HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-31, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, -.THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1953 Pag* 5 POP'S Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 3^7 ai'd 515-r-3 News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SRINNRR ■ 161 Horses! Try The New '54 Mercury All-New Overhead Valve Engine Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: Supertest Service Station *■ Brandram Henderson PAINTS Are Now Han tiled In Exeter By Fred Hatter Full range of shades, including Swing Satin. Popular prices, high in quality. • Painting and Carpentry Work Solicited PHONE 413-J Christmas Day visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge and family of Winclielsea, My. and Mrs. Russell King and family of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parsons of Hensall, My. and Mrs, Alvin Cooper and family with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper. Mr, and Mrs, Eric Carscadden and family of Exeter and Mr, and Mrs, Howard Johns with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Miners, Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. and Janice of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pym of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques Muych, London Muych. Mr, and Mrs. Reg McDonald and family of Exeter, Mr. Elgin Skinner of New Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner, ’ Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Tebbutt, Seaforth, Mrs. Mae Payne from the West, Mr. Earl Hunter and friend from Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Stephan and Ross Dilling with Mrs. Austin Dilling. Mr, Cephas Pym, Mr. Ernest Pym, Nona and Thames Road, and Mr. Allan Wanner, Sarpia, and Mrs. Hubert Hunter for ner Saturday, Away for Christmas: Mr. Mrs. John Ridley with Mr. Mrs. John Willis of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, William Johns with Mr. and Mrs. William Pybus of Exeter. Mr. and and family of Exeter. Mr, and with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb of Clinton. Dr. and Mrs. Reilly and family with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Carroll of Toronto. Miss Donna Murch of London is visiting this week with and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr, Elgin Skinner of New onto is holidaying with his ents. Mrs. Robert Reilly, Bobby and Ricky are spending a few with her parents, Mr. and Jack Carroll. A special New Year’s Eve ice will be held Thursday ning from 11 p.m. till 12 Come and worship the old out and the new year in, at the Elimville United Church, Churchz New$ of Sunshine By MRS. WILLIAM DICKEY Mr Sam Skinner of of Zion, Miss Donna Mr. Brian Middleton of with Mr. and Mrs. Philip JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J, Snell, Pastor , Lawrence IVein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School, fl a.m.—Morning Worship. Beginning of Universal Week of Prayer. Sermon Subject: “Prayer As Adoration And Thanksgiving.” Anthem by the Choir, Solo: Maxipe Reeder, p.m,’—Evening Worship. Sermon Subject: “Thy dpm Come,” Solo: Jeanette Tayjor. A warm welcome is extended to all. PLEASE NOTE: A preaching mission will be held in James Street Church from January 11 to 15. All services at 8 p.m. with Dr. U. Lafte. M.C„ D.D., of Stratford, as Missioner. 7 King- Mr. and and Mrs. John, of and Mrs. with Mr. din- and and Mrs, Delmar Skinner with Mrs. Ed Johns Mrs. Howard Pym Mr. Tor- par- days Mrs. serv- eve- P.m. year 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican -r- Rev. Norman D- Knox, B.A., Minister Organist; Robert Cameron :15 a.m.—[Sunday School. ; 3.0 a.m.—Morning Prayer. EXETER TABERNACLE P.A.O.C. H. Kendrick, Pastor p.m.—Bible Study and at the home of Mr. and THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev, Carl Schroeder, Minister Friday, January 1-— Service at 2:30 p.m. This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—Service in Main Street United Church. All welcome! Rev, Wed,, 8 Prayer Mrs. Hamilton. Thurs,, 8 p.m.-.— W.M.S. Annual Meeting, Thurs,, 9 p.m. — Church Annual Thurs., 11 p.m.-—Watch Night Service, apd Communion. Sun,, 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt,: Mr, E, Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m. — Special speaker: College student. Dedication of Babies Pastor. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—Special speaker: College student. Special ginging, Come and en­ joy the Old Camp Meeting Spirit. You are welcome. the EXETER Topics From Crediton By MRS. J. WOODALL ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1952 1952 1951 1951 1950 1949 1949 1947 1947 1947 1950 1946 1942 1941 1937 1938 DODGE SEDAN, nice .................. CHEV COACH, clean as a whip MERCURY SEDAN, a steal ...... FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD FORD CHEV AUSTIN SEDAN, a good one PONTIAC SEDAN, only ...... DODGE SEDAN, new motor . CHEV FORD CHEV COACH, radio, lovely! SEDAN .. COACH .. SEDAN .. COACH .. SEDAN SEDAN . Your choice Your choice COACH, nice ..................... SEDAN, hydraulic brakes COACH, good motor ....... HAPPY NEW YEAR! 1,695. 1,650. 1,500. 1,495. 1,295. 995. 695. 650. 595. 495. 895. 175. 