The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-17, Page 10Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1953 Buy Christinas Seals Help Crippled Children Christmas Clearance OF USED CARS ’52 PONTIAC SEDAN .Yule Special! AUSTIN SEDAN Money-saver I '51 MERCURY SEDAN Good! Good! Good! 51 MERCURY COACH ....... Another Good Car! ’50 PONTIAC SEDAN 18,000 Original Miles '50 CHEVROLET COACH Tops for the Road ‘■17 DODGE COACH .Price This One! ’4Cf FORD COACH Like New PLYMOUTH COACH TRUCKS '50 HALF-TON DODGE PANEL Very Good ’50 HALF-TON STUDEBAKER PICKUP SEVERAL PRE-WAR CARS TO BE SACRIFICED PEARSON MOTOR SALES TEL. 478 Pontiac - Buick - GMC ZURICH SEE THE BEAUTIFUL NEW PQNTIAC! Clerk; Hello . . , yes, this is the room clerk . . . what seems to be the trouble? Hotel Guest: There are some bedbugs playing on my chest. Clerk: Really? What's the score? COACH COACH COUPE Special ’49 METEOR COACH One-owner car, priced to ’50 MERCURY SEDAN Clean as* new with radio, visor and overdrive. ’52 PONTIAC SEDAN ’48 CHEV COACH New paint. ’47 CHEV COACH Better than average. ’46 FORD SEDAN A clean car. ’40 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Original duco, new tires. CHEV FORD CHEV ’39 ’20 ’30 TWO USED CAR RADIOS Will fit most cars. Broderick Bros. EXETERPHONE 277 Check These Xmas Specials! FOR SALE NEW SCALE Williams piano, recent­ ly overhauled, Apply at The Times- Advocate. 10:17* 1.000 FEET OF 2-IN. hemlock plank, $100 per M. DeLaval cream separator used only two years, $50; some feed beans. —Emerson Anderson, Hensall, R.R. 2, phone 675-r-4. 10:17* A GOOD GIFT for the man on the farm—Vacuum Cattle Clippers; runs off milker. For demonstration, call Lovell McGuire, phone 593 Wingham, Surge Dealer.________________10:17c OVERCOAT — Grey for medium size man. Apply Wes Hackney, Exeter North._______________________10:17* ORDERS TAKEN for Xmas turkeys. Please order early. —Harry Hayter, phone 47-r-5 Dashwood._______10:17* SAVE UP TO $100 on refrigerators, freezers and ranges. All brand new 1953 models reduced 23% to clear! Service guaranteed. Crocker Refrig­ eration, phone 59 Exeter, for com­plete information.________26*:3:10:17c. EXTRA GOOD black Persian lamb coat, size 38-40. ,May be seen at Brady Cleaners._____________ll-19tfc PREVENT THAT chimney fire! Use Fire Chief Chemical Chimney Clean­er, For sale at Fisher’s Hardware, Exeter, or Brown’s Hardware, Hen­sall, Two-lb. carton 75c. No muss or fuss. Absolutely safe. For oil, gas or fuel fire units._____ 3:10:17:24* ABOUT 30 TONS cob corn, $28.00 ton. Apply Frank Caminaert, Russel- dale, R.R. 1, Mitchell, phone 61-19 Kirkton. 3:10:17c GIVE NURSERY" stock for Xmas. 40 to 60% cash discount sale. April de­ livery. Special Xmas trade only. Roses reg. $1.75 now 79c. Evergreens $7 to $9 value for $3.60. Amazing prices for fruit trees and hedges, while we have them. Order now. Act fast. —Hogle Nursery, Campbellford, Ont. 3;10:17c PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, Lumbago, can be helped by taking RUMACAPS. Recommended by thou­ sands of thankful users. Ask your Druggist. 9-24:10-22:ll-19:12-17:l-llc STUDIO COUCH, 2 style cushions, all 'spring filled. Like new. Reason­ able. Phone Hensall GS2-r-3. 17:24* Six GOOD weaner pigs, 6 weeks old. Phone Granton 5-r-7. 17c <$0 LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT The New '54 Chevrolet Now On Display At Exeter 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT—Heated, in Exeter. Phone 7G8-M. 17* TWO USED SADDLES in A-l con­ dition. These saddles have been cleaned and overhauled. Apply E. M. Quance, William St., Exeter/ 17:24c TWO TONS feed beans, ready for cooking. $30 a ton. — Phone 37-r-15 Grand Bend. ________________17c ONE PAIR girl’s figure skates, size 5, in good condition. Phone 126 Ex­eter. _______ _______17c CHILD’S TRICYCLE, medium size, in good shape. Can be seen at 82 Main Street, upstairs apartment. 17c TWO APARTMENTS in Exeter. Ap­ ply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100 or 197 Zurich. ll-12tfC ALL KINDS of car and truck parts: Heaters, tires, batteries, hub caps, etc. —Glenn’s Auto Wreckers, phone 418-M Exeter. 17:24c 150 HYBRID PULLETS, 5 months old. Apply John Davis, phone 20-r-22 Lucan. 17c CHRISTMAS TREES — Scotch pine. Low price. Apply Beaupre’s Store, Exeter North._______________17c FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. —Beavers Hard­ ware, .. Exeter, . tfc CHESTERFIELD — Used 6 months. Will sacrifice for $35 for quick sale. Apply 426 Marlborough Street or phone 415-J Exeter.____________17c GIRL’S WHITE Barbara Ann figure skates, size 3. Apply Walter’s Shoe Store, Exeter.