The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-17, Page 16Pag. M THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1953 ■Mr .and Mrs. Bert 4hdrews» of Pontiex, Sask., are spending the winter with Mrs. Andrew’s sis­ ter and brother, Miss Ruby Treble and Mr. Ed. Treble. Mr .and Mrs. Hedley May spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Murray May. Mr. Ed. MacDougall is under the doctor's care at Ms home. News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWIN HOOPER E Plan Now To Attend! EXETER LEGION’S NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs, Orville Langford, pf Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rinn and family, of St. Marys, and Mr. Bill Rinn, of Baseline, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Llpyd Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomson, of Glendale, spent Sunday with Mr, Bob Johnson, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family attended the Whalen Christmas concert Friday eve­ ning. Thursday, Dec. 31 DANCING . . . FAVORS . . . FOOD NOISEMAKERS . . . ENTERTAINMENT Music By Johnny Waugh London’s Newest and Best Band Dancing 10:00 to 2:00 ATTENTION 3 Exeter And District Children s Santa’s Coming This Friday! December 18 e Free Show!Free Treats! 3 Two Parades EXETER SCHOOL CHILDREN ............ 1:00 P.M. DISTRICT SCHOOL CHILDREN ....... 3:00 P.M. Meet at Huron-Main Streets Corner Dashwood Concert The Dashwood public school pupils presented their annual Christmas program to a large audiepce Friday, December 11. Songs, drills, recitations, dancing and dialogues were featured. Mrs. Ken McCrae was pianist for the evening. The teachers are Mr. R. Middleton, Miss J. Ritchie and Miss J. Haugh. Dashwood -—Continued from Page 8 vin Rader; auditors, Mrs. Wein, Mrs, V. Grpup Two, hold Miller as charge of the ............................ plane Bunco was played and the winners were Mrs. Aaron Reste- mayer and Mrs. Susan Merner. Santa was on hand to distribute gifts to everyone. « Men’s Club Holds Supper The Men’s Club of Zion Luthe­ ran Church treated their wives to a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller on Thursday evening. There were 16 present. The committee in charge included Adolph Keller, Stan Dinney and Cliff Salmon. Following the dinner, a game of opposites was won by Mrs. Edgar Restemayer. Euchre fol­ lowed, high prizes aoing to Mrs. L, Higinell, Stan Dinney, Mrs. V. L. Becker, Reinhold Miller and Mr. Edgar Restemayer. Messrs. James Hayter, Clifford Salmon and Harold Weber, trus­ tees of Dashwood, were returned by acclamation, Wallace Wein and Harry Zimmer failed to qualify. Herb L. Becker, with Mrs. convener? was in social hour. Air- Rein- rpsi- past Community Christmas Concert Thomas Hopcroft Poultry Raiser Thbinas Hopcrpft, 64( a dent of Dashwood for the 2'2 years, died at his home there last Thursday, He was born at Woodbridge and before coining to Dashwood, where he conducted a poultry business, he had been in the milling business in Wroxeter. He was a member of St. Johns- by-the-Lake Church, Grand Bend. Besides his wife, the former Alma Hopf, he is survived by three sons, Robert, of Ridgeway, Fred, CPO, on HMCS Stadacona, Halifax, and Russell, Dashwood, and one daughter, Ruth, of Lon­ don. The body rested at the Hoff­ man fiineral home, Dashwood, until Saturday afternoon when the Rev. J. E. Houghton con­ ducted the funeral service at St. Johns - by-the - Lake Church and interment followed in Grand Bend cemetery. Six nephews, George and Elgin Hopcroft, Russel and Charles Roundtree, Gordon Shannon and Martin Hopf, acted as pallbear- COMING EVENTS A CORDIAL INVITATION is ex­ tended to the parents and friends of the pupils pf S.g. No. 5, Us- bprne, to attend their Christmas Concert at 8:30 p.m. tonight. Ad­ mission 35^. 