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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-11, Page 9
ft 4f THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 Page' $ Mrs. W. R, Elliott Lucan Native Funeral services for the late Mrs. William R. Elliott, who passed away in Strathroy Gene ral Hospital on Saturday, Febru ary 6, were held on Tuesday, February 9, with interment in Strathroy cemetery. Mrs. Elliott, the former Laura Isohel Fox, was the daughter of the late John Fox and Jane Mit chell and was born in Lucan where she lived until her mar riage to William R. Elliott when she moved to a farm near- Cen tralia, years $he worked for in her father’s bank In Lucan and Standard Bank. After her husband's lived for a short time with her sisters, Misses Agnes and Roberta Fox. In 1941 they all moved to Strathroy. She is survived by three sis ters, Misses Agnes and Roberta Fox, of Strathroy, and Mrs. Mur ray Smith, of London. She was a faithful member of the Anglican Church. many private later the death she in Lucan' Personal Items LAC Douglas Williams, of Clinton, called on Mr. and Mirs. B. H, Elliott last Saturday. They knew each other while Brandon. Miss Marion Coursey an Interdenominational People’s Fireside at Cronyn Hall, St. Paul’s Cathedral, last Sunday. Mrs. Clinton Haskett was a guest of her sister, Mrs. H. B. Langford, last Sunday. -Mrs. Bob Coleman was guest of honor at a birthday party last Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Garrett. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hodgins last week were Mrs. Garnet Isaac, of London, on Thursday; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and family, of London, on Saturday, and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott, of Saintsbury, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McNaugh ton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hepburn and family, of London, were .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington last Sun day. Miss Doris Armitage and her mother, from Listowel, visited with Mrs. Emma Downing last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hodgins, Ward and Wayne were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ainslee, of -St. Marys. Sympathy Is extended to Mrs. Roy Paton, of St. George, whose mother, Mrs, Fox, of Wingham, passed avzay recently. Mr. Paton was some years ago, Lucan’s C. N.R. agent. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Jarvie and family, of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Revington. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgins, of Denfield, were Saturday guests of Miss Hattie Hodgins. Mr. H. B. Langford attended a WOAA executive meeting and banquet held at Wingham last weekend. Mr. Clare Stanley celebrated a birthday last week. Mr. Alex Sceli, who the sick list for a week, ing better. Mr. and Mrs. Theron of Woodham, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Mc Roberts. Mrs. E. L. Gibson, of Exeter, spent Thursday with her sister, Miss Hattie Hodgins. The J. H. Carrington family, who have been living on William St., have moved to London. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Butler and family have left for Montreal where they will take a plane for a vacation in Holland. Arena living in attended Young was oh is feel- TCH-TCH, JUNIOR.'/ YOU FLUNKED YOUR TEST1 ” NOW I'M IN FOF? TROUBLE! h Lfe ip «-■J-ai P= L Auxiliary Donates To Church School The February meeting of the Women’s Association of tlie Lu can United Church was held on Wednesday, afternoon in the church, with tflie president, Mrs. Sheridan Revington, in the chair. In response to a suggestion from the session that the mem bers of the W,A. might wish to make a donation toward pro- 'posed chimes for the organ, it w-as the feeling of the meeting that if and when chimes are in stalled, the individual members of the congregation would like to contribute and that, at the pre- $en time, the W.A. should not make a -definite donation. A report on the suggested junior choir was made by Mrs. Lloyd Acheson -and permission is to be asked from the Session to proceed with this project. The Rev. E. M. Cook explained some of the functions of the Ses sion of the United Church which proved enlightening to many of the members. A donation of $65 was voted to the Church School. A liam* supper is to be held on February 18 with the following committee in charge: Mrs. S. Revington, convenor; Mrs. Wes Revington, Miss Doris Weir, Mrs. Don Maguire, Mrs. M«* H. Hod gins and Mrs. C. H. George. At the close of the business session, Mrs. Edgar M-cF-alls -as group convenor, led the devotional per iod with Mrs. Cook assisting. The guest speaker, Mrs. John