The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-31, Page 6Page 6 Eastern Star Exchanges Gifts With W.P. and W.M. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson .presiding, a Christmas program followed the meeting of Exeter Chapter O.E.S. last Wednesday night. Gathered around a lighted Christmas tree, caroi ginging was directed by Lawrence Wein. Spe­ cial numbers included solos by Mr. L. Hodgson and Mrs. Ronald Squire and a duet by Jlodgsou and Mrs. Jack A contest was conducted L. Wein. Santa Claus arrived in SOU of Allan Fraser and an ex­ change of gifts was enjoyed. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1953 A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate This Week In Whalen By DIRS, F. SQUIRE See Mrs. L. Dickins. by Mrs. the per By B.A. . Drive THE '54 Mercury More Power . . . . . . More Comfort South End Service ■ The Smartest Thing You Wear Is Your Hair For Appointment Phone 146 Marjorie Dilkes “Your Hairdresser” 25 Huron St. W. - Ph. 146 Resurface Your Floor For 1954 Here’s a wish for we may become more our living, waste less and accomplish are worthwhile. That we may der our little would make i and see ourselves and our fam­ ilies in relation to community, nation and world. That we may all work humbly to promote better attitudes and thus help to build outward to­ ward an ultimate of better world organization and thought. That our local woman’s organ­ izations may top the total of 19 53’s accomplishments and work to eliminate those things which would greater That formed, more active workers, have less to say that displeases and do that is rewarding. And here’s a hope: may find from each of days, rich experience though day may seem discouraging. That we make time for others outside our own intimate circles and that our differences may be bridged with harmony and -better fellowship. That we all make time for thanks to those who help us, for physical soundness and for find­ ing ourselves among the citizens of one of the richest parts of a rich country. That we won’t be faced with more 1954: that efficient in of the year things that ' get out from un­ drudgeries that us kitchen-bound hold them back from accomplishments. we may be better in- have deeper thoughts, be more to that the we 365 the Sanding and Finishing WOOD FLOORS Jaspe and Marboleum TILE FLOORS for"Now is the time to book work the new year to avoid disappointment in having those old floors resurfaced Or a tile floor for your kitchen orOr a tile floor for your kitchen bath. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL Murray Neil Your Local Floor Contractor PHONE 10-M CREDITON Or Write R.R. 2, Centralia New York Couple Fifty Years Wed Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, of 343 Pine St., Lockport, New York, celebrated their golden wedding on Sunday with a recep­ tion in their home. Among those present were Mrs. Edward Leder- house, of Ransomville, and Fred White, who attended the couple at their wedding 50 years ago. Married at Winchelsea, Ont., the couple have lived in Lockport all their married life. They have five children and nine grand­ children.______________ Announcement | Dear Friends and Customers: | We have decided to change our method of operation = from a credit store to a policy of selling for CASH only. = Our new policy will become effective on January 2, 19541 = On that day you will find drastically reduced prices 1 throughout our store. A cash business can operate on a 1 smaller margin so these savings are being passed on to = our customers in the form of lower prices. | You will be able to have any article put away with .a small deposit and weekly payments. I We hope you will drop in within the next week or | so. Let us answer any questions which may be in your | mind. | Again we say thanks for your past patronage. We f are looking forward to serving you in a more conven- | ient, economical way this new year. Yours very truly, McCreery's Ladies Wear EXETER, ONTARIO Announcing Your New SINGER SEWING CENTRE Ivan H. Culbert IS YOUR SINGER SALESMAN WITH HEADQUARTERS IN HIS STORE IN LUCAN He takes pleasure in offering his services to you in Exeter, Lucan and districts! Watch The Tirnds-Advocate announcing Sewing Classes to commence sometime in the New Year . . . “Singer Sewing Saves You Money” PHONE LUCAN 26 but a few hours left in 1954 with such a long list of things undone and that 1954 may be the real beginning of the “peace on earth” about which we’ve been singing for the past few -weeks.* * * * Thwarted No more may the black cat travel the roof-tops at night in dark, creeping silence, nor sur­ prise the birds by appearing si­ lently around the corner. He wears a Yule-time bell and he might well be a team of horses. His disgust at the festive touch is profound. News Budget From Brinsley By MRS. L. CRAVEN .....0 Mrs. Hill, of Crediton, visited Sunday afternoon with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Alvina Faulder. Mrs. Harvey ing a few days at Sarnia. Mrs. Hess, of ing some time with her daughter, Mrs. James Trevethick. Miss spent rents. Mr. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Knapton of Thorndale on day. Master Earl Hamilton ed home from the hospital in time to enjoy his Christmas din­ ner. Mrs. Beatrice Dixon spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chambers, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hamil­ ton and with Mr ■thick, of Those with Mr. were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, and Mrs. Lawrence Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horner and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phyliph. With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hod­ gins were. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobbs, of Lucan; London, and Mr. Mr. and gins Morley is spend- with her mother Zurich, is spend- Joyce Schenk, of the holiday with and Mrs, Fred Mr. London, her pa- Fenton Harold Thurs- return- Ann spent Christmas .and Mrs. Scott Treve- Denfield. who and Mrs. Arron Scott spent Christmas Margaret, of Betty, of Toronto; Hodgins and Alex, Parsons, of Exeter, Mrs. Harvey Hod- William and Mrs. Mr. and and Glenn. Miss Mary B. Bessie Amos, of Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Brock, of Exeter. •Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee and family with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Steeper, of West McGillivray. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick and family with Mr. and Mrs. George Neil, of Lieury. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis and Mr. Harvey Morley with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cunninvham and family with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson, of Lucan. Mr a.nd Mrs Gordon Allison with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mor­ ley for dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schenk for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosser, of Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Rock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grabowski, of Lon­ don; Dr. and Mrs. Norman Amos, of Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. John Schofield, of Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Amos and .family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Amos and family with Mr. J. L. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Watson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley and family, Mrs. Viola Watson and family, of Parkhill: Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodains and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Robinson and family with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold nidge with Mr. and Mrs. ton Wasnidge, of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Watson and Douglas with Mrs. Elliott, of Parkhill. Mrs. Clover Lewis, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis. Amos with Mrs. Ailsa Craig. Goldwin Glenn Mrs. Sherwood Was- New- Report On Crediton East By MRS. W. MOTZ Holiday Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Bullock with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Darby in N6w- tonbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glanville and family in Walton; Mr. and Mrs. William Motz with Mr. and Mrs, William Horney, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz ahd Ron­ nie With Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dar­ ling Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton and sons, of Grand Bend, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis; Mr, Charles Anderson with Mr. and Mrs, J. Anderson and Linda, London, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Baynham, at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd, Fahrher; Miss Marcia Smith, of Exeter, with her grand- Norma M. Fahrner Weds Air Officer In a Christmas setting of a lighted tree and candelabra, ferns and yellow and white mums, Norina Magdalena Fahrner be­ came the bride of P/O Robert William Palmer in a double ring ■ceremony performed at 12 noon on Saturday, December 26, by the Rev. E. N. Mohr in Crediton Evangelical United Brethren Church. The bride is the daugh­ ter of Mr, and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, of Crediton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Palmer, Calgary, Alta. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown of nylon tulle over white satin. The full skirt, made, with slight train, was de­ signed with an apron-effect of Chantilly lace. The fitted lace bodice was styled with long point­ ed sleeves and Peter Pan collar edged with tiny rhinestone-cen­ tred white flowers. Her waist­ length veil fell from a cap of Chantilly lace over satin with pearl trimming. She wore a strand of pearls, a gift of the groom, and carried a white lace- covered Bible crested with Ameri­ can Beauty Sweetheart roses from which fell satin streamers knot­ ted with lily-of-the-valley. Miss Margaret Ratz, cousin of the bride, was her maid of honor wearing a Romance blue waltz­ length gown of nylon tulle over taffeta. The butterfly-pleated full skirt was trimmed with clusters of brilliants topped with with which gloves and She carried and the bodice was a nylon tulle jacket she wore matching feather headdress, a cascade of pink roses and yellow mums. As bridesmaids, Mrs. Ayres, of Crediton, cousin bride, and Miss Mary By MARJORIE STEINER Gram Says: Soon our holiday season will be a thing of* the past and we’ll be looking forward to our next holiday, .Easter. It seems long time to look ahead will soon fly by and we’ll looking for a new spring hat.