17c James Street United Church Sunday Evening, Dec. 20 at 8:30 p.m. Churches Participating: JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH THE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Chairman: Mayor W. G. Cochrane Arena Weekly Schedule Thursday, December 17 8 :30 p.m. Public Skating Friday, December 18 8:30 p.m. STRATHROY ROCKETS vs. EXETER MOHAWKS Saturday, December 19 2:00 p.m. Public Skating 9:00 p.m. ELMIRA vs. RCAF FLYERS Monday, December 21 8:30 p.m. Practice Only Tuesday, December 22 2:00 p.m. Public Skating 8:00 p.m. Public Skating Wednesday, December 23 2 :00 p.m. Public Skating 8:30 p.m. Game of the Year: LUCAN vs. ZURICH Friday, December 25 2 :00 p.m. Public Skating CLOSED Xmas Eve and Xmas Day Saturday, December 26 ICE FANTASY OF ’54 Matinee Wickets Evening Wickets Theatre Phone 421 Annual Meeting South Huron Plowmen's Assoc. Previews Its Coming Attractions ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND TOWN HALL, EXETER Saturday, Dec. 19 2:30 p.m. | This Christmas let us cross all boundaries and clasp | hands together by joining in this Community Christmas | Concert.s * « | “A Community That Sings Together Stays Together” — Arranged by Beta Sigma Phi — FRIDAY & SATURDAY December 18 and 19 African Queen (Technicolor) ★ Humphrey Bogart ★ Katharine Hepburn MONDAY & TUESDAY K December 21 and 22 Ruby Gentry ★ Jennifer Jones ★ Charlton Heston FRIDAY & SATURDAY December 18 and 19 “THE LAST POSSE” ★ Broderick Crawford ★ John Derek ★ Charles Bickford His blazing guns bring peace to the frontier. CARTOON AND SELECTED SHORTS /! South Huron District High School Presents its Annual Variety Program and Commencement Exercises HI-TIME REVUE • Song And Costume Dances AS IN “ALICE BLUE GOWN” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY December 23 and 24 A Christmas Carol ★ Kathleen Harrison • ★ Alistair Sim TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY December 22 and 23 “TONIGHT WE SING” (Technicolor) ★ David Wayne ★ Ezio Pinza ★ Roberta Peters Thrill to the world’s greatest music in a technicolor treat lad­ en with warmth -and laughter! NEWSREEL • Skits With Home-Spun Situations AS IN "CLEANING UP THE GARAGE” • Little Lion Minstrels With Songs And Dances AS IN "TOMORROW" • Mass Chorus Of 200 Voices DIPLOMAS S * . ■ • = Follow The Mohawks 'aaiaaaiaiiiiiiliiiBiaauiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiKitiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinintiiiiiiiiiiiiiA A Boxing Day Treat! EXETER ARENA VS. 2:30 p.m. Open at 1:00 p.m 8:30 p.m. Open at 7:30 p.m AauK« 2.30 Matinee Be=|l:50S 8.30 Evening § ELMIRA CENTRALIA FLYERS EXETER ARENA Town Hall, Hensall Friday, December 18 Bingo Starts at 8:30 Door Prize Turkey 15 REGULAR GAMES: CHICKEN 10 SPECIAL GAMES: TURKEYS 2-250 or 5-500 Sponsored by the Hensall Branch Canadian Legion GENERAL ADMISSION 750 DASHWOOD —• Hayter’s Garage SEAFORTH *** Milners Florist LUCAN —' Mel Ciifbcrt’s OHA Int. 'B' Hockey Sorry, But ... Due to large number of school children attending, it will be impossible to accommodate pre-school children for the show at the theatre. However, they are welcome to see Santa at the theatre and will receive free treats. Sponsored by Exeter Legion, Lions and Kinsmen Strathroy Rockets A vs. Exeter Mohawks DEC. Friday, December 18 9:00 p.m. Exeter Arena Three Prizes Given Away! BE A BOOSTER! Saturday Night 9:00 p.m. aaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaiaiiaiiHiiiiiaaaiiiiiiiaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiitaiaaaiaiaiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaiiiiaiiiiiHaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiaiaiaaiaf,, Bingo / Advance Tickets At Exeter Arena And McKnight & Walper Men's Wear GRAND BEND MacLareifs Pharmacy HENSALL — Bert Horton’s Snack Bar ZURICH Dehhomd’s Bai’hef’ Shop And It Must!Yes! It Can We Are Pleased To Announce That Wednesday, Dec. 30 SPONSORED BY John C. Thompson Manager of Purina Research Farm Responsible for All Purina Research (Mr. Thompson is flying direct from St. Louis, Missouri, to Exeter* Ont., for this BEEF CATTLE meeting and ivill fly back directly after) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 - MONDAY, DJECEMBER 21 - AWARDS 8:00 p.m. Tickets, obtainable from any student, are only 500; children 250 Be Lowered? Can The Cost Of Production Of Beef ■ o will be at LEGION HALL - EXETER Mr. Thompson Will Discuss Important Points As: LOWERING COST OF BEEF PRODUCTION HOW TO HOLD DOWN COSTS THE BEST USE OF GRASS FEEDING SILAGE AND HAY AND HOW MUCH WINTERING FEEDER CATTLE FOR BIGGER PROFIT'S PREVENTING GOING OFF FEED SPECIAL BABY BEEF RATIONS COST OF PRODUCING 100 POUNDS OF MEAT This is a rare opportunity to hear a mail ivho is one of America’s outstand­ ing authorities Oil beef cattle through years of experimenting with thousands of grade beef cattle. Mr. Thompson has a profitable proven program de­ signed to meet the cattleman’s requirements. Make A Note Of Place, Date And Time Plan To Be There With Your Neighbor CANN'S MILL LTD