Bruce, who was introduced by Mrs. McFalts, spoke on, her work Inter in is in in this way, helps to establish world peace. It is definitely a pacifistic organization and Mrs. Bruce ap plied for m e in b e r s h i p for a month in order to learn more of how such an organization works. This p-articuar camp included Austrians, Norwegians, -Swedes, French,, Americans, Dutch, Eng lish and Canadians. Mrs. Myron Culbert and Mrs. S. C. Chown sang -a duet, accom panied by Miss Reta Chowen. A parade of aprons netted that par ticular bazaar booth 40 with . WHAT 1 IS IT, SKEETER? / JUNIOR ) ’ i FLUNKED what testm S' A© A <2223 I WAS TRYING HIM OUT TO SEE IF HE COUHD 0E TRUSTED . TO BRINS THE MEAT v HOME FROM THE BUTCHER'S.,, iWiW *. I'M £ORRY TO SAY IT DIDN'T WRK.U SUT THEREL ONE. v THINS YOU HAVE. TO 6IYE J ME CREDIT FOF?, GRANDMA,.. %J 4 AND .WHATS THAT? .1 HAD THE PRESENCE OF MINO TO TEST HIM WITH A FOUND OF FRANK'S,., AND NOT A PORTERHOUSE STEAK,1} >> PSI il fl Legion Auxiliary Modts The regular monthly business meeting of the Lucan Ladies Le gion Auxiliary was held on Feb ruary g. President Gladys Reilly was in the chair. It was decided to hold a min strel show in the near future and the Powder Puff Party is plan ned for April 6. A motion, was passed, that only one dance a year be sponsored by this organization, and that on New Year's Eve. £ £ Sy Vrf Lucan And District News 29- father of four small died in a traffic acci- the edge of Lucan on February 1. An em- C. J. Lassaline Dies In Crash Charles Joseph Lassaline, year-old children, dent on Monday, ployee of the Lucan Motor Sales, he was returning to Lucan in a pick-up truck on No. 4, ’when a flat tire necessitated his walking in for a tow truck. He returned, accompanied -by Wes Atkinson. He was about to hook the two trucks wheu hit by a northbound Hanover Transport driven by Leslie C. Vincent, 35, of London. Mr. Atkinson was -also hit and is now in St, Joseph’s Hospital, Dr. George was in charge. The E. C. Home, when celebrated in St. Peter’s Cathe dral. Interment was in St. Peter’s Cemetery. A veteran of the Royal Can adian Navy in World War II, Mr. Lassaline was born in Manitoba and came east several years ago. Before moving to Lucan he lived in St. Marys. He was a member of St. Peter’s Cathedral, London. He is survived by his wife, the former Jaqueline Du Mas, his parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Arthur Lassaline, Sr., of Detroit; two sons, Wallace and Robert, and two daughters, Theresa and June, all at home; also five brothers, Syl, of London, Bernard, Wind sor, and Clarence, Christopher and Ralph, of Detroit; four sis ters, Isabelle, Mrs. William Mc- Kale and Gladys, Mrs. Harvey Schular, both of London, Berna dette, Mrs. George Antlocer, of Detroit, and Miss Theresa Lassa line, of Toronto. Anglican WA Makes Surplices Mrs. Irwin Scott was hostess for the February meeting of the Anglican W.A., last Wednesday. The president, Mrs. T. C. Mc Farlane, presided and Mrs. Jack Murdy acted as treasurer in tlie absence of Mrs. Jack Hodgins. Mils. F, Hovey and Mrs, J. Beat- son assisted in the prayers. Miss Lina Abbott read the scripture leesson and Mrs. Jack Murdy led in the Litany. A list of articles needed for the Dorcas bale was read and many donations of ar ticles and money were received. Mrs. Wagland gave a splendid talk on conditions in South Afri ca in preparation for the new Study Book. Mrs. McFarlane, Mrs. Murdy and Mrs. Wagland were named a committee to help make arrange ments for the Union Day of Prayer to be held this year in the Anglican Church, March 5. The matter of organizing the Little Helpers' group was left over till the next meeting. A number of the 15 members pre sent offered to assist in the mak ing of surplices for the junior choir. Mrs. Frank Hovey offered her home for the March meeting with Mrs. ' Irene Coursey Mrs. James Hodgins and Mrs. Jack Murdy as assistant hostesses. Mrs. Irene Coursey moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Scott, Mrs. W. Haskett, Mrs. Bob 4 Coleman and Miss Lina Abbott. Indies Travelogue Aids New School The Lucan Hoipe -and School on Wednesday night at the Stan ley Opera House, sponsored a West Indies Travelogue present ed by Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Norris, London. Mr. Norris first traced on the screen the route he and. Mrs. Norris took a year ago and pointed out the numerous islands at which they called. All present enjoyed the beautiful coloring of water, sky, trees and flowers. The principal, Mr. B. E. Elliott (a relative of Mr. and Mrs. Nor ris), introduced the speaker and Mrs. Sheridan Revington moved a vote of thanks. Mrs. Clarence Hardy congratualted the children on their