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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-04, Page 10
Page 10 THE TIMES-AD VO CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1954 Dinner 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques on Friday eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hem and sons, of Whalen, and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Spence, Metro politan. REBEKAH DANCE Aquilla Sheer© Dies In Michigan Funeral services for Mr. Aquil la Sheere, 71, who died suddenly in Lansing on Saturday, were held at the Estes-Leadley Fune ral Home there on Tuesday. Mr. Sheere was born in Exeter and left here nearly 50 years ago. He visited Exeter frequently and had spent New Years with his family here. Mrs. Sheere, the former Maude Saunders, died I ovex’ 25 years Mr. Sheere » a EXETER LEGION MEM. HALL February 10 9 pan. — 1:00 a,in. ago. was a compositor aw-Each member may invite other couple. Please bring sand wiches for yourselves and guests. Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Notice .75 Single verse, .25 extra each additional verse, Engagement, Notices are .75, for for and .75. -• BIRTHS i:\TTEN — John and Ola Batten. Wineheisea, announce the birth their daughter, Sharon Susanne, South Huron Hospital, February 1951. J?™"®™ hiS trMe at ~Gmn< Exeter Times. Surviving are one son, Russell, of Lansing; a daughter, Fern, Mrs. Amos Parker, Holt, Mich.; two brothers, Garfield, of Brant-1 ford, qu<l Frank, of Exeter, and two sisters, Mrs. George Hackey and Mrs. Frank Boyle, both of Exeter. Arena ADMISSION 750 EACH Theatre Phone 42.1 Schedule Thursday, February 4 — O.H.A. Playoffs — 8 :30 CENTRALIA FLYERS vs. MILVERTON Previews Its Coming Attractions J FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 5 and 6 of of at•> Mr. Harry Cole, who under went an appendix operation in Victoria Hospital on Monday, is maing a splendid recovery and was sitting up on Wednesday. R. E. Pooley and Clarence Down, officers of the Huron and Lambton Vegetable sociation, attended Kent growers in Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. of Fillmore, Sask., weekend with Mr. Growers’ As- a meeting of Chatham on Friday, February 5 — PUBLIC SKATING 8 :30 p.m. Saturday, February 6 — PUBLIC SKATING 2 :00 to 4 :00 p.m. ST. MARYS vs. EXETER S :30 p.m. All Public School Children Free Island In The Sky ★ John Wayne ★ Walter Abel An air story of the transport command in the Arctic. MONDAY & TUESDAY February 8 and 9 ’ .......... “L, and Mrs. Robert, Grand Bend, announce the birth of a son, Richard Neil, at South Huron Hospital, February j 1, 1954. [JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson, of Kitchener, announce the ' birth of their daughter, Deborah Ixirraine, on January 30, 1954. MINTER — Mr, and Mrs. Steve Minter (nw Marie Jensen) wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Joanne, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, January 29, 1954. DEATHS ELSIE—Suddenly in Grand Bend on Wednesday, January 27, 1954, William Elsie, beloved husband of Lucinda Geiger, in his seventy-fourth year. HERDMAN—In Usborne Township on Thursday, January 28, 1954, James Enos Herdman, in his sixty-ninth year. POWERS —In St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia, on Monday, February 1, 1954, Alice Willard, beloved wife of Sheldon Powers, in her forty-fifth year. TREBLE — In Exeter, on Monday, February 1, 1954, Edward Treble, in his eighty-sixth year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs, A. Leslie Richard, Exeter, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Maida Marie Eveleen, to Donald Ray Gaiser, son of Mrs. Cora Gaiser and the late Earl Gaiser of Dashwood. The wedding will take place in James Street United Church on Saturday, February 4‘ CARDS OF THANKS would like to thank all those so kindly remembered me with 20. Harvey Lane, spent the Albert Mit chell. They also visited their .son in Guelph. Arnold Lindenfield and Mur ray Stephens are in Toronto at tending the Canadian Retail Hardware Association convention. News of Elimville' By MBS. ROSS SKINNER The Well ★ Richard Rober ★ Barry Kelly This true story of a child fall ing down a well is from the much publicized paper story of the incident. ■ J. E. Herdman District Farmer James Enos Herdman, 68, well- known Usborne Township farm er, died suddenly of a heart at tack at his home last ’Pliursday. Mr. Herdman had farmed for many years and more recently had been an insurance repre sentative. lie was a member of Elimville United Church. Surviving besides his wife, the former Mabie Lonsdale, are two brothers, John, of Exeter, and Wilbur, of Usborne, and a sister, Miss Mary Herdman, of Usborne. The body rested at the Dinney Funeral Home where the Rev. W. J. Moores conducted the fune ral service on Monday afternoon. Interment was made in Exeter cemetery. Midway Operator Wm. Elsie Dies William Elsie, of Grand Bend, known to thousands of lioliday- ers as a merry-go-round and restaurant operator, suffered a heart seizure while shoveling snow at his home last Wednes day and died shortly -afterwards. He was 73. He was born in Hensail and had lived at Dashwood before going to Grand Bend ago. He was Bend United