___________________17c 'TWO-BEDROOM, self-contained mo­ dern private apartment. Private en­trance. Partly furnished if desired. For quiet, responsible tenants. No children. Phone 491-J or 709-J. 17* McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS—Com­ plete parts, 'trained service. New models on display. —McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron Street, Stratfoi’d, Ontario.________ 12-17tfc NEW HOLLAND corn tractor shell- er, slightly used. Apply Lawrence Copeland, phone Kirkton 16-r-8. 17c Snell Bros. Ltd. We’re sending you loads of wishes of joy, good health a!nd good cheer for the Holiday Season ... and though they’re delivered on Christmas, they’re good for all the days of the New Year THE EXETER GRILL OPPOSITE THE BELL TELEPHONE OFFICE - MAIN ST. A New Food Service For Exeter AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITY EXETER Completely Redecorated Throughout! We extend art iftvitatiort to you to visit oup new, modern restaurarit and partake of a lunch or dinner in pleasant sur­ roundings; Our aim is to provide fine food With prompt service at a reasonable price. Please feel free to come in and inspect The Exeter Grill. We will be happy to serve you. Delicious Food Carefully Prepared WE STILL have a few snow-grip tires in stock. They will save a lot of pushing. Get the full benefit of winter by driving in and we will in­ stall a set quickly for you, Reg Arm­strong Motors, phone 216 Exeter. 17c DO YOU NEED snow removal equip­ ment? We can supply a Sno Bio, bulldozer blade, or a manure loader immediately to fit Ford or Ferguson tractors. — Reg Armstrong Motors, phone 216 Exeter ______17c TURKEYS, DUCKS, CAPONS, ROASTING CHICKENS For Your Xmas and New Year’s Holidays EDGAR CUDMORE Phone 171-r-14 Exeter 17:24:31c FOUND — Black and white Holstein heifer, about 2 years old. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Glen Webb, Dashwood. 17* STRAYED onto South Half Of Lot 16, Con. 15, Stephen Township, one yearling Hereford steer, square mark in centre of both ears. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 34-1-7 Dash­ wood. 17:24:31* HEATED 3-ROOM apartment, two- piece bath. Apply 621 William Street, Exeter. ...................17c 3-ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment, large bath. Unfurnished. Private entrance. Immediate possession. Apply Albert Mitchel 1, Exeter South, ____17c COTTAGE — Apply E. G. Appleton, Grand. Bend.......... .. ...............170 NEW PERFORMANCE! NEW ECONOMY! / TENDERS WANTEl\ ; RE DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL Tenders are invited for the de- ifolition and removal of a brick two- storey farm house, 24x20, and incin­ erators of good brick construction with cast-iron doors and gates. Both situated on Crown land at R.C.A.F, Station Centralia.Inspection may be made upon re­ questing same at the unit guard­house. Sealed tenders are to be sub­ mitted to the Commanding Officer, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, not later than 12 o’clock noon December 24, 1953.Highest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. 17• WANTED LOST BABY CHICKS FOR SALE START GOOD chicks early, for full production when egg prices are best. Good advice to follow. We have a few started. At present prices you'll also find Cockerels real bargains. — Bray Hatchery, agent Eric Carscad- den, Exeter Phone 246-J. 17c PULLETS, COCKERELS, Non-Sexed, Barred Rocks, White Rock X Light Sussex, New Hampshire, Light Sus­sex, Columbian Rock X New Hamp­ shire, New Hampshire X Barred Rock and other popular heavy breeds, $39.95 per hundred. Assorted Heavy Breeds, $38.95 per hundred. Also younger started chicks and day old, Canadian Approved chicks at bargain prices. -- TweddJe Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 17c STARTED CHICK bargains while they last 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 week old. Standard Quality Canadian Approved chicks, White Rock X Light Sussex, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X White Rock, Light Sus­ sex X Rhode Island Red, Columbian Rock X New Hampshire, Rhode Is­ land Red X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Rhode Island Red, Burred Rocks and other popular hea­vy breeds. 2 week old, pullets $23.95; non-sexed $22.95; cockerels $24.95; 3 week old Rhode Island Red cockerels $15.95; assorted breeds $1.00 per hun­dred less; Money Maker Quality add $1.00; Extra Profit add $2.00; Special Mating add $3.00; 3 week old add 5c; 4 week old add 10c; 5 week old add 15c; 6 week old add 20c per chick. —Tweddlc Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 10:17c WANTED TO BUY—Carpet, 7’A x 9. Phone 891 Exeter._______________17c 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer­ tilizer or road horses. Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter-___________11 -191 f c ORGAN—Apply W. Dafema, R.R. 3, Exeter, _ 17* LOST — Black Terrier with white patch between forelegs. No collar or tag. Phone 769-M Exeter. 17c Announcements Birth. Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks .75, In Memorlafn Notice .75 for single verse, .25 extra for each additional verse, and Engagement Notices are ,75. HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED GENERAL DRESSMAKING at rea­sonable prices. Phone Exeter 68-W. 17c FARMERS! Arrange nOw for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam­ ilies. Also wanted to rent—50- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R, 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc MISCELLANEOUS CLIPPER PLATES^-Leave your ani­ mal clipper plates with us for sharp­ ening. —Exeter District Co-Op. 17c A PAIR OF boy’s skates was put into a dark green Chev car Saturday nightvat the Exeter Arend. Please phone 517-w-l Exeter or leave at Times-Advocate.________ __17* CUSTOM CHAIN sawing- by hour or logs by thousand. Emerson Anderson, Hensall, phone 675-r-4.________10:17* PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553 Exeter 12-10tfc BE SURE TO SPRAY your cattle for lice this fall at 15c per head ... be two and and __ __ _____ — ...___ lice all winter. L. V. I-Iogarth, phone 266 Exeter.______________________ll-5tfc each spray. The cattle should sprayed twice in an interval of weeks. This kills the living lice also the eggs if they hatch out you can expect to be free from ♦ WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 8-10tfc For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor's in Hensall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings.___ ’0-30tfc APPLICATIONS FOR the position of Secretary - Treasurer of the Kirkton Agricultural Society. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by the 10th day of January, 1954. —New­ ton Clarke, President; Hugh Berry, Secretary-Treasurer.___________17:24c MALE OR FEMALE, full or part time, to do homework. No selling. You can make big money in your spare time; easy, pleasant work. Box 292, London, Ont. 17* STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287. __________ __________________3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET iur all kinds of horses, any size, anv age. —G, J, Dow, phone 83 Exete- tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc BIRTHS CROCKER—Mr. and Mrs. George K. Crocker Jr., R.R. T, Dashwood, an­ nounce the birth of their son, Douglas Harry, at South Huron Hospital, December 9, 1953; a bro­ ther for Georgie and Wayne. ER1NGA—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eringa. R.R. 1, Kirkton, announce the birth of their daughter, Wilhelmina, at South Huron Hospital December 13,. 1953. NEILSON—Mr. and Mrs. Ted Neilson of Dashwood announce the birth of their son, James Edward, at South Huron Hospital December 15, 1953; a brother for Norma Jean and; David. PETERSON—To FO. and Mrs Ron­ ald Peterson (nee Eileen Hodgins), Vancouver, B.C., a daughter. Deb-, orah Gail, November 26, 1953. PRESZCATOR — Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Preszcator, R.R. 1, Exeter, announce the birth of their daugh­ ter, Linda Velma, at South Huron Hospital December 10, 1953; a sis­ ter for Jimjnie and David. ZONDAG—Mr, and Mrs. R. Zondag, R.R. 1, Hensall, announce the birth of their daughter, Nelly’Anna, at South Huron Hospital December 14, 1953. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Livestock in HENSALL SALE BARN EVERY THURSDAY AT 2:00 P.M. For Further Information, Phone: HARRY SMITH, 187 HENSALL, or VICTOR HARGREAVES, 635-r-21 CLINTON, or contact ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER, ZURICH. 11-26 12-3:10:17:24:l-7:14c ---------------------------------------®------ DEATHS HOPCROFT—In Dashwood on Thurs­ day, December 10, 1953, Thomas Hopcroft, beloved husband of Alma Hopf, in his sixty-fifth year. THOMSON — I.n South Huron Hospi­tal, on Thursday, December 10, 1953, Kate Alice Earl, beloved wife of John Thomson, in her eightieth, year. ANNOUNCEMENT REAL ESTATE CREDITON — 7-room frame house, hardwood floors, water pressure sys­tem, three-piece bath, furnace, im­mediate possession. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.12-17tfc IN THE VILLAGE of Woodham, six- room house. Hard and soft water, hardwood floors. Phone collect “Hon­ey House’’ in the village. 