The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-10, Page 5Shin Guards • FOOTBALLS lowest pricesONLY $5.50 Chrome $11.40 $3.80 $4.95 $3.30 $4.30 “Sporting” Prices Hockey Pants Elbow Pads .. See the New Visor-Pak Hockey Gloves ....................... • BASEBALLS — GLOVES Chrome Spotlights From $8.95 Up • FISHING TACKLE • GOLF CLUBS, BALLS • BOXING GLOVES BASKETBALLS For The Men In Your Christmas! ■*( fl fa I Bauer Skates FROM $5.95 UP NEW HAMBURG STICKS From 750 Up Hockey Equipment Shoulder Pads wmutUMuy Motorola Car Radios 69.95 Completely Installed Ornaments A wonderful carry-all for the visor. Carries everything ima­ ginable. In beautiful Christ­ mas package. An ideal gift at .................................. Hundreds of smart chrome accessories for the car includ­ ing hood ornaments, lights, inside and outside gadgets. Come in and look around. BIG STOCK OF PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Genuine 'Atlas Band Saw Drill Press ....... $43.15 Jig Saw........ ......... $33.90 Bench Saw ......... $51.35 Jointer ....... SEE OUR COMPLETE DISPLPAY OF FINE HAND TOOLS AND KITS . $65.10 . $56.65 TOP $$ VALUE at ‘ / Ron Westman s SPORTS AND AUTO SUPPLY Phorie 211 Exeter THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1953 Who Can Defeat Forest? Men’s initial and stone rings a gift he’ll treasure all his lifetime. Low prices. win was a Red Graham, The $64 Question The $64 question in the Cy­ clone league: Who’s going to stop Forest? Red Graham’s powerful Lakesides haven't dropped a game this year. They have captured five straight victories — against the tougher teams of the league, too. Are they going to walk away with the title or can the other clubs stop them before they get too commanding a lead? Forest added Strathroy to its1 list of victims Tuesday night, The ' other unfortunates include St. Marys, Zurich, Lucan and Exeter. The only two "A” teams Forest hasn’t met are Goderich and Hen­ sall, Exeter Mohawks will try to avenge their 6-4 defeat from Lakesides Friday night at the local arena. Both teams are in better shape than their last meet- should be ex-ing, so the contest citing. Street Triumph Tuesday night’s sweet victory for who took over Lakesides from Ted Garvin, now Strathroy’s playing-coach. The rivalry between the two was bound to reach some type of climax and it did. Graham and Garvin clashed in a skirmish dur­ ing the second period but it re­ mained only minor. The Lakesides had command all the way. They took a 3-0 lead in The first period and coasted to the win. In other games Tuesday night, Goderich defeated Hensall in an exciting 4-3 tilt. Lucan Irish swamped the lowly Byron squad 10-1. Friday night the Cyclone league blew wide open with two lop-sided contests that startled most observers. Goderich Pontiacs, who were defeated 10-3 by Lucan in their first contest, completely reversed the decision over the Irish. The score was 10-1 for Pontiacs, Goderich took a 1-0 lead in the first period, gained a 3-1 margin in the second and then blasted home seven goals in the third, Ted Williams led the winners’ attack wfth ft hat* trick. Len Gaudette scored the lone Lucan tally. Forest Lakesides, showing their greatest power to date, dumped St. Marys Alerts 15-1 in the stone town arena. St. Marys scored the first goal but that was their last look-in of the con­ test. The Forest boys pumped home five in the first, three in the second and seven in the third stanza.Hap Randall picked up six points in the tilt. Bill Hick was given credit for four. The game came back to normal Saturday night, however, when Strathroy edged Byron 2-0. Ful­ ton and Emmons scored the Roc­ ket goals in the first and second periods. Harvey Jessiman, in the Strathroy nets, got credit for the first Cyclone shutout this season* the league-leading Clinton Colts to a 5-4 triumph, It was one of the better games in the local arena this season. The score was tied 2-2 at the end of the second but the Colts outscored the Flyers 3-2 in the final stanza, Hank McEwan and Danny Col- quhoun scored two markers each to spark the winners. Herd Rous­ seau collected the “hat trick” for Flyers with Rouleau getting the other marker. Flyers