- But right now, here, we think hot dishes have an appeal so we’re giving you two meat recipes sent me by sister like a but it be out with winter loaf, John of the Dyer- Hurdon, of Sarnia, wore identical gowns of -powder blue nylon over taffeta with matching kets, gloves and shoes and ther headdresses. Mrs. Charles Ness, North was similarly gowned in maize waltz-length nylon tulle over taf­ feta with matching gloves, shoes and feather headdress. The bridesmaids carried cades of yellow mums and roses. Little Judith Anne Wood, of Crediton, as flower girl, wore light Romance blue nylon over taffeta designed with short full skirt and puffed sleeves with which she wore a headdress of flowers and ribbon. She carried a basket of pink roses and yellow mums from which she dropped blossoms in the path of the bride. P/O Charles E. Ness, of North Bay, attended the groom and the ushers were Calvin Fahrner, of Toronto, brother of the bride, and P/O George r. Mirehouse, of Trenton. Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Crediton, presided at the organ and accom­ panied the soloist, Miss Mar­ guerite Hastings, of Sarnia, as she sang “A Wedding Benedic­ tion,” "The Lord’s Prayer” and “I’ll Walk Beside You”. The bride’s mother received the guests at the receptio.n in the Church parlors, wearing a teal blue crepe dress with lace' yoke and lace-over-taf.feta flared skirt with which she wore a coral - pink beaded velour hat, matching gloves and navy acces­ sories and corsage of pink roses. Mrs. John Mirehouse, of London, who received for the groom in the absence of his mother, was gowned in cocoa-brown brocade crepe with dark brown accessor­ ies and corsage of yellow roses. A four-tier wedding cake and baskets of white and pink mums adorned the bride’s table. Assist­ ing in the dining room were Miss Bernice I-Iaist, Miss Eunice King, Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson, Mrs. Ross Tuckey, Mrs. Harry Jeffery and Mrs. George Leslie. For their wedding trip to the southern states, the bride wore a tailored fine English wool dress in gold flecked with black, a muskrat coat and small pheasant­ feather hat, scattered with rhine­ stones, brown snake-skin shoes and purse and corsage of red roses. Upon their return, the: young couple will make their home in Trenton. Guests were present from To­ ronto, Orillia, London, Kingston, North Bay, Sarnia and Ottawa, The bride was formerly On the staff of the Sarnia public schools and the groom is a member of the R.C.A.F. tulle jac- fea- Bay, cas- pink Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. and Elva and Mr. and Mrs- Wil­ liam Morley Jr. and Janice with Mr. and Mrs. William French; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgson and family with Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ ards at Ethel. Christmas visitors in the com­ munity were: Mr. and Mrs, William Duffield, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Langton and Miss Eileen McKenna, London, and Mr. and Mrs, William Duffy, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cann, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley. Carol and Jimmy Foster with their grandmother, Mrs. Corbett, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs, Edward Morley and family of Hazel Park, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. Several friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson on Saturday eve­ ning in honor of Mr. Thompson’s seventieth birthday. Betty Duffield in London with her aunt, Miss Evelyn Wynne; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fitzgerald, London; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duf­ field, Betty and Gayle with Miss Evelyn Wynne, London, Those who spent Christmas away were; Mr. and Mrs. George Squire and Miss Mary Dayman with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hod­ gins, near Granton; Mr, and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donald with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire and Douglas with E. Squire, Exeter; Ronald Squire and Grafton Squire and Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, Mr, and Mrs. Ray ____ and family with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, near Granton; Mr, and Mrs. George Arksey and Jean with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fronts, London; Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gunning and Muriel with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mor­ ley, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner and family with relatives at Listowel; Mr. Mr. Mr. ■Sue and and and Ann , Prospect. Parkinson Mrs. Mrs, Mrs. ■with meat J4 cup ketchup 3 tbsps. brown sugar % tsp. dry mustard Bake in 350° oven one to 1*4 hours. Serves six. For oven browned potatoes to serve with meat loaf, peel and butter potatoes, put in uncovered pan and bake in oven along with meat loaf. * * * Porcupine Balls lb. ground meat cup uncooked rice (washed) slightly beaten egg Granton;Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop PHONE 71-W EXETERmy The first Meat (Mrs. C. lbs. ground .. cup grated 'onion tsp. salt tsp. sage or savory 2 eggs, slightly beaten % cup dry bread crumbs * % cup grated raw carrot Mix above and place in greased bread pan. Mix together and pour over 1% % 1 % for Loaf A. Lind) beef * Grand Bend Ladies Elect New Officers Members of the Women’s- Mis­ sionary Society and Women’s As­ sociation of the United Church, Grand Bend, held their election of officers for 1954 with Mrs. C. Smith presiding. W.M.S. officers are: president, Mrs. Wellwood Gill; first vice- president, Mrs. Earl Birr; second vice-president, Mrs. Douglas Gill; secretary, assistant, treasurer, Christian stewardship, Mrs. Gar­ net Patterson; associates, Mrs. John Gill, Mrs. Manford Luther; community 'friendship, Mrs