HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-10, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1953 Page H
Mamma: ‘'Georgia* dear, come
Kiss your new governess."
Georgie: "No; I don't dare to,
I’m afraid."
Mamina: "Why, dearie?"
Georgie: "Dad kissed her yes
terday, an' she slapped his face."
Hospital Group, H&S,
Enjoy Yule Meetings
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Dark Green, 13,000 M.
Better Than New!
Showroom Condition
Black, Rebuilt Motor
Dark Blue, Perfect
' In Every Way
Brand New —
Less Than Cost!
Mud And
Snow Tires
All Sizes
South End Service
Russ and Chuck Snell
Auxiliary Makes
1,377 Articles
The Auxiliary room of South
Huron Hospital was gaily decorat
ed with a lighted Christmas tree
and Christmas greens for the De
cember .meeting of the Hospital
Auxiliary.Miss Alice Claypole and
the hospital staff had arranged a
program which included Christmas
carols directed by Mrs. H.' Stur
gis with Miss M. Doherty as ac
companist; a solo, "A Star Was
His Candle," by Miss Maxine
Reeder, and a reading, “The
Small One," by Mrs. E. Steiner,
While lunch was being served
by the staff, Miss Elizabeth Kitt
ier played piano. accordian selec
During the business meeting
conducted by Mrs. K, Johns, a
report was heard from Miss Mar
garet Brown on replies to her
correspondence with district rep
resentatives as to their desire to
work as separate units in their
districts or to be associated with
the Auxiliary,
Mrs. C. Farrow reported she
and Mrs. J. M. Southcott had
audited the books of the trea
surer, Mrs. G. Koch. Mrs. Koch
reported a. batik balance of $887.
Mrs. J. G. Dunlop reported for
the buying committee that Christ
mas trees and lights had been
purchased for the hospital. New
chairs have been ordered for the
Auxiliary room and the walls
will be painted and floor cover
ing laid by the hospital board.
Mrs. Ted Shaw reported on the
number of articles cut by her
committee during the year. A
total of 1,377' of these articles
were completed by the sewing
committee convened by Mrs. W.
Middleton. The first Tuesday of
each month has been designated
for mending and sewing.
Mrs, E. Bell reported she and
several members had attended
Listowel Hospital Auxiliary fair.
Mrs, J. D, Smith displayed the
history book she has compiled
since the organization of the
Canada produces more kinds
of knitted wool outerwear than
any other country.
Keep Christmas
Speaker Urges
Mrs. H. J. Snell, guest speaker
at the Hoine and -School Associa
tion meeting Tuesday night, took
as her theme, “Keeping Christ
mas". Few changes have been
made in our preparation for
Christmas; we still carry out the
traditions of our forefathers.
Many of these came to us from
Other countries — the traditional
Christmas tree from Germany,
the Yule log from France, while
many of our carols originated in
Mrs, Snell asked the question:
"Will we emerge from the Christ
mas season exhausted or uplifted
with the miracle of it still in our
“If we prepare ourselves for
Christmas, keeping uppermost in
our minds, the occasion it com
memorates, we will emerge from
it agreeing with Dickens, that
‘Christmas is a miracle to be
kept in the heart forever.'" Mrs.
Snell concluded her talk with a
story, "The Clean Hay," in which
a Polish family discovered the
true meaning of Christmas lies
in giving rather than receiving.
Rev. A. E. Holley, conducted
the opening worship period, read
ing the Christmas story from
the Bible.
Guitar duets were played by
Doug Jermyn and Jim Tomlinson
and a guitar solo by Jim Scott.
Mr, Douglas Insley played a med
ley of carols on the auto harp.
A boys’ barbershop quartette,
Bob McKerral, Jim Russell, Paul
Wilson and Bob Skinner, sang
Christmas numbers directed by
Miss Kay McGill. Mrs. L. Porter
field led grade 1 and 2 pupils in
a group of songs with Mrs. W.
Mickle accompanying at the
Miss D. Robinson's Mrs. H.
Pym’s and Mrs. W. Mickle's
rooms were tied in the number of
parents present for the meeting.
Miss Robinson won the tie-break
ing contest and was awarded a
cash prize to be used to purchase
a book for her grade.
Mrs. John Schroeder presided
for the meeting which brought
out many parents and friends of
public school pupils.
Behind Times!
Let's stop for a minute to
catch our breath before it’s
Christmas day.
