HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-02-04, Page 3H. J. CORNISH & CO.
H, J. Cornish, L, F. Cornish, D. Mitchell
McKinleys Baby Chicks
Purebred New Hampshire
Purebred Light Sussex
Purebred White Rock
— Canadian Approved ■
N.H. x L.S. Crossbreds
N.H. x B.R. Crossbreds
and our popular
McKinley Farm & Hatchery
| Phone 697-r-ll Hensall R.R. 1, Zurich, Ont.
<UmaginQ.nuv beauty tuatmeiit
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Adds nofhinq
to the cost,
of your -
Restores life to fabrics, revives drob colors. Draperies and slip covers
look fresh longer ... resist dirt, spots, wrinkles. Draperies will hang in
richer folds... slip covers fit better.
Offer Good Until
March 15
Brady Cleaners
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| Agents To Serve You In All Surrounding Communities |
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These features will give your chicks the start they need to
produce large eggs—earlier.
Poultrymen should be thinking ahead — planning their egg
profit programme well in advance.
Starting chicks oh New Formula SHUR-GAIN 20% Chick
►Starter gives 25% greater growth and should be the basis for
any egg production programme.
Plan to begin your egg profit programme with New Formula
SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter in mash or pellet form.
Cann s Mill Ltd.
Huron Crop Group
At Convention
Thirty-three members of the
Huron County Soil and Crop Im
provement Association attended
the provincial convention in To
ronto on Thursday. The group,
which went by chartered fans,
was accompanied by Harold
Baker, assistant agricultural rep
resentative for Huron county, and
was joined in Toronto .by G. W.
Montgomery, agricultural repre
sentative, who had attended the
convention since Tuesday.
The group saw Maurice Love
and John Pym of the South Hu
ron Junior Farmers, Exeter, take
part in the Junior Farmer finals
in the tractor-driving competi
tion. The annual banquet was at
tended at the King Edward Ho
tel. The convention, which com
menced Tuesday, concluded Fri
Page 3
Topics From
U.C. Annual Meeting
Following a congregation
al supper, the annual meeting of
the United Church congregation
was held with Rev. W. C. Par
rott presiding. The following of
ficers were elected: Elders, Jo
seph Woodall (hon.), Garnet Hill
and James Mawhinney; Stewards,
E, Chambers, J. Mawhinney, Gar
net Hill, Edwin Beaver, F. Kerr,
Murray Neil, E. Lamport ■ and
Gerald Zwicker.
After 10 years of efficient
service as church treasurer, Mr.
E. Beaver was again re-elected.
The Schneider supper sponsor
ed by the Women’s Association
of the United Church was largely
attended and enjoyed as were
the films, shown following the
Attacked By Bull
Mr.” Harry Fahrner, 75-year-
old farmer who resides a few
miles north of Crediton, was at
tacked by a bull in his barn on
Sunday.Mr. Fahrner’s son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Kreuger live on ttye farm with
him, and it was during their ab
sence at church that Mr. Fahrner
entered the barn and noticed the
animal had broken its chain.
Upon his entering the stall to
make repairs, the bull turned on
him, and had it not been for Mr.
Fahrner’s alertness in jumping
into the manger, his injuries
might have been much more ser
ious. However, in landing, he
fractured his leg above the ankle.
He climbed through into the
barn where Mr. and Mrs. Kreuger
found him on their return.
He was taken to South Huron
Hospital where X-rays were taken
and, upon Dr. Butson’s advice,
he was removed to Victoria Hos
pital, London, where it was hoped
reparations would be made by
W.S.W.S. Prayer Service
The W.S.W.S. prayer service
will be held in the Evangelical
Church Sunday evening Ladies
will have charge of the service.
Rev. W. Krotz, of Dashwood,
will be the speaker. The regular
monthly meeting of the Society
will be held on Thursday evening
in the Sunday School rooms.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fuller visited
Sunday with relatives in Barrie.
Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner, who had
spent some time in Barrie, .re
turned home with them.
Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Gaiser
left Wednesday for Florida,
where they will spend some
weeks. Little Brenda and Jona
than Dinney, of Exeter, visited
the past two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Gaiser.
Rev. Frederick Faist and Mrs.
Charles Ness, of Kitchener, visit
ed on Friday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Faist. Miss Nola
Faist returned to Kitchener with
them, where she spent the week
The flu epidemic has been
catching up on a great many of
our residents during the past
two weeks.
Mr. Lawrence Hill, who was
confined to his .home last week
through illness, was taken to
Victoria Hospital, London, Satur
day evening, where he under
went an operation on Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Green is confined
to her room with a severe attack
of sinus.
Mr. Donald Kestle is able to
be out again following his illness
last week.
What’s it worth? Plenty. Al
though not a balanced fertilizer,
it is’a valuable by-product of the
livestock farms throughout the
world. To many hired men it is
drudgery. To us it is one of the necessities "of a good farm. One
agronomist put it rather good—
“Without manure, what have
We have often in the past
heard many farmers say "After
feeding all winter, all I had was
the manure!”
Perhaps he did not realize
what he had. Good manure is
said to be 40% N. If this is true
why not compare the dollar
value in relation to 33% N Aero-'
pills. Astounding isn’t it? Not
only does it contain Nitrogen but
also phosphorus and potash also
many salts and trace minerals.
Research scientists tell us that
the manure from the barnyard
can be made more effective by
adding phosphorus and potash.
Even the addition of phosphorus
is said to greatly add to the
effectiveness of barnyard man
ure. This can be added in various
ways — as stable-phos, spread
phosphorates either over the
manure pile, the spreaderload or
if you prefer to spend an extra
few bucks you can spread it
directly over the fields.
The other day we ran across
an article which gives what one
farmer considers manure is
worth. Twelve head of heifers
saved him $400 on his fertilizer
bill. He put the manure from
their loafing shed and feed lot
on 20 acres of corn land. The
only commercial fertilizer he add
ed was 150 lbs. of 2-12-6. On
the other field he broadcast 500
lbs. of 2-12-6 per acre and added
another 150 lbs. at planting time.
The Voice
Of Temperance
Huron County is one of the
largest “dry” areas ‘in Ontario.
We of Huron would do well oc
casionally to recall the story of
the long struggle against drink
that our fathers and grandfathers
fought for nearly half a century.
Hullett Township adopted Local
Option in 1905, one of the first
municipalities in the province to
do so. By 1931 three townships,
two villages and three towns in
Huron remained in the “wet"
column, due to the 60 percent
handicap. In 1914 The Canada
Temperance Act was carried with
a majority of 2,603. This act
wiped out all legal outlets for the
sale of liquor in our county.
Later, in 1919 and in 1924, Hu
ron voted strongly in favor of
The Ontario Temperance Act. In
the latter year, when Ontario
voted to retain the O.T.A. by a
majority of 34,'051, more than
one third of this came from Hu
ron, to be exact 11,945. The
courts have frequently compli
mented our county on its com
parative freedom from crime.
That is not surprising. The more
freely liquor flows the busier are
the courts. “Seventy-five percent
of all criminal cases ift^my court
involved drink”, declared a judge
of 30 years’ experience. Let us
in Huron hold fast to our proud
position as a temperate county.
This advertisement is inserted
by the Huron County Temperance
Both yielded exactly the same.
Now we don’t exactly agree
with him as to the value of his
manure. He merely figured a
different way. But we do agree
that manure is very valuable. To
put a price on a ton of manure
is impossible due to many fac
tors. The main one is manage
It is possible for a well-bedded
steer on full feed to make over a
spreader load of manure every
week.—Roll in the straw boys,
it pays dividends.
On holidays.
Births in Canada climbed to a
new monthly peak of 37,462 in
Report On
Grand Bend
The Story In
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis
entertained their friends and
neighbors in Mooresville hall on
Friday evening. Old and modern
dancing was enjoyed with Mr. G.
