The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-17, Page 8t Page 6 ____________________ _______________________________________THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1953 Report From Edgewood By MRS. ROY MOORE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Middleton, London. Mrs. A. Pattison, Centralia, spent the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Loreen Pattison and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Garrett, Betty Lou and Ruth visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton and Don. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Crone and Maurice visited with Mrs. A. Greenlee in Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas West­ man and Linda and Mr. and Mrs. James Zilinski and James, all of London, visited with their pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold West­ man and family. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Kirk and girls and Mr. Kirk, Arva, visited Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Roy Moore and family. Mr .and Mrs. Wilfred Eedy called on Mrs*'Edgar Kingdom, who is a patient in Tillsonburg hospital. Mrs. Oscai- Metiers and Charlie attended a social evening held at Transvaal School Friday night, when Mr, and Mrs. Jack Metters were presented with gifts from friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore, Gor­ don and Mrs. Trevor Foster visit­ ed Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Pye and Eve­ lyn. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bendall and family visited Saturday after­ noon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore and family. Revere Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C, Holden with an attendance of 1R. Mrs. Floyd Dykes, as leader, discussed the topic, “Citizens of Tomorrow.” K——........ ■ Treat The Cow TO Save The Calf To insure the birth of healthy vigorous calves and to avoid prob­ lems with the cow at calving time give every pregnant cow on your farm Nixon's Preventex Powder (Vitamins and Minerals) For the last 30 days before calving and the first 2 weeks of freshen­ ing. Prevent Trouble With Preventex Middleton’s Drugs “The Rexall Store” Phone 20 Hensall ».............................-...... P Kippen W.l. Favors Award The home of Mrs. E. White­ house, beautifully decorated with Christmas symbols, was the set­ ting on Wednesday, for the Christmas meeting of Kippen East Women’s Institute with pre­ school children as special guests. Co-hostess with Mrs. Whitehouse was Mrs. Stewart Pepper. Presi­ dent Mi's. J. McLellan was in the chair. The roll call, “What I Would Like For Christmas,” was responded to by the members. Mrs. R. Peck commented on the motto. Mrs. N. McLeod gave a Christmas story, Mrs. J. Sinclair, a poem, and Mrs. W. Caldwell reviewed Current Events. Highlights of the area conven­ tion held in London were submit­ ted by Mrs. Ross Chapman and Mrs. William Kyle. A report of the South Huron Executive held at Hensall was presented by Mrs. Harry Caldwell. This group, who are sponsoring the Huron County Travelling Library, wish to an­ nounce that the books are avail­ able to anyone, not just to In­ stitute members. The books are at Emmerson Kyle’s store at Kip­ pen. Members voted in favor of the Institutes in Huron County rais­ ing $2,000 for a Scholarship Fund, the interest each year to be given to a girl, 16, who has completed six' projects under the Home Economist. Each group will quilt crib quilts to be do­ nated to the Children’s War Memorial Hospital at London. A gift will be sent to Mrs. John Wood, a member of the In­ stitute, who has been a patient at Victoria Hospital, London, since August -with polio. A collec­ tion was taken for the Children’s Sheltei' at Goderich and members exchanged gifts. Various committees are as fol­ lows: tree committee, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. W. Workman, Mrs. W. Caldwell; children’s treats, Mrs. E. McBride, Mrs. E. Jarrott; lunch, Mrs. E. Jarrott, Mrs. J. Cooper, Jr., Mrs. Ross Chapman, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs. N. McLeod, Mrs. Lostell, Mrs. W H. McLean, Mrs. J. Sinclair, Mrs. William Bell, Miss Margaret McKay, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. Charles Eyre; ice cream, Mrs. W. Kyle, Mrs. J. McNaughton, .Mrs. Glen Slavin, Mrs. Robert Gem­ mell, Mrs: Ivan Forsyth, Mrs. J. McLellan. Hensall And District News Hensall W.l. Aids Hospital Christmas was the theme .of the monthly meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute held in the Le­ gion Hall, Hensall, Wednesday night, with a large attendance. 