HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-11, Page 1Eighty-Second Year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 Price Per Copy 7j8 Usborne Lets Contracts For Two Culverts, Drain Usborne council awarded contracts for culvert and drain construction, supply of gravel, and warble fly spraying at recent meetings. Contract for construction of two culverts and repairs to another went to Louis J. Looby for $5,24-1,16. The culverts will be built at lot 35, conces­ sions 2 and 3, and lots 23 and 24, northeast boundary on con­ cessions 6 and 7. Repairs will be made to the culvert at lot concessions 6 and 7. The Loooy tender wah lowest of four received by council. Others ranged to $5,696. Nine Bid On Truck Nine offers from were considered by for a new half-ton chase was awarded 26, the the local firms the council truck. Pur- to Larry Snider Motors, Exeter, for $1,- 965,67 with allowance of $867.67 for the old truck. At a special meeting last week, council awarded the warble fly spraying contract to F.^Harburn, of Dublin, at 9J/fctf per head per spray, with the township supply­ ing a helper. Contract for the construction of the Tuckey-May drain was let to William Campbell, Seaforth, for a lump sum of $400. Await Gravel Contract The gravelling contract went to Lavis Contracting Co., Clinton, at their bid price of per cubic yard for delivering and 34 crushing and stock other tenders were of 64£ and for called for. Collection of warble fly accounts in 195 4 will be made on the tax accounts. -In view of the application from Hibbert township for rebate of full share of provincial grant on the Gardiner drain, council directed that the matter of a deficit in this account be re­ ferred to J. A. Howes, O.L.S., for further assessment. Council supported the claim of E. Herdman for pipe line dam­ age to the Department of port. The township hall was the meeting place with McKee Construction Co. and solicitors and arbitrators concerning set­ tlement T. A. auditor, showing ship to and a current surplus of $’33,- 972.41. The road appropriation by-law for 19 54 was passed for a total sum of $45,000, subject to proval by the Department Highways. ♦ I Trans­ set as on the contract dispute. Wiseman, township presented his report the books of the town- be in first class order ap- of crushing per yard piling. Three received. The by-law on rates of amended to provide for of $8.00 per hour for tractor with snow plow payers and $10 per hour side work; minimum charge to be $2.00 and $2.50 in each case. Council moved to discontinue paying fox bounties. Tenders for the supply of warble fly powder and applica­ tions for inspector are being pay was charges crawler to rate- for out- EnjoyCarnival At Woodham Fine Driver $15 Over Yule Crash John Joseph Poll, 37, of Lon­ don, was fined $15 and costs by Magistrate Dudley Holmes Thurs­ day afterx being convicted on a charge of careless driving. A charge of dangerous driving was dismissed. Poll was involved in an acci­ dent on December 24 in which an RCAF corporal and his three sons were injured. The case was heard in Exeter court last week. Cpl. Ralph Boone and his three sons, of Centralia, were hospital­ ized from injuries sustained in the accident. School Elects Dance Queen South Huron District High School students cast votes on Wednesday to elect their 19 54 queen for the At Home Dance this Friday. The eight contestants are Bar­ bara Brintnell, Mary Margaret Essery, Kathryn Hunter, Trudy, Pickard,, Beverly Ravelle, Mari­ lyn Skinner, Joan Thompson and Pat Tuckey. The contestants, nominated by the students themselves, are se­ lected for then' beauty, academic standing, personality and contri­ bution to school life. Propose Co-operative Promotion To Attract Industry To County New Canadians Speak To Parents Members of the Home and School Assdciation had new Can­ adians as their guests Tuesday night and several of them took part in the “Citizenship Night” program. Mrs. M. Vander Neut, who has been in Canada for three years, spoke on customs in her home­ land. The carillons play an im­ portant part in the life of Hol­ land as they are heard almost constantly. They play familiar hymns as well as sound warn­ ings of fire or danger and toll in the event of a death in the community. The carillon in Mrs. Vander Neut’s home town was taken by the Germans during the war and the people wondered if its inscription, “He who de­ stroys me, will certainly destroy himself,” had influenced its re­ turn. Streets Scrubbed Wooden shoes and native cos­ tumes are worn only in the rural areas. All the streets are paved and are scrubbed every week by the housewives. Rev. Carl J3chroeder, pastor Bethel Reformed Church, of t$emei Reformed Church, a na­ tive of Holland who received his theological education in United States, spoke on the history and geography of Holland. He