HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-11, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 Page 5 The average weekly earnings of Canadian labor in mine lead­ ing industries during 1952 was $54.13, agaiuct 1,49.61 in 1951.Churchl Jewellery GIVE HOLLYWOOD CARDS THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev, Carl Schroeder, Minister This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—Service in Main Street United Church. All welcome! Jack Smith JEWELLER MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, February 14— 10 a.m.—The Sunday School in all Departments, 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. “Rev. C. Wesley Cope, B.A., B.D.” Come and bring a friend. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. D. G- Campbell, Seaforth Interim-Moderator Organist: Mrs. J, G. Cochrane 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. Student from Toronto College. February 18—Women’s Mission­ ary Society at the home of Mrs. F. Whilsmith. 7 SPARTONWESTINGHOUSE MARCONI EMERSON OROSLBY Lower Prices! New television models are arriving con­ stantly. Come in often to view our selec­ tion. Prices are Lower, too! Now's the time to buy! New Models! Fri.,Phone 86 Exeter Tops In Service With every TV set purchased, we give FREE a 90-day service policy to ensure your satisfaction at no extra charge. Before you buy, make sure your dealer has ade­ quate servicing facilities available without having to truck your set for miles in a truck. We can service your set in your own home. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. .Sermon Subject; "Reconcilia­ tion. " Anthem by the Choir. Solo by Shirley Anderson, p.m.—Evening Worship. Sermon Subject: "Dry Bones.” ■Solo by Patricia Cann. A warm welcome is extended to all. CHURCH OF ENGLAND Septuaguesima—February 14. (First Sun. of Greater Lent.) St. Paul’s, Hensail Morning Prayer & Sunday School —10 a.m. Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Sunday School—10 a.m. Morning Prayer—11:30 a.m. Sermon: "Receive This Child”, constructive thinking on bap­ tism, by the rector, Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A. EXETER TABERNACLE Thrifty Buys For P.A.O.C. Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.- Prayer at Miss Peart’s. Thurs., 8 p.m.- Mrs. T. Jolly’s. 6:30 p.m.—Children’s Hap- Hour. 8 p.m.—Millions of Chris­ tians Missing, a great picture. We invite you to come to see it. Hear Mr. and Mrs. Thirsk sing and play. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.; Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Beginning two weeks of special meetings with Rev. E. Johnson, of Langley Prairie, B.C. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—Rev. E. John­ son. Come and hear this young man. •Bible Study and •Challengers Meet Thrifty Guys CARS ’51 STUDEBAKER 5-Pass.’38 DODGE COACH ’51 ANGLIA COACH ’39 DODGE SEDAN ’41 CHEV COACH ’47 LINCOLN SEDAN CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, February 14— 10:00 a.m.—A Record of Judg­ ment and Mercy. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. — A Review of First Samuel. TRUCKS ’52 REO 3-TON CHASSIS AND CAB ’45 FORD 3-TON, HOIST AND DUMP BODY ’53 STUDEBAKER %-TON ’47 STUDEBAKER %-TON Graham Arthur ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CRB DITON Minister: Rev. E. N. Mohr 10:00 a.m.-zrDivine Worship. Subject: Time and Materials. 11:00 a.m.—Bible School. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Bring the family and enjoy the evening in fellowship. Studebaker Sales and Service Twenty-tliree per cent or near­ ly one-quarter of Canada’s pre­ sent annual production income is being “ploughed back” into cre­ ation of capital assets which will go to increasing future produc­ tion. PHONE 210 EXETER WHY IT PAYS to let an Independent Agent Arrange Insurance for You they exactly suit your needs.'whether 2.field, from risks n policy especially “tailored” to risk . . . at. lower Cost. Because lie’s not a “company” man, the independent agent isn’t “pushing” one company’s policies, without regard to An independent insurance agent can do a better job for you . . . save you money . . . because he works for YOU instead of any insurance company. It’s his job to arrange insurance for YOU . . , from which­ ever company offers the best coverage to fit your needs. Here are four big advantages: 3. He knows the entire insurance arranges your insurance for you whichever company can cover your best. Often he can save you money, too! One company, for example, may include the coverage you