HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-31, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCAJE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1953 Page 7 Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON Christinas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter and Mr, G, Carter with Mrs. Carter’s Sister, Mrs. Clarence Lewis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter, Clar­ ence and Patricia, Mr, and Mrs. Rupert Williams, Jacqueline, San­ dra and Wayne with Mr, and Mrs. George Lee. -z Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson, Joan, John and Barbara with Mr. T. Stephenson and Miss S. Ste­ phenson, Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lewis, Douglas, Betty Anne, Joan and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis, Larry and Philip, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Lewis With Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis and Dorothea Ann. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and Clare with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hills, London. Other guests were .Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Paton, Park­ hill, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hobbs, Gary and Judith, Holyrood, and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Paton, Este- van, Sask. * Sgt. and Mrs. Max Bloye, Chyrel and Susan, of Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Murless. Farm Forum The Hillcrest Forum met for a social evening of cards last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Personal Items Mrs. Rea Neil is improving from another attack of virus flu and bronchitis. Mac Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison, met with an accident at his home on Tuesday while whittling with a jack-knife. He cut his finger which required three stitches. The children of the United Church Sunday School were en­ tertained on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Guy Harrison is improv­ ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elgie, in London. She suf­ fered a couple of fractured ribs when she fell recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter and Patricia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parker, Har­ riston, Miss Delores Parker re­ turning home with them to spend the week with her relatives here. Mrs. Tomes and family enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson and family, Mr. William Holt of London and Mr. Clarence Carter on Sunday. Miss Jean Hurst of Windsor is spending this week with Miss Dorothea Ann Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna of Thorndale were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Paton. Miss Audrey Darling of Tor­ onto spent the holidays with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dar­ ling. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kilmer hnd their guest, Mrs. Houston, of Sar­ nia, left on Thursday to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John Houston, St. Catherines. Mrs. Susan McWilliam of Lea­ mington spent the’ holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Harri­ son, and family. At the United Church on Sun­ day, Miss Audrey Tindall sang “Beyond* the Portals”. Miss Marylyn Methreal of Lon­ don is visiting the Misses Mary and Gwenneth Tonies. At St. James’ Church the serv­ ice of Holy Communion was ad­ ministered hy the rector, the Rev. J. F. Wagland, at 10 o’clock on Christmas Day. On Monday afternoon the child­ ren of the Sunday School of St. James were entertained in the Sunday School room. Carols were sung and a short program includ­ ed pictures. Mr. Wagland pre­ sented the gifts. Marlene Harri­ son won the award for best lesson study, from her teacher, Mrs. Karl O’Neil. Mrs. Andy Carter gave Donny Harrison the award for best attendance in her class. Jean and Joan Cunningham tied for award for attendance from the teacher, Mrs. Jack Harrison. f Benedict J. Regan Benedict J. Regan, eldest son of Mrs. Josephine Regan and the late Cornelius Regan; died in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on De­ cember 26. Holiday guests with Mrs. S. Chown and family included Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dawson, Toronto; Mrs. Marion Joseph and family, of St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chpwn, of Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford and family, of Detroit, spent Christ­ mas with Mrs. Irene Coursey apd family, arriving in time to attend the carol service at Holy Trinity Church. Introducing..