sum­ med up the characteristics of the Dutch people as thoroughness, cleanliness and frugality. Their stern and unyielding natures are a result of fighting the .seas which have wrought havoc in their country. Those who 'have come to Canada appreciate the opportunities opened up to try. Sixth grade Gunn, took part in a speaking contest. Donna Brydges spoke on “■Canada’s National Parks”; Ro­ bin Smith on “The Girl Guides”; Barbara Hodgson's topic was “Manltoulin Islands”; Robert Johnston’s was “Cars”; Janet Fischer spoke on “Life in Hol- t h a t have been them in this coun- pupils .of Mr. John land” and Carol Gibbons on the ’’Northwest Coast Indians”. Mrs. Sheldon Wein, Mrs. War­ ren Sanders and Mrs. Elmore McBride, acting as judges, gave first place to Robin Smith and a tie decision between Janet Fischer and Donna Brydges, for second place. Native Song Musical numbers on the pro­ gram included solos by Miss Marie Wildfong, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Frank Wild­ fong, and a duet in their native language by Mrs. Stuart Dykstra and Miss B. l5e Vries, accom­ panied by Mr. Alfred Fischer. The new Canadians joined in singing their national anthem, Mrs. John Schroeder conduct­ ed the meeting and those who took part in the program were thanked by Mrs. Ernest Jones. Pupils of Mrs. Howard Pym’s afternoon class and Mr. Gunn’s, grade tied in the number of par­ ents in attendance. Turf Group Elects Slate Frank Taylor was elected president of the Exeter Turf Club at their annual meeting on Monday. Others elected were: chairman, John Morrissey; vice- chairman, Tom Yearley; treas­ urer, George Lawson, and secre­ tary, Bill Allison. Harry Swartz was appointed representative on the Exeter Community Park Board. Wednesday, July 7 was the ♦ date set for the annual race meeting sponsored by the club. Horses • using local facilities this winter include Lena’s Boy, owned by Reg. McGee, of Gode­ rich, and trained by Lloyd Tur- vey; C h a r 1 e-s Godbolt’s three colts, Flashy Hal, Shirley Grat­ tan and Trampfast Express, and two colts owned by Earl Barnes of Ailsa Turvey. Darlene form at Hern has his colt, Legal Han­ over. Two colts owned by Clint Hodgins, of Clandeboye, are housed at the local barns. Craig, trained by Wayne Tom Yearley is keeping Day and his two colts in the local track and Well also Toboggan Slide Injures Three Three members of a toboggan- ning party were injured when their toboggan struck a ski­ jump at, Dow’s hill on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. William MgLean was taken to South Huron Hospital where X-rays showed injuries to her back were not serious and she was discharged on Tuesday night. On the same sleigh were Vernon Heywood and Mrs. don McTavish who escaped a shaking up. Mrs. Cor­ with Woodham Community Associa­ tion held its annual carnival on' Friday evening in the Woodham rink with a good crowd of spec­ tators and contestants. Mr. Jack Roundell, of Kirk­ ton; Miss Doris Robinson and Mr. Stirling Ince, of Exeter, were judges for the event. Reg McCurdy was named king of the carnival and Ruth Miller was crowned queen. Other prizewinners were: Comic, Ray Miller (boys), Helen Sliamhlaw (girls); origin­ al, Sharon Thomson (under 15), Mrs. William Rundle (over 15); best dressed couple, Doris and Doreen Brock (under 15), Reg McCurdy, Betty Mills (over 15); oldest skater, William Mills; youngest, Gail Stephens; best skating couple, Marilyn Brine, Ronnie Chatten (under 16). Mrs. William Rundle, Roy • McCurdy (ovr 16); clown, Mrs. Fred Par­ kinson: comic, Rev. G. Wanless; comic couple, Mrs. L. Rodd, Mrs. O. Brine; best figure skater, Betty Hern, Ronnie Chatten. Race winners were: Clifford Langford, John Wanless; Carolyn ern, Joanne Webb; Ralph Hern, Ray Miller; Marilyn Brine; Helen Shamblaw; Keith Ste­ phens, Reg McCurdy; Betty Hern, Mildred Cowdrey. Ask Higher Price For Better Quality Meeting at the and Mrs. Kenneth hers of Elimville Forum discussed grading. In answer to the ques­ tion, “Are there any products in your area that are not sold to consumers by grade, which you think should be?", the members were satisfied with things as they are. As to whether grading should be carried through from pro­ ducer to consumer, the opinion was that there is not enough difference in the price of Grade A and B pigs to be bothered trying to raise grade A's. It was felt the packers should make up the difference in price. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray. home of Mr. Johns, mem- North Farm the topic of Hensail Discusses Hensall ratepayers will meet next Wednesday night for a pub­ lic discussion on installation of artificial ice in the arena.. Facts behind the proposal are these: The Parks Board has re­ quested the council to issue $30,- 000 in debentures for the project. A number of community organ­ izations have backed the cam­ paign with a promise to raise $15,000 over a five-year period to meet debenture payments. At the last council meeting, a petition signed by 44 per cent of the ratepayers requested a muni­ cipal vote on the question. Coun­ cil decided to call a public meet­ ing in the town hall next Wed­ nesday where the proposals will be aired and a standing vote will be taken. In an attempt to present some of the opinions, both pro and con, on the question, The Times- Advocate interviewed a number of Hensall citizens. Their state­ ments follow: Jack Tudor, husinossmani: I think it’s wonderful that you can get two or three organizations in town that are able to think pro­ gressively. and that have suffi­ cient faith in their community to tackle a project of this size. The need for artificial ice is becoming increasingly more Obvious 'with milder winters and longer hockey schedules. The village of Hensall own a $25,000 arena 'which dost Miss Mary Dianne Trimble, professional of the London Club, ure Skating Club who practice in the local arena every Friday who instructs, here. The local organization has about sixty ...... ..— ...... i ,„:ii members and is sponsored by the Exeter Kinette Club in co­ operation with the Exeter Recreational Council. Thirteen of -Jack Doerr WILL PRESENT CARNIVAL — Members of the Exeter Fig- ”•'? , 3'^-'*$• ''<1- night are preparing for a skating carnival which will be held on March 17. Members of the London Figure Skating Club will assist them with the program. In charge-of the show is dfht, skaters are shown here. Approve Calf hood Vaccination Proposal Unanimous support for the proposal that calfhood vaccina­ tion schemes be launched in all the townships of Huron was vot­ ed at a meeting of cattle owners in Clinton on Friday afternoon under arrangements by the On­ tario Department of Agriculture. After " ' “ ' ‘ D.V.S., explain scheme, losis Control Act, present, who were a fairly well- balanced representation of beef and dairy breeders, approved without a dissenting voice a re­ solution offered by , Hugh Hill, of Benmiller, that the meeting approve the principle of calfhood vaccination, and recommend a program under the provisions of the B.C.A. Calfhood vaccination, Dr. Wor­ ton said, seomis to offer the best chance of controlling contagious abortion in cattle, and, by so doing, to control undulant fever in humans. The new B.C.A., passed by the Ontario Legislat­ ure in 1953, he explained, pro­ vides for complete calfhood vac­ cinations by township areas, with township councils having the authority to enforce the program. To get the program started in a township, he said, two-thirds of hearing I-Iarold Wor.ton, provincial veterinarian, the operation of such a under the new Brucel- tlie farmers the taxpayers not one cent and now this is an investment to pro­ tect that $25,000 building. Let’s hope everyone will pull together for this worthwhile cause. Lome Luker, councillor: I think we should let the people vote on it. W. R. Dougall, weed inspector: Considering the number of rate­ payers, around 260, it’s too big an undertaking with the debt we already have. Because of the closeness of other arenas in the area, I don’t think it would meet operating costs. It’s too expensive to install it and to maintain it. The $30,000 is too big a burden on the taxpayers considering our present debt. W. O. Goodwin, businessman: I think artificial ice would be bene­ ficial to the community, it will provide good healthy exercise foi’ the children, and they must have someplace to play. Even if the organizations that are behind this project aren’t able to raise the money they promised, it Would mean little on the taxes. If the town had hot been progressive enough to get industry, our taxes would have been higher because there. would be fewer to pay them. The town has to progress in order to spread the taxes over more people. Edmund Geiger: I’d like to see a vote on it. That’s the way it should be In a democracy, Per- Ice sonally, I don’t think it’s a sound proposition. I don’t wish to state any reasons but, to my mind, that's self-evident. Rev. W. J. Rogers: I’d be very happy to see artificial ice. I think it would be a good thing for the young people of the com­ munity. IS’. L. Mickle, grain merchant: I think it’s a necessity. I don’t believe the debentures will be a burden on the town and they are4 a means of securing the money to install the plant so it can pay for itself. It would have been nice to have artificial » ice during the past four and five years and I think it will be a fine thing to have in the future. Hugh Love: In view of the fact that 44 per cent of property owners petitioned council to allow property owners to vote by ballot on installation of artificial ice, I think a vote at a public meeting cannot be considered a true re­ presentation of the feeling of