'Full arrangements were in charge of Miss M. EUis and Mrs. George Hess, who had the hall beauti­ fully decorated foi* the occasion. Mrs. George Armstrong, presi­ dent, conducted the meeting-. As is the annual custom, the members responded to the roll call with a cash donation to aid the London War Memorial Child­ ren’s Hospital. The amount re­ ceived was $27,50. A discussion took place on artificial ice. A letter from South Huron Hospital was read. It was suggested that Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Miss A. Con- sitt and Mrs. Earle Sproat repre­ sent the Institute at Hospital Auxiliary meetings. Mrs. Arm­ strong spoke of the South Huron District Officers’ meeting to be held in Hensall, November 3. Mrs. C. Smillie had on display, attractive Christmas decorations and table centres, all of her own making. In her absence, Miss Ellis demonstrated the making of these clever arrangements. Miss Beth Goddard favored with a violin selection, accompanied by her mother. Mrs. T. C. Coates and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, dele­ gates to the London Area Con­ vention, presented interesting re­ ports. The presentation of “Christmas Customs and Carols of Other Lands’’ followed. Sketches on Italy and Austria were given by Mrs E. Norminton; Germany by Mrs. A. Alexander; Holland, Mrs. S. Roobol; France, Mrs. L. Chapman; England, Mrs. H. W. Horton; Canada and Unit­ ed States, Mrs. Anna Walker. Following each sketch, carols were sung by the group. One of these was taken by Mrs. C. For­ rest and Mrs. Hilda Haun and Mrs. R. H. Middleton sang an appropriate solo. Mrs. Harry Hoy Circle President Mrs. j, b. Fox was hostess at her home Monday night for the Christmas meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Harry Hoy presid­ ed and Mrs. Fox conducted the devotional period. Rev. Fox was guest speaker. The group decid­ ed to purchase plants for the sick and shut-ins. The following officers were elected and installed by Mr. Fox: past president, Mrs, C. Forrest; president, Mrs. Harry Hoy; vice- president, Mrs. Lawrence Bayn- ham, assistant, Mrs. L. Tiberio; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Hilde­ brandt; pianist, Mrs, William Brown; Home Helpers secretar­ ies, Mrs. Harry Snell, Mrs. Har­ old Bonthron and Mrs. C. Ken­ nedy; welcome and welfare, Mrs. Fred Peters; supply, Mrs. R. A. Orr; Mission Band, Mrs. Harvey Hyde; Literary, Mrs. C. Forrest; press, Mrs, Roy Bell. Christinas Tree Party The annual Christmas tree party for the children of Hensall and community was held Satur­ day afternoon with the largest crowd ever in Hensall for the party sponsored by the- Chamber of Commerce and Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion. Four hundred and ninety bags of candy and treats were handed, out to the children '-alone. The to'wn hall was packed for the presentation of six films in charge of F/S L. Tiberio, RCAF Station Centralia. Dr. D. McKelvie, chairman of special events, thanked Ron Mock, owner of Hurondale Dairy, for his donation of 420 bottles of chocolate milk. Reeve iters- lake extended the welcome to Santa Claus. Used Parts ■for ALL CARS PARTS FOR MOST CARS Generators, Starters, Wheels and Tires, etc. Kippen Gun Club Following are the scores for the Kippen Gun Club trap shoot held over the weekend at Kippen: Dr. Jim Jarrott, London, 20, 19; Dr. G. Jarrptt, Stratford, 15, 14; H. Mathers, Exeter, 15, 22; Wil­ liam Venner, Hensall, 16, 19; Les Parker, Hensall, 14, 16, 16; Lloyd Venner, Hensall, 22, 18; John Anderson, Hensall, 19, 19; William Cooper, Kippen, 18;. Murray Venner, Hensall, 14; Wes Venner, Hensall, 22; William Lumby, Goderich, 18; Col. Sing­ er, London, 19; E. Kipher, 20, 17; T. Sherritt, Hensall, 21. Loses Cattle In Fire George Ibbotson, son of Mrs. William Pepper, Hensall, lost 18 cows and four calves in a fire which destroyed a barn owned by William Watt in Kincardine township where