10:17:24:31* 2-BEDROOM MODERN home, gar­ age, large lot. Will exchange on 5 to 25 acres with good buildings. Ap­ ply Box "L", Times-Advocate. 10:17c EXETER, HIGH SCHOOL district, beautiful ranch style brick house. Spacious living room and dining room with wall-to-wall broadloom, modern, bright kitchen, beautifully furnished bathroom, two large bed­ rooms and third room for den or ad­ ditional bedroom. Full basement with rumpus room, laundry tubs, air-con­ ditioned oil heating. This lovely home is less than one year old and is less than one year old and is beau­ tifully finished throughout. Owner Is moving from Exeter. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. ll-26tfc REDUCED PRICE —Co-Op building, Main St., Exeter. We are now offer­ ing this property at a reduced price. The building is well located on valu­ able frontage and is suitable for use as retail store or other business. We will be glad to show you this pro­ perty and receive any reasonable offer on it. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. ll-26tfc OWNER MOVED, new, ultra modern rug brick, one floor, 5-room house. Oil heated, air-conditioned. Apply 911 Andrew Street, phone 505 Exeter.ll-12tfc HIGHWAY 150 ACRES extra well situated. Small house, large barn, silo, driveshed, henhouse, electricity. Early possession. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10-15tfc $5,000.00 WILL PURCHASE 2-apart- ment home. Well located in Exeter. Each apartment has complete kitchen and bath. Both apartments are rent­ ed, giving income of $75 per month. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-15tfc $4,000.00 FOR 3-BEDROOM HOME— Usual living rooms. Full basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and town water. This home is nicely painted and in good repair. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-15tfc 100 ACRES WITH comfortable med­ ium sized home. Large barn with good stabling. Silo. Hydro and water pressure with never-failing well. Soil is a very productive clay loam. Farm is near Exeter and possession will be given at buyer’s convenience. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.10-15tfc IN EXETER, 2-bedroom brick cot­ tage. Bright iving rooms. Hydro. 3- pieCe bath, full basement and garage. Price $4,500.00. Quick possession. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street,. Exeter, 10-ltfc ACREAGES—We have several small­ er acreages from 1 acre up. Each of these has a comfortable house and other buildings* hydro and good water supply and is close to town and school. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 9-21tfc EXETER MAIN ST. 7-room brick house, hot air oil furnace, flush toi­ let. Quick possession. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, salesman. 9-17tfc HIGHWAY FIRST CLASS 150 acres: 6 acres sugar bush and gravel pit at rear, balance rich arable clay loafn, L-shape bank barn, stabling has conveniences for horsbs, cattle, pigs. Pressure system waters all buildings. Concrete silo. Henhouse, driveshed. Good 2-sforey slate roofed brick house has full bath, furnace, hot and cold water, attached garage. Possession fall or spring. — W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man.................................................9-17tfc FOR SALE — Well located EXCter house. Three bedrooms and usual living rooms. Basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and water pressure. This home is in good repair ahd may bC purchased for $4,500.00. Quick pos­ session. —»C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 9-10tfc GOOD 2-STdREY brick house in Cromarty has all conveniences, a barn and Small acreage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, .0-171fc INVESTMENT! Village house In good condition, conveniences, garage, ea* biiis well rented. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 3»l3tf6 Wifi ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms Of various. size, price and quality, Stores and other businesses, summer pottages and year round homos. -»w. c. Pearce, Realtor, Ban Parsons, Salesmen. 5-28tfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, imme­ diate service. Give your local man a call. Phone 108-W Lucan. 10:17:24:31* Data On Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER Mrs. Emmery Fahrner of Creditor will entertain at a Trousseau Tea on Wednesday, December 23, from 3 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon and from 7 to 9 in the evening, in honor of her daughter, Norma, at which, her friends will be welcome. 