the people as a whole. A vote by bal­ lot is the only democratic way and also the only legal way for council to proceed. Other muni­ cipalities which have two or three times the number of property owners also have bigger popula­ tion to help maintain the cost Of operation which tends to lessen the burden of taxation. It is not fair to compare them to Hensall. the owners of cattle must sign a petition; similarly, to stop the calfhood vaccination program once it has been started, two- thirds of cattle' owners would have to sign a petition asking for the scheme to be ended. Division Of Costs The program provides for the appointment who will be 20^ a head, porting the vaccination; self must be veterinarian, of local inspectors, entitled to a fee of for listing and re­ calves that require the vaccination it- done by a registered with free serum provided by the Government. The | he noted, but nobody in a neigh­ veterinarian is paid by the cattle owner, while the inspector is paid by the Government. There can be no doubt, said Dr. Worton, that it is worth money to farmers to get rid of contagious abortion in cattle herds. “These buyers that come in will drive right past gates if your herds are not vac­ cinated,—that’s the economics of it,” he said. A good deal has been accomplished by individual farmers who have been having their calves vaccinated regularly, your Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these sitems. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. Mrs. W. E. Tookey, of London, visited with her sister, Mrs. Percy Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dinney and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tuckey re­ turned home on Saturday from a vacation at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. From there they motored to Key West. Mrs. Rufus, Kestle, Mrs. Earl Mitchell and Mr. II. H. Strang left Thursday"to attend the tario . " ronto. Mr. ronto annual ------------- „„ ____ ian Sheep Breeders’ Association. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnston and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson and Mfrs. C. W, Kestle, of Strat­ ford, spent Saturday with rela­ tives in town. Mrs. Arthur Cole, who, with her husband, recently moved to vExeter from Mt. Pleasant, is confined to her home by illness. Mayor W. G. Cochrane and Mr. ‘C. V. Laughton attended the mid-winter meeting of the Can­ adian Bar Association at the Royal York, Toronto, on Friday and Saturday. Miss Leona Alderson, of Paris, spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aider- son, Mr, of St. week son McFalls. Mr, Leon Treble Mrs. Mr. and Miss don, late On- To-Fairs Association in ) P. E. Dearing is in this week attending I convention of the Canad- To­ th e and Mrs. Garnet Hodgins Marys are spending the with Mr. and Mrs. Sam- and daughter, , of Toronto; Of Galt; Mr. Hou is ton and , all of Loh- Leone Maker E. J. Treble, Mrs. N. W. Reta Hoskin, attended the funeral of the Mr. Edward Treble. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stephan, of of London, were weekend visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. West­ cott. Mrs. J. W. Powell, who fell in her home, discovered after several days, that her rib had been broken. She was attended by Dr. J. G. Dunlop. Mr. and Mrs. George McManus, of Myrtle spent several days last week Wood town. Mr. Victoria Hospital on Monday and is convalescing at his home. In celebration of their fortieth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Samson McFalls were guests of honor at a family dinner at Monetta Menard’s. Friends join­ ed them at theh* home later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southeott reached St. Petersburg, Fla., last Thursday where they planned to meet Mr. T. O. Southeott and Miss Stella, who are also vaca­ tioning in Florida. with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. and other relatives in Harry Cole returned from Anglican Rector Addresses Kin Rev. N. D. Knox, of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, and St. Paul's Church, Hensail, spoke to Exeter Kinsmen Club Thurs­ day night on his tour of the United Kingdom this summer. The rector was chosen to speak at a number of the cathedral churches in England following the coronation of Queen Eliza­ beth II. His tour took him from Liverpool to Canterbury. A budget of $5,000 for the an­ nual Kin Dominion Day Cele­ bration was approved by the club through a report submitted by committee chairman Chuck Snell, Assistance for underprivi­ leged children was also approved. President Ralph Genttner yras ift charge of the meeting. borhood can feel that his herd is safe unless the calfhood vac­ cination is done in .the whole neighborhood. Among the 86 people who at­ tended the meeting were nine practising veterinarians resident in Huron county. Speaking