Let’s at least take a peek out
from our own commercial Iron
Curtain, brpsh aside the dema
gogue that would dictate the rate
at which we must move and
Let’s try analysis against the
occasion towards which we rush,
look for a source. There was
such humble simplicity surround
ing its beginning. Are we ?really
celebrating the event of 1953
years ago?
Perhaps its an assumption that
we are. Perhaps the world is far
ahead of such an idea and “all
that" is just past business.
It would be nice to find that,
with the world, it really wasn’t
so.* * * *
In A "Meas’*
It seems every parent may
look forward with certainty to
measles and now is measle time
in Exeter.
One mother remarked recently,
“Well, don’t count Qn me for
that day, the first measles are
here and I expect to be at home
with the second ones by then."* * * *
Age TellsAgain and again we hear about
the gross misconduct of this gen
eration of children as compared
to the last and the one before
He’s creeping.
For one thing, it means that
the exponents of such theories
are later than they think. It gets
harder and harder as they grow
older to remember when they
were children and the many
things they did to gain disfavor
in the eyes of the elders at that
time.* * * *
This Is Life I
Finds some dust
“Where no dust was",
A crumb or two
He eats, because
He’s creeping.
Pulls the lamp cords,
Black cat’s tail;
Morning snack—
The Globe and Mail,
He’s creeping.
Bars behind him
He’s scot-free.
The world’s his playpen,
’Cause you see
He’s creeping!
Auxiliary Hears
Polish Story
Mrs. Lek McDonald was hos
tess for the Christmas meeting of
the James Street Evening Auxil
iary on Monday evening.
Miss Stella Southcott’s group
was in charge of the program-
Mrs. Wes. Witmer and Miss May
Jones led the devotional period.
A Polish Christmas story, “The
Clean Hay', was told by Mrs. H,
J. Snell as she spoke on the
meaning of Christmas.
Mrs. Hugh Parsons carried out
the Christmas theme in her solo,
“Dear Little Stranger".
Mrs. E. C. Harvey and Miss
May Jones poured tea from a
table decorated with a Christmas
centre-piece and lighted candles.
Fred Cook’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs.’ Tom Pye and
baby visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Moore and family.
Revere School S.S. No. 5 held
their Christmas concert on Fri
day evening with a large attend
ance. Dialogues and recitations,
Christmas songs and a square
dance were included on the pro
gram. Santa Claus appeared at
the conclusion of the program.
Revere Farm Forum met Mon
day evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Nixon with an at
tendance of 22, William Maas
led in the topic for discussion.
Phone 210 Exeter
mi MM m vowt owstams
Real Selection Of
FROM $4.95 TO $10.50
All-wool with Cable Stitch. Lamb’s Wool. See
these beauties. Terrific value.
Make It
Dress & Sport Shirts
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Pick the gift that’s "just
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Currie and Forsythe
Hundreds of beautiful ties
await your selection. All
colors in the rainbow.
Grand selection of shirts
by Canada’s best-known
shirt-maker. Colorful
sport shirts. Comfortable
smart dress shirts.
Let Him Pick
If he’s a particular dresser,
Or you” don’t know just
what he wants or what size
he wears, give him a gift
certificate. He can choose
exactly what he tvants* He
will appreciate the thought
fulness because he knows
McK & W carry only qual
ity lines!
/ .
McKnight & Walper
Patricia Johnston
Marries Airman
A quiet wedding was solem
nized at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Johnston, when Patricia Irene
Johnston became the bride of
LAC Alfred Victor Webb, RCAF
Station Centralia, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Webb, of Barrie, on
Saturday, December 5.
The Rev. Donald Sinclair, of
•Caven Presbyterian Church, of
ficiated and Mrs. Peter Durand
was soloist.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was attractive
in a gown of dusty rose nylon
net with white accessories. She
carried a bouquet of white roses.
Miss Janice Neil, dressed in
daffodil yellow nylon and carry
ing bronze mums, and Miss Rena
Murray wearing blue nylon and
carrying yellow mums, attended
the bride.
James Guerton and Stephen
Nesbitt, both of RCAF, Centralia,
attended the groom.
At the reception, the bride’s
mother received the guests dress
ed in navy blue with corsage of
white carnations. The groom’s
mother assisted wearing a grey
dress with corsage of carnations.'
Mrs. George Lawrence, Blyth,
grandmother of the bride, dress
ed in silver brocade with corsage
of mums, poured tea and Miss
Betty Reder assisted in the din
ing room.
Guests ffom Blyth, Barrie and
Exeter were present for the wed
After a short wedding trip, the
young couple will make their
home in Exeter.