rapt attention and quiet behavior. The proceeds of the travelogue will go towards equip ment for the new school. on February 2, with the Miss Audrey Marshall, in of the worship service, girls answered the roll Lions Club Dinner Mr. Earl McDougall, of Lon don, Lions Club Zone Chairman, was the guest speaker at the Lu can Lions Club dinner’ meeting held in the Anglican Church basement last Monday night. He spoke on club work In general. Six other London members were present. Mrs. Cecil Hodgins' group of the Ladies Guild cater ed for the dinner. Organize Junior A4M*»A< A Junior A.Y.P.A. of Holy Trinity Church was organised in the' Parish Hall Thursday. -Officers elected were: presi dent, Bill Elson; vice-president, Cecil Hodgins; secretary, Gladys Bond; treasurer, Donald O’Neil. There were 12 members pre sent. The Scripture Lesson was read by BUI Elson. Representa- tles from a London A.Y.P.A. were present. Anne Woodward and Bert Stonehill spoke on A.Y.- P. A. work. A sing song was enjoyed, also the refreshments which followed. The meeting closed with prayer. Ida Porte, who has been Joseph’s Hospital for weeks with ’ a broken was home for a few Miss in St. several vertebra, hours ou 'Sunday, but had to go back to the hospital. She was brought out by Mrs. Charles Sumner and Miss Gertrude Kent, R.N. C.G.I.T, The Lucan C.G.i.T. held their regular meeting In the church parlors leader, charge Sixteen call. The theme of the meeting was “Confession”. This being Christian Youth Week, all mem bers their day. for a February 6. work was handed out to be fin ished up for the bazaar. One new member, Heather Stanley, enrolled. were requested to wear middies to school on Fri- Arrangements were made chocolate sale on Saturday, Uncompleted felt H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST LONDON, ONT in the search for Better Health still more to come Walker Gibson a vital interest — representing one of the "/f is Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance" and birth bro Mt. this to be held in Church, Lon- and 14, and local Variety some time in aprons in. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Harold Dickins on the of a son, Alan Douglas, a ther for Robert, born in Victoria Hospital, Monday, February 1. AT YOUR SERVICE! A trained life underwriter more than 50 Canadian, British and United States life insurance companies in Canada — will gladly help you plan now for your family's security and your own needs itt later years. Rely on him! body lay at rest in the Killingsworth Funeral London, until Thursday requiem high mass was with the “Service Civil national” in Tweng, Austria, 1951. This organization which non - denominational, works various disaster areas, and Your stake SERVICE BUREAU By Roe Farms Service Dept. wwoon H. Kellerman, Dashwood 0* Tindall, Mobresvilla Lome EileiY Hensall DAIRY FOODS A Division of the Dairy Farmers of Canada 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO COMPLETE CHICK STARTER A.Y.P.A. Holy Trinity A.Y.P.A. their regular meeting in Parish Hall February 1, with the president, Marion Ashworth, presiding. Dorothy Anne Lewis read the, Scripture Lesson and Douglas Stone -assisted in the devotions. During the business session, plans were made for representatives to attend the A. Y.P.A. conference Cronyn Memorial don, Februarj' 13 also plans for a Show to be held April. Creery, Activities | By LEN GAUDETTE I Zurich Flyers continue the big series this Friday in the Lucan Arena. Ilderton expects to meet Pleasant (remember them?) Tuesday at our Rowett, Breaks Eddie Rowett in the Cyclone points in only 18 'games. Another record was 54 assists, and pos sibly another*, nine points in one game! Pee Wees The Irish Pee Wees their unbeaten streak ing the. Maple Leafs Saturday morning. Our Pee Wee all-stars played last Wednesday at St. Marys arid have a return match with them in Lucan this Friday at 7 p.m. Exeter Pee Wees will be here On Saturday at 7 p.m. London Cheyennes Bantams will play Lucan this Friday at 6 p.m. Roman The club of ity Church League -are showing a great interest in the games. They have quite a number players on that bench and know they’ll keep it up, as parents are backing the boys Good spirit fellows! Sportsman Of The Week This gentleman “was respons ible for the organizing of our Church League and giving some boys a chance to play hockey whereas they may not have play ed at all! He’s out there every Wednes day -as referee, and his interest in our kids is an asset to our community. My Sportsman of the Week, take a bow, Mr. J. Wagland, minister of the Holy Trinity Church. arena. Record broke all records League with 75 continued by down- 6-5 last Catholics Interested Roman Catholic