The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-10, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1953 Elimville North Farm Forum The Elimville North Farm Fo­ rum met at the home of Mr. P. Johns with 36 in attendance. A discussion was held on “Citizens Of Tomorrow”, dealing with the 4-H Clubs. A social half hour fol­ lowed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Gilbert Johns. Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Hensail And District News A Smile Or Two. “A fellow gave me a'penny for my thoughts today.” “That’s just’ like you-™always getting something for nothing.” Save Milk & Money (NIXON) GARGTEX Multi-Antibiotic Oinment WILL STOP MASTITITIS or Your Money Backl GARGETEX contains two penicil- ' tins, stretomycin and the new antibiotic bacitracin, combined in ' a completely milk ‘soluble oint-■ ment, bringing the effect of four antibiotics against mastitic infec­tions. GARGETEX works imme-■ diately on the internal infected Udder tissue, promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give I effective results. Get a tube of ■ New GARGETEX today. Instrue- ; tions for easy administration on ■ every package. Made in Canada by ; Nixon Laboratories Limited. Middleton's Drugs “The Rexall Store” Phone 20 Hensall Personal Items Misses Margaret Bray and Nona Pym, of London, spent the weekend at theh homes here. ■Mrs. William Rohde accompan­ ied Mr. and Mrs. Riney Keller, of Exeter, to Toronto, oh Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones and Larry, of Exeter, were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas and Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson, Exeter, were Monday evening supper guests of Mr. and -Mrs. Henry Rohde, of Exeter. The occasion was the birthdays of Mr, Wil­ iam Thomson and Mr. William Rohde. The deer hunters entertained their wives to a venison supper at Monetta Menard's on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore were Wednesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Moir, of Hensall. Mr .and -Mrs. _ Diane and Bobby visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Rohde. Mrs. Aimer Passmore attended a shower on Friday evening for her cousin, Miss Norma Falirner, of Crediton, bride-elect of this month. Mr .and Mrs. William Rohde attended the silver wedding an- —Please turn to Page 11 Gordon Stone, Legion Elects 54 Officers Officers were elected to fill the 1954 slate of the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion at a meeting in the Legion Hall Monday. President Donald Dayman was returned to office for the third term. Other officers are: first vice-president, Dr. D. J. McKel- vie; second vice-president, Ro­ bert Sangster; secretary-treasur­ er, E. R. Shaddick; Sgt.-at-Arms, George Varley; executive, Roy Smale, Harold Bonthron, Eugene Forrister, W. F. Aikenhead. Donations included $25 to the Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Fund in London; $10 to the Tubercular Veterans Camp Fund; $25 to the Hensall Christmas Tree Fund. Plans were made for a fowl bingo to be held shortly, Zone Commander D, Thorn­ dyke, of Clinton, will install the new officers at the January meeting. Lodge Entertains llderton Members The regual meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 349 was held ip the Lodge rooms on Wednes­ day, December 2, with N.G. -Mrs. Dorothy Parker in the chair. Visiting members from Paisley Memorial Lodge, llderton, were present. Three new members joined by transfer, Mrs. Gladys Cunningham from Paisley Mem­ orial Lodge, llderton, Mrs. Doro­ thy Marks from Morningstar Lodge, Brussels, and Mrs. Alice Ferg from Moncton Star Lodge, Moncton. A Christmas party and gift exchange will be held at the next meeting and gifts of toys and good used clothing for the Child­ ren’s Aid Society at will be collected. Mrs. Henrietta Brown Edith Bell contributed duet, “Beautiful Ohio”, tie Ellis gave a reading and bingo added to the evening’s pro­ gram. Goderjeh and Mrs. a vocal •Miss Mat- Gifts Shell Appreciate Quality Ladies' Wear and Dry Goods Select her'gifts from our ex­ ceptional stock of fine lingerie, modern fashions and smart ac­ cessories. Choose now! We Have Tickets on the FREE TV DRAW! TUDORS PHONE 70 HENSALL Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers The Hensall Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion held its monthly meeting in the Legion rooms Tuesday night, December 1 with a large attendance. Mrs. S, Rannie presided. Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Mrs. H. Horton were appointed to send a Christmas parcel to a war veteran. Mrs. William Brown read the accounts and financial statement. Mrs. Wes Venner re­ ported for the sick committee, and Mrs. D. McKelvie, the recre­ ation. Mrs. W. O. Goodwin won the mystery prize. -Mrs. A. Clark, a past president, conducted no­ minations. The election resulted as follows: President, Mrs. S. Rannie; vice- president, Mrs. William Brown; second vice-president, Mrs. R. Taylor; secretary, Mrs. Ross Dick; treasurer, Mrs. D. McKel­ vie; standard bearer, Horton; executive, Mrs Davis, Mrs. A, Foster; Henderson, Mrs. H. Bonthron. Mrs. L. Baynham was named an auditor to assist -Mrs. R. Mock. A pleasing feature of the eve­ ning was an exchange of gifts by the members. Mrs. F. Bonthron and Mrs. W. Brown sponsible for the a -t t r ac t i v e Christmas decorations. Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, Peter McKenzie, of Kippen, observed their fort­ ieth wedding anniversary kt their home on Thursday, December 3. A dinner with all the members of the family present marked the occasion. The bridal table was centred with a three-tiei- wed­ ding cake flanked with roses. Mr .and Mrs. McKenzie were presented with an electric blan­ ket from their family and were also the recipients of gratulatory messages ers. Mrs. McKenzie was Eleanor Hood, of Kippen, and their marriage was solemnized in 1913 at St. Andrew's United Church manse, Kippen, by the late Rev. J. Richardson. They have four sons and two daughters, Kenneth, of Tucker­ smith; Joe, of Brucefield; Lloyd and Murray, at home; Eleanor, of London; Mrs. Harold Cudmore (Gladys), of Usborne. cards, con- and flow- the former Message From By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER were re- Business Directory BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich office Wednesday afternoon EXETER PHONE & DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter 4 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 855-J R. F. REILLY, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Each Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointment - Phone <606 DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon Bus. 86-W - Phone - Res. 36-J ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 DR. B. EICKMEIER A. M. HARPER . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON • 910 Main Street South PHONE 669 EXETER D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 00 Hensail Ontario W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensall, Friday, 2 to 5 P.M. J. NORMAN COWAN BOOKKEEPING Systems, Service, etc. INCOME TAX RETURNS Dashwood 40-r-13 Sarepta Hay Post Office PERCY C. WRIGHT , LICENCED AUCTIONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales a Specialty For a Better Auction Sale Call the "Wright” Auctioneer Phone Hensall 690-r-22 Collect Church Notes Cannel Church On Sunday morning, December 13, a White Gift service will be observed both in the chilrch school and in the church. Gifts of clothing, foodstuffs, toys, and money will be acceptable. The gifts, wrapped in white, will be laid at the foot of the Christmas tree and dedicated service. Later they to needy people. Next Sunday at church school will be putting on a special Christmas program, .which is to take the form of a religious play entitled “Christ­ mas With The Allens”. The pro­ gram this year is to take the place of the usual Christmas con­ cert. Mrs. A. Kerslake is direct­ ing the play, with the assistance of other members of the church school United Rev. ed the lowing: Anne Elizabeth, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs Harvey Keys; Douglas Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mock; Jacqueline Eliza­ beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons; Pamela Jane and John Christopher, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor. Next Sunday, December 13, the White Gift Service takes place. Sunday evening, December 20, the choir will present a Christ­ mas Cantata under the direction of Mr. S. Rannie with Miss Lam- mie at Next cember will be during will be 8 p.m. the sent the staff. Church W. J. Rogers administer- rite of Baptism to the fol- the organ. Sunday afternoton, De- 13, Chiselhurst services held at 3 p.m. Sunday School meets at 2 p.m. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Telephone Zurich 92-r-7 Office; Exeter, Ontario President . Hamilton Cromarty Vice-President Feeney R.R. Directors Harry Coates E. Clayton ColquhoUn Wm. A, Martin 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy R.R. Alex J. ROhde R.R. Agents BallantyneiThbs. G. Centralia R.R. 1 Science Hill 1 3 Kirkton Mitchell Harris Houghton Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Ftasor Alvln L. E. Poss R.R. 1 Woodham Mitchell Cromarty Exeter ALVIN WALPER licenced auctioneer For Huron, Lambton, Perth and Middlesex For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times “Service that Satisfies” PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD Realize $200 The Sunday School rooms Carmel Presbyterian Church, at­ tractively decorated with fall flowers, was the setting for a successful bazaar Saturday. Fancy work, quilts, home bak­ ing and produce were offered for sale. Convenors for the various booths were Mrs. Harry Snell, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. E. Munn, Mrs. Earl Campbell, -Mrs, B. Edwards, Mrs. Percy Camp­ bell, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. R. Faber, Mrs. A. Hoggarth Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. John Soldan. The affair was sponsored by the Ladies and realized over $200. Of Aid WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex (Special training assures you your property's true value sale day) Graduate of American Auction dollego Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed of bn Exeter | CREDITON P.O, or PHONE 48-4 W.M.S. Mrs. at her for the December meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society. The chair was taken by Mrs. W. B. Cross and the devotional period by Mrs. W. Alexander and Mrs. W. Stephenson, Mrs, Jarvis Hor­ ton read a Christmas message, “What Does Christmas Mean To You?” Jane Horton, Gwen Spen­ cer and Charles Mickle favored with a delightful piano trio. Mrs. C. COok and Miss A. Cohsitt were presented with gifts tor their faithful work in the past, Mrs. Cross made the presentations. W. J. Rogers was hostess home Thursday afternoon Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi­ son of St. Thomas were weekend visitors with the lattter’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and -Mrs. W. L. Meilis. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell, in London. Gail Ann and Lynn Gack­ stetter returned to their home last week after spending a week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Horney, in Exeter. Miss Donna McBride, nurse-in­ training at Stratford Hospital, spent the weekend with her pa­ rents, Mr .and Mrs. Alvin Bride. Mrs. Ducker, of Toronto, has spent the past month her friends, Mr. and Mrs. man Long, left Saturday to friends in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert and Elaine, of urday with Mr. and Dickert. • Mr. and children, of Wingham, were re­ cent visitors with Mrs. Robert McBride. Miss Ina Ropp, of Zurich, is spending a week with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. Mrs. A. Gackstetter and daugh- tei' Karen Jean last week from Hospital, Exeter. W.M.S. The December W.M.S., of St., Andrew's Church, was held at the home of Mrs. John Sinclair with Mrs. W. Workman as co-hostess. Mrs. J. Sinclair opened the meeting With a Christmas poem. The first part of the program was taken by Mrs. Russel Con­ sitt and Mrs. Sinclair from the Missionary Monthly . with Mrs. Bruce McGregor taking the solo part. Twenty-six members and five visitors answered roll call. Donations were received for the relief bale. Mrs. E. McBride gave the his­ tory of a Christmas hymn. A Christmas story was told by Mrs. Carl McClinchey and Mrs. Bruce McGregor sang a solo. Mrs. Russel Consitt brought in the slate of officers for 1954 as follows: honorary president, Mrs. Mrs. J. Sinclair; president, Mrs. Emerson Kyle; vice-presidents, Mrs. Emerson Anderson, Mrs. J. McLellan, Mrs. Russel Connsitt; secretary, Mrs. Robert McGregor; treasurer, Mrs. Morley Cooper; press secretary, Mrs. A. Gack­ stetter; Missionary Monthly sec­ retary, Mrs. Archie Parsons; Mission Band secretary, Gerta