HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1954-01-07, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7, 1954 Ohly about one-seventh of Ca­ nada suitable for agriculture. Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop PHONE 71-W EXETER Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave a By MARJORIE STEINER IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR ■ Topics From For prompt attention call I iI ! Have You Made A Creditor! By MRS. J. WOODALL “Immediate service” Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY • MONTREAL. • WINDSOR or any office of TORONTO OTTAWA NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY SAULT STE. MARIE CALGARY • VANCOUVER RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensail, Ontario, Phone 51 OF CANADA Feminine Facts ’n Fancies A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate The Future Generation were present from Michigan on Mon- to witness the in­ Mrs. Allan Fraser, Pencil Sharpeners Boston Adjustable — $3.4Q The Exeter Times-Advocate Naturally , . . you’ll want to look your loveliest in formal and evening attire. Don't just wish! Let a tailored Spirella coax your figure into beautiful firm lines. Made to ypur personal measurement for figure control, Spirella gives you that all important sit­ ting, walking comfort with correct support as well. ■See the Spirella designs in the privacy of your own home and without obligation by calling— Yes, Gram hopes you made a resolution to contribute a recipe to her column during 1954. Some resolutions are difficult to keep, but this one is easy to carry out, for it only takes a few minutes to make copies of your favorite recipes. And just think how happy you’ll make our new year. This week Mrs. W. G. Coch­ rane, wife of our Mayor, has given us a recipe which is very popular with her family. If friends are coming in for the evening or the young folks will be returning from skating, you’ll rate pretty high if you have some of these sandwiches ready to pop into the oven. Ham And Egg Sandwiches (Mrs. W. G. Cochrane) cups chopped cooked ham cup chopped onion cup chopped sweet pickle cups chopped celery hard boiled eggs, chopped tsp. salt tsp. pepper tsp. dry mustard cup mayonnaise Combine above ingredients. Slice 10-12 large round buns and butter lightly. Fill with ham and egg mixture. Wrap each bun in aluminum foil and heat in 300° oven for 30 minutes. Sandwiches may be prepared, wrapped and kept in refrigerator, ready for the oven. * $ O « We sampled cookies made from the following recipes at Mrs. Preston Dearing’s on Christ­ mas night. They were so good we immediately decided we’d like to pass the recipes on to you. here they are and hope you’ll us know if you like them. Peanut Macaroons .(Mrs. P. E. Dearing) whites of 2 eggs cup granulated sugar cup crunchie peanut butter 2 cups cornflakes almond flavoring Drop by teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes in 350° oven. Watch closely while baking as they burn easily, * * * Oatmeal Ice Box Cookies (Mrs. - — - cup cup cup cup cups oatmeal cup dates cut fine * P. E. Dearing) white sugar brown sugar lard and butter mixed flour % %1 1 2% 1 % cup walnuts chopped 1 egg flavoring % tsp. soda Combine all ingredients form into rolls. Wrap in waxed paper and refrigerate overnight. Slice and bake in 350° oven. SO let to The Hollow Tree Gift Shop LOOK! Real Values! CHRISTMAS CARD SALE BOXES HALF PRICE SINGLE CARDS 2 for 50 and 3 for 50 RUBBER H§-Quallty Floors T T ■ LINOLEUM TILE OR YARDAGE ENTIRE BUILDINGS or - SINGLE ROOMS FLODR-SANDING SPECIALISTS ESTIMATES FLOORING Sales itild Service Linoleum Tile and Floor-Sanding Elect S. S. Officers The annual meeting and elec­ tion of officers of the United Church Sunday School was held with Rev. W. Parrott in charge. The following were elected: superintendant, Mr. James Ma- whinney; associate superintend­ ants, Mr. E. Chambers and Mr. E. Lamport; secretary, J. Gallo­ way; treasurer, E. Chambers; supply secretary, James Mawhin- ney; librarian, Robert Galloway; attendance secretaries, P. Cham­ bers and Betty Bender; pianists, Joyce Chambers, Mildred Dun­ das and Dolores Berge; teachers: beginners, Joyce Chambers, as­ sistant, Pat Chambers; primary, Rosalie Mack, assistant, Mrs. N. Lamport; junior girls, Mrs. E. L a m port, assistants, Mrs. R. Finkbeiner, Mrs. J. Galloway; junior boys, David Parrott; inter­ mediate boys, E. Lamport, assist­ ant, R. Finkbeiner; young ladies, Mrs. Woodall, assistant, Mrs. S. King; adult Bible class, Mrs. R. Motz, assistant, J. Mawhinney; cradle roll, Mrs. A. Kestle and Mrs. Garnet Hill; missionary con­ venor, Mrs. H. Lightfoot; tem­ perance committee, Mrs. Garnet Hill, Mr. Nelson Lamport and Mr. R. Finkbeiner. Personal Items Mrs. G. Wein and members of her family were New Year visit­ ors in London with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Fink­ beiner and son Donald were with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sparling in Walkerton. Jim Parkinson, Lucan, spent! a few days last week with David Parrott. Mr. Robert Cullerier, of Fair- field, spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Roeszler. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Eng­ land, of Hensail, were New Year guests ler. Mr. spent. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser spent a few aays last week with relatives in Zurich. Mrs. Isabelle Ness and Jimmy, of Dawson Creek, B.C., spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faist. Mr. Royal Haist visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hendrick. Mr. Ernest Guettinger left last week on an extended visit with his daughter in Chicago. Messrs. Carmen and Grant Roeszler and Miss Doreen Page, London, spent the weekend at the home of the former’s pa­ rents. Messrs. Grant and Lloyd Roeszler left Monday morning for Florida where they will spend some time. Mrs. L. P, Boulainne and Mr. Russel Beaver, who have been patients in 1L o n d o n hospitals, have returned to their homes much improved. Mrs. Edward Finkbeiner has been confined to her home through illness. Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, former residents of Crediton, quietly marked the sixtieth anni­ versary of their marriage at their home in London on Saturday, January 2. Mr. Hodgins, of Crediton, and Martha Ann Adams, Dashwood, were united in marriage by the late Rev. George Baker at the Crediton parsonage. They lived here many years where Mr, Hod­ gins was a successful business­ man, succeeding his father, the late James Hodgins, he engaged in the blacksmithing business. Disposing of the business, he later entered partnership with the late Thomas Trevethiek as a carriage-maker, Ho took an act- with Mr. and Mrs. Roesz- Robert Wolfe, of Sarnia, Sunday with his parents, WASN’T IT FUN? — Joanne Margaret Hayter still has the wonder of her first Christmas in her eyes. She is the daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter, R.R. 2, Dashwood, and will celebrate hfir first birthday on March 20. —Jack Doerr OoD BITS — By B.A. Friends, Rivals There is friendship yet in com­ peting in business in town. It was evident this morning as we watched the two small agents of rival morning newspapers match­ ing strides as they covered their territory delivering papers. And what better, than company for a long, cold, early-morning hike, Middle Man Toothpaste on the mirror, More on the sink, And on the floor— Just a little. It’s simple to see Who brushed who’s teeth; The tube is all flat In the middle. This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE No small whale has spouted, No lawn sprinkler here, There is no mysterous Riddle. The head of the house Just used his toothbrush, After scrunching the tube In the middle. Mrs, Allan Fraser Heads Kindred Members Ontario and day evening stallation of Exeter, as Worthy Commander of Mizpah Conclave No. 1 (London), True Kindred of Ontario. Other officers installed were: Past Commander, Mrs. A. Kloss; Counsellor, Mrs. M. Marley; Vice Commander, Mrs. Leo Arrand; High Priest, Mrs. Thomas Bogie; Secretary, Mrs. J, D. Weir; Trea­ surer, Mrs. L. Patterson; Chap­ lain, Mrs. R. H. Pring; Advisor, Mrs. William »Erwin; Deputy Ad­ visor, Mr. Fred Arbuckle; Senior Deacon, Mrs. Orville George; Junior Deacon, Mrs. Herb Spar­ ling, St. Marys; Inner Guard, Mrs. William Irwin; Outer Guard, Mrs. F. Scott; Organist, Mrs. R. L. Neilson; Lecturer, Mrs. Saunders; Custodian, Mrs. Clements. Mrs. Oliver Ellwood, London, P.W.C., was Mistress of Cere­ monies and introduced those tak­ ing part in the installation cere­ monies: Mrs. Joe ~ P.G.C., Installing Mr. Allan Fraser, Installing Grand O. Murphy, Grand Chaplain'; pard, Niagara Falls, P.G.C., In­ stalling Grand Organist, and Mrs. W. Weames, G.N.P., soloist, Mrs. J. Weir, P.S.C., Senior Deacon, and Mrs. E. Thompson, Junior Deacon. Mr. A. Maine, Supreme Ad­ visor, Detroit, and Mr. William Molllmurry, Toronto, Grand Ad­ visor of Ontario, were among the honored guests. Mrs. Maude Lars­ son, Hamilton; and Mr. Grenville Kent, Hamilton, the incoming Grand Commander and Grand Advisor of Ontario and six Grand Officers were also present. Wear, Toronto, Grand Officer; Exeter, P.G.A., Marshall; Mrs. P.W.C., Installing Mrs. E. Shep- The Smartest Thing You Wear Is Your H air For Appointment Phone 146 Mrs. Valeria Armstrong PHONE 125 — EXETER Over 14 Years’ Experience with Spirella Garments To Choose From! And Colors WOOLS, CREPES AND TAFFETAS All Sizes (From 9 to 244/^) 20% Off! ALL 1953 STOCK!BUY NOW! McKnight & Walper Ladies' Wear