Report On
Crediton East
Main St. Church
Evening Auxiliary
The Evening Auxiliary of Main
St. Church elected the following
officers at their December meet
ing: honorary presidents, Mrs. G.
Layton and Mrs. A. E. Holley;
president, Mrs. Arthur Frayne;
vice-presidents, Mrs. P. Merkley,
Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Mrs. F. Hat
ter; secretary, Mrs. Earl Carroll;
assistant, Mrs. A. Willard; trea
surer, Mrs. Eugene Howey, assist
ant, Mrs. Reg. Beavers.
Group leaders, Mrs. G. Skin
ner, Mrs. D. Kestle, Mrs. R. Tuc-
key; Mission Band leaders, Mrs.
A. E. Holley, Mrs. W. McKenzie,
Mrs. M. Sanders; Baby Band,
Mrs. C. JWilson; telephone com
mittee, Mrs.~C. Blowes, Mrs. G.
Wurm, Mrs. D. Hooper; visiting,'
Mrs. H. Skinner, Mrs. J. Doerr;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. A.
Ostland; pianist, Mrs. F. Wild-
During the business meeting,
conducted by Mrs. G. Braith
waite, it was announced that a
bale containing clothing and
food will be sent to Korea this
month. Two projects were dis
cussed, the compiling of a cook
book and the purchasing of kit
chen equipment including gas
stoves and a hot water tank for
the church kitchen, which is
being renovated.
Mrs. Cecil Wilson discussed a
chapter from the study book on
India and Thailand.
A piano duet by Mrs. Holley
and Jocelyn Howey and a Christ
mas story by Mrs. William Mar
shall were enjoyed.
Mr. Russell Baynham of Lon
don and Miss Marcie .Smith of
Exeter spent the weekend at the
Baynham home.
Mrs. Belle Edwards of Exeter
is visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Harry Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Green of London
who purchased the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J| Leger have moved
into their home and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray King and family have
rented Mr. Murray Neil’s home
and moved in last week.
Master Jimmie King is ill in
South Huron Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil and
Beverley have moved into the
cottage they recently renovated.
Report From
Thames Road
—Continued from Page 6
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Shier at their home at Kirkton
on Friday1 evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and
Brian were Sunday evening sup
per guests of Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Brock, of Zion.
Fann Forum
The South Thames Road Farm
Forum met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. .Orval Beaver. After
forum discussion, euchre was
played and the following' were
awarded prizes: Mrs. Reg. Hod-
gert, Mrs. Glen Stewart, Mr. Lee
Webber and Mr. Glen Stewart.
W.A. And W.M.S.
fhe Christmas meeting of the
W.A. and W.M.S. was held in the
church basement with Mrs. Stan
ley Coward as hostess. Mrs. Ed
win Miller, president of the
W.M.S., was in charge of the
meeting. The theme was "And
the Word Became Flesh and
Dwelt Among us”. Mrs. Edwin
Miller conducted the worship
service assisted' by Mrs. Melvin
Gardiner, Mrs. Arnold Cahn and
Mrs. Mac Hodgert.
Mrs. William Cann and Mrs.
Archie. Morgan favored with a
duet, Mrs. William Ferguson fead
two poems. Mrs. Reg. Hodgert
and Mrs. William Cann led in a
sing song of Christmas carols.
Mission .Band
The monthly meeting of the
Mission Band was held On Sun
day during the church hour.
Jean Anderson was in the chair,
The theme was "Bethlehem”.
Carol Anhe Hume, Billy Maver,
Lome and Gerald Gackstetter and
Margaret Alin Coward assisted in
the worship sefice. Ross Rowe
read a story, Miss Doris Hlford
introduced the study book, Shar
on Hume read a poem.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Metters at
tended the funeral of their uncle
in St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mardlin
and boys spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Bain, St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Welsh
visited Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cotton and
family, London.
Mr. Don Middleton returned
home Friday evening after tour
ing in Ontario with four other
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Sceli and
family were Sunday dinner guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson
and family, London.
.^Miss Marion Moore is under
the doctor’s care.
Mrs. William Garrett spent a
few days in Barrie with her mo
ther who is ill.
Darline and Roy Bendall of St.
Marys spent the weekend with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hardie
entertained the Cook families on
Friday evening when 25 guests
were present. The occasion hon
ored their young son, Clifford’s
first birthday and also his uncle
Dinney Furniture
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Beautiful occasional chairs including
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A gift
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