for the veterinarians, Dr. George El­ liott, 'Clinton, said that $1.00 a head has been established by the veterinarians of Perth and Hu­ ron counties as the fee for vac­ cinating calves. The. nine who were present, however, retired to another room while the general meeting was still in progress, and came back presently to report that they were prepared, if the calfhood vaccination scheme organized in a township, to the calves in that township 75<i a head. Infected Imports Possible Asked by one cattle owner whether it would be possible, once complete calfhood vaccina­ tion had been done in a town­ ship, to bar infected cattle from that township. Dr. Worton agreed that it would be desirable, that he did not regulation could enforced. “If you cow, and bring can anbody do think your idea or four years times,” he said. Records show 2,862 calves in Huron were ciliated against contagious abor­ tion, said Dr. Worton. On the basis of livestock census reports, he estimated that there might be about 20,000 female calves in Huron, with herds at normal numbers. G. agricultural representative, chairman of the meeting, with Dr. Worton that at present about one calf in nine in the county is being vaccinated. Wilfred Shortreed, of Walton, president of the Huron Federa­ tion of Agriculture, lieved it is Federation is expected to organ­ ize the canvass with petitions, that the price to be charged by the veterinarians should be clear­ ly understood before the petitions are circulated. It was after Mr. Shortreed’s remarks that the vet­ erinarians present retired, and held the conference among them­ selves that resulted in a price reduction from $1.00 to 75£, for the purpose of organized calf­ hood vaccination campaigns ■township areas. is do at i, but believe such a at present be want to buy a it home, what about it? I is maybe three ahead of the that last year vac- W. Montgomery, , and agreed said he be- important, if the Hl Flyers Play Tonight Two games down in their of-seven semi-final with Milver­ ton, Centralia Flyers will be gun­ ning for a win when they meet the Dominions in Exeter arena Thursday night. best­ Start towards the organization of a co-operative cam­ paign of Huron municipalities to attract industry to the coun­ ty was made at a meeting in Exeter Wednesday afternoon. Town and village representatives approved a proposal to form a Huron Industrial Promotion Committee which would interest manufacturers and pro­ cessors in locating plants in the county. Tim committee, to be composed of delegates from each urban municipality, will be organized at Clinton at a future meeting. Told by representatives of the Ontario Department of Planning and Development that this area was not well-known to industrial­ ists but that it could offer just as many advantages to industry as othei* sections of the province, the local officials approved unan­ imously a proposal that promo­ tion be done on a county-wide scale. Commissioner? Idea behind the scheme is to organize an a c't i v e promotion campaign which would interest industrial prospects in the county through brochures and possibly a full-time industrial commissioner. After the prospects became in­ terested in this area, it would be the responsibility of municipalities to sell advantages. If the co-operative carried out, all urban municipal­ ities in the county will contribute towards the cost of the promo­ tion. Such a scheme has already been organized in other counties in the province. Although most towns and vil­ lages in Huron are conducting a small-scale campaign for indust­ ry, none can afford the type of organization needed to compete with promotions of larger cities and towns. The co-operative pro­ posal is one method of meeting this disadvantage. Must Sell Area Chairman of the meeting, Mr. J. E. Turnbull, of the municipal division of the Ontario Depart­ ment ment, have other you’ve got to sell them.’1 “Decentralization of industry,” he said, “is becoming an actual fact. Industry is going farther afield simply because more small towns are attracting them.” Since the competition for new industry is becoming greater every year, he suggested that small communities under 5,000 population should band together in an attempt to improve their promotion. individual their own proposal is of Planning and Develop- told representatives: "You advantages in Huron over parts of the province, but Stephen Council Approves Grants Stephen township council ap­ proved grants of $25 each to the Centralia, ‘Crediton and Dash­ wood libraries at its February meeting. A grant of $25 for the Huron County Seed Fair was authorized. The council is calling for ders for warble-fly spraying applications for warble-fly spector. On motion of council. also ten- and in­ the township will pay $1.00 bounty for foxes, whether pup or full- grown. Salary lock was Final 1953 taxes April 6. for Clerk F. W. Mor- set at $1,200. date for payment was extended of to R. B. Potts, of the same de­ partment, described several co­ operative projects being carried out in other counties. Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth mayor, said in the‘J past Huron municipalities have been praying for industry to come to them. “I don’t think we’ll ever get any­ where until we get organized,” he said. "We could co-operate to get a man who can sell the area —bring the prospects to the county and let the towns sell them from there.” Mayor W. G. Cochrane, of Ex­ eter, added support to the pro­ posal. Deputy-Reeve Mel Crich, of Clinton, proposed that the county committee be organized. Members of Exeter council who attended included Reeve R. E. Pooley, Councillors R, C. Dinney, R. D. Jermyn, Andrew Snelgrove, Edward Brady and Earl Witmer and Clerk C. V. Pickard. i Hospital Aid Hears Nurse Miss Hilda Pletch, district health nurse, spoke to members of the Hospital Auxiliary at their meeting on Tuesday afternoon. She stressed the increase in span of life through science research. Emotions play an portant part in health and greatest tonics are hope, joy contentment, she said. Mrs. R. L. Motz contributed a humorous reading to the pro­ gram, which was arranged by the Crediton members of the Auxil­ iary. Presides For Business Mrs. Kenneth Johns presided for the Gordon balance ary 1. reported mending completed and sewing ready to be handed out. A letter from the Hospital Board, expressed their apprecia­ tion of the assistance given them by the Auxiliary during the first year the hospital has been in operation. The Ways and Means Commit­ tee reported that the entire pro­ ceeds of the evening show at the Lyric Theatre on March 4 will be donated to the Auxiliary by the manager, Mr. George Thomp­ son. A rummage sale is uled for May and permission was granted to the members to sponsor a strawberry festival in aid of the Auxiliary. the- and im- the and business meeting. Mrs. Koch reported a bank of nearly $500 on Janu- Mrs. William Middleton s’ched- Grand Bend Name Harry Strang To Ontario Body H. H. G. Strang, R.R. 1, Hen­ sall, was elected to the executive of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association at its meeting in Toronto recently. Mr. Strang is a former president of- the Huron County branch of the Association. Wilfred Schneller, of Baden, was elected president of' the pro­ vincial group. He succeeds How­ ard Harper, Goodwood. Locals Lose First Playoff To Pdntiacs By 5-2 Edge Exeter Mohawks dropped their playoff tilt to Goderich Samis- Pontiacs Wednesday 5-2 decision in the The tribe held the leaders to a 1-1 tie but Goderich took a the middle frame and went on to record their fourth straight win of the series. The teams meet again in the lakeshore town Friday night. The two were scored within seconds of each other. the first, one on a play with Fred Hewer at 16.35. Meriam and Walters tied it up for Gode­ rich 16 seconds later. Emms and Williams counted for Pontiacs in the second. Wil­ liams and Beacom on his counter at scored '“on shank and Two Quick Another ters opened the third period. .Bill MacDonald fired an unas­ sisted marker at 1,11 and Ray Richards notched Exeter's sec­ ond goal at 1.20 with help from Frank Anderson. Don Emms ■counted his second marker of the night, and the last goal of the game at 15.05. Referees Gus Boussey and An­ gus McLean threw the whistle at both teams, thumbing 19 to the sin bin. The penalties were divided 10-9 with Goderich taking night on a local arena, round robin in the first 3-1 lead in first period goals Bill Musser netted assisted Emms 6.24. Williams with Cruick- at 14.14. a play Emms Goals quick brace of coun- the extra two minutes.. On the season’s play, the Wed­ nesday night win gave Goderich a 2-1 edge in games. The Pon­ tiacs won the first encounter 6-2 but Exeter turned the tables in the return match on home ice 4-2. One of the largest crowds of the winter—over 800-—witnessed the match. Anglicans Hold Joint Session The Joint Board of Manage­ ment of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, and Select Vestry of St. Paul's, Hensail, met at. the Rec­ tory in Exeter, Friday evening to discuss further plans for the expansion of the work in those two congregations u n d e r the rectorship of the Rev. N. D. Knox. It was arranged that these two groups meet together every second month, the next meeting to be held at Hensall. Hay Sets Road Appropriation Road appropriation by-law for Hay township was set at $40,000 at a recent council meeting. Tenders for supply of gravel and for warble-fly spraying in the township are being called. A grant ot $10 Was approved, for the Salvation Army afid an­ other of $125 to the Zurich pol­ ice trustees towards maintenance of the fire truck and brigade.