Survivin'! former L d a u g h t Broderick, of Grand Catherine brothers, : Dashwood, Services were conducted Satur day at 2 p.m, from the Hoffman Funeral Home by Rev. W. Smith, of Grand Bend United Church. Burial was in Grand Bend ceme tery. 40 years a member of Grand Church. are his widow, the in da Geiger; , Gladys, Mrs. Percy, a sister, of Sarnia; u c e r , one son, Bend Paff, Hartman and Sam, of one Ellis both Mrs. two ALL CARPENTERS = in Exeter and District Arc Invited to Attend a Meeting in = I LEGION HALL, EXETER, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 i | 8:00 p.m. | = This meeting concerns the livelihood of every carpenter in this f | district. It is hoped that a large attendance will bo on hand | = to heai1 a prominent speaker. | SURPRISE NIGHT! with YOUTH FOR CHRIST in the Clinton District Collegiate 8 p.mSaturday, Feb. 6Mrs. II, R. Anderson has pur chased the house of Mr. Elmore McBride, on William Street. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Elim ville United Church was held on Friday evening. Fifty-two adults and children enjoyed fellowship around the well-laden tables then turned their attention to dis cussions of church business. Rev. W. J. Moores was chairman for the evening, hile Delmer Skinner, secretary, reviewed the minutes of the 19 53 meeting. The reports of all organiza tions showed the church has had a very successful year and all departments show a balance on hand in the treasury. Officers elected were: Session, William Johns, Howard Pym; Stewards, Joseph Bailey, Squire Herdman; Trustee Board; Harry Sparling; Missionary and Maintenance Fund, Gordon Ford; Envelope Steward, Bruce Delbridge; Ceme tery Board, Kenneth Johns; ushers, John Ridley, Philip Johns, Allen Johns, Robt. Johns; Delegate to Men’s. Council, How ard Johns. Euclire Club Meets The Elimville Euchre Club was held Tuesady evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym as hosts. There were nine tables playing and winners were Miss Verda Kellett, Hubert Hun ter and John Miners. -Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns will for the party on Friday Personal Items Mr. Elgin Skinner, Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here. Miss Donna Murcli and Mr. Brian Middleton, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morden and family, of Toronto, spent the weekend with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Enos Herdman, and attend ed the funeral of Mr. Herdman. Mrs. Enos Herdman is returning with them for a few weeks. COMING EVENTS VALENTINE BAKE SALE and Tea, Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensail, Saturday, February 13, 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by the La dies Aid. 4:11c VALENTINE TEA, Apron and Bake Sale, Central Hotel, Feb ruary 13. Trivitt Memorial W.A. 28:4:11c See NHL Hockey DETROIT RED WINGS VS. TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS In Toronto WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 Room for 10 Persons For Information PHONE 4 65 or 357 EXETER Before Sunday night, Feb. 7 | Come and Bring Your Friends FARMERS!! SPEND A PROFITABLE AFTERNOON AT OPEN MEETING ST. VALENTINE’S Box Social And Euchre HOME AND SCHOOL MEETS — Regular meeting of the Home & School Association will be held in the Public School on Tuesday, Feb. 9. Mr. Schroeder, minister of the Bethel Reformed Church, and Mrs. Van derNeut will speak on the Netherlands and their customs. Grade Six will be the class taking part in a monthly public speaking competition. Everybody welcome. 4c Sponsored by Dashwood Men’s Club on FEED AND FEED MANAGEMENT Thursday, Feb. 4 at 2:30 p.m. Legion Hall, ExeterMon., Feb. 15 In V. L, Becker’s Show Room DASHWOOD Progressive Euchre 8 P.M. Sharp Ladies Please Bring Boxes ADMISSION: GENTS 250 Prizes for Euchre Proceeds for Community Work PLAN TO ATTEND I who __ __ _________ __ ___ cards, treats and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home, — Mrs. Irene Harness. 4’ My sincere thanks to all my friends, neighbors and relatives who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. — Mrs. Murray M. Carter, 4* Mrs. Garnet .Frayne wishes to thank her friends and neighbors and all those who sent her treats, flowers and cards or who helped in any way while she was ill in South Huron Hospital. 4c I wish to thank the neighbors that did the chores and all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits while I was confined to my bed with a fractured hip. —Mr. Elgin Weigand. 4* I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely cards, letters and flowers that I received while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. —Mrs. Orville Truemner. 4c I would like to thank all those who ■so kindly remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and South Huron Hospital and since returning home. — Barbara Wright. 4c I wish to thank all the friends who so kindly remembered me during my illness. —Jean Morgan. 4c The family of the late William Elsie wishes to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to theii* many friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness shown them during their recent sad bereavement. For the beautiful cards and expressions of sympathy. Special thanks to Rev. W. C. Smith. 