Improve, Hold Colts, 5-4 Centralia Flyers showed prising improvement in play on Thursday night when they held Tigers Capture Third Victory Dashwood Tigers continued their winning streak in the Rec Hockey League Tuesday night by defeating Centralia 3-2. The vic­ tory widened the Tigers' lead in first place. D. Regier, B. Regier and Wil­ lard scored for Dashwood. B, Norse and Glen Robinson were the marksmen for Centralia. Airmen Win Centralia RCAF handed the winless Maroons their third de­ feat. Score was 4-2. Boldac starred for the victors with two goals. McPhee and Campbell fired single tallies. Lawson scored both Maroon goals with Bill Bird getting both sists. Zurich Captures See-Saw Battle When Two Local Clubs Clash Fans found out Friday night they’re going to enjoy plenty of terrific hockey in Exeter Arena . this winter. Two of the rink’s home clubs, Zurich Flyers and -Exeter Mo­ hawks, put on a dazzling exhibi­ tion of ice play for the largest crowd—over 1,000—of the sea­ son. The Flyers, who will play most of their home games here, trim­ med the local Mohawks 9-6 in a see-saw battle that wasn’t decid­ ed until the last five minutes of play. It was the fastest, cleanest and most thrilling ■ here for awhile. Although Zurich the way, Mohawks citement by tieing most every time the Flyers took a one-goal margin. The close play is indicated by the period scores 2-2 and 6-5. Centres Star The Flyers' two centremen, Don Hesse and Joe Maisonville, sparked the attack for the win­ ners with four and two goals apiece. Zurich’s new forward, Roger Fortier, fired two goals and former Dashwood star Jim Hayter capped a terrific perform­ ance with one goal and two as­ sists. Johnny Anderson excelled him­ self with an all-out, two-way ef- hockey seen led most provided the score of ex- al- made it 8-6 at 15.35 and Maison­ ville fired the final counter with 50 seconds left in the game. Both goaltenders, Zurich’s new Nick Papp and Mohawks' Turner, produced some sensational saves although both let in what looked like easy markers, too. This year’s Flyers show two very fast and effective lines with a good, homebrew third string. Jim Hayter has added consider­ able strength as well as rushing power on defence. Mohawks were caught with a weakened rearguard, Al McGilli­ vray was out for the first two periods but came in with his in­ jured leg in the third. Bill Hod­ gins, former Lucan defenseman, was rushed into uniform for the tussle when George Shaw failed to appear. ZURICH; Goal, Papp; defense, Mc­ Kinley, Cundy; centre, Maisonville; wings, Barash, Fortier; alternates, ,T. Hayter, R. Hayter, Don O'Brien, Yungblut, Hesse, Doug O'Brien, Gig­ nac. EXETER: Goal, Turner; defence, Glenn, Smith; centre, F. Anderson; wings, J. Anderson, Hewer; alter­ nates, Richards, Musser, Elder, I-Iod- gins, McGillivray, D, Brintnell, Brintnell, Lawson, Coates. First Period 1.2. 3. 4. Zurich—Fortier ......... Exeter—J. Anderson Zurich—Fortier (Barash, Maisonville) ......... 10.10Exeter—Smith (F. Anderson, J. Anderson) 12.05 Penalties—F. Anderson, Elder, Ri-an tiii-uuL, uvu-vvtiy ei- i'enaines—. Anaerson, jiiiaer, jkj- fort for the Mohawks. He figured i charcts, Cundy, J. Hayter, R. Hayter in fivA Af tho suv P-nals fibrin p- <misconduct)’ DouB 0 Bnen-in five of the six goals, scoring'• ■ three. Doug Smith fired one goal j Second Period to top his outstanding 50-minute' 5- Hesse patrol on defence. Bruce Glenn land Frankie Anderson netted I singles too. Free Counter Roger Fortier shot the opening blinker in less than a minute of play. He intercepted a Mohawk pass-out from behind the Exeter net and blasted the gift home. Zurich held the. margin until half-time when Johnny Anderson manoeuvered over the blueline and fired a bullet into the corner of the Flyers’ net. A combined attack by Fortier, Barash and Maisonville put the visitors up again 25 seconds later. Fortier was the trigger man. Smith tied it up again at 12.05 on a long shot after Frank and John An­ derson carried the rubber into the Zurich end. Prolific Effort Don Hesse began his prolific effort early in the second period, •banging in a rebound on a play by Jim Hayter and Don 'O’Brien. Johnny Anderson provided