C. Smith, Mrs. Elgin Webb; assoc­ iates, Mrs. M. Thompson, Mrs. J. H. McGregor; Mission Band superintendant, Mrs. Herb Pfile, associates, Mrs. Allen Miller, Mrs. Max Turnbull; Missionary Month­ ly, Mrs. Henry Devine, associate, Mrs. Mansel Mason; Baby Band superintendant, Mrs. Allen Mill er, associate, Mrs. Lawrence Ma­ son; literature secretary, Mrs. Willis Gill; pianist, Mrs. Mansel Mason, associate, Mrs. Charles Reeves; supply committee, Mrs. J. H. McGregor and Mrs. Arthur Baker; Christian citizenship and temperance, Mrs. M. Thompson; auditors, Mrs. — ’ and Mrs. Lloyd W.A. officers president, Mrs. ing; first vice-president, Clarence Green; second vice- president, Mrs. Willis Gill; secre­ tary-treasurer, Mrs. Don Hend­ rick, assistant, Mrs. William Love; pianist, Mrs. Mansel Ma­ son, associate, Mrs. Chas. Reeves; card convenor, Mrs. Herb Pfile; committee for visiting ministers, Mrs. Garnet Patterson, Mrs. M. Thompson, Mrs. W. H. Love; . auditors, Mrs. Russel Webb and j Mrs. Stewart Webb; press, Mrs. i Colin Love. Patron; Waiter, I Want Borne sugar. Lump sugar— Waiter: All we have is granu­ lated. Patron: But I tell you I want lump sugar. Waiter: Well, if yOu don’t like it, you can lump it. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bayn- ham; Mr. and Mrs. James Laye and sons, of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs; J. Edwards and daugh­ ter, of Exeter, with their par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Sims; Mr. and Mrs. William McKee, of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Wein. mon will long be remembered hy the members. It is with regret they hid farewell and wish he and his family a Happy New Year and success in their new charge. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Charles Reeves; Allen Miller; E lgin Hendrick Wai per. are as follows: Raymond Kad- Mrs. The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS i Christmas visitors in the com­ munity were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Latta, Carol Ann and Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire and Leroy and Dennis with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee with Mrs. A. Greenlee and family of Brinsley; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and the Green­ lee family of Brinsley; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Joan with and Mrs. Heber Davis; Mr.Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis with Mr. and and ___ _____________ Miss Heather Davis is confined to the house with measles. iMrs. F. Davis at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. M. Elston; Mr. and j Mrs. C. Ings and Mr. and Mrs. A. Carroll of London and Mr. Hugh Carroll with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll; Mrs. W. J. Davis and Ivan and Mr. and Mrs. L. Maguire, of Scotland, and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mugsford, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Abbott,\ and Mr. B. Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. Mrs. George McFalls. Abbott of Niagara with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott; Mr. and Mrs, M. McDonald ahd Howard and Joyce with Mr. and Mrs.. Al­ bert Dickins, of Ballymote; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis, Cam­ eron and Sharon with Mr. ahd Mrs. James Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, of Pros­ pect Hill, and Mr. ahd Mrs. Al­ bert Dickins; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Abbott and family, Of London, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodgins, Of Lucan* with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ab­ bott and Muriel with the Mc­Intyre family of Glencoe; Mr. and Mrs. H. Atkihson and family with Mr. and Mrs. R. Carroll, of Woodham, and Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wren, of Hensail. The congregation of St. Pat­ rick's Church turned out on Sun­day for the farewell service of the Rev. M, R. Griffih. The ser- 1 % 1 ■ 1 small onion, minced 1 tsp. salt % tsp. pepper 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce In frying pan place one can tomato soup and one cup water. Stir together. Take one tablespoon meat mix­ ture at a time, roll into balls and place in liquid in frying pan. (Meat will make 18-20 balls.) Cover and cook in oven one hour at 375° or 1% hours at 350°. Serves five or six. Miss Pearl Kestle, Brantford, gave us the following recipe for rolls which she says are the “melt in your mouth” kind. May­ be you’d like to try them. Butterhoras (Miss Pearl Kestle) envelopes yeast cup sugar cup milk eggs 2 % 1 4 5 cups all purpose flour % cup butter salt Method:-Set yeast, in 14 cup warm water and one teaspoon sugar for 10 minutes. Add sugar, then beaten eggs, then milk. Add flour and knead lightly. Set in cold place one hour. Roll %-inch thick and spread with one-half the butter. Fold and spread with remaining but­ ter. Fold and roll again. Fold and set in cold place 1% hours.' Roll %-inch thick. Cut in strips 4”xl” and tie into buns. Let rise in warm place about three hours. Bake 20 minutes in mode­ rate 3 5 0 0 oven. AT McKNIGHT & WALPER’S LADIES’ WEAR Blouses Evening -■ Dress UNTIL JAN. 9- Nylon CHILDREN'S AND ADULTS Crepe Cotton 20% Off! Winter Coats Reduced To Clear! Christmas Draw Winners: Tip Top Suit: Mrs. Jack Smith, Exeter Two Pairs Nylons: Mrs. Clarence Brophey, Parkhill THANKS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE! McKnight & Walper LADIES’ WEAR TELEPHONE 474 MAIN ST., EXETER