Mr. Ibbotson had his animals quartered. Loss was estimated at $7,000. Cudmore's Gravel Phone 171-r-3 Exeter REMEMBER} Our location Saves you Money! Start her rtiatchcd set with a fashidn-srhart (and inexpensive) Train Case from one of our many ’open stock’ matched sets by McBHne * *. A thrilling gift! C. F. pfile Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coates spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Munds, London. Mr. John Gregus spent Satur­ day with his uncle and aunt,- Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek. Mr .and Mrs. George McFalls, Ross and Joyce, attended a Christinas dinner held at the home off Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squires, on Saturday. ’M. H. and Mrs. Elston attend­ ed the morning service in St. Paul’s Cathedral Sunday morn­ ing and afterwards were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murdie Colbert. Miss Barbara Lewis, London, spent the weekend with her mo­ ther, Mrs. Jessie Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer and family spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mur­ ray Gibson on Tuesday. Mrs. Elston was invited to attend the Christmas meeting of Centinary Church. Personal Items Kathy Scane, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scane, who contracted polio in September, and who has been a patient at Sick Children’s Hospital, Thistle­ town, came home Friday of last week. At the recent examinations of the Conservatory of Music held in London, Nelson McClinchey was successful in passing his grade six piano with honors. He is a pupil of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O. Mrs. Garnet Jacobi, R.R. 1, Zurich, was the winner of the gift certificate at Brown’s- hard­ ware store Saturday night. The Hensall Community Choir under the direction of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., will present their an­ nual Christmas Carol Service in the town hall Sunday night, De­ cember 20, at 9 p.m. Varna L.O.L. Instals Officers The annual meeting of the Varna L.O.L. 1053 was held on Thursday, December 10. County Master Anson Coleman installed the officers for 1954 as follows: Past Worshipfful Master, Orwin Dowson; Worshipful^ Master, Wil­ fred Chuter; Deputy Master, Lloyd Keys; Chaplain, Murray H o h n e r ; recording secretary, Charles Reid; financial secretary, Louis Taylor; treasurer, John Aldington; Marshall; Grant Web­ ster; First Lecturer, Gordon Cole­ man; Second Lecturer, Frank McClinchey; committee men, George Reid, Watson Webster, Ralph Stephanson, John Ostrom, Tom Stinson; Inside Tyler, Mor­ ris Scott; Outside Tyler, Ken Stephenson. Hensall C & C Sponsors Clubs Hensall Chamber of Commerce met in the town hall Monday evening with president Lorne Eiler as chairman. Rev. J. B. Fox and F/S L. Ti- berio of RCAF Station Centralia proposed forming a Cub Troop. The Chamber of Commerce agreed to sponsor the Cub Troop with F/S Tiberio as leader. A group- committee was ap­ pointed: chairman, Rev. J. B. Fox; Rev. W. J. Rogers, Harvey Keys, Harold Bonthron, Douglas Cook, Robert Drysdale. The Chamber of Commerce voted a sum of money towards the pro­ ject to buy necessary equipment such as flags. Appreciation was extended to ML Tiberio for his hearty co-operation in agreeing to act as leader. The president suggested that the social and special events com­ mittee discuss ways and means of fund-raising projects. Carmel Society Elects Officers The Women’s Missionary So­ ciety of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday. School rooms Thursday afternoon with Mrs. S. Dougall presiding. The program was arranged by Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. G. Walker. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. F. Bean and prayer offered by Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mrs. E. Munn contributed a piano solo. Rev. J. B. Fox was guest speakei’ and gave a Christmas message. Mrs. B. Edwards gave the report of the nominating committee and Rev. Fox con­ ducted the installation service. The 1954 slate of officers is: president, Mrs. S. Dougall; vice- presidents, Mrs. G. Walker and Mrs. J. Paterson; secretary, Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren; treasurer, Mrs. A. D. McEwan; supply, Miss M. Reid; flower' Miss Violet Hyde; welcome and Welfare, Mrs. J. W. Bonthron, assistant, Mrs. W. R. Bell; Glad Tiding, Mrs. B. Edwards; literature, Mrs. John Forrest; Home Helpers, Mrs. L. Purdy; pianist, Mrs. M. Dougall; Mission Band, Mrs. Harvey Hyde. Miss M. Ellis brought in the new slate of officers; past presi­ dent, Mrs. L. Chapman; presi­ dent, Mrs. D. McKelvie; vice-1 presidents, Mrs. S. ,Rannie and1 Mrs. D. Cook; secretary, Mrs. W e s 1 e y Richardson; treasurer,! Mrs. J. Drysdale. Members exchanged Christmas gifts. Evening Auxiliary Elects Officers The Sunday School rooms of the United Church, lovely with a varied colored Christmas, tree, was the getting Monday njght for the Christmas meeting of the Evening Auxiliary. The president, Mrs. Lome Chapman, took the chair. Hostesses were Mrs. S. Rannie and Mrs. G, E. Walker. Mrs. Keith Buchanan conduct­ ed the devotional period assisted by Mrs. Douglas Cook, Mrs. By­ ran Kyle offered prayer an(l Mrs. Ron Mock rendered a solo, ac­ companied by Mrs. J. C. God­ dard. During the business session it was disclosed that the group had cleared $125.53 at the re­ cent bazaar. Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Mr. a'nd Mrs. Ernest Allen, Sheija and Mary Lynn, Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen on Sunday. Mrs. Howard Wright is quite ill at her home here. Mrs. M. Houghton, Mrs, Ross Houghton, Diane and Linda and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar visited with Billy Houghton at Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Ross and son Robiby, of Ottawa, spent a few days last week wjth Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glossop. 1 Aigy met a lion The lion was bulgy The bulge was Algy. ’ MORE; BEAUTIFUL! MORE POWERFUL! The New '54 Chevrolet Nqw On Display At Snell Bros. Ltd. Exeter Only Six Shopping Days Left To Get Your Name Entered In Hensall Merchants' Monster Christmas Draw! WIN FREE TV! Or One Of Many $5 Gift Certificates Draw Is Christmas Eve! TO BE HELD AT 10:30 P.M. AT THE LEGION HALL Beautiful 17" Motorola TV - Can Be Yours FREE! Get Your Free Tickets On This Draw With Every $1.00 Purchase Or Every $1.00 Paid On Account At Hensall Stores Listed Below! (Merchants sponsoring this event, or members of their families, are not eligible to win.) Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. K. Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Colling­ wood and Linda, Mrs. Durst, Carol and Bobbie and Mr. Albert Col­ lingwood, all of Hamilton, visit­ ed on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert visit­ ed on Sunday with the former’s mother and brothers in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green, of Mitchell, visited Sunday with the former’s father, Mr. Jonah Green. Mrs. Ducker, of Toronto, is spending a few days with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson and Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke and Mrs. Gibson, all of Wroxeter, were Sunday visitors with the latter’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meilis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Preis- tap, of’ Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Stokes and Larry, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. Robert Thompson. Mrs. Norman Long and Mrs. Ducker spent Sunday with rela­ tives in Southampton,. The teachers and pupils of St. Andrew’s United Church are pre­ paring for their annual Christ­ mas concert to be held on Tues­ day evening, December 22. h Hi-Quality Floors FLOORING CO. Sales and Service Linoleum Tile and Floor-Sanding evenings 'til |X Christmas HENSALL MERCHANTS SAY: Merry Christmas To Everyone And Thanks A Million For Your Convenience Hensall Stores OPEN EVENINGS Monday To Thursday December 21, 22, 23 and 24 Until 11 p.m.! For Your Wonderful Patronage During Special Christmas Event And All Through The Year! Cowan’s Bakery Tudor’s W. Spencer & Son Lorne S. Eiler Hensall Motors Bob Cook Motor Sales Goodwin’s Al’s Groceteria Drysdale Hardware Bonthrdn’s Furniture L. Oesch Larry’s Station Commercial Hotel Traquair’s Repair Rudy’s Produce Richardson’s Garage Clark & Fuss Lavender’s Garage Geo. T. Mickle. & Son Cook Bros. T. C. Joynt & Son Twitchell’b Garage Middleton’s Drugs Jim’s Machine Shop DASHWOOD