125. Larry Snider Motors Limited PHONE 624 “Your Ford - Monarch Dealer” EXETER VHHiihihtiihhhnnttiiHlitiHUtineihuuiHthtiiithniiiiiiiiiiMitinitiituHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiihhnBin We Wish For You and Yours Insurance Can Make Fife) theft of accident COULD stfikd in I9S4! Are you prepared—-With ENOUGH insurdmee—to meet the casts of losses or liability judgments? Now is the time to check over your whole insurance program. We’ll be glad to help you » < . at not a penny’s cost or obligation to you. Phone! Office 24 Res. 1G2-J IV. Herman Hodgson “The Insurance Man’1 Mark Fiftieth Anniversary On Thursday, December 24, ■Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morlock marked the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage at their home in Crediton. t Fifty years ago, Emma Gris- more, of Pandora, Ohio, became the bride of Edward Morlock at the home of the bride’s parents. The honeymoon was a snowy trip to the groom’s farm near Credi­ ton. Fifteen years ago they left the farm and retired to the vil­ lage where they have since re­ sided. They have three children, Lulu of Windsor, Ella of London, both graduate school teachers, and Dr. Carl Morlock of the staff of Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minne­ sota. The daughters were able to be home to celebrate the occa­ sion together with friends of the family. Ml*, and Mrs. Morlock are en­ joying fairly good health and were the delighted recipients of many good wishes from their many friends. Trousseau Tea Mrs. Emmery Fahrner enter­ tained at a trousseau tea at her home on Wednesday afternoon and evening in honor of daughter Norma prior marriage on Saturday to Robert Palmer, Receiving Mrs. Fahrner and Norma Mrs. John Mirehouse, of London, who represented the groom’s mother, who was unable to be present. Miss Margaret Ratz was in charge of the register. Show­ ing the gifts and trousseau were ■Mrs. J. Ayres, Mrs. George Les­ lie, Mrs. W. Fahrner, Mrs. Geo. Mirehouse, Misses Eunice King, Mary Dyer - Hur don and Mar­ guerite Hastings. Pouring tea were aunts of the bride-elect, Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mrs. E. K. Fahrner, Mrs. C. Mawhin- ney and Mrs. Wellington Haist. Assisting in the tea room were Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson, Mrs. Arnold Gaiser, Mrs. Lloyd Jones, .Mrs. Aimer Passmore, Miss Lillian Haist, Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner and Mrs. Everett Haist. Personal Items Miss Mary Chambers, who has spent the past two months in Brantford, was a Christmas visit­ or with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Chambers. Miss Chambers will accompany her friends in Brant­ ford to Florida in the near fu­ ture. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sisson and were and ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Minister: Rev. E. N. Mohr 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship, * “New Year Possibilities.” 11:00 a.m.—Bible School. Room for you. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship. A warm welcome awaits you with a “Happy New Year”. Those who spent Christmas Day here were: Mr, and Mrs. Howard Hodge and Judy of Ripley, Mf. and Mrs. Stan Knowles of B&llymote, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns and children of Ilderton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johns and family of Kirk­ ton with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns and Marie; Mr. and Mrs, Lome Passmore and children, Mi*, and Mrs. Jack Stewart and Mar­ lene of Thames Road and Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Rodd and children with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Jones and Mr. Fred Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunning, and Mr. and Mrs. William Rodd, all of Granton, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and family; Mr. and Mrs. Boh Bibbey and family^ of Kirk­ ton, Mr. and near Exeter, Coward Mr. and ily with a rd. Those Day away from home were: Mr. and Mrs, Theron Creery and family with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anderson at Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson,»Paul­ ine and Beverly at Ilderton with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Gregory and family; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills and family with Mrs. Jane Brown in London; Mr, and Mrs. Ward Allen of London, Messrs. Hugh Allen and Harold Berry with Mrs. H. Copeland in Kirk­ ton; Mr, and Mrs. William Dic­ key and family with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and Gordon. Mrs. Bev Parsons of Mr. and Mrs, Wib Susan of London, Phil Hern and fam- Cow- and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joh: who spent Christmas Topics From to her her P/O with was daughters, of Montreal, holiday visitors with Mr. Mrs. L. England. Mr. and Mrs, George Vincent and Miss Agnes Lamport, of De­ troit, spent the holidays with Mrs. S. Lamport. Mr. Howard Beaver, of Hamil­ ton, and Miss Gertrude Beaver, of Detroit, visited wtih Mr. and ■Mrs. H. Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryall, of Windsor, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz. Out-of-town visitors with Mrs. G, Wein and family on Christ­ mas Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wein, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam McKee, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Gohlding and Marilyn, o<f Lon­ don; Dawson Colliding, of To­ ronto, Ronald Wein, of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Wein and Douglas and Miss Dorcas Sillery, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Haist, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wein and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sparling, Mr, and Mrs. Clare Sparling and son Allah, Of Walkerton, holiday visitors with Mr. Mrs. John Smith. Dr. ahd Mrs. Frederick lock, of Ottawa, spent a few With Mr. ahd Mrs. Gordon lock. Mr. and Mrs, Charles spent a few days With relatives ih Detroit.Mr, and Mrs. Howard I-Iaist and daughters, of Fenwick, spent Christmas with Mrs. 11 beiheh. Mr. and Mrs, William Smith are Spending the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Young at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. William Cost- were and Mon­ days Mor- Ness Fink- CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Minister Organist Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Rev. W. F. Krotz, Mrs. Ken McCrae, Sunday, January 3— 10:00 a.m.—Pressing Forward. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.’—Over a New Road. Dec. 31, 11:15 p.m.—Watchnight Service. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, Jan. 3— 10 a.m.—The Church School in all Departments. 11 a.m.—“Great Expectations” The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Morning Worship Only. Report On Grand Bend By MRS. IRENE MEYERS Christmas in The Bend was especially pleasant this year. The snow through the park made an attractive ’back-drop for the Yule dbcor shining through cottage windows. ’Twas just like the prettiest Christmas card come alive. The lake was tranquil but not frozen. Family gatherings were around the TV sets. Since Channel 10 has opened, antennae are springing up all over town. Mrs. Orville Truemner was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital the week before Christmas and will remain there for some time. P/O John Kowalcliuk and Mrs. Kowalchuk (nde Coleen Gill) spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill. They are en route from Portage la Prairie to a new posting at Trenton. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Gill family of Brampton visited [mother, Mrs. John Gill, and brother over the weekend. Mr. Alex Love of Toronto spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Love. Miss May Patterson 'of New­ market and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Knight of London were with Mrs. James Patterson at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson’s home on Friday. Mrs. Cairns and family of Montreal spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Heron. The Teen Town dance before Christmas was very well attend­ ed. Each young Miss received a corsage. There was a door prize, spot-light and ilumination dances with prizes. Guests were from the surrounding town and Lon­ don, The new School is receiving a happy house wanning. Miss Audrey Green is visiting friends in London over the holi­ day. and his his richer visited with relatives in London during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. William Woodall and daughters, of Windsor, visit­ ed during the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. J. Woodall. Rev. and Mrs, Mohr spent Christmas with their daughter in Elmira. Mr .and Mrs Joseph Fink­ beiner Were holiday visitors with Mr .and Mrs. Nugene Finkbeiner ih Barfie. Mrs. Beatrice Tate, of Water- dowh, spent a few days at the home of Mr .and Mrs. J. Fuller. Mr .and Mrs. H. Brough are spending some time at Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Insley spent Sunday ih Stratford with the for­ mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodall spent Christmas Day in Lambeth, A huge bouquet of bronze and golden mums, presented to Mr, and Mrs. Edward Morlock by their family, adorned the rest­ rum of the Evangelical Church on Sunday. Personal Items Miss Jane Morgan, Leaming­ ton, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan. Miss Nona Pym, of London; Mr. cfnd Mrs. Allan Wanner, of Sarnia, spent the holiday week­ end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Miss Margaret Bray, London, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohde, Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Christmas Day Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist, Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas and Glenn with Mr. and Mrs. Williain Thomson, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore, Sharon and Paul with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd, of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan, Johnny and Gerry with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne and family with Mr, and Mrs. William Harper, of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ballantyne with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knight, of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin and Margaret with Mr. and Mrs, Alf Hunkin, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew and family, of Longwood; and Mrs. Norman forth; Mr. Earl friend, of