seek in a broad policy, making it necessary to buy more than you really need. Another company may have your 4. He knows what companies have devel­ oped ncW types of Coverage, which might do a better job for you at lower cost. And because he wotics for you—-along with an - insurance company—he will hot hesitate to obtain them for you. Phone 24 W. H. HODGSON “THE INSURANCE MAN”Exeter1 Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J, PATON St. James’ Confirmation At St. James’ Church, the rite of confirmation was conferred on 14 candidates by the Right Rev. G. N. Luxton, D.D., Lord Bishop of Huron. Stanley Tomes, a member of St. James’ Church, carried the Bishop’s staff. The’ rector, the Rev. J. F. Wagland, presented the following candidates to the Bishop; from St. James’ Church, Mrs. Lyla Patricia Simpson, Thomas John Tomes; from Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, Bernard Clarence Avery, William Ray­ mond Elson, James Cecil Hod­ gins, Thomas Garry McFalls, Wil­ liam Larry McFalls, Petei* Donald Shipley, James Daniel Avery, Gladys Marion Bond, Mary Mar­ garet Elizabeth Culbert, Lillian Ruth Wilkinson and Mrs. Hilda Cartwright. The Bishop took his text from the eighth chapter of the Acts. Special music was provided, by the choir. Mrs. Heber Davis, guest soloist, sang "Have Thine Own Way”. After the service, a social half hour was spent when the con­ gregation met in the Sunday School room, where the ladies of ’ the Guild served refreshments. From a table centred with flow­ ers, Mrs. Wagland and Mrs. Ernie Lewis poured tea. Accident On No. 4 Highway On Sunday morning while Mr. and Mrs. R. Downey, Mrs. J. Har­ ris and Mr. T. Flynn were driv­ ing on No. 4 Highway, the driver lost control of the car and it went off the road, hitting a hy­ dro pole. Mrs. ’ Harris was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital where she un- . derwent an operation on her foot on Monday. Mr. Flynn suffered an injured hand. W.M.S. And W.A. Meeting Mrs. Arthur Simpson enter­ tained the W.A. and W.M.S. on Thursday with 20 in attendance. The president, Mrs. T. Collins, with Mrs. A. Blake assisting, con-? ducted the meeting. Watch word and prayer were the worship theme. A chapter of Study Book was read. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Rev. E. M. Cook. Mrs. Rupert Williams presided for the W.A. meeting. A reading, "The Old Playhouse”, was given by Miss Aggie Northgrave. Mrs. Jack McEwen donated a pieced quilt top and plans were made to have it quilted. The next meeting is to be held in the Sunday School room when the men are invited to attend. Plans are to be made for repairs to the basement shed. Hillcrest Farm Foruml The topic on Monday evening, February 8, was "What Grade Madam?”. The meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton with 17 attending. After the broadcast the two .groups dis­ cussed the following questions: Are there any products in your area that are not sold consumer by grade and you think should be? The was, “We have meat sold area which is not sold according to grade, which we think should be, considering the price at which it is sold to the consumer. Cer­ tain stores only stock the fancy and choice and only Co-operatives have standard. "You often hear people say, ‘Grades should be carried through from producer to ^consumer’. In regard to the products of your own area, would it be possible to do this and what problems would be involved?” The answer was, "Apples and potatoes should be graded more carefully but farmers often lack time and help. Grades should be carried through from producer to consumer and no great prob­ lem should be involved this.” A paper on Canadian tion of Adult Education by Clare Paton and Mr. Rea Neil read a paper from Mr. Ken Pret­ ty, soil supervisor of Middlesex 1 County. Meetings will be in Park­ hill on February 17 and in Gran­ ton on February 18 at 8 p.m. to give an opportunity for farmers to discuss tlieir soil and cropping problems with qualified men. . Lunch was served and a social time was spent playing euchre. At the next meeting, February 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sigsworth, the topic will be "Farm Policy in Relation to duction”. Junior Girls "The Clandeboye Mod Misses”, with 15 members Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Miss Mar­ ion Morton as leaders, will attend Achievement Day on February 27 in the public school at Strathroy. The project is wear?’. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. entertained Mr. Lee on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Paton and Clare visited Mr. and Mrs. Har­ vey Riehl of Stratford on Thurs­ day. Mr. Riehl is now a patient in the Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. Arnold Lewis attended the wedding of her sister on Satur­ day. The marriage was solemn­ ized in All Saints Anglican Church, London, with the Rev. Leslie Jenkins officiating. The brid.e is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tilbury, London, and the reception was held at their home. The couple Will reside in London. to the which answer in oui’ by doing Co-opera- was read Pro- e r n and "What shall I Jack McEwen and Mrs. Will Carbon Paper Per 100 -- $4.95 Each 60 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Flowers Alone The annual meeting of Dash­ wood Public Library showed a profitable year with a balance of $164.81 in the treasury. The cir­ culation for the year was 1,447 books. Membership was 31 adults and 16 children. 'It was decided that each reader must have a membership card with special monthly rates for visitors. Al cupboards are to be varnished and insured with contents, The officers elected were: chairman: Mrs. Harold Keller­ man; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Mervin Tieman; town represent­ ative, James Hayter; other Board members. Mrs. Art Allemand, Mrs. Howard Klumpp, Mrs. Gar­ net Wildfong, Mrs. Letta Taylor and Mrs. Ervin Rader; librarian, Mrs. William Weims; assistant, Mis$ Pearl Kraft; auditors, Al­ bert Milter and Edgar Reste- mayer. 50 Years Service In Choir Mrs. Ed Nadiger was guest of •honor at a Valentine party at the home qJ Shirley Haugh., For 50 years she has been a member of the choir of Lutheran Church, Dashwood. About 30 members and friends enjoyed court whist, were Eaine Becker, Wein, Eleanoi’ Becker vin Stade. . Gertrude address and_______ iger with a gold pin. Mrs. Nad­ iger, taken by surprise, replied that, although she often thought of retiring, she would not be at home anywhere else in the church. All enjoyed lunch and a decorated fiftieth anniversary cake. Henry A. Clarke ■Services for Henry Albert Clarke, 66, who died at his home, concession 15, Stephen township, where he had farmed all his life, were conducted Monday by the Rev. W. C. Parrott in the Hoff­ man Funeral Home. Interment was made in Grand Bend Ceme­ tery. Surviving besides his wife, the former Margaret Pfaff, are five sons, James, of Stephen, Roy, of Hay township, Ross and Russell, of Crediton, and Howard, at home; four daughters, Mrs. Ar­ thur Hutdhinson, Parkhill, Me- leida, office manager for the Bell Telephone Company, Credi­ ton, Marie and Ruth, at home; two brothers, James, Dashwood, George, Stephen, and five sisters, Mrs. William Burr, of Preston, Elizabeth, Dashwood, Mrs. Wil­ liam Rendall, New York; Mrs. Freeman Hodgins and Mrs. Ben Thompson, of McGillivray town­ ship. Pallbearers were William Burr, William Rendall, Clark Hodgins, Lloyd Thompson, Ed Valender, Allan Pfaff. Flower bearers were Bruce Hodgins, Wilmer, Bob and Bill Pfaff, Gerald and Paul Schenk. Harry Rinker Harry Rinker, South Huron Hospital, on Tuesday. He had been a long resident of Dashwood was unmarried. He was a member of Lutheran Church. Suriving are his father, Chas. Rinker, and a sister, Verda. The service, from the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, will be conducted by the Rev. L. Hige- nell at 2 p.m. terment will be Line cemetery. Personal Items Messrs. Sam . _ Aldal, of Eston, Sask., are visit­ ors with the former’s sisters, the Misses Marie and Pearl Kraft and Mrs. Dan I-Iaugh. Miss Lois Gaiser, of London, her Edmund Kraft, patients in St. Joseph’s Hospital. London, where both underwent recent operations, are making quite sat­ isfactory progress. Mr. Mason is able to be up. Mrs. T. Hopcroft was shocked at the news that Mr. Emerson Laver and his two daughters, seven and 18 y^ars old, perished in a fire at MiRon Sunday night, Mrs. Laver, who is a niece of the late Thomas Hopcroft, was pushed to safety by her husband. Three boys escaped with An older daughter was the time. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Charles Snell were Mrs. Ray Snell, Mr. William Pitt, of London, and Mr. Orby Kestle. of Detroit. A euchre and box social will be held in V. L. Becker’s show­ room, Monday, February 15. Speak The Language Of Love Don't Forget HER DAFFODILS TULIPS CARNATIONS a s '3 ,s s5 injuries, away at Mr. and Mr. and and Mrs. Winners Raymond and Mel- read anBeisenthol presented Mrs. Nad- 40 died in Exeter, life- and the on Thursday. In­ made in Bronson Kraft and John spent the weekend with mother, Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Little Brenda and John ney, children of Mr. and R. C. Dinney, of Exeter, D in­ Mrs, have spent a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klumpp white their parents were in FloridaA_ Miss Nancy Tieman, of Lon­ don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Tie­ man. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Round­ tree, of Woodbridge, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Malton Walper and girls, of Ingersoll, and Mrs. Nelda Routledge, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Dashwood Women’s. Institute is holding a euchre party Febru­ ary 26 in the Dashwood Public School. Mr. William Ma.son and Mr. This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and ’family, of Sunshine Line, spent . and \>l wuiiomnc jvmc, '’Sunday evening with Mr. ■Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr; and Mrs, children visited and Mrs. Cliff Mr. and Mts. and Mr. Ian Brock Sunday with Brock, Credifron. ...... W. Dickey and family, of Woodham, spent Fri­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Miss Kay Hay, of Exeter, visit­ ed over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Prance. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny visited Sunday with Mrs, Nelson Clarke, Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. Colin GJlfiilan and Mr. William Walters were prize winners at the euchre party at the sehooL Congratulations' to Mr, and Mrs. Walace Bowden on the birth of a daughter on Monday, Febru­ ary 8. SNAPDRAGONS — AFRICAN VIOLETS POTS OF SPRING BULBS — OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 11 O’CLOCK — Bailey's Florists a a E Phone 276 Exeter Spring Prints yards Glenwood new pat- ON SALE AT 490 YD First Showing OF LADIES’ AND MISSES’ Spring Coats & Suits Come early and see the new styles in spring coats and suits in the new spring shades in mohair, tweeds, stripes and gabardines—sizes 10 to 20 and 12% to 24%—very reasonably priced. Use our lay-away plan if you wish for Easter. 25°/o Off LADIES’ AND MISSES’ WINTER COATS Hundreds of fine quality spring prints, terns for" children’s and ladies’ dresses, aprons, skirts, etc. Reg. 55$ yd., for early spring selling ........... 490 yd., a worth­ while saving of 60 yd. In the following shades and sizes: Two dark green, size 9; 1 gold, size 11; 1 grey, size 15; 1 sand, 18; 1 black, 14%; 1 teal, 14%; 1 tan, 16%; 1 grape, 18%; 1 green, 18%; 1 black, 26%. ENGLISH Axminster Mats ON SALE AT $5.95 We have received another shipment of these good quality scatter rugs, size 27"x 51" and colors, while they last, ’, good patterns at ............ $5.95 each Spring Cottons We also have a fine range of other spring cotton materials in den­ ims, swiss muslins, kris- kays, sanforized broad­ cloths, cotton crepes, etc. at Very attractive prices. Circular Pillow Cotton Five webs of best quality Wabasso, 42" -wide. Reg. price $1.00. On sale at ............................ 890 yd. Large Size Flannelette Blankets at $5.49 pair ON SALE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Large Size 70"x 90" Ibex and Kingcott flannelette blankets, white with colored borders, first quality, whipped singly. Get several at this low price. Price .......... $5.49 pair Continuing Our Sale Of Men's Ready-Made Suits At Less Than Cost The response to this sale has been greater than we expected and in order to have a good range of sizes we have added many new suits from our regular stock of gabardines, all-wool worsteds and pic and pics. GROUP NO. 1 Reg. $55.00 to $59.00 GROUP NO. 2 Reg. $49.00 to $55.00 Phone 190 Men’s Wear Dry RMMM on sale at $39.00 ON SALE AT 329.00 MAY & SON EXETER Phone 190 — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Goods — Floor-Coverings, etc. Superior Store Special Values AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS 2 ibs. 37 c AYLMER, FANCY GOLDEN CREAM CORN 20-oz. tins 2 for 31 c STANDARD QUALITY LYNN VAL. PEACHES 20-oz. tins Each 19C MONARCH 24-oz. Jar . SWEET MIXED PICKLES ........ C f C CAMPBELL’S O O I" VEGETABLE SOUP .....C tins 25 C DOLE'S, FANCY 20-dz. tins FRUIT COCKTAIL .................... 35 C FISHERMAN 73/Loz. tin RED SOCKEYE SALMON ....... 35C WESTON’S 1-|b, cello CUSTARD CREAM COOKIES . 35C SWIFT’S 1-lb. rtA- JEWEL SHORTENING .............. 28C 15<? OFF PACKAGE LIPTON’S RED LABEL TEA .. 35C WfeTHEY’S PEACH JAM Large 24-6z. Jar PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 11, 12 AND 13 pli6he m J. H. Jones Groceries