Weinestraum, Mr. Heber Davis,
Mri Ross McFalls and Mr. M.
McDonald providing the .music.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
left Monday for an extended
holiday in Florida.
Mrs. Arthur Abbott returned
home from Victoria Hospital on
Miss Alfnhrie Davis, of Vic
toria School of Nursing, London,
was one of 82 students to receive
her cap at the capping service
held in the auditorium of the
ntireses’ residence on Thursday
evening. Mrs. F. Davis and Mr.
and Mrs. Heber Davis, Mrs. Hugh
Davis and Miss Alexia Davis at
tended the ceremony. Almarie is
spending the week at her home.
Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Green
lee, Mrs. A. Greenlee, Elmer,
Verna, Nobel and Bert, Brinsley,
and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Green-
lee and family, of Dashwood,
were Sunday dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee.
Mr. Cameron Davis is on the
sick list.
Church service was cancelled
in this parish on Sunday owing
to the condition of the roads.
The Anglican Church held a
very successful euchre in the
community hall Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pugh, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Haist and Mr. and Mrs.
C. Chapman attended the Hotel'
Association rally held in Toron
to on January 18. Mrs. Chapman
won an electric refrigerator.
Mr. James Dalton attended
Lambton County Council in Sar
nia last week.
Florida weather has been per
fect, according to reports arriv
ing here in the past week.
Miss Doreen Baker left for
California on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisenbach
left for Florida on Thursday.
Miss Alma Holt and friends,
of Sarnia, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Irwin Holt over the weekend.
Mr. William Elsie, a long-time
resident of Grand Bend, suffered
a fatal heart attack on Tuesday,
January 26. Mr. Elsie was well
known to summer visitors as well
as Grand Bend residents. Our
sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Elsie and family.
Grand Bend bantams played
their first hockey game Wednes
day night in Parkhill. Grand
Bend goalie Roy Hoare scored a
shut-out. Six goals were scored
against Parkhill; Morrissey, 2;
Page, 1; Ravelie, 1; Green, 1;
Dalton, 1.
Mr. and Mrs..W. G. Cochrane,
of Exeter, will show slides of
their trip to England and the
Coronation in the town hall,
Grand Bend, on February 11, at
8 p.m., sponsored by the Wo
men’s Institute.
S.S. Presentations
At the United Church Sunday
School on Sunday morning the
folowing seals and diplomas were
were awarded to scholars of the
Sunday School by the junior
superintendent, Mrs. Douglas
Gill: diplomas: Cassia Anne Des
jardine, Linda Miller, J o a n n e
Desjardine, Wayne Miller, Susan
Gill, Glenn Miller, Bradley Ham
ilton, Brian Gill.
Seals: Donna Ruth Sturdevant,
Ann Sturdevant, Clare Love,
Buddy Desjardine, Jimmy Des
jardine, Kathryn Love, Emerson
Gill, Judy Desjardine, Karen Tay
lor, Sharon Desjardine, John Gill,
Jerry Love, Raymond Latta,
Ronald Latta, Eleanor Taylor,
Onalee Gill, Marian Gill, Kanlynn
Shaw, Nancy Brodrick, Carol
Gill, Loraine Taylor, Teddy Ra
Those having perfect attend
ance for the year were: Joanne
Desjardine, Clare Love, Teddy
Ravelie and Carol Gill.
Don't Drive A
Down Payment
Thrifty Buys
I > ’47 LINCOLN V-I2 I
| • ’47 STUDE 1/2-TON I
j • *45 8-TON FORD, Box and Hoist |
1 Ol ’52 3-TON REO, Gold Comet, Chassis and Cab =
Graham Arthur
| Studebaker Sale’s and Service j
Dashwood Pioneer
One Of Seven
A copy of the Dashwood Pion
eer dated December 1, 1911, was
brought into The Tinies-Advocate
by Mr. Clarence Schade, Zurich.