Toronto, Mrs, Ernest Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas lantyne, Mrs. Gertie Wiseman, Mr. Edg'ar Monteith with Mr. and Mrs. William Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Ross with Hodgert. Mr. and Mary and Bert, of London, with with Mr. and Mrs. Gib Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan, Floyd and Janice and the Miller family of Staiffa with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffery, Mr, and Mrs. Doug Rivers and Barbara, of Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Jeffery and Douglas With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery and Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Jeffery, Barry and Billy, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jeffery and Ross with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coates, of Eden. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, of Zion, Miss Hazel Stewart, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickenson and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, of Wesley, with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and Brian were Saturday evening din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wins­ ton Shapton, of Exeter. Misses Alma, Lila and Lillian of Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Borland. Mr. and Mrs, Borland and family spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Munn, of Hensall. Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Dunean wefe host and hostess at a fowl supper for the thirty-fifth wed­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gib Duncan bn Thursday evening, December 24. Those present wefe Mrs. Percy Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, of Exeter; Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Gardiner, of London; Mr, John Passmore, Hensall, and Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Borland, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, Congratulations to Mrs. William Elford married 40 years on Day. Hackney Mr. Knight, Sea- I-Iunter with Mr. and and and Bal- James Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Mrs. Arthur Gardiner, Youngster Wins TV Set In Hensall C Of C Draw Darlene Geoffrey, three-and- ope-half-year-old daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Theodore Geoffrey, of Zurich, was the winner of the 21- inch Motorola TV set in the draw Thursday night. The following were winners of the $5 merchandise certificates given by the merchants ” Baker, 60 Bacon St. Bruce McGregor, Kippen L. Scott, of Cromarty; : Hamilton, R.R. 1, Branderhurst, of Balkwell, Exeter Parker, Hensall; Hensall; Wilson pen. Louis Zimmer, Elder, Hensall, The prizes were offered by the merchants of Hensall and spon­ sored by the Chamber of Com­ merce of which president. In charge of the Christmas draw were Jack Middleton and Jack Drysdale. Mrs. Henry Sol dan Mrs. Henry Soldan, prominent resident of Hensall, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Thursday, December 24, hav­ ing been admitted to the hospital last Sunday. Mrs. Soldan, the former Susan McLaughlin, who came from Saskatoon with her husband, the late Henry Soldan, 41 years ago, has been in failing health for some time. She was a member of Hensall United Church. Surviving are four sons, Allan of London; William and Roy, of Hensall; John, of Zurich; two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Moir and Mrs. Elsie Case, Hensall, and nine grandchildren. A private funeral service was held from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, on Saturday with Rev. W. J. Rogers officiating. Inter­ ment was in Exeter cemetery. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and family, of Windsor, spent Christ­ mas with the former’s mother, Mrs. C. Gook. Mr. and Mrs. Don Joynt and son flew to Bethleham, Pa., where they spent the Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Car­ rie Joynt. Mr. Thomas Chuter, Windsor, visited with relatives and friends here during the Christmas holi­ day. Miss Lauretta Bell, of London, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. William Hyde and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Faber and Joyce. Miss Betty Mickle, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle. Miss Dorothy Farquhar re­ turned to Toronto after holiday­ ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar. Miss Rhena Avery is spending the Christmas holidays with rela­ tives in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Pearson and daughter, Toronto, spent Christmas with their mo­ ther, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse- in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, visited during the holi­ day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Weido and* son spent Christmas with relatives at Woodstock. ■Miss Isobel Alexander of To­ ronto, is holidaying with her pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Alex­ ander and Ruth. Mrs, Annie con-fined to her illness, Winners in the at Brown’s Hardware were:' Mrs. R. E. Shaddick, electric floor polisher; Mrs. Wes Venner, elec­ tric tea kettle; Mrs. Mil ton Rus­ sell, doll; Clarence McNaughton, Cromarty, checker board. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna, BJenheim, spent Christ­ mas with* Mrs. Rigby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Dr. William T. Joynt, London, spent the weekend holiday with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. E. London; l; Thps. Laverne Hensail; G. P. Hensall; R, E. ; Mrs. George Joan Koehler, Tremeer, Kip- Susie Mae Lostell, Kippen; Dashwood; Ken Lome Eiler is Tudor, R. H. Saundercock is room owing to Christmas draw Mr. and Mrs..Art Traquair, of Woodstock, visited by er weekend, with their parents, ; and Mrs, M. Traquair and and Mrs, E, Norminton. Mr. Earl Soldan, of Sudbury, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, William Soldan. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Moir, of Strathroy, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Moir and Mr, and Mrs. William Lee. General Coach ed 50 turkeys to for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. tyne, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with the former's mother, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne, and their aunts, Miss Katie Scott and Mrs, Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard, of London, were weekend with the latter’s parents, Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold the Mr. Mr. Workg present- their employees Lome Ballan- visitors Mr. and __ ___ _______Scrnton, of Port Dover, were holiday visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc­ Naughton and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick. Miss Ann Hildebrandt, of Lon­ don, visited over the holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt and Marney. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Billie and Carol spent the week­ end holiday with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr, and Mrs. H, W. Neeb, in Tavistock. Mrs. Harris, of Detroit, visited with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rannie, during the holiday. Miss Jean Armstrong, of Lon­ don, is holidaying with her pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Arm­ strong. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bell, of Windsor, spent the holiday week­ end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mr, and Mrs. Tim Sherrit, of Fort Erie, spent Christmas with the former’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Thomas Sherritt. Miss Mae McNaughton, of ronto, is holidaying with brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Peter L. McNaughton. Miss Bernice Jinks, of London, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. and To­ iler and Mr. and Mrs, George Haas spent Christmas with their daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Me Cloy and family, Toron­ to; Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren with relatives in Clinton; Mr. John Passmore with members of his family in Delhi; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and. Allan with relatives ih Tiverton. Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne have moved to their new home in Exeter. Mrs, William Henry, who has been a patient in Victoria Hos­ pital, London, with a fractured hip, came home last Thursday. Sgmn. Bob Davis, of Vimy Barracks, Kingston, spent Christ­ mas and New Years with his pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davis. Mr. Hilliard Lawrence was taken seriously ill on Saturday and rushed by Bonthron ambu­ lance to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he has been given blood plasmas, Mr. Norman Heal, of Wingham, who has been a patient in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, returned on Sunday and is staying with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heal- For Better ’51 FORD COACH Green, only 13,000 miles, just like new! ’47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Black. ’46 ’38 ’51 MERCURY SEDAN CHRYSLER SEDAN PLYMOUTH COACH CHEV HALF-TON See The New Mercury At South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER ADVANCE NOTICE I FOR THE SECOND TIME IN TIP TOP TAILOR’S 44 YEARS FREE Extra Pants WITH EVERY TIP TOP TAILORS’ MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT 3 Days Only THURS., JAN. 7 FRI., JAN. 8 SAT., JAN. 9 Selections May Be Made Starting January 2 McKnight & Walper MEN’S WEAR Your Tip Top Dealer In Exeter Superior Store Special Values FOR DECEMBER 31 AND JANUARY 2 Store Closes 6:00 P.M. New Year*s Eve OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT •Large 48-oz. tins ......... QUICK QUAKER OATS Large 3-Ib. box ........................ DAINTY RICE 1-lb. pkgs................................... LIGHT FRUIT CAKE MIX Wagstaffe’s, very popular. 29-025. pkgs. •••••............................each 690 MAXWELL HSE. INSTANT COFFEE 20-oz. deal jars each 590 JUICE each each each s 290 340 190 To Friends Old And New WETHEY’S TOMATO JUICE Fancy quality, 20-oz. tins ...... 2 for 230 YORK GOLDEN CREAM CORN Choice quality, 15-oz. tins .... 2 for 250 ELLMARR PURE PEANUT BUTTER 1 -lb. jars .................. each 340 Brunswick sardines Special value .......................... 3 tins 250 CATELLI SPAGHETTI With Cheese, 15-oz. 2 for 270 , 20-oz. 2 for 350 WE EXTEND OUR HAND IN GOOD FELLOWSHIP, AND WISH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN THE NEW YEAR! Mr, and who- were Christmas phoneMl J. H. Jones Groceries Phones 32 752