with Mr. Denham. Mrs. W. of St. New Years Visitors Mr and Mrs. Lewis Johns, Emerson and Dianne, Mr. Leslie Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin Dunn, of Hurondale, and Mrs. John Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Harold of Sarnia, with Mr. and F. Batten. Miss Joy Whitlock, Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. and of London, ther, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks Miss Wilma Walters, of London with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Walters. Miss Betty Bailey, of Exeter, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Joe Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Iva.. "rock am Margaret w -a Mr. and Mrs. Clif. Brock, of Cred^on. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Johnny and Gerry, of Road, Mr. Clarke and Mr. Stratford, with Harold Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. of Crediton; Peter and Bonnie, of Chatham; Mr .and Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe and Joan, of Clinton; Miss Bar­ bara Wright, of Exeter, and Mr. Lloyd Miller, of Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke, on Sun­ day. Mrs. John Thompson, with the latter’s Reg. Delbridge, bro- anc' and Morgan Thame Newtonand Mrs. Bert Dobbs, o. Mr. and Mrs William Wright, Mrs. Jerry Keller. ive part in the flax industry. They moved to London several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins have two daughters, Mrs. Clinton (Jueenie) Brown; of Crediton, and Mrs. Charles (Trellis) Jul­ ien, of Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and son Rose were present to celebrate with them. Mrs. * Julien was unable to be present due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. HodgiiiS have many friends in Crediton and community who extend congratu­ lations and good wishes. Wife Preservers ExSgo.GfteeM u-2 To prevent fading on upholstered pieces of furniture, keep them out of the direct rays of the sun and remove all spot* Os sobh as they occur. Fie to the culprit, Shame for the waste, A deed that will gain No acquittal. May he someday be faced With no toothpaste at all—■ Who squeezes the tube In the middle. Best Year Yet For Challengers The December meeting of the Challengers was held in the base­ ment of the Pentecostal Church with Mrs. Stuart Triebner pre­ siding. It was decided to start another layette at the January meeting. Mrs, Donald. Jolly was asked to look after the program for the ” first three meetings in 1954. The remainder of the evening was spent in business meeting and election of officers for 19 54 as follows: president, Mrs. Stuart Triebner; vice-president, Mrs. Milfred Prouty; secretary, Mrs. Wilmer MacDonald; treasurer, Mrs. Donald Jolly. According to the financial re­ port the group is above past years. The parcel report was read and it was also much above other years. These parcels, val­ ued at $100-, were mostly lay­ ettes and kiddies’ by the group and needy families. Rev. Kendrick .. group for a short while on the theme "Challengers”, bringing out the thought that each one should feel challenged to put forth more effort in the coming year. clothes made were sent to spoke to the Installs Officers For Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of James St. United Ch~rch held their first meeting of the New Year at the parsonage with Mrs. Ralph Batten, the newly-elected president, in charge. The 1954 officers were Installed by Mrs. H. J. Snell.The study book was reviewed by Mrs. W. C. Allison, Mi’s. Wil- liam Kernick and Miss Meta Mrs, J. D. Smith sang a solo, "Just For Today” with Mrs. H. L. Sturgis as accompanist, Grease stains in Washable fab­ rics cab be more easily removed If they are moistened With Cold water and rubbed with a little soda before being washed in the usual way. TELEPHONE 474 MAIN ST., EXETER25 Huron St. W. - Ph. 146 Marjorie Dilkes “Your Hairdresser’’ HOMESPUN WOOL BLANKET HOMESTEAD DOUBLE SHEET AND TWO PILLOW CASES I ONE ALL ONE Matched Solid Tone* in a variety of colours. EPEE WITH THIS WASHER 10 ‘Piece (fyt &tce*n&&e INCLUDES TWO {CALDWELL BATH TOWELS TWO CALDWELL GUEST TOWELS AND TWO FACE CLOTHS Automatic Washer FREE 10-PIECE GIFT $Q A oo ENSEMBLE, AS ABOVE, WORTH V • PLUS PUfS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE $1AA oo FOR OLD WASHER, UP TO- | Wt NO DOWN PAYMENT-EASY TERMS Features you cannot get on any other Automatic Washer. WATER SAVING — The Beatty uses less than HALF as much hot water as any other automatic. REQUIRES NO INSTALLA- TION — HydroHex Damp Dry squeezes the water out — no spinning, no vibration, no bolting needed. WASHES CLEANER. Uses Beatty Agitator method which will wash cleaner than any other, anywhere. s & RON WESTMAN'S Sports And Auto Supply Your Beatty Dealer Phone 211 Exeter