It was the seventh issue of the
first year of publication. In it
Henry Eilber, of Crediton, and
Ed,- Zeller, of Zurich, appeal for
support in the provincial election
December 11,
Among the advertisers were
Tieman & Edighoffer, Peter Mc-
fsaac, D. Tieman, Jacob Keller
man, Siebert & Co. Butter was
quoted at 22^ a lb. and eggs at
25d a dozen.
The Pioneer was one of seven
papers published in a district
now served by The Times-Advo-
cate. They included The Exeter
Times, The Exeter Advocate, The
Hensall Observer, The Lucan Sun,
The Ailsa Craig Banner, The
Crediton Star and the Dashwood
T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home
Member of Ontario Funeral Association
Holder of St. John's Ambulance First Aid Certificate
Portable Oxygen Equipment
Hospital Beds to Rent ■> — Invalid Chair to Loan
Flowers for All Occasions — We Wire Anywhere
24-Hour Service - DASHWOOD - Telephone 70-W
a a3
Comments- About
Reports presented at the an
nual congregational meeting in
the schoolroom of the United
Church on Friday evening were
most encouraging and showed a
successful year in the church
Rev. G. Burton paid tribute,
during the Sunday morning ser
vice, to the late Rev. A. Vallance
Robb, a former pastor of the
church, who passed away sudden
ly in Moncton on Friday of last
The February meeting of the
W.M.S. will be held in the school
room of the church on Tuesday
evening of next week at 8 p.m.
At a recent meeting it was de
cided that each member would
give a cash donation in prefer
ence to holding a supper. These
donations will be received at the
next meeting,
Members of the W.A. held a
quilting in the schoolroom of
the church on Wednesday after
noon of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baynham
and famiy, of Detroit, were week
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Baynham.
In July the Canadian labor
force reached the record size of
5,515,000 workers.
40,50,60! Get Pep
Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim
Don’t blame exhausted, worn-out, run-down
feeling on your age. Thousands amazed at
what a little pepping up with Ostrex Tonic
Tablets will do. Contain tonic, hemic stimu
lant often needed after 40—by bodies weak,
old because lacking iron. A 78-year-old doc
tor writes: “I took it myself. Results fine.
Introductory or “get-acquainted” size only
60^. Stop feeling old. Start to feel peppy and
younger, today. At all druggists.
Farmers! Why Wait?
Until the Last Minute to Have Your Harness
and Binder Canvas Repaired?
Save Time
And Money
Get Them Repaired NOW!
Limited Supply of HAND-MADE HARNESS
I Harness-Maker and Saddler
Model C-1086
21" TV
Rich mahogany, walnut or oak flnMi
cabinet in contemporary styling. Con
cealed casters for easy moving. Norn
glare, tilted glass front is removable
for easy cleaning. Hallicraft^re*
exclusive Smokey Black control panel
with polished gold trim. Smart metal-
patterned grill.
18 tubes including 21-inch rectangular
picture tube; 8-inch PM speaker, two
Controls: (Front) on-off volume, con*
trait, fine tuning, channel selector,
tone, brightness. (Rear) noise limiting,
horizontal and vertical holds, height,
focus, vertical linearity, width, 3-stage
"Local-Distance” reception twitch.
Provision for UKF.
One Year FREE Warranty
WALNUT 469.50
Jolly Radio & Electric
Phone 187 Exeter
.. .Another Latch-On Implement for CASE“VA” SERIES TRACTORS
Now Case gives you, for the first
time* all the advantages of a mount
ed plow plus the protection of a sure-
acting breakaway coupling. When
this new Break-Away Plow hits a
rock or stump, the safety release
lets go, saving shares and beams
from damage. It rc-couplcs instant
ly and automatically by backing
tractor* It has the same one-minute
3-point hook-up as the regular
Latch-On Plow, still available for
farmers who have no need for the
break-away feature. All Latch-On
moldboard plows! have a free-float
ing action that keeps them working
at even depth through tough spots
and in rough ground* See us for a
demonstration of these remarkable
Exeter Farm Epuipment
Tel. 508 R. D. JERMYN Exeter