Benindyk, assistant, Dorothy Tur­ ner; Baby Band secretary, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; Community Friendship, Mrs, Alec McMur- trie; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. McLeod; Supply Secretary, Mrs. Allan Johnson; Supply Commit­ tee, Mrs. Archie Parsons, Mrs. A. Gackstetter; pianists, Mrs. R. Broadfoot, Mrs. Harold Jones; Sunshine Secretary, Mrs. Eldoti Jarrott; Associated Members Sec­ retary, The lows: Allan W. Clifford, Mrs. S. Me- who with Nor­ visit visited Sat- Mrs. Norman Beattie and returned home South meeting Huron of the United Mrs. James McLean. W.A. officers are as fol- honorary president, Johnson Workman; Mrs, president, Mrs. vice - presidents, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. A Muftrie, Mrs. A, Gackstetter, William Caldwell; treasurer, Eddie McBride H. Caldwell; Mrs. E. Kyle, Mrs. Robert McLellan. Mo Mrs, secretary, finance committee, Mrs. William Bell McGregor, Mrs. J. ) Personal Itejps Miss Betty Mickle, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mrs. T. Parlmer was admitted to Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Bob and Ann spent Sunday in Ridgetown visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. George T. Mickle, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilkinson and family spept the weekend with relatives in Marlette, Mielr. Mrs. A. Crerar returned home after visiting with Mrs. E. Mit­ chell in London. •Mr .and Mrs. Peter McNaugh­ ton and Robert spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton in Port Dover. Mr. and Mrs. W- R- Bell moved on Monday in the Dougall resi­ dence on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and Jimmy, of Dresden, spent the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan, spent Sunday with relatives in Kincardine. Mr. William Venner, of Chisel­ hurst, was the lucky winner of the $5 certificate Brown’s hardware urday night. Mrs. James W. day of this week to spend the winter months with relatives in Oakland, Cal. Mr. Fred Peters, who suffered serious injuries in a recent acci­ dent, was reported to be resting comfortably at St. Joseph's Hos­ pital, London, on Tuesday. His hip, which was fractured in the accident, was set last week. Mr. and Lambeth, with Mrs. Broderick ville Smith. Mrs. Inez McEwen, who re­ cently underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, was able to return to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Smith, where she is convalesc­ ing. Mr. Ross Forrest injured his anle while leading a cattle beast. He -was taken to London where a cast was put on. He is able to be out on crutches. ' Billy Houghton, four years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton of Cromarty, was ad­ mitted to Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, last week with polio. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. George Smale, Mrs. L. Sangster and Miss J. Taylor attended the turkey banquet held at the Legion Hall, Exeter, Friday night, sponsored by Canadian Canners Union. Mr. Alfred Moffat, of Kippen, who has been a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, re­ turned to his home last Sunday. He will be confined to his room for some time, but is improving nicely. Sgn. Bob Davis and Sgn. Eric Burton, of Vimy Barracks, King­ ston," spent the past week visit­ ing with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard, of London, spent the weeeknd with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mrs. William Smith and daugh­ ter visited recently with relatives in Marlette, Mich. “I have a watch that strikes.” “Something new, eh?” “Not exactly; it just refuses to work.”* * * * “The only difference between you and wears a “Well, “Then .................any difference at all? a horse is that a horse collar.” I wear a collar too." I was wrong, there isn’t in a draw at store last Sat- Bell left Tues- Mrs. T. McPherson, of were recent visitors Flora Consitt, Mrs. E. and Mr. and Mrs. Or- amounted to $150. W.M.S. Meeting The Decembex’ meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. T. L. Scott with Mrs, Thomas Scott Sr. presiding. The scripture lesson and devptions were taken by Mrs. Mac Lamond. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl read the last chapter of the Study Book, “The Christian Church in Afri­ ca". Mrs. Grace Scott led in prayer. A letter from Mrs. Lillian Dickson was read by Mrs. Dun- cansoxi, The annual business meeting and the election of officers fol­ lowed the regular meeting. Fav­ orable reports were given by the different secretaries, $259 having been sent to the Presbyterial Treasurer. The following is the list of officers for 19 54: Honorary president, Mrs. Thos. Scott Sr.; president, Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl; vice-presidents, Mrs. Thomas Laing and Mrs. Mac La­ mond; secretary, Mrs. T. L. Scott; assistant, Mrs. K. McKel- lar; treasurer, Mrs. W. Harper; supply secretary, Mrs. Thomas Scott Sr.; Home Helpers secre­ tary, Mrs. Houghton; assistant, Mrs, J. M. Scott; exchange sec­ retary, Miss M. B. Currie; glad tidings secretary, Mrs. M. Hough­ ton; welcome and welfare, Mrs. T. Laing; organist, Mrs. William Miller; auditors, Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. Sorsdahl; literature sec­ retary, Mrs. T. Laing. Can You Afford 52 Gifts For One Person ? ? Sure You Can!! Give A Gift Subscription To The Exeter Times-Advocate 52 Gifts, One Each Week For A Year ONLY $3.00 BUY COUTTS CHRISTMAS CARDS Have Them Personalized MAGAZINE GIFTS At Special Christmas Prices ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Give The Best — Give Royal The Exeter Times-Advocate PHONE 770 Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis and family, of Belton, Miss Celia Nor- | ris and Mr. Robert Hubert, of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris. Miss Helen Lamond, London, spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lamond. Mr. 'Gersham Speare, Toronto, and Mrs. Bessie McDonald, Ex­ eter, visited over the weekend with Miss Olive Speare. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo I-Iarbu-rn and family, Thorndale, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cornish on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald O’Brien and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harvey, of Flint, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Bev Alexander, of Hensall, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott. Mr. Arnold Storey spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Or- val Storey, Seaforth. Mr. James Ramsey, George­ town, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey. Mr. Robert Laing has pur­ chased the 100-acre farm west of Cromarty, formerly owned by Messrs. Tom and John Hay. This farm was the original Thomas Hoggarth property. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen, of Mitchell, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan. Master Billy Houghton year-old son of Mr, Ross Houghton, Victoria Hospital, week Suffering from polio. Mr. Jack Kemp and daughter) Audrey, Mitchell, day afternoon Houghton. The pot-luck zaar wore well ; day evening. A fihe array of cy work and sewing was on play; also candy, cooking, and the fish pond, The ; fivo- and Mrs. was taken to London, last visited on Sun- with Mrs,M, supper and attended on ba- Frf- fan- dis- To Hensail To Buy Your Christmas Gifts Beautiful 17" Motorola TV Given Away Christmas Eve! 4 By shopping in Hensall, you receive free chances to win the TV set and many other prizes. Costs you no* thing extra! All prizes are absolute­ ly free! Makb sure your name is entered in this draw. YOU WIN TWO WAYS! Plus Many $5 Gift Certificates In Hensall Merchants Christmas Draw Get Your Free Tickets On This Draw With Every $1.00 Purchase Or Every $1.00 Paid On Account At Hensall Stores Listed Below! 1 Free Christmas • Free Treats Hensall Town Hall 2 P.M. proceeds j When you shop in Hensall, you get friendly service, lower prices, and a . wonderful assortment in a smart, compact shopping area. No need to walk for blocks. All the presents you need are witliin a small area! Don't Miss This! Saturday • Santa Claus Sponsored by C of C and Legion J Look For The Stores With The Yellow Signs Cowan’s Bakery Tudor’s W. Spencer & Son Lorne S. Eiler Hensall Motors Bob Cook Motor Sales Goodwin’s Al’s Groceteria Drysdale Hardware Bonthrdn’s Furniture L. Oesch Larry’s Station Commercial Hotel Traquair’s Repair Rudy’s Produce Richardson’s Garage Clark & Fuss Lavender’s Garage Geo. T. Mickle & Son Cook Bros. T. C. Joypt & Son Twitchell’s Garage Middleton’s Drugs Jim’s Machine Shop