the equalizer again for Exeter with another hard corner shot. Hewer and Frankie earned assists on the effort. Mohawks took the lead fur the first and only time at 10 minutes when Bruce Glenn fired a high shot from the blue- line. Zurich bounced back to tie it again a minute later. Jim Hayter carried all the way, passed in front of the nets to Hesse who sent it home. Hayter put Zurich up when he sank a rebound from Barash’s Shot at 14,26 with two Mohawks in the cooler. Benny Gignac, Doug O’Brien figured ih on Hesse’s third goal of the per­ iod which gave the Flyers the 6-5 edge. Sinks Backhander Frank Anderson 'put the game on even keel again early ih the third, He rushed up the right side, fired a high, backhand shot that hit the far corner, The teams produced exciting end-to- end action as each tried to get that important goat advantage in the final stanza. The break .came early when John Anderson was thumbed for hooking, During his stay* in the bin, Joe Maisonville ptit in the first Of Zurich’s tihal three-goal margin, Mohawks held the flyers for 10 minutes despite the fact they were short-handed twice, Hesse (J. Hayter, Doug O’Brien) . 2.33 6. Exeter—J. Anderson (Hewer, F. Anderson) ......... 7.147. Exeter—Glenn (J. Anderson) 9.53 Cyclone Standing (Wednesday Morning, Bee. 9) Forest (A) .................Goderich (A) .............. Lucan (C) .................. Hensall (A) .............. Strathroy (A) ............ Ilderton (D) .............. Exeter (A) ........... St. Marys. (A) .......... Zurich (C) ................. Byron (B) ................. RESULTS Decmeber 8 Lucan 10, Byron 1 Forest 6, Strathroy Goderich 4, Hensall December 5 Strathroy 2, Byron 0 December 4 Zurich 9, Exeter 6 Goderich 10, Lucan 1 Forest 15, St. Marys 1 December 3 Hensall 4, Byron 3 "How many clerks work your office?” ‘‘Oh, about half.” Grocery Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Old English Plum Pudding 1 lb..................................... 490 Gold Seal Sodkeye Salmon 7% Oz......... .................. 390 No. 1 Pitted Dates 2 lbs. «..................... Aylmer Mincemeat 28 02............................. 410 Breakfast Club Raspberry Jam 24-oZ. jar 350 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 8 oz. .........................2 for 350 Gould & Jory 13. Silver-plated and sterling cream and sugars; silver dishes and centrepieces in beautiful designs. Dashwood ........ Centralia RCAF . Crediton ................ Centralia .............. Grand Bend .......Maroons ................ our handsome display of over 25 beautiful silver­ ware patterns, It’s easy to choose your very own set! sur- With Hundreds Of Gifts! assort- Presents For IN OUR COMPLETE STORE! tv- CVt’T'E'iD HaxVJur 1 Jualv.PHONE 16 * Successors to Southcott Bros. 8. Zurich—Hesse (J. Hayter) .9. Zurich—J. Hayter (Barash) 10. Exeter—J. Anderson(F. Anderson) ...................... 11. Zurich—Hesse (Gignac, Doug O’Brien) ... Penalties—Doug O’Brien, R. Hayter, Barash, F. Anderson, Hodgins. Third Period 12. Exeter—F. Anderson (McGillivray) ...................... Zurich—Maison ville(Fortier, Barash) ............... 14. Zurich—Hesse (Doug O’Brien, Gignac) ... 15.35 15. Zurich—Maisonville (Barash) 10.10 Penalties—J. Anderson, Glenn, Hod­ gins, R. Hayter, McKinley. Beautiful diamond sets for her by Bridal Bell. Low prices make it easy to buy fine quality diamonds! Exciting new Elgin watches at new, low prices! Only Elgin has the Durapower Mainspring that never breaks. Travelling alarm clock in genuine leather case. Smart kitchen clocks and home alarms. Jack Smith Jeweller YOURS FOR THE GIFTING» Our Counters Are St. Nick dropped in on an advance whirlwind tour and left his entire ment of bright gifts for every name on your Christmas list. Our counters are crammed with gifts for everybody from baby to grandfather . . . Newest fashions for mother and sister . * . smart, new clothing for father and bro­ ther (see the modern gift ^certificates for Biltmore hats) . . . practical pres­ ents and extravagent “extras” for your friends. Hurry in for easy pickings. Save cash, too! For Gould and .Tory keep prices reasonable. If Santa chooses the wrong size or color, we’re happy to make