run. Buy it at less than half price. Also 16” axles for trailers. Apply Clare Wright, Centralia. 25* GOOD WASHER — Used Fairgrieve washer, in excellent condition. Com­pletely overhauled. $55.00. —FiBher’s Hardware, Main St., Exeter._____25c BOY’S BROWN suit, used only for best, size 6. $6.00. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. _______________26* WRECKING 1935 PONTIAC and 1937 ford, rebuilt. Engine does not smoke. Hydraulic brakes. Make an offer. Apply Ainos Wright, Centralia. 25* H.SC'D.OO CASH. Total price $4,300.00 will purchase nicely located home. This house has modern kitchen and bathroom downstairs and small kit­ chenette and two-piece bath up. May be used as two apartments or one* family home. Immediate possession. U. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 2-25tf FOR SALE — HOUSE. Fine family home with separate garage and love­ ly grounds. New roof and recondi­tioned throughout. Oil heat, bath facilities up And down. Three bed­ rooms and den. Immediate possession. Best location available in town. Con­ tact E. E. Buswell. 25c Printed Scotch Tape See Our Samples and Designs The Times-Advocate PUPPIES — Phone 5$ Exeter after 6P.m. ______________ 25c HENSALL fairly new frame house, living room (fireplace), dining room, kitchen (modern), 4-piece bath, hot and cold water. Three-bedrooms. Oil­ burning furnace. Garage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man.________________________l-14tfc 100 ACRES WITH comfortable med­ium sized home. Large barn with good stabling. Silo. Hydro and water pressure with never-failing well. Soil is a very productive clay loam. Farm is near Exeter and possession will be given at buyer's convenience, —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.10-15tfc UStD CARS *s You Must See These Fully - Equipped Cars To Appreciate Them! ....... 30,000 Miles Genuine Bargains .... Fully Equipped ........... Top Shape Best Dollar Value TRUCKS FORD HALF-TON EXPRESS .. DODGE SCHOOL BUS ............. INTERNATIONAL HALF-TON NEW ’53 DODGE 3y2-TON SPECIAL, 128" Wheelbase . 7,000 Miles 30-Passenger •L Exeter Motor Sales Fred Dobbs, Proprietor PHONE 200 For as long as there is human suffering then there is need of the Red Cross. You know the need, and how great it is. Please help generously—the work of mercy never ends. EXETER $5,422,850 is needed this year Clearance Sale Of Floor Models Of Famous Appliances ■? Washers Sponsored by Exeter Lions Club Headline News!! ALLIS-CHALMERS NO. 60 5-ft. com­bine, equipped with all special at­ tachments. Completely overhauled in 1953. Priced reasonable. Apply Irving Stahls, R.R, 1, Crediton._________26* VACUUM CLEANER—Electo Hygene. Polisher attachment. One year old. Also three-quarter* bed with spring- filled matress. Apply Mrs. W. J. Neads, phone 443-3-4 Exeter._____25c STARTED CAPONS on order. Cus­ tom caponizing. Apply Carl Oestrei­ cher, phone 57-T-23 Dashwood, Ont.11:18:25:4* SEE OUR NEW Spirella girdles, ny­ lon and elastic, $7.59 to $13.95. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong, ph. 125. 18:25:4c MAGAZINE BARGAIN — One-year subscriptions to both Saturday Eve­ ning Post and Ladies Home Journal for only $7.50. Limited time offer! — Exeter Times-Advocate.________18:25 REGISTERED HEREFORD bull, ris­ ing two years in July. One sow due next month, Also good potatoes. Ap­ ply Joe Vandongen, R.R. 2, Grand Bend, phone 47-r-f.___________18:25* 3 ELECTRIC BROODERS, 500-chick size. Cheap. Used one year. Apply Bruce Tuckey, phone 685-r-43 Hen­sail;______ 18:25* SUMP PUMP — Nearly new. Apply Steve Molnar after 5:30 p.m., Cen- tralia village.___________________25* MCCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS —Com­plete parts, trained service. New models on display. —McCulloch Saw' Sales, 377 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario._________________ 12-17tfc MAGAZINES—New and renewal sub­ scriptions for any magazine are re- celved at The Exeter Times-Advocate MAPLE SYRUP evaporator and equipment for sale or rent. Apply to R, B, Williams. 2-4tfc DUALITY TELEVISION Three Makes To Choose From G-E — PHILCO — DUMONT Qualified Service RUSSELL ELECTRICPhone 109 Exeter 21:28:4:11:18:25c WANTED 6-ROOM HOME, first floor has living­ room, one bedroom, large modern kitchen, new three-piece bath, three bedrooms upstairs. Good basement with coal furnace. Extra lot; barn with garage. —524 William St. lltf* WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and qual­ity, stores and other businesses, sum­ mer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons, Salesman. 