hockey the Lucan and Cominun- Mrs. Funeral services for the late Mrs. Walker Gibson, of Granton, who’ passed away in her sixtieth year, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on February 2, were in charge of C. Haskett and Son funeral directors, Lucan, and were held in St. Thomas Anglican Church, Granton, Friday, Febru ary 5. The Rev. W. T. Coleman, principal of Huron College, Lon don, officiated. Interment was in Birr Anglican Cemetery. Pall bearers were Messrs. D e 1 m e r Westman, Austin Hobbs, Harold Eves, George Park, Percy Hod gins and Norman Hodgins. Mrs. Walker, the former Len ora Irene German, was the daugh ter of the late Horace and Mary German and lived all her life in the Granton vicinity. At the age of 16 she played the organ in St. Thomas Anglican Sunday School. Three years later, she became organist of the church, which position she held for 48 years. In 1921 she m,arried Wal ker Gibson and settled on the Gibson farm south of the village, where she resided until a year ago when they retired and moved to Granton. Besides her husband she is survived by one son, Arthur, of Rome, Italy, and three nieces, Mrs. Wilfred Payne, Mrs. George Park and Mrs. Jean Young, all of London. Celebrate Anniversary Though their fiftieth wedding anniversary took place on Wed nesday, February 10, Mr. and Mrs. Austin P. Chisholm, of Lu can, celebrated the event in Lon don with their family on Sunday, February 7. Explorer News Five new Explorers were wel comed into the group at the bi weekly Expedition on Friday evening, February 5. They were from the Clandeboye United Church. Counsellor Elva. Young read the next chapter of the Study Book and conducted a Mission gram on it. The worship service was taken by Explorers Irma Thompson and Mae Cobleigh. On Saturday, February 6, the Lucan and Clandeboye Explorers hold a skating party at the arena, returning to the home of Counsellor Iva Hodgins for hot chocolate and cookies. On Sunday, the Lucan Explor ers attended a church parade to gether with the C.G.I.T., Cubs and Scouts. Those taking part in the service were Margaret Neil, representing the C.G.I.T., Sheila Iredale representing the Explor ers, Terry Culbert, the Cubs, Allen Ready the Scouts and Jim Parkinson, the Y.P.U. Mr. Cook gave a most inspiring message, suitable for the occasion. Wins At Toronto Congratulations to Don Ban ting, whose horse, Miss Barbara Ann Lee, in charge of Mr. Sheri dan Revingtou and driven by Mr. Joe' Hodgins, won a race at Duf ferin Park, Toronto, on February 2, Everyone has in science’s efforts’ to help us live longer. But life insurance policyholders have a special stake in this work. You see, certain important medical research projects are supported wholly or in part by funds from all the life insurance companies in Caijada with their millions of policyholders. As a result, skilled scientists in many Canadian medical research centres can carry on their task of attacking some of man kind’s deadliest enemies. Their names: cancer, heart ailments, tuberculosis and poliomyelitis. Other vital studies are sup ported in a similar way. These focus on processes of ageing, cellular growth, dental hygiene, pregnancy complica- tions, thyroid hormones blood clotting and asthma, to mention but a few. Will all these efforts help you and your family to live longer, healthier lives? Yes! Thanks chiefly to the advance of modern medicine, babies born today can expect to live about 20 years longer than'those of 50 years ago: Many dread diseases have been banished or controlled. Ahead lies further progress that will surely benefit you and yours. And, if you are a life insur ance policyholder, you also have the satisfaction of know ing you have participated in this program designed to bring the blessings of good health to all! liousewitft Itamdii THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA When the day s supply of milk is running short, Milk Powder is a real convenience! It’s easy to mix a quart or a cupful of milk to add flavour and food value to your cooking. Milk Powder is an excellent, inexpensive source of complete protein, calcium, riboflavin, Vitamin A. In many recipes, you do not need to reliquefy Milk Powder: just mix it with the dry ingredients. When using it to drink, you’ll find its flavour improves after standing overnight in the refrigerator. TO RELIQUEFY MILK POWDER: 1 To make 1 cup, sprinkle K cup * Milk Powder on 1 cup lukewarm water. Beat or shake until ~ Powder dissolves. O Pour into container, cover and ** store overnight in refrigerator. This Improves consistency and flavour. For Marie Fraser’s free booklet of tasty, tested Milk Powder recipes write: FEED VITAFOOD CHICK STARTER ( MASH OR CRUMBLES)^