17c CARDS OF THANKS NOTICES AUTO OWNERS! According to Town By-Law,’ it is illegal to park autos on towns streets during th.e hours from 1 a.m. to G thea.m. It is necessary to have streets clear for snowploughing. By Order ‘C. V. PICKARD Town Clerk, Exeter. 17:24c Mrs. Robert Hayter, Sr., re­ turned home last Saturday after spending 'daughter Mrs. Joe and Mrs. end here. While in Windsor, Mrs. several weeks with her and husband, Mr. and Bruce, in Windsor. Mr. Bruce spent the week- NOTICE f The Council of the Township of Biddulph do hereby give notice' that Lot Part 2, N.L.R., now used as a garbage dump, is for- the exclusive use .of the ratepayers of the town­ship' of Biddulph and the village of Lucan only. That all garbage must be dumped behind the erected signs and imme­ diately burned. That garbage must not be dumped on any road in the township other than the above mentioned location. Offenders will be" liable to a fine of not over $50. Please co-operate for a cleaner, healthier township. R. R. DOBBS, REEVE 10:17c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in Township Hall, Elimville, on Monday, December 28, 1953, at 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of mak­ ing and receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve, 4 Councillors and 2 Trustees for the Township Area School Board. And further notice is hereby given that, in the event of being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad­ journed until Monday, January 4, 1954, when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. at the following places with the under­ mentioned officers in charge as fixed by township by-law viz:Poll 1: Polling Booth at School House No. 4, Eden; J. G. Hunter, D.R.O.; Fred Ford, Poll Clerk. Poll 2: Residence of Lloyd Stewart; Charles Jeffery, D.R.O.; Lloyd Bal- lantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll 3: School House No. 1, Huron- dale; William Sims, D.R.O.; Harry Jeffery, Poll Clerk. Poll 4: Public Hall, Farquhar; Leon­ ard Harris, D.R.O,; Roy Ballantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll 5: Township Hall, Elimville; Lloyd Johns, D.R.O.; Lavernd Skin­ ner, Poll Clerk. Poll 6: Residence of Ross Hern; Ross Hern, D.R.O.; Norman Brock, Poll Clerk. Poll 7: Residence of Russell^ Morri­ son; Lawrence Mills, Marshall, Poll Clerk. Should an election School Area School voters in Blanshard ___ .... will vote at Polling Sub-Division No. 6. And all electors are hereby re­quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. H. H. G. STRANG, CLERK R.R, 1, Hensall, December 15, 1953. 17:24c more candidates D.R.O.; Ira for Township Board ensue, and Biddulph hereby re- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Maria Hayter deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Maria Hayter, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Hurdn, who died on or about, the 15 th day of March 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 2nd day of January next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice been received. Bell & Laughton Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 17:24:31c has In the Matter of the .Estate of James H. Grieve late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the late James II. Grieve, Who died on the 22nd day of November, 1953, are hereby notified to send them to the undersighed, thduly Verified, on of before the 7th day of January, 1954.After the last-named date sets of the said estate will tributed among the persons -.......— thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then ave notice,Dated at Exeter, Ontario, the 14th day of December, 1953. W. G. Cochrane Box G, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor 17124:340 the 7th the as- be dis­ entitled Hayter was fortunate to win a lovely fruit cake at a cooking school. Mr.and Mrs. Ferd Miller, Edith and Norman spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Sweitzer at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. John Barr and daughter, of London, are spend­ ing a week with the latter’s pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stire. Miss Shirley Pearson, Gode­ rich township, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Gordon Pearson. Messrs. Howard Weiburg, Lloyd Bender, Seigfried Miller and John Denomme, all of Water­ loo, spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Kleinstiver and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oest­ reicher spent Sunday in Chatham' with Dr. and Mrs. D. I. Oest­ reicher. Mrs. Oestreicher who is ill, remained