5-28tfc GARAGE OPPORTUNITY — Garage and auto franchise (one of big three) offered to settle estate. One of Can­ada’s oldest,.;, dealerships, north of London in heart of rich farming district. Active service department. Business and stock at appraised and inventory values. Real estate option­ al. Used units on consignment. Un­usually attractive terms, if desired, to right party. Well worth investigat­ ing.GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 - Hensail, Ontario In the Estate of Henry Clarke deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Clarke, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 6th day of February, 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughtoh. Soli­citors, of Exeter, by the 13th day of March next, after which date the es­tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has ’ ' ’ All 18:25c RED BRICK COTTAGE, double liv­ ing room, dining room, kitchen, and 3 beds and full bath upstairs. Oil­burning furnace. W. C. Pearce, Re- altor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 2-lltfc 125-ACRE FARM—Engineered drain­age, high cultivation and fertility, level land. Good barn with cement stabling and water bowls. Modern red brick house, insulated with air-con­ ditioned furnace. Insulated hen house with automatic lights—two new im­ plement sheds. Reasonably priced with low down payment. Immediate possession. GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 . Hensall, Ontario 18:25c EXETER DISTRICT—Close to school and town. Excellent 200-acre farm. Brick house with all modern conven­ iences, Fine barns with hydro and water pressure throughout. Soil is deep clay loam and in excellent con­ dition. Suitable for cash crops or general farming; 10 acres bush. Other farms. C. V. Rickard, Realtor, Main Street. 2-4tfc been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors • for the Executors, Exeter, Ont,25:4:11c In the Estate of Thomas John Hopcroft deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas John Hopcroft, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of December, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton. Soli­ citors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 6th day of March next after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ont. 18:25:4c In the Estate of Lavina Fisher deceased. having claims Lavina Fisher, Exeter, in the persons against late of County Excellent Selection Of New And Older Models SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LOOK OUR CARS OVER NOW Reg Armstrong Motors Your Plymouth - Chrysler Dealer PHONE 216 EXETER Clothes DryerRangettes Refrigerators HELP WANTED 9.3 Admiral ..... Reg, $375 Sell $325 McClary .... Reg. $379 Sell $314 McClary .... Reg. $349 Sell $279 McClary .... Reg. $359 Sell $249 9.1 94 1 Sunshine Heavy Duty Rangette Graham Heavy Duty Rangette . McClary Clothes Dryer Easy Washing Ma. $139.50 Sell $110 McClary Washer Reg. $159 Sell $129 Second-Hand G-E Washer ........ $75 Second-Hand Apex Washer ....... $50 FARM TO RENT, buy or work on shares. J, Hovius, R.R, 3, Exeter, 11* STANDING BUSH LOTS. Apply Ro­ bert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. Also for sale: hard maple wood, $6.(10 a cord delivered.______________ 18:25:4:11* HIGH CHAIR, child's. Phone 881-w-l Exeter._____________ 25c 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer­ tilizer or road horses. Frank Tavlor, phone 138 Exeter._________ ll-19tfc WANTED TO RENT—25-acre or 50- acre farm within six miles of Bon­ sall. Buildings and hydro preferred. Apply Clarence Hohner, R.R. 2, Hen* sal], Ontario,______ 25c WANTED TO RENT—Small house or modern apartment. Urgent. Apply T. J. Grant, 57 Stuart St,, London, 25c CHILD’S PLAY-PEN. Phone Exeter 121-W. 25c BOARDERS or ROOMERS — Phone 364-R or apply 69 Anne Street, 25* WANTED TO RENT — Lady would like to rent a large room in which to store her furniture while out of town for a few months; or one or two housekeeping rooms would do. Apply Times-Advocate. 25c T RAO U Al Rl QUALITY AT TATR PRICES PHONE 27 LADY TO DO WASHING and house­ cleaning. Steady or part-time. Phone 494-J Exeter........................................250 AN HOUR given to my agency pays more than an hour given to any other oee.upntinn says Mr, D.P, , , . IN­ TERESTED Jn a business of your own? If door-to-door selling seems profitable in your AREA join NOW a 25-year-oid Canadian FIRM with l.ono dealers. Prod tic tn are attractively packaged and used daily, catalogues for ail customers are available and promote your sales between your rnHs. per ft rural territory, a car Is an asset. Write for free information and catalogue, to FAMILEX, 1660 Deiorimler, Dept, 2, Montreal.