4- Mrs. Cyrus Green and family, of Grand Bend, wish to thank all those who helped in any way during their recent fire. Special thanks to the fire brigade, who did a wonderful job. 4* I wish to express my sincere thanks for cards, treats and flowers sent to me while a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Mrs. Elmer Wilson and Mrs. Tom Kooy, —Mrs. Joe Con- lin. 4* The Thompson and Peariso families of Grand Bend wish to thank their many friends and relatives for the kindness shown them in their recent sad bereavement; for the beautiful floral tributes and to the pallbearers, flower bearers and all who assisted in any way. 4* IN MEMORIAM FINKBEINER—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. George Flnk- beiner, who passed away three years ago, February 3, and a dear father, Mr. George Finkbeiner, who passed away one year ago, February 25. Your gentle faces and patient smiles With sadness we recall:You had a kindly word for eachAnd died beloved by all.—Lovingly remembered by daughter, husband and family. 4c HARTLEIB—In loving memory of a dear sister, Louvada, who passed away February 7, 1953.We little thought when leaving home She would no more return,That she in death so soon would sleep,And leave us here to mourn.We do not know what pain she bore,We did not see her die,We only know she passed awayAnd never said goodbye.—Lovingly remembered by sisters and brother-in-law. 4* SCHROEDER—In loving memory of our dear mother, Martha Schroeder, who passed away five years ago, HOSPITAL AUXILIARY — Re gular and social meeting of La dies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital, Tuesday, February 9, at 2:30 p.m. 4c THREE-ACT COMEDY in James Street United Church, Wednes- day, Feb. 17, at 8:15 p.m. 4c Guest Speaker: DON SLINGER, U.C.O. EDUCATIONAL FILMS You Are Cordially Invited of New Report From Cheer Mohawks 5 Good PrizesINTO FIFTH SPOT!s BAKINGArthur SALEs Saturday, Feb. 6 3:00 p.m. BE A BOOSTER!Russell Electric Sponsored bys DON'T MISS THIS Main Street Ladies z PAPERPlayoff Game!z DRIVEs EXETER s EXETER LIONS CLUBs Proceeds for Welfare Work s February 24 February 8, 9, 10 E E s E = E E E Church, latter’s be hosts evening. 8- “AT HOME’’ — The annual “At Home” will be held in South Huron District High School Fri day, February 12. 4c Monday, February 8 — Tri-Service Hockey 9 :00 p.m. WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY February 10 and 11 Wednesday, February 10 — GODERICH vs. EXETER MOHAWKS Cyclone Playoffs — 8:30 Tuesday, February 9 — Lee Hockey League 8 :00 p.m. and Surrounding District First Exeter Home Game of the "A” Round Robin. • Can Mohawks Defeat the Pontiacs Again? Admission: Reserved 750. - Standing 500 Baseline By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE EUCHRE Sponsored by Trivitt Memorial Ladies’ Guild PARISH HALL MONDAY, FEB.8 at 8:00 pan. ADMISSION 500 Saturday, February 6 8:30 p.m. EXETER ARENA Exeter & Hensail District Co-Ops FRIDAY & SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayFebruary 5 and 6 Adult Entertainment ADMISSION: ADULT 75c, CHILDREN 35c,SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS . , , A rollicking, adventurous sea story. "Botany Bay' Destination Gobi ★ Richard Widmark ★ Don Taylor An exciting mixture of comedy, suspense and excitement revolv ing around a weather station in the Gobi Desert. EUCHRE — Group 1 of Crediton Women’s Institute are sponsoring a progressive euchre Friday eve ning, February 5, in Crediton Township Hall. Everybody wel come. ST. MARYS ALERTS vs. EXETER MOHAWKS Wednesday, February 10, 8:30 p.m. GODERICH SAMIS-PONTIACS vs. EXETER MOHAWKS Technicolor -fc Alan Ladd ★ James Mason ★ Patricia Medina Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle, Jimmie and Jack, of Woodham, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. William of Winthrop, visited the aunts, Mrs. Ben Wilson and Mrs. Hackney, on Sunday. Mrs. Howard Switzer is able to be home again after spending some time in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Her daughter, Mrs. Al bert Hermandez, Patricia and Richard, of Harrow, are spend ing some time with her mother. Arthur Rinn, of London, and William Elston, of Base Line, were Sunday visitors with John Rinn. Miss Joyce Switzer, of London, spent the weekend at her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Switzer. Miss Noreen Walkom was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs. Walkom, of Russeldale. Miss Donna Holland and bro ther Earl were in Toronto on Monday of last week to hear Billy Graham at Maple Leaf Gardens. Lunch February 3, 1949.The midnight stars are shining Upon your silent grave;Beneath it sleeps the one we love And the one we could not save.—Ever remembered by husband and family. 4* WATSON — Tn loving memory of a dear husband and father, Nelson Watson, who passed away one year ago, February 3, 1953.Sweet are the memories so silently keptOf one we loved and will never for- got*•—Remembered by wife Vera, sons Clayton, Earl and families. CREDITON ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND From The Stark, Bold, Yet Tender Best-Seller Columbia Pictures Present "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Deberah Kerr, Frank Sinatra