■ One of the Sensations of the 1953 Canadian International Trade Fair » "RESULTA" KIDNEYACIDS Rob your Rest.. . Many people never teem to get a good night’a re»t. They turn arid toss—blame it on 'nerves’—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess •cids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. If you don’t rest well get and use Dodd’s Kidney Pills, Dodd’s help the kidneys so that you can rest better—and feel better, Dodd's Kidney Pills FAST RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET Family Christmas Party Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Reving- ton engaged the Community Ceiitre for their Christmas party which included 7'2 members of the family and four guests. Among those from a distance were Mr< and Mrs. L. Lobsinger and family, of Sarnia, and Mrs. Carl Johnson, of St. Catharines, and her daughter, Mrs. Carmen Conti and family. All sat down to dinner at 2 p.m. which was followed by an impromptu program with Mr. Harvey Revington as master of ceremonies. Among the gifts pre­ sented to Mr. and Mrs. Reving­ ton were a dozen red roses from the family. Letters and telegrams were read during the program. The happy occasion closed with a supper served at 7 p.m. Mrs. Michael Melville Mrs. Michael Melville, 77, of Lucan, who passed away on Thursday, December 24, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, was buried on Saturday in Forest Lawn Memor­ ial Gardens. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. F. H. Joblin, of Wesley United Church at the A. Millard George Funeral Home, London’. Pallbearers were Wil­ liam Brown, Ross King, Garth Paton, Ronald Melchoir, C lare Doan, Maurice McLaughlin. Besides her husband, Mrs. Mel­ ville, who was the former Jane Spargo, is survived by Mrs. Eric Atkins (Peggy), of Kingson; Mrs. John Dell . (Marjorie), of Windsor; Mrs. William Polking- horne (Olive) and Mrs. J. Stevens (Beryl), of England; Thomas Redvers Channon, of London; William Frank Channon, of By­ ron, and Courtney Channon, of Windsor. Personal Items Michael Murdy, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Murdy, celebrated his ninth birthday on Monday, De­ cember 28. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Atkinson included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Atkinson and family and Dr. and Mrs. M. Smout, all of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lowry, of Windsor, Mrs. William Brownie,e’s group of Holy Trinity Guild catered for the Lions Club dinner in the church basement last Monday. Mr.- Grant Hawkshaw, of St. Catharines, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. C. W. Hawk­ shaw. Miss Joan McLean, of King­ ston, is spending her Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McLean. Guests with the M. H. Hodgins family for Christmas Day were the Ralph Ainslies of St. Marys, the Emerson Hodgins of London, the Murray Hodgsons, the Arthur Hodgins, Mr. Ward Hodgins and Mr. Victor Hodgins of Clande­ boye and Miss Merle Law of Lon­ don, who spent the weekend with her sister. The Bruce Hodgins of Guelph were unable to attend the family gathering because of ill­ ness. He was .born at Mt. Carmel 41 years ago and had farmed near Clandeboye with his brothers for several years. He conducted an extensive turnip business with a waxing plant on his farm and had shipped his produce to many parts of the U.S. and Canada. .Surviving, besides his mother, are two brothers, John and James, at home, and four sisters, Geraldine (Mrs. Fergus Ryan), Huberta (Mrs. Jack Stafford), Marg (Mrs. Fred Baynham), all of Detroit, and Ruth (Mrs. Doug­ las Harness), Exeter. Funeral services were held from his home in Biddulph town­ ship to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church where requiem high mass was sung on Tuesday morning by the Rev, Father .Scalacie. Burial was made in Mt. Carmel ceme­ tery. Pallbearers were Jack Sif- ton, Joe Conlin, Gerald Regan, James Hall, Eugene Dietrich and and feev Maguire. MY EGGS ARE 1 GRADING OUT I BADLY, WHAT'S / 'WRONG WITH | MY BIRDS ?) BRr <? ■S' & o Lucan And District News Children Enjoy Entertainment At Many Christmas Parties Explorers’ Christinas Party The United Church School room was the scene of a lovely Christmas party for the Lucan Explorer group. Counsellors Iva Hodgins and Elva Young decor­ ated the room and the table. The box lunch candlelight supper was enjoyed by every member of the group. A special guest was form­ er Counsellor Joan" McLean. The gift exchange proved very excit­ ing as the girls opened their gifts by birthday. Christmas games and carols featured the balance of the evening. The Ex­ plorers are all hoping for more snow before Wednesday as a to­ bogganing party is scheduled for that day. United Church School Party Shouts of joy and much laugh­ ter greeted Santa Claus as he burst through the door into the auditorium last Monday evening for the Church School party. Some disappointment was felt by parents who hoped to‘see their offspring present the usual skits, songs and recitations, but the young folk enjoyed the film pro­ gram, perhaps more than they would have taking their own turn on