- 25c HENSALL — Completely modern store and apartment. Choice location, suitable for either store or office. Exceptional opportunity to acquire business location in progressive com­munity. Priced for quick sale.GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R, B. Paterson, Phone 51Hensall, Ontario 18:25c HIGH SCHOOL district, beautiful ranch style brick house, Spacious livingroom and diningroom with wall to wall broadloom. Very modern kit­chen. Nicely furnished bathroom, two large bedrooms and third room for additional bedroom or den. Full base­ ment with rumpus room, laundry tubs and air-conditioned oil furnace. Like new. Immediate possession. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street. ____ _______• 2 - 41 f c EXETER, BUSINESS BLOCK, with three complete apartments. This pro­perty shows a real return on invest­ ment over and above taxes and other expenses. Let us give you the de­ tails. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street.________________ 2-4tfc USBORNE TWP. 200 acres, 10 sugar bush, 180 arable. Near school and bus route. Exeter 4 miles, Centralia beet loader, 3 miles; 2 barns have some new stabling, metal roofs, silo. Brick house, slate roof, full bath, forced air furnace. Running water, hydro throughout. — W. C. Pearce. Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. l-21tfc BRICK HOUSE—Perfect Exeter loca­ tion. This home is nicely laid out with four bedrooms and other usual rooms. Roof and exterior of house is in good condition. It has new oil* burning equipment and garage. The lawns are beautiful and nicely plant­ed with ornamental shrubs and bushes. This property lends Itself to the use of a larger family or for apartment purposes. Reasonable price. —C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. l-21tfc NEW ONE-FLOOR ultra-modern 5- room rug brick, attic Unfinished, air-conditioned oil heating. Apply 493 Andrew Street, ... , l-14tfc HENSALL RESIDENTIAL property. One of Hensall's finest smaller houses; This home Is. comparatively new and is nicely finished through­ out. It have two bedrooms, a dihinft room and a very modern kitchen and bathroom, Ftiii basement with oil­burning furrtace. Garage. Nicely trend lot. Quick possession, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main st, Exeter, 12-24tfe All .._____ the estate of the Town of —------, ------- - --------of Huron, who died On or about the 6th day of December, 1953, are re­ quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 6th day of March next, after which date the estate Will be distributed, having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrices, Exeter, Ont. 18:25:4c In the Estate of William Elsie deceased. All persons having claims the estate of William Elsie, the Village of Grand Bend, ... — County of Lambton, who died on or about the 27th day of January, A,D. 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Soli­ citors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 27th of February next, after which date the estate Wil) be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Soloeitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 11:18:25c In the Estate Of Enos- J. Herdman deceased. AB persons having claims against the estate of Enos J. Herdman, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 28th day of January 1954, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, On­ tario, by the 27th of February next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix.Exeter, Ont. 11:18:25c In the Estate of Maxim Peariso deceased, persons having claims against late of in the against late of in the Mech- All persons having claims the estate of Maxim Peatiso, the Village of Grand Bend, County of Lambton, Garage ----- -anic, who died on or about the 16th day or January 1954, are required to filo particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors, of Exeter, Oh* tario, by the 27th day of February next, after which date the estate will ho distributed having regard only to thoso Claims Of Which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, ..Exeter, Ont. 11:18:256 CHICK 5TARTER GREATER GROWTH iStNERgl! There are 2 important considerations when buying a Chick Starter — Performance And Economy You get both these in “New Formula” SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter. PERFORMANCE in 25% Greater Growth ECONOMY in Local Manufacture Pellets Mill Ltd. Whaleri Corners