for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Laub, of Exeter, spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Herb Wein and family. The library books were chang­ ed Tuesday morning. The Hay school, with Mrs. Emil Becker as teacher, and Mr. Douglas Gill, music instructor, presiding at the piano, presented their Christmas clay, December audience. Mr was chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestricher and Dean spent Sunday in Clif­ ford. The latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolfe and small granddaughter Carolyn, who [ spent two weeks here, accompan­ ied them home. Mrs. Carl Oestricher, her pa­ rents and Carolyn spent “ in Kitchener. Returns All Officers Wednesday, December the annual meeting and mas party for Zion Ladies Aid. All forme r officers were re­ elected as follows; president: Mrs. Milfred Merner; vice-presi­ dent, Mrs. Ervin Rader; secre­ tary, Mrs. Ernest Koehler; trea­ surer, Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver; card secretary, Mrs. Herb Wein; treasurer, treat and flower fund, Mrs. Albert Miller; librarians, Mrs. Aaron Restemayer, Mrs. Clif­ ford Salmon; reporter, Mrs. Er- —Please turn to Page 14 The relatives of the late Miss La­ vina Fisher wish to thank those who kindly expressed their sympathy dur­ing their recent bereavement. 17* I wish to express my sincere thank® to all those who so kindly remem­bered me with visits, flowers, card® and treats while a patient in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital and since returning; home. —Mrs. Jack Ryan. 17* I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and flowers while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev. Parrott and Dr. Flet­ cher. 17c Mr. John Thomson and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended dur­ ing their recent sad bereavement; also to Rev. Mr. Cook and the bear­ ers. 17* Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baynham of Crediton wish to express their sin­ cere thanks and appreciation to all the relatives and friends and neigh­bors who called to see them and for the beautiful gifts, flowers and cards they received on their diamond wed­ ding anniversary and to all those who helped in any way to make their day a happy one. Thank you. 17* I wish to sincerely thank all my relatives and friends who so kindly remembered me with visits, cards, flowers and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital, and since returning home. Special thanks to Miss Claypole and staff of South Huron Hospital. -—Mrs. Anna Brock. 17* I wish to thank all those who were so kind to me during my stay in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. May you all have a happy Christmas. —Mrs. A. O. Elliot. 17c „I would like to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with flow­ ers, treats and cards during my ill­ ness. —Mrs. Thomas Love. 17* I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. — Pauline Adams. 17c as concert on Mon- 14 to a large Carl Oestreicher Friday 9 was Christ- Mrs. Ray Francis of Kirkton wishes to express her sincere appreciation for cards and flowers and the in­ terest shown by friends during her recent illness. I wish to extend spe­ cial thanks to the efficient staff- of nurses and management of the South Huron Hospital, Exeter. 17*Huron Hospital, Exeter. IN MEMORIAM BULLOCK — In loving memory dear mother, Vera Bullock, passed away.one year ago on ember 23, 1952. You can only have one mother— Patient, kind, and true; No other friend in all the world, Will be so true, to you. For all her loving kindness, She asks nothing in return; • If all the world deserted me, To my mother I could turn.To those who have a mother, Treasure her with care; For you never know her value Till you see her vacant chair. —Always remembered by daughter, Audrey, and son-in-law, Byron, c GREGUS — In loving memory of our dear mother, Pauline Gregus? who passed away December 18, 1948, and! our dear father, August Gregus, who passed away February 15, 1952. - The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of ones We loved so welly And while they sleep a peaceful sleep Their memory we shall always keep. —Always remembered and sadly missed by daughter Shirley, sons John, Paul, Frank and August, grandchildren and Mary and John. 17* of a who Dec- Notice Boxing Day By the authority of the Municipal Council of the Town of Exeter, I declare Boxing Day, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1953, as a Civic Holiday and! I hereby call Upon all Citizens to observe the day as such. . W. G. COCHRANE, Mayor g.. E 5 s'