the platform. Mr. J. Johnston operated the projector. At the close of an exciting evening, the School Executive distributed candy. P. S. Cliristmas Tree In spite of a bad night there was a good attendance at the public school program at the Community Centre last Tuesday night. Owing to the classrooms being so separated the children were unable to put on a program this year so the entertainment was mostly pictures and a visit from St. Nick. During the eve­ ning the following children re­ ceived their field day cups: Gary Revington, Beth Watson and Billie Elson. Graduation pins were also presented to Bernard Avery, Alice Frost, Larry Mc- Falls, Cecil Hodgins, Rose . Rev­ ington, Audrey Whitehead, Mar­ garet Neil, Martha Rummell, Niles Nicholson and Terry Hod­ gins. Granton C.G.I.T, Wesley United Church C.G.I.T. elected the following officers: president, Ruth Dickenson; vice- president, Margaret Hudson; sec­ retary, Elizabeth Weir; treasur­ er, Phyllis Grose; leaders, Made­ line Hardy and Shirley Dicken­ son. Holy Trinity Carol Service One of the largest congrega­ tions ever to attend a Christmas Eve Carol Service in Holy Trinity Church was present at 11 p.m. Thursday evening and all joined in the singing of old familiar carols. The choir provided special music. At 12 p.m., communion was served, first to A.Y.P.A. members, then to choir members and lastly to the church mem­ bers and their guests, of whom there were a number present. Car-Truck Crash On No. 4 Highway, near Birr, on Saturday, December 19 a tank truck and car collided with . a damage estimated at $2,50’0'. A car driven 'by Cecil Coulson, of London, was hit broadside by an empty truck driven by Norman Williams, of Stratford. Coulson and three companions, returning from a hunting trip, were bruised and badly shaken but did not need hospital treatment. Both ve­ hicles came to a stop" at the fence. fi » s •“■£60 MASHk * ? Personal Items Mr. and Mrs.’ J. W. Smith and family visited Mrs. P. O. King, Oakville. Mr. Howard Kew, Jimmie and Donnie were with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kew, of Toronto, and Mrs. Kew and the baby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lee, Lon­ don. The junior choir had charge of .the music in Holy Trinity Church Sunday evening, singing two anthems. One carol, “Away in a Manger”, sung Softly around a lighted crib was very effective. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Smith spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lacliie, of Waterloo, bringing home nephews John Lachie and Dennis Franey (son of Mr. and Mrs. Les Franey), who are spending their vacation in Lucan. Mrs. Fred McLean- is now in the McCormick home. Her recent eye operation proved very suc­ cessful. Unfortunately a bad cold prevented her being present, at the Reving.ton family party. Mr. and’ Mrs. William Ayle- stock and Donald spent the holi­ day withs the family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and family, of Brantford, are holiday­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Will Has­ kett. ■" Dr. and Mrs. Ken Banting and family spent Boxing Day with ■Mrs. W. T. Banting and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moore, of Toronto, and Misses Gertrude Kent and Marie. Stanley, of St. Joseph’s Hospital, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor were in Parkhill, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Morley. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Langford, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett were guests pf Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Orr, of Parkhill. Thirty - two members of the Hardy family met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy and enjoyed a happy Christmas din­ ner together. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskett and family were guests of Miss Anne Armitt, of London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elson attended the Anderson-Chisholm wedding at Ipperwasli on December 26. Mrs. William Sceli was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Sceli for Christmas. Mrs. Preece is spending' a few weeks with Lobo friends. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery and family, of Woodham, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lamond, of Cromarty, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Patrick, of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White- head and family were in Han­ over, guests of Mrs. Hermfin Sacks. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ashworth included Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ashworth, of Ilderton, and Miss Pearl Ashworth, of To­ ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert and family. Mrs. Leia Beadle, of Stratford, was one of the family gathering at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Murdy, of Stratford, spent Christmas with the former’s mother, Mrs. C. Murdy. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reilly were in Ridgeville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Haist and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hedden-, of London. More Prizes Given Away The, second section of the Lu­ can Businessmen’s Draw was held Saturday afternoon between Has­ kett’s Motors and the Hydro Building with Mr, G Whitehead doing the drawing and Mr. Will Haskett calling names. The weather was bitter cold and again the large crowd shivered. Fortunately 75 per cent of the names drawn were present. The four main prizes went to Jim Toohey, sofa bed; Harold Ryan, four-piece silver service; Mrs. Anthony Bennett, station wagon coat, and R. R. Bennett, Denfield, two-tone blanket. Bruce Walden won the $10 prize. Con­ solation prizes went to Ken Beat- tie, Mrs. M. Culbert, Jimmie Sigs- worth, Sheilah Ewen, Mrs. Jim Turnbull, of Clandeboye, Peter Shipley, Clayton O’Neil, of Den­ field, Allan Ryan, Carolyn Odd. Cars Collide Near Birr ■One half mile north of Birr on Thursday afternoon cars driven by brothers collided. Neither driver was injured but damage to cars was estimated at $400. Donald McRoberts, 24, R.R. 2, Denfield, was southbound when the engine in his car stalled. His brother, Gordon McRoberts, 25, in a car following, crashed into the stalled car” Mrs. Margaret Millson Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth Mill- son, 62, a native of Denfield, who died Wednesday, December 23 in St. Joseph’s Hospital after a brief illness, was buried Satur­ day, December 26, in St. Mary’s cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. A. P. Gillies, of Centennial United Church, at the James M. Carrothers Funeral . Home. Pall­ bearers were Charles Page, Jack McVey, Jack Stringle, Kenneth Kirkpatrick, Barry Hobbs and Joseph Vineyard. Besides her husband, Hector Millson, she is survived by Miss Marjorie Millson and Mrs. J. Stringle (Myrtle),*, of London; Mrs. C. Page (Lulu), of Arkona; Garnet, Leslie, Raymond and Ronald, all of London; also one sister, Mrs. Thos. McVey (Myrtle) of Denfield, and one brother, Ernest Hobbs, of St. Marys. .MIIIIIItlUIHIHHHIIHHHHHIIHlIHlilHIHIIHIlHltlHIIIIlr, S ° Arena | Activities I By LEN GAUDETTE | Happy New Year! We’ll have public skating on New Year’s day from 3 till 5 p.m. Qur Irish Six play their next home game on Tuesday, January 5, when St. Marys Alerts are our guests. Free Skating For the benefit of all kids, ten years and under, we shall have free skating on Friday, January 8, from 5 to 6 p.m. Laugh Of The Week! The laugh of the week will un­ doubtedly be when the entire Irish club skates onto the ice to­ gether and before the referee has to chase them out. Sportsman Of The Week! This gentleman has certainly cured a few aches and pains for our Irish Six, as well as given his moral and .financial support to the boys. His medical services are with­ out charge and thus my sports­ man of the week is Dr. C. H. George. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. G. G. McMehen^ of Toronto, called on Mrs. James Stanley last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and family spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFalls. Mr. Spencer A, Stanley is spending a 10-day vacation in Florida. Mr. J. McKinney is holidaying with Guelph relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Corman and family spent Christmas with Mrs, Corman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Goddard and David were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Goddard, of Denfield on Christmas day, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar McFalls spent Christmas with Mrs. Harry Ferguson, of London. Rev. M. R. Griffin, rector of St. Thomas Anglican Church, has been transferred to Brantford. He will take charge of Corona­ tion Anglican Church January 1. Mr .and Mrs. Neil Hodgins, of Toronto, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stanley. Miss Hattie H o d g i n s spent Christmas weekend,with her sis­ ter, Mrs. A. McLean and family. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts for Christmas Day. On Saturday a return visit was made. Mrs. F. Booth and Mrs. Helen Watson spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins and fam­ ily.Mrs. Annie Fairless is spend­ ing the winter with her two daughters. Mr. Harvey Revington, Mont­ real, is spending his Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Revington. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson and Cheryl spent Christmas day in St. Thomas, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brown, Mrs. Thompson’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Cuddy, of London, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. G. Gannett. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Armitage and family included Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and grandson, David Hay, of London, and Mr. Charles Met- ters, of Prospect Hill. Mrs. Irene Coursey and Misses Delrene and Marion spent Christ­ mas night with Mrs. Ada Walker, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ankers and family, of Barrie, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Hodgins. Mr. George Thomson, who underwent an operation recently in Victoria Hospital, is able to be home again. Mrs. T. D. Orme and Murray were Christmas guests of Mrs. Harry Hookeway, of London. Motorists who persist in over­ night parking on Main St. are being given tickets right and left by Lucan police for the street must be free of cars for the re­ moval of snow after midnight. Pat Egan, son of Mrs. K. Egan, celebrated his tenth birthday on Sunday, December 27. Mr .and Mrs. J. Cummins, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham ancj family, of Chatham, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett. Little six-year-old Susan Brid­ ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bridger, who met with a car accident on Main St. last July, is still in St. Joseph’s Hospital. When she recuperates from an attack of measles, she will under­ go another hip operation. The Lucan A.Y.P.A. are to be congratulated on their Christmas decorations in Holy Trinity Church. The tree and manger were particularly beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton left Wednesday for a family Christmas gathering with the latter’s mother, Mrs. William Sangster, of Hensail. Unfortun­ ately Mrs. Stretton's sister, Miss Margaret Sangster, of London, met with a car accident near Ex­ eter and was taken to South Hu­ ron Hospital with face, and leg lacerations and possible chest in­ juries. Adding Machine | Result of 20 Years* Experience j ADDITION AND DIRECT SUBTRACTION | TOTALS UP TO $99,999.99 | Weight Approximately 3% Lbs. $39.50 1 Guaranteed for One Year! | The Times-Advocate ' i Business Directory BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich office Wednesday afternoon EXETER PHONE 4 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 355-J DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 36-W - Phone - Res. 86-J DR. B. EICKMEIER L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 910 Main Street South PHONE 669 EXETER W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensali, Friday, 2 to 5 P.M. J. NORMAN COWAN BOOKKEEPING Systems, Service, etc. INCOME TAX RETURNS Dashwood 40-r«13 Sarepta Hay Post Office USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Exeter, Ontario President Wm. A. Hamilton Cromarty Vice-President Martin Feeney R.R. 2 Dublin Directors Harry Coates Centralia E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1 Science Hill Milton McCurdy R.R. 1 Kirkton Alex J. Rohde R.R. 3 Mitfhell Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne R.R. 1 WoodhamAlvin L. Harris Mitchell E. Ross Houghton Cromarty Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Exeter HERE ARE MY EGGS FOR THE PAST WEEK. THEY'LL GOIN ON MY NEXT TRIP TO TOWN FOR FEED. jCX- ] JOE-IT LOOKS LUCE YOUR I EGG TROUBLES ARE \ CAUSED BY YOUR f HANDLING, NOT V^YOUR --- % KEEP EGGS UNTIL \ SHIPPED IN CLEAN. CQQlX WELL, VENTILATED ROQMl ----------- ^USEONJ^'CLEANEGG (JASES ANO. FILLERS jlZZE W WARfA^ i WEATHER GATHER} ! EGGS AT LEAST & ' TWICE DAILY IN _ OPEN-WIRE & BASKETS AND J} CO —1 <x! % Q V DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter R. F. REILLY, D.C.* ♦Doctor of Chiropractic MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Each Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointment - Phone 606 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETCL Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 99 Hensali - Ontario PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales a Specialty For a Better Auction Sale Call the “Wright” Auctioneer Phone Hensali 690-r-22 Collect E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Telephone Zurich 92-r-7 ALVIN WALPER licenced auctioneer For Huron, Lambton, Perth and Middlesex For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times “Service that Satisfies” PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD WM. H. SMITH licenced auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex (Special training assures you of your property’s true value, on sale day) Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed CREDITON P.O. or PHONE 43-2 By Roe Farms Service Dept. / IN SHIPPING-AVOID JARRING AND EXTREME TEMPERATURES ‘^^^FORHIGH PRODUCTION OF TOP QUALITY EGGS-FEED ROE ViTfctAYEGG MASHOR PELLETS 4 ROLL OUT THE £66$ with ROE EGG MASH (also in ___ PELLET FORM ) • EGG poFHltUNGC’ Ml L- *’wnc.o . ■ on* I wk VL-31 Lome Eiler, Hensali H. Kellerman, Dashwood C» Tindall, Mooresville